diff --git a/lam/lib/modules/windowsGroup.inc b/lam/lib/modules/windowsGroup.inc
index 88d8cb14..fbc4828c 100644
--- a/lam/lib/modules/windowsGroup.inc
+++ b/lam/lib/modules/windowsGroup.inc
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ class windowsGroup extends baseModule {
private $groupTypes;
/** possible group scopes (e.g. universal) */
private $groupScopes;
+ /** group cache */
+ private $groupCache;
/** security group */
const TYPE_SECURITY = 'security';
@@ -102,8 +104,8 @@ class windowsGroup extends baseModule {
// managed object classes
$return['objectClasses'] = array('group', 'securityPrincipal', 'mailRecipient');
// managed attributes
- $return['attributes'] = array('cn', 'description', 'info', 'mail', 'member', 'sAMAccountName', 'groupType',
- 'managedBy', 'msSFU30Name', 'msSFU30NisDomain');
+ $return['attributes'] = array('cn', 'description', 'info', 'mail', 'member', 'memberOf', 'sAMAccountName',
+ 'groupType', 'managedBy', 'msSFU30Name', 'msSFU30NisDomain');
// help Entries
$return['help'] = array(
'hiddenOptions' => array(
@@ -130,6 +132,10 @@ class windowsGroup extends baseModule {
"Headline" => _('Members'), 'attr' => 'member',
"Text" => _('This is a list of members of this group.')
+ 'memberOf' => array(
+ "Headline" => _('Member of'), 'attr' => 'memberOf',
+ "Text" => _('This is a list of groups this group is member of.')
+ ),
'memberList' => array(
"Headline" => _('Members'), 'attr' => 'member',
"Text" => _('This is a list of members of this group. Multiple members are separated by semicolons.')
@@ -398,6 +404,29 @@ class windowsGroup extends baseModule {
$container->addElement(new htmlOutputText(''));
$container->addElement($members, true);
+ // member of
+ $container->addVerticalSpace('10px');
+ $container->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_("Member of")));
+ $container->addElement(new htmlAccountPageButton(get_class($this), 'memberof', 'open', _('Edit member of')));
+ $container->addElement(new htmlHelpLink('memberOf'), true);
+ $memberList = array();
+ if (isset($this->attributes['memberOf'])) {
+ for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->attributes['memberOf']); $i++) {
+ $memberList[] = $this->attributes['memberOf'][$i];
+ }
+ usort($memberList, 'compareDN');
+ }
+ $memberOf = new htmlTable();
+ $memberOf->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_RIGHT;
+ $memberOf->colspan = 3;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($memberList); $i++) {
+ $member = new htmlOutputText(getAbstractDN($memberList[$i]));
+ $member->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_RIGHT;
+ $memberOf->addElement($member, true);
+ }
+ $container->addElement(new htmlOutputText(''));
+ $container->addElement($memberOf, true);
$container->addElement(new htmlEqualWidth(array('groupType', 'groupScope')));
return $container;
@@ -468,6 +497,91 @@ class windowsGroup extends baseModule {
return $return;
+ /**
+ * Displays the memberof selection.
