
596 lines
30 KiB
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2003-06-01 11:39:23 +00:00
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/lam)
Copyright (C) 2003 Tilo Lutz
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
LDAP Account Manager displays table for creating or modifying accounts in LDAP
// include all needed files
2003-06-01 11:39:23 +00:00
include_once('../lib/account.inc'); // File with custom functions
include_once('../lib/config.inc'); // File with configure-functions
include_once('../lib/ldap.inc'); // LDAP-functions
include_once('../lib/profiles.inc'); // functions to load and save profiles
include_once('../lib/status.inc'); // Return error-message
include_once('../lib/pdf.inc'); // Return a pdf-file
// Start Session
2003-06-01 11:39:23 +00:00
// Redirect to startpage if user is not loged in
if (!isset($_SESSION['loggedIn'])) {
// Set correct language, codepages, ....
2003-06-01 11:39:23 +00:00
/* Save current time in $time. We need $time to check out how
* long masscreate.php is running. To avoid max. execution time
* set in php.ini masscreate.php will create a redirect to
* itself.
/* Startcondition massdetail.php was called from outside or
* from masscreate.php itself via meta refresh
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
if (count($_POST)==0) {
// Go to page which shows all users
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
if (isset($_GET['list2'])) $select = 'list2';
// (Continue) to create users
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
else if (isset($_GET['create'])) $select='create';
// Display mainpage if nothing else should be displayed
else $select='main';
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
else {
/* Check loaded attributed in $_SESSION['accounts'] if file was loaded and
* filesize is bigger as 0.
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
if ($_POST['tolist'] && ($_FILES['userfile']['size']>0)) $select = 'list';
// Go the corresponding page if button was pressed
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
else if ($_POST['list2']) $select = 'list2';
else if ($_POST['back']) $select = 'main';
else if ($_POST['cancel']) $select = 'cancel';
else if ($_POST['create']) $select = 'create';
else if ($_POST['pdf']) {
// Create PDF-File
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
// Stop script
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
2003-06-08 19:08:29 +00:00
2003-06-01 15:46:29 +00:00
switch ($select) {
/* Select which part of page should be loaded
* cacnel = Go back to listusers.php
* list = Load csv-file. Refresh to list2
case 'cancel' :
// go back to user list page
// Stop script
case 'list' :
if (loadfile()) {
// Do Refresh to masscreate.php itself if csv-file was loaded successfully
$_SESSION['group_suffix'] = $_POST['f_group_suffix'];
$_SESSION['group_selectprofile'] = $_POST['f_selectgroupprofile'];
// Stop script
else {
/* Loadfile has returned an error because masscreate.php can only
* handle max 400 new users.
* lam will show an error-page with a notice everything after line
* 400 in csv-file will be ignored
echo $_SESSION['header'];
2003-11-08 12:52:22 +00:00
echo '<title>';
echo _('Create new Accounts');
echo '</title>'."\n".
'<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../style/layout.css">'."\n".
'<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">'."\n".
'<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache">'."\n".
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
'<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="masscreate.php" method="post">'."\n".
'<table class="masscreate" width="100%">'.
echo _('Max 400 users allowed. Ignored additional users.');
echo '</td></tr>'."\n";
echo '<tr><td><a href="lists/listusers.php">';
echo _('Cancel');
echo '</a></td><td><a href="masscreate.php?list2=true">';
echo _('Contiune');
echo "</a></td></tr></table>\n";
// Stop script
// Write HTML-Header
echo $_SESSION['header'];
2003-11-08 12:52:22 +00:00
echo '<title>';
echo _('Create new Accounts');
echo '</title>'."\n".
'<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../style/layout.css">'."\n".
'<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">'."\n".
'<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache">'."\n";
switch ($select) {
/* Select which part of page should be loaded
* create = Create new users
* list2 = Show page with all users who should be created.
