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This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/lam)
Copyright (C) 2003 Tilo Lutz
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Variables in basearray which are no objects:
* type: Type of account. Can be user, group, host, domain
* attributes: List of all attributes, how to get them and are theiy required or optional
* dn: current DN without uid= or cn=
* dn_orig: old DN if account was loaded with uid= or cn=
/* This class contains all account LDAP attributes
* and funtioncs required to deal with account
* account can only be created when it should be added
* to an array.
* $base is the name of account_container in session
/* Main-Module. Contains basic module functions have to be loaded first before
* any other module. This module doesn't support any ldap functions
* ldap functions in this module are only dummy functions
* It also chooses which page to show.
class main {
// Constructor
function main($base) {
// Set counter to first page
$this->current_page = 0;
// reset subpage counter
$this->subpage = '';
// Get local copy of name of account_container in session
$this->base = $base;
// Set aliasname
$this->alias = _('main');
// Variables
// This variable stores the number of the current displayed page
var $current_page;
// This variable os set to the pagename of a subpage if it should be displayed
var $subpage;
// name of accountContainer so we can read other classes in accuontArray
var $base;
// Alias Name. This name is shown in the menu instead of main
var $alias;
/* This function returns a list with all required modules
function dependencies() {
return array();
function module_ready() {
return true;
// Dummy functions to make module compatible
function load_attributes($attr) {
return 0;
// Dummy functions to make module compatible
function save_attributes() {
return array();
// Dummy functions to make module compatible
function get_attributes() {
return array();
function display_html_attributes($post) {
// Get list of profiles
$function = '$profilelist = get'.ucfirst($_SESSION[$this->base]->type).'Profiles();';
$modules = $_SESSION[$this->base]->check_attributes();
if (count($modules)!=0) {
$disabled = 'disabled';
// Show reason why module is disabled
for ($i=0; $i<count($modules); $i++) StatusMessage('ERROR', _('Check module'), sprintf(_('Please set up all required attributes on %s page'), $_SESSION[$this->base]->module[$modules[$i]]->alias));
else $disabled = '';
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td>" . _('Suffix') . "</td>\n";
echo "<td><select name=\"form_main_suffix\">";
// loop through all suffixes
$function = '$suffix = $_SESSION[$_SESSION[$this->base]->config]->get_'.ucfirst($_SESSION[$this->base]->type).'Suffix();';
foreach ($_SESSION[$_SESSION[$this->base]->ldap]->search_units($suffix) as $suffix) {
if ($_SESSION[$this->base]->dn) {
if ($_SESSION[$this->base]->dn == $suffix) echo "<option selected>$suffix</option>\n";
else echo "<option>$suffix</option>\n";
else echo "<option>$suffix</option>\n";
echo "</select></td>\n";
echo "<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=461\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _('Help') . "</a></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
// Show fieldset with list of all user profiles
if (count($profilelist)!=0) {
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td>" . _("Load profile") . "</td>\n";
echo "<td><select name=\"form_main_selectLoadProfile\">";
foreach ($profilelist as $profile) echo "<option>$profile</option>\n";
echo "</select>\n";
echo "<input name=\"form_main_loadProfile\" type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _('Load Profile') . "\"></td>\n";
echo "<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=421\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _('Help') . "</a></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td>" . _("Save profile") . "</td>\n";
echo "<td><input name=\"form_main_selectSaveProfile\" type=\"text\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"50\">\n";
echo "<input name=\"form_main_saveProfile\" type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _('Save profile') . "\" $disabled ></td>\n";
echo "<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=457\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _('Help') . "</a></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td><input name=\"form_main_create\" type=\"submit\" value=\"";
if ($_SESSION[$this->base]->dn_orig!='') echo _('Modify Account');
else echo _('Create Account');
echo "\" $disabled ></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
return 0;
/* This page will be shown if an account
* has been saved
function display_html_finish($post) {
// Show success message
if ($_SESSION[$this->base]->dn_orig=='') $kind = _('created');
else $kind = _('modified');
$text = sprintf(_('%s has been %s.'), ucfirst($_SESSION[$this->base]->type), $kind);
StatusMessage('INFO', _('LDAP operation successful.'), $text);
// Show rest of page
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
if ($_SESSION[$this->base]->dn_orig=='') {
echo "<td><input name=\"form_main_createagain\" type=\"submit\" value=\"";
echo sprintf(_('Create another %s'), $_SESSION[$this->base]->type);
echo "\"></td>\n";
echo "<td><input name=\"form_main_outputpdf\" type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _('Create PDF file') . "\"></td>\n";
echo "<td><input name=\"form_main_backmain\" type=\"submit\" value=\"";
echo sprintf (_('Back to %s list'), $_SESSION[$this->base]->type);
echo "\"></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
return 0;
/* Write variables into object and do some regexp checks
function proccess_finish($post) {
if ($post['form_main_createagain']) {
// Reset objects
$modules = array_keys($_SESSION[$this->base]->module);
foreach ($modules as $module)
if ($module!='main') unset($_SESSION[$this->base]->module[$module]);
// Reset accountContainer
$_SESSION[$this->base]->dn = '';
$_SESSION[$this->base]->dn_orig = '';
$_SESSION[$this->base]->attributes = array();
$_SESSION[$this->base]->order = array();
$this->current_page = 0;
$this->subpage = '';
// Add all required objects etc.
return 0;
if ($post['form_main_backmain']) {
// Return to *-list
// *** fixme unset accountContainer in session
if ($post['form_main_outputpdf']) {
// Create / display PDf-file
$function = 'create'.ucfirst($_SESSION[$this->base]->type).'PDF(array($_SESSION[$this->base]));';
/* Write variables into object and do some regexp checks
function proccess_attributes($post) {
// change dn
if ($post['form_main_suffix']!='') $_SESSION[$this->base]->dn = $post['form_main_suffix'];
// load profile
if ($post['form_main_selectLoadProfile'] && $post['form_main_loadProfile']) {
// *** fixme load*Profile must return array in the same way ldap_get_attributes does.
$function = '$newattributes = load'.ucfirst($scope).'Profile($post[\'form_main_selectLoadProfile\']);';
// pass newattributes to each module
$modules = array_keys($_SESSION[$this->base]->module);
foreach ($modules as $module) $_SESSION[$this->base]->module[$module]->load_attributes($newattributes);
return 0;
// save account
if ($post['form_main_create']) {
$success = $_SESSION[$this->base]->save_account();
if (is_array($success)) return array($success);
// return name of subpage
return 'finish';
// save profile
if ($post['form_main_saveProfile']) {
if ($post['form_main_selectSaveProfile']=='') $errors[] = array('ERROR', _('Save profile'), _('No profilename given.'));
else {
$function = 'save'.ucfirst($scope).'Profile();';
if ($function) $errors[] = array('INFO', _('Save profile'), _('New profile created.'));
else $errors[] = array('ERROR', _('Save profile'), _('Wrong profilename given.'));
if (is_array($errors)) return $errors;
else return 0;
return 0;