2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
< ? php
* A collection of common generic functions used throughout the application .
* @ author The phpLDAPadmin development team
* @ package phpLDAPadmin
* @ package phpLDAPadmin
* @ subpackage Functions
define ( 'HTDOCDIR' , sprintf ( '%s/' , realpath ( LIBDIR . '../htdocs/' )));
define ( 'LANGDIR' , sprintf ( '%s/' , realpath ( LIBDIR . '../locale/' )));
define ( 'CONFDIR' , sprintf ( '%s/' , realpath ( LIBDIR . '../config' )));
define ( 'QUERYDIR' , sprintf ( '%s/' , realpath ( LIBDIR . '../queries/' )));
define ( 'TMPLDIR' , sprintf ( '%s/' , realpath ( LIBDIR . '../templates/' )));
define ( 'DOCDIR' , sprintf ( '%s/' , realpath ( LIBDIR . '../doc/' )));
define ( 'HOOKSDIR' , sprintf ( '%s/' , realpath ( LIBDIR . '../hooks/' )));
define ( 'JSDIR' , 'js/' );
* Supplimental functions
* This list is a list of supplimental functions that are used throughout
* PLA . The order here IS important - so that files that refer to
* functions defined in other files need to be listed after those files .
$app [ 'function_files' ] = array (
# Functions for managing the session (app_session_start(), etc.)
LIBDIR . 'session_functions.php' ,
# Functions for reading the server schema
LIBDIR . 'schema_functions.php' ,
# Functions for template manipulation.
LIBDIR . 'template_functions.php' ,
# Functions for hashing passwords with OpenSSL binary (only if mhash not present)
LIBDIR . 'emuhash_functions.php' ,
# Functions for creating Samba passwords
LIBDIR . 'createlm.php' ,
# Datasource functions
LIBDIR . 'ds.php' ,
# Functions for rendering the page
LIBDIR . 'page.php'
if ( file_exists ( LIBDIR . 'functions.custom.php' ))
array_push ( $app [ 'function_files' ], LIBDIR . 'functions.custom.php' );
* Loads class definition
function __autoload ( $className ) {
if ( file_exists ( HOOKSDIR . " classes/ $className .php " ))
require_once ( HOOKSDIR . " classes/ $className .php " );
elseif ( file_exists ( LIBDIR . " $className .php " ))
require_once ( LIBDIR . " $className .php " );
elseif ( file_exists ( LIBDIR . " ds_ $className .php " ))
require_once ( LIBDIR . " ds_ $className .php " );
system_message ( array (
'title' => _ ( 'Generic Error' ),
'body' => sprintf ( '%s: %s [%s]' ,
2011-07-08 08:29:26 +00:00
__METHOD__ ,( 'Called to load a class that cant be found' ), $className ),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
'type' => 'error' ));
* Strips all slashes from the specified array in place ( pass by ref ) .
* @ param Array The array to strip slashes from , typically one of
* $_GET , $_POST , or $_COOKIE .
function array_stripslashes ( & $array ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
if ( is_array ( $array ))
while ( list ( $key ) = each ( $array ))
if ( is_array ( $array [ $key ]) && $key != $array )
array_stripslashes ( $array [ $key ]);
$array [ $key ] = stripslashes ( $array [ $key ]);
* Compatibility Functions
* These functions exist , so that a standard function can be used in new applications , and they
* map to already defined functions in older applications .
* If gettext is not available in PHP , then this will provide compatibility for it .
if ( ! function_exists ( '_' )) {
function _ ( $msg ) {
return $msg ;
* Generic Utility F unctions
* Custom error handling function .
* When a PHP error occurs , PHP will call this function rather than printing
* the typical PHP error string . This provides the application the ability to
* format an error message so that it looks better .
* Optionally , it can present a link so that a user can search / submit bugs .
* This function is not to be called directly . It is exclusively for the use of
* PHP internally . If this function is called by PHP from within a context
* where error handling has been disabled ( ie , from within a function called
* with " @ " prepended ), then this function does nothing .
* @ param int The PHP error number that occurred ( ie , E_ERROR , E_WARNING , E_PARSE , etc ) .
* @ param string The PHP error string provided ( ie , " Warning index " foo " is undefined)
* @ param string The file in which the PHP error ocurred .
* @ param int The line number on which the PHP error ocurred
* @ see set_error_handler
function app_error_handler ( $errno , $errstr , $file , $lineno ) {
if ( defined ( 'DEBUG_ENABLED' ) && DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
* error_reporting will be 0 if the error context occurred
* within a function call with '@' preprended ( ie , @ ldap_bind () );
* So , don ' t report errors if the caller has specifically
* disabled them with '@'
if ( ini_get ( 'error_reporting' ) == 0 || error_reporting () == 0 )
return ;
$file = basename ( $file );
$caller = basename ( $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ]);
$errtype = '' ;
switch ( $errno ) {
case E_STRICT : $errtype = 'E_STRICT' ; break ;
case E_ERROR : $errtype = 'E_ERROR' ; break ;
case E_WARNING : $errtype = 'E_WARNING' ; break ;
case E_PARSE : $errtype = 'E_PARSE' ; break ;
case E_NOTICE : $errtype = 'E_NOTICE' ; break ;
case E_CORE_ERROR : $errtype = 'E_CORE_ERROR' ; break ;
case E_CORE_WARNING : $errtype = 'E_CORE_WARNING' ; break ;
case E_COMPILE_ERROR : $errtype = 'E_COMPILE_ERROR' ; break ;
case E_COMPILE_WARNING : $errtype = 'E_COMPILE_WARNING' ; break ;
case E_USER_ERROR : $errtype = 'E_USER_ERROR' ; break ;
case E_USER_WARNING : $errtype = 'E_USER_WARNING' ; break ;
case E_USER_NOTICE : $errtype = 'E_USER_NOTICE' ; break ;
case E_ALL : $errtype = 'E_ALL' ; break ;
2011-07-14 18:29:11 +00:00
default : $errtype = sprintf ( '%s: %s' ,( 'Unrecognized error number' ), $errno );
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
# Take out extra spaces in error strings.
$errstr = preg_replace ( '/\s+/' , ' ' , $errstr );
# If this is a more serious error, call the error call.
error ( sprintf ( '%s: %s' , $errtype , $errstr ), 'error' , null , true , true );
* Returns the application name .
function app_name () {
2011-06-29 18:56:14 +00:00
return 'LDAP Account Manager' ;
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
* Returns the application version currently running . The version
* is read from the file named VERSION .
* @ return string The current version as read from the VERSION file .
function app_version () {
2011-06-29 18:56:14 +00:00
return LAMVersion ();
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
* This function will convert the browser two character language into the
* default 5 character language , where the country portion should NOT be
* assumed to be upper case characters of the first two characters .
function auto_lang ( $lang ) {
switch ( $lang ) {
case 'ja' : return 'ja_JP' ;
case 'cs' : return 'cs_CZ' ;
default : return sprintf ( '%s_%s' , $lang , strtoupper ( $lang ));
* Makes sure that the config file is properly setup .
function check_config ( $config_file ) {
# Read in config_default.php
require_once LIBDIR . 'config_default.php' ;
# Make sure their PHP version is current enough
if ( strcmp ( phpversion (), REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION ) < 0 )
system_message ( array (
2011-07-08 08:29:26 +00:00
'title' => ( 'Incorrect version of PHP' ),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
'body' => sprintf ( 'phpLDAPadmin requires PHP version %s or greater.<br /><small>(You are using %s)</small>' ,
REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION , phpversion ()),
'type' => 'error' ));
$config = new Config ;
if ( file_exists ( LIBDIR . 'config_custom.php' ) && is_readable ( LIBDIR . 'config_custom.php' ))
include LIBDIR . 'config_custom.php' ;
ob_start ();
require $config_file ;
$str = '' ;
if ( ob_get_level ()) {
$str = ob_get_contents ();
ob_end_clean ();
if ( $str ) {
$str = strip_tags ( $str );
$matches = array ();
preg_match ( '/(.*):\s+(.*):.*\s+on line (\d+)/' , $str , $matches );
if ( isset ( $matches [ 1 ]) && isset ( $matches [ 2 ]) && isset ( $matches [ 3 ])) {
$error_type = $matches [ 1 ];
$error = $matches [ 2 ];
$line_num = $matches [ 3 ];
$file = file ( $config_file );
$body = '<h3 class="title">Config file ERROR</h3>' ;
$body .= sprintf ( '<h3 class="subtitle">%s (%s) on line %s</h3>' , $error_type , $error , $line_num );
$body .= '<center>' ;
$body .= sprintf ( 'Looks like your config file has an ERROR on line %s.<br />' , $line_num );
$body .= 'Here is a snippet around that line <br />' ;
$body .= '<br />' . " \n " ;
$body .= '<div style="text-align: left; font-family: monospace; margin-left: 80px; margin-right: 80px; border: 1px solid black; padding: 10px;">' ;
for ( $i = $line_num - 9 ; $i < $line_num + 5 ; $i ++ ) {
if ( $i + 1 == $line_num )
$body .= '<div style="color:red;background:#fdd">' ;
if ( $i < 0 )
continue ;
$body .= sprintf ( '<b>%s</b>: %s<br />' , $i + 1 , $file [ $i ]);
if ( $i + 1 == $line_num )
$body .= '</div>' ;
$body .= '</div>' ;
$body .= '<br />' ;
$body .= 'Hint: Sometimes these errors are caused by lines <b>preceding</b> the line reported.' ;
$body .= '</center>' ;
$block = new block ();
$block -> SetBody ( $body );
$www [ 'page' ] = new page ();
$www [ 'page' ] -> block_add ( 'body' , $block );
$www [ 'page' ] -> display ();
die ();
# Check for server definitions.
if ( ! isset ( $servers ) || count ( $servers -> GetServerList ()) == 0 )
2011-07-21 17:50:57 +00:00
error (( 'Your config.php is missing Server Definitions. Please see the sample file config/config.php.example.' ), 'error' , 'index.php' , true );
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
$config -> setServers ( $servers );
return $config ;
* Commands available in the control_panel of the page
* @ return array
function cmd_control_pane ( $type ) {
if ( defined ( 'DEBUG_ENABLED' ) && DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
switch ( $type ) {
case 'main' :
return array (
'home' => array (
2011-07-08 08:29:26 +00:00
'title' => ( 'Home' ),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
'enable' => false ,
2011-07-08 08:29:26 +00:00
'link' => sprintf ( 'href="index.php" title="%s"' ,( 'Home' )),
'image' => sprintf ( '<img src="%s/home-big.png" alt="%s" />' , IMGDIR ,( 'Home' ))),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
'purge' => array (
2011-07-08 08:29:26 +00:00
'title' => ( 'Purge caches' ),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
'enable' => isset ( $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ]) ? $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> isCommandAvailable ( 'script' , 'purge_cache' ) : false ,
'link' => sprintf ( 'href="cmd.php?cmd=purge_cache" onclick="return ajDISPLAY(\'BODY\',\'cmd=purge_cache\',\'%s\');" title="%s"' ,
2011-07-08 08:29:26 +00:00
( 'Clearing cache' ),( 'Purge caches' )),
'image' => sprintf ( '<img src="%s/trash-big.png" alt="%s" />' , IMGDIR ,( 'Purge caches' ))),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
'hide_debug_info' => array (
2011-07-08 08:29:26 +00:00
'title' => ( 'Show Cache' ),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
'enable' => isset ( $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ]) ? $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> isCommandAvailable ( 'script' , 'show_cache' ) : false ,
'link' => sprintf ( 'href="cmd.php?cmd=show_cache" onclick="return ajDISPLAY(\'BODY\',\'cmd=show_cache\',\'%s\');" title="%s"' ,
2011-07-08 08:29:26 +00:00
( 'Loading' ),( 'Show Cache' ),( 'Show Cache' )),
'image' => sprintf ( '<img src="%s/debug-cache.png" alt="%s" />' , IMGDIR ,( 'Show Cache' ))),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
break ;
case 'top' :
return array (
'forum' => array (
2011-07-13 18:30:14 +00:00
'title' => ( 'Forum' ),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
'enable' => isset ( $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ]) ? $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> isCommandAvailable ( 'cmd' , 'oslinks' ) : true ,
2011-07-08 08:29:26 +00:00
'link' => sprintf ( 'href="%s" title="%s" onclick="target=\'_blank\';"' , get_href ( 'forum' ),( 'Forum' )),
'image' => sprintf ( '<img src="%s/forum-big.png" alt="%s" />' , IMGDIR ,( 'Forum' ))),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
'feature' => array (
2011-07-13 18:30:14 +00:00
'title' => ( 'Request feature' ),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
'enable' => isset ( $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ]) ? $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> isCommandAvailable ( 'cmd' , 'oslinks' ) : true ,
2011-07-08 08:29:26 +00:00
'link' => sprintf ( 'href="%s" title="%s" onclick="target=\'_blank\';"' , get_href ( 'add_rfe' ),( 'Request feature' )),
'image' => sprintf ( '<img src="%s/request-feature-big.png" alt="%s" />' , IMGDIR ,( 'Request feature' ))),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
'bug' => array (
2011-07-13 18:30:14 +00:00
'title' => ( 'Report a bug' ),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
'enable' => isset ( $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ]) ? $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> isCommandAvailable ( 'cmd' , 'oslinks' ) : true ,
2011-07-08 08:29:26 +00:00
'link' => sprintf ( 'href="%s" title="%s" onclick="target=\'_blank\';"' , get_href ( 'add_bug' ),( 'Report a bug' )),
'image' => sprintf ( '<img src="%s/bug-big.png" alt="%s" />' , IMGDIR ,( 'Report a bug' ))),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
'donation' => array (
2011-07-13 18:30:14 +00:00
'title' => ( 'Donate' ),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
'enable' => isset ( $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ]) ? $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> isCommandAvailable ( 'cmd' , 'oslinks' ) : true ,
2011-07-08 08:29:26 +00:00
'link' => sprintf ( 'href="%s" title="%s" onclick="target=\'_blank\';"' , get_href ( 'donate' ),( 'Donate' )),
'image' => sprintf ( '<img src="%s/smile-big.png" alt="%s" />' , IMGDIR ,( 'Donate' ))),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
'help' => array (
2011-07-13 18:30:14 +00:00
'title' => ( 'Help' ),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
'enable' => isset ( $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ]) ? $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> isCommandAvailable ( 'cmd' , 'oslinks' ) : true ,
2011-07-08 08:29:26 +00:00
'link' => sprintf ( 'href="%s" title="%s" onclick="target=\'_blank\';"' , get_href ( 'documentation' ),( 'Help' )),
'image' => sprintf ( '<img src="%s/help-big.png" alt="%s" />' , IMGDIR ,( 'Help' )))
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
break ;
* This function dumps the $variable for debugging purposes
* @ param string | array Variable to dump
* @ param boolean Whether to stop execution or not .