* main = Show startpegae where settings and file can be selected
case 'create':
/* Set Metarefresh to max_execution_time - 5sec
* 5 sec. should be enough to create the current
* user
if ($_SESSION['pointer'] < sizeof($_SESSION['accounts'])) {
$refresh = get_cfg_var('max_execution_time')-5;
echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="'.$refresh.'; URL=masscreate.php?create=true">'."\n";
// Display start of body
echo '</head><body>'."\n".
'<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="masscreate.php" method="post">'."\n".
"<fieldset class=\"useredit-bright\"><legend class=\"useredit-bright\"><b>";
echo _('Creating users. Please stand by ....');
echo "</b></legend>\n<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n";
// Keys needed to encrypt passwords from session
// Stay in loop as long there are still users to create and no error did ocour
while (($_SESSION['pointer'] < sizeof($_SESSION['accounts'])) && $stay) {
if (getgid($_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->general_group)==-1) {
// Create group if it doesn't exist yet
$group = LoadGroupProfile($_SESSION['group_selectprofile']);
$group->type = 'group';
// load quotas from profile and check if they are valid
if ($config_intern->scriptServer) {
// load quotas and check if quotas from profile are valid
$quotas = getquotas(array($group));
for ($i=0; $i<count($group->quota); $i++) $profile_quotas[] = $group->quota[$i][0];
for ($i=0; $i<count($quotas[0]->quota); $i++) {
$real_quotas[] = $quotas[0]->quota[$i][0];
if (is_array($profile_quotas)) {
if (!in_array($quotas[0]->quota[$i][0], $profile_quotas)) $group->quota[]=$quotas[0]->quota[$i];
else $group->quota[]=$quotas[0]->quota[$i];
// delete not existing quotas
while (isset($group->quota[$j][0])) {
// remove invalid quotas
if (!in_array($group->quota[$j][0], $real_quotas)) unset($group->quota[$j]);
else $j++;
// Beautify array, repair index
$group->quota = array_values($group->quota);
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
// Get groupname from current user
// gid Number
$temp = explode(':', checkid($group));
$group->general_uidNumber = $temp[0];
// Set Gecos to groupname
// Set DN
// Create group
$error = creategroup($group);
// Show success or failure-message about group creation
if ($error==1) {
echo '<tr><td>';
sprintf (_('Created group %s.'), $_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->general_group);
echo '</td></tr>'."\n";
else {
$stay = false;
StatusMessage('ERROR', _('Could not create group!'), sprintf (_('Was unable to create %s.'), $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_group));
// Check if Homedir is valid
$_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->general_homedir = str_replace('$group', $_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->general_group, $_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->general_homedir);
if ($_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->general_username != '')
$_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->general_homedir = str_replace('$user', $_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->general_username, $_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->general_homedir);
// Set uid number
$temp = explode(':', checkid($_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]));
$_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->general_uidNumber = $temp[0];
$_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->smb_scriptPath = str_replace('$user', $_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->general_username, $_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->smb_scriptPath);
$_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->smb_scriptPath = str_replace('$group', $_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->general_group, $_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->smb_scriptPath);
$_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->smb_profilePath = str_replace('$user', $_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->general_username, $_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->smb_profilePath);
