Initial import.

This commit is contained in:
Roland Gruber 2003-12-29 22:12:19 +00:00
parent af1239bcec
commit ce6199d5db
116 changed files with 28431 additions and 0 deletions

lam-0.4/COPYING Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
Public License instead of this License.

lam-0.4/HISTORY Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
29.12.2003 0.4.1
- better error handling at login
- support spaces in DNs
- PDF text for users
- create missing OUs recursivly
- fixed bugs:
SMD5 passwords were wrong
primaryGroupSID wrong if SID has no relation to Algorithmic RID Base
Samba 2 accounts could not be created
29.10.2003 0.4 (Beta1)
- improved design
- improved documentation
- Fixed possible error which could delete entries if objectclass didn't fit
- Fixed many samba 3.0 related bugs, most related to SIDs
- edit group members directly
- support for several password hashes (CRYPT/SHA/SSHA/MD5/SMD5/PLAIN)
- PDF output for groups and hosts
31.08.2003 0.3 (Alpha 3)
- Samba 3 support
- manage Samba 3 domains
- multiple configuration files
- PDF output
- better mass creation
04.07.2003 0.2 (Alpha 2)
- support for multiple OUs + OU-Editor
- account creation via file upload
- profile editor
- experimental Samba 3 support
- fixed a lot of bugs
23.05.2003 0.1 (Alpha 1)
Initial release

lam-0.4/INSTALL Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
Installation Instructions for LAM
1. Requirements
- Apache webserver (SSL optional) with installed PHP-Module (PHP-Module with
ldap, gettext, mcrypt, mhash)
- Perl
- Openldap (>2.0)
- A web browser :-)
Getting mcrypt and mhash for Suse/RedHat:
Either you compile PHP4 yourself or you use some unofficial packages:
- Suse:
- RedHat:
2. Installation
* Extract package with:
tar xzf lam-version.tar.gz
* Copy files into the html-file scope of the webserver. For example
* Set appropriate file permissions:
- /lam/sess: write permission for apache user
- /lam/tmp: write permission for apache user
- /lam/config (with subdirectories): write permission for apache user
- /lam/lib: perl files must be set executable (See also
* Configure config.cfg and create a configuration profile.
Copy config.cfg_sample to config.cfg and set the master password and default
Then use the web interface with the link "Configuration Login" (start file is /lam/index.html)
or configure LAM manually. (The default password to edit the options is "lam")
- Manually:
A default config file can be found in /lam/config/lam.conf_sample.
Change the necessary entries and rename it to /lam/config/lam.conf.

lam-0.4/README Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
LAM - Readme
A set of PHP-scripts to administrate Unix and Samba accounts in a LDAP server.
LAM runs on any webserver with PHP4 support and connects to your LDAP server
unencrypted or via SSL.
The application manages accounts for users, groups and Samba hosts in
multiple organizational units. LAM supports the Samba 2.x schema and the
Samba 3 schema.
Copyright (C) 2003 Michael Duergner <>
Roland Gruber <>
Tilo Lutz <>
Leonhard Walchshäusl <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Openldap (2.0 or greater)
A web-browser that supports CSS (Netscape 4.x is not recommended)
With LAM you can easily manage user, group and machine accounts stored in
a LDAP server over a web interface. At the moment it supports:
- displaying the user/group/host/domain entries
- deleting entries
- adding new entries
- editing entries
- filtering and sorting
- account profiles
- access management
- multiple configuration profiles
- OU Editor
- User creation via file upload
- Samba 2 and 3 schema support
The standard password to edit the configuration options is "lam".
You can get the newest version at
Please see the INSTALL file.
Known Bugs:
- If you fill in the Unix workstations field the LDAP add/modify operation
may fail. This is because the host attribute is provided only by
objectClass account which conflicts with inetOrgPerson.
If you want to use host restrictions, add the host attribute to
inetOrgPerson in your schema file.
Basic documentation available in /docs
If you want to use a translated version of LAM be sure to install the
needed locales. See locale/ for a list of supported locales.
Debian users can add locales with "dpkg-reconfigure locales".
It is strongly recommended to use a SSL connection to your web server.
LAM needs to store your LDAP username + password in the session. The session
files are saved in sess/ and are accessible only by the web server. To increase
security username and password are encrypted with AES (256 bit). The key and iv
are generated at random when you log in. They are stored in two cookies.
Have fun!
The LAM devel team

lam-0.4/TODO Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
- check security
- add install wizard
- remove MCrypt functions (use Blowfish)

lam-0.4/config/.htaccess Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<Files ~ *>
Order allow,deny
Deny from all

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# password to add/delete/rename configuration profiles
password: lam
# default profile, without ".conf"
default: lam

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
# LDAP Account Manager configuration
# server address (e.g. ldap://localhost:389 or ldaps://localhost:636)
serverURL: ldap://localhost:389
# list of users who are allowed to use LDAP Account Manager
# names have to be seperated by semicolons
# e.g. admins: cn=admin,dc=yourdomain,dc=org;cn=root,dc=yourdomain,dc=org
admins: cn=Manager,dc=my-domain,dc=com
# password to change these preferences via webfrontend
passwd: lam
# suffix of users
# e.g. ou=People,dc=yourdomain,dc=org
usersuffix: ou=people,dc=my-domain,dc=com
# suffix of groups
# e.g. ou=Groups,dc=yourdomain,dc=org
groupsuffix: ou=groups,dc=my-domain,dc=com
# suffix of Samba hosts
# e.g. ou=machines,dc=yourdomain,dc=org
hostsuffix: ou=machines,dc=my-domain,dc=com
# suffix of Samba 3 domains
# e.g. ou=domains,dc=yourdomain,dc=org
domainsuffix: ou=domains,dc=my-domain,dc=com
# minimum and maximum UID numbers
minUID: 10000
maxUID: 20000
# minimum and maximum GID numbers
minGID: 10000
maxGID: 20000
# minimum and maximum UID numbers for Samba Hosts
minMachine: 25000
maxMachine: 35000
# list of attributes to show in user list
# entries can either be predefined values (e.g. '#cn' or '#uid')
# or individual ones (e.g. 'uid:User ID' or 'host:Host Name')
# values have to be seperated by semicolons
userlistAttributes: #uid;#givenName;#sn;#uidNumber;#gidNumber
# list of attributes to show in group list
# entries can either be predefined values (e.g. '#cn' or '#gidNumber')
# or individual ones (e.g. 'cn:Group Name')
# values have to be seperated by semicolons
grouplistAttributes: #cn;#gidNumber;#memberUID;#description
# list of attributes to show in host list
# entries can either be predefined values (e.g. '#cn' or '#uid')
# or individual ones (e.g. 'cn:Host Name')
# values have to be seperated by semicolons
hostlistAttributes: #cn;#description;#uidNumber;#gidNumber
# maximum number of rows to show in user/group/host lists
maxlistentries: 30
# default language (a line from config/language)
defaultLanguage: en_GB:ISO-8859-1:English (Britain)
# Path to external Script
# Server of external Script
# Set to "yes" only if you use the new Samba 3.x schema.
samba3: yes
# Number of minutes LAM caches LDAP searches.
cachetimeout: 5
# Password hash algorithm (CRYPT/MD5/SMD5/SHA/SSHA/PLAIN).
pwdhash: SSHA

lam-0.4/config/language Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# LDAP Account Manager Language Configuration file
# Each line consists of a : seperated entrys. The first entry is the link to the language definition, the second is the language description. Further entries are not used yet.
# Normally you don't have to edit this file manually. It is modified automatically when you add a new language in the Configuration-Site.
# Englisch Language
en_GB:ISO-8859-1:English (Britain)
# German Language
de_DE:ISO-8859-15:Deutsch (Deutschland)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
dies ist ein test $general_username test2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
general_homedir: /home/$user
general_shell: /bin/bash
unix_password_no: 0
unix_pwdwarn: 10
unix_pwdallowlogin: 10
unix_pwdminage: 1
unix_pwdmaxage: 365
unix_pwdexpire: 1893452400
unix_deactivated: 0
smb_password_no: 0
smb_useunixpwd: 1
smb_flagsD: 0
smb_flagsX: 1
smb_homedrive: U:
smb_smbhome: \\server\$user

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Access to the webfrontend:
- If you configured Apache(-SSL) at installation
you can access LDAP Account Manager via
http://localhost/lam or https://host.domain/lam.
- Otherwise you will have to setup your webserver
to load /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/index.html
which is the start file.
All settings can be edited via the webfrontend. The default
password for the configuration is "lam". However you can
also edit the configuration files directly.
The configuration files are /etc/ldap-account-manager/config.cfg
and /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/config/lam.conf.

lam-0.4/debian/changelog Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
ldap-account-manager (0.4.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Updated to new upstream version (0.4.1)
-- Roland Gruber <> Fri, 29 Dec 2003 21:19:27 +0100
ldap-account-manager (0.4-4) unstable; urgency=low
* added debconf template for alias name
-- Roland Gruber <> Sun, 16 Nov 2003 16:03:55 +0100
ldap-account-manager (0.4-3) unstable; urgency=low
* copied access control from .htaccess files to apache.conf
-- Roland Gruber <> Sat, 1 Nov 2003 13:22:56 +0100
ldap-account-manager (0.4-2) unstable; urgency=low
* fixed error in postinst script
* added dependency php4-mhash
-- Roland Gruber <> Thu, 30 Oct 2003 16:19:45 +0100
ldap-account-manager (0.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Updated to Beta 1 release (0.4)
-- Roland Gruber <> Mon, 13 Oct 2003 20:23:29 +0200
ldap-account-manager (0.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Updated to Alpha 3 Release.
-- Roland Gruber <> Fri, 29 August 2003 17:04:00 +0200
ldap-account-manager (0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Updated to Alpha 2 Release.
-- Roland Gruber <> Sat, 2 July 2003 18:42:00 +0200
ldap-account-manager (0.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Fixed missing directory config/profiles/groups.
-- Roland Gruber <> Sat, 4 June 2003 18:19:00 +0200
ldap-account-manager (0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Initial Release.
-- Roland Gruber <> Sat, 3 May 2003 21:14:23 +0200

lam-0.4/debian/copyright Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
This package was debianized by Roland Gruber <> on
Sat, 3 May 2003 21:14:23 +0200.
It was downloaded from
Upstream Author(s): Roland Gruber <>
This software is copyright (c) 2003 by Tilo Lutz, Roland Gruber, Michael Duergner
and Leo Walchshaeusl.
You are free to distribute this software under the terms of
the GNU General Public License.
On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public
License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL file.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
Alias /lam /usr/share/ldap-account-manager
<Directory /usr/share/ldap-account-manager>
Options +FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
DirectoryIndex index.html
<Directory /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/tmp>
Options -Indexes
<Directory /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/sess>
Options -Indexes
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
<Directory /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/config>
Options -Indexes
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
<Directory /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/lib>
Options -Indexes
<Files ~ *>
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
<Files ~ functions.js>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
<Files ~ fpdf.php>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
<Directory /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/lib/font>
Options -Indexes
Order allow,deny
Deny from all

lam-0.4/debian/packages Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
## debian/packages for ldap-account-manager
Source: ldap-account-manager
Section: web
Priority: extra
Maintainer: Roland Gruber <>
Standards-Version: 3.5.9
Home-Page: <URL:>
Description: Webfrontend to manage Samba and Unix accounts
Origin: debian
Copyright: GPL
Copyright 2003 Tilo Lutz, Roland Gruber, Michael Duergner, Leo Walchshaeusel
Package: ldap-account-manager
Architecture: all
Depends: php4 | php4-cgi, php4-ldap , php4-mcrypt , php4-mhash , apache | apache-ssl | httpd, perl, wwwconfig-common, debconf
Suggests: ldap-server, sudo
Conflicts: php4-apc
Description: Webfrontend for managing Unix and Samba accounts in a LDAP directory
LDAP Account Manager (LAM) runs on an existing webserver. LAM
supports LDAP connections via SSL and TLS. It uses the
Samba 2.x or Samba 3 schema and manages user, group and host
accounts. You can use templates for account creation and use
multiple configuration profiles. Account information can be
exported as PDF file. There is also a script
included which manages quota and homedirectories, you have to
setup sudo if you want to use it. LAM is translated to
English and German.
Install: sh
yada install -data -into /usr/share/ldap-account-manager index.html
yada install -data -into /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/tmp tmp/.htaccess
yada install -data -into /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/config config/.htaccess
yada install -data -into /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/config config/language
yada install -data -into /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/config config/shells
yada install -data -into /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/config config/lam.conf_sample
yada install -conffile -subdir ldap-account-manager -as config.cfg config/config.cfg_sample
ln -s /etc/ldap-account-manager/config.cfg $ROOT/var/lib/ldap-account-manager/config/config.cfg
yada install -dir /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/config/profiles
yada install -data -into /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/config/profiles/users config/profiles/users/*.pru
yada install -data -into /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/config/profiles/groups config/profiles/groups/*.prg
yada install -data -into /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/config/profiles/hosts config/profiles/hosts/*.prh
yada install -dir /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/config/pdf
yada install -doc docs/README.*
yada install -data -into /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/graphics graphics/*.jpg
yada install -data -into /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/graphics graphics/*.png
yada install -data -into /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/help help/
yada install -data -into /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/lib lib/.htaccess
yada install -data -into /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/lib lib/*.inc
yada install -data -into /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/lib lib/*.php
yada install -data -into /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/lib lib/*.js
yada install -exec -into /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/lib lib/*.pl
yada install -data -into /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/lib/font lib/font/*.php
yada install -data -into /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/lib/font/makefont lib/font/makefont/*.php
yada install -data -into /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/lib/font/makefont lib/font/makefont/*.map
yada install -dir /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/locale
yada install -dir /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/locale/de_DE
yada install -data -into /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/messages.?o
yada install -data -into /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/sess sess/.htaccess
yada install -data -into /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/style style/*.css
yada install -data -into /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/templates templates/*.php
yada install -data -into /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/templates/account templates/account/*.php
yada install -data -into /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/templates/config templates/config/*.php
yada install -data -into /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/templates/lists templates/lists/*.php
yada install -data -into /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/templates/profedit templates/profedit/*.php
yada install -conffile -subdir ldap-account-manager -as apache.conf debian/lam.apache.conf
yada install -doc -as changelog HISTORY
yada install -doc -as changelog.Debian debian/changelog
yada install -doc TODO
yada install -doc debian/README.Debian
yada install -doc README
Template: ldap-account-manager/webserver
Type: select
Choices: Apache, Apache-SSL, Both, None
Default: ${webserver}
Description: Which webserver would you like to configure automatically?
LDAP Account Manager supports any webserver that supports PHP4, but this
automatic configuration process only supports Apache and Apache-SSL. Selecting
Apache without SSL can be a security risk and is not recommended.
If you choose to configure Apache(-SSL) LAM can be accessed at http(s)://localhost/lam
Template: ldap-account-manager/alias
Type: string
Default: lam
Description: Enter alias:
LAM will add an alias to your httpd.conf which allows you to
access LAM at http(s)://localhost/lam. If you want an alias other than
"lam" please specify it here.
Config: bash
db_subst "ldap-account-manager/webserver" "webserver" "Apache" || true
db_input medium "ldap-account-manager/webserver" || true
db_input low "ldap-account-manager/alias" || true
Preinst: bash
if [ ! -d /var/lib/ldap-account-manager ]; then \
mkdir /var/lib/ldap-account-manager; fi
if [ ! -h /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/config ]&&[ -d /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/config ]; \
then mv /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/config /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/config; fi
if [ ! -h /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/sess ]&&[ -d /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/sess ]; \
then mv /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/sess /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/sess; fi
Postinst: bash
if [ ! -h /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/config ]; then\
ln -s /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/config /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/config; fi
if [ ! -h /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/sess ]; then\
ln -s /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/sess /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/sess; fi
if [ ! -h /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/tmp ]; then\
ln -s /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/tmp /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/tmp; fi
chown www-data /etc/ldap-account-manager/config.cfg
chmod 600 /etc/ldap-account-manager/config.cfg
chown www-data /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/sess
chown www-data /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/tmp
chown -R www-data /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/config
chown www-data /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/tmp
if [ ! -f /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/config/lam.conf ]; \
then cp /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/config/lam.conf_sample /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/config/lam.conf; \
chown www-data /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/config/lam.conf; fi
chmod 600 /var/lib/ldap-account-manager/config/*.conf
if [ "$1" = "configure" ]; then
db_get "ldap-account-manager/alias"
perl -pi -e "s/Alias \/.* \/usr\/share\/ldap-account-manager/Alias \/$alias \/usr\/share\/ldap-account-manager/g"\
db_get "ldap-account-manager/webserver"
case "$webserver" in
Apache) webservers="apache";;
Apache-SSL) webservers="apache-ssl";;
Both) webservers="apache apache-ssl";;
*) webservers="";;
. /usr/share/wwwconfig-common/php.get
for server in $webservers; do
if [ "$phpver" = "php4" ]; then
. /usr/share/wwwconfig-common/
[ "$status" = "uncommented" -o "$status" = "added" -o "$status" = "lineadded" ] && restart="$server $restart"
. /usr/share/wwwconfig-common/
[ "$status" = "uncomment" ] && restart="$server $restart"
. /usr/share/wwwconfig-common/
[ "$status" = "uncomment" -o "$status" = "include" ] && restart="$server $restart"
. /usr/share/wwwconfig-common/
[ "$status" = "added" ] && restart="$server $restart"
servers="apache-ssl apache"
. /usr/share/wwwconfig-common/
Postrm: bash
if [ -f /etc/apache/httpd.conf \
-a -f /usr/share/wwwconfig-common/ ]; then
db_get "ldap-account-manager/webserver" || true
case "$webserver" in
Apache) webservers="apache";;
Apache-SSL) webservers="apache-ssl";;
Both) webservers="apache apache-ssl";;
*) webservers="";;
if [ "$1" = "purge" ]; then
for server in $webservers; do
. /usr/share/wwwconfig-common/
if [ "$status" = "purge" ]; then
restart="$restart $server"
test -d /etc/ldap-account-manager && rm -rf /etc/ldap-account-manager
if [ "$1" = "remove" ]; then
for server in $webservers; do
. /usr/share/wwwconfig-common/
if [ "$status" = "comment" ]; then
restart="$restart $server"
servers="apache-ssl apache"
. /usr/share/wwwconfig-common/
if [ "$1" = "purge" ]; then
rm -r -f /usr/share/ldap-account-manager; rm -r -f /var/lib/ldap-account-manager; fi

lam-0.4/docs/README.fpdf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<LINK TYPE="text/css" REL="stylesheet" HREF="fpdf.css">
<B>1.</B> <A HREF='#1'>What's exactly the license of FPDF? Are there any usage restrictions?</A><BR>
<B>2.</B> <A HREF='#2'>When I try to create a PDF, a lot of weird characters show on the screen. Why?</A><BR>
<B>3.</B> <A HREF='#3'>I try to generate a PDF and IE displays a blank page. What happens?</A><BR>
<B>4.</B> <A HREF='#4'>I send parameters using the POST method and the values don't appear in the PDF.</A><BR>
<B>5.</B> <A HREF='#5'>When I use a PHP session, IE doesn't display my PDF any more but asks me to download it.</A><BR>
<B>6.</B> <A HREF='#6'>When I'm on SSL, IE can't open the PDF.</A><BR>
<B>7.</B> <A HREF='#7'>When I execute a script I get the message "FPDF error: Don't alter the locale before including class file".</A><BR>
<B>8.</B> <A HREF='#8'>I try to put a PNG and Acrobat says "There was an error processing a page. A drawing error occurred".</A><BR>
<B>9.</B> <A HREF='#9'>I try to put an image and Acrobat says "There was an error processing a page. Wrong operand type".</A><BR>
<B>10.</B> <A HREF='#10'>I'd like to put my image in real size in the PDF. How can I convert pixels to mm?</A><BR>
<B>11.</B> <A HREF='#11'>I encounter the following error when I try to generate a PDF: Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at script.php:X)</A><BR>
<B>12.</B> <A HREF='#12'>I try to display a variable in the Header method but nothing prints.</A><BR>
<B>13.</B> <A HREF='#13'>I defined the Header and Footer methods in my PDF class but nothing appears.</A><BR>
<B>14.</B> <A HREF='#14'>I can't make line breaks work. I put \n in the string printed by MultiCell but it doesn't work.</A><BR>
<B>15.</B> <A HREF='#15'>I try to put the euro symbol but it doesn't work.</A><BR>
<B>16.</B> <A HREF='#16'>I draw a frame with very precise dimensions, but when printed I notice some differences.</A><BR>
<B>17.</B> <A HREF='#17'>I'd like to use the whole surface of the page, but when printed I always have some margins. How can I get rid of them?</A><BR>
<B>18.</B> <A HREF='#18'>What's the limit of the file sizes I can generate with FPDF?</A><BR>
<B>19.</B> <A HREF='#19'>Can I modify a PDF with FPDF?</A><BR>
<B>20.</B> <A HREF='#20'>I'd like to make a search engine in PHP and index PDF files. Can I do it with FPDF?</A><BR>
<B>21.</B> <A HREF='#21'>Can I convert an HTML page to PDF with FPDF?</A><BR>
<B>22.</B> <A HREF='#22'>Can I concatenate PDF files with FPDF?</A><BR>
<B>23.</B> <A HREF='#23'>How can I activate the protections on a PDF? I'd like to prevent people from copying the text or modifying the document.</A><BR>
<A NAME='1'></A><B>1.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>What's exactly the license of FPDF? Are there any usage restrictions?</FONT>
<P>FPDF is Freeware (it is stated at the beginning of the source file). There is no usage
restriction. You may embed it freely in your application (commercial or not), with or
without modification.</P>
<A NAME='2'></A><B>2.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>When I try to create a PDF, a lot of weird characters show on the screen. Why?</FONT>
<P>These "weird" characters are in fact the actual content of your PDF. This behaviour is a bug of
IE. When it first receives an HTML page, then a PDF from the same URL, it displays it directly
without launching Acrobat. This happens frequently during the development stage: on the least
script error, an HTML page is sent, and after correction, the PDF arrives.
To solve the problem, simply quit and restart IE. You can also go to another URL and come
To avoid this kind of inconvenience during the development, you can generate the PDF directly
to a file and open it through the explorer.</P>
<A NAME='3'></A><B>3.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I try to generate a PDF and IE displays a blank page. What happens?</FONT>
<P>First of all, check that you send nothing to the browser after the PDF (not even a space or a
carriage return). You can put an exit statement just after the call to the Output() method to
be sure.
If it still doesn't work, it means you're a victim of the "blank page syndrome". IE used in
conjunction with the Acrobat plug-in suffers from numerous bugs, in all versions. You should
test your application with as many IE versions as possible (at least if you're on the Internet).
The problem occurs mostly with the POST method, so it is strongly advised to avoid it (all the
more that it causes other problems, see the next question). The GET works better but may fail
when the URL becomes too long: don't use a query string with more than 45 characters. However, a
tip exists to exceed this limit: end the URL with .pdf, which tricks IE. If you use a
formular, you can add a hidden field at the last position:
&lt;INPUT TYPE=&quot;HIDDEN&quot; NAME=&quot;ext&quot; VALUE=&quot;.pdf&quot;&gt;
The usage of PHP sessions also often causes trouble (avoid using HTTP headers preventing caching).
See question 5 for a workaround.
To avoid all these problems in a reliable manner, two main techniques exist:
- Disable the plug-in and use Acrobat as a helper application. To do this, launch Acrobat; in
the File menu, Preferences, General, uncheck the option "Web Browser Integration" (for Acrobat
5: Edit, Preferences, Options, "Display PDF in Browser"). Then, the next time you load a PDF in
IE, it displays the dialog box "Open it" or "Save it to disk". Uncheck the option "Always ask
before opening this type of file" and choose Open. From now on, PDF files will open
automatically in an external Acrobat window.
The drawback of the method is that you need to alter the client configuration, which you can do
in an intranet environment but not for the Internet.
- Use a redirection technique. It consists in generating the PDF in a temporary file on the
server and redirect the client on it (by using JavaScript, not the Location HTTP header which
also causes trouble). For instance, at the end of the script, you can put the following:
//Determine a temporary file name in the current directory<BR>
//Save PDF to file<BR>
//JavaScript redirection<BR>
echo &quot;&lt;HTML&gt;&lt;SCRIPT&gt;document.location='getpdf.php?f=$file';&lt;/SCRIPT&gt;&lt;/HTML&gt;&quot;;
Then create the getpdf.php file with this:
//Check file (don't skip it!)<BR>
if(substr($f,0,3)!='tmp' or strpos($f,'/') or strpos($f,'\\'))<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;die('Incorrect file name');<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;die('File does not exist');<BR>
//Handle special IE request if needed<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Header('Content-Type: application/pdf');<BR>
//Output PDF<BR>
Header('Content-Type: application/pdf');<BR>
Header('Content-Length: '.filesize($f));<BR>
//Remove file<BR>
This method works in most cases but IE6 can still experience trouble. The "ultimate" method
consists in redirecting directly to the temporary file. The file name must therefore end with .pdf:
//Determine a temporary file name in the current directory<BR>
//Save PDF to file<BR>
//JavaScript redirection<BR>
echo &quot;&lt;HTML&gt;&lt;SCRIPT&gt;document.location='$file';&lt;/SCRIPT&gt;&lt;/HTML&gt;&quot;;
This method turns the dynamic PDF into a static one and avoids all troubles. But you have to do
some cleaning in order to delete the temporary files. For instance:
function CleanFiles($dir)<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Delete temporary files<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if(substr($file,0,3)=='tmp' and substr($file,-4)=='.pdf')<BR>
This function deletes all files of the form tmp*.pdf older than an hour in the specified
directory. You may call it where you want, for instance in the script which generates the PDF.
Remark: it is necessary to open the PDF in a new window, as you can't go backwards due to the
<A NAME='4'></A><B>4.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I send parameters using the POST method and the values don't appear in the PDF.</FONT>
<P>It's a problem affecting some versions of IE (especially the first 5.5). See the previous
question for the ways to work around it.</P>
<A NAME='5'></A><B>5.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>When I use a PHP session, IE doesn't display my PDF any more but asks me to download it.</FONT>
<P>It's a problem affecting some versions of IE. To work around it, add the following line before
or do a redirection as explained in question 3.</P>
<A NAME='6'></A><B>6.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>When I'm on SSL, IE can't open the PDF.</FONT>
<P>The problem may be fixed by adding this line:<BR>
Header('Pragma: public');
<A NAME='7'></A><B>7.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>When I execute a script I get the message "FPDF error: Don't alter the locale before including class file".</FONT>
<P>When the decimal separator is configured as a comma before including a file, there is a
<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">bug</A> in PHP and decimal numbers
get truncated. Therefore you shouldn't make a call to setlocale() before including the class.
On Unix, you shouldn't set the LC_ALL environment variable neither, for it is equivalent to a
setlocale() call.</P>
<A NAME='8'></A><B>8.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I try to put a PNG and Acrobat says "There was an error processing a page. A drawing error occurred".</FONT>
<P>Acrobat 5 has a bug and is unable to display transparent monochrome images (i.e. with 1 bit per
pixel). Remove transparency or save your image in 16 colors (4 bits per pixel) or more.</P>
<A NAME='9'></A><B>9.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I try to put an image and Acrobat says "There was an error processing a page. Wrong operand type".</FONT>
<P>You have to give at least one dimension; height and width can't be both equal to zero.</P>
<A NAME='10'></A><B>10.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I'd like to put my image in real size in the PDF. How can I convert pixels to mm?</FONT>
<P>An image has no "real size". The dimension it is given in the document is arbitrary. Except if
you want to impose a particular resolution (for instance 72dpi, which is the one typically used
on screen display), in which case the ratio between the pixel width and the resolution gives the
<A NAME='11'></A><B>11.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I encounter the following error when I try to generate a PDF: Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at script.php:X)</FONT>
<P>You must send nothing to the browser except the PDF itself: no HTML, no space, no carriage return,
neither before nor after. The script outputs something at line X.</P>
<A NAME='12'></A><B>12.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I try to display a variable in the Header method but nothing prints.</FONT>
<P>You have to use the <TT>global</TT> keyword, for instance:
function Header()<BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;global $title;<BR>
<A NAME='13'></A><B>13.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I defined the Header and Footer methods in my PDF class but nothing appears.</FONT>
<P>You have to create an object from the PDF class, not FPDF:<BR>
$pdf=new PDF();
<A NAME='14'></A><B>14.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I can't make line breaks work. I put \n in the string printed by MultiCell but it doesn't work.</FONT>
<P>You have to enclose your string with double quotes, not single ones.</P>
<A NAME='15'></A><B>15.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I try to put the euro symbol but it doesn't work.</FONT>
<P>The standard fonts have the euro character at position 128. You can define a constant like this
for convenience:
<A NAME='16'></A><B>16.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I draw a frame with very precise dimensions, but when printed I notice some differences.</FONT>
<P>To respect dimensions, you have to uncheck the option "Fit to page" in the print dialog box.</P>
<A NAME='17'></A><B>17.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I'd like to use the whole surface of the page, but when printed I always have some margins. How can I get rid of them?</FONT>
<P>All printers have physical margins (different depending on the model), it is therefore impossible
to remove them and print on the totality of the paper.</P>
<A NAME='18'></A><B>18.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>What's the limit of the file sizes I can generate with FPDF?</FONT>
<P>There is no particular limit. There are some constraints however:
- The maximum memory size allocated to PHP scripts defaults to 8MB. For very big documents,
especially with images, this limit may be reached (the file being built into memory). The
parameter is configured in the php.ini file.
- The maximum execution time allocated defaults to 30 seconds. This limit can of course be easily
reached. It is configured in php.ini and may be altered dynamically with set_time_limit().
- Browsers generally have a 5 minute time-out. If you send the PDF directly to the browser and
reach the limit, it will be lost. It is therefore advised for very big documents to
generate them in a file, and to send some data to the browser from time to time (for instance
page 1, page 2... with flush() to force the output). When the document is finished, you can send
a redirection on it with JavaScript or create a link.
Remark: even when the browser goes in time-out, the script may continue to run on the server.</P>
<A NAME='19'></A><B>19.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>Can I modify a PDF with FPDF?</FONT>
<A NAME='20'></A><B>20.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>I'd like to make a search engine in PHP and index PDF files. Can I do it with FPDF?</FONT>
<P>No. But a GPL C utility does exist, pdftotext, which is able to extract the textual content from
a PDF. It is provided with the Xpdf package:<BR>
<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A></P>
<A NAME='21'></A><B>21.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>Can I convert an HTML page to PDF with FPDF?</FONT>
<P>No. But a GPL C utility does exist, htmldoc, which allows to do it and gives good results:<BR>
<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A></P>
<A NAME='22'></A><B>22.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>Can I concatenate PDF files with FPDF?</FONT>
<P>No. But a free C utility exists to perform this task:<BR>
<A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A></P>
<A NAME='23'></A><B>23.</B> <FONT CLASS='st'>How can I activate the protections on a PDF? I'd like to prevent people from copying the text or modifying the document.</FONT>
<P>You can't for the moment. The feature will be implemented in the future.</P>

lam-0.4/docs/README.hosts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
The attribute "host" is only in objectclass account.
Unfortunatly "account" conflicts with
"inetorgperson". so there's no perfect way to use
In order to get attribute host working you have to
modify schema/inetoergperson and include host:
# inetOrgPerson
# The inetOrgPerson represents people who are associated with an
# organization in some way. It is a structural class and is derived
# from the organizationalPerson which is defined in X.521 [X521].
objectclass ( 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.2
NAME 'inetOrgPerson'
DESC 'RFC2798: Internet Organizational Person'
SUP organizationalPerson
audio $ businessCategory $ carLicense $ departmentNumber $
displayName $ employeeNumber $ employeeType $ givenName $
homePhone $ homePostalAddress $ initials $ jpegPhoto $
labeledURI $ mail $ manager $ mobile $ o $ pager $
photo $ roomNumber $ secretary $ uid $ userCertificate $
x500uniqueIdentifier $ preferredLanguage $
userSMIMECertificate $ userPKCS12 $ host )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ is used to modify quota and homedirs
on a remote or local host via ssh.
If you want wo use it you have to set up many
thins to get it work.
1. Set values in LDAP Account manager
* Set the remote or local host in the configuration
* Path to, e.g. /srv/www/htdocs/lam/lib/
2. Set up sudo
The perlskript has to run as root (very ugly I know but
I haven't found any other solution). Therefor we need
a wrapper, sudo.
Edit /etc/sudoers on host homedirs or quotas should be used
and add the following line:
$admin All= NOPASSWD: $path
$admin is the adminuser from lam and $path
is the path include the filename of
e.g. $admin All= NOPASSWD: /srv/www/htdocs/lam/lib/
At the moment the password is a paramteter of
Therefore you should disable logging so the password doesn't
apear in any logfile
This can be done by adding the following line:
Defaults:$admin !syslog
3. Set up perl
We need some external perl-modules, Quota and Net::SSH::Perl
Th install them, run:
perl -MCPAN -e shell
install Quota
install Net::SSH::Perl
Please answer all questions to describe your system
Every additional needed module should be installed
LDAP isn't used by anymore
I installed Math::Pari, a needed module, by hand.
I had many problems to install Math::Pari, a module needed
by Net:SSH::Perl. The reason is a bug in gcc 3.3 (In my case).
I found the following solution to prevent this bug:
* Download and untar pari (
* Download and untar Math::Pari
* run perl Makefile.PL
* edit Makefile and libPARI/Makefile
Replace line "OPTIMIZE = -O3 --pipe" with
"OPTIMIZE = -O1 --pipe".
* run make
* run make install
4. Set up ssh
On my System, Suse 9.0 I had to set usePAM no in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
to get work
I had some problems to log in with ssh if the password hash of the
admin-user was encrypted with {SSHA}. I had to change encryption
for admin-accounts to {CRYPT} to get ssh work.
5. Test
I've installed a test-function in Please run
with the following attributes to test it: $ssh-server $lam_path_on_host $admin-username $admin-password *test
$ssh-server is the remote host should be run
$lam_path_on_host is the path to on remote host
$admin-username is the name of the user which is allowed to run
as root. It's the same user in /etc/sudoers
$admin-password is the password of admin-user
*test is the command which tells to test settings
You have to run the coammd as the user your webserver is running as, e.g.
wwwrun@tilo:/srv/www/htdocs/lam/lib> /srv/www/htdocs/lam/lib/ \ /srv/www/htdocs/lam/lib/ root secret *test
You should get the following response:
Net::SSH::Perl successfully installed.
sudo set up correctly.
Perl quota module successfully installed.
If you have'nt seen any error should set up successfully.
Now everything should work fine
This is a very incomplete Documention for Beta-Release only.
Pleas send a mail to if you have any suggsestion