function debug_dump ( $variable , $die = false , $onlydebugaddr = false ) {
2011-07-26 15:26:21 +00:00
if ( $die ) die ();
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
* This function generates a backtrace
* @ param boolean Whether to stop execution or not .
function debug_dump_backtrace ( $msg = 'Calling BackTrace' , $die = false ) {
error ( $msg , 'note' , null , $die , true );
* Send a debug as a sys message
function debug_sysmsg ( $msg ) {
2011-07-08 08:29:26 +00:00
system_message ( array ( 'title' => ( 'Debug' ), 'body' => $msg , 'type' => 'debug' ));
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
* Debug Logging
* The global debug level is turned on in your configuration file by setting :
* < code >
* $config -> custom -> debug [ 'level' ] = 255 ;
* </ code >
* together with atleast one output direction ( currently file and syslog are supported ) .
* < code >
* $config -> custom -> debug [ 'file' ] = '/tmp/app_debug.log' ;
* $config -> custom -> debug [ 'syslog' ] = true ;
* </ code >
* The debug level is turned into binary , then if the message levels bit is on
* the message will be sent to the debug log . ( Thus setting your debug level to 255 ,
* all bits on , will results in all messages being printed . )
* The message level bits are defined here .
* 0 ( 1 ) = Entry / Return results from function calls .
* 1 ( 2 ) = Configuration Processing
* 2 ( 4 ) = Template Processing
* 3 ( 8 ) = Schema Processing
* 4 ( 16 ) = LDAP Server Communication
* 5 ( 32 ) = Tree Processing
* 7 ( 64 ) = Other non generic messages
* 8 ( 128 ) = Page Processing
* 9 ( 256 ) = Hooks Processing
* @ param string Message to send to syslog
* @ param int Log bit number for this message .
* @ see syslog . php
function debug_log ( $msg , $level , $indent ) {
static $debug_file ;
# In case we are called before we are fully initialised or if debugging is not set.
if ( ! isset ( $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ])
|| ! ( $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'debug' , 'file' ) || $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'debug' , 'syslog' )))
return ;
$debug_level = $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'debug' , 'level' );
if ( ! $debug_level || ( ! ( $level & $debug_level )))
return ;
if ( $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'debug' , 'addr' ))
if ( isset ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' ]) && $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' ] == $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'debug' , 'addr' ))
$debugaddr = true ;
elseif ( $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ] == $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'debug' , 'addr' ))
$debugaddr = true ;
$debugaddr = false ;
$debugaddr = true ;
if ( ! $debugaddr )
return ;
# If we are limiting debug to a browser, then check that
$caller = basename ( $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ]);
$args = func_get_args ();
# Discard our first three arguments.
array_shift ( $args );
array_shift ( $args );
array_shift ( $args );
# Pull the file/line/method
if ( is_string ( $args [ 0 ]) && preg_match ( '/.php$/' , $args [ 0 ])) {
$file = preg_replace ( '/.php$/' , '' , array_shift ( $args ));
$line = array_shift ( $args );
$method = array_shift ( $args );
} else {
$file = 'UNKNOWN' ;
$line = 'UNKNOWN' ;
$method = 'UNKNOWN' ;
# TEMP: New debuglog format
if ( preg_match ( '/%%/' , $msg ) && $args [ 0 ] != 'NOARGS' )
$args = array_shift ( $args );
$fargs = array ();
foreach ( $args as $key ) {
if ( is_array ( $key ))
array_push ( $fargs , serialize ( $key ));
elseif ( is_object ( $key ))
array_push ( $fargs , sprintf ( 'OBJECT:%s' , get_class ( $key )));
array_push ( $fargs , $key );
if ( preg_match ( '/%%/' , $msg ))
$msg = preg_replace ( '/%%/' , join ( '|' , $fargs ), $msg );
$msg = vsprintf ( $msg , array_values ( $fargs ));
if ( function_exists ( 'stopwatch' ))
$timer = stopwatch ();
$timer = null ;
$debug_message = sprintf ( '[%2.3f] %15s(%04s-%03s): %s%s: %s' , $timer , basename ( $file ), $line , $level , str_repeat ( '.' , $indent ), $method , substr ( $msg , 0 , 200 ));
if ( $debug_file || $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'debug' , 'file' )) {
if ( ! $debug_file )
$debug_file = fopen ( $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'debug' , 'file' ),
$_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'debug' , 'append' ) ? 'a' : 'w' );
fwrite ( $debug_file , $debug_message . " \n " );
if ( $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'debug' , 'syslog' ) && function_exists ( 'syslog_notice' ))
syslog_notice ( $debug_message );
* Display an error message in the system message panel of the page .
function error ( $msg , $type = 'note' , $redirect = null , $fatal = false , $backtrace = false ) {
global $www ;
static $counter ;
# Just a check to see that we are called right.
if ( ! isset ( $www [ 'page' ]) && ! $fatal )
die ( " Function error called incorrectly [ $msg ] " );
# If the error is fatal, we'll need to stop here.
if ( ! isset ( $www [ 'page' ]))
$www [ 'page' ] = new page ();
if ( $fatal )
$www [ 'page' ] -> setsysmsg ( array ( 'title' => _ ( 'Error' ), 'body' => $msg , 'type' => $type ));
system_message ( array ( 'title' => _ ( 'Error' ), 'body' => $msg , 'type' => $type ), $redirect );
# Spin loop detection
if ( $counter ++ > 20 ) {
debug_dump ( 'Spin loop detection.' );
debug_dump ( array ( 'msg' => $msg , 'session' => $_SESSION [ 'sysmsg' ], 'www' => $www ), 1 );
# Do we have a backtrace to display?
if ( $backtrace ) {
$backtraceblock = new block ();
$backtraceblock -> SetTitle ( 'PHP Debug Backtrace' );
$body = '<table class="result_table">' ;
$body .= " \n " ;
foreach ( debug_backtrace () as $error => $line ) {
$_SESSION [ 'backtrace' ][ $error ][ 'file' ] = isset ( $line [ 'file' ]) ? $line [ 'file' ] : 'unknown' ;
$_SESSION [ 'backtrace' ][ $error ][ 'line' ] = isset ( $line [ 'line' ]) ? $line [ 'line' ] : 'unknown' ;
$body .= sprintf ( '<tr class="hightlight"><td colspan="2"><b><small>%s</small></b></td><td>%s (%s)</td></tr>' ,
_ ( 'File' ), isset ( $line [ 'file' ]) ? $line [ 'file' ] : $last [ 'file' ], isset ( $line [ 'line' ]) ? $line [ 'line' ] : '' );
$_SESSION [ 'backtrace' ][ $error ][ 'function' ] = $line [ 'function' ];
$body .= sprintf ( '<tr><td> </td><td><b><small>%s</small></b></td><td><small>%s' ,
_ ( 'Function' ), $line [ 'function' ]);
if ( isset ( $line [ 'args' ])) {
$display = strlen ( serialize ( $line [ 'args' ])) < 50 ? htmlspecialchars ( serialize ( $line [ 'args' ])) : htmlspecialchars ( substr ( serialize ( $line [ 'args' ]), 0 , 50 )) . '...<TRUNCATED>' ;
$_SESSION [ 'backtrace' ][ $error ][ 'args' ] = $line [ 'args' ];
if ( file_exists ( LIBDIR . '../tools/unserialize.php' ))
$body .= sprintf ( ' (<a href="%s?index=%s" onclick="target=\'backtrace\';">%s</a>)' ,
'../tools/unserialize.php' , $error , $display );
$body .= sprintf ( ' (%s)' , $display );
$body .= '</small></td></tr>' ;
$body .= " \n " ;
if ( isset ( $line [ 'file' ]))
$last [ 'file' ] = $line [ 'file' ];
$body .= '</table>' ;
$body .= " \n " ;
$backtraceblock -> SetBody ( $body );
$www [ 'page' ] -> block_add ( 'body' , $backtraceblock );
if ( $fatal ) {
$www [ 'page' ] -> display ( array ( 'tree' => false ));
die ();
* Return the result of a form variable , with optional default
* @ return The form GET / REQUEST / SESSION / POST variable value or its default
function get_request ( $attr , $type = 'POST' , $die = false , $default = null ) {
switch ( $type ) {
case 'GET' :
$value = isset ( $_GET [ $attr ]) ? ( is_array ( $_GET [ $attr ]) ? $_GET [ $attr ] : ( trim ( empty ( $_GET [ 'nodecode' ][ $attr ]) ? rawurldecode ( $_GET [ $attr ]) : $_GET [ $attr ]))) : $default ;
break ;
case 'REQUEST' :
$value = isset ( $_REQUEST [ $attr ]) ? ( is_array ( $_REQUEST [ $attr ]) ? $_REQUEST [ $attr ] : trim ( empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'nodecode' ][ $attr ]) ? rawurldecode ( $_REQUEST [ $attr ]) : $_REQUEST [ $attr ])) : $default ;
break ;
case 'SESSION' :
$value = isset ( $_SESSION [ $attr ]) ? ( is_array ( $_SESSION [ $attr ]) ? $_SESSION [ $attr ] : ( empty ( $_SESSION [ 'nodecode' ][ $attr ]) ? rawurldecode ( $_SESSION [ $attr ]) : $_SESSION [ $attr ])) : $default ;
break ;
case 'POST' :
default :
$value = isset ( $_POST [ $attr ]) ? ( is_array ( $_POST [ $attr ]) ? $_POST [ $attr ] : trim ( empty ( $_POST [ 'nodecode' ][ $attr ]) ? rawurldecode ( $_POST [ $attr ]) : $_POST [ $attr ])) : $default ;
break ;
if ( $die && is_null ( $value ))
system_message ( array (
'title' => _ ( 'Generic Error' ),
'body' => sprintf ( '%s: Called "%s" without "%s" using "%s"' ,
basename ( $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ]), get_request ( 'cmd' , 'REQUEST' ), $attr , $type ),
'type' => 'error' ),
'index.php' );
return $value ;
* Record a system message .