$_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->smb_profilePath = str_replace('$group', $_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->general_group, $_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->smb_profilePath);
$_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->smb_smbhome = str_replace('$user', $_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->general_username, $_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->smb_smbhome);
$_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->smb_smbhome = str_replace('$group', $_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->general_group, $_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->smb_smbhome);
2004-01-10 11:08:10 +00:00
$_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->unix_password = base64_encode($_SESSION['ldap']->encrypt(genpasswd()));
$_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->smb_password = $_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->unix_password;
// Only create user if we have at least 5sec time to create the user
if ( (time()-$time)<(get_cfg_var('max_execution_time')-10)) {
$error = createuser($_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']], false);
// Show error or success message
if ($error==1) {
echo '<tr><td>';
sprintf (_('Created user %s.'), $_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->general_username);
echo '</td></tr>'."\n";
else {
$stay = false;
StatusMessage('ERROR', _('Could not create user!'), sprintf (_('Was unable to create %s.'), $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_username));
// End loop if we don't have enough time to create user
else $stay=false;
if (!$stay) {
// Display rest of meta-refreh page if there are still users to create
echo '<tr><td><a href="masscreate.php?create=true">';
echo _('Click here if you are not directed to the next page.');
echo '</a></td></tr>'."\n";
echo '<tr><td><input name="cancel" type="submit" value="'; echo _('Cancel');
echo '"></td></tr></table>';
echo "</fieldset>\n";
else {
// Write homedirs and quotas if needed
if ($_SESSION['config']->scriptServer) {
setquotas ($_SESSION['accounts']);
// Get array with new usernames
foreach ($_SESSION['accounts'] as $account) $users[] = $account->general_username;
// Show success-page
echo '<tr><td>';
echo _('All Users have been created');
echo '</td></tr>'."\n".'<tr><td>';
echo '<tr><td><input name="cancel" type="submit" value="'; echo _('User list'); echo '">';
echo '</td><td></td><td><input name="pdf" type="submit" value="'; echo _('Create PDF file'); echo '">';
echo '</td></tr></table>'."\n</fieldset>\n";
// unset variables
2003-08-25 20:51:42 +00:00
if ( isset($_SESSION['pointer'])) unset($_SESSION['pointer']);
if ( isset($_SESSION['mass_errors'])) unset($_SESSION['mass_errors']);
if ( isset($_SESSION['group_suffix'])) unset($_SESSION['group_suffix']);
if ( isset($_SESSION['group_selectprofile'])) unset($_SESSION['group_selectprofile']);
case 'list2':
// Show table with all users
echo '</head><body>'."\n".
'<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="masscreate.php" method="post">'."\n".
'<table border=0 width="100%">';
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($groups); $i++)
if ($_SESSION['accounts'][$i]->general_group!='')
StatusMessage('INFO', _('Group').' '. $_SESSION['accounts'][$i]->general_group.' '._('not found!'), _('It will be created.'));
echo "</table>\n";
echo "<fieldset class=\"useredit-bright\"><legend class=\"useredit-bright\"><b>";
echo _('Confirm List');
echo "</b></legend>\n<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n";
echo '<tr><td>'._('row').'</td>'."\n".'<td>'. _('Surname'). '</td>'."\n".'<td>'. _('Given name'). '</td>'."\n".'<td>'. _('User name'). '</td>'."\n".'<td>'. _('Primary group'). '</td>'."\n".'<td>'.
_('Details'). '</td>'."\n".'<td>' . _('Infos'). '</td>'."\n".'<td>' . _('Warnings'). '</td>'."\n".'<td>' . _('Errors') . '</td>'."\n".'</tr>'."\n";
$end = sizeof($_SESSION['accounts']);
for ($row=0; $row<$end; $row++) { // loops for every row
echo '<tr><td>'.$row.'</td>'."\n".'<td>'.
