give documentation files correct file endings

This commit is contained in:
Roland Gruber 2004-02-25 19:48:36 +00:00
parent 859a4363ce
commit 70b6dde738
10 changed files with 0 additions and 934 deletions

View File

@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<LINK TYPE="text/css" REL="stylesheet" HREF="fpdf.css">
<B>1.</B> <A HREF='#1'>What's exactly the license of FPDF? Are there any usage restrictions?</A><BR>
<B>2.</B> <A HREF='#2'>When I try to create a PDF, a lot of weird characters show on the screen. Why?</A><BR>
<B>3.</B> <A HREF='#3'>I try to generate a PDF and IE displays a blank page. What happens?</A><BR>
<B>4.</B> <A HREF='#4'>I send parameters using the POST method and the values don't appear in the PDF.</A><BR>
<B>5.</B> <A HREF='#5'>When I use a PHP session, IE doesn't display my PDF any more but asks me to download it.</A><BR>
<B>6.</B> <A HREF='#6'>When I'm on SSL, IE can't open the PDF.</A><BR>
<B>7.</B> <A HREF='#7'>When I execute a script I get the message "FPDF error: Don't alter the locale before including class file".</A><BR>
<B>8.</B> <A HREF='#8'>I try to put a PNG and Acrobat says "There was an error processing a page. A drawing error occurred".</A><BR>
<B>9.</B> <A HREF='#9'>I try to put an image and Acrobat says "There was an error processing a page. Wrong operand type".</A><BR>
<B>10.</B> <A HREF='#10'>I'd like to put my image in real size in the PDF. How can I convert pixels to mm?</A><BR>
<B>11.</B> <A HREF='#11'>I encounter the following error when I try to generate a PDF: Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at script.php:X)</A><BR>
<B>12.</B> <A HREF='#12'>I try to display a variable in the Header method but nothing prints.</A><BR>
<B>13.</B> <A HREF='#13'>I defined the Header and Footer methods in my PDF class but nothing appears.</A><BR>
<B>14.</B> <A HREF='#14'>I can't make line breaks work. I put \n in the string printed by MultiCell but it doesn't work.</A><BR>
<B>15.</B> <A HREF='#15'>I try to put the euro symbol but it doesn't work.</A><BR>
<B>16.</B> <A HREF='#16'>I draw a frame with very precise dimensions, but when printed I notice some differences.</A><BR>
<B>17.</B> <A HREF='#17'>I'd like to use the whole surface of the page, but when printed I always have some margins. How can I get rid of them?</A><BR>
<B>18.</B> <A HREF='#18'>What's the limit of the file sizes I can generate with FPDF?</A><BR>
<B>19.</B> <A HREF='#19'>Can I modify a PDF with FPDF?</A><BR>
<B>20.</B> <A HREF='#20'>I'd like to make a search engine in PHP and index PDF files. Can I do it with FPDF?</A><BR>
<B>21.</B> <A HREF='#21'>Can I convert an HTML page to PDF with FPDF?</A><BR>
<B>22.</B> <A HREF='#22'>Can I concatenate PDF files with FPDF?</A><BR>
<B>23.</B> <A HREF='#23'>How can I activate the protections on a PDF? I'd like to prevent people from copying the text or modifying the document.</A><BR>
<A NAME='1'></A><B>1.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>What's exactly the license of FPDF? Are there any usage restrictions?</FONT>
<P>FPDF is Freeware (it is stated at the beginning of the source file). There is no usage
restriction. You may embed it freely in your application (commercial or not), with or
without modification.</P>
<A NAME='2'></A><B>2.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>When I try to create a PDF, a lot of weird characters show on the screen. Why?</FONT>
<P>These "weird" characters are in fact the actual content of your PDF. This behaviour is a bug of
IE. When it first receives an HTML page, then a PDF from the same URL, it displays it directly
without launching Acrobat. This happens frequently during the development stage: on the least
script error, an HTML page is sent, and after correction, the PDF arrives.
To solve the problem, simply quit and restart IE. You can also go to another URL and come
To avoid this kind of inconvenience during the development, you can generate the PDF directly
to a file and open it through the explorer.</P>
<A NAME='3'></A><B>3.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I try to generate a PDF and IE displays a blank page. What happens?</FONT>
<P>First of all, check that you send nothing to the browser after the PDF (not even a space or a
carriage return). You can put an exit statement just after the call to the Output() method to
be sure.
If it still doesn't work, it means you're a victim of the "blank page syndrome". IE used in
conjunction with the Acrobat plug-in suffers from numerous bugs, in all versions. You should
test your application with as many IE versions as possible (at least if you're on the Internet).
The problem occurs mostly with the POST method, so it is strongly advised to avoid it (all the
more that it causes other problems, see the next question). The GET works better but may fail
when the URL becomes too long: don't use a query string with more than 45 characters. However, a
tip exists to exceed this limit: end the URL with .pdf, which tricks IE. If you use a
formular, you can add a hidden field at the last position:
&lt;INPUT TYPE=&quot;HIDDEN&quot; NAME=&quot;ext&quot; VALUE=&quot;.pdf&quot;&gt;
The usage of PHP sessions also often causes trouble (avoid using HTTP headers preventing caching).
See question 5 for a workaround.
To avoid all these problems in a reliable manner, two main techniques exist:
- Disable the plug-in and use Acrobat as a helper application. To do this, launch Acrobat; in
the File menu, Preferences, General, uncheck the option "Web Browser Integration" (for Acrobat
5: Edit, Preferences, Options, "Display PDF in Browser"). Then, the next time you load a PDF in
IE, it displays the dialog box "Open it" or "Save it to disk". Uncheck the option "Always ask
before opening this type of file" and choose Open. From now on, PDF files will open
automatically in an external Acrobat window.
The drawback of the method is that you need to alter the client configuration, which you can do
in an intranet environment but not for the Internet.
- Use a redirection technique. It consists in generating the PDF in a temporary file on the
server and redirect the client on it (by using JavaScript, not the Location HTTP header which
also causes trouble). For instance, at the end of the script, you can put the following:
//Determine a temporary file name in the current directory<BR>
//Save PDF to file<BR>
//JavaScript redirection<BR>
echo &quot;&lt;HTML&gt;&lt;SCRIPT&gt;document.location='getpdf.php?f=$file';&lt;/SCRIPT&gt;&lt;/HTML&gt;&quot;;
Then create the getpdf.php file with this:
//Check file (don't skip it!)<BR>
if(substr($f,0,3)!='tmp' or strpos($f,'/') or strpos($f,'\\'))<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;die('Incorrect file name');<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;die('File does not exist');<BR>
//Handle special IE request if needed<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Header('Content-Type: application/pdf');<BR>
//Output PDF<BR>
Header('Content-Type: application/pdf');<BR>
Header('Content-Length: '.filesize($f));<BR>
//Remove file<BR>
This method works in most cases but IE6 can still experience trouble. The "ultimate" method
consists in redirecting directly to the temporary file. The file name must therefore end with .pdf:
//Determine a temporary file name in the current directory<BR>
//Save PDF to file<BR>
//JavaScript redirection<BR>
echo &quot;&lt;HTML&gt;&lt;SCRIPT&gt;document.location='$file';&lt;/SCRIPT&gt;&lt;/HTML&gt;&quot;;
This method turns the dynamic PDF into a static one and avoids all troubles. But you have to do
some cleaning in order to delete the temporary files. For instance:
function CleanFiles($dir)<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Delete temporary files<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if(substr($file,0,3)=='tmp' and substr($file,-4)=='.pdf')<BR>
This function deletes all files of the form tmp*.pdf older than an hour in the specified
directory. You may call it where you want, for instance in the script which generates the PDF.
Remark: it is necessary to open the PDF in a new window, as you can't go backwards due to the
<A NAME='4'></A><B>4.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I send parameters using the POST method and the values don't appear in the PDF.</FONT>
<P>It's a problem affecting some versions of IE (especially the first 5.5). See the previous
question for the ways to work around it.</P>
<A NAME='5'></A><B>5.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>When I use a PHP session, IE doesn't display my PDF any more but asks me to download it.</FONT>
<P>It's a problem affecting some versions of IE. To work around it, add the following line before
or do a redirection as explained in question 3.</P>
<A NAME='6'></A><B>6.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>When I'm on SSL, IE can't open the PDF.</FONT>
<P>The problem may be fixed by adding this line:<BR>
Header('Pragma: public');
<A NAME='7'></A><B>7.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>When I execute a script I get the message "FPDF error: Don't alter the locale before including class file".</FONT>
<P>When the decimal separator is configured as a comma before including a file, there is a
<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">bug</A> in PHP and decimal numbers
get truncated. Therefore you shouldn't make a call to setlocale() before including the class.
On Unix, you shouldn't set the LC_ALL environment variable neither, for it is equivalent to a
setlocale() call.</P>
<A NAME='8'></A><B>8.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I try to put a PNG and Acrobat says "There was an error processing a page. A drawing error occurred".</FONT>
<P>Acrobat 5 has a bug and is unable to display transparent monochrome images (i.e. with 1 bit per
pixel). Remove transparency or save your image in 16 colors (4 bits per pixel) or more.</P>
<A NAME='9'></A><B>9.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I try to put an image and Acrobat says "There was an error processing a page. Wrong operand type".</FONT>