* This function can be used as an alternative to generate a system message , if page hasnt yet been defined .
function system_message ( $msg , $redirect = null ) {
if ( ! is_array ( $msg ))
return null ;
if ( ! isset ( $msg [ 'title' ]) && ! isset ( $msg [ 'body' ]))
return null ;
if ( ! isset ( $msg [ 'type' ]))
$msg [ 'type' ] = 'info' ;
if ( ! isset ( $_SESSION [ 'sysmsg' ]) || ! is_array ( $_SESSION [ 'sysmsg' ]))
$_SESSION [ 'sysmsg' ] = array ();
# Try and detect if we are in a redirect loop
if ( get_request ( 'redirect' , 'GET' ) && $msg [ 'type' ] != 'debug' ) {
foreach ( $_SESSION [ 'sysmsg' ] as $detail ) {
if ( $msg == $detail && ! isset ( $detail [ 'special' ])) {
debug_dump ( array ( 'Incoming MSG' => $msg , 'existing' => $_SESSION [ 'sysmsg' ]));
debug_dump_backtrace ( 'Redirect Loop Detected' , true );
array_push ( $_SESSION [ 'sysmsg' ], $msg );
if ( $redirect ) {
if ( preg_match ( '/\?/' , $redirect ))
$redirect .= '&' ;
$redirect .= '?' ;
$redirect .= 'redirect=true' ;
# Check if we were an ajax request, and only render the ajax message
if ( get_request ( 'meth' , 'REQUEST' ) == 'ajax' )
$redirect .= '&meth=ajax' ;
header ( " Location: $redirect " );
die ();
* Other Functions
* Encryption using blowfish algorithm
* @ param string Original data
* @ param string The secret
* @ return string The encrypted result
* @ author lem9 ( taken from the phpMyAdmin source )
function blowfish_encrypt ( $data , $secret = null ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
# If our secret is null or blank, get the default.
if ( $secret === null || ! trim ( $secret ))
$secret = $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'session' , 'blowfish' ) ? $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'session' , 'blowfish' ) : session_id ();
# If the secret isnt set, then just return the data.
if ( ! trim ( $secret ))
return $data ;
if ( function_exists ( 'mcrypt_module_open' )) {
$td = mcrypt_module_open ( MCRYPT_BLOWFISH , '' , MCRYPT_MODE_ECB , '' );
$iv = mcrypt_create_iv ( mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size ( $td ), MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM );
mcrypt_generic_init ( $td , substr ( $secret , 0 , mcrypt_enc_get_key_size ( $td )), $iv );
$encrypted_data = base64_encode ( mcrypt_generic ( $td , $data ));
mcrypt_generic_deinit ( $td );
return $encrypted_data ;
if ( file_exists ( LIBDIR . 'blowfish.php' ))
require_once LIBDIR . 'blowfish.php' ;
return $data ;
$pma_cipher = new Horde_Cipher_blowfish ;
$encrypt = '' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < strlen ( $data ); $i += 8 ) {
$block = substr ( $data , $i , 8 );
if ( strlen ( $block ) < 8 )
$block = full_str_pad ( $block , 8 , " \0 " , 1 );
$encrypt .= $pma_cipher -> encryptBlock ( $block , $secret );
return base64_encode ( $encrypt );
* Decryption using blowfish algorithm
* @ param string Encrypted data
* @ param string The secret
* @ return string Original data
* @ author lem9 ( taken from the phpMyAdmin source )
function blowfish_decrypt ( $encdata , $secret = null ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
# This cache gives major speed up for stupid callers :)
static $CACHE = array ();
if ( isset ( $CACHE [ $encdata ]))
return $CACHE [ $encdata ];
# If our secret is null or blank, get the default.
if ( $secret === null || ! trim ( $secret ))
$secret = $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'session' , 'blowfish' ) ? $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'session' , 'blowfish' ) : session_id ();
# If the secret isnt set, then just return the data.
if ( ! trim ( $secret ))
return $encdata ;
if ( function_exists ( 'mcrypt_module_open' )) {
$td = mcrypt_module_open ( MCRYPT_BLOWFISH , '' , MCRYPT_MODE_ECB , '' );
$iv = mcrypt_create_iv ( mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size ( $td ), MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM );
mcrypt_generic_init ( $td , substr ( $secret , 0 , mcrypt_enc_get_key_size ( $td )), $iv );
$decrypted_data = trim ( mdecrypt_generic ( $td , base64_decode ( $encdata )));
mcrypt_generic_deinit ( $td );
return $decrypted_data ;
if ( file_exists ( LIBDIR . 'blowfish.php' ))
require_once LIBDIR . 'blowfish.php' ;
return $encdata ;
$pma_cipher = new Horde_Cipher_blowfish ;
$decrypt = '' ;
$data = base64_decode ( $encdata );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < strlen ( $data ); $i += 8 )
$decrypt .= $pma_cipher -> decryptBlock ( substr ( $data , $i , 8 ), $secret );
$return = trim ( $decrypt );
$CACHE [ $encdata ] = $return ;
return $return ;
* String padding
* @ param string Input string
* @ param integer Length of the result
* @ param string The filling string
* @ param integer Padding mode
* @ return string The padded string
function full_str_pad ( $input , $pad_length , $pad_string = '' , $pad_type = 0 ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
$str = '' ;
$length = $pad_length - strlen ( $input );
if ( $length > 0 ) { // str_repeat doesn't like negatives
if ( $pad_type == STR_PAD_RIGHT ) { // STR_PAD_RIGHT == 1
$str = $input . str_repeat ( $pad_string , $length );
} elseif ( $pad_type == STR_PAD_BOTH ) { // STR_PAD_BOTH == 2
$str = str_repeat ( $pad_string , floor ( $length / 2 ));
$str .= $input ;
$str .= str_repeat ( $pad_string , ceil ( $length / 2 ));
} else { // defaults to STR_PAD_LEFT == 0
$str = str_repeat ( $pad_string , $length ) . $input ;
} else { // if $length is negative or zero we don't need to do anything
$str = $input ;
return $str ;
* Returns the cached array of LDAP resources .
* Note that internally , this function utilizes a two - layer cache ,
* one in memory using a static variable for multiple calls within
* the same page load , and one in a session for multiple calls within
* the same user session ( spanning multiple page loads ) .
* @ return Returns the cached attributed requested ,
* or null if there is nothing cached ..
function get_cached_item ( $index , $item , $subitem = 'null' ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
# Set default return
$return = null ;
# Check config to make sure session-based caching is enabled.
if ( $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'cache' , $item ) && isset ( $_SESSION [ 'cache' ][ $index ][ $item ][ $subitem ]))
$return = $_SESSION [ 'cache' ][ $index ][ $item ][ $subitem ];
debug_log ( 'Returning (%s)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $return );
return $return ;
* Caches the specified $item for the specified $index .
* Returns true on success of false on failure .
function set_cached_item ( $index , $item , $subitem = 'null' , $data ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
# Check config to make sure session-based caching is enabled.
if ( $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'cache' , $item )) {
global $CACHE ;
$CACHE [ $index ][ $item ][ $subitem ] = $data ;
$_SESSION [ 'cache' ][ $index ][ $item ][ $subitem ] = $data ;
return true ;
} else
return false ;
* Deletes the cache for a specified $item for the specified $index
function del_cached_item ( $index , $item , $subitem = 'null' ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
global $CACHE ;
# Check config to make sure session-based caching is enabled.
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'cache' ][ $index ][ $item ][ $subitem ]))
unset ( $_SESSION [ 'cache' ][ $index ][ $item ][ $subitem ]);
if ( isset ( $CACHE [ $index ][ $item ][ $subitem ]))
unset ( $CACHE [ $index ][ $item ][ $subitem ]);
* Utility wrapper for setting cookies , which takes into consideration
* application configuration values . On success , true is returned . On
* failure , false is returned .
* @ param string The name of the cookie to set .
* @ param string The value of the cookie to set .
* @ param int ( optional ) The duration in seconds of this cookie . If unspecified , $cookie_time is used from config . php
* @ param string ( optional ) The directory value of this cookie ( see php . net / setcookie )
* @ return boolean
function set_cookie ( $name , $val , $expire = null , $dir = null ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
# Set default return
$return = false ;
if ( $expire == null ) {
$cookie_time = $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'session' , 'cookie_time' );
$expire = $cookie_time == 0 ? null : time () + $cookie_time ;
if ( $dir == null )
$dir = dirname ( $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ]);
if ( @ setcookie ( $name , $val , $expire , $dir )) {
$_COOKIE [ $name ] = $val ;
$return = true ;
debug_log ( 'Returning (%s)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $return );
return $return ;
* Get a customized file for a server
* We don 't need any caching, because it' s done by PHP
* @ param int The ID of the server
* @ param string The requested filename
* @ return string The customized filename , if exists , or the standard one
function get_custom_file ( $index , $filename , $path ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
# Set default return
$return = $path . $filename ;
$server = $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getServer ( $index );
$custom = $server -> getValue ( 'custom' , 'pages_prefix' );
if ( ! is_null ( $custom ) && is_file ( realpath ( $path . $custom . $filename )))
$return = $path . $custom . $filename ;
debug_log ( 'Returning (%s)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $return );
return $return ;
* Sort a multi dimensional array .
* @ param array Multi demension array passed by reference
* @ param string Comma delimited string of sort keys .
* @ param boolean Whether to reverse sort .
* @ return array Sorted multi demension array .
function masort ( & $data , $sortby , $rev = 0 ) {
if ( defined ( 'DEBUG_ENABLED' ) && DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
# if the array to sort is null or empty
if ( ! $data ) return ;
static $CACHE = array ();
if ( empty ( $CACHE [ $sortby ])) {
$code = " \$ c=0; \n " ;
foreach ( explode ( ',' , $sortby ) as $key ) {
2011-10-02 18:15:22 +00:00
if ( ! preg_match ( '/^[a-zA-z0-9_]+$/' , $key )) {
2011-11-13 19:16:55 +00:00
return ;
2011-10-02 18:15:22 +00:00
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
$code .= " if (is_object( \$ a) || is_object( \$ b)) { \n " ;
$code .= " if (is_array( \$ a-> $key )) { \n " ;
$code .= " asort( \$ a-> $key ); \n " ;
$code .= " \$ aa = array_shift( \$ a-> $key ); \n " ;
$code .= " } else \n " ;
$code .= " \$ aa = \$ a-> $key ; \n " ;
$code .= " if (is_array( \$ b-> $key )) { \n " ;
$code .= " asort( \$ b-> $key ); \n " ;
$code .= " \$ bb = array_shift( \$ b-> $key ); \n " ;
$code .= " } else \n " ;
$code .= " \$ bb = \$ b-> $key ; \n " ;
$code .= " if ( \$ aa != \$ bb) " ;
if ( $rev )
$code .= " return ( \$ aa < \$ bb ? 1 : -1); \n " ;
$code .= " return ( \$ aa > \$ bb ? 1 : -1); \n " ;
$code .= " } else { \n " ;
$code .= " \$ a = array_change_key_case( \$ a); \n " ;
$code .= " \$ b = array_change_key_case( \$ b); \n " ;
$key = strtolower ( $key );
$code .= " if ((! isset( \$ a[' $key '])) && isset( \$ b[' $key '])) return 1; \n " ;
$code .= " if (isset( \$ a[' $key ']) && (! isset( \$ b[' $key ']))) return -1; \n " ;
$code .= " if ((isset( \$ a[' $key '])) && (isset( \$ b[' $key ']))) { \n " ;
$code .= " if (is_array( \$ a[' $key '])) { \n " ;
$code .= " asort( \$ a[' $key ']); \n " ;
$code .= " \$ aa = array_shift( \$ a[' $key ']); \n " ;
$code .= " } else \n " ;
$code .= " \$ aa = \$ a[' $key ']; \n " ;
$code .= " if (is_array( \$ b[' $key '])) { \n " ;
$code .= " asort( \$ b[' $key ']); \n " ;
$code .= " \$ bb = array_shift( \$ b[' $key ']); \n " ;
$code .= " } else \n " ;
$code .= " \$ bb = \$ b[' $key ']; \n " ;
$code .= " if ( \$ aa != \$ bb) \n " ;
$code .= " if (is_numeric( \$ aa) && is_numeric( \$ bb)) { \n " ;
if ( $rev )
$code .= " return ( \$ aa < \$ bb ? 1 : -1); \n " ;
$code .= " return ( \$ aa > \$ bb ? 1 : -1); \n " ;
$code .= " } else { \n " ;
if ( $rev )
$code .= " if ( ( \$ c = strcasecmp( \$ bb, \$ aa)) != 0 ) return \$ c; \n " ;
$code .= " if ( ( \$ c = strcasecmp( \$ aa, \$ bb)) != 0 ) return \$ c; \n " ;
$code .= " } \n " ;
$code .= " } \n " ;
$code .= " } \n " ;
$code .= 'return $c;' ;
$CACHE [ $sortby ] = create_function ( '$a, $b' , $code );
uasort ( $data , $CACHE [ $sortby ]);
* Is compression enabled for output
function isCompress () {
return ( isset ( $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ]) && $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'appearance' , 'compress' )
&& ! ini_get ( 'zlib.output_compression' )
&& preg_match ( '/gzip/' , $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING' ]));
* PLA specific Functions
* Fetches whether the user has configured phpLDAPadmin to obfuscate passwords
* with " ********* " when displaying them .