+ *
+ * @return htmlElement meta HTML code
+ */
+ function display_html_memberof() {
+ $return = new htmlTable();
+ $groups = $this->findGroups();
+ // sort by DN
+ usort($groups, 'compareDN');
+ $groupContainer = new htmlTable();
+ $groupContainer->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_TOP;
+ $groupContainer->addElement(new htmlSubTitle(_("Groups")), true);
+ $groupContainer->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_("Selected groups")));
+ $groupContainer->addElement(new htmlOutputText(''));
+ $groupContainer->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_("Available groups")));
+ $groupContainer->addNewLine();
+ $selectedGroups = array();
+ if (empty($this->attributes['memberOf'])) {
+ $this->attributes['memberOf'] = array();
+ }
+ // sort by DN
+ usort($this->attributes['memberOf'], 'compareDN');
+ for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->attributes['memberOf']); $i++) {
+ if (in_array($this->attributes['memberOf'][$i], $groups)) {
+ $selectedGroups[getAbstractDN($this->attributes['memberOf'][$i])] = $this->attributes['memberOf'][$i];
+ }
+ }
+ $availableGroups = array();
+ foreach ($groups as $dn) {
+ if (!in_array($dn, $this->attributes['memberOf'])) {
+ $availableGroups[getAbstractDN($dn)] = $dn;
+ }
+ }
+ $remGroupSelect = new htmlSelect('removegroups', $selectedGroups, null, 15);
+ $remGroupSelect->setMultiSelect(true);
+ $remGroupSelect->setTransformSingleSelect(false);
+ $remGroupSelect->setHasDescriptiveElements(true);
+ $remGroupSelect->setRightToLeftTextDirection(true);
+ $remGroupSelect->setSortElements(false);
+ $groupContainer->addElement($remGroupSelect);
+ $buttonGroupContainer = new htmlTable();
+ $buttonGroupContainer->addElement(new htmlButton('addgroups_button', 'back.gif', true), true);
+ $buttonGroupContainer->addElement(new htmlButton('removegroups_button', 'forward.gif', true), true);
+ $groupContainer->addElement($buttonGroupContainer);
+ $addGroupSelect = new htmlSelect('addgroups', $availableGroups, null, 15);
+ $addGroupSelect->setMultiSelect(true);
+ $addGroupSelect->setHasDescriptiveElements(true);
+ $addGroupSelect->setTransformSingleSelect(false);
+ $addGroupSelect->setRightToLeftTextDirection(true);
+ $addGroupSelect->setSortElements(false);
+ $groupContainer->addElement($addGroupSelect);
+ $groupContainer->addNewLine();
+ $return->addElement($groupContainer);
+ $return->addNewLine();
+ $backGroup = new htmlGroup();
+ $backGroup->colspan = 10;
+ $backGroup->addElement(new htmlSpacer(null, '10px'), true);
+ $backButton = new htmlAccountPageButton(get_class($this), 'attributes', 'back', _('Back'));
+ $backGroup->addElement($backButton);
+ $return->addElement($backGroup);
+ return $return;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Processes user input of the memberof selection page.
+ * It checks if all input values are correct and updates the associated LDAP attributes.
+ *
+ * @return array list of info/error messages
+ */
+ function process_memberof() {
+ if (isset($_POST['addgroups']) && isset($_POST['addgroups_button'])) { // Add groups to list
+ // add new group
+ $this->attributes['memberOf'] = @array_merge($this->attributes['memberOf'], $_POST['addgroups']);
+ }
+ elseif (isset($_POST['removegroups']) && isset($_POST['removegroups_button'])) { // remove groups from list
+ $this->attributes['memberOf'] = array_delete($_POST['removegroups'], $this->attributes['memberOf']);
+ }
+ return array();
+ }
* This function will create the meta HTML code to show a page to change the member attribute.
@@ -807,6 +921,109 @@ class windowsGroup extends baseModule {
return $return;
+ /**
+ * Finds all existing groups.
+ *
+ * @return array group DNs
+ */
+ private function findGroups() {
+ if ($this->groupCache != null) {
+ return $this->groupCache;
+ }
+ $return = array();
+ $types = array('group');
+ $results = searchLDAPByFilter('(objectClass=group)', array('dn'), $types);
+ $count = sizeof($results);
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
+ if (isset($results[$i]['dn'])) {
+ $return[] = $results[$i]['dn'];
+ }
+ }
+ $this->groupCache = $return;
+ return $return;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a list of modifications which have to be made to the LDAP account.
+ *
+ * Calling this method requires the existence of an enclosing {@link accountContainer}.
+ *
+ *
+ *
This function returns an array with 3 entries:
+ *
array( DN1 ('add' => array($attr), 'remove' => array($attr), 'modify' => array($attr)), DN2 .... )
+ *
DN is the DN to change. It is possible to change several DNs (e.g. create a new user and add him
+ * to some groups via attribute memberUid)
+ *
"add" are attributes which have to be added to the LDAP entry
+ *
"remove" are attributes which have to be removed from the LDAP entry
+ *
"modify" are attributes which have to be modified in the LDAP entry
+ *
"notchanged" are attributes which stay unchanged
+ *
"info" values with informational value (e.g. to be used later by pre/postModify actions)
+ *
+ *
This builds the required comands from $this-attributes and $this->orig.
+ *
+ * @return array list of modifications
+ */
+ public function save_attributes() {
+ $attrs = $this->attributes;
+ $orig = $this->orig;
+ $attrs['memberOf'] = array();
+ $orig['memberOf'] = array();
+ return $this->getAccountContainer()->save_module_attributes($attrs, $orig);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Runs the postmodify actions.