<P>You have to give at least one dimension; height and width can't be both equal to zero.</P>
<A NAME='10'></A><B>10.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I'd like to put my image in real size in the PDF. How can I convert pixels to mm?</FONT>
<P>An image has no "real size". The dimension it is given in the document is arbitrary. Except if
you want to impose a particular resolution (for instance 72dpi, which is the one typically used
on screen display), in which case the ratio between the pixel width and the resolution gives the
<A NAME='11'></A><B>11.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I encounter the following error when I try to generate a PDF: Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at script.php:X)</FONT>
<P>You must send nothing to the browser except the PDF itself: no HTML, no space, no carriage return,
neither before nor after. The script outputs something at line X.</P>
<A NAME='12'></A><B>12.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I try to display a variable in the Header method but nothing prints.</FONT>
<P>You have to use the <TT>global</TT> keyword, for instance:
function Header()<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;global $title;<BR>
<A NAME='13'></A><B>13.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I defined the Header and Footer methods in my PDF class but nothing appears.</FONT>
<P>You have to create an object from the PDF class, not FPDF:<BR>
$pdf=new PDF();
<A NAME='14'></A><B>14.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I can't make line breaks work. I put \n in the string printed by MultiCell but it doesn't work.</FONT>
<P>You have to enclose your string with double quotes, not single ones.</P>
<A NAME='15'></A><B>15.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I try to put the euro symbol but it doesn't work.</FONT>
<P>The standard fonts have the euro character at position 128. You can define a constant like this
for convenience:
<A NAME='16'></A><B>16.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I draw a frame with very precise dimensions, but when printed I notice some differences.</FONT>
<P>To respect dimensions, you have to uncheck the option "Fit to page" in the print dialog box.</P>
<A NAME='17'></A><B>17.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I'd like to use the whole surface of the page, but when printed I always have some margins. How can I get rid of them?</FONT>
<P>All printers have physical margins (different depending on the model), it is therefore impossible
to remove them and print on the totality of the paper.</P>
<A NAME='18'></A><B>18.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>What's the limit of the file sizes I can generate with FPDF?</FONT>
<P>There is no particular limit. There are some constraints however:
- The maximum memory size allocated to PHP scripts defaults to 8MB. For very big documents,
especially with images, this limit may be reached (the file being built into memory). The
parameter is configured in the php.ini file.
- The maximum execution time allocated defaults to 30 seconds. This limit can of course be easily
reached. It is configured in php.ini and may be altered dynamically with set_time_limit().
- Browsers generally have a 5 minute time-out. If you send the PDF directly to the browser and
reach the limit, it will be lost. It is therefore advised for very big documents to
generate them in a file, and to send some data to the browser from time to time (for instance
page 1, page 2... with flush() to force the output). When the document is finished, you can send
a redirection on it with JavaScript or create a link.
Remark: even when the browser goes in time-out, the script may continue to run on the server.</P>
<A NAME='19'></A><B>19.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>Can I modify a PDF with FPDF?</FONT>
<A NAME='20'></A><B>20.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I'd like to make a search engine in PHP and index PDF files. Can I do it with FPDF?</FONT>
<P>No. But a GPL C utility does exist, pdftotext, which is able to extract the textual content from
a PDF. It is provided with the Xpdf package:<BR>
<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A></P>
<A NAME='21'></A><B>21.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>Can I convert an HTML page to PDF with FPDF?</FONT>
<P>No. But a GPL C utility does exist, htmldoc, which allows to do it and gives good results:<BR>
<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A></P>
<A NAME='22'></A><B>22.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>Can I concatenate PDF files with FPDF?</FONT>
<P>No. But a free C utility exists to perform this task:<BR>
<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A></P>
<A NAME='23'></A><B>23.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>How can I activate the protections on a PDF? I'd like to prevent people from copying the text or modifying the document.</FONT>
<P>You can't for the moment. The feature will be implemented in the future.</P>

