diff --git a/lam/docs/manual-sources/howto.xml b/lam/docs/manual-sources/howto.xml
index bdf7827c..06b8214e 100644
--- a/lam/docs/manual-sources/howto.xml
+++ b/lam/docs/manual-sources/howto.xml
@@ -6674,441 +6674,444 @@ OK (10 msec)
This is a list of input fields you may add to the self service
Self service fields
+ Self service fields
+ Account
+ type
Account type
+ Option
+ Description
+ Asterisk (voicemail)
- Asterisk (voicemail)
+ Sync Asterisk password with Unix password
Sync Asterisk password with Unix password
+ This is a hidden field. It will update the Asterisk
+ password each time the Unix password is changed.
This is a hidden field. It will update the Asterisk password
- each time the Unix password is changed.
+ Kerberos
- Kerberos
+ Sync Kerberos password with Unix password
Sync Kerberos password with Unix password
+ This is a hidden field. It will update the Kerberos
+ password each time the Unix password is changed.
This is a hidden field. It will update the Kerberos password
- each time the Unix password is changed.
+ Kolab
- Kolab
+ Delegates
+ Allows to manage delegate permissions
Allows to manage delegate permissions
+ Invitation policy
Invitation policy
+ Invitation policy management
Invitation policy management
+ Password policy
- Password policy
+ Last password change
Last password change
+ read-only
+ Password self reset
- Password self reset
+ Question
+ Security question selection
Security question selection
+ Answer
+ Security answer
Security answer
+ Backup email
Backup email
+ (External) backup email address that has no relation to
+ user password.
(External) backup email address that has no relation to user
- password.
+ Personal
- Personal
+ Business category
Business category
+ Car license
Car license
+ Department
+ Email address
Email address
+ Fax number
Fax number
+ First name
First name
+ Home telephone number
Home telephone number
+ Initials
+ Job title
Job title
+ Last name
Last name
+ Location
+ Mobile number
Mobile number
+ Office name
Office name
+ Photo
+ Shows the user photo if set. The user may also remove
+ the photo or upload a new one.
Shows the user photo if set. The user may also remove the
- photo or upload a new one.
+ Postal address
Postal address
+ Postal code
Postal code
+ Post office box
Post office box
+ Registered address
Registered address
+ Room number
Room number
+ State
+ Street
+ Telephone number
Telephone number
+ User certificates
User certificates
+ Upload of user certificates in PEM or DER
+ format
Upload of user certificates in PEM or DER format
+ Web site
Web site
+ Samba 3
- Samba 3
+ Password
+ Input field to set a new NT/LM password. The attribute
+ "sambaPwdLastSet" is updated if it existed before.
Input field to set a new NT/LM password. The attribute
- "sambaPwdLastSet" is updated if it existed before.
+ Sync Samba LM password with Unix password
Sync Samba LM password with Unix password
+ This is a hidden field. It will update the Samba LM
+ password each time the Unix password is changed.
This is a hidden field. It will update the Samba LM password
- each time the Unix password is changed.
+ Sync Samba NT password with Unix password
Sync Samba NT password with Unix password
+ This is a hidden field. It will update the Samba NT
+ password each time the Unix password is changed.
This is a hidden field. It will update the Samba NT password
- each time the Unix password is changed.
+ Update attribute "sambaPwdLastSet" on password
+ change
Update attribute "sambaPwdLastSet" on password change
+ Updates the password timestamp when password is
+ synchronized with Unix.
Updates the password timestamp when password is synchronized
- with Unix.
+ Last password change (read-only)
Last password change (read-only)
+ Displays the date and time of the user's last password
+ change.
Displays the date and time of the user's last password
- change.
+ Shadow
- Shadow
+ Last password change (read-only)
Last password change (read-only)
+ Displays the date and time of the user's last password
+ change (Unix).
Displays the date and time of the user's last password
- change (Unix).
+ Windows
- Windows
+ Password
+ Change the user's password
Change the user's password
+ Location
+ Office name
Office name
+ Postal code
Postal code
+ Post office box
Post office box
+ State
+ Street
+ Telephone number
Telephone number
+ Web site
Web site
+ Unix
- Unix
+ Common name
Common name
+ Login shell
Login shell
+ Password
+ This is also the source for several password
+ synchronization options.