* This is configured in config . php thus :
* < code >
* $config -> custom -> appearance [ 'obfuscate_password_display' ] = true ;
* </ code >
* Or if it is OK to show encrypted passwords but not clear text passwords
* < code >
* $config -> custom -> appearance [ 'show_clear_password' ] = false ;
* </ code >
* @ param string Password encoding type
* @ return boolean
function obfuscate_password_display ( $enc = null ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
if ( $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'appearance' , 'obfuscate_password_display' ))
$return = true ;
elseif ( ! $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'appearance' , 'show_clear_password' ) && ( is_null ( $enc ) || $enc == 'clear' ))
$return = true ;
$return = false ;
debug_log ( 'Returning (%s)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $return );
return $return ;
* Returns an HTML - beautified version of a DN .
* Internally , this function makes use of pla_explode_dn () to break the
* the DN into its components . It then glues them back together with
* " pretty " HTML . The returned HTML is NOT to be used as a real DN , but
* simply displayed .
* @ param string The DN to pretty - print .
* @ return string
function pretty_print_dn ( $dn ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
$dn_save = $dn ;
$dn = pla_explode_dn ( $dn );
if ( ! $dn )
return $dn_save ;
foreach ( $dn as $i => $element ) {
$element = htmlspecialchars ( $element );
$element = explode ( '=' , $element , 2 );
$element = implode ( '<span style="color: blue; font-family: courier; font-weight: bold">=</span>' , $element );
$dn [ $i ] = $element ;
$dn = implode ( '<span style="color:red; font-family:courier; font-weight: bold;">,</span>' , $dn );
return $dn ;
* Given a string , this function returns true if the string has the format
* of a DN ( ie , looks like " cn=Foo,dc=example,dc=com " ) . Returns false otherwise .
* The purpose of this function is so that developers can examine a string and
* know if it looks like a DN , and draw a hyperlink as needed .
* ( See unit_test . php for test cases )
* @ param string The attribute to examine for " DNness "
* @ return boolean
function is_dn_string ( $str ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
/* Try to break the string into its component parts if it can be done
ie , " uid=Manager " " dc=example " and " dc=com " */
$parts = pla_explode_dn ( $str );
if ( ! is_array ( $parts ) || ! count ( $parts ))
return false ;
/* Foreach of the " parts " , look for an " = " character ,
and make sure neither the left nor the right is empty */
foreach ( $parts as $part ) {
if ( ! strpos ( $part , " = " ))
return false ;
$sub_parts = explode ( '=' , $part , 2 );
$left = $sub_parts [ 0 ];
$right = $sub_parts [ 1 ];
if ( ! strlen ( trim ( $left )) || ! strlen ( trim ( $right )))
return false ;
if ( strpos ( $left , '#' ) !== false )
return false ;
# We survived the above rigor. This is a bonified DN string.
return true ;
* Get whether a string looks like an email address ( user @ example . com ) .
* @ param string The string to analyze .
* @ return boolean Returns true if the specified string looks like an email address or false otherwise .
function is_mail_string ( $str ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
$mail_regex = " /^[_A-Za-z0-9-]+( \\ .[_A-Za-z0-9-]+)*@[A-Za-z0-9-]+( \\ .[A-Za-z0-9-]+)* $ / " ;
if ( preg_match ( $mail_regex , $str ))
return true ;
return false ;
* Get whether a string looks like a web URL ( http :// www . example . com / )
* @ param string The string to analyze .
* @ return boolean Returns true if the specified string looks like a web URL or false otherwise .
function is_url_string ( $str ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
$url_regex = '/^(ftp|https?):\/\/+[\w\.\-\/\?\=\&]*\w+/' ;
if ( preg_match ( $url_regex , $str ))
return true ;
return false ;
* Compares 2 DNs . If they are equivelant , returns 0 , otherwise ,
* returns their sorting order ( similar to strcmp ()) :
* Returns < 0 if dn1 is less than dn2 .
* Returns > 0 if dn1 is greater than dn2 .
* The comparison is performed starting with the top - most element
* of the DN . Thus , the following list :
* < code >
* ou = people , dc = example , dc = com
* cn = Admin , ou = People , dc = example , dc = com
* cn = Joe , ou = people , dc = example , dc = com
* dc = example , dc = com
* cn = Fred , ou = people , dc = example , dc = org
* cn = Dave , ou = people , dc = example , dc = org
* </ code >
* Will be sorted thus using usort ( $list , " pla_compare_dns " ) :
* < code >
* dc = com
* dc = example , dc = com
* ou = people , dc = example , dc = com
* cn = Admin , ou = People , dc = example , dc = com
* cn = Joe , ou = people , dc = example , dc = com
* cn = Dave , ou = people , dc = example , dc = org
* cn = Fred , ou = people , dc = example , dc = org
* </ code >
* @ param string The first of two DNs to compare
* @ param string The second of two DNs to compare
* @ return int
function pla_compare_dns ( $dn1 , $dn2 ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
# If pla_compare_dns is passed via a tree, then we'll just get the DN part.
if ( is_array ( $dn1 ))
if ( isset ( $dn1 [ 'dn' ]))
$dn1 = $dn1 [ 'dn' ];
$dn1 = implode ( '+' , $dn1 );
if ( is_array ( $dn2 ))
if ( isset ( $dn2 [ 'dn' ]))
$dn2 = $dn2 [ 'dn' ];
$dn2 = implode ( '+' , $dn2 );
# If they are obviously the same, return immediately
if ( ! strcasecmp ( $dn1 , $dn2 ))
return 0 ;
$dn1_parts = pla_explode_dn ( pla_reverse_dn ( $dn1 ));
$dn2_parts = pla_explode_dn ( pla_reverse_dn ( $dn2 ));
assert ( is_array ( $dn1_parts ));
assert ( is_array ( $dn2_parts ));
# Foreach of the "parts" of the smaller DN
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $dn1_parts ) && $i < count ( $dn2_parts ); $i ++ ) {
/* dnX_part is of the form : " cn=joe " or " cn = joe " or " dc=example "
ie , one part of a multi - part DN . */
$dn1_part = $dn1_parts [ $i ];
$dn2_part = $dn2_parts [ $i ];
/* Each " part " consists of two sub - parts :
1. the attribute ( ie , " cn " or " o " )
2. the value ( ie , " joe " or " example " ) */
$dn1_sub_parts = explode ( '=' , $dn1_part , 2 );
$dn2_sub_parts = explode ( '=' , $dn2_part , 2 );
$dn1_sub_part_attr = trim ( $dn1_sub_parts [ 0 ]);
$dn2_sub_part_attr = trim ( $dn2_sub_parts [ 0 ]);
if ( 0 != ( $cmp = strcasecmp ( $dn1_sub_part_attr , $dn2_sub_part_attr )))
return $cmp ;
$dn1_sub_part_val = trim ( $dn1_sub_parts [ 1 ]);
$dn2_sub_part_val = trim ( $dn2_sub_parts [ 1 ]);
if ( 0 != ( $cmp = strcasecmp ( $dn1_sub_part_val , $dn2_sub_part_val )))
return $cmp ;
/* If we iterated through all entries in the smaller of the two DNs
( ie , the one with fewer parts ), and the entries are different sized ,
then , the smaller of the two must be " less than " than the larger . */
if ( count ( $dn1_parts ) > count ( $dn2_parts )) {
return 1 ;
} elseif ( count ( $dn2_parts ) > count ( $dn1_parts )) {
return - 1 ;
} else {
return 0 ;
* For LDAP servers with auto_number enabled , this function will get the next
* available number using the host ' s preferred mechanism ( pool or search ) .
* This is configured in config . php by server :
* < code >
* $servers -> setValue ( 'auto_number' , 'enable' , true | false );
* </ code >
* The available mechanisms are :
* pool :
* The pool mechanism uses a user - configured entry in the LDAP server to
* store the last used " number " . This mechanism simply fetches and increments
* and returns that value .
* search :
* The search mechanism will search the LDAP server that has the attribute
* set . It will then find the smallest value and " fills in the gaps " by
* incrementing the smallest attribute until an unused value is found .
* NOTE : Both mechanisms do NOT prevent race conditions or toe - stomping , so
* care must be taken when actually creating the entry to check that the number
* returned here has not been used in the mean time . Note that the two different
* mechanisms may ( will ! ) return different values as they use different algorithms
* to arrive at their result . Do not be alarmed if ( when ! ) this is the case .
* See config . php . example for more notes on the two mechanisms .
* @ param string Base to start the search from
* @ param string Attribute to query
* @ param boolean Increment the result ( for pool searches )
* @ param string LDAP filter to use ( for pool searches )
* @ return int
function get_next_number ( $base , $attr , $increment = false , $filter = false , $startmin = null ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
$server = $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getServer ( get_request ( 'server_id' , 'REQUEST' ));
$attr = strtolower ( $attr );
$query = array ();
if ( ! $server -> getValue ( 'auto_number' , 'enable' )) {
system_message ( array (
2011-07-08 08:29:26 +00:00
'title' => ( 'AUTO_NUMBER is disabled for this server' ),
'body' => sprintf ( '%s (<b>%s</b>)' ,( 'A call was made to get_next_number(), however, it is disabled for this server' ), $attr ),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
'type' => 'warn' ));
return false ;
# Check see and use our alternate uid_dn and password if we have it.
if ( ! $server -> login ( $server -> getValue ( 'auto_number' , 'dn' ), $server -> getValue ( 'auto_number' , 'pass' ), 'auto_number' )) {
system_message ( array (
2011-07-08 08:29:26 +00:00
'title' => ( 'AUTO_NUMBER invalid login/password' ),
'body' => sprintf ( '%s (<b>%s</b>)' ,( 'Unable to connect to LDAP server with the auto_number login/password, please check your configuration.' ),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
$server -> getName ()),
'type' => 'warn' ));
return false ;
# Some error checking
if ( ! $base ) {
$query [ 'base' ] = $server -> getValue ( 'auto_number' , 'search_base' );
if ( ! trim ( $query [ 'base' ])) {
system_message ( array (
2011-07-08 08:29:26 +00:00
'title' => ( 'No AUTO_NUMBER search_base configured for this server' ),
'body' => ( 'A call was made to get_next_number(), however, the base to search is empty.' ),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
'type' => 'warn' ));
return false ;
} else
$query [ 'base' ] = $base ;
if ( ! $server -> dnExists ( $query [ 'base' ])) {
system_message ( array (
2011-07-08 08:29:26 +00:00
'title' => ( 'No AUTO_NUMBER search_base exists for this server' ),
'body' => sprintf ( '%s (<b>%s</b>)' ,( 'A call was made to get_next_number(), however, the base to search does not exist for this server.' ), $query [ 'base' ]),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
'type' => 'warn' ));
return false ;
if ( ! is_string ( $attr ) || ! $server -> getSchemaAttribute ( $attr )) {
system_message ( array (
2011-07-08 08:29:26 +00:00
'title' => ( 'AUTO_NUMBER search attribute invalid' ),
'body' => sprintf ( '%s (<b>%s</b>)' ,( 'The search attribute for AUTO_NUMBER is invalid, expecting a single valid attribute.' ), $attr ),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
'type' => 'warn' ));
return false ;
$query [ 'attrs' ] = array ( $attr );