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
The attribute "host" is only in objectclass account.
Unfortunatly "account" conflicts with
"inetorgperson". so there's no perfect way to use
In order to get attribute host working you have to
modify schema/inetoergperson and include host:
# inetOrgPerson
# The inetOrgPerson represents people who are associated with an
# organization in some way. It is a structural class and is derived
# from the organizationalPerson which is defined in X.521 [X521].
objectclass ( 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.2
NAME 'inetOrgPerson'
DESC 'RFC2798: Internet Organizational Person'
SUP organizationalPerson
audio $ businessCategory $ carLicense $ departmentNumber $
displayName $ employeeNumber $ employeeType $ givenName $
homePhone $ homePostalAddress $ initials $ jpegPhoto $
labeledURI $ mail $ manager $ mobile $ o $ pager $
photo $ roomNumber $ secretary $ uid $ userCertificate $
x500uniqueIdentifier $ preferredLanguage $
userSMIMECertificate $ userPKCS12 $ host )

View File

@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ is used to modify quota and homedirs
on a remote or local host via ssh.
If you want wo use it you have to set up many
thins to get it work.
1. Set values in LDAP Account manager
* Set the remote or local host in the configuration
* Path to, e.g. /srv/www/htdocs/lam/lib/
2. Set up sudo
The perlskript has to run as root (very ugly I know but
I haven't found any other solution). Therefor we need
a wrapper, sudo.
Edit /etc/sudoers on host homedirs or quotas should be used
and add the following line:
$admin All= NOPASSWD: $path
$admin is the adminuser from lam and $path
is the path include the filename of
e.g. $admin All= NOPASSWD: /srv/www/htdocs/lam/lib/
At the moment the password is a paramteter of
Therefore you should disable logging so the password doesn't
apear in any logfile
This can be done by adding the following line:
Defaults:$admin !syslog
3. Set up perl
We need some external perl-modules, Quota and Net::SSH::Perl
Th install them, run:
perl -MCPAN -e shell
install Quota
install Net::SSH::Perl
Please answer all questions to describe your system
Every additional needed module should be installed
LDAP isn't used by anymore
I installed Math::Pari, a needed module, by hand.
I had many problems to install Math::Pari, a module needed
by Net:SSH::Perl. The reason is a bug in gcc 3.3 (In my case).
I found the following solution to prevent this bug:
* Download and untar pari (
* Download and untar Math::Pari
* run perl Makefile.PL
* edit Makefile and libPARI/Makefile
Replace line "OPTIMIZE = -O3 --pipe" with
"OPTIMIZE = -O1 --pipe".
* run make
* run make install
4. Set up ssh
On my System, Suse 9.0 I had to set usePAM no in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
to get work
I had some problems to log in with ssh if the password hash of the
admin-user was encrypted with {SSHA}. I had to change encryption
for admin-accounts to {CRYPT} to get ssh work.
5. Test
I've installed a test-function in Please run
with the following attributes to test it: $ssh-server $lam_path_on_host $admin-username $admin-password *test
$ssh-server is the remote host should be run
$lam_path_on_host is the path to on remote host
$admin-username is the name of the user which is allowed to run
as root. It's the same user in /etc/sudoers
$admin-password is the password of admin-user
*test is the command which tells to test settings
You have to run the coammd as the user your webserver is running as, e.g.
wwwrun@tilo:/srv/www/htdocs/lam/lib> /srv/www/htdocs/lam/lib/ \ /srv/www/htdocs/lam/lib/ root secret *test
You should get the following response:
Net::SSH::Perl successfully installed.
sudo set up correctly.
Perl quota module successfully installed.
If you have'nt seen any error should set up successfully.
Now everything should work fine
This is a very incomplete Documention for Beta-Release only.
Pleas send a mail to if you have any suggsestion

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
Some basic hints to configure the openLDAP server:
SIZELIMIT: OpenLDAP allows by default 500 return values per search, if you have more users/groups/hosts
change this in slapd.conf: e.g. "sizelimit 10000" or "sizelimit -1" for unlimited return values.
INDICES: Indices will improve the performance when searching for entries in the LDAP directory.
The following indices are recommended:
index objectClass eq
index default sub
index uidNumber eq
index gidNumber eq
index memberUid eq
index cn,mail,surname,givenname eq,subinitial
# Samba 2.x
index rid eq
index primaryGroupID eq
# Samba 3.x
index sambaSID eq
index sambaPrimaryGroupSID eq
index sambaDomainName eq

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
1. Use of SSL
The data which is transfered between you and the LAM server is very sensitive.
Please always use SSL encrypted connections between LAM and your browser to
protect yourself against network sniffers.
LAM should start TLS automatically if possible. LDAP+SSL will be used if you use
ldaps://servername in your configuration file.
3. Chrooted servers
If your server is chrooted and you have no access to /dev/random or /dev/urandom
this can be a security risk. LAM stores your LDAP password encrypted in the session.
LAM uses rand() to generate the key if /dev/random and /dev/urandom are not accessible.
Therefore the key can be easily guessed.
An attaker needs read access to the session file (e.g. by another Apache instance) to
exploit this.
4. LDAP-password protection
Your LDAP-password is stored encrypted in the session file. The key and IV to decrypt
it are stored in two cookies. We use MCrypt/AES or Blowfish to encrypt the password.
5. Protection of new user passwords
These passwords are, if stored in the session file, encrypted with the same key and IV
as your LDAP-password.

