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2014-04-11 20:07:18 +00:00
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license
'use strict';
( function() {
var pathBlockLimitElements = {},
pathBlockElements = {},
// Elements that are considered the "Block limit" in an element path.
for ( tag in CKEDITOR.dtd.$blockLimit ) {
// Exclude from list roots.
if ( !( tag in CKEDITOR.dtd.$list ) )
pathBlockLimitElements[ tag ] = 1;
// Elements that are considered the "End level Block" in an element path.
for ( tag in CKEDITOR.dtd.$block ) {
// Exclude block limits, and empty block element, e.g. hr.
if ( !( tag in CKEDITOR.dtd.$blockLimit || tag in CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty ) )
pathBlockElements[ tag ] = 1;
// Check if an element contains any block element.
function checkHasBlock( element ) {
var childNodes = element.getChildren();
for ( var i = 0, count = childNodes.count(); i < count; i++ ) {
var child = childNodes.getItem( i );
if ( child.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[ child.getName() ] )
return true;
return false;
* Retrieve the list of nodes walked from the start node up to the editable element of the editor.
* @class
* @constructor Creates an element path class instance.
* @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} startNode From which the path should start.
* @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} root To which element the path should stop, defaults to the `body` element.
CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath = function( startNode, root ) {
var block = null,
blockLimit = null,
elements = [],
e = startNode,
// Backward compact.
root = root || startNode.getDocument().getBody();
do {
if ( e.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) {
elements.push( e );
if ( !this.lastElement ) {
this.lastElement = e;
// If an object or non-editable element is fully selected at the end of the element path,
// it must not become the block limit.
if ( e.is( CKEDITOR.dtd.$object ) || e.getAttribute( 'contenteditable' ) == 'false' )
if ( e.equals( root ) )
if ( !blockLimit ) {
elementName = e.getName();
// First editable element becomes a block limit, because it cannot be split.
if ( e.getAttribute( 'contenteditable' ) == 'true' )
blockLimit = e;
// "Else" because element cannot be both - block and block levelimit.
else if ( !block && pathBlockElements[ elementName ] )
block = e;
if ( pathBlockLimitElements[ elementName ] ) {
// End level DIV is considered as the block, if no block is available. (#525)
// But it must NOT be the root element (checked above).
if ( !block && elementName == 'div' && !checkHasBlock( e ) )
block = e;
blockLimit = e;
while ( ( e = e.getParent() ) );
// Block limit defaults to root.
if ( !blockLimit )
blockLimit = root;
* First non-empty block element which:
* * is not a {@link CKEDITOR.dtd#$blockLimit},
* * or is a `div` which does not contain block elements and is not a `root`.
* This means a first, splittable block in elements path.
* @readonly
* @property {CKEDITOR.dom.element}
this.block = block;
* See the {@link CKEDITOR.dtd#$blockLimit} description.
* @readonly
* @property {CKEDITOR.dom.element}
this.blockLimit = blockLimit;
* The root of the elements path - `root` argument passed to class constructor or a `body` element.
* @readonly
* @property {CKEDITOR.dom.element}
this.root = root;
* An array of elements (from `startNode` to `root`) in the path.
* @readonly
* @property {CKEDITOR.dom.element[]}
this.elements = elements;
* The last element of the elements path - `startNode` or its parent.
* @readonly
* @property {CKEDITOR.dom.element} lastElement
} )();
CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath.prototype = {
* Compares this element path with another one.
* @param {CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath} otherPath The elementPath object to be
* compared with this one.
* @returns {Boolean} `true` if the paths are equal, containing the same
* number of elements and the same elements in the same order.
compare: function( otherPath ) {
var thisElements = this.elements;
var otherElements = otherPath && otherPath.elements;
if ( !otherElements || thisElements.length != otherElements.length )
return false;
for ( var i = 0; i < thisElements.length; i++ ) {
if ( !thisElements[ i ].equals( otherElements[ i ] ) )
return false;
return true;
* Search the path elements that meets the specified criteria.
* @param {String/Array/Function/Object/CKEDITOR.dom.element} query The criteria that can be
* either a tag name, list (array and object) of tag names, element or an node evaluator function.
* @param {Boolean} [excludeRoot] Not taking path root element into consideration.
* @param {Boolean} [fromTop] Search start from the topmost element instead of bottom.
* @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The first matched dom element or `null`.
contains: function( query, excludeRoot, fromTop ) {
var evaluator;
if ( typeof query == 'string' )
evaluator = function( node ) {
return node.getName() == query;
if ( query instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element )
evaluator = function( node ) {
return node.equals( query );
else if ( CKEDITOR.tools.isArray( query ) )
evaluator = function( node ) {
return CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( query, node.getName() ) > -1;
else if ( typeof query == 'function' )
evaluator = query;
else if ( typeof query == 'object' )
evaluator = function( node ) {
return node.getName() in query;
var elements = this.elements,
length = elements.length;
excludeRoot && length--;
if ( fromTop ) {
elements = Array.prototype.slice.call( elements, 0 );
for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
if ( evaluator( elements[ i ] ) )
return elements[ i ];
return null;
* Check whether the elements path is the proper context for the specified
* tag name in the DTD.
* @param {String} tag The tag name.
* @returns {Boolean}
isContextFor: function( tag ) {
var holder;
// Check for block context.
if ( tag in CKEDITOR.dtd.$block ) {
// Indeterminate elements which are not subjected to be splitted or surrounded must be checked first.
var inter = this.contains( CKEDITOR.dtd.$intermediate );
holder = inter || ( this.root.equals( this.block ) && this.block ) || this.blockLimit;
return !!holder.getDtd()[ tag ];
return true;
* Retrieve the text direction for this elements path.
* @returns {'ltr'/'rtl'}
direction: function() {
var directionNode = this.block || this.blockLimit || this.root;
return directionNode.getDirection( 1 );