This is also the source for several password synchronization
- options.
+ Zarafa
- Zarafa
+ "Send as" privileges
"Send as" privileges
+ Define user who may send mails as this user
Define user who may send mails as this user
+ Email aliases
Email aliases
+ Email aliases
Email aliases
+ PyKota
- PyKota
+ Balance (read-only)
Balance (read-only)
+ Current balance for printing
Current balance for printing
+ Total paid (read-only)
Total paid (read-only)
+ Total money paid
Total money paid
+ Payment history
Payment history
+ History of user payments
History of user payments
+ Job history
Job history
History of printed jobs
+ History of printed jobs
@@ -7125,650 +7128,644 @@ OK (10 msec)
- Password self reset
- Schema installation
- Please install the LDAP schema as described here.
- Settings
- You can allow your users to reset their passwords themselves.
- This will reduce your administrative costs for cases where users
- forget their passwords.
- To enable this feature please activate the checkbox "Enable
- password self reset link".
- Hint: Plese note that LAM Pro
- uses security questions by default. Activate confirmation mails and
- then deactivate security questions if you want to use only email
- validation.
- You can now configure the minimum answer length for password
- reset answers. This is checked when you allow you users to specify
- their answers via the self service. Additionally, you can specify
- the text of the password reset link (default: "Forgot password?").
- The link is displayed below the password field on the self service
- login page.
- Next, please enter the DN and password of an LDAP entry that
- is allowed to reset the passwords. This entry needs write access to
- the attributes shadowLastChange, pwdAccountLockedTime and
- userPassword. It also needs read access to uid, mail,
- passwordSelfResetQuestion and passwordSelfResetAnswer. Please note
- that LAM Pro saves the password on your server file system.
- Therefore, it is required to protect your server against
- unauthorised access.
- Please also specify the list of password reset questions that
- the user can choose.
- Please note that self service and LAM admin interface are
- separated functionalities. You need to specify the list of possible
- security questions in both self service profile(s) and server
- profile(s).
- You can inform your users via mail about their password
- change. The mail can include the new password by using the special
- wildcard "@@newPassword@@". Additionally, you may want to insert
- other wildcards that are replaced by the corresponding LDAP
- attributes. E.g. "@@uid@@" will be replaced by the user name. Please
- see email format option in case of
- broken mails. See here for setting
- up your SMTP server.
- LAM Pro can send your users an email with a confirmation link
- to validate their email address. Of course, this should only be used
- if the email account is independent from the user password (e.g. at
- external provider) or you use the backup email address feature. The
- mail body must include the confirmation link by using the special
- wildcard "@@resetLink@@". Additionally, you may want to insert other
- wildcards that are replaced by the corresponding LDAP attributes.
- E.g. "@@uid@@" will be replaced by the user name.
- There is also an option to skip the security question at all
- if email verification is enabled. In this case the password can be
- reset directly after clicking on the confirmation link. Please
- handle with care since anybody with access to the user's mail
- account can reset the password.
- Troubleshooting:
- If you get messages like "Unable to find user account." this
- can have multiple reasons:
- security questions enabled but no security question and/or
- answer set for this user
- user name + email combination does not exist
- no connection to LDAP server
- Turn on logging in LAM's main configuration settings. The
- exact reason is logged on notice level.
- New fields for self service
- page
- There are special fields that you may put on the self service
- page for your users. These fields allow them to change the reset
- question and its answer. It is also possible to set a backup email
- address to reset passwords with an external email address.
- This is an example how can be presented to your users on the
- self service page:
- Password reset link
- After activating the password self reset feature there will be
- a new link on the self service login page. The text can be
- configured as described above (default: "Forgot password?").
- When a user clicks on the link then he will be asked for
- identification with his user name and email address.
- LAM Pro will use this information to find the correct LDAP
- entry of this user. It then displays the user's security question
- and input fields for his new password. If the answer is correct then
- the new password will be set. Additionally, pwdAccountLockedTime
- will be removed and shadowLastChange updated to the current time if
- existing.