+ *
+ * @see baseModule::postModifyActions()
+ *
+ * @param boolean $newAccount
+ * @param array $attributes LDAP attributes of this entry
+ * @return array array which contains status messages. Each entry is an array containing the status message parameters.
+ */
+ public function postModifyActions($newAccount, $attributes) {
+ $messages = array();
+ // set groups
+ $groups = $this->findGroups();
+ if (!isset($this->orig['memberOf'])) {
+ $this->orig['memberOf'] = array();
+ }
+ if (!isset($this->attributes['memberOf'])) {
+ $this->attributes['memberOf'] = array();
+ }
+ $toAdd = array_values(array_diff($this->attributes['memberOf'], $this->orig['memberOf']));
+ $toRem = array_values(array_diff($this->orig['memberOf'], $this->attributes['memberOf']));
+ $toUpdate = array_values(array_intersect($this->attributes['memberOf'], $this->orig['memberOf']));
+ $ldapUser = $_SESSION['ldap']->decrypt_login();
+ $ldapUser = $ldapUser[0];
+ // add groups
+ for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($toAdd); $i++) {
+ if (in_array($toAdd[$i], $groups)) {
+ $success = @ldap_mod_add($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $toAdd[$i], array('member' => array($this->getAccountContainer()->finalDN)));
+ if (!$success) {
+ logNewMessage(LOG_ERR, '[' . $ldapUser .'] Unable to add group ' . $this->getAccountContainer()->finalDN . ' to group: ' . $toAdd[$i] . ' (' . ldap_error($_SESSION['ldap']->server()) . ').');
+ $messages[] = array('ERROR', sprintf(_('Was unable to add attributes to DN: %s.'), $toAdd[$i]), getDefaultLDAPErrorString($_SESSION['ldap']->server()));
+ }
+ else {
+ logNewMessage(LOG_NOTICE, '[' . $ldapUser .'] Added group ' . $this->getAccountContainer()->finalDN . ' to group: ' . $toAdd[$i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // remove groups
+ for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($toRem); $i++) {
+ if (in_array($toRem[$i], $groups)) {
+ $success = @ldap_mod_del($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $toRem[$i], array('member' => array($this->getAccountContainer()->dn_orig)));
+ if (!$success) {
+ logNewMessage(LOG_ERR, '[' . $ldapUser .'] Unable to delete group ' . $this->getAccountContainer()->finalDN . ' from group: ' . $toRem[$i] . ' (' . ldap_error($_SESSION['ldap']->server()) . ').');
+ $messages[] = array('ERROR', sprintf(_('Was unable to remove attributes from DN: %s.'), $toRem[$i]), getDefaultLDAPErrorString($_SESSION['ldap']->server()));
+ }
+ else {
+ logNewMessage(LOG_NOTICE, '[' . $ldapUser .'] Removed group ' . $this->getAccountContainer()->finalDN . ' from group: ' . $toRem[$i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $messages;
+ }
diff --git a/lam/lib/modules/windowsUser.inc b/lam/lib/modules/windowsUser.inc
index 8374d623..e6dbd1db 100644
--- a/lam/lib/modules/windowsUser.inc
+++ b/lam/lib/modules/windowsUser.inc
@@ -1030,7 +1030,7 @@ class windowsUser extends baseModule implements passwordService {
$groupContainer = new htmlTable();
$groupContainer->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_TOP;
- $groupContainer->addElement(new htmlSubTitle(_("Groups of names")), true);
+ $groupContainer->addElement(new htmlSubTitle(_("Groups")), true);
$groupContainer->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_("Selected groups")));
$groupContainer->addElement(new htmlOutputText(''));
$groupContainer->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_("Available groups")));
@@ -1061,7 +1061,6 @@ class windowsUser extends baseModule implements passwordService {
$buttonGroupContainer = new htmlTable();
$buttonGroupContainer->addElement(new htmlButton('addgroups_button', 'back.gif', true), true);
$buttonGroupContainer->addElement(new htmlButton('removegroups_button', 'forward.gif', true), true);
- $buttonGroupContainer->addElement(new htmlHelpLink('addgroup'));
$addGroupSelect = new htmlSelect('addgroups', $availableGroups, null, 15);