'<a target=_blank href="massdetail.php?row='.$row.'&amp;type=detail">'._('Show Details.').'</a></td>'."\n".'<td>';
// Show infos
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($_SESSION['mass_errors'][$row]); $i++)
if ($_SESSION['mass_errors'][$row][$i][0] == 'INFO') $found=true;
if ($found) echo '<a target="massdetail" href="massdetail.php?row='.$row.'&amp;type=info">'._('Show Infos.').'</a>';
2003-08-29 13:03:35 +00:00
echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>';
// Show warnings
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($_SESSION['mass_errors'][$row]); $i++)
if ($_SESSION['mass_errors'][$row][$i][0] == 'WARN') $found=true;
if ($found) echo '<a target="massdetail" href="massdetail.php?row='.$row.'&amp;type=warn">'._('Show Warnings.').'</a>';
echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>';
// Show errors
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($_SESSION['mass_errors'][$row]); $i++)
if ($_SESSION['mass_errors'][$row][$i][0] == 'ERROR') $found=true;
if ($found) echo '<a target="massdetail" href="massdetail.php?row='.$row.'&amp;type=error">'._('Show Errors.').'</a>';
echo '</td></tr>'."\n";
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($_SESSION['mass_errors']); $i++)
for ($j=0; $j<sizeof($_SESSION['mass_errors'][$i]); $j++)
if ($_SESSION['mass_errors'][$i][$j][0] == 'ERROR') $noerrors=false;
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($_SESSION['mass_errors']); $i++)
for ($j=0; $j<sizeof($_SESSION['mass_errors'][$i]); $j++)
if ($_SESSION['mass_errors'][$i][$j][0] == 'WARN') $nowarn=false;
echo '<br>';
if (!$noerrors) { echo '<tr><td>'. _('There are some errors.') . '</td></tr>'."\n"; }
if (!$nowarn) { echo '<tr><td>'. _('There are some warnings.') . '</td></tr>'."\n"; }
echo '</table></fieldset>';
echo "<fieldset class=\"useredit-bright\"><legend class=\"useredit-bright\"><b>";
2003-10-26 14:54:19 +00:00
echo _('Please select page:');
echo "</b></legend>\n<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n".
'<tr><td><input name="back" type="submit" value="'; echo _('Back');
echo '"></td><td><input name="cancel" type="submit" value="'; echo _('Cancel');
echo '"></td><td><input name="list2" type="submit" value="'; echo _('Refresh'); echo '">';
if ($noerrors) { echo '</td><td><input name="create" type="submit" value="'; echo _('Create'); echo '">'; }
echo '</td></tr>'."\n"."</table>\n</fieldset>";
case 'main':
// Unset old variables
if ( isset($_SESSION['accounts'])) unset($_SESSION['accounts']);
if ( isset($_SESSION['pointer'])) unset($_SESSION['pointer']);
if ( isset($_SESSION['mass_errors'])) unset($_SESSION['mass_errors']);
if ( isset($_SESSION['group_suffix'])) unset($_SESSION['group_suffix']);
if ( isset($_SESSION['group_selectprofile'])) unset($_SESSION['group_selectprofile']);
// Set pointer to 0, first user
echo '</head><body>'."\n".
'<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="masscreate.php" method="post">'."\n".
"<fieldset class=\"useredit-bright\"><legend class=\"useredit-bright\"><b>";
echo _('Mass Creation');
echo "</b></legend>\n<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n<tr>\n<td>";
echo _('Please provide a csv-file with the following syntax. Values with * are required:');
echo '</td></tr></table>'.
'<table class="masscreate" width="100%" border=1>'.
echo _('Surname').'*,';
echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>';
echo _('Given name').'*,';
echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>';
echo _('Username').'*,';
echo "</td>\n<td>";
echo _('Primary group').',';
echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>';
echo _('Title').',';
echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>';
echo _('eMail address').',';
echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>';
echo _('Telephone number').',';
echo '</td></tr>'."\n".'<tr><td>';
echo _('Mobile number').',';
echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>';
echo _('Fax number').',';
echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>';
echo _('Street').',';
echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>';
echo _('Postal code').',';
echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>';
echo _('Postal address').',';
echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>';
echo _('Employee type');
echo '</td><td>&lt;CR&gt;';
echo '</td></tr></table>';
echo "<br>";
echo _('If Primary group is not given it\'ll used from profile.');
echo "<br>";
echo _('If Primary group does not exist it will be created.');
echo "</fieldset>\n";
echo "<fieldset class=\"useredit-bright\"><legend class=\"useredit-bright\"><b>";
echo _('Select settings');
echo "</b></legend>\n<table class=\"masscreate\" width=\"100%\">".