- User self registration
- With LAM Pro your users can create their own accounts if you
- like. LAM Pro will display an additional link on the self service
- login page that allows you users to create a new account including
- email validation (see here for
- setting up your SMTP server).
- You enable this feature in your self service profile. Just
- activate the checkbox "Enable self registration link".
- Options:
- Link text: This is the label for the link
- to the self registration. If empty "Register new account" will be
- used.
- Admin DN and password: Please enter the
- LDAP DN and its password that should be used to create new users.
- This DN also needs to be able to do LDAP searches by uid in the self
- service part of your LDAP tree.
- Object classes: This is a list of object
- classes that are used to build the new user accounts. Please enter
- one object class in each line.
- Attributes: This is a list of additional
- attributes that the user can enter. Please note that user name,
- password and email address are mandatory anyway and need not be
- specified.
- Each line represents one LDAP attribute. The settings are
- separated by "::". The first setting specifies the field type. The
- second setting is the LDAP attribute name. Depending on the field
- type you can enter additional options:
- Description
- Type
- Attribute
- name
- First option
- Second
- option
- Third option
- An optional input field that is displayed on the
- registration page.
- optional
- e.g. "givenName"
- Label that is displayed on page
- optional regular expression for validation (e.g.
- "/^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/")
- validation message if value does not match validation
- expression
- A required input field that is displayed on the
- registration page. Self registration cannot be done if such
- a field is left empty by the user.
- required
- e.g. "sn"
- Label that is displayed on page
- optional regular expression for validation (e.g.
- "/^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/")
- validation message if value does not match validation
- expression
- Constant attribute value, not visible for the user.
- Can be used to set some initial values or data that must not
- be edited by the user.
- constant
- e.g. "homeDirectory"
- attribute value, supports wirldcards to insert other
- attribute values (e.g. "@@uid@@")
- For a syntax description of validation expressions see here. Validation
- is optional, you can leave these options blank.
- Example:
- optional::givenName::First name::/^[[:alnum:] ]+$/u::Please
- enter a valid first name.
- required::sn::Last name::/^[[:alnum:] ]+$/u::Please enter a
- valid last name.
- constant::homeDirectory::/home/@@uid@@
- If you use the object class "inetOrgPerson" and do not provide
- the "cn" attribute then LAM will set it to the user name
- value.
- Please note that only simple input boxes are supported for
- account registration. The user may log in to self service when his
- account was created to manage all his attributes.
- User view:
- The user can register by clicking on a link on the self
- service login page:
- Here he can insert the data that you specified in the self
- service profile:
- LAM will then send him an email with a validation link that is
- valid for 24 hours. When he clicks on this link then the account
- will be created in the self service user suffix. The DN will look
- like this: uid=<user name>,...
- Please see email format option
- in case of broken mails.
- Custom fields (LAM Pro)
- This module allows you to manage LDAP attributes that are not
- covered by the other LAM modules (e.g. if you use custom LDAP
- schemas). You can fully define how your input fields look
- like:
- Label
- LDAP attribute name
- Unique name for field
- Help text
- Read-only display
- Field type: text, password, text area, checkbox, radio
- buttons, select list, file upload
- Validation via regular expression
- Error message if validation fails
- To create custom fields for the Self Service please edit your
- Self Service profile and switch to tab "Module settings". Here you
- can add a new field. Simply fill the fields and press on
- "Add".
- Please note that the field name cannot be changed later. It is
- the unique ID for this field.
- After you created your fields please press on "Sync fields
- with page layout". Now you can switch to tab "Page layout" and add
- your new fields like any other standard field.
- Examples for fields and their representation in Self
- Service:
- Text field:
- Text fields allow to specify a validation
- expression and error message.
- You can also enable auto-completion. In this case LAM will
- search all accounts for the given attribute and provide
- auto-completion hints when the user edits this field. This should
- only be used if there is a limited number of different values for
- this attribute.
- Presentation in Self Service:
- Password field:
- You can also manage custom password fields. LAM Pro will
- display two fields where the user must enter the same password. You
- can hash the password if needed.
- Presentation in Self Service:
- Text area:
- This adds a multi-line field. The options are similar to text
- fields. Additionally, you can set the size with the number of
- columns and rows.