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
Some basic hints to configure the openLDAP server:
SIZELIMIT: OpenLDAP allows by default 500 return values per search, if you have more users/groups/hosts
change this in slapd.conf: e.g. "sizelimit 10000" or "sizelimit -1" for unlimited return values.
INDICES: Indices will improve the performance when searching for entries in the LDAP directory.
The following indices are recommended:
index objectClass eq
index default sub
index uidNumber eq
index gidNumber eq
index memberUid eq
index cn,mail,surname,givenname eq,subinitial
# Samba 2.x
index rid eq
index primaryGroupID eq
# Samba 3.x
index sambaSID eq
index sambaPrimaryGroupSID eq
index sambaDomainName eq

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
1. Use of SSL
The data which is transfered between you and the LAM server is very sensitive.
Please always use SSL encrypted connections between LAM and your browser to
protect yourself against network sniffers.
LAM should start TLS automatically if possible. LDAP+SSL will be used if you use
ldaps://servername in your configuration file.
3. Chrooted servers
If your server is chrooted and you have no access to /dev/random or /dev/urandom
this can be a security risk. LAM stores your LDAP password encrypted in the session.
LAM uses rand() to generate the key if /dev/random and /dev/urandom are not accessible.
Therefore the key can be easily guessed.
An attaker needs read access to the session file (e.g. by another Apache instance) to
exploit this.
4. LDAP-password protection
Your LDAP-password is stored encrypted in the session file. The key and IV to decrypt
it are stored in two cookies. We use AES to encrypt the passwort.
5. Protection of new user passwords
These passwords are, if stored in the session file, encrypted with the same key and IV
as your LDAP-password.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
config/shelld is a symbolic link to /etc/shells
which should contain all valid shells for new
Unforutnatly some debian installations don't have
/bin/false and /bin/true in /etc/shells.
It's also possible valid shells differs completly
because /etc/shells on another host should be used.
If you want to use your own list of shells copy /etc/shells
to config/shells and change it to your benefits.
If you have questions feel free to mail me:

lam-0.4/graphics/banner.jpg Normal file

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Michael Duergner
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
LDAP Account Manager example file for external help pages.
<h1 class="help"><?php echo "Help test"; ?></h1>
<p class="help"><?php echo "Some text descibing the error"; ?></p>
<p class="help"><?php echo "Optionalle some links to referring help topics"; ?></p>

lam-0.4/help/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Michael Duergner
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
LDAP Account Manager help topics.
$helpArray = array (
// 0 - 99
// any developer
// 200 - 299
// Roland Gruber
// configuration wizard
// configuration login
// config profile management
"200" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration Wizard") . " - " . _("Login"),
"Text" => _("Please enter the configuration password. This is NOT your LDAP password. It is stored in your .conf-file. If this is the first time you log in, enter \"lam\".")),
"201" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration Wizard") . " - " . _("Server address"),
"Text" => _("This is the server address of your LDAP server. Use ldap:// for standard LDAP connections and ldaps:// for encrypted (require server certificates) connections. The port value is optional.") .
"<br><br><b> " .
_("Examples") .
":</b><br><br> " .
_("ldap://localhost:389 connects to localhost using a standard LDAP connection on port 389") .
"<br> " .
_("ldaps:// connects to using an encrypted LDAP connection.") .
"<br><br><br><b> " .
_("Note") .
":</b><br><br>" .
_("When using ldaps:// be sure to use exactly the same IP/domain name as in your certificate!")),
"202" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration Wizard") . " - " . _("User/Group/Host suffix"),
"Text" => _("This is the suffix of the LDAP tree from where to search for user/group/host entries. Only entries in these subtrees will be displayed in the user/group/host list. When creating a new accont this will be the DN where it is saved.") .
_("ou=People,dc=yourcompany,dc=com will read and store all accounts in this subtree.")),
"203" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration Wizard") . " - " . _("UID number"),
"Text" => _("These are the minimum and maximum numbers to use for user IDs when creating new user accounts. The range has to be different from that of machines. New user accounts will always get the highest number in use plus one.")),
"204" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration Wizard") . " - " . _("GID number"),
"Text" => _("These are the minimum and maximum numbers to use for group IDs when creating new group accounts. New group accounts will always get the highest number in use plus one.")),
"205" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration Wizard") . " - " . _("Machine number"),
"Text" => _("These are the minimum and maximum numbers to use for machine IDs when creating new accounts for Samba hosts. The range has to be different from that of users. New host accounts will always get the highest number in use plus one.")),
"206" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration Wizard") . " - " . _("List attributes"),
"Text" => _("This is the list of attributes to show in the user/group/host list. The entries can either be predefined values, \"#value\", or individual ones, \"value:description\". Several entries are seperated by semicolons.") .
"<br><br><b>" .
_("Example") .
": </b>#homeDirectory;#uid;#cn;#uidNumber;#gidNumber;description:UserDescription<br><br><br><u><b>" .
_("Predefined values") .
":</b></u><br><br><b>" .
_("Users") .
": </b>#uid, #uidNumber, #gidNumber, #cn, #host, #givenName, #sn, #homeDirectory, #loginShell, #mail, #gecos".
"<br><b>" .
_("Groups") .
": </b>#cn, #gidNumber, #memberUID, #member, #description".
"<br><b>" .
_("Hosts") .
": </b>#uid, #cn, #rid, #description"),
"207" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration Wizard") . " - " . _("Valid users"),
"Text" => _("This is a list of valid DN entries of all users that are allowed to login to LDAP Account Manager. The user names have to be separated by semicolons.") .
"<br><br><b>" .
_("Example") .
": </b>cn=admin,dc=yourdomain,dc=org;cn=manager,dc=yourdomain,dc=org"),
"208" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration Wizard") . " - " . _("Maximum list entries"),
"Text" => _("This is the number of rows to show in the user/group/host list. If more entries are found the list will be split into several pages.")),
"209" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration Wizard") . " - " . _("Default language"),
"Text" => _("Defines the language of the login window and sets this language as the default language. Users can change the language at login.")),
"210" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration Wizard") . " - " . _("Script path"),
"Text" => _("This is the absolute path to an external script for setting quotas and creating home directories.").
_("Use it at your own risk and read the documentation for lamdaemon before you use it!").
"SeeAlso" => "<a href=\"./help.php?HelpNumber=210\" target=\"_self\">TODO link to lamdaemon doku</a>"),
"211" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration Wizard") . " - " . _("Script server"),
"Text" => _("This is the server where the lamdaemon script is stored. LDAP Account Manager will make a SSH connection to this server with username and password provided at login.").
_("Use it at your own risk and read the documentation for lamdaemon before you use it!").
"SeeAlso" => "<a href=\"./help.php?HelpNumber=210\" target=\"_self\">TODO link to lamdaemon doku</a>"),
"212" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration Wizard") . " - " . _("Change password"),
"Text" => _("If you want to change the current preferences password, please enter it here.")),
"213" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration Wizard") . " - " . _("Samba version"),
"Text" => _("If you use Samba 3.x with the new LDAP schema say \"yes\" here, otherwise \"no\".").
_("LAM will not work if version is wrong!").
"214" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration Wizard") . " - " . _("Cache timeout"),
"Text" => _("This is the time in minutes which LAM caches its LDAP searches. Shorter times will stress LDAP more but decrease the possibility that changes are not identified.")),
"215" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration Wizard") . " - " . _("Password hash type"),
"Text" => _("LAM supports CRYPT, SHA, SSHA, MD5 and SMD5 to generate the hash value of an user password. SSHA and CRYPT are the most common but CRYPT does not support passwords greater than 8 letters. We do not recommend to use plain text passwords.")),
"216" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Configuration Wizard") . " - " . _("Text for user PDF"),
"Text" => _("This text will appear on top of every user PDF file.")),
"230" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Profile management") . " - " . _("Add profile"),
"Text" => _("Please enter the name of the new profile and the password to change its settings. Profile names may contain letters, numbers and -/_.")),
"231" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Profile management") . " - " . _("Rename profile"),
"Text" => _("Please enter the new name of the profile. The name may contain letters, numbers and -/_.")),
"232" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Profile management") . " - " . _("Delete profile"),
"Text" => _("This will delete the selected profile.")),
"233" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Profile management") . " - " . _("Set profile password"),
"Text" => _("This changes the password of the selected profile.")),
"234" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Profile management") . " - " . _("Change default profile"),
"Text" => _("This changes the profile which is selected by default at login.")),
"235" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Profile management") . " - " . _("Change master password"),
"Text" => _("If you want to change your master configuration password, please enter it here.")),
"236" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Profile management") . " - " . _("Master password"),
"Text" => _("Please enter the master configuration password. This is NOT your LDAP password. It is stored in your config.cfg file. If this is the first time you log in, enter \"lam\".")),
// 300 - 399
// Roland Gruber
// profile editor
"301" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Profile Editor") . " - " . _("Set Unix password for Samba"),
"Text" => _("If set to \"yes\" the Windows password will be the same as the Unix one.").
_("If unsure say \"yes\" here.")),
"302" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Profile Editor") . " - " . _("User can change password"),
"Text" => _("If set to \"yes\" the user will be able to change his Windows password.").
_("If unsure say \"yes\" here.")),
"360" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Profile Editor") . " - " . _("Profile name"),
"Text" => _("Name under which the profile will be saved. If a profile with the same name exists, it will be overwritten.")),
// 400 - 499
// Tilo Lutz
// account.php
"400" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Username"),
"Text" => _("Username of the user who should be created. Valid characters are: a-z,0-9, .-_. Lam does not allow a number as first character because useradd also does not allow it. Lam does not allow capital letters A-Z because it can cause several problems. If username is already used username will be expanded with a number. The next free number will be used. Warning: Older systems have problems with usernames longer than 8 characters. You can not log in to Windows if username is longer than 16 characters.")),
"401" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("UID number"),
"Text" => _("If empty UID number will be generated automaticly. Valid values are between %s and %s."),
"variables" => array($_SESSION['config']->get_minUID(), $_SESSION['config']->get_maxUID())),
"402" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Additional groups"),
"Text" => _("Hold the CTRL-key to (de)select multiple groups."). ' '. _("Can be left empty.")),
"403" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Home directory"),
"Text" => _("$user and $group are replaced with username or primary groupname.")),
"404" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Gecos"),
"Text" => _("User description. If left empty sur- and give name will be used.")),
"405" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Login shell"),
"Text" => _("To disable login use /bin/false. List of shells is read from lam/config/shells")),
"406" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Primary group"),
"Text" => _("The Primary Group the user should be member of.")),
"407" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Groupname"),
"Text" => _("Group name of the group which should be created. Valid characters are: a-z,0-9, .-_. Lam does not allow a number as first character because groupadd also does not allow it. Lam does not allow capital letters A-Z because it can cause several problems. If groupname is already used groupname will be expanded with a number. The next free number will be used.")),
"408" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("GID number"),
"Text" => _("If empty GID number will be generated automaticly. Valid values are between %s and %s."),
"variables" => array($_SESSION['config']->get_minGID(), $_SESSION['config']->get_maxGID())),
"409" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Gecos"),
"Text" => _("Group description. If left empty group name will be used.")),
"410" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Host name"),
"Text" => _("Host name of the host which should be created. Valid characters are: a-z,0-9, .-_$. Lam does not allow a number as first character because useradd also does not allow it. Lam does not allow capital letters A-Z because it can cause several problems. Hostnames are always ending with $. If last character is not $ it will be added. If hostname is already used hostname will be expanded with a number. The next free number will be used.")),
"411" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("UID number"),
"Text" => _("If empty UID number will be generated automaticly. Valid values are between %s and %s."),
"variables" => array($_SESSION['config']->get_minMachine(), $_SESSION['config']->get_maxMachine())),
"412" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Primary group"),
"Text" => _("The Primary group the host should be member of.")),
"413" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Gecos"),
"Text" => _("Host description. If left empty host name will be used.")),
"414" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Password warn"),
"Text" => _("Days before password is to expire that user is warned of pending password expiration. If set value must be 0<."). ' '. _("Can be left empty.")),
"415" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Password expire"),
"Text" => _("Number of days a user can login even his password has expired. -1=always."). ' '. _("Can be left empty.")),
"416" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Maximum password age"),
"Text" => _("Number of days after a user has to change his password again. If set value must be 0<."). ' '. _("Can be left empty.")),
"417" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Minimum password age"),
"Text" => _("Number of days a user has to wait until he\'s allowed to change his password again. If set value must be 0<."). ' '. _("Can be left empty.")),
"418" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Expire date"),
"Text" => _("Account expire date. Format: DD-MM-YYYY")),
"419" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Group members"),
"Text" => _("Users wich are also members of group.")),
"420" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Display name"),
"Text" => _("Windows clients will show display name as group description.")),
"421" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Load profile"),
"Text" => _("You can select a previous defined profile here. This will set all fields to the profile values.")),
"422" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Expand suffix with primary groupname"),
"Text" => _("If selected users will be added with OUs expanded with their primary group. E.g. if a user is in group admin the user suffix will be ou=admin,+user suffix.")),
"423" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Group suffix"),
"Text" => _("If a not yet existing group is defined in csv-file, a new group in the selected group suffix will be created.")),
"424" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Surname"),
"Text" => _("Surname of user. Only letters, - and spaces are allowed.")),
"425" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Given name"),
"Text" => _("Given name of user. Only letters, - and spaces are allowed.")),
"426" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Use no password"),
"Text" => _("If checked no password will be used.")),
"427" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Account deactivated"),
"Text" => _("If checked account will be deactivated by putting a ! before the encrypted password.")),
"428" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Use unix password"),
"Text" => _("If checked unix password will also be used as samba password.")),
"429" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Password does not expire"),
"Text" => _("If checked password does not expire. (Setting X-Flag)")),
"430" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("User can change password"),
"Text" => _("Date after the user is able to change his password. Format: DD-MM-YYYY")),
"431" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("User must change password"),
"Text" => _("Date after the user must change his password. Format: DD-MM-YYYY")),
"432" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Account is deactivated"),
"Text" => _("If checked account will be deactivated. (Setting D-Flag)")),
"433" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Home drive"),
"Text" => _("Driveletter assigned on windows workstations as homedirectory.")),
"434" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Script path"),
"Text" => _("Filename and -path relative to netlogon-share which should be executed on logon. \$user and \$group are replaced with user- and groupname."). ' '. _("Can be left empty.")),
"435" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Profile path"),
"Text" => _("Path of the userprofile. Can be a local absolute path or a UNC-path (\\\\server\\share). \$user and \$group are replaced with user- and groupname."). ' '. _("Can be left empty.")),
"436" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Samba workstations"),
"Text" => _("List of samba workstations the user is allowed to login. Empty means every workstation."). ' '. _("Can be left empty.")),
"437" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Home path"),
"Text" => _("UNC-path (\\\\server\\share) of homedirectory. \$user and \$group are replaced with user- and groupname."). ' '. _("Can be left empty.")),
"438" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Domain"),
"Text" => _("Windows-Domain of user."). ' '. _("Can be left empty.")),
"439" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Mountpoint"),
"Text" => _("Mountpoint of device with enabled quotas.")),
"440" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Used blocks"),
"Text" => _("Used blocks. 1000 blocks are usually 1MB")),
"441" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Soft block limit"),
"Text" => _("Soft block limit."), "SeeAlso" => '<a href=""</a>'.
'Quota How-To'),
"442" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Hard block limit"),
"Text" => _("Hard block limit").'.', "SeeAlso" => '<a href=""</a>'.
'Quota How-To'),
"443" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Grace block period"),
"Text" => _("Grace block period. Most filesystems use a fixed maximum value of 7 days."), "SeeAlso" => '<a href=""</a>'.
'Quota How-To'),
"444" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Used inodes"),
"Text" => _("Used inodes (files)").'.'),
"445" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Soft inode limit"),
"Text" => _("Soft inode (files) limit."), "SeeAlso" => '<a href=""</a>'.
'Quota How-To'),
"446" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Hard inode limit"),
"Text" => _("Hard inode (files) limit").'.', "SeeAlso" => '<a href=""</a>'.
'Quota How-To'),
"447" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Grace inode period"),
"Text" => _("Grace inode (files) period. Most filesystems use a fixed maximum value of 7 days."), "SeeAlso" => '<a href=""</a>'.
'Quota How-To'),
"448" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Title"),
"Text" => _("Title of user, Mr., Ms., ...")),
"449" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Employee type"),
"Text" => _("Employee type: worker, student, nurse, ...")),
"450" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Street"),
"Text" => _("Street")),
"451" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Postal code"),
"Text" => _("Postal code")),
"452" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Postal address"),
"Text" => _("Postal address, city")),
"453" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Telephone number"),
"Text" => _("Telephone number")),
"454" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Mobile number"),
"Text" => _("Mobile number")),
"455" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Fax number"),
"Text" => _("Fax number")),
"456" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("eMail address"),
"Text" => _("eMail address")),
"457" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Save profile"),
"Text" => _("This will make a profile of the current account. The saved values are the same as in the profile editor. Profile names may contain the letters a-z, 0-9 and -_.")),
"458" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Select group profile"),
"Text" => _("If a not yet existing group is defined in csv-file, a new group with the selected group profile will be created.")),
"460" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Windows domain"),
"Text" => _("Windows domain of host."). ' '. _("Can be left empty.")),
"461" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Suffix"),
"Text" => _("Position in ldap-tree where the user should be created.")),
"462" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Suffix"),
"Text" => _("Position in ldap-tree where the group should be created.")),
"463" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Suffix"),
"Text" => _("Position in ldap-tree where the host should be created.")),
"464" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Windows groupname"),
"Text" => _("If you want to use a well known RID you can selcet a well known group.")),
"466" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Unix workstations"),
"Text" => _("Comma separated list of unix workstations the user is allowed to login."). ' '. _("Can be left empty.")),
"467" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Domain"),
"Text" => _("Windows-Domain of group."). ' '. _("Can be left empty.")),
"468" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Group members"),
"Text" => _("Users also being member of the current group."). ' '. _("Can be left empty.")),
// 600 - 699
// Roland Gruber
// OU-editor, domain page
"601" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("OU-Editor") . " - " . _("New organizational unit"),
"Text" => _("This will create a new organizational unit under the selected one.")),
"602" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("OU-Editor") . " - " . _("Delete organizational unit"),
"Text" => _("This will delete the selected organizational unit. The OU has to be empty.")),
"651" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Domain name"),
"Text" => _("The name of your Windows domain or workgroup.")),
"652" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Suffix"),
"Text" => _("The domain entry will be saved under this suffix.")),
"653" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Domain SID"),
"Text" => _("The SID of your Samba server. Get it with \"net getlocalsid\".")),
"654" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Next RID"),
"Text" => _("Next RID to use when creating accounts.")),
"655" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Next User RID"),
"Text" => _("Next RID to use when creating user accounts.")),
"656" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Next Group RID"),
"Text" => _("Next RID to use when creating groups.")),
"657" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("Algorithmic RID Base"),
"Text" => _("Used for calculating RIDs from UID/GID. Do not change if unsure."))
/* This is a sample help entry. Just copy this line an modify the vakues between the [] brackets.
Help text is located in the array:
"[Helpnumber]" => array ("ext" => "FALSE", "Headline" => _("[Headline]"), "Text" => _("[Text]"), "SeeAlso" => "[SeeAlso link]"),
Help text is located in an extra file; File must be stored in help directory; Link has to be the path to the file if it is stored in a subdirectory and the filename with a leading slash;
"[Helpnumber]" => array ("ext" => "TRUE", "Link" => "[path/FileName]),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
This file contains a list of 100er blocks of help numbers. Each block can be unassigned or assigned to a developer. Each block description contains the name of the developer and the topic the help numbers are used for.
If you are a developer and need a block of help numbers please contact Michael Dürgner <> ICQ-UIN:176796482.
Help numbers should only be used if they are assigned in this file to avoid double entries. In the help/ file each block should begin with the range of help numbers, the developers name and the topic.
0 - 99: any developer: for testing purposes
100 - 199: unassigend
200 - 299: Roland Gruber: configuration wizard, configuration login
300 - 399: Roland Gruber: profil editor
400 - 499: Tilo Lutz: account.php
500 - 599: Tilo Lutz: Masscreate and Massdelete
600 - 699: Roland Gruber: OU-Editor
700 -: unassigned

lam-0.4/index.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<title>LDAP Account Manager</title>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=templates/login.php">

lam-0.4/lib/.htaccess Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<Files ~ *>
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
<Files ~ functions.js>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
<Files ~ fpdf.php>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

