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2014-06-12 17:20:56 +00:00
* Classes and functions for export data from LDAP
* These classes provide differnet export formats.
* @author The phpLDAPadmin development team
* @package phpLDAPadmin
* @see export.php and export_form.php
* Exporter Class
* This class serves as a top level exporter class, which will return
* the correct Export class.
* @package phpLDAPadmin
* @subpackage Export
class Exporter {
# Server ID that the export is linked to
private $server_id;
# Exporter Type
private $template_id;
private $template;
public function __construct($server_id,$template_id) {
$this->server_id = $server_id;
$this->template_id = $template_id;
static function types() {
$type = array();
$details = ExportCSV::getType();
$type[$details['type']] = $details;
$details = ExportDSML::getType();
$type[$details['type']] = $details;
$details = ExportLDIF::getType();
$type[$details['type']] = $details;
$details = ExportVCARD::getType();
$type[$details['type']] = $details;
return $type;
private function accept() {
switch($this->template_id) {
case 'CSV':
$this->template = new ExportCSV();
case 'DSML':
$this->template = new ExportDSML();
case 'LDIF':
$this->template = new ExportLDIF();
case 'VCARD':
$this->template = new ExportVCARD();
public function getTemplate() {
return $this->template;
* Export Class
* This abstract classes provides all the common methods and variables for the
* custom export classes.
* @package phpLDAPadmin
* @subpackage Export
abstract class Export {
# Line Break
protected $br;
# Compress the output
protected $compress;
# Export Results
protected $results;
protected $resultsdata;
protected $items = 0;
* Return this LDAP Server object
* @return object DataStore Server
protected function getServer() {
return $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getServer($this->getServerID());
* Return the LDAP server ID
* @return int Server ID
protected function getServerID() {
return get_request('server_id','REQUEST');
public function accept() {
$server = $this->getServer();
# Get the data to be exported
$query = array();
$base = get_request('dn','REQUEST');
$query['baseok'] = true;
$query['filter'] = get_request('filter','REQUEST',false,'objectclass=*');
$query['scope'] = get_request('scope','REQUEST',false,'base');
$query['deref'] = $_SESSION[APPCONFIG]->getValue('deref','export');
$query['size_limit'] = 0;
$attrs = get_request('attributes','REQUEST');
$attrs = preg_replace('/\s+/','',$attrs);
if ($attrs)
$query['attrs'] = explode(',',$attrs);
$query['attrs'] = array('*');
if (get_request('sys_attr')) {
if (! in_array('*',$query['attrs']))
if (! $base)
$bases = $server->getBaseDN();
$bases = array($base);
foreach ($bases as $base) {
$query['base'] = $base;
$time_start = utime();
$this->results[$base] = $server->query($query,null);
$time_end = utime();
$this->resultsdata[$base]['time'] = round($time_end-$time_start,2);
# If no result, there is a something wrong
if (! $this->results[$base] && $server->getErrorNum(null))
'title'=>_('Encountered an error while performing search.'),
$this->items += count($this->results[$base]);
$this->resultsdata['scope'] = $query['scope'];
$this->resultsdata['filter'] = $query['filter'];
$this->resultsdata['attrs'] = $query['attrs'];
# Other settings
switch (get_request('format','POST',false,'unix')) {
case 'win':
$this->br = "\r\n";
case 'mac':
$this->br = "\r";
case 'unix':
$this->br = "\n";
if (get_request('compress','REQUEST') == 'on')
$this->compress = true;
public function isCompressed() {
return $this->compress;
protected function getHeader() {
$server = $this->getServer();
$type = $this->getType();
$output = '';
$output .= sprintf('# %s: %s%s',_('Search scope'),$this->resultsdata['scope'],$this->br);
$output .= sprintf('# %s: %s%s',_('Search filter'),$this->resultsdata['filter'],$this->br);
$output .= sprintf('# %s: %s%s',_('Total entries'),$this->items,$this->br);
$output .= sprintf('#%s',$this->br);
$output .= sprintf('# Generated by %s (%s) on %s%s',app_name(),get_href('web'),date('F j, Y g:i a'),$this->br);
$output .= sprintf('# Version: %s%s',app_version(),$this->br);
$output .= $this->br;
return $output;
* Helper method to check if the attribute value should be base 64 encoded.
* @param The string to check.