- Please note that the validation
- expression should be set to multi-line. This is done by
- adding "m" at the end.
- Presentation in Self Service:
- Checkbox:
- Sometimes you may want to allow only yes/no values for your
- LDAP attributes. This can be represented by a checkbox. You can
- specify the values for checked and unchecked. The default value is
- set if the LDAP attribute has no value.
- Presentation in Self Service:
- Radio buttons:
- This displays a list of radio buttons where the user can
- select one value.
- You can specify a mapping of LDAP attribute values and their
- display (label) on the Self Service page. To add more mapping fields
- please press "Add more mapping fields".
- Presentation in Self Service:
- Select list:
- Select lists allow the user to select a value in a large list
- of options. The definition of the possible values and their display
- is similar to radio buttons.
- You can also allow multiple values.
- Presentation in Self Service:
- Validation expressions:
- The validation expressions follow the standard of Perl regular
- expressions. They start and end with a "/". The beginning of
- a line is specified by "^" and the end by "$".
- Examples:
- /^[a-z0-9]+$/ allows small letters and numbers. The value must
- not be empty ("+").
- /^[a-z0-9]+$/i allows small and capital letters ("i" at the
- end means ignore case) and numbers. The value must not be empty
- ("+").
- Special characters that must be escaped with "\": "\", ".",
- "(", ")"
- E.g. /^[a-z0-9\.]$/i
- File upload:
- This is used for binary data. You can restrict uploaded data
- to a given file extension and set the maximum file size.
- Presentation:
- The uploaded data may also be downloaded via LAM.
+ Password self reset
+ Schema installation
+ Please install the LDAP schema as described here.
+ Settings
+ You can allow your users to reset their passwords themselves.
+ This will reduce your administrative costs for cases where users
+ forget their passwords.
+ To enable this feature please activate the checkbox "Enable
+ password self reset link".
+ Hint: Plese note that LAM Pro
+ uses security questions by default. Activate confirmation mails and
+ then deactivate security questions if you want to use only email
+ validation.
+ You can now configure the minimum answer length for password
+ reset answers. This is checked when you allow you users to specify
+ their answers via the self service. Additionally, you can specify the
+ text of the password reset link (default: "Forgot password?"). The
+ link is displayed below the password field on the self service login
+ page.
+ Next, please enter the DN and password of an LDAP entry that is
+ allowed to reset the passwords. This entry needs write access to the
+ attributes shadowLastChange, pwdAccountLockedTime and userPassword. It
+ also needs read access to uid, mail, passwordSelfResetQuestion and
+ passwordSelfResetAnswer. Please note that LAM Pro saves the password
+ on your server file system. Therefore, it is required to protect your
+ server against unauthorised access.
+ Please also specify the list of password reset questions that
+ the user can choose.
+ Please note that self service and LAM admin interface are
+ separated functionalities. You need to specify the list of possible
+ security questions in both self service profile(s) and server
+ profile(s).
+ You can inform your users via mail about their password change.
+ The mail can include the new password by using the special wildcard
+ "@@newPassword@@". Additionally, you may want to insert other
+ wildcards that are replaced by the corresponding LDAP attributes. E.g.
+ "@@uid@@" will be replaced by the user name. Please see email format option in case of broken mails.
+ See here for setting up your SMTP
+ server.
+ LAM Pro can send your users an email with a confirmation link to
+ validate their email address. Of course, this should only be used if
+ the email account is independent from the user password (e.g. at
+ external provider) or you use the backup email address feature. The
+ mail body must include the confirmation link by using the special
+ wildcard "@@resetLink@@". Additionally, you may want to insert other
+ wildcards that are replaced by the corresponding LDAP attributes. E.g.
+ "@@uid@@" will be replaced by the user name.
+ There is also an option to skip the security question at all if
+ email verification is enabled. In this case the password can be reset
+ directly after clicking on the confirmation link. Please handle with
+ care since anybody with access to the user's mail account can reset
+ the password.
+ Troubleshooting:
+ If you get messages like "Unable to find user account." this can
+ have multiple reasons:
+ security questions enabled but no security question and/or
+ answer set for this user
+ user name + email combination does not exist
+ no connection to LDAP server
+ Turn on logging in LAM's main configuration settings. The exact
+ reason is logged on notice level.