lam-0.4/lib/ Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

lam-0.4/lib/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,784 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Roland Gruber
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Config supplies access to the configuration data.
// sets language settings for automatic translation
function setlanguage() {
if ($_SESSION['language']) {
$language = explode(":", $_SESSION['language']);
putenv("LANG=" . $language[0]); // e.g. LANG=de_DE
setlocale(LC_ALL, $language[0]); // set LC_ALL to de_DE
$locdir = substr(__FILE__, 0, strlen(__FILE__) - 15) . "/locale"; // set path to translations
bindtextdomain("messages", $locdir);
else echo _("Language not defined in session!");
// returns an array of string with all available configuration profiles (without .conf)
function getConfigProfiles() {
$dir = dir(substr(__FILE__, 0, strlen(__FILE__) - 15) . "/config");
$ret = array();
$pos = 0;
while ($entry = $dir->read()){
$ext = substr($entry, strlen($entry)-5, 5);
$name = substr($entry, 0, strlen($entry)-5);
// check if extension is right, add to profile list
if ($ext == ".conf") {
$ret[$pos] = $name;
$pos ++;
return $ret;
// print meta refresh
// $page is the URL of the target page
function metaRefresh($page) {
echo $_SESSION['header'];
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; URL=" . $page . "\">\n";
echo "<title></title>\n";
echo "</head>\n";
echo "<body>\n";
// print link if refresh does not work
echo "<p>\n";
echo "<a href=\"" . $page . "\">" . _("Click here if you are not directed to the next page.") . "</a>\n";
echo "</p>\n";
echo "</body>\n";
echo "</html>\n";
// class Config
// manages .conf files
class Config {
// server address (e.g. ldap://
var $ServerURL;
// array of strings: users with admin rights
var $Admins;
// string: password to edit preferences
var $Passwd;
// suffix for users
var $usersuffix;
// suffix for groups
var $groupsuffix;
// suffix for Samba hosts
var $hostsuffix;
// suffix for domains (Samba 3)
var $domainsuffix;
// minimum/maximum numbers for UID, GID and UID of Samba Hosts
var $MinUID;
var $MaxUID;
var $MinGID;
var $MaxGID;
var $MinMachine;
var $MaxMachine;
// attributes that are shown in the user/group/host tables
var $userlistAttributes;
var $grouplistAttributes;
var $hostlistAttributes;
// maximum number of rows shown in user/group/host list
var $maxlistentries;
// default language
var $defaultLanguage;
// Path to external script and server where it is executed
// used for managing quota and home directories
// optional settings, may not be defined
var $scriptPath;
var $scriptServer;
// if "yes" use the new LDAP schema for Samba 3.x
var $samba3;
// LDAP cache timeout
var $cachetimeout;
// password hash algorithm
var $pwdhash;
// text to include in user PDF files
var $pdftext = "";
// name of configuration file
var $file;
// list of all settings in config file
var $settings = array("ServerURL", "Passwd", "Admins", "usersuffix", "groupsuffix", "hostsuffix",
"domainsuffix", "MinUID", "MaxUID", "MinGID", "MaxGID", "MinMachine", "MaxMachine",
"userlistAttributes", "grouplistAttributes", "hostlistAttributes", "maxlistentries",
"defaultLanguage", "scriptPath", "scriptServer", "samba3", "cachetimeout", "pwdhash");
// constructor, loads preferences from config file
function Config($file=0) {
// load first profile if none is given
if (!is_string($file)) {
$profiles = getConfigProfiles();
$file = $profiles[0];
$this->file = $file;
// reloads preferences from config file
function reload() {
$conffile = substr(__FILE__, 0, strlen(__FILE__) - 15) . "/config/" . $this->file . ".conf";
if (is_file($conffile) == True) {
$file = fopen($conffile, "r");
while (!feof($file)) {
$line = fgets($file, 1024);
$line = trim($line); // remove spaces at the beginning and end
if (($line == "")||($line[0] == "#")) continue; // ignore comments and empty lines
// search keywords
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->settings); $i++) {
$keyword = $this->settings[$i];
$keylen = strlen($keyword);
if (strtolower(substr($line, 0, $keylen + 2)) == strtolower($keyword . ": ")) {
$this->$keyword = substr($line, $keylen + 2, strlen($line) - $keylen -2);
else {
StatusMessage("ERROR", "", _("Unable to load configuration!") . " (" . $conffile . ")");
// load user PDF text
$pdffile = substr(__FILE__, 0, strlen(__FILE__) - 15) . "/config/pdf/" . $this->file . ".txt";
if (is_file($pdffile) == True) {
$pdfstring = @file($pdffile);
$pdfstring = @implode("", $pdfstring);
if ($pdfstring) $this->pdftext = $pdfstring;
else $this->pdftext = "";
// saves preferences to config file
function save() {
$conffile = substr(__FILE__, 0, strlen(__FILE__) - 15) . "/config/" . $this->file . ".conf";
if (is_file($conffile) == True) {
$file = fopen($conffile, "r");
$file_array = array();
// read config file
while (!feof($file)) {
array_push($file_array, fgets($file, 1024));
// generate new configuration file
$saved = array(); // includes all settings which have been saved
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($file_array); $i++) {
$line = trim($file_array[$i]);
if (($line == "")||($line[0] == "#")) continue; // ignore comments and empty lines
// search for keywords
for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($this->settings); $k++) {
$keyword = $this->settings[$k];
$keylen = strlen($keyword);
if (strtolower(substr($line, 0, $keylen + 1)) == strtolower($keyword . ":")) {
$file_array[$i] = $keyword . ": " . $this->$keyword . "\n";
$saved[] = $keyword; // mark keyword as saved
// check if we have to add new entries (e.g. if user upgraded LAM and has an old config file)
if (!in_array("ServerURL", $saved)) array_push($file_array, "\n\n# server address (e.g. ldap://localhost:389 or ldaps://localhost:636)\n" . "serverURL: " . $this->ServerURL . "\n");
if (!in_array("Passwd", $saved)) array_push($file_array, "\n\n# password to change these preferences via webfrontend\n" . "passwd: " . $this->Passwd . "\n");
if (!in_array("Admins", $saved)) array_push($file_array, "\n\n# list of users who are allowed to use LDAP Account Manager\n" .
"# names have to be seperated by semicolons\n" .
"# e.g. admins: cn=admin,dc=yourdomain,dc=org;cn=root,dc=yourdomain,dc=org\n" . "admins: " . $this->Admins . "\n");
if (!in_array("usersuffix", $saved)) array_push($file_array, "\n\n# suffix of users\n" .
"# e.g. ou=People,dc=yourdomain,dc=org\n" . "usersuffix: " . $this->usersuffix . "\n");
if (!in_array("groupsuffix", $saved)) array_push($file_array, "\n\n# suffix of groups\n" .
"# e.g. ou=Groups,dc=yourdomain,dc=org\n" . "groupsuffix: " . $this->groupsuffix . "\n");
if (!in_array("hostsuffix", $saved)) array_push($file_array, "\n\n# suffix of Samba hosts\n" .
"# e.g. ou=machines,dc=yourdomain,dc=org\n" . "hostsuffix: " . $this->hostsuffix . "\n");
if (!in_array("domainsuffix", $saved)) array_push($file_array, "\n\n# suffix of Samba 3 domains\n" .
"# e.g. ou=domains,dc=yourdomain,dc=org\n" . "domainsuffix: " . $this->domainsuffix . "\n");
if (!in_array("MinUID", $saved)) array_push($file_array, "\n\n# minimum UID number\n" . "minUID: " . $this->MinUID . "\n");
if (!in_array("MaxUID", $saved)) array_push($file_array, "\n\n# maximum UID number\n" . "maxUID: " . $this->MaxUID . "\n");
if (!in_array("MinGID", $saved)) array_push($file_array, "\n\n# minimum GID number\n" . "minGID: " . $this->MinGID . "\n");
if (!in_array("MaxGID", $saved)) array_push($file_array, "\n\n# maximum GID number\n" . "maxGID: " . $this->MaxGID . "\n");
if (!in_array("MinMachine", $saved)) array_push($file_array, "\n\n# minimum UID number for Samba hosts\n" . "minMachine: " . $this->MinMachine . "\n");
if (!in_array("MaxMachine", $saved)) array_push($file_array, "\n\n# maximum UID number for Samba hosts\n" . "maxMachine: " . $this->MaxMachine . "\n");
if (!in_array("userlistAttributes", $saved)) array_push($file_array, "\n\n# list of attributes to show in user list\n# entries can either be predefined values (e.g. '#cn' or '#uid')" .
"\n# or individual ones (e.g. 'uid:User ID' or 'host:Host Name')\n# values have to be seperated by semicolons\n" . "userlistAttributes: " . $this->userlistAttributes . "\n");
if (!in_array("grouplistAttributes", $saved)) array_push($file_array, "\n\n# list of attributes to show in group list\n# entries can either be predefined values (e.g. '#cn' or '#gidNumber')" .
"\n# or individual ones (e.g. 'cn:Group Name')\n# values have to be seperated by semicolons\n" . "grouplistAttributes: " . $this->grouplistAttributes . "\n");
if (!in_array("hostlistAttributes", $saved)) array_push($file_array, "\n\n# list of attributes to show in host list\n# entries can either be predefined values (e.g. '#cn' or '#uid')" .
"\n# or individual ones (e.g. 'cn:Host Name')\n# values have to be seperated by semicolons\n" . "hostlistAttributes: " . $this->hostlistAttributes . "\n");
if (!in_array("maxlistentries", $saved)) array_push($file_array, "\n\n# maximum number of rows to show in user/group/host lists\n" . "maxlistentries: " . $this->maxlistentries . "\n");
if (!in_array("defaultLanguage", $saved)) array_push($file_array, "\n\n# default language (a line from config/language)\n" . "defaultLanguage: " . $this->defaultLanguage . "\n");
if (!in_array("scriptPath", $saved)) array_push($file_array, "\n\n# Path to external Script\n" . "scriptPath: " . $this->scriptPath . "\n");
if (!in_array("scriptServer", $saved)) array_push($file_array, "\n\n# Server of external Script\n" . "scriptServer: " . $this->scriptServer . "\n");
if (!in_array("samba3", $saved)) array_push($file_array, "\n\n# Set to \"yes\" only if you use the new Samba 3.x schema.\n" . "samba3: " . $this->samba3 . "\n");
if (!in_array("cachetimeout", $saved)) array_push($file_array, "\n\n# Number of minutes LAM caches LDAP searches.\n" . "cacheTimeout: " . $this->cachetimeout . "\n");
if (!in_array("pwdhash", $saved)) array_push($file_array, "\n\n# Password hash algorithm (CRYPT/MD5/SMD5/SHA/SSHA/PLAIN).\n" . "pwdhash: " . $this->pwdhash . "\n");
$file = fopen($conffile, "w");
if ($file) {
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($file_array); $i++) fputs($file, $file_array[$i]);
@chmod ($conffile, 0600);
else {
StatusMessage("ERROR", "", _("Cannot open config file!") . " (" . $conffile . ")");
// prints current preferences
function printconf() {
echo "<b>" . _("Server address") . ": </b>" . $this->ServerURL . "<br>";
echo "<b>" . _("Password hash type") . ": </b>" . $this->pwdhash . "<br>";
echo "<b>" . _("Cache timeout") . ": </b>" . $this->cachetimeout . "<br>";
echo "<b>" . _("Samba 3.x schema") . ": </b>" . $this->samba3 . "<br>";
echo "<b>" . _("UserSuffix") . ": </b>" . $this->usersuffix . "<br>";
echo "<b>" . _("GroupSuffix") . ": </b>" . $this->groupsuffix . "<br>";
echo "<b>" . _("HostSuffix") . ": </b>" . $this->hostsuffix . "<br>";
echo "<b>" . _("DomainSuffix") . ": </b>" . $this->domainsuffix . "<br>";
echo "<b>" . _("Minimum UID number") . ": </b>" . $this->MinUID . "<br>";
echo "<b>" . _("Maximum UID number") . ": </b>" . $this->MaxUID . "<br>";
echo "<b>" . _("Minimum GID number") . ": </b>" . $this->MinGID . "<br>";
echo "<b>" . _("Maximum GID number") . ": </b>" . $this->MaxGID . "<br>";
echo "<b>" . _("Minimum Machine number") . ": </b>" . $this->MinMachine . "<br>";
echo "<b>" . _("Maximum Machine number") . ": </b>" . $this->MaxMachine . "<br>";
echo "<b>" . _("Attributes in User List") . ": </b>" . $this->userlistAttributes . "<br>";
echo "<b>" . _("Attributes in Group List") . ": </b>" . $this->grouplistAttributes . "<br>";
echo "<b>" . _("Attributes in Host List") . ": </b>" . $this->hostlistAttributes . "<br>";
echo "<b>" . _("Maximum list entries") . ": </b>" . $this->maxlistentries . "<br>";
echo "<b>" . _("Default language") . ": </b>" . $this->defaultLanguage . "<br>";
echo "<b>" . _("Path to external script") . ": </b>" . $this->scriptPath . "<br>";
echo "<b>" . _("Server of external script") . ": </b>" . $this->scriptServer . "<br>";
echo "<b>" . _("List of valid users") . ": </b>" . $this->Admins . "<br><br>";
echo "<b>" . _("Text for user PDF") . ": </b>" . $this->get_pdftext();
// functions to read/write preferences
// returns the server address as string
function get_ServerURL() {
return $this->ServerURL;
// sets the server address
// $value: new server address
// returns true if $value has correct format
function set_ServerURL($value) {
if (is_string($value)) $this->ServerURL = $value;
else return false;
return true;
// returns an array of string with all admin names
function get_Admins() {
return explode(";", $this->Admins);
// returns all admin users seperated by semicolons
function get_Adminstring() {
return $this->Admins;
// needs a string that contains all admin users seperated by semicolons
// $value: new admin string
// returns true if $value has correct format
function set_Adminstring($value) {
if (is_string($value) &&
eregi("^[a-z0-9\\-]+=[a-z0-9\\-]+(,[a-z0-9\\-]+=[a-z0-9 \\-]+)+(;[a-z0-9\\-]+=[a-z0-9\\-]+(,[a-z0-9\\-]+=[a-z0-9 \\-]+)+)*$", $value)) {
$this->Admins = $value;
else return false;
return true;
// returns the password to access the preferences wizard
function get_Passwd() {
return $this->Passwd;
// sets the preferences wizard password
// $value: new password
// returns true if $value has correct format
function set_Passwd($value) {
if (is_string($value)) $this->Passwd = $value;
else return false;
return true;
// returns the LDAP suffix where users are saved
function get_UserSuffix() {
return $this->usersuffix;
// sets the LDAP suffix where users are saved
// $value: new user suffix
// returns true if $value has correct format
function set_UserSuffix($value) {
if (is_string($value) && (eregi("^(([a-z0-9 \\-])*=([a-z0-9 \\-])*)(,([a-z0-9 \\-])*=([a-z0-9 \\-])*)*$", $value))) {
$this->usersuffix = $value;
else return false;
return true;
// returns the LDAP suffix where groups are saved
function get_GroupSuffix() {
return $this->groupsuffix;
// sets the LDAP suffix where groups are saved
// $value: new group suffix
// returns true if $value has correct format
function set_GroupSuffix($value) {
if (is_string($value) && (eregi("^(([a-z0-9 \\-])*=([a-z0-9 \\-])*)(,([a-z0-9 \\-])*=([a-z0-9 \\-])*)*$", $value))) {
$this->groupsuffix = $value;
else return false;
return true;
// returns the LDAP suffix where hosts are saved
function get_HostSuffix() {
return $this->hostsuffix;
// sets the LDAP suffix where hosts are saved
// $value: new host suffix
// returns true if $value has correct format
function set_HostSuffix($value) {
if (is_string($value) && (eregi("^(([a-z0-9 \\-])*=([a-z0-9 \\-])*)(,([a-z0-9 \\-])*=([a-z0-9 \\-])*)*$", $value))) {
$this->hostsuffix = $value;
else return false;
return true;
// returns the LDAP suffix where domains are saved
function get_DomainSuffix() {
return $this->domainsuffix;
// sets the LDAP suffix where domains are saved
// $value: new domain suffix
// returns true if $value has correct format
function set_DomainSuffix($value) {
if (!$value && ($this->get_Samba3() == "no")) $this->domainsuffix = "";
elseif (is_string($value) && (eregi("^(([a-z0-9 \\-])*=([a-z0-9 \\-])*)(,([a-z0-9 \\-])*=([a-z0-9 \\-])*)*$", $value))) {
$this->domainsuffix = $value;
else return false;
return true;
// returns the minimum UID to use when creating new users
function get_minUID() {
return $this->MinUID;
// sets the minimum UID to use when creating new users
// $value: new minimum UID number
// returns true if $value has correct format
function set_minUID($value) {
if (is_numeric($value)) $this->MinUID = $value;
else return false;
return true;
// returns the maximum UID to use when creating new users
function get_maxUID() {
return $this->MaxUID;
// sets the maximum UID to use when creating new users
// $value: new maximum UID number
// returns true if $value has correct format
function set_maxUID($value) {
if (is_numeric($value)) $this->MaxUID = $value;
else return false;
return true;
// returns the minimum GID to use when creating new groups
function get_minGID() {
return $this->MinGID;
// sets the minimum GID to use when creating new groups
// $value: new minimum GID number
// returns true if $value has correct format
function set_minGID($value) {
if (is_numeric($value)) $this->MinGID = $value;
else return false;
return true;
// returns the maximum GID to use when creating new groups
function get_maxGID() {
return $this->MaxGID;
// sets the maximum GID to use when creating new groups
// $value: new maximum GID number
// returns true if $value has correct format
function set_maxGID($value) {
if (is_numeric($value)) $this->MaxGID = $value;
else return false;
return true;
// returns the minimum UID to use when creating new Samba hosts
function get_minMachine() {
return $this->MinMachine;
// sets the minimum UID to use when creating new Samba hosts
// $value: new minimum machine number
// returns true if $value has correct format
function set_minMachine($value) {
if (is_numeric($value)) $this->MinMachine = $value;
else return false;
return true;
// returns the maximum UID to use when creating new Samba hosts
function get_maxMachine() {
return $this->MaxMachine;
// sets the maximum UID to use when creating new Samba hosts
// $value: new maximum machine number
// returns true if $value has correct format
function set_maxMachine($value) {
if (is_numeric($value)) $this->MaxMachine = $value;
else return false;
return true;
// returns the list of attributes to show in user list
function get_userlistAttributes() {
return $this->userlistAttributes;
// sets the list of attributes to show in user list
// $value: new attribute string
// returns true if $value has correct format
function set_userlistAttributes($value) {
if (is_string($value) && eregi("^((#[a-z]+)|([a-z]*:[a-z_\\-]+))(;((#[a-z]+)|([a-z]*:[a-z_\\-]+)))*$", $value)) {
$this->userlistAttributes = $value;
else return false;
return true;
// returns the list of attributes to show in group list
function get_grouplistAttributes() {
return $this->grouplistAttributes;
// sets the list of attributes to show in group list
// $value: new attribute string
// returns true if $value has correct format
function set_grouplistAttributes($value) {
if (is_string($value) && eregi("^((#[a-z]+)|([a-z]*:[a-z_\\-]+))(;((#[a-z]+)|([a-z]*:[a-z_\\-]+)))*$", $value)) {
$this->grouplistAttributes = $value;
else return false;
return true;
// returns the list of attributes to show in host list
function get_hostlistAttributes() {
return $this->hostlistAttributes;
// sets the list of attributes to show in host list
// $value: new attribute string
// returns true if $value has correct format
function set_hostlistAttributes($value) {
if (is_string($value) && eregi("^((#[a-z]+)|([a-z]*:[a-z_\\-]+))(;((#[a-z]+)|([a-z]*:[a-z_\\-]+)))*$", $value)) {
$this->hostlistAttributes = $value;
else return false;
return true;
// returns the maximum number of rows in user/group/host lists
function get_MaxListEntries() {
return $this->maxlistentries;
// sets the maximum number of rows in user/group/host lists
// $value: new attribute string
// returns true if $value has correct format
function set_MaxListEntries ($value) {
if (is_numeric($value)) $this->maxlistentries = $value;
else return false;
return true;
// returns the default language string
function get_defaultLanguage() {
return $this->defaultLanguage;
// sets the default language string
// $value: new default language
// returns true if $value has correct format
function set_defaultLanguage($value) {
if (is_string($value)) $this->defaultLanguage = $value;
else return false;
return true;
// returns the path to the external script
function get_scriptPath() {
return $this->scriptPath;
// sets the path to the external script
// $value: new script path
// returns true if $value has correct format
function set_scriptPath($value) {
if (!$value) $this->scriptPath = ""; // optional parameter
elseif (is_string($value) && eregi("^/([a-z0-9_\\-])+(/([a-z0-9_\\.\\-])+)+$", $value)) $this->scriptPath = $value;
else return false;
return true;
// returns the server of the external script
function get_scriptServer() {
return $this->scriptServer;
// sets the server of the external script
// $value: new script server
// returns true if $value has correct format
function set_scriptServer($value) {
if (!$value) $this->scriptServer = ""; // optional parameter
elseif (is_string($value) && eregi("^[a-z0-9\\-]+(\\.[a-z0-9\\-]+)*$", $value)) {
$this->scriptServer = $value;
else return false;
return true;
// returns "yes" if Samba 3.x schema is used, otherwise "no"
function get_samba3() {
return $this->samba3;
// returns true if Samba 3, else false
function is_samba3() {
if ($this->samba3 == "yes") return true;
else return false;
// set Samba version: "yes" means 3.x schema, "no" means 2.2.x schema
// $value: "yes"/"no"
// returns true if $value has correct format
function set_samba3($value) {
if (is_string($value) && eregi("^(yes|no)$", $value)) {
$this->samba3 = $value;
else return false;
return true;
// returns the LDAP cache timeout in minutes
function get_cacheTimeout() {
if (isset($this->cachetimeout)) return $this->cachetimeout;
else return 5;
// returns the LDAP cache timeout in seconds
function get_cacheTimeoutSec() {
return $this->cachetimeout * 60;
// sets the LDAP cache timeout in minutes (0,1,2,5,10,15)
// $value: new cache timeout
// returns true if $value has correct format
function set_cacheTimeout($value) {
if (is_numeric($value) && ($value > -1)) {
$this->cachetimeout = $value;
else return false;
return true;
// returns the password hash type
function get_pwdhash() {
if ($this->pwdhash) return strtoupper($this->pwdhash);
else return "SSHA";
// set the password hash type (CRYPT/SHA/SSHA/MD5/SMD5)
// $value: new password hash algorithm
// returns true if $value has correct format
function set_pwdhash($value) {
if (is_string($value) && eregi("^(crypt|sha|ssha|md5|smd5|plain)$", $value)) {
$this->pwdhash = $value;
else return false;
return true;
// returns text for user PDF files
function get_pdftext() {
if ($this->pdftext) return $this->pdftext;
else return "";
// set the text for user PDF files
// $value: string containing the text
// returns true if $value has correct format and could be saved
function set_pdftext($value) {
// check if text changed
if ($value == $this->pdftext) return true;
if (is_string($value)) {
// save to file
$pdffile = substr(__FILE__, 0, strlen(__FILE__) - 15) . "/config/pdf/" . $this->file . ".txt";
$file = @fopen($pdffile, "w");
if ($file) {
@fputs($file, $value);
$this->pdftext = $value;
else return false;
$this->pdftext = $value;
else return false;
return true;
// class CfgMain
// manages config.cfg
class CfgMain {
// default profile
var $default;
// password to change config.cfg
var $password;
// constructor, loads preferences from config file
function CfgMain() {
// reloads preferences from config file config.cfg
function reload() {
$conffile = substr(__FILE__, 0, strlen(__FILE__) - 15) . "/config/config.cfg";
if (is_file($conffile) == True) {
$file = fopen($conffile, "r");
while (!feof($file)) {
$line = fgets($file, 1024);
$line = trim($line); // remove spaces at the beginning and end
if (($line == "")||($line[0] == "#")) continue; // ignore comments
// search keywords
if (substr($line, 0, 10) == "password: ") {
$this->password = substr($line, 10, strlen($line)-10);
if (substr($line, 0, 9) == "default: ") {
$this->default = substr($line, 9, strlen($line)-9);
else {
StatusMessage("ERROR", "", _("Unable to load configuration!") . " (" . $conffile . ")");
// saves preferences to config file config.cfg
function save() {
$conffile = substr(__FILE__, 0, strlen(__FILE__) - 15) . "/config/config.cfg";
if (is_file($conffile) == True) {
// booleans to check if value was already saved
$save_password = $save_default = False;
$file = fopen($conffile, "r");
$file_array = array();
// read config file
while (!feof($file)) {
array_push($file_array, fgets($file, 1024));
// generate new configuration file
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($file_array); $i++) {
if (($file_array[$i] == "\n")||($file_array[$i][0] == "#")) continue; // ignore comments
// search for keywords
if (substr($file_array[$i], 0, 10) == "password: ") {
$file_array[$i] = "password: " . $this->password . "\n";
$save_password = True;
if (substr($file_array[$i], 0, 9) == "default: ") {
$file_array[$i] = "default: " . $this->default . "\n";
$save_default = True;
// check if we have to add new entries (e.g. if user upgraded LAM and has an old config file)
if (!$save_password == True) array_push($file_array, "\n\n# password to add/delete/rename configuration profiles\n" . "password: " . $this->password);
if (!$save_default == True) array_push($file_array, "\n\n# default profile, without \".conf\"\n" . "default: " . $this->default);
$file = fopen($conffile, "w");
if ($file) {
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($file_array); $i++) fputs($file, $file_array[$i]);
else {
StatusMessage("ERROR", "", _("Cannot open config file!") . " (" . $conffile . ")");

lam-0.4/lib/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl
# File Modified from Tilo Lutz, to fit better
# in lam, LDAP Account Manager
# added last two lines and changed from package to normal perl-programm
# Samba LM/NT Hash Generating Library.
# Usage:
# use Crypt::SmbHash;
# ( $lmhash, $nthash ) = ntlmgen($pass);
# or
# ntlmgen $pass, $lmhash, $nthash;
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# Copyright(C) 2001 Benjamin Kuit <>
#package Crypt::SmbHash;
use 5.005;
use strict;
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
$VERSION = '0.02';
@EXPORT = qw( ntlmgen );
# The mdfour function is available for exporting if they really want
# it =)
@EXPORT_OK = qw( lmhash nthash ntlmgen mdfour );
# Works out if local system has the module Digest::MD4, and uses it
# if it does, otherwise uses ported version of the md4 algorithm
# Performance is alot better with Digest::MD4, so its recommended to
# get Digest::MD4 installed if you intend to generate alot of hashes
# in a small amount of time.
my $HaveDigestMD4;
$HaveDigestMD4 = 0;
if ( eval "require 'Digest/';" ) {
$HaveDigestMD4 = 1;
# lmhash PASSWORD
# Generates lanman password hash for a given password, returns the hash
# Extracted and ported from SAMBA/source/libsmb/smbencrypt.c:nt_lm_owf_gen
sub lmhash($) {
my ( $pass ) = @_;
my ( @p16 );
$pass = substr($pass||"",0,129);
$pass =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
$pass = substr($pass,0,14);
@p16 = E_P16($pass);
return join("", map {sprintf("%02X",$_);} @p16);
# nthash PASSWORD
# Generates nt md4 password hash for a given password, returns the hash
# Extracted and ported from SAMBA/source/libsmb/smbencrypt.c:nt_lm_owf_gen
sub nthash($) {
my ( $pass ) = @_;
my ( $hex );
my ( $digest );
$pass = substr($pass||"",0,128);
$pass =~ s/(.)/$1\000/sg;
$hex = "";
if ( $HaveDigestMD4 ) {
eval {
$digest = new Digest::MD4;
$hex = $digest->hexdigest();
$hex =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
$HaveDigestMD4 = 0 unless ( $hex );
$hex = sprintf("%02X"x16,mdfour($pass)) unless ( $hex );
return $hex;
# Generate lanman and nt md4 password hash for given password, and assigns
# values to arguments. Combined function of lmhash and nthash
sub ntlmgen {
my ( $nthash, $lmhash );
$nthash = nthash($_[0]);
$lmhash = lmhash($_[0]);
if ( $#_ == 2 ) {
$_[1] = $lmhash;
$_[2] = $nthash;
return ( $lmhash, $nthash );
# Support functions
# Ported from SAMBA/source/lib/md4.c:F,G and H respectfully
sub F { my ( $X, $Y, $Z ) = @_; return ($X&$Y) | ((~$X)&$Z); }
sub G { my ( $X, $Y, $Z) = @_; return ($X&$Y) | ($X&$Z) | ($Y&$Z); }
sub H { my ($X, $Y, $Z) = @_; return $X^$Y^$Z; }
# Needed? because perl seems to choke on overflowing when doing bitwise
# operations on numbers larger than 32 bits. Well, it did on my machine =)
sub add32 {
my ( @v ) = @_;
my ( $ret, @sum );
foreach ( @v ) {
$_ = [ ($_&0xffff0000)>>16, ($_&0xffff) ];
@sum = ();
foreach ( @v ) {
$sum[0] += $_->[0];
$sum[1] += $_->[1];
$sum[0] += ($sum[1]&0xffff0000)>>16;
$sum[1] &= 0xffff;
$sum[0] &= 0xffff;
$ret = ($sum[0]<<16) | $sum[1];
return $ret;
# Ported from SAMBA/source/lib/md4.c:lshift
# Renamed to prevent clash with SAMBA/source/libsmb/smbdes.c:lshift
sub md4lshift {
my ($x, $s) = @_;
$x &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
return (($x<<$s)&0xFFFFFFFF) | ($x>>(32-$s));
# Ported from SAMBA/source/lib/md4.c:ROUND1
sub ROUND1 {
my($a,$b,$c,$d,$k,$s,@X) = @_;
$_[0] = md4lshift(add32($a,F($b,$c,$d),$X[$k]), $s);
return $_[0];
# Ported from SAMBA/source/lib/md4.c:ROUND2
sub ROUND2 {
my ($a,$b,$c,$d,$k,$s,@X) = @_;
$_[0] = md4lshift(add32($a,G($b,$c,$d),$X[$k],0x5A827999), $s);
return $_[0];
# Ported from SAMBA/source/lib/md4.c:ROUND3
sub ROUND3 {
my ($a,$b,$c,$d,$k,$s,@X) = @_;
$_[0] = md4lshift(add32($a,H($b,$c,$d),$X[$k],0x6ED9EBA1), $s);
return $_[0];
# Ported from SAMBA/source/lib/md4.c:mdfour64
sub mdfour64 {
my ( $A, $B, $C, $D, @M ) = @_;
my ( $AA, $BB, $CC, $DD );
my ( @X );
@X = (map { $_?$_:0 } @M)[0..15];
$AA=$A; $BB=$B; $CC=$C; $DD=$D;
ROUND1($A,$B,$C,$D, 0, 3, @X); ROUND1($D,$A,$B,$C, 1, 7, @X);
ROUND1($C,$D,$A,$B, 2, 11, @X); ROUND1($B,$C,$D,$A, 3, 19, @X);
ROUND1($A,$B,$C,$D, 4, 3, @X); ROUND1($D,$A,$B,$C, 5, 7, @X);
ROUND1($C,$D,$A,$B, 6, 11, @X); ROUND1($B,$C,$D,$A, 7, 19, @X);
ROUND1($A,$B,$C,$D, 8, 3, @X); ROUND1($D,$A,$B,$C, 9, 7, @X);
ROUND1($C,$D,$A,$B, 10, 11, @X); ROUND1($B,$C,$D,$A, 11, 19, @X);
ROUND1($A,$B,$C,$D, 12, 3, @X); ROUND1($D,$A,$B,$C, 13, 7, @X);
ROUND1($C,$D,$A,$B, 14, 11, @X); ROUND1($B,$C,$D,$A, 15, 19, @X);
ROUND2($A,$B,$C,$D, 0, 3, @X); ROUND2($D,$A,$B,$C, 4, 5, @X);
ROUND2($C,$D,$A,$B, 8, 9, @X); ROUND2($B,$C,$D,$A, 12, 13, @X);
ROUND2($A,$B,$C,$D, 1, 3, @X); ROUND2($D,$A,$B,$C, 5, 5, @X);
ROUND2($C,$D,$A,$B, 9, 9, @X); ROUND2($B,$C,$D,$A, 13, 13, @X);
ROUND2($A,$B,$C,$D, 2, 3, @X); ROUND2($D,$A,$B,$C, 6, 5, @X);
ROUND2($C,$D,$A,$B, 10, 9, @X); ROUND2($B,$C,$D,$A, 14, 13, @X);
ROUND2($A,$B,$C,$D, 3, 3, @X); ROUND2($D,$A,$B,$C, 7, 5, @X);
ROUND2($C,$D,$A,$B, 11, 9, @X); ROUND2($B,$C,$D,$A, 15, 13, @X);
ROUND3($A,$B,$C,$D, 0, 3, @X); ROUND3($D,$A,$B,$C, 8, 9, @X);
ROUND3($C,$D,$A,$B, 4, 11, @X); ROUND3($B,$C,$D,$A, 12, 15, @X);
ROUND3($A,$B,$C,$D, 2, 3, @X); ROUND3($D,$A,$B,$C, 10, 9, @X);
ROUND3($C,$D,$A,$B, 6, 11, @X); ROUND3($B,$C,$D,$A, 14, 15, @X);
ROUND3($A,$B,$C,$D, 1, 3, @X); ROUND3($D,$A,$B,$C, 9, 9, @X);
ROUND3($C,$D,$A,$B, 5, 11, @X); ROUND3($B,$C,$D,$A, 13, 15, @X);
ROUND3($A,$B,$C,$D, 3, 3, @X); ROUND3($D,$A,$B,$C, 11, 9, @X);
ROUND3($C,$D,$A,$B, 7, 11, @X); ROUND3($B,$C,$D,$A, 15, 15, @X);
# We want to change the arguments, so assign them to $_[0] markers
# rather than to $A..$D
$_[0] = add32($A,$AA); $_[1] = add32($B,$BB);
$_[2] = add32($C,$CC); $_[3] = add32($D,$DD);
@X = map { 0 } (1..16);
# Ported from SAMBA/source/lib/md4.c:copy64
sub copy64 {
my ( @in ) = @_;
my ( $i, @M );
for $i ( 0..15 ) {
$M[$i] = ($in[$i*4+3]<<24) | ($in[$i*4+2]<<16) |
($in[$i*4+1]<<8) | ($in[$i*4+0]<<0);
return @M;
# Ported from SAMBA/source/lib/md4.c:copy4
sub copy4 {
my ( $x ) = @_;
my ( @out );
$out[0] = $x&0xFF;
$out[1] = ($x>>8)&0xFF;
$out[2] = ($x>>16)&0xFF;
$out[3] = ($x>>24)&0xFF;
@out = map { $_?$_:0 } @out;
return @out;
# Ported from SAMBA/source/lib/md4.c:mdfour
sub mdfour {
my ( @in ) = unpack("C*",$_[0]);
my ( $b, @A, @M, @buf, @out );
$b = scalar @in * 8;
@A = ( 0x67452301, 0xefcdab89, 0x98badcfe, 0x10325476 );
while (scalar @in > 64 ) {
@M = copy64( @in );
mdfour64( @A, @M );
@in = @in[64..$#in];
@buf = ( @in, 0x80, map {0} (1..128) )[0..127];
if ( scalar @in <= 55 ) {
@buf[56..59] = copy4( $b );
@M = copy64( @buf );
mdfour64( @A, @M );
else {
@buf[120..123] = copy4( $b );
@M = copy64( @buf );
mdfour64( @A, @M );
@M = copy64( @buf[64..$#buf] );
mdfour64( @A, @M );
@out[0..3] = copy4($A[0]);
@out[4..7] = copy4($A[1]);
@out[8..11] = copy4($A[2]);
@out[12..15] = copy4($A[3]);
return @out;
# Contants used in lanlam hash calculations
# Ported from SAMBA/source/libsmb/smbdes.c:perm1[56]
my @perm1 = (57, 49, 41, 33, 25, 17, 9,
1, 58, 50, 42, 34, 26, 18,
10, 2, 59, 51, 43, 35, 27,
19, 11, 3, 60, 52, 44, 36,
63, 55, 47, 39, 31, 23, 15,
7, 62, 54, 46, 38, 30, 22,
14, 6, 61, 53, 45, 37, 29,
21, 13, 5, 28, 20, 12, 4);
# Ported from SAMBA/source/libsmb/smbdes.c:perm2[48]
my @perm2 = (14, 17, 11, 24, 1, 5,
3, 28, 15, 6, 21, 10,
23, 19, 12, 4, 26, 8,
16, 7, 27, 20, 13, 2,
41, 52, 31, 37, 47, 55,
30, 40, 51, 45, 33, 48,
44, 49, 39, 56, 34, 53,
46, 42, 50, 36, 29, 32);
# Ported from SAMBA/source/libsmb/smbdes.c:perm3[64]
my @perm3 = (58, 50, 42, 34, 26, 18, 10, 2,
60, 52, 44, 36, 28, 20, 12, 4,
62, 54, 46, 38, 30, 22, 14, 6,
64, 56, 48, 40, 32, 24, 16, 8,
57, 49, 41, 33, 25, 17, 9, 1,
59, 51, 43, 35, 27, 19, 11, 3,
61, 53, 45, 37, 29, 21, 13, 5,
63, 55, 47, 39, 31, 23, 15, 7);
# Ported from SAMBA/source/libsmb/smbdes.c:perm4[48]
my @perm4 = ( 32, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 1);
# Ported from SAMBA/source/libsmb/smbdes.c:perm5[32]
my @perm5 = ( 16, 7, 20, 21,
29, 12, 28, 17,
1, 15, 23, 26,
5, 18, 31, 10,
2, 8, 24, 14,
32, 27, 3, 9,
19, 13, 30, 6,
22, 11, 4, 25);
# Ported from SAMBA/source/libsmb/smbdes.c:perm6[64]
my @perm6 =( 40, 8, 48, 16, 56, 24, 64, 32,
39, 7, 47, 15, 55, 23, 63, 31,
38, 6, 46, 14, 54, 22, 62, 30,
37, 5, 45, 13, 53, 21, 61, 29,
36, 4, 44, 12, 52, 20, 60, 28,
35, 3, 43, 11, 51, 19, 59, 27,
34, 2, 42, 10, 50, 18, 58, 26,
33, 1, 41, 9, 49, 17, 57, 25);
# Ported from SAMBA/source/libsmb/smbdes.c:sc[16]
my @sc = (1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1);
# Ported from SAMBA/source/libsmb/smbdes.c:sbox[8][4][16]
# Side note, I used cut and paste for all these numbers, I did NOT
# type them all in =)
my @sbox = ([[14, 4, 13, 1, 2, 15, 11, 8, 3, 10, 6, 12, 5, 9, 0, 7],
[ 0, 15, 7, 4, 14, 2, 13, 1, 10, 6, 12, 11, 9, 5, 3, 8],
[ 4, 1, 14, 8, 13, 6, 2, 11, 15, 12, 9, 7, 3, 10, 5, 0],
[15, 12, 8, 2, 4, 9, 1, 7, 5, 11, 3, 14, 10, 0, 6, 13]],
[[15, 1, 8, 14, 6, 11, 3, 4, 9, 7, 2, 13, 12, 0, 5, 10],
[ 3, 13, 4, 7, 15, 2, 8, 14, 12, 0, 1, 10, 6, 9, 11, 5],
[ 0, 14, 7, 11, 10, 4, 13, 1, 5, 8, 12, 6, 9, 3, 2, 15],
[13, 8, 10, 1, 3, 15, 4, 2, 11, 6, 7, 12, 0, 5, 14, 9]],
[[10, 0, 9, 14, 6, 3, 15, 5, 1, 13, 12, 7, 11, 4, 2, 8],
[13, 7, 0, 9, 3, 4, 6, 10, 2, 8, 5, 14, 12, 11, 15, 1],
[13, 6, 4, 9, 8, 15, 3, 0, 11, 1, 2, 12, 5, 10, 14, 7],
[ 1, 10, 13, 0, 6, 9, 8, 7, 4, 15, 14, 3, 11, 5, 2, 12]],
[[ 7, 13, 14, 3, 0, 6, 9, 10, 1, 2, 8, 5, 11, 12, 4, 15],
[13, 8, 11, 5, 6, 15, 0, 3, 4, 7, 2, 12, 1, 10, 14, 9],
[10, 6, 9, 0, 12, 11, 7, 13, 15, 1, 3, 14, 5, 2, 8, 4],
[ 3, 15, 0, 6, 10, 1, 13, 8, 9, 4, 5, 11, 12, 7, 2, 14]],
[[ 2, 12, 4, 1, 7, 10, 11, 6, 8, 5, 3, 15, 13, 0, 14, 9],
[14, 11, 2, 12, 4, 7, 13, 1, 5, 0, 15, 10, 3, 9, 8, 6],
[ 4, 2, 1, 11, 10, 13, 7, 8, 15, 9, 12, 5, 6, 3, 0, 14],
[11, 8, 12, 7, 1, 14, 2, 13, 6, 15, 0, 9, 10, 4, 5, 3]],
[[12, 1, 10, 15, 9, 2, 6, 8, 0, 13, 3, 4, 14, 7, 5, 11],
[10, 15, 4, 2, 7, 12, 9, 5, 6, 1, 13, 14, 0, 11, 3, 8],
[ 9, 14, 15, 5, 2, 8, 12, 3, 7, 0, 4, 10, 1, 13, 11, 6],
[ 4, 3, 2, 12, 9, 5, 15, 10, 11, 14, 1, 7, 6, 0, 8, 13]],
[[ 4, 11, 2, 14, 15, 0, 8, 13, 3, 12, 9, 7, 5, 10, 6, 1],
[13, 0, 11, 7, 4, 9, 1, 10, 14, 3, 5, 12, 2, 15, 8, 6],
[ 1, 4, 11, 13, 12, 3, 7, 14, 10, 15, 6, 8, 0, 5, 9, 2],
[ 6, 11, 13, 8, 1, 4, 10, 7, 9, 5, 0, 15, 14, 2, 3, 12]],
[[13, 2, 8, 4, 6, 15, 11, 1, 10, 9, 3, 14, 5, 0, 12, 7],
[ 1, 15, 13, 8, 10, 3, 7, 4, 12, 5, 6, 11, 0, 14, 9, 2],
[ 7, 11, 4, 1, 9, 12, 14, 2, 0, 6, 10, 13, 15, 3, 5, 8],
[ 2, 1, 14, 7, 4, 10, 8, 13, 15, 12, 9, 0, 3, 5, 6, 11]]);
# Ported from SAMBA/source/libsmb/smbdes.c:xor
# Hack: Split arguments in half and then xor's first half of arguments to
# second half of arguments. Probably proper way of doing this would
# be to used referenced variables
sub mxor {
my ( @in ) = @_;
my ( $i, $off, @ret );
$off = int($#in/2);
for $i ( 0..$off ) {
$ret[$i] = $in[$i] ^ $in[$i+$off+1];
return @ret;
# Ported from SAMBA/source/libsmb/smbdes.c:str_to_key
sub str_to_key {
my ( @str ) = @_;
my ( $i, @key );
@str = map { $_?$_:0 } @str;
$key[0] = $str[0]>>1;
$key[1] = (($str[0]&0x01)<<6) | ($str[1]>>2);
$key[2] = (($str[1]&0x03)<<5) | ($str[2]>>3);
$key[3] = (($str[2]&0x07)<<4) | ($str[3]>>4);
$key[4] = (($str[3]&0x0F)<<3) | ($str[4]>>5);
$key[5] = (($str[4]&0x1F)<<2) | ($str[5]>>6);
$key[6] = (($str[5]&0x3F)<<1) | ($str[6]>>7);
$key[7] = $str[6]&0x7F;
for $i (0..7) {
$key[$i] = ($key[$i]<<1);
return @key;
# Ported from SAMBA/source/libsmb/smbdes.c:permute
# Would probably be better to pass in by reference
sub permute {
my ( @a ) = @_;
my ( $i, $n, @in, @p, @out );
# Last argument is the count of the perm values
$n = $a[$#a];
@in = @a[0..($#a-$n-1)];
@p = @_[($#a-$n)..($#a-1)];
for $i ( 0..($n-1) ) {
$out[$i] = $in[$p[$i]-1]?1:0;
return @out;
# Ported from SAMBA/source/libsmb/smbdes.c:lshift
# Lazy shifting =)
sub lshift {
my ( $count, @d ) = @_;
$count %= ($#d+1);
@d = (@d,@d)[$count..($#d+$count)];
return @d;
# Ported from SAMBA/source/libsmb/smbdes.c:dohash
sub dohash {
my ( @a ) = @_;
my ( @in, @key, $forw, @pk1, @c, @d, @ki, @cd, $i, @pd1, @l, @r, @rl, @out );
@in = @a[0..63];
@key = @a[64..($#_-1)];
$forw = $a[$#a];
@pk1 = permute( @key, @perm1, 56 );
@c = @pk1[0..27];
@d = @pk1[28..55];
for $i ( 0..15 ) {
@c = lshift( $sc[$i], @c );
@d = lshift( $sc[$i], @d );
@cd = map { $_?1:0 } ( @c, @d );
$ki[$i] = [ permute( @cd, @perm2, 48 ) ];
@pd1 = permute( @in, @perm3, 64 );
@l = @pd1[0..31];
@r = @pd1[32..63];
for $i ( 0..15 ) {
my ( $j, $k, @b, @er, @erk, @cb, @pcb, @r2 );
@er = permute( @r, @perm4, 48 );
@erk = mxor(@er, @{ @ki[$forw?$i:(15-$i)] });
for $j ( 0..7 ) {
for $k ( 0..5 ) {
$b[$j][$k] = $erk[$j*6 + $k];
for $j ( 0..7 ) {
my ( $m, $n );
$m = ($b[$j][0]<<1) | $b[$j][5];
$n = ($b[$j][1]<<3) | ($b[$j][2]<<2) | ($b[$j][3]<<1) | $b[$j][4];
for $k ( 0..3 ) {
$b[$j][$k]=($sbox[$j][$m][$n] & (1<<(3-$k)))?1:0;
for $j ( 0..7 ) {
for $k ( 0..3 ) {
@pcb = permute( @cb, @perm5, 32);
@r2 = mxor(@l,@pcb);
@l = @r[0..31];
@r = @r2[0..31];
@rl = ( @r, @l );
@out = permute( @rl, @perm6, 64 );
return @out;
# Ported from SAMBA/source/libsmb/smbdes.c:smbhash
sub smbhash{
my ( @in, @key, $forw, @outb, @out, @inb, @keyb, @key2, $i );
@in = @_[0..7];
@key = @_[8..14];
$forw = $_[$#_];
@key2 = str_to_key(@key);
for $i ( 0..63 ) {
$inb[$i] = ( $in[$i/8] & (1<<(7-($i%8)))) ? 1:0;
$keyb[$i] = ( $key2[$i/8] & (1<<(7-($i%8)))) ? 1:0;
$outb[$i] = 0;
@outb = dohash(@inb,@keyb,$forw);
for $i ( 0..7 ) {
$out[$i] = 0;
for $i ( 0..64 ) {
if ( $outb[$i] ) {
$out[$i/8] |= (1<<(7-($i%8)));
return @out;
# Ported from SAMBA/source/libsmb/smbdes.c:E_P16
sub E_P16 {
my ( @p16, @p14, @sp8 );
@p16 = map { 0 } (1..16);
@p14 = unpack("C*",$_[0]);
@sp8 = ( 0x4b, 0x47, 0x53, 0x21, 0x40, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25 );
@p16 = (smbhash(@sp8,@p14[0..6],1),smbhash(@sp8,@p14[7..13],1));
return @p16;
if ($ARGV[0] eq 'nt') { print nthash($ARGV[1])."\n"; }
if ($ARGV[0] eq 'lm') { print lmhash($ARGV[1])."\n"; }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
chr(22)=>278,chr(23)=>278,chr(24)=>278,chr(25)=>278,chr(26)=>278,chr(27)=>278,chr(28)=>278,chr(29)=>278,chr(30)=>278,chr(31)=>278,' '=>278,'!'=>278,'"'=>355,'#'=>556,'$'=>556,'%'=>889,'&'=>667,'\''=>191,'('=>333,')'=>333,'*'=>389,'+'=>584,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
chr(22)=>278,chr(23)=>278,chr(24)=>278,chr(25)=>278,chr(26)=>278,chr(27)=>278,chr(28)=>278,chr(29)=>278,chr(30)=>278,chr(31)=>278,' '=>278,'!'=>333,'"'=>474,'#'=>556,'$'=>556,'%'=>889,'&'=>722,'\''=>238,'('=>333,')'=>333,'*'=>389,'+'=>584,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
chr(22)=>278,chr(23)=>278,chr(24)=>278,chr(25)=>278,chr(26)=>278,chr(27)=>278,chr(28)=>278,chr(29)=>278,chr(30)=>278,chr(31)=>278,' '=>278,'!'=>333,'"'=>474,'#'=>556,'$'=>556,'%'=>889,'&'=>722,'\''=>238,'('=>333,')'=>333,'*'=>389,'+'=>584,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
chr(22)=>278,chr(23)=>278,chr(24)=>278,chr(25)=>278,chr(26)=>278,chr(27)=>278,chr(28)=>278,chr(29)=>278,chr(30)=>278,chr(31)=>278,' '=>278,'!'=>278,'"'=>355,'#'=>556,'$'=>556,'%'=>889,'&'=>667,'\''=>191,'('=>333,')'=>333,'*'=>389,'+'=>584,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
!00 U+0000 .notdef
!01 U+0001 .notdef
!02 U+0002 .notdef
!03 U+0003 .notdef
!04 U+0004 .notdef
!05 U+0005 .notdef
!06 U+0006 .notdef
!07 U+0007 .notdef
!08 U+0008 .notdef
!09 U+0009 .notdef
!0A U+000A .notdef
!0B U+000B .notdef
!0C U+000C .notdef
!0D U+000D .notdef
!0E U+000E .notdef
!0F U+000F .notdef
!10 U+0010 .notdef
!11 U+0011 .notdef
!12 U+0012 .notdef
!13 U+0013 .notdef
!14 U+0014 .notdef
!15 U+0015 .notdef
!16 U+0016 .notdef
!17 U+0017 .notdef
!18 U+0018 .notdef
!19 U+0019 .notdef
!1A U+001A .notdef
!1B U+001B .notdef
!1C U+001C .notdef
!1D U+001D .notdef
!1E U+001E .notdef
!1F U+001F .notdef
!20 U+0020 space
!21 U+0021 exclam
!22 U+0022 quotedbl
!23 U+0023 numbersign
!24 U+0024 dollar
!25 U+0025 percent
!26 U+0026 ampersand
!27 U+0027 quotesingle
!28 U+0028 parenleft
!29 U+0029 parenright
!2A U+002A asterisk
!2B U+002B plus
!2C U+002C comma
!2D U+002D hyphen
!2E U+002E period
!2F U+002F slash
!30 U+0030 zero
!31 U+0031 one
!32 U+0032 two
!33 U+0033 three
!34 U+0034 four
!35 U+0035 five
!36 U+0036 six
!37 U+0037 seven
!38 U+0038 eight
!39 U+0039 nine
!3A U+003A colon
!3B U+003B semicolon
!3C U+003C less
!3D U+003D equal
!3E U+003E greater
!3F U+003F question
!40 U+0040 at
!41 U+0041 A
!42 U+0042 B
!43 U+0043 C
!44 U+0044 D
!45 U+0045 E
!46 U+0046 F
!47 U+0047 G
!48 U+0048 H
!49 U+0049 I
!4A U+004A J
!4B U+004B K
!4C U+004C L
!4D U+004D M
!4E U+004E N
!4F U+004F O
!50 U+0050 P
!51 U+0051 Q
!52 U+0052 R
!53 U+0053 S
!54 U+0054 T
!55 U+0055 U
!56 U+0056 V
!57 U+0057 W
!58 U+0058 X
!59 U+0059 Y
!5A U+005A Z
!5B U+005B bracketleft
!5C U+005C backslash
!5D U+005D bracketright
!5E U+005E asciicircum
!5F U+005F underscore
!60 U+0060 grave
!61 U+0061 a
!62 U+0062 b
!63 U+0063 c
!64 U+0064 d
!65 U+0065 e
!66 U+0066 f
!67 U+0067 g
!68 U+0068 h
!69 U+0069 i
!6A U+006A j
!6B U+006B k
!6C U+006C l
!6D U+006D m
!6E U+006E n
!6F U+006F o
!70 U+0070 p
!71 U+0071 q
!72 U+0072 r
!73 U+0073 s
!74 U+0074 t
!75 U+0075 u
!76 U+0076 v
!77 U+0077 w
!78 U+0078 x
!79 U+0079 y
!7A U+007A z
!7B U+007B braceleft
!7C U+007C bar
!7D U+007D braceright
!7E U+007E asciitilde
!7F U+007F .notdef
!80 U+20AC Euro
!82 U+201A quotesinglbase
!84 U+201E quotedblbase
!85 U+2026 ellipsis
!86 U+2020 dagger
!87 U+2021 daggerdbl
!89 U+2030 perthousand
!8A U+0160 Scaron
!8B U+2039 guilsinglleft
!8C U+015A Sacute
!8D U+0164 Tcaron
!8E U+017D Zcaron
!8F U+0179 Zacute
!91 U+2018 quoteleft
!92 U+2019 quoteright
!93 U+201C quotedblleft
!94 U+201D quotedblright
!95 U+2022 bullet
!96 U+2013 endash
!97 U+2014 emdash
!99 U+2122 trademark
!9A U+0161 scaron
!9B U+203A guilsinglright
!9C U+015B sacute
!9D U+0165 tcaron
!9E U+017E zcaron
!9F U+017A zacute
!A0 U+00A0 space
!A1 U+02C7 caron
!A2 U+02D8 breve
!A3 U+0141 Lslash
!A4 U+00A4 currency
!A5 U+0104 Aogonek
!A6 U+00A6 brokenbar
!A7 U+00A7 section
!A8 U+00A8 dieresis
!A9 U+00A9 copyright
!AA U+015E Scedilla
!AB U+00AB guillemotleft
!AC U+00AC logicalnot
!AD U+00AD hyphen
!AE U+00AE registered
!AF U+017B Zdotaccent
!B0 U+00B0 degree
!B1 U+00B1 plusminus
!B2 U+02DB ogonek
!B3 U+0142 lslash
!B4 U+00B4 acute
!B5 U+00B5 mu
!B6 U+00B6 paragraph
!B7 U+00B7 periodcentered
!B8 U+00B8 cedilla
!B9 U+0105 aogonek
!BA U+015F scedilla
!BB U+00BB guillemotright
!BC U+013D Lcaron
!BD U+02DD hungarumlaut
!BE U+013E lcaron
!BF U+017C zdotaccent
!C0 U+0154 Racute
!C1 U+00C1 Aacute
!C2 U+00C2 Acircumflex
!C3 U+0102 Abreve
!C4 U+00C4 Adieresis
!C5 U+0139 Lacute
!C6 U+0106 Cacute
!C7 U+00C7 Ccedilla
!C8 U+010C Ccaron
!C9 U+00C9 Eacute
!CA U+0118 Eogonek
!CB U+00CB Edieresis
!CC U+011A Ecaron
!CD U+00CD Iacute
!CE U+00CE Icircumflex
!CF U+010E Dcaron
!D0 U+0110 Dcroat
!D1 U+0143 Nacute
!D2 U+0147 Ncaron
!D3 U+00D3 Oacute
!D4 U+00D4 Ocircumflex
!D5 U+0150 Ohungarumlaut
!D6 U+00D6 Odieresis
!D7 U+00D7 multiply
!D8 U+0158 Rcaron
!D9 U+016E Uring
!DA U+00DA Uacute
!DB U+0170 Uhungarumlaut
!DC U+00DC Udieresis
!DD U+00DD Yacute
!DE U+0162 Tcommaaccent
!DF U+00DF germandbls
!E0 U+0155 racute
!E1 U+00E1 aacute
!E2 U+00E2 acircumflex
!E3 U+0103 abreve
!E4 U+00E4 adieresis
!E5 U+013A lacute
!E6 U+0107 cacute
!E7 U+00E7 ccedilla
!E8 U+010D ccaron
!E9 U+00E9 eacute
!EA U+0119 eogonek
!EB U+00EB edieresis
!EC U+011B ecaron
!ED U+00ED iacute
!EE U+00EE icircumflex
!EF U+010F dcaron
!F0 U+0111 dcroat
!F1 U+0144 nacute
!F2 U+0148 ncaron
!F3 U+00F3 oacute
!F4 U+00F4 ocircumflex
!F5 U+0151 ohungarumlaut
!F6 U+00F6 odieresis
!F7 U+00F7 divide
!F8 U+0159 rcaron
!F9 U+016F uring
!FA U+00FA uacute
!FB U+0171 uhungarumlaut
!FC U+00FC udieresis
!FD U+00FD yacute
!FE U+0163 tcommaaccent
!FF U+02D9 dotaccent

