added new classes for new modules
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,6 +23,302 @@ $Id$
LDAP Account Manager functions used by account.php
LDAP Account Manager functions used by account.php
/* This class contains all functions
* which are needed to manage the ldap cache
class cache {
function cache() {
$this->config = &$_SESSION['config'];
$this->ldap = &$_SESSION['ldap'];
$this->time = 0;
var $ldapcache; // This variable contains the cache
var $attributes; // This variable contains a list and their scope of attributes which should be cached
var $config; // This is a reference to the config class in session
var $ldap; // This is a reference to the ldap class in session
var $time; // This is the laste timestamp ldap cache has been refreshed
/* This function adds attributes to cache
* syntax of $attributes is array( scope1 => array ( attributes ), scope2 => array ( attributes ), ...)
function add_cache($attributes) {
// Check input variable
$allowed_types = array ( 'user', 'group', 'host', '*' );
if (!is_array($attributes)) trigger_error(_('Argument of add_cache must be : array ( scope => array(attribute1(string), attribute2(string), ..), scope => ... ).'), E_USER_ERROR);
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
if (!is_array($attribute)) trigger_error(_('Argument of add_cache must be : array ( scope => array(attribute1(string), attribute2(string), ..), scope => ... ).'), E_USER_ERROR);
foreach ($attribute as $singleattribute) {
if (!is_string($singleattribute)) trigger_error(_('Argument of add_cache must be : array ( scope => array(attribute1(string), attribute2(string), ..), scope => ... ).'), E_USER_ERROR);
$scopes = array_keys($attributes);
foreach ($scopes as $scope) {
if (!@in_array($scope, $allowed_types)) trigger_error(sprintf(_('Invalid scope. Valid scopes are $s.'), implode(" ", $allowed_types)), E_USER_ERROR);
// Everything seems to be OK, start processing data
foreach ($scopes as $scope) {
for ($i=0; $i<count($attributes[$scope]); $i++ ) {
if (!@in_array($attributes[$scope][$i] ,$this->attributes[$scope])) $this->attributes[$scope][] = $attributes[$scope][$i];
/* This function returns an array ( dn1 => array(uidnumber1), dn2 => array(uidnumber2), ... )
function get_cache($attribute, $objectClass, $singlescope) {
// Check input variables
$allowed_types = array ( 'user', 'group', 'host', '*' );
if (!in_array($singlescope, $allowed_types)) trigger_error(sprintf(_('Invalid scope. Valid scopes are %s.'), implode(" ", $allowed_types)), E_USER_ERROR);
for ($i=0; $i<count($_SESSION['ldap']->objectClasses) || $i==-1; $i++) {
if (strpos($_SESSION['ldap']->objectClasses[$i], "NAME '$objectClass'")) $line = $i;
// Return error if objectClass isn't found
if ($line==-1) trigger_error (_("objectClass objectClass required but not defined in ldap."), E_USER_WARNING);
// Everything seems to be OK, start processing data
if ($singlescope == '*') $scopes = $allowed_types;
else $scopes = array ( $singlescope );
foreach ($scopes as $scope) {
$DNs = array_keys($this->ldapcache[$scope]);
foreach ($DNs as $dn) {
if (isset($this->ldapcache[$scope][$dn][$attribute])) {
// return string if only attribute exists only once
if (count($this->ldapcache[$scope][$dn][$attribute])==1) $return[$dn] = $this->ldapcache[$scope][$dn][$attribute][0];
else {
// else return array with all attributes
$return[$dn] = $this->ldapcache[$scope][$dn][$attribute];
return $return;
/* This functions returns the dn if a dn with $attribute=$value is found
* $values is the value $attribute is set to
* $scope is the scope where to search
function in_cache($value, $attribute, $singlescope) {
// Check input variables
$allowed_types = array ( 'user', 'group', 'host', '*' );
if (!in_array($singlescope, $allowed_types)) trigger_error(sprintf(_('Invalid scope. Valid scopes are %s.'), implode(" ", $allowed_types)), E_USER_ERROR);
// Create list of all allowed attributes
for ($i=0; $i<count($this->ldap->objectClasses); $i++ ) {
if (strpos($this->ldap->objectClasses[$i], 'MUST (')) {
$string_withtail = substr($this->ldap->objectClasses[$i], strpos($this->ldap->objectClasses[$i], 'MUST (')+6);