+ New fields for self service
+ page
+ There are special fields that you may put on the self service
+ page for your users. These fields allow them to change the reset
+ question and its answer. It is also possible to set a backup email
+ address to reset passwords with an external email address.
+ This is an example how can be presented to your users on the
+ self service page:
+ Password reset link
+ After activating the password self reset feature there will be a
+ new link on the self service login page. The text can be configured as
+ described above (default: "Forgot password?").
+ When a user clicks on the link then he will be asked for
+ identification with his user name and email address.
+ LAM Pro will use this information to find the correct LDAP entry
+ of this user. It then displays the user's security question and input
+ fields for his new password. If the answer is correct then the new
+ password will be set. Additionally, pwdAccountLockedTime will be
+ removed and shadowLastChange updated to the current time if
+ existing.
+ User self registration
+ With LAM Pro your users can create their own accounts if you
+ like. LAM Pro will display an additional link on the self service
+ login page that allows you users to create a new account including
+ email validation (see here for
+ setting up your SMTP server).
+ You enable this feature in your self service profile. Just
+ activate the checkbox "Enable self registration link".
+ Options:
+ Link text: This is the label for the link
+ to the self registration. If empty "Register new account" will be
+ used.
+ Admin DN and password: Please enter the
+ LDAP DN and its password that should be used to create new users. This
+ DN also needs to be able to do LDAP searches by uid in the self
+ service part of your LDAP tree.
+ Object classes: This is a list of object
+ classes that are used to build the new user accounts. Please enter one
+ object class in each line.
+ Attributes: This is a list of additional
+ attributes that the user can enter. Please note that user name,
+ password and email address are mandatory anyway and need not be
+ specified.
+ Each line represents one LDAP attribute. The settings are
+ separated by "::". The first setting specifies the field type. The
+ second setting is the LDAP attribute name. Depending on the field type
+ you can enter additional options:
+ Description
+ Type
+ Attribute name
+ First option
+ Second option
+ Third option
+ An optional input field that is displayed on the
+ registration page.
+ optional
+ e.g. "givenName"
+ Label that is displayed on page
+ optional regular expression for validation (e.g.
+ "/^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/")
+ validation message if value does not match validation
+ expression
+ A required input field that is displayed on the
+ registration page. Self registration cannot be done if such a
+ field is left empty by the user.
+ required
+ e.g. "sn"
+ Label that is displayed on page
+ optional regular expression for validation (e.g.
+ "/^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/")
+ validation message if value does not match validation
+ expression
+ Constant attribute value, not visible for the user. Can
+ be used to set some initial values or data that must not be
+ edited by the user.
+ constant
+ e.g. "homeDirectory"
+ attribute value, supports wirldcards to insert other
+ attribute values (e.g. "@@uid@@")
+ For a syntax description of validation expressions see here. Validation is
+ optional, you can leave these options blank.
+ Example:
+ optional::givenName::First name::/^[[:alnum:] ]+$/u::Please
+ enter a valid first name.
+ required::sn::Last name::/^[[:alnum:] ]+$/u::Please enter a
+ valid last name.
+ constant::homeDirectory::/home/@@uid@@
+ If you use the object class "inetOrgPerson" and do not provide
+ the "cn" attribute then LAM will set it to the user name value.
+ Please note that only simple input boxes are supported for
+ account registration. The user may log in to self service when his
+ account was created to manage all his attributes.
+ User view:
+ The user can register by clicking on a link on the self service
+ login page:
+ Here he can insert the data that you specified in the self
+ service profile:
+ LAM will then send him an email with a validation link that is
+ valid for 24 hours. When he clicks on this link then the account will
+ be created in the self service user suffix. The DN will look like
+ this: uid=<user name>,...
+ Please see email format option in
+ case of broken mails.
+ Custom fields (LAM Pro)
+ This module allows you to manage LDAP attributes that are not
+ covered by the other LAM modules (e.g. if you use custom LDAP
+ schemas). You can fully define how your input fields look like:
+ Label
+ LDAP attribute name
+ Unique name for field
+ Help text
+ Read-only display
+ Field type: text, password, text area, checkbox, radio
+ buttons, select list, file upload
+ Validation via regular expression
+ Error message if validation fails
+ To create custom fields for the Self Service please edit your
+ Self Service profile and switch to tab "Module settings". Here you can
+ add a new field. Simply fill the fields and press on "Add".
