restyled upload fields
This commit is contained in:
@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ if (isset($_GET['getCSV'])) {
include 'main_header.php';
echo '<div class="userlist-bright smallPaddingContent">';
// get possible types and remove those which do not support file upload
$types = $_SESSION['config']->get_ActiveTypes();
@ -108,6 +107,11 @@ if (isset($_POST['type'])) {
// show start page
$divClass = 'user';
if (isset($_REQUEST['type'])) {
$divClass = $_REQUEST['type'];
echo '<div class="' . $divClass . 'list-bright smallPaddingContent">';
echo "<div class=\"title\">\n";
echo "<h2 class=\"titleText\">" . _("Account creation via file upload") . "</h2>\n";
echo "</div>";
@ -126,7 +130,7 @@ echo "<table style=\"border-color: grey\" cellpadding=\"10\" border=\"0\" cellsp
echo '<b>' . _("Account type") . ':</b>';
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td>\n";
echo "<select class=\"user\" name=\"type\" onChange=\"changeVisibleModules(this);\">\n";
echo "<select class=\"$divClass\" name=\"type\" onChange=\"changeVisibleModules(this);\">\n";
$sortedTypes = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($types); $i++) {
$sortedTypes[$types[$i]] = getTypeAlias($types[$i]);
@ -214,77 +218,98 @@ include 'main_footer.php';
* @param array $selectedModules list of selected account modules
function showMainPage($scope, $selectedModules) {
echo "<h1>" . _("File upload") . "</h1>";
echo "<p>\n";
echo _("Please provide a CSV formated file with your account data. The cells in the first row must be filled with the column identifiers. The following rows represent one account for each row.");
echo "<br>";
echo _("Check your input carefully. LAM will only do some basic checks on the upload data.");
echo "<br><br>";
echo _("Hint: Format all cells as text in your spreadsheet program and turn off auto correction.");
echo "</p>\n";
echo "<p> </p>\n";
echo "<form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"massBuildAccounts.php\" method=\"post\">\n";
echo "<p>\n";
echo "<b>" . _("CSV file:") . "</b> <input class=\"$scope\" name=\"inputfile\" type=\"file\"> ";
echo "<button class=\"smallPadding\" name=\"submitfile\" id=\"okButton\">" . _('Upload file and create accounts') . "</button>\n";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"scope\" value=\"$scope\">\n";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"selectedModules\" value=\"" . implode(',', $selectedModules) . "\">\n";
echo " <a href=\"masscreate.php?getCSV=1\"><b>" . _("Download sample CSV file") . "</b></a>\n";
echo "</p>\n";
echo "</form>\n";
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
echo "<p> </p>\n";
echo _("Here is a list of possible columns. The red columns must be included in the CSV file and filled with data for all accounts.");
echo "<p><big><b>" . _("Columns:") . "</b></big></p>\n";
// DN options
echo "<fieldset class=\"" . $scope . "edit\">\n<legend><b>" . _("DN settings") . "</b></legend><br>\n";
echo "<table width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "<tr valign=\"top\">\n";
echo "<td width=\"50%\">\n";
echo "<b>" . _("DN suffix") . "</b>\n";
// help link
echo " ";
printHelpLink(getHelp('', '361'), '361');
echo "<br>\n";
echo "<ul>\n";
echo "<li><b>" . _("Identifier") . ":</b> " . "dn_suffix</li>\n";
echo "<li><b>" . _("Example value") . ":</b> " . _("ou=accounts,dc=yourdomain,dc=org") . "</li>\n";
echo "<li><b>" . _("Default value") . ":</b> " . $_SESSION['config']->get_Suffix($scope) . "</li>\n";
echo "</ul>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td width=\"50%\">\n";
echo "<b><font color=\"red\">" . _("RDN identifier") . "</font></b>\n";
// help link
echo " ";
printHelpLink(getHelp('', '301'), '301');
echo "<br>\n";
echo "<ul>\n";
echo "<li><b>" . _("Identifier") . ":</b> " . "dn_rdn</li>\n";
echo "<li><b>" . _("Possible values") . ":</b> " . implode(", ", getRDNAttributes($scope, $selectedModules)) . "</li>\n";
echo "</ul>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
echo "</fieldset><br>\n";
echo '<div class="' . $scope . 'list-bright smallPaddingContent">';
// get input fields from modules
$columns = getUploadColumns($scope, $selectedModules);
// print input fields