View File

@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
!00 U+0000 .notdef
!01 U+0001 .notdef
!02 U+0002 .notdef
!03 U+0003 .notdef
!04 U+0004 .notdef
!05 U+0005 .notdef
!06 U+0006 .notdef
!07 U+0007 .notdef
!08 U+0008 .notdef
!09 U+0009 .notdef
!0A U+000A .notdef
!0B U+000B .notdef
!0C U+000C .notdef
!0D U+000D .notdef
!0E U+000E .notdef
!0F U+000F .notdef
!10 U+0010 .notdef
!11 U+0011 .notdef
!12 U+0012 .notdef
!13 U+0013 .notdef
!14 U+0014 .notdef
!15 U+0015 .notdef
!16 U+0016 .notdef
!17 U+0017 .notdef
!18 U+0018 .notdef
!19 U+0019 .notdef
!1A U+001A .notdef
!1B U+001B .notdef
!1C U+001C .notdef
!1D U+001D .notdef
!1E U+001E .notdef
!1F U+001F .notdef
!20 U+0020 space
!21 U+0021 exclam
!22 U+0022 quotedbl
!23 U+0023 numbersign
!24 U+0024 dollar
!25 U+0025 percent
!26 U+0026 ampersand
!27 U+0027 quotesingle
!28 U+0028 parenleft
!29 U+0029 parenright
!2A U+002A asterisk
!2B U+002B plus
!2C U+002C comma
!2D U+002D hyphen
!2E U+002E period
!2F U+002F slash
!30 U+0030 zero
!31 U+0031 one
!32 U+0032 two
!33 U+0033 three
!34 U+0034 four
!35 U+0035 five
!36 U+0036 six
!37 U+0037 seven
!38 U+0038 eight
!39 U+0039 nine
!3A U+003A colon
!3B U+003B semicolon
!3C U+003C less
!3D U+003D equal
!3E U+003E greater
!3F U+003F question
!40 U+0040 at
!41 U+0041 A
!42 U+0042 B
!43 U+0043 C
!44 U+0044 D
!45 U+0045 E
!46 U+0046 F
!47 U+0047 G
!48 U+0048 H
!49 U+0049 I
!4A U+004A J
!4B U+004B K
!4C U+004C L
!4D U+004D M
!4E U+004E N
!4F U+004F O
!50 U+0050 P
!51 U+0051 Q
!52 U+0052 R
!53 U+0053 S
!54 U+0054 T
!55 U+0055 U
!56 U+0056 V
!57 U+0057 W
!58 U+0058 X
!59 U+0059 Y
!5A U+005A Z
!5B U+005B bracketleft
!5C U+005C backslash
!5D U+005D bracketright
!5E U+005E asciicircum
!5F U+005F underscore
!60 U+0060 grave
!61 U+0061 a
!62 U+0062 b
!63 U+0063 c
!64 U+0064 d
!65 U+0065 e
!66 U+0066 f
!67 U+0067 g
!68 U+0068 h
!69 U+0069 i
!6A U+006A j
!6B U+006B k
!6C U+006C l
!6D U+006D m
!6E U+006E n
!6F U+006F o
!70 U+0070 p
!71 U+0071 q
!72 U+0072 r
!73 U+0073 s
!74 U+0074 t
!75 U+0075 u
!76 U+0076 v
!77 U+0077 w
!78 U+0078 x
!79 U+0079 y
!7A U+007A z
!7B U+007B braceleft
!7C U+007C bar
!7D U+007D braceright
!7E U+007E asciitilde
!7F U+007F .notdef
!80 U+0402 afii10051
!81 U+0403 afii10052
!82 U+201A quotesinglbase
!83 U+0453 afii10100
!84 U+201E quotedblbase
!85 U+2026 ellipsis
!86 U+2020 dagger
!87 U+2021 daggerdbl
!88 U+20AC Euro
!89 U+2030 perthousand
!8A U+0409 afii10058
!8B U+2039 guilsinglleft
!8C U+040A afii10059
!8D U+040C afii10061
!8E U+040B afii10060
!8F U+040F afii10145
!90 U+0452 afii10099
!91 U+2018 quoteleft
!92 U+2019 quoteright
!93 U+201C quotedblleft
!94 U+201D quotedblright
!95 U+2022 bullet
!96 U+2013 endash
!97 U+2014 emdash
!99 U+2122 trademark
!9A U+0459 afii10106
!9B U+203A guilsinglright
!9C U+045A afii10107
!9D U+045C afii10109
!9E U+045B afii10108
!9F U+045F afii10193
!A0 U+00A0 space
!A1 U+040E afii10062
!A2 U+045E afii10110
!A3 U+0408 afii10057
!A4 U+00A4 currency
!A5 U+0490 afii10050
!A6 U+00A6 brokenbar
!A7 U+00A7 section
!A8 U+0401 afii10023
!A9 U+00A9 copyright
!AA U+0404 afii10053
!AB U+00AB guillemotleft
!AC U+00AC logicalnot
!AD U+00AD hyphen
!AE U+00AE registered
!AF U+0407 afii10056
!B0 U+00B0 degree
!B1 U+00B1 plusminus
!B2 U+0406 afii10055
!B3 U+0456 afii10103
!B4 U+0491 afii10098
!B5 U+00B5 mu
!B6 U+00B6 paragraph
!B7 U+00B7 periodcentered
!B8 U+0451 afii10071
!B9 U+2116 afii61352
!BA U+0454 afii10101
!BB U+00BB guillemotright
!BC U+0458 afii10105
!BD U+0405 afii10054
!BE U+0455 afii10102
!BF U+0457 afii10104
!C0 U+0410 afii10017
!C1 U+0411 afii10018
!C2 U+0412 afii10019
!C3 U+0413 afii10020
!C4 U+0414 afii10021
!C5 U+0415 afii10022
!C6 U+0416 afii10024
!C7 U+0417 afii10025
!C8 U+0418 afii10026
!C9 U+0419 afii10027
!CA U+041A afii10028
!CB U+041B afii10029
!CC U+041C afii10030
!CD U+041D afii10031
!CE U+041E afii10032
!CF U+041F afii10033
!D0 U+0420 afii10034
!D1 U+0421 afii10035
!D2 U+0422 afii10036
!D3 U+0423 afii10037
!D4 U+0424 afii10038
!D5 U+0425 afii10039
!D6 U+0426 afii10040
!D7 U+0427 afii10041
!D8 U+0428 afii10042
!D9 U+0429 afii10043
!DA U+042A afii10044
!DB U+042B afii10045
!DC U+042C afii10046
!DD U+042D afii10047
!DE U+042E afii10048
!DF U+042F afii10049
!E0 U+0430 afii10065
!E1 U+0431 afii10066
!E2 U+0432 afii10067
!E3 U+0433 afii10068
!E4 U+0434 afii10069
!E5 U+0435 afii10070
!E6 U+0436 afii10072
!E7 U+0437 afii10073
!E8 U+0438 afii10074
!E9 U+0439 afii10075
!EA U+043A afii10076
!EB U+043B afii10077
!EC U+043C afii10078
!ED U+043D afii10079
!EE U+043E afii10080
!EF U+043F afii10081
!F0 U+0440 afii10082
!F1 U+0441 afii10083
!F2 U+0442 afii10084
!F3 U+0443 afii10085
!F4 U+0444 afii10086
!F5 U+0445 afii10087
!F6 U+0446 afii10088
!F7 U+0447 afii10089
!F8 U+0448 afii10090
!F9 U+0449 afii10091
!FA U+044A afii10092
!FB U+044B afii10093
!FC U+044C afii10094
!FD U+044D afii10095
!FE U+044E afii10096
!FF U+044F afii10097

View File

@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
!00 U+0000 .notdef
!01 U+0001 .notdef
!02 U+0002 .notdef
!03 U+0003 .notdef
!04 U+0004 .notdef
!05 U+0005 .notdef
!06 U+0006 .notdef
!07 U+0007 .notdef
!08 U+0008 .notdef
!09 U+0009 .notdef
!0A U+000A .notdef
!0B U+000B .notdef
!0C U+000C .notdef
!0D U+000D .notdef
!0E U+000E .notdef
!0F U+000F .notdef
!10 U+0010 .notdef
!11 U+0011 .notdef
!12 U+0012 .notdef
!13 U+0013 .notdef
!14 U+0014 .notdef
!15 U+0015 .notdef
!16 U+0016 .notdef
!17 U+0017 .notdef
!18 U+0018 .notdef
!19 U+0019 .notdef
!1A U+001A .notdef
!1B U+001B .notdef
!1C U+001C .notdef
!1D U+001D .notdef
!1E U+001E .notdef
!1F U+001F .notdef
!20 U+0020 space
!21 U+0021 exclam
!22 U+0022 quotedbl
!23 U+0023 numbersign
!24 U+0024 dollar
!25 U+0025 percent
!26 U+0026 ampersand
!27 U+0027 quotesingle
!28 U+0028 parenleft
!29 U+0029 parenright
!2A U+002A asterisk
!2B U+002B plus
!2C U+002C comma
!2D U+002D hyphen
!2E U+002E period
!2F U+002F slash
!30 U+0030 zero
!31 U+0031 one
!32 U+0032 two
!33 U+0033 three
!34 U+0034 four
!35 U+0035 five
!36 U+0036 six
!37 U+0037 seven
!38 U+0038 eight
!39 U+0039 nine
!3A U+003A colon
!3B U+003B semicolon
!3C U+003C less
!3D U+003D equal
!3E U+003E greater
!3F U+003F question
!40 U+0040 at
!41 U+0041 A
!42 U+0042 B
!43 U+0043 C
!44 U+0044 D
!45 U+0045 E
!46 U+0046 F
!47 U+0047 G
!48 U+0048 H
!49 U+0049 I
!4A U+004A J
!4B U+004B K
!4C U+004C L
!4D U+004D M
!4E U+004E N
!4F U+004F O
!50 U+0050 P
!51 U+0051 Q
!52 U+0052 R
!53 U+0053 S
!54 U+0054 T
!55 U+0055 U
!56 U+0056 V
!57 U+0057 W
!58 U+0058 X
!59 U+0059 Y
!5A U+005A Z
!5B U+005B bracketleft
!5C U+005C backslash
!5D U+005D bracketright
!5E U+005E asciicircum
!5F U+005F underscore
!60 U+0060 grave
!61 U+0061 a
!62 U+0062 b
!63 U+0063 c
!64 U+0064 d
!65 U+0065 e
!66 U+0066 f
!67 U+0067 g
!68 U+0068 h
!69 U+0069 i
!6A U+006A j
!6B U+006B k
!6C U+006C l
!6D U+006D m
!6E U+006E n
!6F U+006F o
!70 U+0070 p
!71 U+0071 q
!72 U+0072 r
!73 U+0073 s
!74 U+0074 t
!75 U+0075 u
!76 U+0076 v
!77 U+0077 w
!78 U+0078 x
!79 U+0079 y
!7A U+007A z
!7B U+007B braceleft
!7C U+007C bar
!7D U+007D braceright
!7E U+007E asciitilde
!7F U+007F .notdef
!80 U+20AC Euro
!82 U+201A quotesinglbase
!83 U+0192 florin
!84 U+201E quotedblbase
!85 U+2026 ellipsis
!86 U+2020 dagger
!87 U+2021 daggerdbl
!88 U+02C6 circumflex
!89 U+2030 perthousand
!8A U+0160 Scaron
!8B U+2039 guilsinglleft
!8C U+0152 OE
!8E U+017D Zcaron
!91 U+2018 quoteleft
!92 U+2019 quoteright
!93 U+201C quotedblleft
!94 U+201D quotedblright
!95 U+2022 bullet
!96 U+2013 endash
!97 U+2014 emdash
!98 U+02DC tilde
!99 U+2122 trademark
!9A U+0161 scaron
!9B U+203A guilsinglright
!9C U+0153 oe
!9E U+017E zcaron
!9F U+0178 Ydieresis
!A0 U+00A0 space
!A1 U+00A1 exclamdown
!A2 U+00A2 cent
!A3 U+00A3 sterling
!A4 U+00A4 currency
!A5 U+00A5 yen
!A6 U+00A6 brokenbar
!A7 U+00A7 section
!A8 U+00A8 dieresis
!A9 U+00A9 copyright
!AA U+00AA ordfeminine
!AB U+00AB guillemotleft
!AC U+00AC logicalnot
!AD U+00AD hyphen
!AE U+00AE registered
!AF U+00AF macron
!B0 U+00B0 degree
!B1 U+00B1 plusminus
!B2 U+00B2 twosuperior
!B3 U+00B3 threesuperior
!B4 U+00B4 acute
!B5 U+00B5 mu
!B6 U+00B6 paragraph
!B7 U+00B7 periodcentered
!B8 U+00B8 cedilla
!B9 U+00B9 onesuperior
!BA U+00BA ordmasculine
!BB U+00BB guillemotright
!BC U+00BC onequarter
!BD U+00BD onehalf
!BE U+00BE threequarters
!BF U+00BF questiondown
!C0 U+00C0 Agrave
!C1 U+00C1 Aacute
!C2 U+00C2 Acircumflex
!C3 U+00C3 Atilde
!C4 U+00C4 Adieresis
!C5 U+00C5 Aring
!C6 U+00C6 AE
!C7 U+00C7 Ccedilla
!C8 U+00C8 Egrave
!C9 U+00C9 Eacute
!CA U+00CA Ecircumflex
!CB U+00CB Edieresis
!CC U+00CC Igrave
!CD U+00CD Iacute
!CE U+00CE Icircumflex
!CF U+00CF Idieresis
!D0 U+00D0 Eth
!D1 U+00D1 Ntilde
!D2 U+00D2 Ograve
!D3 U+00D3 Oacute
!D4 U+00D4 Ocircumflex
!D5 U+00D5 Otilde
!D6 U+00D6 Odieresis
!D7 U+00D7 multiply
!D8 U+00D8 Oslash
!D9 U+00D9 Ugrave
!DA U+00DA Uacute
!DB U+00DB Ucircumflex
!DC U+00DC Udieresis
!DD U+00DD Yacute
!DE U+00DE Thorn
!DF U+00DF germandbls
!E0 U+00E0 agrave
!E1 U+00E1 aacute
!E2 U+00E2 acircumflex
!E3 U+00E3 atilde
!E4 U+00E4 adieresis
!E5 U+00E5 aring
!E6 U+00E6 ae
!E7 U+00E7 ccedilla
!E8 U+00E8 egrave
!E9 U+00E9 eacute
!EA U+00EA ecircumflex
!EB U+00EB edieresis
!EC U+00EC igrave
!ED U+00ED iacute
!EE U+00EE icircumflex
!EF U+00EF idieresis
!F0 U+00F0 eth
!F1 U+00F1 ntilde
!F2 U+00F2 ograve
!F3 U+00F3 oacute
!F4 U+00F4 ocircumflex
!F5 U+00F5 otilde
!F6 U+00F6 odieresis
!F7 U+00F7 divide
!F8 U+00F8 oslash
!F9 U+00F9 ugrave
!FA U+00FA uacute
!FB U+00FB ucircumflex
!FC U+00FC udieresis
!FD U+00FD yacute
!FE U+00FE thorn
!FF U+00FF ydieresis