+ Please note that the field name cannot be changed later. It is
+ the unique ID for this field.
+ After you created your fields please press on "Sync fields with
+ page layout". Now you can switch to tab "Page layout" and add your new
+ fields like any other standard field.
+ Examples for fields and their representation in Self
+ Service:
+ Text field:
+ Text fields allow to specify a validation
+ expression and error message.
+ You can also enable auto-completion. In this case LAM will
+ search all accounts for the given attribute and provide
+ auto-completion hints when the user edits this field. This should only
+ be used if there is a limited number of different values for this
+ attribute.
+ Presentation in Self Service:
+ Password field:
+ You can also manage custom password fields. LAM Pro will display
+ two fields where the user must enter the same password. You can hash
+ the password if needed.
+ Presentation in Self Service:
+ Text area:
+ This adds a multi-line field. The options are similar to text
+ fields. Additionally, you can set the size with the number of columns
+ and rows.
+ Please note that the validation
+ expression should be set to multi-line. This is done by adding
+ "m" at the end.
+ Presentation in Self Service:
+ Checkbox:
+ Sometimes you may want to allow only yes/no values for your LDAP
+ attributes. This can be represented by a checkbox. You can specify the
+ values for checked and unchecked. The default value is set if the LDAP
+ attribute has no value.
+ Presentation in Self Service:
+ Radio buttons:
+ This displays a list of radio buttons where the user can select
+ one value.
+ You can specify a mapping of LDAP attribute values and their
+ display (label) on the Self Service page. To add more mapping fields
+ please press "Add more mapping fields".
+ Presentation in Self Service:
+ Select list:
+ Select lists allow the user to select a value in a large list of
+ options. The definition of the possible values and their display is
+ similar to radio buttons.
+ You can also allow multiple values.
+ Presentation in Self Service:
+ Validation expressions:
+ The validation expressions follow the standard of Perl regular
+ expressions. They start and end with a "/". The beginning of a
+ line is specified by "^" and the end by "$".
+ Examples:
+ /^[a-z0-9]+$/ allows small letters and numbers. The value must
+ not be empty ("+").
+ /^[a-z0-9]+$/i allows small and capital letters ("i" at the end
+ means ignore case) and numbers. The value must not be empty
+ ("+").
+ Special characters that must be escaped with "\": "\", ".", "(",
+ ")"
+ E.g. /^[a-z0-9\.]$/i
+ File upload:
+ This is used for binary data. You can restrict uploaded data to
+ a given file extension and set the maximum file size.
+ Presentation:
+ The uploaded data may also be downloaded via LAM.
Adapt the self service to your corporate design
diff --git a/lam/docs/manual-sources/make.sh b/lam/docs/manual-sources/make.sh
index bcb5f888..deb223a3 100755
--- a/lam/docs/manual-sources/make.sh
+++ b/lam/docs/manual-sources/make.sh
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
# This script is run to create the LAM manual.
rm -rf ../manual
mkdir ../manual
@@ -26,3 +27,22 @@ cp images/*.jpg ../manual-onePage/images
mkdir ../manual-onePage/resources
cp resources/*.* ../manual-onePage/resources
cp style.css ../manual-onePage
+rm -rf ../manual-pdf
+mkdir ../manual-pdf
+xsltproc -o ../manual-pdf/out.fo --stringparam paper.type "A4" --stringparam generate.toc "book toc,title,table,figure" /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/fo/docbook.xsl howto.xml
+mkdir ../manual-pdf/images
+for img in `ls images/*.png`; do
+ convert -density 96 $img ../manual-pdf/$img
+for img in `ls images/*.jpg`; do
+ convert -density 96 $img ../manual-pdf/$img
+cp images/schema_*.png ../manual-pdf/images/
+mkdir ../manual-pdf/resources
+cp resources/*.* ../manual-pdf/resources
+cd ../manual-pdf
+fop out.fo manual.pdf
+cd $dir
\ No newline at end of file