added group PDF, display attribute names bold and values normal
This commit is contained in:
@ -53,47 +53,48 @@ function createUserPDF($accounts) {
$key = base64_decode($_COOKIE['Key']);
// Print Personal settings
$pdfFile->Write(5,"- " . _("Personal User Infos") . ":");
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Title") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Surname") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Given name") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Street") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Postal code") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Postal address") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("E-Mail") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Phone") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Cellular phone") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Facsimile") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Facsimile") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
// Print Unix settings
@ -101,15 +102,14 @@ function createUserPDF($accounts) {
$pdfFile->Write(5,"- " . _("Unix User Settings") . ":");
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Username") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Username") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
if($account->unix_password_no == "1") {
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Unix password") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Unix password") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Unix password disabled!"),0,1,"L",0);
elseif($account->unix_password == "") {
@ -117,58 +117,57 @@ function createUserPDF($accounts) {
else {
$account->unix_password = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, base64_decode($account->unix_password), MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv);
$account->unix_password = str_replace(chr(00), '', $account->unix_password);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Unix password") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Unix password") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Group(s)") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$text = $account->general_group;
$groups = $account->general_groupadd;
for($j=0;$j<count($groups);$j++) {
$text .= ", " . $groups[$j];
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Home Directory") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Home Directory") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Login Shell") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$text = "";
$shells = $account->general_shell;
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Password expire") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,date('j. F Y' ,$account->unix_pwdexpire),0,1,"L",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Login at host(s)") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,date('j. F Y' ,$account->unix_pwdexpire),0,1,"L",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Login at host(s)") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
// Print Samba settings
$pdfFile->Write(5,"- " . _("Windows User Settings") . ":");
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Username") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Username") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
if($account->smb_password_no == "1") {
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Windows password") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Windows password") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Window password disabled!"),0,1,"L",0);
elseif($account->smb_useunixpwd == "1") {
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Windows password") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Windows password") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Windows password set to unix password."),0,1,"L",0);
elseif($account->smb_password == "") {
@ -176,34 +175,34 @@ function createUserPDF($accounts) {
else {
$account->smb_password = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, base64_decode($account->smb_password), MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv);
$account->smb_password = str_replace(chr(00), '', $account->smb_password);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Windows password") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Windows password") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Home drive") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Script path") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Profile path") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Login at workstation(s)") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Windows home directory") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Windows Domain") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Windows Domain") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
if($_SESSION['config']->get_samba3() == "yes") {
$account->smb_domain = $account->smb_domain->name;
@ -213,9 +212,9 @@ function createUserPDF($accounts) {
$pdfFile->Write(5,"- " . _("Quota Settings") . ":");
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("User quota(s)") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("User quota(s)") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$quotas = $account->quota;
if(count($quotas)>0) {
@ -236,16 +235,13 @@ function createUserPDF($accounts) {
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("No user quotas defined or no quota support by filesystem."),0,1,"L",0);
// Close document and send it to the browser
// $pdfFile->Close();
// $pdfFile->Output();
// Close PDF
// Delete old PDF older than 3 min
$relpath = $_SESSION['lampath'].'tmp/';
while ($file=readdir($h)) {
@ -258,18 +254,14 @@ function createUserPDF($accounts) {
// Close PDF
// use timestamp as filename so it should be unique.
// use timestamp and random number from as filename so it should be unique.
$time = time();
$filename = $relpath. $time .'.pdf';
$fileurl = $_SESSION['lamurl'].'templates/getpdf.php?&f='.$_SESSION['lampath'] .'tmp/'. $time .'.pdf';
$filename = $relpath . $_SESSION['ldap']->rand . $time .'.pdf';
$fileurl = $_SESSION['lamurl'] . 'templates/getpdf.php?&f=' . $_SESSION['lampath'] . 'tmp/' . $_SESSION['ldap']->rand . $time .'.pdf';
// Save PDF
// Create redirector page
echo $_SESSION['header'];
echo "<html><head><title>";
echo _("PDF File");
@ -308,24 +300,24 @@ function createHostPDF($accounts) {
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Description") . ": ");
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Description") . ": ");
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("UID") . ": ");
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("UID") . ": ");
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Primary group") . ": ");
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Primary group") . ": ");
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Domain") . ": ");
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Domain") . ": ");
if (is_string($account->smb_domain)) {
$domain = $account->smb_domain;
@ -335,9 +327,9 @@ function createHostPDF($accounts) {
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("DN") . ": ");
// print second column
if ($accounts[$i+1]) {
@ -350,27 +342,27 @@ function createHostPDF($accounts) {
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Description") . ": ");
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Description") . ": ");
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("UID") . ": ");
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("UID") . ": ");
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Primary group") . ": ");
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Primary group") . ": ");
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Domain") . ": ");
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Domain") . ": ");
if (is_string($account->smb_domain)) {
$domain = $account->smb_domain;
@ -381,9 +373,9 @@ function createHostPDF($accounts) {
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("DN") . ": ");
// space between two rows
@ -414,15 +406,14 @@ function createHostPDF($accounts) {
// use timestamp as filename so it should be unique.