View File

@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
!00 U+0000 .notdef
!01 U+0001 .notdef
!02 U+0002 .notdef
!03 U+0003 .notdef
!04 U+0004 .notdef
!05 U+0005 .notdef
!06 U+0006 .notdef
!07 U+0007 .notdef
!08 U+0008 .notdef
!09 U+0009 .notdef
!0A U+000A .notdef
!0B U+000B .notdef
!0C U+000C .notdef
!0D U+000D .notdef
!0E U+000E .notdef
!0F U+000F .notdef
!10 U+0010 .notdef
!11 U+0011 .notdef
!12 U+0012 .notdef
!13 U+0013 .notdef
!14 U+0014 .notdef
!15 U+0015 .notdef
!16 U+0016 .notdef
!17 U+0017 .notdef
!18 U+0018 .notdef
!19 U+0019 .notdef
!1A U+001A .notdef
!1B U+001B .notdef
!1C U+001C .notdef
!1D U+001D .notdef
!1E U+001E .notdef
!1F U+001F .notdef
!20 U+0020 space
!21 U+0021 exclam
!22 U+0022 quotedbl
!23 U+0023 numbersign
!24 U+0024 dollar
!25 U+0025 percent
!26 U+0026 ampersand
!27 U+0027 quotesingle
!28 U+0028 parenleft
!29 U+0029 parenright
!2A U+002A asterisk
!2B U+002B plus
!2C U+002C comma
!2D U+002D hyphen
!2E U+002E period
!2F U+002F slash
!30 U+0030 zero
!31 U+0031 one
!32 U+0032 two
!33 U+0033 three
!34 U+0034 four
!35 U+0035 five
!36 U+0036 six
!37 U+0037 seven
!38 U+0038 eight
!39 U+0039 nine
!3A U+003A colon
!3B U+003B semicolon
!3C U+003C less
!3D U+003D equal
!3E U+003E greater
!3F U+003F question
!40 U+0040 at
!41 U+0041 A
!42 U+0042 B
!43 U+0043 C
!44 U+0044 D
!45 U+0045 E
!46 U+0046 F
!47 U+0047 G
!48 U+0048 H
!49 U+0049 I
!4A U+004A J
!4B U+004B K
!4C U+004C L
!4D U+004D M
!4E U+004E N
!4F U+004F O
!50 U+0050 P
!51 U+0051 Q
!52 U+0052 R
!53 U+0053 S
!54 U+0054 T
!55 U+0055 U
!56 U+0056 V
!57 U+0057 W
!58 U+0058 X
!59 U+0059 Y
!5A U+005A Z
!5B U+005B bracketleft
!5C U+005C backslash
!5D U+005D bracketright
!5E U+005E asciicircum
!5F U+005F underscore
!60 U+0060 grave
!61 U+0061 a
!62 U+0062 b
!63 U+0063 c
!64 U+0064 d
!65 U+0065 e
!66 U+0066 f
!67 U+0067 g
!68 U+0068 h
!69 U+0069 i
!6A U+006A j
!6B U+006B k
!6C U+006C l
!6D U+006D m
!6E U+006E n
!6F U+006F o
!70 U+0070 p
!71 U+0071 q
!72 U+0072 r
!73 U+0073 s
!74 U+0074 t
!75 U+0075 u
!76 U+0076 v
!77 U+0077 w
!78 U+0078 x
!79 U+0079 y
!7A U+007A z
!7B U+007B braceleft
!7C U+007C bar
!7D U+007D braceright
!7E U+007E asciitilde
!7F U+007F .notdef
!80 U+20AC Euro
!82 U+201A quotesinglbase
!83 U+0192 florin
!84 U+201E quotedblbase
!85 U+2026 ellipsis
!86 U+2020 dagger
!87 U+2021 daggerdbl
!89 U+2030 perthousand
!8B U+2039 guilsinglleft
!91 U+2018 quoteleft
!92 U+2019 quoteright
!93 U+201C quotedblleft
!94 U+201D quotedblright
!95 U+2022 bullet
!96 U+2013 endash
!97 U+2014 emdash
!99 U+2122 trademark
!9B U+203A guilsinglright
!A0 U+00A0 space
!A1 U+0385 dieresistonos
!A2 U+0386 Alphatonos
!A3 U+00A3 sterling
!A4 U+00A4 currency
!A5 U+00A5 yen
!A6 U+00A6 brokenbar
!A7 U+00A7 section
!A8 U+00A8 dieresis
!A9 U+00A9 copyright
!AB U+00AB guillemotleft
!AC U+00AC logicalnot
!AD U+00AD hyphen
!AE U+00AE registered
!AF U+2015 afii00208
!B0 U+00B0 degree
!B1 U+00B1 plusminus
!B2 U+00B2 twosuperior
!B3 U+00B3 threesuperior
!B4 U+0384 tonos
!B5 U+00B5 mu
!B6 U+00B6 paragraph
!B7 U+00B7 periodcentered
!B8 U+0388 Epsilontonos
!B9 U+0389 Etatonos
!BA U+038A Iotatonos
!BB U+00BB guillemotright
!BC U+038C Omicrontonos
!BD U+00BD onehalf
!BE U+038E Upsilontonos
!BF U+038F Omegatonos
!C0 U+0390 iotadieresistonos
!C1 U+0391 Alpha
!C2 U+0392 Beta
!C3 U+0393 Gamma
!C4 U+0394 Delta
!C5 U+0395 Epsilon
!C6 U+0396 Zeta
!C7 U+0397 Eta
!C8 U+0398 Theta
!C9 U+0399 Iota
!CA U+039A Kappa
!CB U+039B Lambda
!CC U+039C Mu
!CD U+039D Nu
!CE U+039E Xi
!CF U+039F Omicron
!D0 U+03A0 Pi
!D1 U+03A1 Rho
!D3 U+03A3 Sigma
!D4 U+03A4 Tau
!D5 U+03A5 Upsilon
!D6 U+03A6 Phi
!D7 U+03A7 Chi
!D8 U+03A8 Psi
!D9 U+03A9 Omega
!DA U+03AA Iotadieresis
!DB U+03AB Upsilondieresis
!DC U+03AC alphatonos
!DD U+03AD epsilontonos
!DE U+03AE etatonos
!DF U+03AF iotatonos
!E0 U+03B0 upsilondieresistonos
!E1 U+03B1 alpha
!E2 U+03B2 beta
!E3 U+03B3 gamma
!E4 U+03B4 delta
!E5 U+03B5 epsilon
!E6 U+03B6 zeta
!E7 U+03B7 eta
!E8 U+03B8 theta
!E9 U+03B9 iota
!EA U+03BA kappa
!EB U+03BB lambda
!EC U+03BC mu
!ED U+03BD nu
!EE U+03BE xi
!EF U+03BF omicron
!F0 U+03C0 pi
!F1 U+03C1 rho
!F2 U+03C2 sigma1
!F3 U+03C3 sigma
!F4 U+03C4 tau
!F5 U+03C5 upsilon
!F6 U+03C6 phi
!F7 U+03C7 chi
!F8 U+03C8 psi
!F9 U+03C9 omega
!FA U+03CA iotadieresis
!FB U+03CB upsilondieresis
!FC U+03CC omicrontonos
!FD U+03CD upsilontonos
!FE U+03CE omegatonos

View File

@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
!00 U+0000 .notdef
!01 U+0001 .notdef
!02 U+0002 .notdef
!03 U+0003 .notdef
!04 U+0004 .notdef
!05 U+0005 .notdef
!06 U+0006 .notdef
!07 U+0007 .notdef
!08 U+0008 .notdef
!09 U+0009 .notdef
!0A U+000A .notdef
!0B U+000B .notdef
!0C U+000C .notdef
!0D U+000D .notdef
!0E U+000E .notdef
!0F U+000F .notdef
!10 U+0010 .notdef
!11 U+0011 .notdef
!12 U+0012 .notdef
!13 U+0013 .notdef
!14 U+0014 .notdef
!15 U+0015 .notdef
!16 U+0016 .notdef
!17 U+0017 .notdef
!18 U+0018 .notdef
!19 U+0019 .notdef
!1A U+001A .notdef
!1B U+001B .notdef
!1C U+001C .notdef
!1D U+001D .notdef
!1E U+001E .notdef
!1F U+001F .notdef
!20 U+0020 space
!21 U+0021 exclam
!22 U+0022 quotedbl
!23 U+0023 numbersign
!24 U+0024 dollar
!25 U+0025 percent
!26 U+0026 ampersand
!27 U+0027 quotesingle
!28 U+0028 parenleft
!29 U+0029 parenright
!2A U+002A asterisk
!2B U+002B plus
!2C U+002C comma
!2D U+002D hyphen
!2E U+002E period
!2F U+002F slash
!30 U+0030 zero
!31 U+0031 one
!32 U+0032 two
!33 U+0033 three
!34 U+0034 four
!35 U+0035 five
!36 U+0036 six
!37 U+0037 seven
!38 U+0038 eight
!39 U+0039 nine
!3A U+003A colon
!3B U+003B semicolon
!3C U+003C less
!3D U+003D equal
!3E U+003E greater
!3F U+003F question
!40 U+0040 at
!41 U+0041 A
!42 U+0042 B
!43 U+0043 C
!44 U+0044 D
!45 U+0045 E
!46 U+0046 F
!47 U+0047 G
!48 U+0048 H
!49 U+0049 I
!4A U+004A J
!4B U+004B K
!4C U+004C L
!4D U+004D M
!4E U+004E N
!4F U+004F O
!50 U+0050 P
!51 U+0051 Q
!52 U+0052 R
!53 U+0053 S
!54 U+0054 T
!55 U+0055 U
!56 U+0056 V
!57 U+0057 W
!58 U+0058 X
!59 U+0059 Y
!5A U+005A Z
!5B U+005B bracketleft
!5C U+005C backslash
!5D U+005D bracketright
!5E U+005E asciicircum
!5F U+005F underscore
!60 U+0060 grave
!61 U+0061 a
!62 U+0062 b
!63 U+0063 c
!64 U+0064 d
!65 U+0065 e
!66 U+0066 f
!67 U+0067 g
!68 U+0068 h
!69 U+0069 i
!6A U+006A j
!6B U+006B k
!6C U+006C l
!6D U+006D m
!6E U+006E n
!6F U+006F o
!70 U+0070 p
!71 U+0071 q
!72 U+0072 r
!73 U+0073 s
!74 U+0074 t
!75 U+0075 u
!76 U+0076 v
!77 U+0077 w
!78 U+0078 x
!79 U+0079 y
!7A U+007A z
!7B U+007B braceleft
!7C U+007C bar
!7D U+007D braceright
!7E U+007E asciitilde
!7F U+007F .notdef
!80 U+20AC Euro
!82 U+201A quotesinglbase
!83 U+0192 florin
!84 U+201E quotedblbase
!85 U+2026 ellipsis
!86 U+2020 dagger
!87 U+2021 daggerdbl
!88 U+02C6 circumflex
!89 U+2030 perthousand
!8A U+0160 Scaron
!8B U+2039 guilsinglleft
!8C U+0152 OE
!91 U+2018 quoteleft
!92 U+2019 quoteright
!93 U+201C quotedblleft
!94 U+201D quotedblright
!95 U+2022 bullet
!96 U+2013 endash
!97 U+2014 emdash
!98 U+02DC tilde
!99 U+2122 trademark
!9A U+0161 scaron
!9B U+203A guilsinglright
!9C U+0153 oe
!9F U+0178 Ydieresis
!A0 U+00A0 space
!A1 U+00A1 exclamdown
!A2 U+00A2 cent
!A3 U+00A3 sterling
!A4 U+00A4 currency
!A5 U+00A5 yen
!A6 U+00A6 brokenbar
!A7 U+00A7 section
!A8 U+00A8 dieresis
!A9 U+00A9 copyright
!AA U+00AA ordfeminine
!AB U+00AB guillemotleft
!AC U+00AC logicalnot
!AD U+00AD hyphen
!AE U+00AE registered
!AF U+00AF macron
!B0 U+00B0 degree
!B1 U+00B1 plusminus
!B2 U+00B2 twosuperior
!B3 U+00B3 threesuperior
!B4 U+00B4 acute
!B5 U+00B5 mu
!B6 U+00B6 paragraph
!B7 U+00B7 periodcentered
!B8 U+00B8 cedilla
!B9 U+00B9 onesuperior
!BA U+00BA ordmasculine
!BB U+00BB guillemotright
!BC U+00BC onequarter
!BD U+00BD onehalf
!BE U+00BE threequarters
!BF U+00BF questiondown
!C0 U+00C0 Agrave
!C1 U+00C1 Aacute
!C2 U+00C2 Acircumflex
!C3 U+00C3 Atilde
!C4 U+00C4 Adieresis
!C5 U+00C5 Aring
!C6 U+00C6 AE
!C7 U+00C7 Ccedilla
!C8 U+00C8 Egrave
!C9 U+00C9 Eacute
!CA U+00CA Ecircumflex
!CB U+00CB Edieresis
!CC U+00CC Igrave
!CD U+00CD Iacute
!CE U+00CE Icircumflex
!CF U+00CF Idieresis
!D0 U+011E Gbreve
!D1 U+00D1 Ntilde
!D2 U+00D2 Ograve
!D3 U+00D3 Oacute
!D4 U+00D4 Ocircumflex
!D5 U+00D5 Otilde
!D6 U+00D6 Odieresis
!D7 U+00D7 multiply
!D8 U+00D8 Oslash
!D9 U+00D9 Ugrave
!DA U+00DA Uacute
!DB U+00DB Ucircumflex
!DC U+00DC Udieresis
!DD U+0130 Idotaccent
!DE U+015E Scedilla
!DF U+00DF germandbls
!E0 U+00E0 agrave
!E1 U+00E1 aacute
!E2 U+00E2 acircumflex
!E3 U+00E3 atilde
!E4 U+00E4 adieresis
!E5 U+00E5 aring
!E6 U+00E6 ae
!E7 U+00E7 ccedilla
!E8 U+00E8 egrave
!E9 U+00E9 eacute
!EA U+00EA ecircumflex
!EB U+00EB edieresis
!EC U+00EC igrave
!ED U+00ED iacute
!EE U+00EE icircumflex
!EF U+00EF idieresis
!F0 U+011F gbreve
!F1 U+00F1 ntilde
!F2 U+00F2 ograve
!F3 U+00F3 oacute
!F4 U+00F4 ocircumflex
!F5 U+00F5 otilde
!F6 U+00F6 odieresis
!F7 U+00F7 divide
!F8 U+00F8 oslash
!F9 U+00F9 ugrave
!FA U+00FA uacute
!FB U+00FB ucircumflex
!FC U+00FC udieresis
!FD U+0131 dotlessi
!FE U+015F scedilla
!FF U+00FF ydieresis

View File

@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
!00 U+0000 .notdef
!01 U+0001 .notdef
!02 U+0002 .notdef
!03 U+0003 .notdef
!04 U+0004 .notdef
!05 U+0005 .notdef
!06 U+0006 .notdef
!07 U+0007 .notdef
!08 U+0008 .notdef
!09 U+0009 .notdef
!0A U+000A .notdef
!0B U+000B .notdef
!0C U+000C .notdef
!0D U+000D .notdef
!0E U+000E .notdef
!0F U+000F .notdef
!10 U+0010 .notdef
!11 U+0011 .notdef
!12 U+0012 .notdef
!13 U+0013 .notdef
!14 U+0014 .notdef
!15 U+0015 .notdef
!16 U+0016 .notdef
!17 U+0017 .notdef
!18 U+0018 .notdef
!19 U+0019 .notdef
!1A U+001A .notdef
!1B U+001B .notdef
!1C U+001C .notdef
!1D U+001D .notdef
!1E U+001E .notdef
!1F U+001F .notdef
!20 U+0020 space
!21 U+0021 exclam
!22 U+0022 quotedbl
!23 U+0023 numbersign
!24 U+0024 dollar
!25 U+0025 percent
!26 U+0026 ampersand
!27 U+0027 quotesingle
!28 U+0028 parenleft
!29 U+0029 parenright
!2A U+002A asterisk
!2B U+002B plus
!2C U+002C comma
!2D U+002D hyphen
!2E U+002E period
!2F U+002F slash
!30 U+0030 zero
!31 U+0031 one
!32 U+0032 two
!33 U+0033 three
!34 U+0034 four
!35 U+0035 five
!36 U+0036 six
!37 U+0037 seven
!38 U+0038 eight
!39 U+0039 nine
!3A U+003A colon
!3B U+003B semicolon
!3C U+003C less
!3D U+003D equal
!3E U+003E greater
!3F U+003F question
!40 U+0040 at
!41 U+0041 A
!42 U+0042 B
!43 U+0043 C
!44 U+0044 D
!45 U+0045 E
!46 U+0046 F
!47 U+0047 G
!48 U+0048 H
!49 U+0049 I
!4A U+004A J
!4B U+004B K
!4C U+004C L
!4D U+004D M
!4E U+004E N
!4F U+004F O
!50 U+0050 P
!51 U+0051 Q
!52 U+0052 R
!53 U+0053 S
!54 U+0054 T
!55 U+0055 U
!56 U+0056 V
!57 U+0057 W
!58 U+0058 X
!59 U+0059 Y
!5A U+005A Z
!5B U+005B bracketleft
!5C U+005C backslash
!5D U+005D bracketright
!5E U+005E asciicircum
!5F U+005F underscore
!60 U+0060 grave
!61 U+0061 a
!62 U+0062 b
!63 U+0063 c
!64 U+0064 d
!65 U+0065 e
!66 U+0066 f
!67 U+0067 g
!68 U+0068 h
!69 U+0069 i
!6A U+006A j
!6B U+006B k
!6C U+006C l
!6D U+006D m
!6E U+006E n
!6F U+006F o
!70 U+0070 p
!71 U+0071 q
!72 U+0072 r
!73 U+0073 s
!74 U+0074 t
!75 U+0075 u
!76 U+0076 v
!77 U+0077 w
!78 U+0078 x
!79 U+0079 y
!7A U+007A z
!7B U+007B braceleft
!7C U+007C bar
!7D U+007D braceright
!7E U+007E asciitilde
!7F U+007F .notdef
!80 U+20AC Euro
!82 U+201A quotesinglbase
!84 U+201E quotedblbase
!85 U+2026 ellipsis
!86 U+2020 dagger
!87 U+2021 daggerdbl
!89 U+2030 perthousand
!8B U+2039 guilsinglleft
!8D U+00A8 dieresis
!8E U+02C7 caron
!8F U+00B8 cedilla
!91 U+2018 quoteleft
!92 U+2019 quoteright
!93 U+201C quotedblleft
!94 U+201D quotedblright
!95 U+2022 bullet
!96 U+2013 endash
!97 U+2014 emdash
!99 U+2122 trademark
!9B U+203A guilsinglright
!9D U+00AF macron
!9E U+02DB ogonek
!A0 U+00A0 space
!A2 U+00A2 cent
!A3 U+00A3 sterling
!A4 U+00A4 currency
!A6 U+00A6 brokenbar
!A7 U+00A7 section
!A8 U+00D8 Oslash
!A9 U+00A9 copyright
!AA U+0156 Rcommaaccent
!AB U+00AB guillemotleft
!AC U+00AC logicalnot
!AD U+00AD hyphen
!AE U+00AE registered
!AF U+00C6 AE
!B0 U+00B0 degree
!B1 U+00B1 plusminus
!B2 U+00B2 twosuperior
!B3 U+00B3 threesuperior
!B4 U+00B4 acute
!B5 U+00B5 mu
!B6 U+00B6 paragraph
!B7 U+00B7 periodcentered
!B8 U+00F8 oslash
!B9 U+00B9 onesuperior
!BA U+0157 rcommaaccent
!BB U+00BB guillemotright
!BC U+00BC onequarter
!BD U+00BD onehalf
!BE U+00BE threequarters
!BF U+00E6 ae
!C0 U+0104 Aogonek
!C1 U+012E Iogonek
!C2 U+0100 Amacron
!C3 U+0106 Cacute
!C4 U+00C4 Adieresis
!C5 U+00C5 Aring
!C6 U+0118 Eogonek
!C7 U+0112 Emacron
!C8 U+010C Ccaron
!C9 U+00C9 Eacute
!CA U+0179 Zacute
!CB U+0116 Edotaccent
!CC U+0122 Gcommaaccent
!CD U+0136 Kcommaaccent
!CE U+012A Imacron
!CF U+013B Lcommaaccent
!D0 U+0160 Scaron
!D1 U+0143 Nacute
!D2 U+0145 Ncommaaccent
!D3 U+00D3 Oacute
!D4 U+014C Omacron
!D5 U+00D5 Otilde
!D6 U+00D6 Odieresis
!D7 U+00D7 multiply
!D8 U+0172 Uogonek
!D9 U+0141 Lslash
!DA U+015A Sacute
!DB U+016A Umacron
!DC U+00DC Udieresis
!DD U+017B Zdotaccent
!DE U+017D Zcaron
!DF U+00DF germandbls
!E0 U+0105 aogonek
!E1 U+012F iogonek
!E2 U+0101 amacron
!E3 U+0107 cacute
!E4 U+00E4 adieresis
!E5 U+00E5 aring
!E6 U+0119 eogonek
!E7 U+0113 emacron
!E8 U+010D ccaron
!E9 U+00E9 eacute
!EA U+017A zacute
!EB U+0117 edotaccent
!EC U+0123 gcommaaccent
!ED U+0137 kcommaaccent
!EE U+012B imacron
!EF U+013C lcommaaccent
!F0 U+0161 scaron
!F1 U+0144 nacute
!F2 U+0146 ncommaaccent
!F3 U+00F3 oacute
!F4 U+014D omacron
!F5 U+00F5 otilde
!F6 U+00F6 odieresis
!F7 U+00F7 divide
!F8 U+0173 uogonek
!F9 U+0142 lslash
!FA U+015B sacute
!FB U+016B umacron
!FC U+00FC udieresis
!FD U+017C zdotaccent
!FE U+017E zcaron
!FF U+02D9 dotaccent

View File

@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
!00 U+0000 .notdef
!01 U+0001 .notdef
!02 U+0002 .notdef
!03 U+0003 .notdef
!04 U+0004 .notdef
!05 U+0005 .notdef
!06 U+0006 .notdef
!07 U+0007 .notdef
!08 U+0008 .notdef
!09 U+0009 .notdef
!0A U+000A .notdef
!0B U+000B .notdef
!0C U+000C .notdef
!0D U+000D .notdef
!0E U+000E .notdef
!0F U+000F .notdef
!10 U+0010 .notdef
!11 U+0011 .notdef
!12 U+0012 .notdef
!13 U+0013 .notdef
!14 U+0014 .notdef
!15 U+0015 .notdef
!16 U+0016 .notdef
!17 U+0017 .notdef
!18 U+0018 .notdef
!19 U+0019 .notdef
!1A U+001A .notdef
!1B U+001B .notdef
!1C U+001C .notdef
!1D U+001D .notdef
!1E U+001E .notdef
!1F U+001F .notdef
!20 U+0020 space
!21 U+0021 exclam
!22 U+0022 quotedbl
!23 U+0023 numbersign
!24 U+0024 dollar
!25 U+0025 percent
!26 U+0026 ampersand
!27 U+0027 quotesingle
!28 U+0028 parenleft
!29 U+0029 parenright
!2A U+002A asterisk
!2B U+002B plus
!2C U+002C comma
!2D U+002D hyphen
!2E U+002E period
!2F U+002F slash
!30 U+0030 zero
!31 U+0031 one
!32 U+0032 two
!33 U+0033 three
!34 U+0034 four
!35 U+0035 five
!36 U+0036 six
!37 U+0037 seven
!38 U+0038 eight
!39 U+0039 nine
!3A U+003A colon
!3B U+003B semicolon
!3C U+003C less
!3D U+003D equal
!3E U+003E greater
!3F U+003F question
!40 U+0040 at
!41 U+0041 A
!42 U+0042 B
!43 U+0043 C
!44 U+0044 D
!45 U+0045 E
!46 U+0046 F
!47 U+0047 G
!48 U+0048 H
!49 U+0049 I
!4A U+004A J
!4B U+004B K
!4C U+004C L
!4D U+004D M
!4E U+004E N
!4F U+004F O
!50 U+0050 P
!51 U+0051 Q
!52 U+0052 R
!53 U+0053 S
!54 U+0054 T
!55 U+0055 U
!56 U+0056 V
!57 U+0057 W
!58 U+0058 X
!59 U+0059 Y
!5A U+005A Z
!5B U+005B bracketleft
!5C U+005C backslash
!5D U+005D bracketright
!5E U+005E asciicircum
!5F U+005F underscore
!60 U+0060 grave
!61 U+0061 a
!62 U+0062 b
!63 U+0063 c
!64 U+0064 d
!65 U+0065 e
!66 U+0066 f
!67 U+0067 g
!68 U+0068 h
!69 U+0069 i
!6A U+006A j
!6B U+006B k
!6C U+006C l
!6D U+006D m
!6E U+006E n
!6F U+006F o
!70 U+0070 p
!71 U+0071 q
!72 U+0072 r
!73 U+0073 s
!74 U+0074 t
!75 U+0075 u
!76 U+0076 v
!77 U+0077 w
!78 U+0078 x
!79 U+0079 y
!7A U+007A z
!7B U+007B braceleft
!7C U+007C bar
!7D U+007D braceright
!7E U+007E asciitilde
!7F U+007F .notdef
!80 U+0080 .notdef
!81 U+0081 .notdef
!82 U+0082 .notdef
!83 U+0083 .notdef
!84 U+0084 .notdef
!85 U+0085 .notdef
!86 U+0086 .notdef
!87 U+0087 .notdef
!88 U+0088 .notdef
!89 U+0089 .notdef
!8A U+008A .notdef
!8B U+008B .notdef
!8C U+008C .notdef
!8D U+008D .notdef
!8E U+008E .notdef
!8F U+008F .notdef
!90 U+0090 .notdef
!91 U+0091 .notdef
!92 U+0092 .notdef
!93 U+0093 .notdef
!94 U+0094 .notdef
!95 U+0095 .notdef
!96 U+0096 .notdef
!97 U+0097 .notdef
!98 U+0098 .notdef
!99 U+0099 .notdef
!9A U+009A .notdef
!9B U+009B .notdef
!9C U+009C .notdef
!9D U+009D .notdef
!9E U+009E .notdef
!9F U+009F .notdef
!A0 U+00A0 space
!A1 U+00A1 exclamdown
!A2 U+00A2 cent
!A3 U+00A3 sterling
!A4 U+00A4 currency
!A5 U+00A5 yen
!A6 U+00A6 brokenbar
!A7 U+00A7 section
!A8 U+00A8 dieresis
!A9 U+00A9 copyright
!AA U+00AA ordfeminine
!AB U+00AB guillemotleft
!AC U+00AC logicalnot
!AD U+00AD hyphen
!AE U+00AE registered
!AF U+00AF macron
!B0 U+00B0 degree
!B1 U+00B1 plusminus
!B2 U+00B2 twosuperior
!B3 U+00B3 threesuperior
!B4 U+00B4 acute
!B5 U+00B5 mu
!B6 U+00B6 paragraph
!B7 U+00B7 periodcentered
!B8 U+00B8 cedilla
!B9 U+00B9 onesuperior
!BA U+00BA ordmasculine
!BB U+00BB guillemotright
!BC U+00BC onequarter
!BD U+00BD onehalf
!BE U+00BE threequarters
!BF U+00BF questiondown
!C0 U+00C0 Agrave
!C1 U+00C1 Aacute
!C2 U+00C2 Acircumflex
!C3 U+00C3 Atilde
!C4 U+00C4 Adieresis
!C5 U+00C5 Aring
!C6 U+00C6 AE
!C7 U+00C7 Ccedilla
!C8 U+00C8 Egrave
!C9 U+00C9 Eacute
!CA U+00CA Ecircumflex
!CB U+00CB Edieresis
!CC U+00CC Igrave
!CD U+00CD Iacute
!CE U+00CE Icircumflex
!CF U+00CF Idieresis
!D0 U+00D0 Eth
!D1 U+00D1 Ntilde
!D2 U+00D2 Ograve
!D3 U+00D3 Oacute
!D4 U+00D4 Ocircumflex
!D5 U+00D5 Otilde
!D6 U+00D6 Odieresis
!D7 U+00D7 multiply
!D8 U+00D8 Oslash
!D9 U+00D9 Ugrave
!DA U+00DA Uacute
!DB U+00DB Ucircumflex
!DC U+00DC Udieresis
!DD U+00DD Yacute
!DE U+00DE Thorn
!DF U+00DF germandbls
!E0 U+00E0 agrave
!E1 U+00E1 aacute
!E2 U+00E2 acircumflex
!E3 U+00E3 atilde
!E4 U+00E4 adieresis
!E5 U+00E5 aring
!E6 U+00E6 ae
!E7 U+00E7 ccedilla
!E8 U+00E8 egrave
!E9 U+00E9 eacute
!EA U+00EA ecircumflex
!EB U+00EB edieresis
!EC U+00EC igrave
!ED U+00ED iacute
!EE U+00EE icircumflex
!EF U+00EF idieresis
!F0 U+00F0 eth
!F1 U+00F1 ntilde
!F2 U+00F2 ograve
!F3 U+00F3 oacute
!F4 U+00F4 ocircumflex
!F5 U+00F5 otilde
!F6 U+00F6 odieresis
!F7 U+00F7 divide
!F8 U+00F8 oslash
!F9 U+00F9 ugrave
!FA U+00FA uacute
!FB U+00FB ucircumflex
!FC U+00FC udieresis
!FD U+00FD yacute
!FE U+00FE thorn
!FF U+00FF ydieresis

View File

@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
!00 U+0000 .notdef
!01 U+0001 .notdef
!02 U+0002 .notdef
!03 U+0003 .notdef
!04 U+0004 .notdef
!05 U+0005 .notdef
!06 U+0006 .notdef
!07 U+0007 .notdef
!08 U+0008 .notdef
!09 U+0009 .notdef
!0A U+000A .notdef
!0B U+000B .notdef
!0C U+000C .notdef
!0D U+000D .notdef
!0E U+000E .notdef
!0F U+000F .notdef
!10 U+0010 .notdef
!11 U+0011 .notdef
!12 U+0012 .notdef
!13 U+0013 .notdef
!14 U+0014 .notdef
!15 U+0015 .notdef
!16 U+0016 .notdef
!17 U+0017 .notdef
!18 U+0018 .notdef
!19 U+0019 .notdef
!1A U+001A .notdef
!1B U+001B .notdef
!1C U+001C .notdef
!1D U+001D .notdef
!1E U+001E .notdef
!1F U+001F .notdef
!20 U+0020 space
!21 U+0021 exclam
!22 U+0022 quotedbl
!23 U+0023 numbersign
!24 U+0024 dollar
!25 U+0025 percent
!26 U+0026 ampersand
!27 U+0027 quotesingle
!28 U+0028 parenleft
!29 U+0029 parenright
!2A U+002A asterisk
!2B U+002B plus
!2C U+002C comma
!2D U+002D hyphen
!2E U+002E period
!2F U+002F slash
!30 U+0030 zero
!31 U+0031 one
!32 U+0032 two
!33 U+0033 three
!34 U+0034 four
!35 U+0035 five
!36 U+0036 six
!37 U+0037 seven
!38 U+0038 eight
!39 U+0039 nine
!3A U+003A colon
!3B U+003B semicolon
!3C U+003C less
!3D U+003D equal
!3E U+003E greater
!3F U+003F question
!40 U+0040 at
!41 U+0041 A
!42 U+0042 B
!43 U+0043 C
!44 U+0044 D
!45 U+0045 E
!46 U+0046 F
!47 U+0047 G
!48 U+0048 H
!49 U+0049 I
!4A U+004A J
!4B U+004B K
!4C U+004C L
!4D U+004D M
!4E U+004E N
!4F U+004F O
!50 U+0050 P
!51 U+0051 Q
!52 U+0052 R
!53 U+0053 S
!54 U+0054 T
!55 U+0055 U
!56 U+0056 V
!57 U+0057 W
!58 U+0058 X
!59 U+0059 Y
!5A U+005A Z
!5B U+005B bracketleft
!5C U+005C backslash
!5D U+005D bracketright
!5E U+005E asciicircum
!5F U+005F underscore
!60 U+0060 grave
!61 U+0061 a
!62 U+0062 b
!63 U+0063 c
!64 U+0064 d
!65 U+0065 e
!66 U+0066 f
!67 U+0067 g
!68 U+0068 h
!69 U+0069 i
!6A U+006A j
!6B U+006B k
!6C U+006C l
!6D U+006D m
!6E U+006E n
!6F U+006F o
!70 U+0070 p
!71 U+0071 q
!72 U+0072 r
!73 U+0073 s
!74 U+0074 t
!75 U+0075 u
!76 U+0076 v
!77 U+0077 w
!78 U+0078 x
!79 U+0079 y
!7A U+007A z
!7B U+007B braceleft
!7C U+007C bar
!7D U+007D braceright
!7E U+007E asciitilde
!7F U+007F .notdef
!80 U+0080 .notdef
!81 U+0081 .notdef
!82 U+0082 .notdef
!83 U+0083 .notdef
!84 U+0084 .notdef
!85 U+0085 .notdef
!86 U+0086 .notdef
!87 U+0087 .notdef
!88 U+0088 .notdef
!89 U+0089 .notdef
!8A U+008A .notdef
!8B U+008B .notdef
!8C U+008C .notdef
!8D U+008D .notdef
!8E U+008E .notdef
!8F U+008F .notdef
!90 U+0090 .notdef
!91 U+0091 .notdef
!92 U+0092 .notdef
!93 U+0093 .notdef
!94 U+0094 .notdef
!95 U+0095 .notdef
!96 U+0096 .notdef
!97 U+0097 .notdef
!98 U+0098 .notdef
!99 U+0099 .notdef
!9A U+009A .notdef
!9B U+009B .notdef
!9C U+009C .notdef
!9D U+009D .notdef
!9E U+009E .notdef
!9F U+009F .notdef
!A0 U+00A0 space
!A1 U+00A1 exclamdown
!A2 U+00A2 cent
!A3 U+00A3 sterling
!A4 U+20AC Euro
!A5 U+00A5 yen
!A6 U+0160 Scaron
!A7 U+00A7 section
!A8 U+0161 scaron
!A9 U+00A9 copyright
!AA U+00AA ordfeminine
!AB U+00AB guillemotleft
!AC U+00AC logicalnot
!AD U+00AD hyphen
!AE U+00AE registered
!AF U+00AF macron
!B0 U+00B0 degree
!B1 U+00B1 plusminus
!B2 U+00B2 twosuperior
!B3 U+00B3 threesuperior
!B4 U+017D Zcaron
!B5 U+00B5 mu
!B6 U+00B6 paragraph
!B7 U+00B7 periodcentered
!B8 U+017E zcaron
!B9 U+00B9 onesuperior
!BA U+00BA ordmasculine
!BB U+00BB guillemotright
!BC U+0152 OE
!BD U+0153 oe
!BE U+0178 Ydieresis
!BF U+00BF questiondown
!C0 U+00C0 Agrave
!C1 U+00C1 Aacute
!C2 U+00C2 Acircumflex
!C3 U+00C3 Atilde
!C4 U+00C4 Adieresis
!C5 U+00C5 Aring
!C6 U+00C6 AE
!C7 U+00C7 Ccedilla
!C8 U+00C8 Egrave
!C9 U+00C9 Eacute
!CA U+00CA Ecircumflex
!CB U+00CB Edieresis
!CC U+00CC Igrave
!CD U+00CD Iacute
!CE U+00CE Icircumflex
!CF U+00CF Idieresis
!D0 U+00D0 Eth
!D1 U+00D1 Ntilde
!D2 U+00D2 Ograve
!D3 U+00D3 Oacute
!D4 U+00D4 Ocircumflex
!D5 U+00D5 Otilde
!D6 U+00D6 Odieresis
!D7 U+00D7 multiply
!D8 U+00D8 Oslash
!D9 U+00D9 Ugrave
!DA U+00DA Uacute
!DB U+00DB Ucircumflex
!DC U+00DC Udieresis
!DD U+00DD Yacute
!DE U+00DE Thorn
!DF U+00DF germandbls
!E0 U+00E0 agrave
!E1 U+00E1 aacute
!E2 U+00E2 acircumflex
!E3 U+00E3 atilde
!E4 U+00E4 adieresis
!E5 U+00E5 aring
!E6 U+00E6 ae
!E7 U+00E7 ccedilla
!E8 U+00E8 egrave
!E9 U+00E9 eacute
!EA U+00EA ecircumflex
!EB U+00EB edieresis
!EC U+00EC igrave
!ED U+00ED iacute
!EE U+00EE icircumflex
!EF U+00EF idieresis
!F0 U+00F0 eth
!F1 U+00F1 ntilde
!F2 U+00F2 ograve
!F3 U+00F3 oacute
!F4 U+00F4 ocircumflex
!F5 U+00F5 otilde
!F6 U+00F6 odieresis
!F7 U+00F7 divide
!F8 U+00F8 oslash
!F9 U+00F9 ugrave
!FA U+00FA uacute
!FB U+00FB ucircumflex
!FC U+00FC udieresis
!FD U+00FD yacute
!FE U+00FE thorn
!FF U+00FF ydieresis