$modules = array_keys($columns);
echo "<form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"massBuildAccounts.php\" method=\"post\">\n";
$container = new htmlTable();
// title
$container->addElement(new htmlTitle(_("File upload")), true);
$container->addElement(new htmlSpacer(null, '10px'), true);
// instructions
$container->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_("Please provide a CSV formated file with your account data. The cells in the first row must be filled with the column identifiers. The following rows represent one account for each row.")), true);
$container->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_("Check your input carefully. LAM will only do some basic checks on the upload data.")), true);
$container->addElement(new htmlSpacer(null, '10px'), true);
$container->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_("Hint: Format all cells as text in your spreadsheet program and turn off auto correction.")), true);
$container->addElement(new htmlSpacer(null, '10px'), true);
// upload elements
$inputContainer = new htmlTable();
$inputContainer->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_("CSV file")));
$inputContainer->addElement(new htmlInputFileUpload('inputfile'));
$inputContainer->addElement(new htmlButton('submitfile', _('Upload file and create accounts')));
$inputContainer->addElement(new htmlSpacer('10px', null));
$inputContainer->addElement(new htmlLink(_("Download sample CSV file"), 'masscreate.php?getCSV=1'));
$inputContainer->addElement(new htmlHiddenInput('scope', $scope));
$inputContainer->addElement(new htmlHiddenInput('selectedModules', implode(',', $selectedModules)), true);
$container->addElement($inputContainer, true);
$container->addElement(new htmlSpacer(null, '10px'), true);
// column list
$columnSpacer = new htmlSpacer('10px', null);
$container->addElement(new htmlTitle(_("Columns")), true);
$columnContainer = new htmlTable();
$columnContainer->setCSSClasses($scope . 'list');
$columnContainer->addElement(new htmlOutputText(''));
$columnContainer->addElement(new htmlOutputText(''));
$header1 = new htmlOutputText(_("Identifier"));
$header1->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_LEFT;
$columnContainer->addElement($header1, false, true);
$header2 = new htmlOutputText(_("Example value"));
$header2->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_LEFT;
$columnContainer->addElement($header2, false, true);
$header3 = new htmlOutputText(_("Default value"));
$header3->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_LEFT;
$columnContainer->addElement($header3, false, true);
$header4 = new htmlOutputText(_("Possible values"));
$header4->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_LEFT;
$columnContainer->addElement($header4, true, true);
// DN options
$dnTitle = new htmlSubTitle(_("DN settings"), '../graphics/logo32.png');
$dnTitle->colspan = 20;
$dnSuffixRowCells = array();
$dnSuffixRowCells[] = $columnSpacer;
$dnSuffixRowCells[] = new htmlHelpLink('361');
$dnSuffixRowCells[] = $columnSpacer;
$dnSuffixRowCells[] = new htmlOutputText(_("DN suffix"));
$dnSuffixRowCells[] = $columnSpacer;
$dnSuffixRowCells[] = new htmlOutputText('dn_suffix');
$dnSuffixRowCells[] = $columnSpacer;
$dnSuffixRowCells[] = new htmlOutputText($_SESSION['config']->get_Suffix($scope));
$dnSuffixRowCells[] = $columnSpacer;
$dnSuffixRowCells[] = new htmlOutputText($_SESSION['config']->get_Suffix($scope));
$dnSuffixRowCells[] = $columnSpacer;
$dnSuffixRowCells[] = new htmlOutputText('');
$dnSuffixRowCells[] = new htmlSpacer(null, '25px');
$dnSuffixRow = new htmlTableRow($dnSuffixRowCells);
$dnSuffixRow->setCSSClasses($scope . 'list-dark');
$dnRDNRowCells = array();
$dnRDNRowCells[] = $columnSpacer;
$dnRDNRowCells[] = new htmlHelpLink('301');
$dnRDNRowCells[] = $columnSpacer;
$dnRDNRowCells[] = new htmlOutputText(_("RDN identifier") . '*');
$dnRDNRowCells[] = $columnSpacer;
$dnRDNRowCells[] = new htmlOutputText('dn_rdn');
$dnRDNRowCells[] = $columnSpacer;
$rdnAttributes = getRDNAttributes($scope, $selectedModules);
$dnRDNRowCells[] = new htmlOutputText($rdnAttributes[0]);
$dnRDNRowCells[] = $columnSpacer;
$dnRDNRowCells[] = new htmlOutputText('');
$dnRDNRowCells[] = $columnSpacer;