// use timestamp and random number from as filename so it should be unique.
$time = time();
$filename = $relpath. $time .'.pdf';
$fileurl = $_SESSION['lamurl'].'templates/getpdf.php?&f='.$_SESSION['lampath'] .'tmp/'. $time .'.pdf';
$filename = $relpath . $_SESSION['ldap']->rand . $time . '.pdf';
$fileurl = $_SESSION['lamurl'] . 'templates/getpdf.php?&f=' . $_SESSION['lampath'] . 'tmp/'. $_SESSION['ldap']->rand . $time .'.pdf';
// Save PDF
// Create redirector page
echo $_SESSION['header'];
echo "<html><head><title>";
echo _("PDF File");
@ -439,6 +430,111 @@ function createHostPDF($accounts) {
return 0; // 0 means everything successful; page(s) printed
// creates a PDF with groups
// $accounts: array of account
function createGroupPDF($accounts) {
// Start PDF file
$pdfFile = new lamHostPDF();
// Write some information into the PDF file
$pdfFile->setTitle("LDAP Account Manager");
$pdfFile->setSubject(_("Samba-Host information page"));
$pdfFile->setAuthor("LDAP Account Manager Devel-Team -Roland Gruber-");
$pdfFile->setCreator("LDAP Account Manager (");
// print host accounts
for($i = 0; $i < count($accounts); $i++) {
$account = $accounts[$i];
$ypos = $pdfFile->GetY();
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Description") . ": ");
if ($account->smb_displayname) {
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Display name") . ": ");
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("GID") . ": ");
if ($account->domain) {
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Domain") . ": ");
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("DN") . ": ");
if (is_array($account->unix_memberUid)) {
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Members") . ": ");
$pdfFile->Write(5,implode(", ", $account->unix_memberUid));
// space between two rows
if ($i < count($accounts) - 1) {
// Close PDF
// Delete old PDF older than 3 min
$relpath = $_SESSION['lampath'].'tmp/';
while ($file=readdir($h)) {
if (substr($file, -4)=='.pdf') {
$path = $relpath.$file;
if ($t-filemtime($path)>180)
// use timestamp and random number from as filename so it should be unique.
$time = time();
$filename = $relpath . $_SESSION['ldap']->rand . $time . '.pdf';
$fileurl = $_SESSION['lamurl'] . 'templates/getpdf.php?&f=' . $_SESSION['lampath'] . 'tmp/'. $_SESSION['ldap']->rand . $time .'.pdf';
// Save PDF
// Create redirector page
echo $_SESSION['header'];
echo "<html><head><title>";
echo _("PDF File");
echo "</title>\n".
"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"".$_SESSION['lamurl']."style/layout.css\">\n".
"<meta http-equiv=\"pragma\" content=\"no-cache\">\n".
"<meta http-equiv=\"cache-control\" content=\"no-cache\">\n".
"<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"2; URL=$fileurl\">\n".
"<a href=\"$fileurl\">";
echo _('Please press here if meta-refresh didn\'t work.');
echo "</a></body></html>";
return 0; // 0 means everything successful; page(s) printed
// lamPDF class || For defining own a Header and Footer
class lamPDF extends FPDF {
// Print page header
@ -449,7 +545,7 @@ class lamPDF extends FPDF {
$this->Cell(170,5,"LDAP Account Manager",0,1,"R",0);
$this->Cell(170,5,"-" . _("User information page") . "-",0,0,"R",0);
$this->Cell(170,5,"- " . _("User information page") . " -",0,0,"R",0);
@ -466,6 +562,7 @@ class lamPDF extends FPDF {
// lamHostPDF class || For defining own a Header and Footer
class lamHostPDF extends FPDF {
// Print page header
@ -476,7 +573,7 @@ class lamHostPDF extends FPDF {
$this->Cell(170,5,"LDAP Account Manager",0,1,"R",0);
$this->Cell(170,5,"-" . _("Samba-Host information page") . "-",0,0,"R",0);
$this->Cell(170,5,"- " . _("Samba-Host information page") . " -",0,0,"R",0);
@ -495,3 +592,35 @@ class lamHostPDF extends FPDF {
// lamGroupPDF class || For defining own Header and Footer
class lamGroupPDF extends FPDF {
// Print page header
function header() {
$imageFile = substr(__FILE__,0,strlen(__FILE__)- 11) . "graphics/printLogo.jpg";
$this->Cell(170,5,"LDAP Account Manager",0,1,"R",0);
$this->Cell(170,5,"- " . _("Group information page") . " -",0,0,"R",0);
// Print page footer
function footer() {
$this->Cell(0,5,_("This document was automatically created by LDAP Account Manager"),0,0,"C",0);
Reference in New Issue