View File

@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
!00 U+0000 .notdef
!01 U+0001 .notdef
!02 U+0002 .notdef
!03 U+0003 .notdef
!04 U+0004 .notdef
!05 U+0005 .notdef
!06 U+0006 .notdef
!07 U+0007 .notdef
!08 U+0008 .notdef
!09 U+0009 .notdef
!0A U+000A .notdef
!0B U+000B .notdef
!0C U+000C .notdef
!0D U+000D .notdef
!0E U+000E .notdef
!0F U+000F .notdef
!10 U+0010 .notdef
!11 U+0011 .notdef
!12 U+0012 .notdef
!13 U+0013 .notdef
!14 U+0014 .notdef
!15 U+0015 .notdef
!16 U+0016 .notdef
!17 U+0017 .notdef
!18 U+0018 .notdef
!19 U+0019 .notdef
!1A U+001A .notdef
!1B U+001B .notdef
!1C U+001C .notdef
!1D U+001D .notdef
!1E U+001E .notdef
!1F U+001F .notdef
!20 U+0020 space
!21 U+0021 exclam
!22 U+0022 quotedbl
!23 U+0023 numbersign
!24 U+0024 dollar
!25 U+0025 percent
!26 U+0026 ampersand
!27 U+0027 quotesingle
!28 U+0028 parenleft
!29 U+0029 parenright
!2A U+002A asterisk
!2B U+002B plus
!2C U+002C comma
!2D U+002D hyphen
!2E U+002E period
!2F U+002F slash
!30 U+0030 zero
!31 U+0031 one
!32 U+0032 two
!33 U+0033 three
!34 U+0034 four
!35 U+0035 five
!36 U+0036 six
!37 U+0037 seven
!38 U+0038 eight
!39 U+0039 nine
!3A U+003A colon
!3B U+003B semicolon
!3C U+003C less
!3D U+003D equal
!3E U+003E greater
!3F U+003F question
!40 U+0040 at
!41 U+0041 A
!42 U+0042 B
!43 U+0043 C
!44 U+0044 D
!45 U+0045 E
!46 U+0046 F
!47 U+0047 G
!48 U+0048 H
!49 U+0049 I
!4A U+004A J
!4B U+004B K
!4C U+004C L
!4D U+004D M
!4E U+004E N
!4F U+004F O
!50 U+0050 P
!51 U+0051 Q
!52 U+0052 R
!53 U+0053 S
!54 U+0054 T
!55 U+0055 U
!56 U+0056 V
!57 U+0057 W
!58 U+0058 X
!59 U+0059 Y
!5A U+005A Z
!5B U+005B bracketleft
!5C U+005C backslash
!5D U+005D bracketright
!5E U+005E asciicircum
!5F U+005F underscore
!60 U+0060 grave
!61 U+0061 a
!62 U+0062 b
!63 U+0063 c
!64 U+0064 d
!65 U+0065 e
!66 U+0066 f
!67 U+0067 g
!68 U+0068 h
!69 U+0069 i
!6A U+006A j
!6B U+006B k
!6C U+006C l
!6D U+006D m
!6E U+006E n
!6F U+006F o
!70 U+0070 p
!71 U+0071 q
!72 U+0072 r
!73 U+0073 s
!74 U+0074 t
!75 U+0075 u
!76 U+0076 v
!77 U+0077 w
!78 U+0078 x
!79 U+0079 y
!7A U+007A z
!7B U+007B braceleft
!7C U+007C bar
!7D U+007D braceright
!7E U+007E asciitilde
!7F U+007F .notdef
!80 U+0080 .notdef
!81 U+0081 .notdef
!82 U+0082 .notdef
!83 U+0083 .notdef
!84 U+0084 .notdef
!85 U+0085 .notdef
!86 U+0086 .notdef
!87 U+0087 .notdef
!88 U+0088 .notdef
!89 U+0089 .notdef
!8A U+008A .notdef
!8B U+008B .notdef
!8C U+008C .notdef
!8D U+008D .notdef
!8E U+008E .notdef
!8F U+008F .notdef
!90 U+0090 .notdef
!91 U+0091 .notdef
!92 U+0092 .notdef
!93 U+0093 .notdef
!94 U+0094 .notdef
!95 U+0095 .notdef
!96 U+0096 .notdef
!97 U+0097 .notdef
!98 U+0098 .notdef
!99 U+0099 .notdef
!9A U+009A .notdef
!9B U+009B .notdef
!9C U+009C .notdef
!9D U+009D .notdef
!9E U+009E .notdef
!9F U+009F .notdef
!A0 U+00A0 space
!A1 U+0104 Aogonek
!A2 U+0105 aogonek
!A3 U+0141 Lslash
!A4 U+20AC Euro
!A5 U+201E quotedblbase
!A6 U+0160 Scaron
!A7 U+00A7 section
!A8 U+0161 scaron
!A9 U+00A9 copyright
!AA U+0218 Scommaaccent
!AB U+00AB guillemotleft
!AC U+0179 Zacute
!AD U+00AD hyphen
!AE U+017A zacute
!AF U+017B Zdotaccent
!B0 U+00B0 degree
!B1 U+00B1 plusminus
!B2 U+010C Ccaron
!B3 U+0142 lslash
!B4 U+017D Zcaron
!B5 U+201D quotedblright
!B6 U+00B6 paragraph
!B7 U+00B7 periodcentered
!B8 U+017E zcaron
!B9 U+010D ccaron
!BA U+0219 scommaaccent
!BB U+00BB guillemotright
!BC U+0152 OE
!BD U+0153 oe
!BE U+0178 Ydieresis
!BF U+017C zdotaccent
!C0 U+00C0 Agrave
!C1 U+00C1 Aacute
!C2 U+00C2 Acircumflex
!C3 U+0102 Abreve
!C4 U+00C4 Adieresis
!C5 U+0106 Cacute
!C6 U+00C6 AE
!C7 U+00C7 Ccedilla
!C8 U+00C8 Egrave
!C9 U+00C9 Eacute
!CA U+00CA Ecircumflex
!CB U+00CB Edieresis
!CC U+00CC Igrave
!CD U+00CD Iacute
!CE U+00CE Icircumflex
!CF U+00CF Idieresis
!D0 U+0110 Dcroat
!D1 U+0143 Nacute
!D2 U+00D2 Ograve
!D3 U+00D3 Oacute
!D4 U+00D4 Ocircumflex
!D5 U+0150 Ohungarumlaut
!D6 U+00D6 Odieresis
!D7 U+015A Sacute
!D8 U+0170 Uhungarumlaut
!D9 U+00D9 Ugrave
!DA U+00DA Uacute
!DB U+00DB Ucircumflex
!DC U+00DC Udieresis
!DD U+0118 Eogonek
!DE U+021A Tcommaaccent
!DF U+00DF germandbls
!E0 U+00E0 agrave
!E1 U+00E1 aacute
!E2 U+00E2 acircumflex
!E3 U+0103 abreve
!E4 U+00E4 adieresis
!E5 U+0107 cacute
!E6 U+00E6 ae
!E7 U+00E7 ccedilla
!E8 U+00E8 egrave
!E9 U+00E9 eacute
!EA U+00EA ecircumflex
!EB U+00EB edieresis
!EC U+00EC igrave
!ED U+00ED iacute
!EE U+00EE icircumflex
!EF U+00EF idieresis
!F0 U+0111 dcroat
!F1 U+0144 nacute
!F2 U+00F2 ograve
!F3 U+00F3 oacute
!F4 U+00F4 ocircumflex
!F5 U+0151 ohungarumlaut
!F6 U+00F6 odieresis
!F7 U+015B sacute
!F8 U+0171 uhungarumlaut
!F9 U+00F9 ugrave
!FA U+00FA uacute
!FB U+00FB ucircumflex
!FC U+00FC udieresis
!FD U+0119 eogonek
!FE U+021B tcommaaccent
!FF U+00FF ydieresis

View File

@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
!00 U+0000 .notdef
!01 U+0001 .notdef
!02 U+0002 .notdef
!03 U+0003 .notdef
!04 U+0004 .notdef
!05 U+0005 .notdef
!06 U+0006 .notdef
!07 U+0007 .notdef
!08 U+0008 .notdef
!09 U+0009 .notdef
!0A U+000A .notdef
!0B U+000B .notdef
!0C U+000C .notdef
!0D U+000D .notdef
!0E U+000E .notdef
!0F U+000F .notdef
!10 U+0010 .notdef
!11 U+0011 .notdef
!12 U+0012 .notdef
!13 U+0013 .notdef
!14 U+0014 .notdef
!15 U+0015 .notdef
!16 U+0016 .notdef
!17 U+0017 .notdef
!18 U+0018 .notdef
!19 U+0019 .notdef
!1A U+001A .notdef
!1B U+001B .notdef
!1C U+001C .notdef
!1D U+001D .notdef
!1E U+001E .notdef
!1F U+001F .notdef
!20 U+0020 space
!21 U+0021 exclam
!22 U+0022 quotedbl
!23 U+0023 numbersign
!24 U+0024 dollar
!25 U+0025 percent
!26 U+0026 ampersand
!27 U+0027 quotesingle
!28 U+0028 parenleft
!29 U+0029 parenright
!2A U+002A asterisk
!2B U+002B plus
!2C U+002C comma
!2D U+002D hyphen
!2E U+002E period
!2F U+002F slash
!30 U+0030 zero
!31 U+0031 one
!32 U+0032 two
!33 U+0033 three
!34 U+0034 four
!35 U+0035 five
!36 U+0036 six
!37 U+0037 seven
!38 U+0038 eight
!39 U+0039 nine
!3A U+003A colon
!3B U+003B semicolon
!3C U+003C less
!3D U+003D equal
!3E U+003E greater
!3F U+003F question
!40 U+0040 at
!41 U+0041 A
!42 U+0042 B
!43 U+0043 C
!44 U+0044 D
!45 U+0045 E
!46 U+0046 F
!47 U+0047 G
!48 U+0048 H
!49 U+0049 I
!4A U+004A J
!4B U+004B K
!4C U+004C L
!4D U+004D M
!4E U+004E N
!4F U+004F O
!50 U+0050 P
!51 U+0051 Q
!52 U+0052 R
!53 U+0053 S
!54 U+0054 T
!55 U+0055 U
!56 U+0056 V
!57 U+0057 W
!58 U+0058 X
!59 U+0059 Y
!5A U+005A Z
!5B U+005B bracketleft
!5C U+005C backslash
!5D U+005D bracketright
!5E U+005E asciicircum
!5F U+005F underscore
!60 U+0060 grave
!61 U+0061 a
!62 U+0062 b
!63 U+0063 c
!64 U+0064 d
!65 U+0065 e
!66 U+0066 f
!67 U+0067 g
!68 U+0068 h
!69 U+0069 i
!6A U+006A j
!6B U+006B k
!6C U+006C l
!6D U+006D m
!6E U+006E n
!6F U+006F o
!70 U+0070 p
!71 U+0071 q
!72 U+0072 r
!73 U+0073 s
!74 U+0074 t
!75 U+0075 u
!76 U+0076 v
!77 U+0077 w
!78 U+0078 x
!79 U+0079 y
!7A U+007A z
!7B U+007B braceleft
!7C U+007C bar
!7D U+007D braceright
!7E U+007E asciitilde
!7F U+007F .notdef
!80 U+0080 .notdef
!81 U+0081 .notdef
!82 U+0082 .notdef
!83 U+0083 .notdef
!84 U+0084 .notdef
!85 U+0085 .notdef
!86 U+0086 .notdef
!87 U+0087 .notdef
!88 U+0088 .notdef
!89 U+0089 .notdef
!8A U+008A .notdef
!8B U+008B .notdef
!8C U+008C .notdef
!8D U+008D .notdef
!8E U+008E .notdef
!8F U+008F .notdef
!90 U+0090 .notdef
!91 U+0091 .notdef
!92 U+0092 .notdef
!93 U+0093 .notdef
!94 U+0094 .notdef
!95 U+0095 .notdef
!96 U+0096 .notdef
!97 U+0097 .notdef
!98 U+0098 .notdef
!99 U+0099 .notdef
!9A U+009A .notdef
!9B U+009B .notdef
!9C U+009C .notdef
!9D U+009D .notdef
!9E U+009E .notdef
!9F U+009F .notdef
!A0 U+00A0 space
!A1 U+0104 Aogonek
!A2 U+02D8 breve
!A3 U+0141 Lslash
!A4 U+00A4 currency
!A5 U+013D Lcaron
!A6 U+015A Sacute
!A7 U+00A7 section
!A8 U+00A8 dieresis
!A9 U+0160 Scaron
!AA U+015E Scedilla
!AB U+0164 Tcaron
!AC U+0179 Zacute
!AD U+00AD hyphen
!AE U+017D Zcaron
!AF U+017B Zdotaccent
!B0 U+00B0 degree
!B1 U+0105 aogonek
!B2 U+02DB ogonek
!B3 U+0142 lslash
!B4 U+00B4 acute
!B5 U+013E lcaron
!B6 U+015B sacute
!B7 U+02C7 caron
!B8 U+00B8 cedilla
!B9 U+0161 scaron
!BA U+015F scedilla
!BB U+0165 tcaron
!BC U+017A zacute
!BD U+02DD hungarumlaut
!BE U+017E zcaron
!BF U+017C zdotaccent
!C0 U+0154 Racute
!C1 U+00C1 Aacute
!C2 U+00C2 Acircumflex
!C3 U+0102 Abreve
!C4 U+00C4 Adieresis
!C5 U+0139 Lacute
!C6 U+0106 Cacute
!C7 U+00C7 Ccedilla
!C8 U+010C Ccaron
!C9 U+00C9 Eacute
!CA U+0118 Eogonek
!CB U+00CB Edieresis
!CC U+011A Ecaron
!CD U+00CD Iacute
!CE U+00CE Icircumflex
!CF U+010E Dcaron
!D0 U+0110 Dcroat
!D1 U+0143 Nacute
!D2 U+0147 Ncaron
!D3 U+00D3 Oacute
!D4 U+00D4 Ocircumflex
!D5 U+0150 Ohungarumlaut
!D6 U+00D6 Odieresis
!D7 U+00D7 multiply
!D8 U+0158 Rcaron
!D9 U+016E Uring
!DA U+00DA Uacute
!DB U+0170 Uhungarumlaut
!DC U+00DC Udieresis
!DD U+00DD Yacute
!DE U+0162 Tcommaaccent
!DF U+00DF germandbls
!E0 U+0155 racute
!E1 U+00E1 aacute
!E2 U+00E2 acircumflex
!E3 U+0103 abreve
!E4 U+00E4 adieresis
!E5 U+013A lacute
!E6 U+0107 cacute
!E7 U+00E7 ccedilla
!E8 U+010D ccaron
!E9 U+00E9 eacute
!EA U+0119 eogonek
!EB U+00EB edieresis
!EC U+011B ecaron
!ED U+00ED iacute
!EE U+00EE icircumflex
!EF U+010F dcaron
!F0 U+0111 dcroat
!F1 U+0144 nacute
!F2 U+0148 ncaron
!F3 U+00F3 oacute
!F4 U+00F4 ocircumflex
!F5 U+0151 ohungarumlaut
!F6 U+00F6 odieresis
!F7 U+00F7 divide
!F8 U+0159 rcaron
!F9 U+016F uring
!FA U+00FA uacute
!FB U+0171 uhungarumlaut
!FC U+00FC udieresis
!FD U+00FD yacute
!FE U+0163 tcommaaccent
!FF U+02D9 dotaccent

View File

@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
!00 U+0000 .notdef
!01 U+0001 .notdef
!02 U+0002 .notdef
!03 U+0003 .notdef
!04 U+0004 .notdef
!05 U+0005 .notdef
!06 U+0006 .notdef
!07 U+0007 .notdef
!08 U+0008 .notdef
!09 U+0009 .notdef
!0A U+000A .notdef
!0B U+000B .notdef
!0C U+000C .notdef
!0D U+000D .notdef
!0E U+000E .notdef
!0F U+000F .notdef
!10 U+0010 .notdef
!11 U+0011 .notdef
!12 U+0012 .notdef
!13 U+0013 .notdef
!14 U+0014 .notdef
!15 U+0015 .notdef
!16 U+0016 .notdef
!17 U+0017 .notdef
!18 U+0018 .notdef
!19 U+0019 .notdef
!1A U+001A .notdef
!1B U+001B .notdef
!1C U+001C .notdef
!1D U+001D .notdef
!1E U+001E .notdef
!1F U+001F .notdef
!20 U+0020 space
!21 U+0021 exclam
!22 U+0022 quotedbl
!23 U+0023 numbersign
!24 U+0024 dollar
!25 U+0025 percent
!26 U+0026 ampersand
!27 U+0027 quotesingle
!28 U+0028 parenleft
!29 U+0029 parenright
!2A U+002A asterisk
!2B U+002B plus
!2C U+002C comma
!2D U+002D hyphen
!2E U+002E period
!2F U+002F slash
!30 U+0030 zero
!31 U+0031 one
!32 U+0032 two
!33 U+0033 three
!34 U+0034 four
!35 U+0035 five
!36 U+0036 six
!37 U+0037 seven
!38 U+0038 eight
!39 U+0039 nine
!3A U+003A colon
!3B U+003B semicolon
!3C U+003C less
!3D U+003D equal
!3E U+003E greater
!3F U+003F question
!40 U+0040 at
!41 U+0041 A
!42 U+0042 B
!43 U+0043 C
!44 U+0044 D
!45 U+0045 E
!46 U+0046 F
!47 U+0047 G
!48 U+0048 H
!49 U+0049 I
!4A U+004A J
!4B U+004B K
!4C U+004C L
!4D U+004D M
!4E U+004E N
!4F U+004F O
!50 U+0050 P
!51 U+0051 Q
!52 U+0052 R
!53 U+0053 S
!54 U+0054 T
!55 U+0055 U
!56 U+0056 V
!57 U+0057 W
!58 U+0058 X
!59 U+0059 Y
!5A U+005A Z
!5B U+005B bracketleft
!5C U+005C backslash
!5D U+005D bracketright
!5E U+005E asciicircum
!5F U+005F underscore
!60 U+0060 grave
!61 U+0061 a
!62 U+0062 b
!63 U+0063 c
!64 U+0064 d
!65 U+0065 e
!66 U+0066 f
!67 U+0067 g
!68 U+0068 h
!69 U+0069 i
!6A U+006A j
!6B U+006B k
!6C U+006C l
!6D U+006D m
!6E U+006E n
!6F U+006F o
!70 U+0070 p
!71 U+0071 q
!72 U+0072 r
!73 U+0073 s
!74 U+0074 t
!75 U+0075 u
!76 U+0076 v
!77 U+0077 w
!78 U+0078 x
!79 U+0079 y
!7A U+007A z
!7B U+007B braceleft
!7C U+007C bar
!7D U+007D braceright
!7E U+007E asciitilde
!7F U+007F .notdef
!80 U+0080 .notdef
!81 U+0081 .notdef
!82 U+0082 .notdef
!83 U+0083 .notdef
!84 U+0084 .notdef
!85 U+0085 .notdef
!86 U+0086 .notdef
!87 U+0087 .notdef
!88 U+0088 .notdef
!89 U+0089 .notdef
!8A U+008A .notdef
!8B U+008B .notdef
!8C U+008C .notdef
!8D U+008D .notdef
!8E U+008E .notdef
!8F U+008F .notdef
!90 U+0090 .notdef
!91 U+0091 .notdef
!92 U+0092 .notdef
!93 U+0093 .notdef
!94 U+0094 .notdef
!95 U+0095 .notdef
!96 U+0096 .notdef
!97 U+0097 .notdef
!98 U+0098 .notdef
!99 U+0099 .notdef
!9A U+009A .notdef
!9B U+009B .notdef
!9C U+009C .notdef
!9D U+009D .notdef
!9E U+009E .notdef
!9F U+009F .notdef
!A0 U+00A0 space
!A1 U+0104 Aogonek
!A2 U+0138 kgreenlandic
!A3 U+0156 Rcommaaccent
!A4 U+00A4 currency
!A5 U+0128 Itilde
!A6 U+013B Lcommaaccent
!A7 U+00A7 section
!A8 U+00A8 dieresis
!A9 U+0160 Scaron
!AA U+0112 Emacron
!AB U+0122 Gcommaaccent
!AC U+0166 Tbar
!AD U+00AD hyphen
!AE U+017D Zcaron
!AF U+00AF macron
!B0 U+00B0 degree
!B1 U+0105 aogonek
!B2 U+02DB ogonek
!B3 U+0157 rcommaaccent
!B4 U+00B4 acute
!B5 U+0129 itilde
!B6 U+013C lcommaaccent
!B7 U+02C7 caron
!B8 U+00B8 cedilla
!B9 U+0161 scaron
!BA U+0113 emacron
!BB U+0123 gcommaaccent
!BC U+0167 tbar
!BD U+014A Eng
!BE U+017E zcaron
!BF U+014B eng
!C0 U+0100 Amacron
!C1 U+00C1 Aacute
!C2 U+00C2 Acircumflex
!C3 U+00C3 Atilde
!C4 U+00C4 Adieresis
!C5 U+00C5 Aring
!C6 U+00C6 AE
!C7 U+012E Iogonek
!C8 U+010C Ccaron
!C9 U+00C9 Eacute
!CA U+0118 Eogonek
!CB U+00CB Edieresis
!CC U+0116 Edotaccent
!CD U+00CD Iacute
!CE U+00CE Icircumflex
!CF U+012A Imacron
!D0 U+0110 Dcroat
!D1 U+0145 Ncommaaccent
!D2 U+014C Omacron
!D3 U+0136 Kcommaaccent
!D4 U+00D4 Ocircumflex
!D5 U+00D5 Otilde
!D6 U+00D6 Odieresis
!D7 U+00D7 multiply
!D8 U+00D8 Oslash
!D9 U+0172 Uogonek
!DA U+00DA Uacute
!DB U+00DB Ucircumflex
!DC U+00DC Udieresis
!DD U+0168 Utilde
!DE U+016A Umacron
!DF U+00DF germandbls
!E0 U+0101 amacron
!E1 U+00E1 aacute
!E2 U+00E2 acircumflex
!E3 U+00E3 atilde
!E4 U+00E4 adieresis
!E5 U+00E5 aring
!E6 U+00E6 ae
!E7 U+012F iogonek
!E8 U+010D ccaron
!E9 U+00E9 eacute
!EA U+0119 eogonek
!EB U+00EB edieresis
!EC U+0117 edotaccent
!ED U+00ED iacute
!EE U+00EE icircumflex
!EF U+012B imacron
!F0 U+0111 dcroat
!F1 U+0146 ncommaaccent
!F2 U+014D omacron
!F3 U+0137 kcommaaccent
!F4 U+00F4 ocircumflex
!F5 U+00F5 otilde
!F6 U+00F6 odieresis
!F7 U+00F7 divide
!F8 U+00F8 oslash
!F9 U+0173 uogonek
!FA U+00FA uacute
!FB U+00FB ucircumflex
!FC U+00FC udieresis
!FD U+0169 utilde
!FE U+016B umacron
!FF U+02D9 dotaccent

View File

@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
!00 U+0000 .notdef
!01 U+0001 .notdef
!02 U+0002 .notdef
!03 U+0003 .notdef
!04 U+0004 .notdef
!05 U+0005 .notdef
!06 U+0006 .notdef
!07 U+0007 .notdef
!08 U+0008 .notdef
!09 U+0009 .notdef
!0A U+000A .notdef
!0B U+000B .notdef
!0C U+000C .notdef
!0D U+000D .notdef
!0E U+000E .notdef
!0F U+000F .notdef
!10 U+0010 .notdef
!11 U+0011 .notdef
!12 U+0012 .notdef
!13 U+0013 .notdef
!14 U+0014 .notdef
!15 U+0015 .notdef
!16 U+0016 .notdef
!17 U+0017 .notdef
!18 U+0018 .notdef
!19 U+0019 .notdef
!1A U+001A .notdef
!1B U+001B .notdef
!1C U+001C .notdef
!1D U+001D .notdef
!1E U+001E .notdef
!1F U+001F .notdef
!20 U+0020 space
!21 U+0021 exclam
!22 U+0022 quotedbl
!23 U+0023 numbersign
!24 U+0024 dollar
!25 U+0025 percent
!26 U+0026 ampersand
!27 U+0027 quotesingle
!28 U+0028 parenleft
!29 U+0029 parenright
!2A U+002A asterisk
!2B U+002B plus
!2C U+002C comma
!2D U+002D hyphen
!2E U+002E period
!2F U+002F slash
!30 U+0030 zero
!31 U+0031 one
!32 U+0032 two
!33 U+0033 three
!34 U+0034 four
!35 U+0035 five
!36 U+0036 six
!37 U+0037 seven
!38 U+0038 eight
!39 U+0039 nine
!3A U+003A colon
!3B U+003B semicolon
!3C U+003C less
!3D U+003D equal
!3E U+003E greater
!3F U+003F question
!40 U+0040 at
!41 U+0041 A
!42 U+0042 B
!43 U+0043 C
!44 U+0044 D
!45 U+0045 E
!46 U+0046 F
!47 U+0047 G
!48 U+0048 H
!49 U+0049 I
!4A U+004A J
!4B U+004B K
!4C U+004C L
!4D U+004D M
!4E U+004E N
!4F U+004F O
!50 U+0050 P
!51 U+0051 Q
!52 U+0052 R
!53 U+0053 S
!54 U+0054 T
!55 U+0055 U
!56 U+0056 V
!57 U+0057 W
!58 U+0058 X
!59 U+0059 Y
!5A U+005A Z
!5B U+005B bracketleft
!5C U+005C backslash
!5D U+005D bracketright
!5E U+005E asciicircum
!5F U+005F underscore
!60 U+0060 grave
!61 U+0061 a
!62 U+0062 b
!63 U+0063 c
!64 U+0064 d
!65 U+0065 e
!66 U+0066 f
!67 U+0067 g
!68 U+0068 h
!69 U+0069 i
!6A U+006A j
!6B U+006B k
!6C U+006C l
!6D U+006D m
!6E U+006E n
!6F U+006F o
!70 U+0070 p
!71 U+0071 q
!72 U+0072 r
!73 U+0073 s
!74 U+0074 t
!75 U+0075 u
!76 U+0076 v
!77 U+0077 w
!78 U+0078 x
!79 U+0079 y
!7A U+007A z
!7B U+007B braceleft
!7C U+007C bar
!7D U+007D braceright
!7E U+007E asciitilde
!7F U+007F .notdef
!80 U+0080 .notdef
!81 U+0081 .notdef
!82 U+0082 .notdef
!83 U+0083 .notdef
!84 U+0084 .notdef
!85 U+0085 .notdef
!86 U+0086 .notdef
!87 U+0087 .notdef
!88 U+0088 .notdef
!89 U+0089 .notdef
!8A U+008A .notdef
!8B U+008B .notdef
!8C U+008C .notdef
!8D U+008D .notdef
!8E U+008E .notdef
!8F U+008F .notdef
!90 U+0090 .notdef
!91 U+0091 .notdef
!92 U+0092 .notdef
!93 U+0093 .notdef
!94 U+0094 .notdef
!95 U+0095 .notdef
!96 U+0096 .notdef
!97 U+0097 .notdef
!98 U+0098 .notdef
!99 U+0099 .notdef
!9A U+009A .notdef
!9B U+009B .notdef
!9C U+009C .notdef
!9D U+009D .notdef
!9E U+009E .notdef
!9F U+009F .notdef
!A0 U+00A0 space
!A1 U+0401 afii10023
!A2 U+0402 afii10051
!A3 U+0403 afii10052
!A4 U+0404 afii10053
!A5 U+0405 afii10054
!A6 U+0406 afii10055
!A7 U+0407 afii10056
!A8 U+0408 afii10057
!A9 U+0409 afii10058
!AA U+040A afii10059
!AB U+040B afii10060
!AC U+040C afii10061
!AD U+00AD hyphen
!AE U+040E afii10062
!AF U+040F afii10145
!B0 U+0410 afii10017
!B1 U+0411 afii10018
!B2 U+0412 afii10019
!B3 U+0413 afii10020
!B4 U+0414 afii10021
!B5 U+0415 afii10022
!B6 U+0416 afii10024
!B7 U+0417 afii10025
!B8 U+0418 afii10026
!B9 U+0419 afii10027
!BA U+041A afii10028
!BB U+041B afii10029
!BC U+041C afii10030
!BD U+041D afii10031
!BE U+041E afii10032
!BF U+041F afii10033
!C0 U+0420 afii10034
!C1 U+0421 afii10035
!C2 U+0422 afii10036
!C3 U+0423 afii10037
!C4 U+0424 afii10038
!C5 U+0425 afii10039
!C6 U+0426 afii10040
!C7 U+0427 afii10041
!C8 U+0428 afii10042
!C9 U+0429 afii10043
!CA U+042A afii10044
!CB U+042B afii10045
!CC U+042C afii10046
!CD U+042D afii10047
!CE U+042E afii10048
!CF U+042F afii10049
!D0 U+0430 afii10065
!D1 U+0431 afii10066
!D2 U+0432 afii10067
!D3 U+0433 afii10068
!D4 U+0434 afii10069
!D5 U+0435 afii10070
!D6 U+0436 afii10072
!D7 U+0437 afii10073
!D8 U+0438 afii10074
!D9 U+0439 afii10075
!DA U+043A afii10076
!DB U+043B afii10077
!DC U+043C afii10078
!DD U+043D afii10079
!DE U+043E afii10080
!DF U+043F afii10081
!E0 U+0440 afii10082
!E1 U+0441 afii10083
!E2 U+0442 afii10084
!E3 U+0443 afii10085
!E4 U+0444 afii10086
!E5 U+0445 afii10087
!E6 U+0446 afii10088
!E7 U+0447 afii10089
!E8 U+0448 afii10090
!E9 U+0449 afii10091
!EA U+044A afii10092
!EB U+044B afii10093
!EC U+044C afii10094
!ED U+044D afii10095
!EE U+044E afii10096
!EF U+044F afii10097
!F0 U+2116 afii61352
!F1 U+0451 afii10071
!F2 U+0452 afii10099
!F3 U+0453 afii10100
!F4 U+0454 afii10101
!F5 U+0455 afii10102
!F6 U+0456 afii10103
!F7 U+0457 afii10104
!F8 U+0458 afii10105
!F9 U+0459 afii10106
!FA U+045A afii10107
!FB U+045B afii10108
!FC U+045C afii10109
!FD U+00A7 section
!FE U+045E afii10110
!FF U+045F afii10193