View File

@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<LINK TYPE="text/css" REL="stylesheet" HREF="fpdf.css">
<B>1.</B> <A HREF='#1'>What's exactly the license of FPDF? Are there any usage restrictions?</A><BR>
<B>2.</B> <A HREF='#2'>When I try to create a PDF, a lot of weird characters show on the screen. Why?</A><BR>
<B>3.</B> <A HREF='#3'>I try to generate a PDF and IE displays a blank page. What happens?</A><BR>
<B>4.</B> <A HREF='#4'>I send parameters using the POST method and the values don't appear in the PDF.</A><BR>
<B>5.</B> <A HREF='#5'>When I use a PHP session, IE doesn't display my PDF any more but asks me to download it.</A><BR>
<B>6.</B> <A HREF='#6'>When I'm on SSL, IE can't open the PDF.</A><BR>
<B>7.</B> <A HREF='#7'>When I execute a script I get the message "FPDF error: Don't alter the locale before including class file".</A><BR>
<B>8.</B> <A HREF='#8'>I try to put a PNG and Acrobat says "There was an error processing a page. A drawing error occurred".</A><BR>
<B>9.</B> <A HREF='#9'>I try to put an image and Acrobat says "There was an error processing a page. Wrong operand type".</A><BR>
<B>10.</B> <A HREF='#10'>I'd like to put my image in real size in the PDF. How can I convert pixels to mm?</A><BR>
<B>11.</B> <A HREF='#11'>I encounter the following error when I try to generate a PDF: Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at script.php:X)</A><BR>
<B>12.</B> <A HREF='#12'>I try to display a variable in the Header method but nothing prints.</A><BR>
<B>13.</B> <A HREF='#13'>I defined the Header and Footer methods in my PDF class but nothing appears.</A><BR>
<B>14.</B> <A HREF='#14'>I can't make line breaks work. I put \n in the string printed by MultiCell but it doesn't work.</A><BR>
<B>15.</B> <A HREF='#15'>I try to put the euro symbol but it doesn't work.</A><BR>
<B>16.</B> <A HREF='#16'>I draw a frame with very precise dimensions, but when printed I notice some differences.</A><BR>
<B>17.</B> <A HREF='#17'>I'd like to use the whole surface of the page, but when printed I always have some margins. How can I get rid of them?</A><BR>
<B>18.</B> <A HREF='#18'>What's the limit of the file sizes I can generate with FPDF?</A><BR>
<B>19.</B> <A HREF='#19'>Can I modify a PDF with FPDF?</A><BR>
<B>20.</B> <A HREF='#20'>I'd like to make a search engine in PHP and index PDF files. Can I do it with FPDF?</A><BR>
<B>21.</B> <A HREF='#21'>Can I convert an HTML page to PDF with FPDF?</A><BR>
<B>22.</B> <A HREF='#22'>Can I concatenate PDF files with FPDF?</A><BR>
<B>23.</B> <A HREF='#23'>How can I activate the protections on a PDF? I'd like to prevent people from copying the text or modifying the document.</A><BR>
<A NAME='1'></A><B>1.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>What's exactly the license of FPDF? Are there any usage restrictions?</FONT>
<P>FPDF is Freeware (it is stated at the beginning of the source file). There is no usage
restriction. You may embed it freely in your application (commercial or not), with or
without modification.</P>
<A NAME='2'></A><B>2.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>When I try to create a PDF, a lot of weird characters show on the screen. Why?</FONT>
<P>These "weird" characters are in fact the actual content of your PDF. This behaviour is a bug of
IE. When it first receives an HTML page, then a PDF from the same URL, it displays it directly
without launching Acrobat. This happens frequently during the development stage: on the least
script error, an HTML page is sent, and after correction, the PDF arrives.
To solve the problem, simply quit and restart IE. You can also go to another URL and come
To avoid this kind of inconvenience during the development, you can generate the PDF directly
to a file and open it through the explorer.</P>
<A NAME='3'></A><B>3.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I try to generate a PDF and IE displays a blank page. What happens?</FONT>
<P>First of all, check that you send nothing to the browser after the PDF (not even a space or a
carriage return). You can put an exit statement just after the call to the Output() method to
be sure.
If it still doesn't work, it means you're a victim of the "blank page syndrome". IE used in
conjunction with the Acrobat plug-in suffers from numerous bugs, in all versions. You should
test your application with as many IE versions as possible (at least if you're on the Internet).
The problem occurs mostly with the POST method, so it is strongly advised to avoid it (all the
more that it causes other problems, see the next question). The GET works better but may fail
when the URL becomes too long: don't use a query string with more than 45 characters. However, a
tip exists to exceed this limit: end the URL with .pdf, which tricks IE. If you use a
formular, you can add a hidden field at the last position:
&lt;INPUT TYPE=&quot;HIDDEN&quot; NAME=&quot;ext&quot; VALUE=&quot;.pdf&quot;&gt;
The usage of PHP sessions also often causes trouble (avoid using HTTP headers preventing caching).