# Based on the configured mechanism, go get the next available uidNumber!
switch ( $server -> getValue ( 'auto_number' , 'mechanism' )) {
case 'search' :
$query [ 'filter' ] = sprintf ( '(%s=*)' , $attr );
$search = $server -> query ( $query , 'auto_number' );
# Construct a list of used numbers
$autonum = array ( 0 );
foreach ( $search as $dn => $values ) {
$values = array_change_key_case ( $values );
foreach ( $values [ $attr ] as $value )
array_push ( $autonum , $value );
$autonum = array_unique ( $autonum );
sort ( $autonum );
# Start with the least existing autoNumber and add 1
$minNumber = is_null ( $startmin ) ? intval ( $autonum [ 0 ]) + 1 : $startmin ;
# Override our minNumber by the configuration if it exists.
if ( count ( $server -> getValue ( 'auto_number' , 'min' ))) {
$min = array_change_key_case ( $server -> getValue ( 'auto_number' , 'min' ));
if ( isset ( $min [ $attr ]))
$minNumber = $min [ $attr ] > $minNumber ? $min [ $attr ] : $minNumber ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $autonum ); $i ++ ) {
$num = $autonum [ $i ] < $minNumber ? $minNumber : $autonum [ $i ];
/* If we 're at the end of the list, or we' ve found a gap between this number and the
following , use the next available number in the gap . */
if ( $i + 1 == count ( $autonum ) || $autonum [ $i + 1 ] > $num + 1 )
return $autonum [ $i ] >= $num ? $num + 1 : $num ;
# If we didnt find a suitable gap and are all above the minNumber, we'll just return the $minNumber
return $minNumber ;
break ;
case 'pool' :
switch ( $attr ) {
case 'gidnumber' :
$query [ 'filter' ] = '(objectClass=gidPool)' ;
break ;
case 'uidnumber' :
$query [ 'filter' ] = '(objectClass=uidPool)' ;
break ;
# If we are called with a filter, we'll use the one from the configuration.
if ( ! empty ( $filter ))
$query [ 'filter' ] = $filter ;
$search = $server -> query ( $query , 'auto_number' );
switch ( count ( $search )) {
case '1' :
break ;
case '0' :
system_message ( array (
2011-07-08 08:29:26 +00:00
'title' => ( 'AUTO_NUMBER pool filter didnt return any DNs' ),
'body' => sprintf ( '%s (<b>%s</b>)' ,( 'Please change your filter parameter, or check your auto_number,search_base configuration' ), $query [ 'filter' ]),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
'type' => 'warn' ));
return false ;
default :
system_message ( array (
2011-07-08 08:29:26 +00:00
'title' => ( 'AUTO_NUMBER pool filter returned too many DNs' ),
'body' => sprintf ( '%s (<b>%s</b>)' ,( 'Please change your filter parameter, or check your auto_number,search_base configuration' ), $query [ 'filter' ]),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
'type' => 'warn' ));
return false ;
# This should only iterate once.
foreach ( $search as $dn => $values ) {
$values = array_change_key_case ( $values );
$autonum = $values [ $attr ][ 0 ];
$poolDN = $values [ 'dn' ];
if ( $increment ) {
$updatedattr = array ( $attr => $autonum + 1 );
$server -> modify ( $poolDN , $updatedattr );
return $autonum ;
# No other cases allowed. The user has an error in the configuration
default :
system_message ( array (
2011-07-08 08:29:26 +00:00
'title' => ( 'Invalid AUTO_NUMBER mechanism' ),
'body' => sprintf ( '%s (<b>%s</b>)' ,( 'Your config file specifies an unknown AUTO_NUMBER search mechanism.' ), $server -> getValue ( 'auto_number' , 'mechanism' )),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
'type' => 'warn' ));
return false ;
* Given a DN and server ID , this function reads the DN ' s objectClasses and
* determines which icon best represents the entry . The results of this query
* are cached in a session variable so it is not run every time the tree
* browser changes , just when exposing new DNs that were not displayed
* previously . That means we can afford a little bit of inefficiency here
* in favor of coolness . : )
* This function returns a string like " country.png " . All icon files are assumed
* to be contained in the / images / directory of phpLDAPadmin .
* Developers are encouraged to add new icons to the images directory and modify
* this function as needed to suit their types of LDAP entries . If the modifications
* are general to an LDAP audience , the phpLDAPadmin team will gladly accept them
* as a patch .
* @ param string The DN of the entry whose icon you wish to fetch .
* @ return string
function get_icon ( $server_id , $dn , $object_classes = array ()) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
$server = $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getServer ( $server_id );
# Fetch and lowercase all the objectClasses in an array
if ( ! count ( $object_classes ))
$object_classes = $server -> getDNAttrValue ( $dn , 'objectClass' );
foreach ( $object_classes as $index => $value )
$object_classes [ $index ] = strtolower ( $value );
$rdn = get_rdn ( $dn );
$rdn_parts = explode ( '=' , $rdn , 2 );
$rdn_value = isset ( $rdn_parts [ 0 ]) ? $rdn_parts [ 0 ] : null ;
$rdn_attr = isset ( $rdn_parts [ 1 ]) ? $rdn_parts [ 1 ] : null ;
unset ( $rdn_parts );
# Return icon filename based upon objectClass value
if ( in_array ( 'sambaaccount' , $object_classes ) &&
'$' == $rdn { strlen ( $rdn ) - 1 })
return 'nt_machine.png' ;
if ( in_array ( 'sambaaccount' , $object_classes ))
return 'nt_user.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'person' , $object_classes ) ||
in_array ( 'organizationalperson' , $object_classes ) ||
in_array ( 'inetorgperson' , $object_classes ) ||
in_array ( 'account' , $object_classes ) ||
in_array ( 'posixaccount' , $object_classes ))
return 'ldap-user.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'organization' , $object_classes ))
return 'ldap-o.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'organizationalunit' , $object_classes ))
return 'ldap-ou.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'organizationalrole' , $object_classes ))
return 'ldap-uid.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'dcobject' , $object_classes ) ||
in_array ( 'domainrelatedobject' , $object_classes ) ||
in_array ( 'domain' , $object_classes ) ||
in_array ( 'builtindomain' , $object_classes ))
return 'ldap-dc.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'alias' , $object_classes ))
return 'ldap-alias.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'room' , $object_classes ))
return 'door.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'document' , $object_classes ))
return 'document.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'country' , $object_classes )) {
$tmp = pla_explode_dn ( $dn );
$cval = explode ( '=' , $tmp [ 0 ], 2 );
$cval = isset ( $cval [ 1 ]) ? $cval [ 1 ] : false ;
if ( $cval && false === strpos ( $cval , '..' ) &&
file_exists ( realpath ( sprintf ( '%s/../countries/%s.png' , IMGDIR , strtolower ( $cval )))))
return sprintf ( '../countries/%s.png' , strtolower ( $cval ));
return 'country.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'jammvirtualdomain' , $object_classes ))
return 'mail.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'locality' , $object_classes ))
return 'locality.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'posixgroup' , $object_classes ) ||
in_array ( 'groupofnames' , $object_classes ) ||
in_array ( 'group' , $object_classes ))
return 'ldap-ou.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'applicationprocess' , $object_classes ))
return 'process.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'groupofuniquenames' , $object_classes ))
return 'ldap-uniquegroup.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'iphost' , $object_classes ))
return 'host.png' ;
2011-07-22 17:37:07 +00:00
elseif ( in_array ( 'device' , $object_classes ))
return 'device.png' ;
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
elseif ( in_array ( 'nlsproductcontainer' , $object_classes ))
return 'n.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'ndspkikeymaterial' , $object_classes ))
return 'lock.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'server' , $object_classes ))
return 'server-small.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'volume' , $object_classes ))
return 'hard-drive.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'ndscatcatalog' , $object_classes ))
return 'catalog.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'resource' , $object_classes ))
return 'n.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'ldapgroup' , $object_classes ))
return 'ldap-server.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'ldapserver' , $object_classes ))
return 'ldap-server.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'nisserver' , $object_classes ))
return 'ldap-server.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'rbscollection' , $object_classes ))
return 'ldap-ou.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'dfsconfiguration' , $object_classes ))
return 'nt_machine.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'applicationsettings' , $object_classes ))
return 'server-settings.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'aspenalias' , $object_classes ))
return 'mail.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'container' , $object_classes ))
return 'folder.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'ipnetwork' , $object_classes ))
return 'network.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'samserver' , $object_classes ))
return 'server-small.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'lostandfound' , $object_classes ))
return 'find.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'infrastructureupdate' , $object_classes ))
return 'server-small.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'filelinktracking' , $object_classes ))
return 'files.png' ;
elseif ( in_array ( 'automountmap' , $object_classes ) ||
in_array ( 'automount' , $object_classes ))
return 'hard-drive.png' ;
elseif ( strpos ( $rdn_value , 'ipsec' ) === 0 ||
strcasecmp ( $rdn_value , 'IP Security' ) == 0 ||
strcasecmp ( $rdn_value , 'MSRADIUSPRIVKEY Secret' ) == 0 ||
strpos ( $rdn_value , 'BCKUPKEY_' ) === 0 )
return 'lock.png' ;
elseif ( strcasecmp ( $rdn_value , 'MicrosoftDNS' ) == 0 )
return 'ldap-dc.png' ;
# Oh well, I don't know what it is. Use a generic icon.
return 'ldap-default.png' ;
* Appends a servers base to a " sub " dn or returns the base .
* @ param string The baseDN to be added if the DN is relative
* @ param string The DN to be made absolute
* @ return string | null Returns null if both base is null and sub_dn is null or empty
function expand_dn_with_base ( $base , $sub_dn ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
$empty_str = ( is_null ( $sub_dn ) || (( $len = strlen ( trim ( $sub_dn ))) == 0 ));
if ( $empty_str )
return $base ;
# If we have a string which doesn't need a base
elseif ( $sub_dn [ $len - 1 ] != ',' )
return $sub_dn ;
return sprintf ( '%s%s' , $sub_dn , $base );
* Used to generate a random salt for crypt - style passwords . Salt strings are used
* to make pre - built hash cracking dictionaries difficult to use as the hash algorithm uses
* not only the user ' s password but also a randomly generated string . The string is
* stored as the first N characters of the hash for reference of hashing algorithms later .
* @ param int The length of the salt string to generate .
* @ return string The generated salt string .
function random_salt ( $length ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
$possible = '0123456789' .
'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' .
'./' ;
$str = '' ;
mt_srand (( double ) microtime () * 1000000 );
while ( strlen ( $str ) < $length )
$str .= substr ( $possible ,( rand () % strlen ( $possible )), 1 );
return $str ;
* Given a DN string , this returns the 'RDN' portion of the string .
* For example . given 'cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com' , this function returns
* 'cn=Manager' ( it is really the exact opposite of ds_ldap :: getContainer ()) .
* @ param string The DN whose RDN to return .
* @ param boolean If true , include attributes in the RDN string . See http :// php . net / ldap_explode_dn for details
* @ return string The RDN
function get_rdn ( $dn , $include_attrs = 0 , $decode = false ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
if ( is_null ( $dn ))
return null ;
$rdn = pla_explode_dn ( $dn , $include_attrs );
if ( ! count ( $rdn ) || ! isset ( $rdn [ 0 ]))
return $dn ;
if ( $decode )
$rdn = dn_unescape ( $rdn [ 0 ]);
$rdn = $rdn [ 0 ];
return $rdn ;
* Split an RDN into its attributes
function rdn_explode ( $rdn ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
# Setup to work out our RDN.
$rdnarray = explode ( '\+' , $rdn );
# Capture items that have +, but are not an attribute
foreach ( $rdnarray as $index => $val ) {
if ( preg_match ( '/=/' , $val ))
$validindex = $index ;
if ( ! preg_match ( '/=/' , $val )) {
$rdnarray [ $validindex ] .= '+' . $val ;
unset ( $rdnarray [ $index ]);
return $rdnarray ;
* Given an LDAP error number , returns a verbose description of the error .
* This function parses ldap_error_codes . txt and looks up the specified
* ldap error number , and returns the verbose message defined in that file .
* < code >
* Array (
* [ title ] => " Invalid Credentials "
* [ description ] => " An invalid username and/or password was supplied to the LDAP server. "
* )
* </ code >
* @ param string The hex error number ( ie , " 0x42 " ) of the LDAP error of interest .