$dnRDNRowCells[] = new htmlOutputText(implode(", ", $rdnAttributes));
$dnRDNRowCells[] = new htmlSpacer(null, '25px');
$dnRDNRow = new htmlTableRow($dnRDNRowCells);
$dnRDNRow->setCSSClasses($scope . 'list-bright');
// module options
for ($m = 0; $m < sizeof($modules); $m++) {
// skip modules without upload columns
if (sizeof($columns[$modules[$m]]) < 1) {
@ -294,34 +319,58 @@ function showMainPage($scope, $selectedModules) {
$module = new $modules[$m]($scope);
$iconImage = $module->getIcon();
if ($iconImage != null) {
$icon = '<img align="middle" src="../graphics/' . $iconImage . '" alt="' . $iconImage . '"> ';
$icon = '../graphics/' . $iconImage;
echo "<fieldset class=\"" . $scope . "edit\">\n<legend>$icon<b>" . getModuleAlias($modules[$m], $scope) . "</b></legend><br>\n";
echo "<table width=\"100%\">\n";
$moduleTitle = new htmlSubTitle(getModuleAlias($modules[$m], $scope), $icon);
$moduleTitle->colspan = 20;
$odd = true;
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($columns[$modules[$m]]); $i++) {
echo "<tr valign=\"top\">\n";
echo "<td width=\"33%\">\n";
showColumnData($modules[$m], $columns[$modules[$m]][$i], $scope);
echo "</td>\n";
if ($i < sizeof($columns[$modules[$m]])) {
echo "<td width=\"33%\">\n";
showColumnData($modules[$m], $columns[$modules[$m]][$i], $scope);
echo "</td>\n";
if ($i < sizeof($columns[$modules[$m]])) {
echo "<td width=\"33%\">\n";
showColumnData($modules[$m], $columns[$modules[$m]][$i], $scope);
echo "</td>\n";
$required = '';
if (isset($columns[$modules[$m]][$i]['required']) && ($columns[$modules[$m]][$i]['required'] == true)) {
$required = '*';
else echo "<td width=\"33%\"></td>"; // empty cell if no more fields
$rowCells = array();
$rowCells[] = $columnSpacer;
$rowCells[] = new htmlHelpLink($columns[$modules[$m]][$i]['help'], $modules[$m], $scope);
$rowCells[] = $columnSpacer;
$rowCells[] = new htmlOutputText($columns[$modules[$m]][$i]['description'] . $required);
$rowCells[] = $columnSpacer;
$rowCells[] = new htmlOutputText($columns[$modules[$m]][$i]['name']);
$rowCells[] = $columnSpacer;
$rowCells[] = new htmlOutputText($columns[$modules[$m]][$i]['example']);
$rowCells[] = $columnSpacer;
if (isset($columns[$modules[$m]][$i]['default'])) {
$rowCells[] = new htmlOutputText($columns[$modules[$m]][$i]['default']);
else echo "<td width=\"33%\"></td><td width=\"33%\"></td>"; // empty cell if no more fields
echo "</tr>\n";
else {
$rowCells[] = new htmlOutputText('');
echo "</table>\n";
echo "</fieldset><br>";
$rowCells[] = $columnSpacer;
if (isset($columns[$modules[$m]][$i]['values'])) {
$rowCells[] = new htmlOutputText($columns[$modules[$m]][$i]['values']);
else {
$rowCells[] = new htmlOutputText('');
$rowCells[] = new htmlSpacer(null, '25px');
$row = new htmlTableRow($rowCells);
if ($odd) {
$row->setCSSClasses($scope . 'list-dark');
else {
$row->setCSSClasses($scope . 'list-bright');
$odd = !$odd;
$container->addElement($columnContainer, true);
$tabindex = 1;
parseHtml(null, $container, array(), false, $tabindex, $scope);
echo "</form>\n";
// build sample CSV
$sampleCSV_head = array();
@ -355,47 +404,4 @@ function showMainPage($scope, $selectedModules) {
* Prints the properties of one input field.
* @param string $module account module name
* @param array $data field data from modules
* @param string $scope account type
function showColumnData($module, $data, $scope) {
if (isset($data['required']) && ($data['required'] == true)) {
echo "<font color=\"red\"><b>\n";
echo $data['description'];
echo "</b></font>\n";
else {
echo "<b>\n";
echo $data['description'];
echo "</b>\n";
// help link
echo " ";
printHelpLink(getHelp($module, $data['help'], $scope), $data['help'], $module, $scope);
echo "<br>\n";
echo "<ul>\n";
echo "<li>\n";
echo "<b>" . _("Identifier") . ":</b> " . $data['name'] . "\n";
echo "</li>\n";
if (isset($data['values'])) {
echo "<li>\n";
echo "<b>" . _("Possible values") . ":</b> " . $data['values'] . "\n";
echo "</li>\n";
echo "<li>\n";
echo "<b>" . _("Example value") . ":</b> " . $data['example'] . "\n";
echo "</li>\n";
if (isset($data['default'])) {
echo "<li>\n";
echo "<b>" . _("Default value") . ":</b> " . $data['default'] . "\n";
echo "</li>\n";
echo "</ul>\n";
Reference in New Issue