See question 5 for a workaround.
To avoid all these problems in a reliable manner, two main techniques exist:
- Disable the plug-in and use Acrobat as a helper application. To do this, launch Acrobat; in
the File menu, Preferences, General, uncheck the option "Web Browser Integration" (for Acrobat
5: Edit, Preferences, Options, "Display PDF in Browser"). Then, the next time you load a PDF in
IE, it displays the dialog box "Open it" or "Save it to disk". Uncheck the option "Always ask
before opening this type of file" and choose Open. From now on, PDF files will open
automatically in an external Acrobat window.
The drawback of the method is that you need to alter the client configuration, which you can do
in an intranet environment but not for the Internet.
- Use a redirection technique. It consists in generating the PDF in a temporary file on the
server and redirect the client on it (by using JavaScript, not the Location HTTP header which
also causes trouble). For instance, at the end of the script, you can put the following:
//Determine a temporary file name in the current directory<BR>
//Save PDF to file<BR>
//JavaScript redirection<BR>
echo &quot;&lt;HTML&gt;&lt;SCRIPT&gt;document.location='getpdf.php?f=$file';&lt;/SCRIPT&gt;&lt;/HTML&gt;&quot;;
Then create the getpdf.php file with this:
//Check file (don't skip it!)<BR>
if(substr($f,0,3)!='tmp' or strpos($f,'/') or strpos($f,'\\'))<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;die('Incorrect file name');<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;die('File does not exist');<BR>
//Handle special IE request if needed<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Header('Content-Type: application/pdf');<BR>
//Output PDF<BR>
Header('Content-Type: application/pdf');<BR>
Header('Content-Length: '.filesize($f));<BR>
//Remove file<BR>
This method works in most cases but IE6 can still experience trouble. The "ultimate" method
consists in redirecting directly to the temporary file. The file name must therefore end with .pdf:
//Determine a temporary file name in the current directory<BR>
//Save PDF to file<BR>
//JavaScript redirection<BR>
echo &quot;&lt;HTML&gt;&lt;SCRIPT&gt;document.location='$file';&lt;/SCRIPT&gt;&lt;/HTML&gt;&quot;;
This method turns the dynamic PDF into a static one and avoids all troubles. But you have to do
some cleaning in order to delete the temporary files. For instance:
function CleanFiles($dir)<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Delete temporary files<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if(substr($file,0,3)=='tmp' and substr($file,-4)=='.pdf')<BR>
This function deletes all files of the form tmp*.pdf older than an hour in the specified
directory. You may call it where you want, for instance in the script which generates the PDF.
Remark: it is necessary to open the PDF in a new window, as you can't go backwards due to the
<A NAME='4'></A><B>4.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I send parameters using the POST method and the values don't appear in the PDF.</FONT>
<P>It's a problem affecting some versions of IE (especially the first 5.5). See the previous
question for the ways to work around it.</P>
<A NAME='5'></A><B>5.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>When I use a PHP session, IE doesn't display my PDF any more but asks me to download it.</FONT>
<P>It's a problem affecting some versions of IE. To work around it, add the following line before
or do a redirection as explained in question 3.</P>
<A NAME='6'></A><B>6.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>When I'm on SSL, IE can't open the PDF.</FONT>
<P>The problem may be fixed by adding this line:<BR>
Header('Pragma: public');
<A NAME='7'></A><B>7.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>When I execute a script I get the message "FPDF error: Don't alter the locale before including class file".</FONT>
<P>When the decimal separator is configured as a comma before including a file, there is a
<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">bug</A> in PHP and decimal numbers
get truncated. Therefore you shouldn't make a call to setlocale() before including the class.
On Unix, you shouldn't set the LC_ALL environment variable neither, for it is equivalent to a
setlocale() call.</P>
<A NAME='8'></A><B>8.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I try to put a PNG and Acrobat says "There was an error processing a page. A drawing error occurred".</FONT>
<P>Acrobat 5 has a bug and is unable to display transparent monochrome images (i.e. with 1 bit per
pixel). Remove transparency or save your image in 16 colors (4 bits per pixel) or more.</P>
<A NAME='9'></A><B>9.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I try to put an image and Acrobat says "There was an error processing a page. Wrong operand type".</FONT>
<P>You have to give at least one dimension; height and width can't be both equal to zero.</P>
