use more metaHTML
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-15"><title>Upgrade notes</title>
@ -37,6 +38,12 @@ This is a list of API changes for all LAM releases.
<li>function <span style="font-weight: bold;">doUploadPostActions() </span>contains attributes by reference<span style="font-weight: bold;"><br>
List interface:<br>
<li>new function: <span style="font-weight: bold;">addExtraInputElementsToTopArea()</span></li>
<li><span style="font-weight: bold;">listShowOUSelection()</span> now returns a <span style="font-style: italic;">htmlGroup</span><br>
<h2>3.8 -> 3.9</h2>
Module interface:<br>
@ -669,10 +669,12 @@ class lamList {
* Prints a combobox with possible sub-DNs.
* @return htmlGroup OU selection (may be empty)
protected function listShowOUSelection() {
$group = new htmlGroup();
if (sizeof($this->possibleSuffixes) > 1) {
$group = new htmlGroup();
$suffixList = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->possibleSuffixes); $i++) {
$suffixList[getAbstractDN($this->possibleSuffixes[$i])] = $this->possibleSuffixes[$i];
@ -684,64 +686,69 @@ class lamList {
$group->addElement(new htmlSpacer('5px', null));
parseHtml(null, $group, array(), true, $this->tabindex, $this->type);
return $group;
* Prints the create and delete buttons.
* @param boolean $createOnly true if only the create button should be displayed
* @param int $tabindex HTML tabindex counter
protected function listPrintButtons($createOnly) {
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td align=\"left\">\n";
$table = new htmlTable('100%');
$left = new htmlGroup();
// button part
$left->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_LEFT;
if (checkIfWriteAccessIsAllowed()) {
// add/delete buttons
echo "<button id=\"newButton\" name=\"new\">" . $this->labels['newEntry'] . "</button>\n";
$newButton = new htmlButton('new', $this->labels['newEntry']);
if (!$createOnly) {
echo "<button id=\"delButton\" name=\"del\">" . $this->labels['deleteEntry'] . "</button>\n";
$left->addElement(new htmlSpacer('1px', null));
$delButton = new htmlButton('del', $this->labels['deleteEntry']);
$type = new $this->type();
$toolSettings = $_SESSION['config']->getToolSettings();
if ($type->supportsFileUpload() && !(isset($toolSettings['tool_hide_toolFileUpload']) && ($toolSettings['tool_hide_toolFileUpload'] == 'true'))) {
echo ' ';
echo "<button id=\"fileUploadButton\" name=\"fileUpload\">" . _('File upload') . "</button>\n";
$left->addElement(new htmlSpacer('20px', null));
$uploadButton = new htmlButton('fileUpload', _('File upload'));
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
icons: {
primary: 'createButton'
icons: {
primary: 'deleteButton'
icons: {
primary: 'upButton'
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td align=\"right\">\n";
echo "<input class=\"smallImageButton align-middle\" style=\"background-image: url(../../graphics/refresh.png);\" type=\"submit\" value=\" \" name=\"refresh\" title=\"" . _("Refresh") . "\">";
echo ' <a class="align-middle" href="#" onclick="listShowSettingsDialog(\'' . _('Change list settings') . '\', \'' . _('Ok') . '\', \'' . _('Cancel') . '\');">';
echo '<img height=16 width=16 src="../../graphics/tools.png" alt="' . _('Change settings') . '" title="' . _('Change settings') . '">';
echo '</a>';
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
// OU selection and settings
$right = new htmlGroup();
$right->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_RIGHT;
$refreshButton = new htmlButton('refresh', 'refresh.png', true);
$right->addElement(new htmlSpacer('1px', null));
$settingsLink = new htmlLink('', '#', '../../graphics/tools.png');
$settingsLink->setOnClick('listShowSettingsDialog(\'' . _('Change list settings') . '\', \'' . _('Ok') . '\', \'' . _('Cancel') . '\');');
$settingsLink->setTitle(_('Change settings'));
$this->addExtraInputElementsToTopArea($left, $right);
parseHtml(null, $table, array(), false, $this->tabindex, $this->type);
* Can be used by subclasses to add e.g. additional buttons to the top area.
* @param htmlGroup $left left part
* @param htmlGroup $right right part
protected function addExtraInputElementsToTopArea(&$left, &$right) {
// only used by subclasses
@ -233,67 +233,19 @@ class lamDHCPList extends lamList {
* Prints the create, delete and PDF buttons.
* Add DCP main settings button.
* @param boolean $createOnly true if only the create button should be displayed
* @param htmlGroup $left left part
* @param htmlGroup $right right part
function listPrintButtons($createOnly) {
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td align=\"left\">\n";
protected function addExtraInputElementsToTopArea(&$left, &$right) {
if (checkIfWriteAccessIsAllowed()) {
// add/delete buttons
echo ("<button id=\"newButton\" name=\"new\">" . $this->labels['newEntry'] . "</button>\n");
if (!$createOnly) {
echo ("<button id=\"delButton\" name=\"del\">" . $this->labels['deleteEntry'] . "</button>\n");
$toolSettings = $_SESSION['config']->getToolSettings();
if (!(isset($toolSettings['tool_hide_toolFileUpload']) && ($toolSettings['tool_hide_toolFileUpload'] == 'true'))) {
echo ' ';
echo "<button id=\"fileUploadButton\" name=\"fileUpload\">" . _('File upload') . "</button>\n";
echo ' ';
echo ("<button id=\"dhcpDefaultsButton\" name=\"dhcpDefaults\">" . $this->labels['dhcpDefaults'] . "</button>\n");
echo " ";
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
icons: {
primary: 'createButton'
icons: {
primary: 'deleteButton'
icons: {
primary: 'upButton'
icons: {
primary: 'settingsButton'
$left->addElement(new htmlSpacer('20px', null));
$dhcpButton = new htmlButton('dhcpDefaults', $this->labels['dhcpDefaults']);
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td align=\"right\">\n";
echo "<input class=\"smallImageButton\" style=\"background-image: url(../../graphics/refresh.png);\" type=\"submit\" value=\" \" name=\"refresh\" title=\"" . _("Refresh") . "\">";
echo ' <a href="#" onclick="listShowSettingsDialog(\'' . _('Change list settings') . '\', \'' . _('Ok') . '\', \'' . _('Cancel') . '\');">';
echo '<img height=16 width=16 src="../../graphics/tools.png" alt="' . _('Change settings') . '" title="' . _('Change settings') . '">';
echo '</a>';
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
Reference in New Issue