View File

@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
!00 U+0000 .notdef
!01 U+0001 .notdef
!02 U+0002 .notdef
!03 U+0003 .notdef
!04 U+0004 .notdef
!05 U+0005 .notdef
!06 U+0006 .notdef
!07 U+0007 .notdef
!08 U+0008 .notdef
!09 U+0009 .notdef
!0A U+000A .notdef
!0B U+000B .notdef
!0C U+000C .notdef
!0D U+000D .notdef
!0E U+000E .notdef
!0F U+000F .notdef
!10 U+0010 .notdef
!11 U+0011 .notdef
!12 U+0012 .notdef
!13 U+0013 .notdef
!14 U+0014 .notdef
!15 U+0015 .notdef
!16 U+0016 .notdef
!17 U+0017 .notdef
!18 U+0018 .notdef
!19 U+0019 .notdef
!1A U+001A .notdef
!1B U+001B .notdef
!1C U+001C .notdef
!1D U+001D .notdef
!1E U+001E .notdef
!1F U+001F .notdef
!20 U+0020 space
!21 U+0021 exclam
!22 U+0022 quotedbl
!23 U+0023 numbersign
!24 U+0024 dollar
!25 U+0025 percent
!26 U+0026 ampersand
!27 U+0027 quotesingle
!28 U+0028 parenleft
!29 U+0029 parenright
!2A U+002A asterisk
!2B U+002B plus
!2C U+002C comma
!2D U+002D hyphen
!2E U+002E period
!2F U+002F slash
!30 U+0030 zero
!31 U+0031 one
!32 U+0032 two
!33 U+0033 three
!34 U+0034 four
!35 U+0035 five
!36 U+0036 six
!37 U+0037 seven
!38 U+0038 eight
!39 U+0039 nine
!3A U+003A colon
!3B U+003B semicolon
!3C U+003C less
!3D U+003D equal
!3E U+003E greater
!3F U+003F question
!40 U+0040 at
!41 U+0041 A
!42 U+0042 B
!43 U+0043 C
!44 U+0044 D
!45 U+0045 E
!46 U+0046 F
!47 U+0047 G
!48 U+0048 H
!49 U+0049 I
!4A U+004A J
!4B U+004B K
!4C U+004C L
!4D U+004D M
!4E U+004E N
!4F U+004F O
!50 U+0050 P
!51 U+0051 Q
!52 U+0052 R
!53 U+0053 S
!54 U+0054 T
!55 U+0055 U
!56 U+0056 V
!57 U+0057 W
!58 U+0058 X
!59 U+0059 Y
!5A U+005A Z
!5B U+005B bracketleft
!5C U+005C backslash
!5D U+005D bracketright
!5E U+005E asciicircum
!5F U+005F underscore
!60 U+0060 grave
!61 U+0061 a
!62 U+0062 b
!63 U+0063 c
!64 U+0064 d
!65 U+0065 e
!66 U+0066 f
!67 U+0067 g
!68 U+0068 h
!69 U+0069 i
!6A U+006A j
!6B U+006B k
!6C U+006C l
!6D U+006D m
!6E U+006E n
!6F U+006F o
!70 U+0070 p
!71 U+0071 q
!72 U+0072 r
!73 U+0073 s
!74 U+0074 t
!75 U+0075 u
!76 U+0076 v
!77 U+0077 w
!78 U+0078 x
!79 U+0079 y
!7A U+007A z
!7B U+007B braceleft
!7C U+007C bar
!7D U+007D braceright
!7E U+007E asciitilde
!7F U+007F .notdef
!80 U+0080 .notdef
!81 U+0081 .notdef
!82 U+0082 .notdef
!83 U+0083 .notdef
!84 U+0084 .notdef
!85 U+0085 .notdef
!86 U+0086 .notdef
!87 U+0087 .notdef
!88 U+0088 .notdef
!89 U+0089 .notdef
!8A U+008A .notdef
!8B U+008B .notdef
!8C U+008C .notdef
!8D U+008D .notdef
!8E U+008E .notdef
!8F U+008F .notdef
!90 U+0090 .notdef
!91 U+0091 .notdef
!92 U+0092 .notdef
!93 U+0093 .notdef
!94 U+0094 .notdef
!95 U+0095 .notdef
!96 U+0096 .notdef
!97 U+0097 .notdef
!98 U+0098 .notdef
!99 U+0099 .notdef
!9A U+009A .notdef
!9B U+009B .notdef
!9C U+009C .notdef
!9D U+009D .notdef
!9E U+009E .notdef
!9F U+009F .notdef
!A0 U+00A0 space
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!A2 U+2019 quoteright
!A3 U+00A3 sterling
!A6 U+00A6 brokenbar
!A7 U+00A7 section
!A8 U+00A8 dieresis
!A9 U+00A9 copyright
!AB U+00AB guillemotleft
!AC U+00AC logicalnot
!AD U+00AD hyphen
!AF U+2015 afii00208
!B0 U+00B0 degree
!B1 U+00B1 plusminus
!B2 U+00B2 twosuperior
!B3 U+00B3 threesuperior
!B4 U+0384 tonos
!B5 U+0385 dieresistonos
!B6 U+0386 Alphatonos
!B7 U+00B7 periodcentered
!B8 U+0388 Epsilontonos
!B9 U+0389 Etatonos
!BA U+038A Iotatonos
!BB U+00BB guillemotright
!BC U+038C Omicrontonos
!BD U+00BD onehalf
!BE U+038E Upsilontonos
!BF U+038F Omegatonos
!C0 U+0390 iotadieresistonos
!C1 U+0391 Alpha
!C2 U+0392 Beta
!C3 U+0393 Gamma
!C4 U+0394 Delta
!C5 U+0395 Epsilon
!C6 U+0396 Zeta
!C7 U+0397 Eta
!C8 U+0398 Theta
!C9 U+0399 Iota
!CA U+039A Kappa
!CB U+039B Lambda
!CC U+039C Mu
!CD U+039D Nu
!CE U+039E Xi
!CF U+039F Omicron
!D0 U+03A0 Pi
!D1 U+03A1 Rho
!D3 U+03A3 Sigma
!D4 U+03A4 Tau
!D5 U+03A5 Upsilon
!D6 U+03A6 Phi
!D7 U+03A7 Chi
!D8 U+03A8 Psi
!D9 U+03A9 Omega
!DA U+03AA Iotadieresis
!DB U+03AB Upsilondieresis
!DC U+03AC alphatonos
!DD U+03AD epsilontonos
!DE U+03AE etatonos
!DF U+03AF iotatonos
!E0 U+03B0 upsilondieresistonos
!E1 U+03B1 alpha
!E2 U+03B2 beta
!E3 U+03B3 gamma
!E4 U+03B4 delta
!E5 U+03B5 epsilon
!E6 U+03B6 zeta
!E7 U+03B7 eta
!E8 U+03B8 theta
!E9 U+03B9 iota
!EA U+03BA kappa
!EB U+03BB lambda
!EC U+03BC mu
!ED U+03BD nu
!EE U+03BE xi
!EF U+03BF omicron
!F0 U+03C0 pi
!F1 U+03C1 rho
!F2 U+03C2 sigma1
!F3 U+03C3 sigma
!F4 U+03C4 tau
!F5 U+03C5 upsilon
!F6 U+03C6 phi
!F7 U+03C7 chi
!F8 U+03C8 psi
!F9 U+03C9 omega
!FA U+03CA iotadieresis
!FB U+03CB upsilondieresis
!FC U+03CC omicrontonos
!FD U+03CD upsilontonos
!FE U+03CE omegatonos

View File

@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
!00 U+0000 .notdef
!01 U+0001 .notdef
!02 U+0002 .notdef
!03 U+0003 .notdef
!04 U+0004 .notdef
!05 U+0005 .notdef
!06 U+0006 .notdef
!07 U+0007 .notdef
!08 U+0008 .notdef
!09 U+0009 .notdef
!0A U+000A .notdef
!0B U+000B .notdef
!0C U+000C .notdef
!0D U+000D .notdef
!0E U+000E .notdef
!0F U+000F .notdef
!10 U+0010 .notdef
!11 U+0011 .notdef
!12 U+0012 .notdef
!13 U+0013 .notdef
!14 U+0014 .notdef
!15 U+0015 .notdef
!16 U+0016 .notdef
!17 U+0017 .notdef
!18 U+0018 .notdef
!19 U+0019 .notdef
!1A U+001A .notdef
!1B U+001B .notdef
!1C U+001C .notdef
!1D U+001D .notdef
!1E U+001E .notdef
!1F U+001F .notdef
!20 U+0020 space
!21 U+0021 exclam
!22 U+0022 quotedbl
!23 U+0023 numbersign
!24 U+0024 dollar
!25 U+0025 percent
!26 U+0026 ampersand
!27 U+0027 quotesingle
!28 U+0028 parenleft
!29 U+0029 parenright
!2A U+002A asterisk
!2B U+002B plus
!2C U+002C comma
!2D U+002D hyphen
!2E U+002E period
!2F U+002F slash
!30 U+0030 zero
!31 U+0031 one
!32 U+0032 two
!33 U+0033 three
!34 U+0034 four
!35 U+0035 five
!36 U+0036 six
!37 U+0037 seven
!38 U+0038 eight
!39 U+0039 nine
!3A U+003A colon
!3B U+003B semicolon
!3C U+003C less
!3D U+003D equal
!3E U+003E greater
!3F U+003F question
!40 U+0040 at
!41 U+0041 A
!42 U+0042 B
!43 U+0043 C
!44 U+0044 D
!45 U+0045 E
!46 U+0046 F
!47 U+0047 G
!48 U+0048 H
!49 U+0049 I
!4A U+004A J
!4B U+004B K
!4C U+004C L
!4D U+004D M
!4E U+004E N
!4F U+004F O
!50 U+0050 P
!51 U+0051 Q
!52 U+0052 R
!53 U+0053 S
!54 U+0054 T
!55 U+0055 U
!56 U+0056 V
!57 U+0057 W
!58 U+0058 X
!59 U+0059 Y
!5A U+005A Z
!5B U+005B bracketleft
!5C U+005C backslash
!5D U+005D bracketright
!5E U+005E asciicircum
!5F U+005F underscore
!60 U+0060 grave
!61 U+0061 a
!62 U+0062 b
!63 U+0063 c
!64 U+0064 d
!65 U+0065 e
!66 U+0066 f
!67 U+0067 g
!68 U+0068 h
!69 U+0069 i
!6A U+006A j
!6B U+006B k
!6C U+006C l
!6D U+006D m
!6E U+006E n
!6F U+006F o
!70 U+0070 p
!71 U+0071 q
!72 U+0072 r
!73 U+0073 s
!74 U+0074 t
!75 U+0075 u
!76 U+0076 v
!77 U+0077 w
!78 U+0078 x
!79 U+0079 y
!7A U+007A z
!7B U+007B braceleft
!7C U+007C bar
!7D U+007D braceright
!7E U+007E asciitilde
!7F U+007F .notdef
!80 U+0080 .notdef
!81 U+0081 .notdef
!82 U+0082 .notdef
!83 U+0083 .notdef
!84 U+0084 .notdef
!85 U+0085 .notdef
!86 U+0086 .notdef
!87 U+0087 .notdef
!88 U+0088 .notdef
!89 U+0089 .notdef
!8A U+008A .notdef
!8B U+008B .notdef
!8C U+008C .notdef
!8D U+008D .notdef
!8E U+008E .notdef
!8F U+008F .notdef
!90 U+0090 .notdef
!91 U+0091 .notdef
!92 U+0092 .notdef
!93 U+0093 .notdef
!94 U+0094 .notdef
!95 U+0095 .notdef
!96 U+0096 .notdef
!97 U+0097 .notdef
!98 U+0098 .notdef
!99 U+0099 .notdef
!9A U+009A .notdef
!9B U+009B .notdef
!9C U+009C .notdef
!9D U+009D .notdef
!9E U+009E .notdef
!9F U+009F .notdef
!A0 U+00A0 space
!A1 U+00A1 exclamdown
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!A3 U+00A3 sterling
!A4 U+00A4 currency
!A5 U+00A5 yen
!A6 U+00A6 brokenbar
!A7 U+00A7 section
!A8 U+00A8 dieresis
!A9 U+00A9 copyright
!AA U+00AA ordfeminine
!AB U+00AB guillemotleft
!AC U+00AC logicalnot
!AD U+00AD hyphen
!AE U+00AE registered
!AF U+00AF macron
!B0 U+00B0 degree
!B1 U+00B1 plusminus
!B2 U+00B2 twosuperior
!B3 U+00B3 threesuperior
!B4 U+00B4 acute
!B5 U+00B5 mu
!B6 U+00B6 paragraph
!B7 U+00B7 periodcentered
!B8 U+00B8 cedilla
!B9 U+00B9 onesuperior
!BA U+00BA ordmasculine
!BB U+00BB guillemotright
!BC U+00BC onequarter
!BD U+00BD onehalf
!BE U+00BE threequarters
!BF U+00BF questiondown
!C0 U+00C0 Agrave
!C1 U+00C1 Aacute
!C2 U+00C2 Acircumflex
!C3 U+00C3 Atilde
!C4 U+00C4 Adieresis
!C5 U+00C5 Aring
!C6 U+00C6 AE
!C7 U+00C7 Ccedilla
!C8 U+00C8 Egrave
!C9 U+00C9 Eacute
!CA U+00CA Ecircumflex
!CB U+00CB Edieresis
!CC U+00CC Igrave
!CD U+00CD Iacute
!CE U+00CE Icircumflex
!CF U+00CF Idieresis
!D0 U+011E Gbreve
!D1 U+00D1 Ntilde
!D2 U+00D2 Ograve
!D3 U+00D3 Oacute
!D4 U+00D4 Ocircumflex
!D5 U+00D5 Otilde
!D6 U+00D6 Odieresis
!D7 U+00D7 multiply
!D8 U+00D8 Oslash
!D9 U+00D9 Ugrave
!DA U+00DA Uacute
!DB U+00DB Ucircumflex
!DC U+00DC Udieresis
!DD U+0130 Idotaccent
!DE U+015E Scedilla
!DF U+00DF germandbls
!E0 U+00E0 agrave
!E1 U+00E1 aacute
!E2 U+00E2 acircumflex
!E3 U+00E3 atilde
!E4 U+00E4 adieresis
!E5 U+00E5 aring
!E6 U+00E6 ae
!E7 U+00E7 ccedilla
!E8 U+00E8 egrave
!E9 U+00E9 eacute
!EA U+00EA ecircumflex
!EB U+00EB edieresis
!EC U+00EC igrave
!ED U+00ED iacute
!EE U+00EE icircumflex
!EF U+00EF idieresis
!F0 U+011F gbreve
!F1 U+00F1 ntilde
!F2 U+00F2 ograve
!F3 U+00F3 oacute
!F4 U+00F4 ocircumflex
!F5 U+00F5 otilde
!F6 U+00F6 odieresis
!F7 U+00F7 divide
!F8 U+00F8 oslash
!F9 U+00F9 ugrave
!FA U+00FA uacute
!FB U+00FB ucircumflex
!FC U+00FC udieresis
!FD U+0131 dotlessi
!FE U+015F scedilla
!FF U+00FF ydieresis

View File

@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
!00 U+0000 .notdef
!01 U+0001 .notdef
!02 U+0002 .notdef
!03 U+0003 .notdef
!04 U+0004 .notdef
!05 U+0005 .notdef
!06 U+0006 .notdef
!07 U+0007 .notdef
!08 U+0008 .notdef
!09 U+0009 .notdef
!0A U+000A .notdef
!0B U+000B .notdef
!0C U+000C .notdef
!0D U+000D .notdef
!0E U+000E .notdef
!0F U+000F .notdef
!10 U+0010 .notdef
!11 U+0011 .notdef
!12 U+0012 .notdef
!13 U+0013 .notdef
!14 U+0014 .notdef
!15 U+0015 .notdef
!16 U+0016 .notdef
!17 U+0017 .notdef
!18 U+0018 .notdef
!19 U+0019 .notdef
!1A U+001A .notdef
!1B U+001B .notdef
!1C U+001C .notdef
!1D U+001D .notdef
!1E U+001E .notdef
!1F U+001F .notdef
!20 U+0020 space
!21 U+0021 exclam
!22 U+0022 quotedbl
!23 U+0023 numbersign
!24 U+0024 dollar
!25 U+0025 percent
!26 U+0026 ampersand
!27 U+0027 quotesingle
!28 U+0028 parenleft
!29 U+0029 parenright
!2A U+002A asterisk
!2B U+002B plus
!2C U+002C comma
!2D U+002D hyphen
!2E U+002E period
!2F U+002F slash
!30 U+0030 zero
!31 U+0031 one
!32 U+0032 two
!33 U+0033 three
!34 U+0034 four
!35 U+0035 five
!36 U+0036 six
!37 U+0037 seven
!38 U+0038 eight
!39 U+0039 nine
!3A U+003A colon
!3B U+003B semicolon
!3C U+003C less
!3D U+003D equal
!3E U+003E greater
!3F U+003F question
!40 U+0040 at
!41 U+0041 A
!42 U+0042 B
!43 U+0043 C
!44 U+0044 D
!45 U+0045 E
!46 U+0046 F
!47 U+0047 G
!48 U+0048 H
!49 U+0049 I
!4A U+004A J
!4B U+004B K
!4C U+004C L
!4D U+004D M
!4E U+004E N
!4F U+004F O
!50 U+0050 P
!51 U+0051 Q
!52 U+0052 R
!53 U+0053 S
!54 U+0054 T
!55 U+0055 U
!56 U+0056 V
!57 U+0057 W
!58 U+0058 X
!59 U+0059 Y
!5A U+005A Z
!5B U+005B bracketleft
!5C U+005C backslash
!5D U+005D bracketright
!5E U+005E asciicircum
!5F U+005F underscore
!60 U+0060 grave
!61 U+0061 a
!62 U+0062 b
!63 U+0063 c
!64 U+0064 d
!65 U+0065 e
!66 U+0066 f
!67 U+0067 g
!68 U+0068 h
!69 U+0069 i
!6A U+006A j
!6B U+006B k
!6C U+006C l
!6D U+006D m
!6E U+006E n
!6F U+006F o
!70 U+0070 p
!71 U+0071 q
!72 U+0072 r
!73 U+0073 s
!74 U+0074 t
!75 U+0075 u
!76 U+0076 v
!77 U+0077 w
!78 U+0078 x
!79 U+0079 y
!7A U+007A z
!7B U+007B braceleft
!7C U+007C bar
!7D U+007D braceright
!7E U+007E asciitilde
!7F U+007F .notdef
!80 U+2500 SF100000
!81 U+2502 SF110000
!82 U+250C SF010000
!83 U+2510 SF030000
!84 U+2514 SF020000
!85 U+2518 SF040000
!86 U+251C SF080000
!87 U+2524 SF090000
!88 U+252C SF060000
!89 U+2534 SF070000
!8A U+253C SF050000
!8B U+2580 upblock
!8C U+2584 dnblock
!8D U+2588 block
!8E U+258C lfblock
!8F U+2590 rtblock
!90 U+2591 ltshade
!91 U+2592 shade
!92 U+2593 dkshade
!93 U+2320 integraltp
!94 U+25A0 filledbox
!95 U+2219 periodcentered
!96 U+221A radical
!97 U+2248 approxequal
!98 U+2264 lessequal
!99 U+2265 greaterequal
!9A U+00A0 space
!9B U+2321 integralbt
!9C U+00B0 degree
!9D U+00B2 twosuperior
!9E U+00B7 periodcentered
!9F U+00F7 divide
!A0 U+2550 SF430000
!A1 U+2551 SF240000
!A2 U+2552 SF510000
!A3 U+0451 afii10071
!A4 U+2553 SF520000
!A5 U+2554 SF390000
!A6 U+2555 SF220000
!A7 U+2556 SF210000
!A8 U+2557 SF250000
!A9 U+2558 SF500000
!AA U+2559 SF490000
!AB U+255A SF380000
!AC U+255B SF280000
!AD U+255C SF270000
!AE U+255D SF260000
!AF U+255E SF360000
!B0 U+255F SF370000
!B1 U+2560 SF420000
!B2 U+2561 SF190000
!B3 U+0401 afii10023
!B4 U+2562 SF200000
!B5 U+2563 SF230000
!B6 U+2564 SF470000
!B7 U+2565 SF480000
!B8 U+2566 SF410000
!B9 U+2567 SF450000
!BA U+2568 SF460000
!BB U+2569 SF400000
!BC U+256A SF540000
!BD U+256B SF530000
!BE U+256C SF440000
!BF U+00A9 copyright
!C0 U+044E afii10096
!C1 U+0430 afii10065
!C2 U+0431 afii10066
!C3 U+0446 afii10088
!C4 U+0434 afii10069
!C5 U+0435 afii10070
!C6 U+0444 afii10086
!C7 U+0433 afii10068
!C8 U+0445 afii10087
!C9 U+0438 afii10074
!CA U+0439 afii10075
!CB U+043A afii10076
!CC U+043B afii10077
!CD U+043C afii10078
!CE U+043D afii10079
!CF U+043E afii10080
!D0 U+043F afii10081
!D1 U+044F afii10097
!D2 U+0440 afii10082
!D3 U+0441 afii10083
!D4 U+0442 afii10084
!D5 U+0443 afii10085
!D6 U+0436 afii10072
!D7 U+0432 afii10067
!D8 U+044C afii10094
!D9 U+044B afii10093
!DA U+0437 afii10073
!DB U+0448 afii10090
!DC U+044D afii10095
!DD U+0449 afii10091
!DE U+0447 afii10089
!DF U+044A afii10092
!E0 U+042E afii10048
!E1 U+0410 afii10017
!E2 U+0411 afii10018
!E3 U+0426 afii10040
!E4 U+0414 afii10021
!E5 U+0415 afii10022
!E6 U+0424 afii10038
!E7 U+0413 afii10020
!E8 U+0425 afii10039
!E9 U+0418 afii10026
!EA U+0419 afii10027
!EB U+041A afii10028
!EC U+041B afii10029
!ED U+041C afii10030
!EE U+041D afii10031
!EF U+041E afii10032
!F0 U+041F afii10033
!F1 U+042F afii10049
!F2 U+0420 afii10034
!F3 U+0421 afii10035
!F4 U+0422 afii10036
!F5 U+0423 afii10037
!F6 U+0416 afii10024
!F7 U+0412 afii10019
!F8 U+042C afii10046
!F9 U+042B afii10045
!FA U+0417 afii10025
!FB U+0428 afii10042
!FC U+042D afii10047
!FD U+0429 afii10043
!FE U+0427 afii10041
!FF U+042A afii10044

View File

@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
* Utility to generate font definition files *
* Version: 1.11 *
* Date: 2002-11-02 *
function ReadMap($enc)
//Read a map file
die('<B>Error:</B> encoding not found: '.$enc);
foreach($a as $l)
$e=explode(' ',chop($l));
return $cc2gn;
function ReadAFM($file,&$map)
//Read a font metric file
die('File not found');
foreach($a as $l)
$e=explode(' ',chop($l));
//Character metrics
//Fix incorrect glyph name
foreach($map as $c=>$n)
//Symbolic font: use built-in encoding
die('FontName not found');
if(!isset($widths['Delta']) and isset($widths['increment']))
//Order widths according to map
echo '<B>Warning:</B> character '.$map[$i].' is missing<BR>';
return $fm;
function MakeFontDescriptor($fm,$symbolic)
$asc=(isset($fm['Ascender']) ? $fm['Ascender'] : 1000);
$desc=(isset($fm['Descender']) ? $fm['Descender'] : -200);
if(isset($fm['IsFixedPitch']) and $fm['IsFixedPitch'])
if(isset($fm['ItalicAngle']) and $fm['ItalicAngle']!=0)
$fd.=",'FontBBox'=>'[".$fbb[0].' '.$fbb[1].' '.$fbb[2].' '.$fbb[3]."]'";
$ia=(isset($fm['ItalicAngle']) ? $fm['ItalicAngle'] : 0);
elseif(isset($fm['Weight']) and eregi('(bold|black)',$fm['Weight']))
return $fd;
function MakeWidthArray($fm)
//Make character width array
elseif($i>=32 and $i<=126)
return $s;
function MakeFontEncoding($map)
//Build differences from reference encoding
$s.=$i.' ';
$s.='/'.$map[$i].' ';
return chop($s);
function SaveToFile($file,$s,$mode='t')
die('Can\'t write to file '.$file);
function ReadShort($f)
return $a['n'];
function ReadLong($f)
return $a['N'];
function CheckTTF($file)
//Check if font license allows embedding
die('<B>Error:</B> Can\'t open '.$file);
//Extract number of tables
//Seek OS/2 table
//Extract fsType flags
$rl=($fsType & 0x02)!=0;
$pp=($fsType & 0x04)!=0;
$e=($fsType & 0x08)!=0;
if($rl and !$pp and !$e)
echo '<B>Warning:</B> font license does not allow embedding';
* $fontfile: path to TTF file (or empty string if not to be embedded) *
* $afmfile: path to AFM file *
* $enc: font encoding (or empty string for symbolic fonts) *
* $patch: optional patch for encoding *
* $type : font type if $fontfile is empty *
function MakeFont($fontfile,$afmfile,$enc='cp1252',$patch=array(),$type='TrueType')
//Generate a font definition file
foreach($patch as $cc=>$gn)
die('<B>Error:</B> AFM file not found: '.$afmfile);
//Find font type
die('<B>Error:</B> unrecognized font file extension: '.$ext);
if($type!='TrueType' and $type!='Type1')
die('<B>Error:</B> incorrect font type: '.$type);
//Start generation
//Embedded font
die('<B>Error:</B> font file not found: '.$fontfile);
die('<B>Error:</B> Can\'t open '.$fontfile);
//Find first two sections and discard third one
die('<B>Error:</B> font file does not seem to be valid Type1');
die('<B>Error:</B> font file does not seem to be valid Type1');
echo 'Font file compressed ('.$cmp.')<BR>';
echo '<B>Notice:</B> font file could not be compressed (gzcompress not available)<BR>';
//Not embedded font
echo 'Font definition file generated ('.$basename.'.php'.')<BR>';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
chr(22)=>250,chr(23)=>250,chr(24)=>250,chr(25)=>250,chr(26)=>250,chr(27)=>250,chr(28)=>250,chr(29)=>250,chr(30)=>250,chr(31)=>250,' '=>250,'!'=>333,'"'=>713,'#'=>500,'$'=>549,'%'=>833,'&'=>778,'\''=>439,'('=>333,')'=>333,'*'=>500,'+'=>549,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
chr(22)=>250,chr(23)=>250,chr(24)=>250,chr(25)=>250,chr(26)=>250,chr(27)=>250,chr(28)=>250,chr(29)=>250,chr(30)=>250,chr(31)=>250,' '=>250,'!'=>333,'"'=>408,'#'=>500,'$'=>500,'%'=>833,'&'=>778,'\''=>180,'('=>333,')'=>333,'*'=>500,'+'=>564,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
chr(22)=>250,chr(23)=>250,chr(24)=>250,chr(25)=>250,chr(26)=>250,chr(27)=>250,chr(28)=>250,chr(29)=>250,chr(30)=>250,chr(31)=>250,' '=>250,'!'=>333,'"'=>555,'#'=>500,'$'=>500,'%'=>1000,'&'=>833,'\''=>278,'('=>333,')'=>333,'*'=>500,'+'=>570,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
chr(22)=>250,chr(23)=>250,chr(24)=>250,chr(25)=>250,chr(26)=>250,chr(27)=>250,chr(28)=>250,chr(29)=>250,chr(30)=>250,chr(31)=>250,' '=>250,'!'=>389,'"'=>555,'#'=>500,'$'=>500,'%'=>833,'&'=>778,'\''=>278,'('=>333,')'=>333,'*'=>500,'+'=>570,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
chr(22)=>250,chr(23)=>250,chr(24)=>250,chr(25)=>250,chr(26)=>250,chr(27)=>250,chr(28)=>250,chr(29)=>250,chr(30)=>250,chr(31)=>250,' '=>250,'!'=>333,'"'=>420,'#'=>500,'$'=>500,'%'=>833,'&'=>778,'\''=>214,'('=>333,')'=>333,'*'=>500,'+'=>675,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
chr(22)=>0,chr(23)=>0,chr(24)=>0,chr(25)=>0,chr(26)=>0,chr(27)=>0,chr(28)=>0,chr(29)=>0,chr(30)=>0,chr(31)=>0,' '=>278,'!'=>974,'"'=>961,'#'=>974,'$'=>980,'%'=>719,'&'=>789,'\''=>790,'('=>791,')'=>690,'*'=>960,'+'=>939,

lam-0.4/lib/fpdf.php Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

lam-0.4/lib/functions.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Roland Gruber
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// functions for row checking and mouseOver effects
// mouseOver function
function user_over(list, box) {
cbox = document.getElementsByName(box)[0];
if (cbox.checked == false) list.setAttribute('class','userlist-over', 0);
// mouseOut function
function user_out(list, box) {
cbox = document.getElementsByName(box)[0];
if (cbox.checked == false) list.setAttribute('class','userlist', 0);
// onClick function
function user_click(list, box) {
cbox = document.getElementsByName(box)[0];
if (cbox.checked == true) {
cbox.checked = false;
list.setAttribute('class','userlist-over', 0);
else {
cbox.checked = true;
list.setAttribute('class','userlist-checked', 0);
// mouseOver function
function group_over(list, box) {
cbox = document.getElementsByName(box)[0];
if (cbox.checked == false) list.setAttribute('class','grouplist-over', 0);
// mouseOut function
function group_out(list, box) {
cbox = document.getElementsByName(box)[0];
if (cbox.checked == false) list.setAttribute('class','grouplist', 0);
// onClick function
function group_click(list, box) {
cbox = document.getElementsByName(box)[0];
if (cbox.checked == true) {
cbox.checked = false;
list.setAttribute('class','grouplist-over', 0);
else {
cbox.checked = true;
list.setAttribute('class','grouplist-checked', 0);
// mouseOver function
function host_over(list, box) {
cbox = document.getElementsByName(box)[0];
if (cbox.checked == false) list.setAttribute('class','hostlist-over', 0);
// mouseOut function
function host_out(list, box) {
cbox = document.getElementsByName(box)[0];
if (cbox.checked == false) list.setAttribute('class','hostlist', 0);
// onClick function
function host_click(list, box) {
cbox = document.getElementsByName(box)[0];
if (cbox.checked == true) {
cbox.checked = false;
list.setAttribute('class','hostlist-over', 0);
else {
cbox.checked = true;
list.setAttribute('class','hostlist-checked', 0);
// mouseOver function
function domain_over(list, box) {
cbox = document.getElementsByName(box)[0];
if (cbox.checked == false) list.setAttribute('class','domainlist-over', 0);
// mouseOut function
function domain_out(list, box) {
cbox = document.getElementsByName(box)[0];
if (cbox.checked == false) list.setAttribute('class','domainlist', 0);
// onClick function
function domain_click(list, box) {
cbox = document.getElementsByName(box)[0];
if (cbox.checked == true) {
cbox.checked = false;
list.setAttribute('class','domainlist-over', 0);
else {
cbox.checked = true;
list.setAttribute('class','domainlist-checked', 0);