<A NAME='10'></A><B>10.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I'd like to put my image in real size in the PDF. How can I convert pixels to mm?</FONT>
<P>An image has no "real size". The dimension it is given in the document is arbitrary. Except if
you want to impose a particular resolution (for instance 72dpi, which is the one typically used
on screen display), in which case the ratio between the pixel width and the resolution gives the
<A NAME='11'></A><B>11.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I encounter the following error when I try to generate a PDF: Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at script.php:X)</FONT>
<P>You must send nothing to the browser except the PDF itself: no HTML, no space, no carriage return,
neither before nor after. The script outputs something at line X.</P>
<A NAME='12'></A><B>12.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I try to display a variable in the Header method but nothing prints.</FONT>
<P>You have to use the <TT>global</TT> keyword, for instance:
function Header()<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;global $title;<BR>
<A NAME='13'></A><B>13.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I defined the Header and Footer methods in my PDF class but nothing appears.</FONT>
<P>You have to create an object from the PDF class, not FPDF:<BR>
$pdf=new PDF();
<A NAME='14'></A><B>14.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I can't make line breaks work. I put \n in the string printed by MultiCell but it doesn't work.</FONT>
<P>You have to enclose your string with double quotes, not single ones.</P>
<A NAME='15'></A><B>15.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I try to put the euro symbol but it doesn't work.</FONT>
<P>The standard fonts have the euro character at position 128. You can define a constant like this
for convenience:
<A NAME='16'></A><B>16.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I draw a frame with very precise dimensions, but when printed I notice some differences.</FONT>
<P>To respect dimensions, you have to uncheck the option "Fit to page" in the print dialog box.</P>
<A NAME='17'></A><B>17.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I'd like to use the whole surface of the page, but when printed I always have some margins. How can I get rid of them?</FONT>
<P>All printers have physical margins (different depending on the model), it is therefore impossible
to remove them and print on the totality of the paper.</P>
<A NAME='18'></A><B>18.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>What's the limit of the file sizes I can generate with FPDF?</FONT>
<P>There is no particular limit. There are some constraints however:
- The maximum memory size allocated to PHP scripts defaults to 8MB. For very big documents,
especially with images, this limit may be reached (the file being built into memory). The
parameter is configured in the php.ini file.
- The maximum execution time allocated defaults to 30 seconds. This limit can of course be easily
reached. It is configured in php.ini and may be altered dynamically with set_time_limit().
- Browsers generally have a 5 minute time-out. If you send the PDF directly to the browser and
reach the limit, it will be lost. It is therefore advised for very big documents to
generate them in a file, and to send some data to the browser from time to time (for instance
page 1, page 2... with flush() to force the output). When the document is finished, you can send
a redirection on it with JavaScript or create a link.
Remark: even when the browser goes in time-out, the script may continue to run on the server.</P>
<A NAME='19'></A><B>19.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>Can I modify a PDF with FPDF?</FONT>
<A NAME='20'></A><B>20.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I'd like to make a search engine in PHP and index PDF files. Can I do it with FPDF?</FONT>
<P>No. But a GPL C utility does exist, pdftotext, which is able to extract the textual content from
a PDF. It is provided with the Xpdf package:<BR>
<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A></P>
<A NAME='21'></A><B>21.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>Can I convert an HTML page to PDF with FPDF?</FONT>
<P>No. But a GPL C utility does exist, htmldoc, which allows to do it and gives good results:<BR>
<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A></P>
<A NAME='22'></A><B>22.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>Can I concatenate PDF files with FPDF?</FONT>
<P>No. But a free C utility exists to perform this task:<BR>
<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A></P>
<A NAME='23'></A><B>23.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>How can I activate the protections on a PDF? I'd like to prevent people from copying the text or modifying the document.</FONT>
<P>You can't for the moment. The feature will be implemented in the future.</P>