* @ return array An associative array contianing the error title and description like so :
function pla_verbose_error ( $key ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
static $CACHE = array ();
if ( ! count ( $CACHE )) {
$source_file = LIBDIR . 'ldap_error_codes.txt' ;
if ( ! file_exists ( $source_file ) || ! is_readable ( $source_file ) || ! ( $f = fopen ( $source_file , 'r' )))
return false ;
$contents = fread ( $f , filesize ( $source_file ));
fclose ( $f );
$entries = array ();
preg_match_all ( " /0x[A-Fa-f0-9][A-Za-z0-9] \ s+[0-9A-Za-z_]+ \ s+ \" [^ \" ]* \" \n / " ,
$contents , $entries );
foreach ( $entries [ 0 ] as $values ) {
$entry = array ();
preg_match ( " /(0x[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9]) \ s+([0-9A-Za-z_]+) \ s+ \" ([^ \" ]*) \" / " , $values , $entry );
$hex_code = isset ( $entry [ 1 ]) ? $entry [ 1 ] : null ;
$title = isset ( $entry [ 2 ]) ? $entry [ 2 ] : null ;
$desc = isset ( $entry [ 3 ]) ? $entry [ 3 ] : null ;
$desc = preg_replace ( '/\s+/' , ' ' , $desc );
$CACHE [ $hex_code ] = array ( 'title' => $title , 'desc' => $desc );
if ( isset ( $CACHE [ $key ]))
return $CACHE [ $key ];
return array ( 'title' => null , 'desc' => null );
* Given an LDAP OID number , returns a verbose description of the OID .
* This function parses ldap_supported_oids . txt and looks up the specified
* OID , and returns the verbose message defined in that file .
* < code >
* Array (
* [ title ] => All Operational Attribute
* [ ref ] => RFC 3673
* [ desc ] => An LDAP extension which clients may use to request the return of all operational attributes .
* )
* </ code >
* @ param string The OID number ( ie , " " ) of the OID of interest .
* @ return array An associative array contianing the OID title and description like so :
function support_oid_to_text ( $key ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
static $CACHE = array ();
$unknown = array ();
$unknown [ 'desc' ] = 'We have no description for this OID, if you know what this OID provides, please let us know. Please also include an RFC reference if it is available.' ;
$unknown [ 'title' ] = 'Can you help with this OID info?' ;
if ( ! count ( $CACHE )) {
$source_file = LIBDIR . 'ldap_supported_oids.txt' ;
if ( ! file_exists ( $source_file ) || ! is_readable ( $source_file ) || ! ( $f = fopen ( $source_file , 'r' )))
return false ;
$contents = fread ( $f , filesize ( $source_file ));
fclose ( $f );
$entries = array ();
preg_match_all ( " /[0-9] \ ..+ \ s+ \" [^ \" ]* \" \n / " , $contents , $entries );
foreach ( $entries [ 0 ] as $values ) {
$entry = array ();
preg_match ( " /([0-9] \ .([0-9]+ \ .)*[0-9]+)( \ s+ \" ([^ \" ]*) \" )?( \ s+ \" ([^ \" ]*) \" )?( \ s+ \" ([^ \" ]*) \" )?/ " , $values , $entry );
$oid_id = isset ( $entry [ 1 ]) ? $entry [ 1 ] : null ;
if ( $oid_id ) {
$CACHE [ $oid_id ][ 'title' ] = isset ( $entry [ 4 ]) ? $entry [ 4 ] : null ;
$CACHE [ $oid_id ][ 'ref' ] = isset ( $entry [ 6 ]) ? $entry [ 6 ] : null ;
$desc = isset ( $entry [ 8 ]) ? $entry [ 8 ] : sprintf ( '<acronym title="%s">%s</acronym>' , $unknown [ 'desc' ], $unknown [ 'title' ]);
$CACHE [ $oid_id ][ 'desc' ] = preg_replace ( '/\s+/' , ' ' , $desc );
if ( isset ( $CACHE [ $key ]))
return $CACHE [ $key ];
return array (
'title' => $key ,
'ref' => null ,
'desc' => sprintf ( '<acronym title="%s">%s</acronym>' , $unknown [ 'desc' ], $unknown [ 'title' ]));
* Print an LDAP error message
function ldap_error_msg ( $msg , $errnum ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
$body = '<table border="0">' ;
$errnum = ( '0x' . str_pad ( dechex ( $errnum ), 2 , 0 , STR_PAD_LEFT ));
$verbose_error = pla_verbose_error ( $errnum );
$body .= sprintf ( '<tr><td><b>%s</b>:</td><td>%s</td></tr>' , _ ( 'LDAP said' ), $msg );
if ( $verbose_error ) {
$body .= sprintf ( '<tr><td><b>%s</b>:</td><td>%s (%s)</td></tr>' , _ ( 'Error number' ), $errnum , $verbose_error [ 'title' ]);
$body .= sprintf ( '<tr><td><b>%s</b>:</td><td>%s</td></tr>' , _ ( 'Description' ), $verbose_error [ 'desc' ]);
} else {
$body .= sprintf ( '<tr><td><b>%s</b>:</td><td>%s</td></tr>' , _ ( 'Error number' ), $errnum );
$body .= sprintf ( '<tr><td><b>%s</b>:</td><td>(%s)</td></tr>' , _ ( 'Description' ), _ ( 'no description available' ));
$body .= '</table>' ;
return $body ;
* Draw the jpegPhoto image ( s ) for an entry wrapped in HTML . Many options are available to
* specify how the images are to be displayed .
* Usage Examples :
* < code >
* draw_jpeg_photo ( 0 , 'cn=Bob,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com' , " jpegPhoto " , 0 , true , array ( 'img_opts' => " border: 1px; width: 150px " ));
* draw_jpeg_photo ( 1 , 'cn=Fred,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com' , null , 1 );
* </ code >
* @ param object The Server to get the image from .
* @ param string The DN of the entry that contains the jpeg attribute you want to draw .
* @ param string The name of the attribute containing the jpeg data ( usually 'jpegPhoto' ) .
* @ param int Index of the attribute to draw
* @ param boolean If true , draws a button beneath the image titled 'Delete' allowing the user
* to delete the jpeg attribute by calling JavaScript function deleteAttribute () provided
* in the default modification template .
* @ param array Specifies optional image and CSS style attributes for the table tag . Supported keys are
* fixed_width , fixed_height , img_opts .
function draw_jpeg_photo ( $server , $dn , $attr_name = 'jpegphoto' , $index , $draw_delete_buttons = false , $options = array ()) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
$fixed = array ();
$fixed [ 'width' ] = isset ( $options [ 'fixed_width' ]) ? $options [ 'fixed_width' ] : false ;
$fixed [ 'height' ] = isset ( $options [ 'fixed_height' ]) ? $options [ 'fixed_height' ] : false ;
if ( is_null ( $server ))
$jpeg_data = $_SESSION [ 'tmp' ];
$jpeg_data = $server -> getDNAttrValues ( $dn , null , LDAP_DEREF_NEVER , array ( $attr_name ));
if ( ! isset ( $jpeg_data [ $attr_name ][ $index ]) || ! $jpeg_data [ $attr_name ][ $index ]) {
system_message ( array (
'title' => _ ( 'Unable to retrieve image' ),
2011-07-12 19:23:27 +00:00
'body' => sprintf ( _ ( 'Could not fetch jpeg data from LDAP server for attribute [%s].' ),
$attr_name ),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
'type' => 'warn' ));
# This should atleast generate some text that says "Image not available"
printf ( '<img src="view_jpeg_photo.php?location=session&attr=%s" alt="Photo" />' , $attr_name );
return ;
$width = 0 ;
$height = 0 ;
if ( function_exists ( 'getimagesize' )) {
$jpeg_temp_dir = realpath ( $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'jpeg' , 'tmpdir' ) . '/' );
if ( ! is_writable ( $jpeg_temp_dir ))
system_message ( array (
2011-07-12 19:23:27 +00:00
'title' => ( 'Unable to write to jpeg tmp directory' ),
'body' => ( 'Please set jpeg,tmpdir to a writable directory in the phpLDAPadmin config.php' ),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
'type' => 'warn' ));
else {
# We have an image to display
$jpeg_filename = tempnam ( $jpeg_temp_dir . '/' , 'pla' );
$outjpeg = @ file_put_contents ( $jpeg_filename , $jpeg_data [ $attr_name ][ $index ]);
if ( ! $outjpeg ) {
system_message ( array (
2011-07-12 19:23:27 +00:00
'title' => ( 'Error writing to jpeg tmp directory' ),
'body' => sprintf (( 'Please check jpeg,tmpdir is a writable directory in the phpLDAPadmin config.php' ), $jpeg_temp_dir ),
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
'type' => 'warn' ));
} else {
$jpeg_dimensions = getimagesize ( $jpeg_filename );
$width = $jpeg_dimensions [ 0 ];
$height = $jpeg_dimensions [ 1 ];
unlink ( $jpeg_filename );
if ( $width > 300 ) {
$scale_factor = 300 / $width ;
$img_width = 300 ;
$img_height = intval ( $height * $scale_factor );
} else {
$img_width = $width ;
$img_height = $height ;
$href = sprintf ( 'view_jpeg_photo.php?dn=%s&index=%s&attr=%s' , rawurlencode ( $dn ), $index , $attr_name );
printf ( '<acronym title="%s %s. %s x %s %s.">' , number_format ( $outjpeg ), _ ( 'bytes' ), $width , $height , _ ( 'pixels' ));
printf ( '<img src="%s&%s" alt="Photo" %s%s%s />' ,
htmlspecialchars ( $href ),
is_null ( $server ) ? 'location=session' : sprintf ( 'server_id=%s' , $server -> getIndex ()),
( ! $img_width || $fixed [ 'width' ] ? '' : sprintf ( 'width="%s"' , $img_width )),
( ! $img_height || $fixed [ 'height' ] ? '' : sprintf ( 'height="%s"' , $img_height )),
( isset ( $options [ 'img_opts' ]) ? $options [ 'img_opts' ] : '' ));
echo '</acronym>' ;
if ( $draw_delete_buttons )
# <!-- JavaScript function deleteJpegPhoto() to be defined later by calling script -->
printf ( '<br/><a href="javascript:deleteAttribute(\'%s\');" style="color:red; font-size: 75%%">%s</a>' ,
$attr_name , _ ( 'Delete photo' ));
* Return the list of available password types
* @ todo Dynamically work this list out so we only present hashes that we can encrypt
function password_types () {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
return array (
'' => 'clear' ,
'crypt' => 'crypt' ,
'md5' => 'md5' ,
'sha' => 'sha' ,
'smd5' => 'smd5' ,
'ssha' => 'ssha'
* Hashes a password and returns the hash based on the specified enc_type .
* @ param string The password to hash in clear text .
* @ param string Standard LDAP encryption type which must be one of
* crypt , ext_des , md5crypt , blowfish , md5 , sha , smd5 , ssha , or clear .
* @ return string The hashed password .
2013-08-02 20:37:05 +00:00
function pla_password_hash ( $password_clear , $enc_type ) {
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
$enc_type = strtolower ( $enc_type );
switch ( $enc_type ) {
case 'crypt' :
if ( $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'password' , 'no_random_crypt_salt' ))
$new_value = sprintf ( '{CRYPT}%s' , crypt ( $password_clear , substr ( $password_clear , 0 , 2 )));
$new_value = sprintf ( '{CRYPT}%s' , crypt ( $password_clear , random_salt ( 2 )));
break ;
case 'md5' :
$new_value = sprintf ( '{MD5}%s' , base64_encode ( pack ( 'H*' , md5 ( $password_clear ))));
break ;
case 'sha' :
2011-07-15 18:10:43 +00:00
$new_value = sprintf ( '{SHA}%s' , base64_encode ( pack ( 'H*' , sha1 ( $password_clear ))));
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
break ;
case 'ssha' :
2011-07-15 18:10:43 +00:00
mt_srand (( double ) microtime () * 1000000 );
$salt = mhash_keygen_s2k ( MHASH_SHA1 , $password_clear , substr ( pack ( 'h*' , md5 ( mt_rand ())), 0 , 8 ), 4 );
$new_value = sprintf ( '{SSHA}%s' , base64_encode ( mhash ( MHASH_SHA1 , $password_clear . $salt ) . $salt ));
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
break ;
case 'smd5' :
2011-07-15 18:10:43 +00:00
mt_srand (( double ) microtime () * 1000000 );
$salt = mhash_keygen_s2k ( MHASH_MD5 , $password_clear , substr ( pack ( 'h*' , md5 ( mt_rand ())), 0 , 8 ), 4 );
$new_value = sprintf ( '{SMD5}%s' , base64_encode ( mhash ( MHASH_MD5 , $password_clear . $salt ) . $salt ));
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
break ;
case 'clear' :
default :
$new_value = $password_clear ;
return $new_value ;
* Given a clear - text password and a hash , this function determines if the clear - text password
* is the password that was used to generate the hash . This is handy to verify a user ' s password
* when all that is given is the hash and a " guess " .