echo _('Select user profile:');
echo '</td><td><select name="f_selectprofile">'."\n";
// Show list with all user profiles
foreach (getUserProfiles() as $profile) echo '<option>' . $profile;
echo '</select>';
echo "</td>\n<td><a href=\"help.php?HelpNumber=421\" target=\"lamhelp\">";
echo _('Help')."</a></td>\n</tr>\n<tr><td>";
echo _('User suffix'); echo '</td><td><select name="f_general_suffix">';
// Show list with all user suffixes
foreach ($_SESSION['ldap']->search_units($_SESSION['config']->get_UserSuffix()) as $suffix)
echo '<option>' . $suffix. '</option>';
echo '</select></td>'."\n".'<td><a href="help.php?HelpNumber=461" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a>'.
echo _("Expand suffix with primary groupname");
echo '</td>'."\n".'<td><input name="f_ou_expand" type="checkbox">';
echo "</td>\n<td><a href=\"help.php?HelpNumber=422\" target=\"lamhelp\">";
echo _('Help')."</a></td>\n</tr>\n<tr><td>";
echo _('Group suffix'); echo '</td><td><select name="f_group_suffix">';
// Show list with all group suffixes
foreach ($_SESSION['ldap']->search_units($_SESSION['config']->get_GroupSuffix()) as $suffix)
echo '<option>' . $suffix. '</option>';
echo '</select></td>'."\n".'<td><a href="help.php?HelpNumber=423" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a>'.
echo _('Select group profile');
echo '</td><td><select name="f_selectgroupprofile">'."\n";
// Show list with group profiles
foreach (getGroupProfiles() as $profile) echo '<option>' . $profile;
echo '</select>';
echo "</td>\n<td><a href=\"help.php?HelpNumber=458\" target=\"lamhelp\">";
echo _('Help')."</a></td>\n</tr>\n<tr><td>";
echo '<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="100000">';
echo _('Select file:');
echo '</td><td><input name="userfile" type="file"></td></tr>'."\n".
'<tr><td></td><td><input name="tolist" type="submit" value="'; echo _('Next'); echo '">'."\n".
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
echo '</form></body></html>';
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
/* Whis function will load a csv-file and
* load all attributes into $_SESSION['accounts'][$row] which
* is an array of account objects
* The csv file is using the following syntax:
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
function loadfile() {
if ($_FILES['userfile']['size']>0) {
// Array with all OUs from users
$OUs = $_SESSION['ldap']->search_units($_SESSION['config']->get_UserSuffix());
// fixme **** load all existing OUs in Array
// open csv-file
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
$handle = fopen($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], 'r');
// Load profile which should be used for all users
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
$profile = loadUserProfile($_POST['f_selectprofile']) ;
// Set type to user
$profile->type = 'user';
if ($config_intern->scriptServer) {
// load quotas and check if quotas from profile are valid
$quotas = getquotas(array($profile));
for ($i=0; $i<count($profile->quota); $i++) $profile_quotas[] = $profile->quota[$i][0];
for ($i=0; $i<count($quotas[0]->quota); $i++) {
$real_quotas[] = $quotas[0]->quota[$i][0];
if (is_array($profile_quotas)) {
if (!in_array($quotas[0]->quota[$i][0], $profile_quotas)) $profile->quota[]=$quotas[0]->quota[$i];
else $profile->quota[]=$quotas[0]->quota[$i];
// delete not existing quotas
while (isset($profile->quota[$j][0])) {
// remove invalid quotas
if (!in_array($profile->quota[$j][0], $real_quotas)) unset($profile->quota[$j]);
else $j++;
// Beautify array, repair index
$profile->quota = array_values($profile->quota);
// Get keys to en/decrypt passwords
for ($row=0; $line_array=fgetcsv($handle,2048); $row++) {
// loops for every row
// Set corrent user to profile
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
$_SESSION['accounts'][$row] = $profile;
// Load values from file into array
if (isset($line_array[0])) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_surname = $line_array[0];
if (isset($line_array[1])) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_givenname = $line_array[1];
if (isset($line_array[2])) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_username = $line_array[2];
if (isset($line_array[3])) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_group = $line_array[3];
if (isset($line_array[4])) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_title = $line_array[4];
if (isset($line_array[5])) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_mail = $line_array[5];
if (isset($line_array[6])) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_telephoneNumber = $line_array[6];
if (isset($line_array[7])) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_mobileTelephoneNumber = $line_array[7];