// Now we have a string with all must-attributes
$string = substr($string_withtail, 0, strpos($string_withtail, ')'));
$string = trim($string);
$allowed_attributes = array_merge($allowed_attributes, explode(" $ ", $string));
// create array with may-attributes
// Get startposition in string
if (strpos($this->ldap->objectClasses[$i], 'MAY (')) {
$string_withtail = substr($this->ldap->objectClasses[$i], strpos($this->ldap->objectClasses[$i], 'MAY (')+5);
// Now we have a string with all must-attributes
$string = substr($string_withtail, 0, strpos($string_withtail, ')'));
$string = trim($string);
$allowed_attributes = array_merge($allowed_attributes, explode(" $ ", $string));
$allowed_attributes = array_unique($allowed_attributes);
if (!in_array($attribute, $allowed_attributes)) trigger_error(_('Attribute not defined in LDAP.'), E_USER_WARNING);
// Everything seems to be OK, start processing data
if ($singlescope == '*') $scopes = $allowed_types;
else $scopes = array ( $singlescope );
foreach ($scopes as $scope) {
$DNs = array_keys($this->ldapcache[$scope]);
foreach ($DNs as $dn) {
if (in_array($value, $this->ldapcache[$scope][$dn][$attribute])) {
// Return value if value was found
return $dn;
// Return false if value wasn't found
return false;
/* This functions refreshs the cache
function refresh_cache() {
if ($time + $this->config->get_cacheTimeoutSec() < time()) {
// unset old cache
unset ($this->ldapcache);
$scopes = array_keys($this->attributes);
foreach ($scopes as $scope) {
// Get Scope
$function = 'get_'.ucfirst($scope).'Suffix()';
If ($scope != '*') $suffix = $this->config->get_UserSuffix(); // fixme *** how to call function? $function;
else $suffix = '';
// Get Data from ldap
$search = $this->attributes[$scope];
$search[] = 'objectClass';
$result = @ldap_search($this->ldap->server(), $suffix, 'objectClass=*', $search, 0);
// Write search result in array
$entry = @ldap_first_entry($this->ldap->server(), $result);
while ($entry) {
$dn = (ldap_get_dn($this->ldap->server(), $entry));
$attr = ldap_get_attributes($this->ldap->server(), $entry);
// unset every count entry
unset ($attr['count']);
$attributes = array_keys($attr);
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) unset ($attr[$attribute]['count']);
// unset double entries
for ($i=0; $i<count($attr); $i++) {
if (isset($attr[$i])) unset($attr[$i]);
// Write new cache entry
$addcache = $attr;
unset ($addcache['objectClass']);
if (count($addcache)!=0) $this->ldapcache[$scope][$dn] = $attr;
$entry = ldap_next_entry($this->ldap->server(), $entry);
$this->time = time();
/* This function update the cache when changes were
* made without refrehing the complete cache
function update_cache($dn, $attributes, $singlescope) {
$allowed_types = array ( 'user', 'group', 'host', '*' );
if (!in_array($singlescope, $allowed_types)) trigger_error(sprintf(_('Invalid scope. Valid scopes are %s.'), implode(" ", $allowed_types)), E_USER_ERROR);
// Everything seems to be OK, start processing data
if (isset($this->ldapcache[$singlescope][$dn])) unset($this->ldapcache[$singlescope][$dn]);
$attrnames = array_keys ($this->attributes[$singlescope]);
foreach ($attrnames as $name) {
if (is_string($attributes[$name])) $this->ldapcache[$singlescope][$dn][$name][] = $attributes[$name];
if (is_array($attributes[$name])) $this->ldapcache[$singlescope][$dn][$name] = $attributes[$name];
class accountContainer {
// Constructor
function accountContainer($type) {
/* Set the type of account. Valid
* types are: user, group, host
// Check input variable
if (!is_string($type)) trigger_error(_('Argument of accountContainer must be string.'), E_USER_ERROR);
// *** fixme use global variable to determine allowed types
$allowed_types = array ( 'user', 'group', 'host' );
if (!in_array($type, $allowed_types)) trigger_error(_('Account type not recognized.'), E_USER_ERROR);
$this->type = $type;
$this->lampath = &$_SESSION['lampath'];
$this->ldap = &$_SESSION['ldap'];
return 0;
/* Array of all used attributes
* Syntax is attribute => array ( objectClass => MUST or MAY, ...)