* @return boolean true if the string is safe ascii, false otherwise.
protected function isSafeAscii($str) {
for ($i=0;$i<strlen($str);$i++)
if (ord($str{$i}) < 32 || ord($str{$i}) > 127)
return false;
return true;
* Export entries to CSV
* @package phpLDAPadmin
* @subpackage Export
class ExportCSV extends Export {
private $separator = ',';
private $qualifier = '"';
private $multivalue_separator = ' | ';
private $escapeCode = '"';
static public function getType() {
return array('type'=>'CSV','description' => 'CSV (Spreadsheet)','extension'=>'csv');
function export() {
$server = $this->getServer();
/* Go thru and find all the attribute names first. This is needed, because, otherwise we have
* no idea as to which search attributes were actually populated with data */
$headers = array('dn');
$entries = array();
foreach ($this->results as $base => $results) {
foreach ($results as $dndetails) {
foreach (array_keys($dndetails) as $key)
if (! in_array($key,$headers))
$output = '';
$num_headers = count($headers);
# Print out the headers
for ($i=0; $i<$num_headers; $i++) {
$output .= sprintf('%s%s%s',$this->qualifier,$headers[$i],$this->qualifier);
if ($i < $num_headers-1)
$output .= $this->separator;
# Drop out our DN header.
$output .= $this->br;
# Loop on every entry
foreach ($entries as $index => $entry) {
$dn = $entry['dn'];
$output .= sprintf('%s%s%s%s',$this->qualifier,$this->LdapEscape($dn),$this->qualifier,$this->separator);
# Print the attributes
for ($j=0; $j<$num_headers; $j++) {
$attr = $headers[$j];
$output .= $this->qualifier;
if (array_key_exists($attr,$entry)) {
$binary_attribute = $server->isAttrBinary($attr) ? 1 : 0;
if (! is_array($entry[$attr]))
$attr_values = array($entry[$attr]);
$attr_values = $entry[$attr];
$num_attr_values = count($attr_values);
for ($i=0; $i<$num_attr_values; $i++) {
if ($binary_attribute)
$output .= base64_encode($attr_values[$i]);
$output .= $this->LdapEscape($attr_values[$i]);
if ($i < $num_attr_values-1)
$output .= $this->multivalue_separator;
$output .= $this->qualifier;
if ($j < $num_headers-1)
$output .= $this->separator;
$output .= $this->br;
if ($this->compress)
return gzencode($output);
return $output;
* Function to escape data, where the qualifier happens to also
* be in the data.
private function LdapEscape ($var) {
return str_replace($this->qualifier,$this->escapeCode.$this->qualifier,$var);
* Export entries to DSML v.1
* @package phpLDAPadmin
* @subpackage Export
class ExportDSML extends Export {
static public function getType() {
return array('type'=>'DSML','description' => _('DSML V.1 Export'),'extension'=>'xml');
* Export entries to DSML format
function export() {
$server = $this->getServer();
# Not very elegant, but do the job for the moment as we have just 4 level
$indent = array();
$indent['dir'] = ' ';
$indent['ent'] = ' ';
$indent['att'] = ' ';
$indent['val'] = ' ';
# Print declaration
$output = sprintf('<?xml version="1.0"?>%s',$this->br);
# Print root element
$output .= sprintf('<dsml>%s',$this->br);
# Print info related to this export
$output .= sprintf('<!--%s',$this->br);
$output .= $this->getHeader();
$output .= sprintf('-->%s',$this->br);
$output .= $this->br;
$output .= sprintf('%s<directory-entries>%s',$indent['dir'],$this->br);
# Sift through the entries.
$counter = 0;
foreach ($this->results as $base => $results) {
foreach ($results as $dndetails) {
$dn = $dndetails['dn'];
# Display DN
$output .= sprintf('%s<entry dn="%s">%s',$indent['ent'],htmlspecialchars($dn),$this->br);
# Display the objectClass attributes first
if (isset($dndetails['objectClass'])) {
if (! is_array($dndetails['objectClass']))
$dndetails['objectClass'] = array($dndetails['objectClass']);
$output .= sprintf('%s<objectClass>%s',$indent['att'],$this->br);
foreach ($dndetails['objectClass'] as $ocValue)
$output .= sprintf('%s<oc-value>%s</oc-value>%s',$indent['val'],$ocValue,$this->br);
$output .= sprintf('%s</objectClass>%s',$indent['att'],$this->br);
# Display the attributes
foreach ($dndetails as $key => $attr) {
if (! is_array($attr))
$attr = array($attr);
$output .= sprintf('%s<attr name="%s">%s',$indent['att'],$key,$this->br);
# If the attribute is binary, set the flag $binary_mode to true
$binary_mode = $server->isAttrBinary($key) ? 1 : 0;
foreach ($attr as $value)
$output .= sprintf('%s<value>%s</value>%s',
$indent['val'],($binary_mode ? base64_encode($value) : htmlspecialchars($value)),$this->br);
$output .= sprintf('%s</attr>%s',$indent['att'],$this->br);
$output .= sprintf('%s</entry>%s',$indent['ent'],$this->br);
$output .= sprintf('%s</directory-entries>%s',$indent['dir'],$this->br);
$output .= sprintf('</dsml>%s',$this->br);
if ($this->compress)
return gzencode($output);
return $output;
* Export from LDAP using an LDIF format
* @package phpLDAPadmin
* @subpackage Export
class ExportLDIF extends Export {
# The maximum length of the ldif line
private $line_length = 76;
static public function getType() {
return array('type'=>'LDIF','description' => _('LDIF Export'),'extension'=>'ldif');
* Export entries to LDIF format
public function export() {
if (! $this->results) {
echo _('Nothing to export');
$server = $this->getServer();
$output = $this->getHeader();