if (isset($line_array[8])) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_facsimileTelephoneNumber = $line_array[8];
if (isset($line_array[9])) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_street = $line_array[9];
if (isset($line_array[10])) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_postalCode = $line_array[10];
if (isset($line_array[11])) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_postalAddress = $line_array[11];
if (isset($line_array[12])) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_employeeType = $line_array[12];
if ($_POST['f_ou_expand']) {
// Expand DN of user with ou=$group
$_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_dn = "ou=".$_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_group .','. $_POST['f_general_suffix'];
// Create OUs if needed
if (!in_array("ou=".$_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_group.",".$_POST['f_general_suffix'], $OUs)) {
$attr['objectClass']= 'organizationalUnit';
$attr['ou'] = $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_group;
$success = ldap_add($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_dn, $attr);
if ($success) $OUs[] = "ou=".$_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_group.",".$_POST['f_general_suffix'];
// Set DN without uid=$username
else $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_dn = $_POST['f_general_suffix'];
// Create Random Password
2004-01-10 11:08:10 +00:00
$_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->unix_password = base64_encode($_SESSION['ldap']->encrypt(genpasswd()));
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
// Validate cache-array
// Get List with all existing usernames
foreach ($_SESSION['userDN'] as $user_array) $users[] = $user_array['cn'];
for ($row2=0; $row2<sizeof($_SESSION['accounts']); $row2++) {
/* loops for every user
* Check for double entries in $_SESSION['accounts']
* Stop Execution after line 400 because max executiontime would be to close
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
if ($row2<401) {
// Set all usernames to unique usernames
while (in_array($_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->general_username, $users)) {
// get last character of username
$lastchar = substr($_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->general_username, strlen($_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->general_username)-1, 1);
// Last character is no number
if ( !ereg('^([0-9])+$', $lastchar))
/* Last character is no number. Therefore we only have to
* add "2" to it.
$_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->general_username = $_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->general_username . '2';
else {
/* Last character is a number -> we have to increase the number until we've
* found a groupname with trailing number which is not in use.
* $i will show us were we have to split groupname so we get a part
* with the groupname and a part with the trailing number
$mark = false;
// Set $i to the last character which is a number in $account_new->general_username
while (!$mark) {
if (ereg('^([0-9])+$',substr($_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->general_username, $i, strlen($_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->general_username)-$i))) $i--;
else $mark=true;
// increase last number with one
$firstchars = substr($_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->general_username, 0, $i+1);
$lastchars = substr($_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->general_username, $i+1, strlen($_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->general_username)-$i);
// Put username together
$_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->general_username = $firstchars . (intval($lastchars)+1);
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
// Add uername to array so it's not used again for another user in masscreate
$users[] = $_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->general_username;
if ($_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->general_username != $username) $_SESSION['mass_errors'][$row2][] = array('WARN', _('Username'), _('Username in use. Selected next free username.'));
// Check if givenname is valid
2003-11-06 14:53:00 +00:00
if ( !ereg('^([a-z]|[A-Z]|[-]|[ ]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>])+$', $_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->general_givenname)) $_SESSION['mass_errors'][$row2][] = array('ERROR', _('Given name'), _('Given name contains invalid characters'));
// Check if surname is valid
2003-11-06 14:53:00 +00:00
