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2018-06-17 16:07:19 +00:00
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2018, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
2014-04-11 20:05:45 +00:00
* @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.lang} object, for the
* Chinese Traditional language.
@type String
* Contains the dictionary of language entries.
* @namespace
CKEDITOR.lang[ 'zh' ] = {
// ARIA description.
editor: 'RTF 編輯器',
editorPanel: 'RTF 編輯器面板',
// Common messages and labels.
common: {
// Screenreader titles. Please note that screenreaders are not always capable
// of reading non-English words. So be careful while translating it.
editorHelp: '按下 ALT 0 取得說明。',
browseServer: '瀏覽伺服器',
url: 'URL',
protocol: '通訊協定',
upload: '上傳',
uploadSubmit: '傳送至伺服器',
2018-06-17 16:07:19 +00:00
image: '圖像',
2014-04-11 20:05:45 +00:00
flash: 'Flash',
form: '表格',
checkbox: '核取方塊',
radio: '選項按鈕',
textField: '文字欄位',
textarea: '文字區域',
hiddenField: '隱藏欄位',
button: '按鈕',
select: '選取欄位',
imageButton: '影像按鈕',
notSet: '<未設定>',
id: 'ID',
name: '名稱',
langDir: '語言方向',
2018-06-17 16:07:19 +00:00
langDirLtr: '由左至右 (LTR)',
langDirRtl: '由右至左 (RTL)',
2014-04-11 20:05:45 +00:00
langCode: '語言代碼',
longDescr: '完整描述 URL',
cssClass: '樣式表類別',
advisoryTitle: '標題',
cssStyle: '樣式',
ok: '確定',
cancel: '取消',
close: '關閉',
preview: '預覽',
resize: '調整大小',
generalTab: '一般',
advancedTab: '進階',
validateNumberFailed: '此值不是數值。',
confirmNewPage: '現存的修改尚未儲存,要開新檔案?',
confirmCancel: '部份選項尚未儲存,要關閉對話框?',
options: '選項',
target: '目標',
targetNew: '開新視窗 (_blank)',
targetTop: '最上層視窗 (_top)',
targetSelf: '相同視窗 (_self)',
targetParent: '父視窗 (_parent)',
langDirLTR: '由左至右 (LTR)',
langDirRTL: '由右至左 (RTL)',
styles: '樣式',
cssClasses: '樣式表類別',
width: '寬度',
height: '高度',
align: '對齊方式',
2018-06-17 16:07:19 +00:00
left: '靠左對齊',
right: '靠右對齊',
center: '置中對齊',
justify: '左右對齊',
2014-04-11 20:05:45 +00:00
alignLeft: '靠左對齊',
alignRight: '靠右對齊',
2018-06-17 16:07:19 +00:00
alignCenter: 'Align Center', // MISSING
2014-04-11 20:05:45 +00:00
alignTop: '頂端',
alignMiddle: '中間對齊',
alignBottom: '底端',
2018-06-17 16:07:19 +00:00
alignNone: '無',
invalidValue: '無效值。',
2014-04-11 20:05:45 +00:00
invalidHeight: '高度必須為數字。',
invalidWidth: '寬度必須為數字。',
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invalidLength: '為「%1」欄位指定的值必須為正值可包含或不包含測量單位%2。',
2014-04-11 20:05:45 +00:00
invalidCssLength: '「%1」的值應為正數並可包含有效的 CSS 單位 (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, 或 pc)。',
invalidHtmlLength: '「%1」的值應為正數並可包含有效的 HTML 單位 (px 或 %)。',
invalidInlineStyle: '行內樣式的值應包含一個以上的變數值組,其格式如「名稱:值」,並以分號區隔之。',
cssLengthTooltip: '請輸入數值,單位是像素或有效的 CSS 單位 (px, %, in, cm, mm, em, ex, pt, 或 pc)。',
// Put the voice-only part of the label in the span.
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unavailable: '%1<span class="cke_accessibility">,無法使用</span>',
// Keyboard keys translations used for creating shortcuts descriptions in tooltips, context menus and ARIA labels.
keyboard: {
8: '退格鍵',
13: 'Enter',
16: 'Shift',
17: 'Ctrl',
18: 'Alt',
32: '空白鍵',
35: 'End',
36: 'Home',
46: '刪除',
112: 'F1',
113: 'F2',
114: 'F3',
115: 'F4',
116: 'F5',
117: 'F6',
118: 'F7',
119: 'F8',
120: 'F9',
121: 'F10',
122: 'F11',
123: 'F12',
124: 'F13',
125: 'F14',
126: 'F15',
127: 'F16',
128: 'F17',
129: 'F18',
130: 'F19',
131: 'F20',
132: 'F21',
133: 'F22',
134: 'F23',
135: 'F24',
224: 'Command 鍵'
// Prepended to ARIA labels with shortcuts.
keyboardShortcut: '鍵盤快捷鍵',
optionDefault: '預設'
2014-04-11 20:05:45 +00:00