# Add our version.
$output .= 'version: 1';
$output .= $this->br;
$output .= $this->br;
# Sift through the entries.
$counter = 0;
foreach ($this->results as $base => $results) {
foreach ($results as $dndetails) {
$dn = $dndetails['dn'];
$title_string = sprintf('# %s %s: %s%s',_('Entry'),$counter,$dn,$this->br);
if (strlen($title_string) > $this->line_length-3)
$title_string = substr($title_string,0,$this->line_length-3).'...'.$this->br;
$output .= $title_string;
# Display dn
if ($this->isSafeAscii($dn))
$output .= $this->multiLineDisplay(sprintf('dn: %s',$dn));
$output .= $this->multiLineDisplay(sprintf('dn:: %s',base64_encode($dn)));
# display the attributes
foreach ($dndetails as $key => $attr) {
if (! is_array($attr))
$attr = array($attr);
foreach ($attr as $value)
if (! $this->isSafeAscii($value) || $server->isAttrBinary($key))
$output .= $this->multiLineDisplay(sprintf('%s:: %s',$key,base64_encode($value)));
$output .= $this->multiLineDisplay(sprintf('%s: %s',$key,$value));
$output .= $this->br;
if ($this->compress)
return gzencode($output);
return $output;
* Helper method to wrap ldif lines
* @param The line to be wrapped if needed.
private function multiLineDisplay($str) {
$length_string = strlen($str);
$length_max = $this->line_length;
$output = '';
while ($length_string > $length_max) {
$output .= substr($str,0,$length_max).$this->br.' ';
$str = substr($str,$length_max,$length_string);
$length_string = strlen($str);
/* Need to do minus one to align on the right
* the first line with the possible following lines
* as these will have an extra space. */
$length_max = $this->line_length-1;
$output .= $str.$this->br;
return $output;
* Export entries to VCARD v2.1
* @package phpLDAPadmin
* @subpackage Export
class ExportVCARD extends Export {
static public function getType() {
return array('type'=>'VCARD','description' => _('VCARD 2.1 Export'),'extension'=>'vcf');
# Mappping one to one attribute
private $mapping = array(
'cn' => 'FN',
'title' => 'TITLE',
'homephone' => 'TEL;HOME',
'mobile' => 'TEL;CELL',
'mail' => 'EMAIL;Internet',
'labeleduri' =>'URL',
'o' => 'ORG',
'audio' => 'SOUND',
'facsmiletelephoneNumber' =>'TEL;WORK;HOME;VOICE;FAX',
'jpegphoto' => 'PHOTO;ENCODING=BASE64',
'businesscategory' => 'ROLE',
'description' => 'NOTE'
private $deliveryAddress = array(
* Export entries to VCARD format
function export() {
$server = $this->getServer();
# Sift through the entries.
foreach ($this->results as $base => $results) {
foreach ($results as $dndetails) {
$dndetails = array_change_key_case($dndetails);
# Check the attributes needed for the delivery address field
$addr = 'ADR:';
foreach ($this->deliveryAddress as $attr) {
if (isset($dndetails[$attr])) {
$addr .= $dndetails[$attr];
$addr .= ';';
$output = sprintf('BEGIN:VCARD%s',$this->br);
# Loop for the attributes
foreach ($dndetails as $key => $attr) {
if (! is_array($attr))
$attr = array($attr);
# If an attribute of the ldap entry exist in the mapping array for vcard
if (isset($this->mapping[$key])) {
# Case of organisation. Need to append the possible ou attribute
if ($key == 'o') {
$output .= sprintf('%s:%s',$this->mapping[$key],$attr[0]);
if (isset($entry['ou']))
foreach ($entry['ou'] as $ou_value)
$output .= sprintf(';%s',$ou_value);
# The attribute is binary. (to do : need to fold the line)
} elseif (in_array($key,array('audio','jpegphoto'))) {
$output .= $this->mapping[$key].':'.$this->br;
$output .= ' '.base64_encode($attr[0]);
} else {
$output .= $this->mapping[$key].':'.$attr[0];
$output .= $this->br;
$output .= sprintf('UID:%s%s',isset($dndetails['entryUUID']) ? $dndetails['entryUUID'] : $dndetails['dn'],$this->br);
$output .= sprintf('VERSION:2.1%s',$this->br);
$output .= sprintf('%s%s',$addr,$this->br);
$output .= sprintf('END:VCARD%s',$this->br);
if ($this->compress)
return gzencode($output);
return $output;