if ( !ereg('^([a-z]|[A-Z]|[-]|[ ]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>])+$', $_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->general_surname)) $_SESSION['mass_errors'][$row2][] = array('ERROR', _('Surname'), _('Surname contains invalid characters'));
if ( ($_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->general_gecos=='') || ($_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->general_gecos==' ')) {
$_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->general_gecos = $_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->general_givenname . " " . $_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->general_surname ;
$_SESSION['mass_errors'][$row2][] = array('INFO', _('Gecos'), _('Inserted sur- and given name in gecos-field.'));
$_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->smb_displayName = $_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->general_gecos;
if ($_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->general_group=='') $_SESSION['mass_errors'][$row2][] = array('ERROR', _('Primary group'), _('No primary group defined!'));
// Check if Username contains only valid characters
if ( !ereg('^([a-z]|[0-9]|[.]|[-]|[_])*$', $_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->general_username))
$_SESSION['mass_errors'][$row2][] = array('ERROR', _('Username'), _('Username contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .-_ !'));
// Check if Name-length is OK. minLength=3, maxLength=20
if ( !ereg('.{3,20}', $_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->general_username)) $_SESSION['mass_errors'][$row2][] = array('ERROR', _('Name'), _('Name must contain between 3 and 20 characters.'));
// Check if Name starts with letter
if ( !ereg('^([a-z]|[A-Z]).*$', $_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->general_username))
$_SESSION['mass_errors'][$row2][] = array('ERROR', _('Name'), _('Name contains invalid characters. First character must be a letter.'));
// Personal Settings
if ( !ereg('^(\+)*([0-9]|[ ]|[.]|[(]|[)]|[/])*$', $_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->personal_telephoneNumber)) $_SESSION['mass_errors'][$row2][] = array('ERROR', _('Telephone number'), _('Please enter a valid telephone number!'));
if ( !ereg('^(\+)*([0-9]|[ ]|[.]|[(]|[)]|[/])*$', $_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->personal_mobileTelephoneNumber)) $_SESSION['mass_errors'][$row2][] = array('ERROR', _('Mobile number'), _('Please enter a valid mobile number!'));
if ( !ereg('^(\+)*([0-9]|[ ]|[.]|[(]|[)]|[/])*$', $_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->personal_facsimileTelephoneNumber)) $_SESSION['mass_errors'][$row2][] = array('ERROR', _('Fax number'), _('Please enter a valid fax number!'));
if ( !ereg('^(([0-9]|[A-Z]|[a-z]|[.]|[-]|[_])+[@]([0-9]|[A-Z]|[a-z]|[-])+([.]([0-9]|[A-Z]|[a-z]|[-])+)*)*$', $_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->personal_mail)) $_SESSION['mass_errors'][$row2][] = array('ERROR', _('eMail address'), _('Please enter a valid eMail address!'));
2003-11-06 14:53:00 +00:00
if ( !ereg('^([0-9]|[A-Z]|[a-z]|[ ]|[.]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>])*$', $_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->personal_street)) $_SESSION['mass_errors'][$row2][] = array('ERROR', _('Street'), _('Please enter a valid street name!'));
if ( !ereg('^([0-9]|[A-Z]|[a-z]|[ ]|[.]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>])*$', $_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->personal_postalAddress)) $_SESSION['mass_errors'][$row2][] = array('ERROR', _('Postal address'), _('Please enter a valid postal address!'));
if ( !ereg('^([0-9]|[A-Z]|[a-z]|[ ]|[.]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>])*$', $_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->personal_title)) $_SESSION['mass_errors'][$row2][] = array('ERROR', _('Title'), _('Please enter a valid title!'));
if ( !ereg('^([0-9]|[A-Z]|[a-z]|[ ]|[.]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>]|[<5B>])*$', $_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->personal_employeeType)) $_SESSION['mass_errors'][$row2][] = array('ERROR', _('Employee type'), _('Please enter a valid employee type!'));
if ( !ereg('^([0-9]|[A-Z]|[a-z])*$', $_SESSION['accounts']->personal_postalCode)) $_SESSION['mass_errors'][$row2][] = array('ERROR', _('Postal code'), _('Please enter a valid postal code!'));
2003-06-01 15:14:16 +00:00
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
// Close file if it was opened
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
if ($_FILES['userfile']['size']>0) {
// Return false if more than 400 users were found
2003-08-28 18:37:27 +00:00
if ($row2>400) return false;
else return true;
2003-06-01 11:39:23 +00:00