fixed handling of special accounts

This commit is contained in:
Roland Gruber 2005-06-30 16:22:58 +00:00
parent 56e6e41b22
commit a46462e237
1 changed files with 28 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -544,20 +544,18 @@ class sambaSamAccount extends baseModule {
if ($post['sambaSID']== _('Administrator')) {
$this->attributes['sambaSID'][0] = $SID."-500";
// Do a check if an administrator already exists
if ($_SESSION['cache']->in_cache($SID."-500", 'sambaSID', 'user')!=$_SESSION[$this->base]->dn_orig)
$triggered_messages['sambaSID'][] = $this->messages['rid'][0];
$specialRids = array_flip($this->rids);
// set special RID if selected
if (in_array($post['sambaSID'], $specialRids)) {
$this->attributes['sambaSID'][0] = $SID . '-' . $this->rids[$post['sambaSID']];
// standard RID
else if ($post['sambaSID'] == "-") {
$rid = substr($this->attributes['sambaSID'][0], strrpos($this->attributes['sambaSID'][0], '-') + 1, strlen($this->attributes['sambaSID'][0]));
// change only if not yet set or previously set to special SID
if (!$this->attributes['sambaSID'][0] || in_array($rid, $this->rids)) {
$this->attributes['sambaSID'][0] = $SID."-". (($_SESSION[$this->base]->module['posixAccount']->attributes['uidNumber'][0]*2)+$RIDbase);
else if ($post['sambaSID']== _('Guest')) {
$this->attributes['sambaSID'][0] = $SID."-501";
// Do a check if an guest already exists
if ($_SESSION['cache']->in_cache($SID."-501", 'sambaSID', 'user')!=$_SESSION[$this->base]->dn_orig)
$triggered_messages['sambaSID'][] = $this->messages['rid'][1];
else if ($post['sambaSID']== "-") {
$this->attributes['sambaSID'][0] = $SID."-". (($_SESSION[$this->base]->module['posixAccount']->attributes['uidNumber'][0]*2)+$RIDbase);
// Check values
$this->attributes['sambaHomePath'][0] = str_replace('$user', $_SESSION[$this->base]->module['posixAccount']->attributes['uid'][0], $this->attributes['sambaHomePath'][0]);
@ -732,28 +730,31 @@ class sambaSamAccount extends baseModule {
$return[] = array ( 0 => array ( 'kind' => 'text', 'text' => _('Windows group') ),
1 => array ( 'kind' => 'select', 'name' => 'sambaPrimaryGroupSID', 'options' => $options, 'options_selected' => $selected),
2 => array ( 'kind' => 'help', 'value' => 'sambaPrimaryGroupSID' ));
// Display if group SID should be mapped to a well kown SID
$options = array();
// display if group SID should be mapped to a well known SID
$options = array_keys($this->rids);
$options[] = '-';
$selected = array();
if ($this->attributes['sambaSID'][0]==$SID."-500") {
$selected[] = _('Administrator');
if ($this->attributes['sambaSID'][0]) {
$rid = substr($this->attributes['sambaSID'][0], strrpos($this->attributes['sambaSID'][0], '-') + 1, strlen($this->attributes['sambaSID'][0]));
$specialRids = array_flip($this->rids);
if (in_array($rid, $this->rids)) {
$selected = array($specialRids[$rid]);
else $options[] = _('Administrator');
if ($this->attributes['sambaSID'][0]==$SID."-501") {
$selected[] = _('Guest');
else {
$selected = array('-');
else $options[] = _('Guest');
if ($wrid) $options[] = "-";
else $selected[] = "-";
else $selected[] = "-";
$return[] = array ( 0 => array ( 'kind' => 'text', 'text' => _('Special user') ),
1 => array ( 'kind' => 'select', 'name' => 'sambaSID', 'options' => $options, 'options_selected' => $selected),
2 => array ( 'kind' => 'help', 'value' => 'sambaSID' ));
$selectedDomain = array();
if (in_array($this->attributes['sambaDomainName'][0], $sambaDomainNames)) {
$selectedDomain = array($this->attributes['sambaDomainName'][0]);
$return[] = array ( 0 => array ( 'kind' => 'text', 'text' => _('Domain') ),
1 => array ( 'kind' => 'select', 'name' => 'sambaDomainName', 'options' => $sambaDomainNames, 'options_selected' => array($this->attributes['sambaDomainName'][0])),
1 => array ( 'kind' => 'select', 'name' => 'sambaDomainName', 'options' => $sambaDomainNames, 'options_selected' => $selectedDomain),
2 => array ( 'kind' => 'help', 'value' => 'sambaDomainName' ));
if ($_SESSION[$this->base]->type=='host') {
$return[] = array ( 0 => array ( 'kind' => 'input', 'name' => 'sambaAcctFlagsW', 'type' => 'hidden', 'value' => 'true' ));