Account selection (masscreate.php)
+This is the initial page of the file upload. The user selects the
+account type for the new upload.
+Attribute overview (masscreate.php)
+After the account selection LAM will display an overview of the
+possible and required input columns.
+The DN attributes (DN suffix and RDN) are static and are always
+displayed. The default suffix is read from config with getAccountSuffix() and the list of
+RDN possibilities is taken from modules.inc - getRDNAttributes().
+The next attributes are read from modules.inc - getUploadColumns(). LAM will display
+all attributes of one module in a separate fieldset. The getUploadColumns() function also
+returns if an attribute is required and additional information like an
+example value.
+After clicking the upload button the user will be forwarded to the
+account building page.
+Account building (massBuildAccounts.php)
+This part takes the submitted CSV file
+and generates the LDAP accounts.
+The scripts separates the head row from the data rows in the CSV file.
+The head array is used to find the position of the input values. The
+data array contains one subarray for each account.
+After the data has been extracted there are some basic checks done,
+e.g. checking required and unique columns. The modules provide the
+necessary information for this.
+Then all data is given to the modules with buildUploadAccounts() in
+modules.inc. They return a list of accounts which can be uploaded with ldap-add() and generate possible
+error messages.
+If the accounts are built the script will give the user the possibility
+to check the result with an LDIF-file
+or to do the upload.
+LDIF export (massBuildAccounts.php)
+LAM simply takes the built accounts and generates an LDIF-file from them. This is passed
+to the user's browser.
+The LDIF-file will only
+contain the accounts itself. If modules do additional tasks after the
+upload (e.g. adding users to groups) this will not be covered.
+Account creation (massDoUpload.php)
+This script finally uploads the LDAP accounts with ldap_add().
+The upload can last longer than the maximum execution time of PHP.
+Therefore the script will check regulary how much time is left and
+pause the upload. This is resumed with a meta refresh which loads the
+script again.
+After all accounts were created in LDAP the modules may do additional
+tasks. LAM will call doUploadPostActions()
+and also provide a list of failed accounts which can be ignored. The
+function is called as long the returned status is "inProgress". The script uses again
+meta refresh to handle the maximum execution time.
+Typical post actions are setting quotas or adding an user to groups.
+A progress bar is shown for the LDAP adding and the module actions to
+give the user a hint how long it will still take.