var $attributes;
/* This variale stores the type
* of account. Current unix, group, host are supported
var $type;
var $lampath; // reference to lampath from Session
var $ldap; // This is a reference to the ldap class in session
/* Get the type of account. Valid
* types are: user, group, host
function get_type() {
return $this->type;
/* Add attributes to variable. Syntax is array( attribute = array ( objectClass1 => MUST|MAX, objectClass2 => MUST|MAY ), ... )
function add_attributes($objectClass) {
// loop through every existing objectlass and select current objectClass
for ($i=0; $i<count($this->ldap->objectClasses) || $i==-1; $i++) {
if (strpos($this->ldap->objectClasses[$i], "NAME '$objectClass'")) $line = $i;
// Return error if objectClass isn't found
if ($line==-1) trigger_error (_("objectClass objectClass required but not defined in ldap."), E_USER_WARNING);
// create array with must-attributes
// Get startposition in string
if (strpos($this->ldap->objectClasses[$line], 'MUST (')) {
$string_withtail = substr($this->ldap->objectClasses[$line], strpos($this->ldap->objectClasses[$line], 'MUST (')+6);
// Now we have a string with all must-attributes
$string = substr($string_withtail, 0, strpos($string_withtail, ')'));
$string = trim($string);
$must = explode(" $ ", $string);
// Ad must
foreach ($must as $attribute) {
if (!isset($this->attributes[$attribute])) $this->attributes[$attribute][$objectClass] = 'MUST';
else $this->attributes[$attribute][$objectClass] = 'MUST';
// create array with may-attributes
// Get startposition in string
if (strpos($this->ldap->objectClasses[$line], 'MAY (')) {
$string_withtail = substr($this->ldap->objectClasses[$line], strpos($_SESSION['ldap']->objectClasses[$line], 'MAY (')+5);
// Now we have a string with all must-attributes
$string = substr($string_withtail, 0, strpos($string_withtail, ')'));
$string = trim($string);
$may = explode(" $ ", $string);
// Ad may
foreach ($may as $attribute) {
if (!isset($this->attributes[$attribute])) $this->attributes[$attribute][$objectClass] = 'MAY';
else $this->attributes[$attribute][$objectClass] = 'MAY';
/* This function return ldap attributes
* Syntax is get_attributes($value, $scope)
* $scope = 'objectClass', $value = objectClass return value are all attributes of objectClass
* $scope = 'attribute', $value = attribute returns alle objectClasses which are using the attribute
function get_attributes($value, $scope) {
if ($scope=='attribute' && isset($this->attributes[$value])) return $this->attributes[$value];
if ($scope=='objectClass') {
$keys = array_keys($this->attributes);
foreach ($keys as $attribute) {
if (isset($this->attributes[$attribute][$value])) $return[$attribute] = $this->attributes[$attribute][$value];
return $return;
return 0;
/* This function adds an objectClass class (module) to accountContainer
function add_objectClass($objectClass) {
for ($i=0; $i<count($_SESSION['ldap']->objectClasses) || $i==-1; $i++) {
if (strpos($_SESSION['ldap']->objectClasses[$i], "NAME '$objectClass'")) $line = $i;
// Return error if objectClass isn't found
if ($line==-1) trigger_error (_("objectClass objectClass required but not defined in ldap."), E_USER_WARNING);
else {
// Add module if it exists
if (filetype($this->lampath."/lib/modules/".$objectClass.".inc") == 'file') {
include_once ($this->lampath."/lib/modules/".$objectClass.".inc");
$this[] = new $objectClass($this);
return 0;
// This class keeps all needed values for any account
// This class keeps all needed values for any account
class account {
class account {
// Type : user | group | host
// Type : user | group | host
Reference in New Issue