* @ param String The hash .
* @ param String The password in clear text to test .
* @ return Boolean True if the clear password matches the hash , and false otherwise .
function password_check ( $cryptedpassword , $plainpassword , $attribute = 'userpassword' ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
if ( in_array ( $attribute , array ( 'sambalmpassword' , 'sambantpassword' ))) {
$smb = new smbHash ;
switch ( $attribute ) {
case 'sambalmpassword' :
if ( strcmp ( $smb -> lmhash ( $plainpassword ), $cryptedpassword ) == 0 )
return true ;
return false ;
case 'sambantpassword' :
if ( strcmp ( $smb -> nthash ( $plainpassword ), $cryptedpassword ) == 0 )
return true ;
return false ;
return false ;
if ( preg_match ( '/{([^}]+)}(.*)/' , $cryptedpassword , $matches )) {
$cryptedpassword = $matches [ 2 ];
$cypher = strtolower ( $matches [ 1 ]);
} else {
$cypher = null ;
switch ( $cypher ) {
# SSHA crypted passwords
case 'ssha' :
# Check php mhash support before using it
if ( function_exists ( 'mhash' )) {
$hash = base64_decode ( $cryptedpassword );
# OpenLDAP uses a 4 byte salt, SunDS uses an 8 byte salt - both from char 20.
$salt = substr ( $hash , 20 );
$new_hash = base64_encode ( mhash ( MHASH_SHA1 , $plainpassword . $salt ) . $salt );
if ( strcmp ( $cryptedpassword , $new_hash ) == 0 )
return true ;
return false ;
} else {
2011-07-21 17:50:57 +00:00
error (( 'Your PHP install does not have the mhash() function. Cannot do SHA hashes.' ), 'error' , 'index.php' );
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
break ;
# Salted MD5
case 'smd5' :
# Check php mhash support before using it
if ( function_exists ( 'mhash' )) {
$hash = base64_decode ( $cryptedpassword );
$salt = substr ( $hash , 16 );
$new_hash = base64_encode ( mhash ( MHASH_MD5 , $plainpassword . $salt ) . $salt );
if ( strcmp ( $cryptedpassword , $new_hash ) == 0 )
return true ;
return false ;
} else {
2011-07-21 17:50:57 +00:00
error (( 'Your PHP install does not have the mhash() function. Cannot do SHA hashes.' ), 'error' , 'index.php' );
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
break ;
# SHA crypted passwords
case 'sha' :
2013-08-02 20:37:05 +00:00
if ( strcasecmp ( pla_password_hash ( $plainpassword , 'sha' ), '{SHA}' . $cryptedpassword ) == 0 )
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
return true ;
return false ;
break ;
# MD5 crypted passwords
case 'md5' :
2013-08-02 20:37:05 +00:00
if ( strcasecmp ( pla_password_hash ( $plainpassword , 'md5' ), '{MD5}' . $cryptedpassword ) == 0 )
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
return true ;
return false ;
break ;
# Crypt passwords
case 'crypt' :
# Check if it's blowfish crypt
if ( preg_match ( '/^\\$2+/' , $cryptedpassword )) {
list ( $version , $rounds , $salt_hash ) = explode ( '$' , $cryptedpassword );
if ( crypt ( $plainpassword , '$' . $version . '$' . $rounds . '$' . $salt_hash ) == $cryptedpassword )
return true ;
return false ;
# Check if it's an crypted md5
elseif ( strstr ( $cryptedpassword , '$1$' )) {
list ( $dummy , $type , $salt , $hash ) = explode ( '$' , $cryptedpassword );
if ( crypt ( $plainpassword , '$1$' . $salt ) == $cryptedpassword )
return true ;
return false ;
# Check if it's extended des crypt
elseif ( strstr ( $cryptedpassword , '_' )) {
if ( crypt ( $plainpassword , $cryptedpassword ) == $cryptedpassword )
return true ;
return false ;
# Password is plain crypt
else {
if ( crypt ( $plainpassword , $cryptedpassword ) == $cryptedpassword )
return true ;
return false ;
break ;
# No crypt is given assume plaintext passwords are used
default :
if ( $plainpassword == $cryptedpassword )
return true ;
return false ;
* Detects password encryption type
* Returns crypto string listed in braces . If it is 'crypt' password ,
* returns crypto detected in password hash . Function should detect
* md5crypt , blowfish and extended DES crypt . If function fails to detect
* encryption type , it returns NULL .
* @ param string Hashed password
* @ return string
function get_enc_type ( $user_password ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
# Capture the stuff in the { } to determine if this is crypt, md5, etc.
$enc_type = null ;
if ( preg_match ( '/{([^}]+)}/' , $user_password , $enc_type ))
$enc_type = strtolower ( $enc_type [ 1 ]);
return null ;
# Handle crypt types
if ( strcasecmp ( $enc_type , 'crypt' ) == 0 ) {
# No need to check for standard crypt, because enc_type is already equal to 'crypt'.
if ( preg_match ( '/{[^}]+}\\$1\\$+/' , $user_password ))
$enc_type = 'md5crypt' ;
elseif ( preg_match ( '/{[^}]+}\\$2+/' , $user_password ))
$enc_type = 'blowfish' ;
elseif ( preg_match ( '/{[^}]+}_+/' , $user_password ))
$enc_type = 'ext_des' ;
return $enc_type ;
* Draws an HTML browse button which , when clicked , pops up a DN chooser dialog .
* @ param string The name of the form element to which this chooser
* dialog will publish the user ' s choice . The form element must be a member
* of a form with the " name " or " id " attribute set in the form tag , and the element
* must also define " name " or " id " for JavaScript to uniquely identify it .
* Example $form_element values may include " creation_form.container " or
* " edit_form.member_uid " . See / templates / modification / default . php for example usage .
* @ param boolean ( optional ) If true , the function draws the localized text " choose " to the right of the button .
function draw_chooser_link ( $form , $element , $include_choose_text = true , $rdn = 'none' ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
$href = sprintf ( " javascript:dnChooserPopup('%s','%s','%s'); " , $form , $element , $rdn == 'none' ? '' : rawurlencode ( $rdn ));
$title = _ ( 'Click to popup a dialog to select an entry (DN) graphically' );
printf ( '<a href="%s" title="%s"><img class="chooser" src="%s/find.png" alt="Find" /></a>' , $href , $title , IMGDIR );
if ( $include_choose_text )
printf ( '<span class="x-small"><a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a></span>' , $href , $title , _ ( 'browse' ));
* Explode a DN into an array of its RDN parts .
* NOTE : When a multivalue RDN is passed to ldap_explode_dn , the results returns with 'value + value' ;
* < code >
* Array (
* [ 0 ] => uid = ppratt
* [ 1 ] => ou = People
* [ 2 ] => dc = example
* [ 3 ] => dc = com
* )
* </ code >
* @ param string The DN to explode .
* @ param int ( optional ) Whether to include attribute names ( see http :// php . net / ldap_explode_dn for details )
* @ return array An array of RDN parts of this format :
function pla_explode_dn ( $dn , $with_attributes = 0 ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
global $CACHE ;
if ( isset ( $CACHE [ 'explode' ][ $dn ][ $with_attributes ])) {
debug_log ( 'Return CACHED result (%s) for (%s)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ ,
$CACHE [ 'explode' ][ $dn ][ $with_attributes ], $dn );
return $CACHE [ 'explode' ][ $dn ][ $with_attributes ];
$dn = addcslashes ( $dn , '<>+";' );
# split the dn
$result [ 0 ] = ldap_explode_dn ( dn_escape ( $dn ), 0 );
$result [ 1 ] = ldap_explode_dn ( dn_escape ( $dn ), 1 );
if ( ! $result [ $with_attributes ]) {
debug_log ( 'Returning NULL - NO result.' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ );
return array ();
# Remove our count value that ldap_explode_dn returns us.
unset ( $result [ 0 ][ 'count' ]);
unset ( $result [ 1 ][ 'count' ]);
# Record the forward and reverse entries in the cache.
foreach ( $result as $key => $value ) {
# translate hex code into ascii for display
$result [ $key ] = dn_unescape ( $value );
$CACHE [ 'explode' ][ implode ( ',' , $result [ 0 ])][ $key ] = $result [ $key ];
$CACHE [ 'explode' ][ implode ( ',' , array_reverse ( $result [ 0 ]))][ $key ] = array_reverse ( $result [ $key ]);
debug_log ( 'Returning (%s)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $result [ $with_attributes ]);
return $result [ $with_attributes ];
* Parse a DN and escape any special characters
function dn_escape ( $dn ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
$olddn = $dn ;
# Check if the RDN has a comma and escape it.
while ( preg_match ( '/([^\\\\]),(\s*[^=]*\s*),/' , $dn ))
$dn = preg_replace ( '/([^\\\\]),(\s*[^=]*\s*),/' , '$1\\\\2C$2,' , $dn );
$dn = preg_replace ( '/([^\\\\]),(\s*[^=]*\s*)([^,])$/' , '$1\\\\2C$2$3' , $dn );
debug_log ( 'Returning (%s)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $dn );
return $dn ;
* Parse a DN and unescape any special characters
function dn_unescape ( $dn ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
if ( is_array ( $dn )) {
$a = array ();
foreach ( $dn as $key => $rdn )
2013-08-02 21:01:14 +00:00
$a [ $key ] = preg_replace_callback ( '/\\\([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/' , 'convertHexStringToCharCallback' , $rdn );
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
return $a ;
} else {
2013-08-02 21:01:14 +00:00
return preg_replace_callback ( '/\\\([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/' , 'convertHexStringToCharCallback' , $dn );
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
2013-08-02 21:01:14 +00:00
* Converts a hex encoded string like \12 to the corresponding character .
* @ param array $hex preg_replace_callback : matching hex string array
* @ return String character
function convertHexStringToCharCallback ( $hex ) {
return chr ( hexdec ( $hex [ 1 ]));
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
* Fetches the URL for the specified item . This is a convenience function for
* fetching project HREFs ( like bugs )
* @ param string One of " open_bugs " , " add_bug " , " donate " , or " add_rfe "
* ( rfe = request for enhancement )
* @ return string The URL to the requested item .
function get_href ( $type , $extra_info = '' ) {
$sf = 'https://sourceforge.net' ;
2012-03-02 21:02:50 +00:00
$pla = 'http://www.ldap-account-manager.org' ;
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
$group_id = '61828' ;
$bug_atid = '498546' ;
$rfe_atid = '498549' ;
$forum_id = 'phpldapadmin-users' ;
switch ( $type ) {
case 'add_bug' :
return sprintf ( '%s/tracker/?func=add&group_id=%s&atid=%s' , $sf , $group_id , $bug_atid );
case 'add_rfe' :
return sprintf ( '%s/tracker/?func=add&group_id=%s&atid=%s' , $sf , $group_id , $rfe_atid );
case 'credits' :
return sprintf ( '%s/Credits' , $pla );
case 'documentation' :
return sprintf ( '%s/Documentation' , $pla );
case 'donate' :
return sprintf ( '%s/donate/index.php?group_id=%s' , $sf , $group_id );
case 'forum' :
return sprintf ( '%s/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_name=%s' , $sf , $forum_id );
case 'logo' :
if ( ! isset ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTPS' ]) || strtolower ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTPS' ]) != 'on' )
$proto = 'http' ;
$proto = 'https' ;
return isset ( $_SESSION ) && ! $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'appearance' , 'remoteurls' ) ? '' : sprintf ( '%s://sflogo.sourceforge.net/sflogo.php?group_id=%s&type=10' , $proto , $group_id );
case 'sf' :
return sprintf ( '%s/projects/phpldapadmin' , $sf );
case 'web' :
return sprintf ( '%s' , $pla );
default :
return null ;
* Returns the current time as a double ( including micro - seconds ) .
