LDAP isn't needed in lamdaemon.pl anymore because we authenicate

via ssh now
sudo will make sure only valid users are able to run lamdaemon.pl
This commit is contained in:
katagia 2003-09-20 13:01:09 +00:00
parent d0a0ae0b3c
commit 3794485199
2 changed files with 113 additions and 141 deletions

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@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ thins to get it work.
Th install them, run:
perl -MCPAN -e shell
install Quota
install Net::LDAP
install Net::SSH::Perl
Please answer all questions to describe your system
Every additional needed module should be installed
LDAP isn't used in perl anymore
I installed Math::Pari, a needed module, by hand.
I had many problems to install Math::Pari, a module needed

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@ -24,20 +24,11 @@
# Configure-Options
# change only variables starting from here
# list of valid admins
@admins = ('cn=Manager,dc=my-domain,dc=com',
$server_ldap=""; # IP or DNS of ldap-server
$server_ssh=""; # IP or DNS of host to create homedirs, quota, ....
$server_ssh_ident = "/var/lib/wwwrun/.ssh/id_dsa"; # SSH-Key to use
$path = "/srv/www/htdocs/lam/lib/lamdaemon.pl"; # path to ldap on remote-host
$server_ldap_port='389'; # Port used from ldap
$server_tls='no'; # Use TLS?
$server_tls_verify='require'; # none,optional or require a valid server certificated
$server_tls_clientcert=''; # path to client certificate
$server_tls_clientkey=''; # path to client certificate
$server_tls_decryptkey=''; # To to decrypt clientkey
$server_tls_cafile='/etc/certificates/ca.cert'; # Path to CA-File
$debug=true; # Show debug messages
# Don't change anything below this line
@ -45,7 +36,6 @@ $debug=true; # Show debug messages
use Quota; # Needed to get and set quotas
use Net::LDAP; # Needed to connect to ldap-server
#use strict; # Use strict for security reasons
@ -93,25 +83,8 @@ sub get_fs { # Load mountpoints from mtab if enabled quotas
if ($( == 0 ) {
# Drop root Previleges
($<, $>) = ($>, $<);
foreach my $admin (@admins) { # Check if user is admin
if ($admin eq $vals[0]) { $found=true; }
if ($found==true) {
# Connect to ldap-server and check if password is valid.
$ldap = Net::LDAP->new($server_ldap, port => $server_ldap_port, version => 3) or die ('Can\'t connect to ldapserver.');
if ($server_tls eq 'yes') {
$mesg = $ldap->start_tls(
verify => $server_tls_verify,
clientcert => $server_tls_clientcert,
clientkey => $server_tls_clientkey,
decrypte => sub { $server_tls_decryptkey; },
cafile => $server_tls_cafile);
$result = $ldap->bind (dn => $vals[0], password => $vals[1]) ;
$ldap->unbind(); # Close ldap connection.
if (!$result->code) { # password is valid
# Drop root Previleges
($<, $>) = ($>, $<);
switch: {
# Get user information
if (($vals[5] eq 'u') || ($vals[3] eq 'home')) { @user = getpwnam($vals[2]); }
@ -141,8 +114,10 @@ if ($found==true) {
($<, $>) = ($>, $<); # Get root previliges
if (-d $user[7]) {
system 'rm', '-R', $user[7]; # Delete Homedirectory
if (-e '/usr/sbin/userdel.local') {
system '/usr/sbin/userdel.local', $user[0];
($<, $>) = ($>, $<); # Give up root previleges
last switch2;
@ -212,13 +187,10 @@ if ($found==true) {
last switch;
last switch;
print "$return\n";
else { $return = "Invalid Password"; }
else { $return = "Invalid User"; }
print "$return\n";
else {
use Net::SSH::Perl;
@username = split (',', $vals[0]);