support multi-value selects

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Roland Gruber 2016-02-13 14:29:25 +00:00
parent a02441f0ab
commit 0bbf26bc17
1 changed files with 75 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1400,6 +1400,81 @@ abstract class baseModule {
$this->attributes[$attrName] = array_values(array_unique($this->attributes[$attrName]));
* Adds a select field type that may contain multiple values to the given htmlTable.
* The field name will be the same as the attribute name plus a counting number (e.g. street_0).
* The last field will be followed by a button to add a new value. This is named add_{attribute name} (e.g. add_street).
* There must be a help entry with the attribute name as ID.
* A new line will also be added after this entry so multiple calls will show the fields one below the other.
* @param htmlTable $container parent container
* @param String $attrName attribute name
* @param String $label label name
* @param array $options options for the selects
* @param boolean $hasDescriptiveOptions has descriptive options
* @param boolean $required this is a required field (default false)
* @param integer $fieldSize field size
* @param array $htmlIDs reference to array where to add the generated HTML IDs of the input fields
protected function addMultiValueSelectField(&$container, $attrName, $label, $options, $hasDescriptiveOptions = false,
$required = false, $fieldSize = 1, &$htmlIDs = null) {
$values = array();
if (isset($this->attributes[$attrName][0])) {
$values = $this->attributes[$attrName];
if (sizeof($values) == 0) {
$values[] = '';
$values = array_values($values);
if ($label !== null) {
$labelTextOut = new htmlOutputText($label);
$labelTextOut->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_TOP;
$subContainer = new htmlTable();
$subContainer->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_TOP;
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($values); $i++) {
$input = new htmlSelect($attrName . '_' . $i, $options, array($values[$i]), $fieldSize);
if (!empty($htmlIDs)) {
$htmlIDs[] = $attrName . '_' . $i;
if (!empty($values[$i])) {
$subContainer->addElement(new htmlButton('del_' . $attrName . '_' . $i, 'del.png', true));
if ($i == 0) {
$subContainer->addElement(new htmlButton('add_' . $attrName, 'add.png', true));
$help = new htmlHelpLink($attrName);
$help->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_TOP;
$container->addElement($help, true);
* Validates a multi-value select field.
* The select fields must be created with function addMultiValueSelectField().
* @param String $attrName attribute name
protected function processMultiValueSelectField($attrName) {
$counter = 0;
while (isset($_POST[$attrName . '_' . $counter])) {
$this->attributes[$attrName][$counter] = trim($_POST[$attrName . '_' . $counter]);
if (($this->attributes[$attrName][$counter] == '') || isset($_POST['del_' . $attrName . '_' . $counter])) {
if (isset($_POST['add_' . $attrName])) {
$this->attributes[$attrName][] = '';
$this->attributes[$attrName] = array_values(array_unique($this->attributes[$attrName]));
* Adds a simple text input field for the self service.
* The field name will be the same as the class name plus "_" plus attribute name (e.g. posixAccount_cn).