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
The attribute "host" is only in objectclass account.
Unfortunatly "account" conflicts with
"inetorgperson". so there's no perfect way to use
In order to get attribute host working you have to
modify schema/inetoergperson and include host:
# inetOrgPerson
# The inetOrgPerson represents people who are associated with an
# organization in some way. It is a structural class and is derived
# from the organizationalPerson which is defined in X.521 [X521].
objectclass ( 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.2
NAME 'inetOrgPerson'
DESC 'RFC2798: Internet Organizational Person'
SUP organizationalPerson
audio $ businessCategory $ carLicense $ departmentNumber $
displayName $ employeeNumber $ employeeType $ givenName $
homePhone $ homePostalAddress $ initials $ jpegPhoto $
labeledURI $ mail $ manager $ mobile $ o $ pager $
photo $ roomNumber $ secretary $ uid $ userCertificate $
x500uniqueIdentifier $ preferredLanguage $
userSMIMECertificate $ userPKCS12 $ host )

View File

@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ is used to modify quota and homedirs
on a remote or local host via ssh.
If you want wo use it you have to set up many
thins to get it work.
1. Set values in LDAP Account manager
* Set the remote or local host in the configuration
* Path to, e.g. /srv/www/htdocs/lam/lib/
2. Set up sudo
The perlskript has to run as root (very ugly I know but
I haven't found any other solution). Therefor we need
a wrapper, sudo.
Edit /etc/sudoers on host homedirs or quotas should be used
and add the following line:
$admin All= NOPASSWD: $path
$admin is the adminuser from lam and $path
is the path include the filename of
e.g. $admin All= NOPASSWD: /srv/www/htdocs/lam/lib/
At the moment the password is a paramteter of
Therefore you should disable logging so the password doesn't
apear in any logfile
This can be done by adding the following line:
Defaults:$admin !syslog
3. Set up perl
We need some external perl-modules, Quota and Net::SSH::Perl
Th install them, run:
perl -MCPAN -e shell
install Quota
install Net::SSH::Perl
Please answer all questions to describe your system
Every additional needed module should be installed
LDAP isn't used by anymore
I installed Math::Pari, a needed module, by hand.
I had many problems to install Math::Pari, a module needed
by Net:SSH::Perl. The reason is a bug in gcc 3.3 (In my case).
I found the following solution to prevent this bug:
* Download and untar pari (
* Download and untar Math::Pari
* run perl Makefile.PL
* edit Makefile and libPARI/Makefile
Replace line "OPTIMIZE = -O3 --pipe" with
"OPTIMIZE = -O1 --pipe".
* run make
* run make install
4. Set up ssh
On my System, Suse 9.0 I had to set usePAM no in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
to get work
I had some problems to log in with ssh if the password hash of the
admin-user was encrypted with {SSHA}. I had to change encryption
for admin-accounts to {CRYPT} to get ssh work.
5. Test
I've installed a test-function in Please run
with the following attributes to test it: $ssh-server $lam_path_on_host $admin-username $admin-password *test
$ssh-server is the remote host should be run
$lam_path_on_host is the path to on remote host
$admin-username is the name of the user which is allowed to run
as root. It's the same user in /etc/sudoers
$admin-password is the password of admin-user
*test is the command which tells to test settings
You have to run the coammd as the user your webserver is running as, e.g.
wwwrun@tilo:/srv/www/htdocs/lam/lib> /srv/www/htdocs/lam/lib/ \ /srv/www/htdocs/lam/lib/ root secret *test
You should get the following response:
Net::SSH::Perl successfully installed.
sudo set up correctly.
Perl quota module successfully installed.
If you have'nt seen any error should set up successfully.
Now everything should work fine
This is a very incomplete Documention for Beta-Release only.
Pleas send a mail to if you have any suggsestion

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
Some basic hints to configure the openLDAP server:
SIZELIMIT: OpenLDAP allows by default 500 return values per search, if you have more users/groups/hosts
change this in slapd.conf: e.g. "sizelimit 10000" or "sizelimit -1" for unlimited return values.
INDICES: Indices will improve the performance when searching for entries in the LDAP directory.
The following indices are recommended:
index objectClass eq
index default sub
index uidNumber eq
index gidNumber eq
index memberUid eq
index cn,mail,surname,givenname eq,subinitial
# Samba 2.x
index rid eq
index primaryGroupID eq
# Samba 3.x
index sambaSID eq
index sambaPrimaryGroupSID eq
index sambaDomainName eq

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
1. Use of SSL
The data which is transfered between you and the LAM server is very sensitive.
Please always use SSL encrypted connections between LAM and your browser to
protect yourself against network sniffers.
LAM should start TLS automatically if possible. LDAP+SSL will be used if you use
ldaps://servername in your configuration file.
3. Chrooted servers
If your server is chrooted and you have no access to /dev/random or /dev/urandom
this can be a security risk. LAM stores your LDAP password encrypted in the session.
LAM uses rand() to generate the key if /dev/random and /dev/urandom are not accessible.
Therefore the key can be easily guessed.
An attaker needs read access to the session file (e.g. by another Apache instance) to
exploit this.
4. LDAP-password protection
Your LDAP-password is stored encrypted in the session file. The key and IV to decrypt
it are stored in two cookies. We use MCrypt/AES or Blowfish to encrypt the password.
5. Protection of new user passwords
These passwords are, if stored in the session file, encrypted with the same key and IV
as your LDAP-password.