* @ return double The current time in seconds since the beginning of the UNIX epoch ( Midnight Jan . 1 , 1970 )
function utime () {
$time = explode ( ' ' , microtime ());
$usec = ( double ) $time [ 0 ];
$sec = ( double ) $time [ 1 ];
return $sec + $usec ;
* Converts an array to a query - string with the option to exclude certain variables
* from the returned query string . This is convenient if callers want to convert the
* current GET query string or POST array into a string and replace certain
* variables with their own .
* @ param array The associate array to convert whose form is such that the keys are the
* names of the variables and the values are said variables ' values like this :
* < code >
* Array (
* [ server_id ] = 0 ,
* [ dn ] = " dc=example,dc=com " ,
* [ attr ] = " sn "
* )
* </ code >
* This will produce a string like this : " server_id=0&dn=dc=example,dc=com&attr=sn "
* @ param array ( optional ) An array of variables to exclude in the resulting string
* @ return string The string created from the array .
function array_to_query_string ( $array , $exclude_vars = array ()) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
if ( ! is_array ( $array ) || ! count ( $array ))
return '' ;
$str = '' ;
$i = 0 ;
foreach ( $array as $name => $val )
if ( ! in_array ( $name , $exclude_vars ))
if ( is_array ( $val ))
foreach ( $val as $v ) {
if ( $i ++ > 0 )
$str .= '&' ;
$str .= sprintf ( '%s[]=%s' , rawurlencode ( $name ), rawurlencode ( $v ));
else {
if ( $i ++ > 0 )
$str .= '&' ;
$str .= sprintf ( '%s=%s' , rawurlencode ( $name ), rawurlencode ( $val ));
return $str ;
* Reverses a DN such that the top - level RDN is first and the bottom - level RDN is last
* For example :
* < code >
* cn = Brigham , ou = People , dc = example , dc = com
* </ code >
* Becomes :
* < code >
* dc = com , dc = example , ou = People , cn = Brigham
* </ code >
* This makes it possible to sort lists of DNs such that they are grouped by container .
* @ param string The DN to reverse
* @ return string The reversed DN
* @ see pla_compare_dns
* @ see pla_explode_dns
function pla_reverse_dn ( $dn ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
return ( implode ( ',' , array_reverse ( pla_explode_dn ( $dn ))));
* Attribute sorting
function sortAttrs ( $a , $b ) {
if ( $a == $b )
return 0 ;
2011-07-22 16:33:47 +00:00
return strcasecmp ( $a -> getName (), $b -> getName ());
2011-06-26 10:44:28 +00:00
* Reads an array and returns the array values back in lower case
* @ param array $array The array to convert the values to lowercase .
* @ returns array Array with values converted to lowercase .
function arrayLower ( $array ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
if ( ! is_array ( $array ))
return $array ;
$newarray = array ();
foreach ( $array as $key => $value )
$newarray [ $key ] = strtolower ( $value );
return $newarray ;
* Gets a DN string using the user - configured tree_display_format string to format it .
function draw_formatted_dn ( $server , $entry ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
$dn = $entry -> getDn ();
$formats = $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'appearance' , 'tree_display_format' );
foreach ( $formats as $format ) {
$has_none = false ;
preg_match_all ( '/%[a-zA-Z_0-9]+/' , $format , $tokens );
$tokens = $tokens [ 0 ];
debug_log ( 'The tokens are (%s)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $tokens );
foreach ( $tokens as $token ) {
if ( strcasecmp ( $token , '%dn' ) == 0 )
$format = str_replace ( $token , pretty_print_dn ( $dn ), $format );
elseif ( strcasecmp ( $token , '%rdn' ) == 0 )
$format = str_replace ( $token , pretty_print_dn ( $entry -> getRDN ()), $format );
elseif ( strcasecmp ( $token , '%rdnvalue' ) == 0 ) {
$rdn = get_rdn ( $dn , 0 , true );
$rdn_value = explode ( '=' , $rdn , 2 );
$rdn_value = $rdn_value [ 1 ];
$format = str_replace ( $token , $rdn_value , $format );
} else {
$attr_name = str_replace ( '%' , '' , $token );
$attr_values = $server -> getDNAttrValue ( $dn , $attr_name );
if ( is_null ( $attr_values ) || ( count ( $attr_values ) <= 0 )) {
$display = '<' . _ ( 'none' ) . '>' ;
$has_none = true ;
} elseif ( is_array ( $attr_values ))
$display = implode ( ', ' , $attr_values );
$display = $attr_values ;
$format = str_replace ( $token , $display , $format );
# If this format has all values available, use it. Otherwise, try the next one
if ( ! $has_none )
return $format ;
return $format ;
* Server html select list
function server_select_list ( $selected = null , $logged_on = false , $name = 'index' , $isVisible = true , $js = null ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
$count = 0 ;
$server_menu_html = sprintf ( '<select name="%s" id="%s" %s>' , $name , $name , $js );
foreach ( $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getServerList ( $isVisible ) as $index => $server ) {
if ( $server -> isVisible ()) {
if ( $logged_on && ! $server -> isLoggedIn ())
continue ;
$count ++ ;
$server_menu_html .= sprintf ( '<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>' ,
$server -> getIndex (),( $server -> getIndex () == $selected ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ), $server -> getName ());
# We will set this variable, in case there is only 1 hit.
$selected_server = $server ;
$server_menu_html .= '</select>' ;
if ( $count > 1 )
return $server_menu_html ;
elseif ( $count )
return sprintf ( '%s <input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" />' ,
$selected_server -> getName (), $name , $selected_server -> getIndex ());
return '' ;
* Converts a little - endian hex - number to one , that 'hexdec' can convert
function littleEndian ( $hex ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
$result = '' ;
for ( $x = strlen ( $hex ) - 2 ; $x >= 0 ; $x = $x - 2 )
$result .= substr ( $hex , $x , 2 );
return $result ;
function binSIDtoText ( $binsid ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
$hex_sid = bin2hex ( $binsid );
$rev = hexdec ( substr ( $hex_sid , 0 , 2 )); // Get revision-part of SID
$subcount = hexdec ( substr ( $hex_sid , 2 , 2 )); // Get count of sub-auth entries
$auth = hexdec ( substr ( $hex_sid , 4 , 12 )); // SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY
$result = " $rev - $auth " ;
for ( $x = 0 ; $x < $subcount ; $x ++ ) {
$subauth [ $x ] = hexdec ( littleEndian ( substr ( $hex_sid , 16 + ( $x * 8 ), 8 ))); // get all SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY
$result .= sprintf ( '-%s' , $subauth [ $x ]);
return $result ;
* Query LDAP and return a hash .
* @ param string The base DN to use .
* @ param string LDAP Query filter .
* @ param string LDAP attribute to use as key .
* @ param array Attributes to use as values .
* @ param boolean Specify false to not sort results by DN
* or true to have the returned array sorted by DN ( uses ksort )
* or an array of attribute names to sort by attribute values
* @ return array Array of values keyed by $key .
function return_ldap_hash ( $base , $filter , $key , $attrs , $sort = true ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
$server = $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getServer ( get_request ( 'server_id' , 'REQUEST' ));
$key = strtolower ( $key );
$query = array ();
$query [ 'base' ] = $base ;
$query [ 'filter' ] = $filter ;
$query [ 'attrs' ] = $attrs ;
$search = $server -> query ( $query , null );
$results = array ();
foreach ( $search as $dn => $values )
if ( isset ( $values [ $key ]))
if ( is_array ( $values [ $key ]))
foreach ( $values [ $key ] as $i => $k )
foreach ( $attrs as $attr ) {
$lattr = strtolower ( $attr );
if ( isset ( $values [ $lattr ])) {
$v = '' ;
if ( is_array ( $values [ $lattr ]) && isset ( $values [ $lattr ][ $i ]))
$v = $values [ $lattr ][ $i ];
if ( is_string ( $v ) && ( strlen ( $v ) > 0 ))
$results [ $k ][ $attr ] = $v ;
foreach ( $attrs as $attr ) {
$lattr = strtolower ( $attr );
if ( isset ( $values [ $lattr ]))
$results [ $values [ $key ]][ $attr ] = $values [ $lattr ];
if ( $sort )
masort ( $results , is_array ( $sort ) ? implode ( ',' , $sort ) : 'dn' );
return $results ;
* This function returns a string automatically generated
* based on the criteria defined in the array $criteria in config . php
function password_generate () {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
$no_use_similiar = ! $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'password' , 'use_similar' );
$lowercase = $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'password' , 'lowercase' );
$uppercase = $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'password' , 'uppercase' );
$digits = $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'password' , 'numbers' );
$punctuation = $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'password' , 'punctuation' );
$length = $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'password' , 'length' );
$outarray = array ();
if ( $no_use_similiar ) {
$raw_lower = 'a b c d e f g h k m n p q r s t u v w x y z' ;
$raw_numbers = '2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9' ;
$raw_punc = '# $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = . , [ ] { } :' ;
} else {
$raw_lower = 'a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z' ;
$raw_numbers = '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0' ;
$raw_punc = '# $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = . , [ ] { } : |' ;
$llower = explode ( ' ' , $raw_lower );
shuffle ( $llower );
$lupper = explode ( ' ' , strtoupper ( $raw_lower ));
shuffle ( $lupper );
$numbers = explode ( ' ' , $raw_numbers );
shuffle ( $numbers );
$punc = explode ( ' ' , $raw_punc );
shuffle ( $punc );
if ( $lowercase > 0 )
$outarray = array_merge ( $outarray , a_array_rand ( $llower , $lowercase ));
if ( $uppercase > 0 )
$outarray = array_merge ( $outarray , a_array_rand ( $lupper , $uppercase ));
if ( $digits > 0 )
$outarray = array_merge ( $outarray , a_array_rand ( $numbers , $digits ));
if ( $punctuation > 0 )
$outarray = array_merge ( $outarray , a_array_rand ( $punc , $punctuation ));
$num_spec = $lowercase + $uppercase + $digits + $punctuation ;
if ( $num_spec < $length ) {
$leftover = array ();
if ( $lowercase > 0 )
$leftover = array_merge ( $leftover , $llower );
if ( $uppercase > 0 )
$leftover = array_merge ( $leftover , $lupper );
if ( $digits > 0 )
$leftover = array_merge ( $leftover , $numbers );
if ( $punctuation > 0 )
$leftover = array_merge ( $leftover , $punc );
if ( count ( $leftover ) == 0 )
$leftover = array_merge ( $leftover , $llower , $lupper , $numbers , $punc );
shuffle ( $leftover );
$outarray = array_merge ( $outarray , a_array_rand ( $leftover , $length - $num_spec ));
shuffle ( $outarray );
$return = implode ( '' , $outarray );
debug_log ( 'Returning (%s)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $return );
return $return ;
* This function returns an array of $num_req values
* randomly picked from the $input array
* @ param array Array of values
* @ param integer Number of values in returned array
* @ return string The padded string
function a_array_rand ( $input , $num_req ) {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
if ( count ( $input ) == 0 )
return array ();
if ( $num_req < 1 )
return array ();
$return = array ();
if ( $num_req > count ( $input )) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $num_req ; $i ++ ) {
$idx = array_rand ( $input , 1 );
$return [] = $input [ $idx ];
} else {
$idxlist = array_rand ( $input , $num_req );
if ( $num_req == 1 )
$idxlist = array ( $idxlist );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $idxlist ); $i ++ )
$return [] = $input [ $idxlist [ $i ]];
debug_log ( 'Returning (%s)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $return );
return $return ;
* This is for Opera . By putting " random junk " in the query string , it thinks
* that it does not have a cached version of the page , and will thus
* fetch the page rather than display the cached version
function random_junk () {
$time = gettimeofday ();
return md5 ( strtotime ( 'now' ) . $time [ 'usec' ]);
* Returns a HTML id that can be used in the URL after the #.
* @ param string The DN to pretty - print .
* @ return string
function htmlid ( $sid , $dn ) {
return sprintf ( 'SID%s:%s' , $sid , preg_replace ( '/[\ =,]/' , '_' , $dn ));
* Is PLA configured for AJAX display
function isAjaxEnabled () {
if ( DEBUG_ENABLED && (( $fargs = func_get_args ()) || $fargs = 'NOARGS' ))
debug_log ( 'Entered (%%)' , 1 , 0 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , __METHOD__ , $fargs );
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ]))
return ( $_SESSION [ APPCONFIG ] -> getValue ( 'appearance' , 'tree' ) == 'AJAXTree' );
return false ;