lam-0.4/lib/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl
# $Id$
# This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
# Copyright (C) 2003 Tilo Lutz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# LDAP Account Manager daemon to create and delete homedirecotries and quotas
#use strict; # Use strict for security reasons
@quota_usr; # Filesystems with enabled userquotas
# vals = DN, PAssword, user, home, (add|rem),
# quota, (set|get),(u|g), (mountpoint,blocksoft,blockhard,filesoft,filehard)+
# chown options
$|=1; # Disable buffering
sub get_fs { # Load mountpoints from mtab if enabled quotas
my $i=0;
my @args;
while (my @temp = Quota::getmntent()) {
$args[$i][0] = $temp[0];
$args[$i][1] = $temp[1];
$args[$i][2] = $temp[2];
$args[$i][3] = $temp[3];
my $j=0; my $k=0; $i=0;
while ($args[$i][0]) {
if ( $args[$i][3] =~ m/usrquota/ ) {
$quota_usr[$j][0] = $args[$i][0];
$quota_usr[$j][1] = $args[$i][1];
$quota_usr[$j][2] = $args[$i][2];
$quota_usr[$j][3] = $args[$i][3];
if ( $args[$i][3] =~ m/grpquota/ ) {
$quota_grp[$k][0] = $args[$i][0];
$quota_grp[$k][1] = $args[$i][1];
$quota_grp[$k][2] = $args[$i][2];
$quota_grp[$k][3] = $args[$i][3];
# ***************** Check values
if ($( == 0 ) { # we are root
# Drop root Previleges
($<, $>) = ($>, $<);
if ($ARGV[0] eq "*test") {
use Quota; # Needed to get and set quotas
print "Perl quota module successfully installed.\n";
print "IF you haven't seen any errors was set up successfully.\n";
else {
# loop for every transmitted user
# XXX fixme change code to read stdin at once and then loop
my $string = do {local $/;<STDIN>};
@input = split ("\n", $string );
for ($i=0; $i<=$#input; $i++) {
$return = "";
@vals = split (' ', $input[$i]);
switch: {
# Get user information
if (($vals[3] eq 'user') || ($vals[1] eq 'home')) { @user = getpwnam($vals[0]); }
else { @user = getgrnam($vals[0]); }
$vals[1] eq 'home' && do {
switch2: {
$vals[2] eq 'add' && do {
# split homedir to set all directories below the last dir. to 755
my $path = $user[7];
$path =~ s,/(?:[^/]*)$,,;
($<, $>) = ($>, $<); # Get root privileges
if (! -e $path) {
system 'mkdir', '-m 755', '-p', $path; # Create paths to homedir
if (! -e $user[7]) {
system 'mkdir', '-m 755', $user[7]; # Create himdir itself
system "cp -a /etc/skel/* /etc/skel/.[^.]* $user[7]"; # Copy /etc/sekl into homedir
system 'chown', '-R', "$user[2]:$user[3]" , $user[7]; # Change owner to new user
if (-e '/usr/sbin/useradd.local') {
system '/usr/sbin/useradd.local', $user[0]; # run useradd-script
($<, $>) = ($>, $<); # Give up root previleges
last switch2;
$vals[2] eq 'rem' && do {
($<, $>) = ($>, $<); # Get root previliges
if (-d $user[7]) {
system 'rm', '-R', $user[7]; # Delete Homedirectory
if (-e '/usr/sbin/userdel.local') {
system '/usr/sbin/userdel.local', $user[0];
($<, $>) = ($>, $<); # Give up root previleges
last switch2;
last switch;
$vals[1] eq 'quota' && do {
use Quota; # Needed to get and set quotas
get_fs(); # Load list of devices with enabled quotas
# Store quota information in array
@quota_temp1 = split (':', $vals[4]);
while ($quota_temp1[$i]) {
@temp = split (',', $quota_temp1[$i]);
while ($temp[$j]) {
$quota[$i][$j] = $temp[$j];
if ($vals[3] eq 'user') { $group=false; }
else {
@quota_usr = @quota_grp;
switch2: {
$vals[2] eq 'rem' && do {
($<, $>) = ($>, $<); # Get root privileges
while ($quota_usr[$i][0]) {
$dev = Quota::getqcarg($quota_usr[$i][1]);
$return = Quota::setqlim($dev,$user[2],0,0,0,0,1,$group);
($<, $>) = ($>, $<); # Give up root previleges
last switch2;
$vals[2] eq 'set' && do {
($<, $>) = ($>, $<); # Get root privileges
while ($quota_usr[$i][0]) {
$dev = Quota::getqcarg($quota[$i][0]);
$return = Quota::setqlim($dev,$user[2],$quota[$i][1],$quota[$i][2],$quota[$i][3],$quota[$i][4],1,$group);
($<, $>) = ($>, $<); # Give up root previleges
last switch2;
$vals[2] eq 'get' && do {
($<, $>) = ($>, $<); # Get root privileges
while ($quota_usr[$i][0]) {
if ($vals[0]ne'+') {
$dev = Quota::getqcarg($quota_usr[$i][1]);
@temp = Quota::query($dev,$user[2],$group);
if ($temp[0]ne'') {
$return = "$quota_usr[$i][1],$temp[0],$temp[1],$temp[2],$temp[3],$temp[4],$temp[5],$temp[6],$temp[7]:$return";
else { $return = "$quota_usr[$i][1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0:$return"; }
else { $return = "$quota_usr[$i][1],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0:$return"; }
($<, $>) = ($>, $<); # Give up root previleges
last switch2;
last switch;
print "$return\n";
else {
$hostname = shift @ARGV;
$remotepath = shift @ARGV;
use Net::SSH::Perl;
if ($ARGV[2] eq "*test") { print "Net::SSH::Perl successfully installed.\n"; }
@username = split (',', $ARGV[0]);
$username[0] =~ s/uid=//;
$password = $ARGV[1];
# Put all transfered lines in one string
if ($ARGV[2] ne "*test") {
$string = do {local $/;<STDIN>};
else { $argv = "*test\n"; }
my $ssh = Net::SSH::Perl->new($hostname, options=>[
"UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null"],
protocol => "2,1" );
$ssh->login($username[0], $password);
# Change needed to prevent buffer overrun
@string2 = split ("\n", $string);
for ($i=0; $i<=$#string2; $i++) {
($stdout2, $stderr, $exit) = $ssh->cmd("sudo $remotepath $argv", $string2[$i]);
$stdout .= $stdout2;
#($stdout, $stderr, $exit) = $ssh->cmd("sudo $remotepath $argv", $string);
print $stdout;

lam-0.4/lib/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Roland Gruber
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// provides basic functions to connect to the OpenLDAP server.
// returns the hash value of a plain text password
// the hash algorithm depends on the configuration file
// $password: the password string
// $enabled: marks the hash as enabled/disabled (e.g. by prefixing "!")
function pwd_hash($password, $enabled=true) {
// check for empty password
if (! $password || ($password == "")) {
if ($enabled) return "";
else return "!";
// hash password with algorithm from config file
$hash = "";
switch ($_SESSION['config']->get_pwdhash()) {
case 'CRYPT':
$hash = "{CRYPT}" . crypt($password);
case 'MD5':
$hash = "{MD5}" . base64_encode(mHash(MHASH_MD5, $password));
case 'SMD5':
$salt = mhash_keygen_s2k(MHASH_MD5, $password, substr(pack("h*", md5(mt_rand())), 0, 8), 4);
$hash = base64_encode(mHash(MHASH_MD5, $password . $salt) . $salt);
$hash = "{SMD5}" . $hash;
case 'SHA':
$hash = base64_encode(mHash(MHASH_SHA1, $password));
$hash = "{SHA}" . $hash;
case 'SSHA':
$salt = mhash_keygen_s2k(MHASH_SHA1, $password, substr(pack("h*", md5(mt_rand())), 0, 8), 4);
$hash = base64_encode(mHash(MHASH_SHA1, $password . $salt) . $salt);
$hash = "{SSHA}" . $hash;
case 'PLAIN':
$hash = $password;
// use SSHA if the setting is invalid
$salt = mhash_keygen_s2k(MHASH_SHA1, $password, substr(pack("h*", md5(mt_rand())), 0, 8), 4);
$hash = base64_encode(mHash(MHASH_SHA1, $password . $salt) . $salt);
$hash = "{SSHA}" . $hash;
// enable/disable password
if (! $enabled) return "!" . $hash;
else return $hash;
// marks an password hash as enabled
// and returns the new hash string
// hash: hash value to enable
function pwd_enable($hash) {
// check if password is disabled
if ((substr($hash, 0, 1) == "!") || ((substr($hash, 0, 1) == "*"))) {
return substr($hash, 1, strlen($hash));
else {
return $hash;
// marks an password hash as disabled
// and returns the new hash string
// hash: hash value to disable
function pwd_disable($hash) {
// check if already disabled
if ((substr($hash, 0, 1) == "!") || ((substr($hash, 0, 1) == "*"))) {
return $hash;
else {
return "!" . $hash;
// checks if a password hash is enabled/disabled
// returns true if the password is marked as enabled
function pwd_is_enabled($hash) {
// disabled passwords have a "!" or "*" at the beginning
if ((substr($hash, 0, 1) == "!") || ((substr($hash, 0, 1) == "*"))) return false;
else return true;
// manages connection to LDAP and several helper functions
class Ldap{
// object of Config to access preferences
var $conf;
// server handle
var $server;
// LDAP username and password used for bind
var $username;
var $password;
// Arrays that contain LDAP attributes and their descriptions which are translated
var $ldapUserAttributes;
var $ldapGroupAttributes;
var $ldapHostAttributes;
// array with all objectClass strings from the LDAP server
var $objectClasses;
// capabilities of the LDAP server
var $supports_unix_hosts=false; // host attribute in inetOrgPerson
var $supports_samba2_schema=false; // objectClass sambaAccount
var $supports_samba3_schema=false; // objectClass sambaSamAccount
// random number (changes on every page request)
var $rand;
// constructor
// $config: an object of Config (../config/config.php)
function Ldap($config) {
if (is_object($config)) $this->conf = $config;
else return false;
// construct arrays with known LDAP attributes
$this->ldapUserAttributes = array (
"uid" => _("User ID"),
"uidnumber" => _("UID number"),
"gidnumber" => _("GID number"),
"cn" => _("Username"),
"host" => _("Allowed hosts"),
"givenname" => _("First name"),
"sn" => _("Last name"),
"homedirectory" => _("Home directory"),
"loginshell" => _("Login shell"),
"mail" => _("E-Mail"),
"gecos" => _("Description")
$this->ldapGroupAttributes = array (
"cn" => _("Group name"),
"gidnumber" => _("GID number"),
"memberuid" => _("Group members"),
"member" => _("Group member DNs"),
"description" => _("Group description")
$this->ldapHostAttributes = array (
"uid" => _("Host username"),
"cn" => _("Host name"),
"rid" => _("RID (Windows UID)"),
"description" => _("Host description"),
"uidnumber" => _("UID number"),
"gidnumber" => _("GID number")
$this->rand = mt_rand();
return true;
// connects to the server using the given username and password
// if connect succeeds the server handle is returned
// $user: user name
// $passwd: password
function connect($user, $passwd) {
// close any prior connection
// do not allow anonymous bind
if ((!$user)||($user == "")||(!$passwd)) {
return false;
// save password und username encrypted
$this->encrypt($user, $passwd);
$this->server = @ldap_connect($this->conf->get_ServerURL());
if ($this->server) {
// use LDAPv3
ldap_set_option($this->server, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
// start TLS if possible
if (function_exists('ldap_start_tls')) {
// connect without TLS if it failed
if (ldap_errno($this->server) > 0) {
$this->server = @ldap_connect($this->conf->get_ServerURL());
ldap_set_option($this->server, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
$bind = @ldap_bind($this->server, $user, $passwd);
if ($bind) {
// read objectClasses from server and update capabilities if needed
if (! $this->objectClasses) {
// return success number
return ldap_errno($this->server);
// return error number
else return ldap_errno($this->server);
else return false;
// closes connection to server
function close() {
// searches LDAP for a specific user name
// and returns its DN entry
// $name: user name
function search_username($name) {
$filter = "(uid=$name)";
$attrs = array();
$sr = @ldap_search($this->server, $this->conf->get_UserSuffix(), $filter, $attrs);
if ($sr) {
$info = ldap_get_entries($this->server, $sr);
// return only first DN entry
$ret = $info[0]["dn"];
return $ret;
// returns an array with all organizational units under the given suffix
// $suffix: search suffix
function search_units($suffix) {
$ret = array();
$sr = @ldap_search($this->server(), $suffix, "objectClass=organizationalunit", array("DN"));
if ($sr) {
$units = ldap_get_entries($this->server, $sr);
// extract Dns
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($units); $i++) {
if ($units[$i]['dn']) $ret[] = $units[$i]['dn'];
// add root suffix if needed
$found = false;
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($ret); $i++) { // search suffix case-intensitive
if (strtolower($suffix) == strtolower($ret[$i])) {
$found = true;
if (!$found) {
$ret[] = $suffix;
usort($ret, array($this,"cmp_array"));
return $ret;
// returns an array with all Samba 3 domain entries under the given suffix
// $suffix: search suffix
function search_domains($suffix) {
$ret = array();
$attr = array("DN", "sambaDomainName", "sambaSID", "sambaNextRid", "sambaNextGroupRid",
"sambaNextUserRid", "sambaAlgorithmicRidBase");
$sr = @ldap_search($this->server(), $suffix, "objectClass=sambaDomain", $attr);
if ($sr) {
$units = ldap_get_entries($this->server, $sr);
// delete count entry
// extract attributes
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($units); $i++) {
$ret[$i] = new samba3domain();
$ret[$i]->dn = $units[$i]['dn'];
$ret[$i]->name = $units[$i]['sambadomainname'][0];
$ret[$i]->SID = $units[$i]['sambasid'][0];
$ret[$i]->nextRID = $units[$i]['sambanextrid'][0];
$ret[$i]->nextGroupRID = $units[$i]['sambanextgrouprid'][0];
$ret[$i]->nextUserRID = $units[$i]['sambanextuserrid'][0];
if (isset($units[$i]['sambaalgorithmicridbase'][0])) $ret[$i]->RIDbase = $units[$i]['sambaalgorithmicridbase'][0];
// sort array by domain name
usort($ret, array($this,"cmp_domain"));
return $ret;
// reads the array of objectClasses from the LDAP server
function updateClasses() {
// read from default cn
$sr = @ldap_read($this->server, 'cn=subschema', '(objectClass=*)', array('objectclasses'));
// if default was not correct check different cn
if (!$sr) $sr = @ldap_read($this->server, 'cn=schema', '(objectClass=*)', array('objectclasses'));
if ($sr) {
// get search result and save it
$info = @ldap_get_entries($this->server,$sr);
if ($info) {
$this->objectClasses = $info[0]['objectclasses'];
return true;
// if search failed save empty result
$this->objectClasses = array();
// updates the capabilities values (var $supports_*)
function updateCapabilities() {
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->objectClasses); $i++) {
$line = $this->objectClasses[$i];
// search keywords
if (strpos($line, "NAME 'inetOrgPerson'") && strpos($line, " host ")) $this->supports_unix_hosts = true;
if (strpos($line, "NAME 'sambaAccount'")) $this->supports_samba2_schema = true;
if (strpos($line, "NAME 'sambaSamAccount'")) $this->supports_samba3_schema = true;
// returns the LDAP connection handle
function server() {
return $this->server;
// closes connection to LDAP server before serialization
function __sleep() {
// define which attributes to save
return array("conf", "username", "password", "ldapUserAttributes", "ldapGroupAttributes",
"ldapHostAttributes", "objectClasses", "supports_unix_hosts", "supports_samba2_schema",
"supports_samba3_schema", "rand");
// reconnects to LDAP server when deserialized
function __wakeup() {
$data = $this->decrypt();
$this->connect($data[0], $data[1]);
// change random number
mt_srand($this->rand + (microtime() * 1000000));
$this->rand = mt_rand();
// delete PDF files which are older than 10 min
if (isset($_SESSION['lampath'])) {
$relpath = $_SESSION['lampath'] . 'tmp/';
$time = time();
$dir = @opendir($relpath);
while ($file = @readdir($dir)) {
if (substr($file, -4) == '.pdf') {
$path = $relpath . $file;
if ($time - filemtime($path) > 600) {
// encrypts username and password
// $username: LDAP user name
// $password: LDAP password
function encrypt($username, $password) {
// read key and iv from cookie
$iv = base64_decode($_COOKIE["IV"]);
$key = base64_decode($_COOKIE["Key"]);
// encrypt username and password
$this->username = base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, $username, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv));
$this->password = base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, $password, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv));
// decrypts username and password
// returns an array
// return[0]: user name
// return[1]: password
function decrypt() {
// read key and iv from cookie
$iv = base64_decode($_COOKIE["IV"]);
$key = base64_decode($_COOKIE["Key"]);
// decrypt username and password
$username = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, base64_decode($this->username), MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv);
$password = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, base64_decode($this->password), MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv);
$ret = array($username, $password);
$ret[0] = str_replace(chr(00), "", $ret[0]);
$ret[1] = str_replace(chr(00), "", $ret[1]);
return $ret;
// closes connection to LDAP server and deletes encrypted username/password
function destroy() {
// returns an array that contains LDAP attribute names and their description
function attributeUserArray() {
return $this->ldapUserAttributes;
// returns an array that contains LDAP attribute names and their description
function attributeGroupArray() {
return $this->ldapGroupAttributes;
// returns an array that contains LDAP attribute names and their description
function attributeHostArray() {
return $this->ldapHostAttributes;
// helper function to sort the unit DNs
function cmp_array($a, $b) {
// split DNs
$array_a = explode(",", $a);
$array_b = explode(",", $b);
$len_a = sizeof($array_a);
$len_b = sizeof($array_b);
// check how many parts to compare
$len = min($len_a, $len_b);
// compare from last part on
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
// get parts to compare
$part_a = strtolower($array_a[$len_a - $i - 1]);
$part_b = strtolower($array_b[$len_b - $i - 1]);
// compare parts
if ($part_a == $part_b) { // part is identical
if ($i == ($len - 1)) {
if ($len_a > $len_b) return 1;
elseif ($len_a < $len_b) return -1;
else return 0; // DNs are identical
elseif ($part_a == max($part_a, $part_b)) return 1;
else return -1;
// helper function to sort the domains
function cmp_domain($a, $b) {
if ($a->name == $b->name) return 0;
elseif ($a->name == max($a->name, $b->name)) return 1;
else return -1;
// represents a Samba 3 domain entry
class samba3domain {
// DN
var $dn;
// domain name
var $name;
// domain SID
var $SID;
// next RID
var $nextRID;
// next user RID
var $nextUserRID;
// next group RID
var $nextGroupRID;
// RID base to calculate RIDs, default 1000
var $RIDbase=1000;

lam-0.4/lib/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Michael Drgner
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
LDAP Account Manager lamPDF class and some pdf functions
define('FPDF_FONTPATH', 'font/');
function createUserPDF($accounts) {
// The decimal separator must be a dot in order to write pdf-files
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
// Start PDF file
$pdfFile = new lamPDF();
// Write some information into the PDF file
$pdfFile->setTitle("LDAP Account Manager");
$pdfFile->setSubject(_("User information page"));
$pdfFile->setAuthor("LDAP Account Manager Devel-Team -Michael Duergner-");
$pdfFile->setCreator("LDAP Account Manager (");
// Loop for every sumbitted account and print its values on a extra page
foreach ($accounts as $account) {
$iv = base64_decode($_COOKIE['IV']);
$key = base64_decode($_COOKIE['Key']);
// Load string with additional information from session
$info_string = $_SESSION['config']->pdftext;
// Print individuall text.
// Get all allowed vairables from account-object
$values = get_object_vars($account);
$values = array_keys($values);
// Replace $varstring in string with variable
foreach ($values as $value) {
// replace string
if (is_string($account->$value)) $info_string = str_replace('$'.$value, $account->$value, $info_string);
// replace object
else if (is_object($account->$value)) {
$values2 = get_object_vars($account->$value);
$values2 = array_keys($values2);
foreach ($values2 as $value2) {
$info_string = str_replace('$'.$value.'->'.$value2, $account->$value->$value2, $info_string);
// replace array
else if (is_array($account->$value)) {
foreach ($account->$value as $sub_array2) $sub_array .= $sub_array2.", ";
$sub_array = substr($sub_array, 0, -2);
$info_string = str_replace('$'.$value, $sub_array, $info_string);
// Split string in array
$info_array = explode("\n", $info_string);
$pdfFile->Write(5,"- " . _("User Information") . ":");
foreach ($info_array as $info)
// Print Personal settings
$pdfFile->Write(5,"- " . _("Personal User Infos") . ":");
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Title") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Surname") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Given name") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Street") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Postal code") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Postal address") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("E-Mail") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Phone") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Cellular phone") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Facsimile") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
// Print Unix settings
$pdfFile->Write(5,"- " . _("Unix User Settings") . ":");
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Username") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
if($account->unix_password_no == "1") {
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Unix password") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Unix password disabled!"),0,1,"L",0);
elseif($account->unix_password == "") {
else {
$account->unix_password = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, base64_decode($account->unix_password), MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv);
$account->unix_password = str_replace(chr(00), '', $account->unix_password);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Unix password") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Group(s)") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$text = $account->general_group;
$groups = $account->general_groupadd;
for($j=0;$j<count($groups);$j++) {
$text .= ", " . $groups[$j];
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Home Directory") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Login Shell") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$text = "";
$shells = $account->general_shell;
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Password expire") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,date('j. F Y' ,$account->unix_pwdexpire),0,1,"L",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Login at host(s)") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
// Print Samba settings
$pdfFile->Write(5,"- " . _("Windows User Settings") . ":");
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Username") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
if($account->smb_flags['N']) {
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Windows password") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Window password disabled!"),0,1,"L",0);
elseif($account->smb_useunixpwd == "1") {
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Windows password") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Windows password set to unix password."),0,1,"L",0);
elseif($account->smb_password == "") {
else {
$account->smb_password = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, base64_decode($account->smb_password), MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv);
$account->smb_password = str_replace(chr(00), '', $account->smb_password);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Windows password") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Home drive") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Script path") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Profile path") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Login at workstation(s)") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Windows home directory") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Windows Domain") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
if($_SESSION['config']->get_samba3() == "yes") $pdfFile->Cell(50,5,$account->smb_domain->name,0,1,"L",0);
else $pdfFile->Cell(50,5,$account->smb_domain,0,1,"L",0);
// Print Quota settings
$pdfFile->Write(5,"- " . _("Quota Settings") . ":");
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("User quota(s)") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$quotas = $account->quota;
if(count($quotas)>0) {
$pdfFile->Cell(30,5,_("Soft block"),0,0,"L",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(30,5,_("Soft inode"),0,0,"L",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(30,5,_("Hard block"),0,0,"L",0);
$pdfFile->Cell(30,5,_("Hard inode"),0,1,"L",0);
for($j=0;$j<count($quotas);$j++) {
else {
$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("No user quotas defined or no quota support by filesystem."),0,1,"L",0);
// Close PDF
// Get relative url path
$fullpath = realpath('.');
$subdirs = explode('/', str_replace($_SESSION['lampath'], '', $fullpath));
for ($i=0; $i<count($subdirs); $i++ ) $filename .= '../';
// use timestamp and random number from as filename so it should be unique.
$filename .= 'tmp/' . $_SESSION['ldap']->rand . time() .'.pdf';
// Save PDF
// Output meta refresh to pdf-file
// Return relative path of pdf-file
return $filename;
// creates a PDF with host accounts
// $accounts: array of account
function createHostPDF($accounts) {
// The decimal separator must be a dot in order to write pdf-files
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
// Start PDF file
$pdfFile = new lamHostPDF();
// Write some information into the PDF file
$pdfFile->setTitle("LDAP Account Manager");
$pdfFile->setSubject(_("Samba-Host information page"));
$pdfFile->setAuthor("LDAP Account Manager Devel-Team -Roland Gruber-");
$pdfFile->setCreator("LDAP Account Manager (");
// print host accounts
$k = 0; // used to count the already printed accounts per page
for($i = 0; $i < count($accounts); $i++) {
$account = $accounts[$i];
$ypos = $pdfFile->GetY();
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Description") . ": ");
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("UID") . ": ");
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Primary group") . ": ");
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Domain") . ": ");
if (is_string($account->smb_domain)) {
$domain = $account->smb_domain;
else {
$domain = $account->smb_domain->name;
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("DN") . ": ");
// print second column
if ($accounts[$i+1]) {
$account = $accounts[$i];
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Description") . ": ");
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("UID") . ": ");
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Primary group") . ": ");
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Domain") . ": ");
if (is_string($account->smb_domain)) {
$domain = $account->smb_domain;
else {
$domain = $account->smb_domain->name;
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("DN") . ": ");
// space between two rows
if ($i < count($accounts) - 1) {
// new page after twelve accounts
if ($k == 12) {
$k = 0;
// Close PDF
// Get relative url path
$fullpath = realpath('.');
$subdirs = explode('/', str_replace($_SESSION['lampath'], '', $fullpath));
for ($i=0; $i<count($subdirs); $i++ ) $filename .= '../';
// use timestamp and random number from as filename so it should be unique.
$filename .= 'tmp/' . $_SESSION['ldap']->rand . time() .'.pdf';
// Save PDF
// Output meta refresh to pdf-file
// Return relative path of pdf-file
return $filename;
// creates a PDF with groups
// $accounts: array of account
function createGroupPDF($accounts) {
// The decimal separator must be a dot in order to write pdf-files
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
// Start PDF file
$pdfFile = new lamGroupPDF();
// Write some information into the PDF file
$pdfFile->setTitle("LDAP Account Manager");
$pdfFile->setSubject(_("Group information page"));
$pdfFile->setAuthor("LDAP Account Manager Devel-Team -Roland Gruber-");
$pdfFile->setCreator("LDAP Account Manager (");
// print group accounts
for($i = 0; $i < count($accounts); $i++) {
$account = $accounts[$i];
$ypos = $pdfFile->GetY();
if ($ypos > 260) $pdfFile->addPage();
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Description") . ": ");
if ($account->smb_displayname) {
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Display name") . ": ");
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("GID") . ": ");
if ($account->domain) {
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Domain") . ": ");
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("DN") . ": ");
if (is_array($account->unix_memberUid)) {
$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Members") . ": ");
$pdfFile->Write(5,implode(", ", $account->unix_memberUid));
// space between two rows
if ($i < count($accounts) - 1) {
// Close PDF
// Get relative url path
$fullpath = realpath('.');
$subdirs = explode('/', str_replace($_SESSION['lampath'], '', $fullpath));
for ($i=0; $i<count($subdirs); $i++ ) $filename .= '../';
// use timestamp and random number from as filename so it should be unique.
$filename .= 'tmp/' . $_SESSION['ldap']->rand . time() .'.pdf';
// Save PDF
// Output meta refresh to pdf-file
// Return relative path of pdf-file
return $filename;
// lamPDF class || For defining own a Header and Footer
class lamPDF extends FPDF {
// Print page header
function header() {
$imageFile = substr(__FILE__,0,strlen(__FILE__)- 11) . "graphics/printLogo.jpg";
$this->Cell(170,5,"LDAP Account Manager",0,1,"R",0);
$this->Cell(170,5,"- " . _("User information page") . " -",0,0,"R",0);
// Print page footer
function footer() {
$this->Cell(0,5,_("This document was automatically created by LDAP Account Manager"),0,0,"C",0);
// lamHostPDF class || For defining own a Header and Footer
class lamHostPDF extends FPDF {
// Print page header
function header() {
$imageFile = substr(__FILE__,0,strlen(__FILE__)- 11) . "graphics/printLogo.jpg";
$this->Cell(170,5,"LDAP Account Manager",0,1,"R",0);
$this->Cell(170,5,"- " . _("Samba-Host information page") . " -",0,0,"R",0);
// Print page footer
function footer() {
$this->Cell(0,5,_("This document was automatically created by LDAP Account Manager"),0,0,"C",0);
// lamGroupPDF class || For defining own Header and Footer
class lamGroupPDF extends FPDF {
// Print page header
function header() {
$imageFile = substr(__FILE__,0,strlen(__FILE__)- 11) . "graphics/printLogo.jpg";
$this->Cell(170,5,"LDAP Account Manager",0,1,"R",0);
$this->Cell(170,5,"- " . _("Group information page") . " -",0,0,"R",0);
// Print page footer
function footer() {
$this->Cell(0,5,_("This document was automatically created by LDAP Account Manager"),0,0,"C",0);

lam-0.4/lib/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Roland Gruber
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// provides functions to load and save profiles for users/groups/hosts
// returns an array of String with all available user profiles (without .pru)
function getUserProfiles() {
$dir = @dir(substr(__FILE__, 0, strlen(__FILE__) - 17) . "/config/profiles/users");
$ret = array();
$pos = 0;
if ($dir) {
while ($entry = $dir->read()){
$ext = substr($entry, strlen($entry)-4, 4);
$name = substr($entry, 0, strlen($entry)-4);
if ($ext == ".pru") {
$ret[$pos] = $name;
$pos ++;
return $ret;
// returns an array of String with all available group profiles (without .prg)
function getGroupProfiles() {
$dir = @dir(substr(__FILE__, 0, strlen(__FILE__) - 17) . "/config/profiles/groups");
$ret = array();
$pos = 0;
if ($dir) {
while ($entry = $dir->read()){
$ext = substr($entry, strlen($entry)-4, 4);
$name = substr($entry, 0, strlen($entry)-4);
if ($ext == ".prg") {
$ret[$pos] = $name;
$pos ++;
return $ret;
// returns an array of String with all available host profiles (without .prh)
function getHostProfiles() {
$dir = @dir(substr(__FILE__, 0, strlen(__FILE__) - 17) . "/config/profiles/hosts");
$ret = array();
$pos = 0;
if ($dir) {
while ($entry = $dir->read()){
$ext = substr($entry, strlen($entry)-4, 4);
$name = substr($entry, 0, strlen($entry)-4);
if ($ext == ".prh") {
$ret[$pos] = $name;
$pos ++;
return $ret;
// loads an user profile
// $profile: name of the profile (without .pru)
// the return value is an account object
function loadUserProfile($profile) {
if (!eregi("^[0-9a-z_\\-]+$", $profile)) return false;
$acc = new account();
$file = substr(__FILE__, 0, strlen(__FILE__) - 17) . "/config/profiles/users/" . $profile . ".pru";
if (is_file($file) == True) {
$file = @fopen($file, "r");
if ($file) {
while (!feof($file)) {
$line = fgets($file, 1024);
if (($line == "\n")||($line[0] == "#")) continue; // ignore comments
// search keywords
if (substr($line, 0, 15) == "general_group: ") {
$acc->general_group = chop(substr($line, 15, strlen($line)-15));
if (substr($line, 0, 18) == "general_groupadd: ") {
$acc->general_groupadd = explode(";", chop(substr($line, 18, strlen($line)-18)));
if (substr($line, 0, 17) == "general_homedir: ") {
$acc->general_homedir = chop(substr($line, 17, strlen($line)-17));
if (substr($line, 0, 15) == "general_shell: ") {
$acc->general_shell = chop(substr($line, 15, strlen($line)-15));
if (substr($line, 0, 18) == "unix_password_no: ") {
$acc->unix_password_no = chop(substr($line, 18, strlen($line)-18));
if (substr($line, 0, 14) == "unix_pwdwarn: ") {
$acc->unix_pwdwarn = chop(substr($line, 14, strlen($line)-14));
if (substr($line, 0, 20) == "unix_pwdallowlogin: ") {
$acc->unix_pwdallowlogin = chop(substr($line, 20, strlen($line)-20));
if (substr($line, 0, 16) == "unix_pwdminage: ") {
$acc->unix_pwdminage = chop(substr($line, 16, strlen($line)-16));
if (substr($line, 0, 16) == "unix_pwdmaxage: ") {
$acc->unix_pwdmaxage = chop(substr($line, 16, strlen($line)-16));
if (substr($line, 0, 16) == "unix_pwdexpire: ") {
$acc->unix_pwdexpire = chop(substr($line, 16, strlen($line)-16));
if (substr($line, 0, 18) == "unix_deactivated: ") {
$acc->unix_deactivated = chop(substr($line, 18, strlen($line)-18));
if (substr($line, 0, 11) == "unix_host: ") {
$acc->unix_host = chop(substr($line, 11, strlen($line)-11));
if (substr($line, 0, 17) == "smb_password_no: ") {
$acc->smb_flags['N'] = chop(substr($line, 17, strlen($line)-17));
if (substr($line, 0, 16) == "smb_useunixpwd: ") {
$acc->smb_useunixpwd = chop(substr($line, 16, strlen($line)-16));
if (substr($line, 0, 12) == "smb_flagsD: ") {
$acc->smb_flags['D'] = chop(substr($line, 12, strlen($line)-12));
if (substr($line, 0, 12) == "smb_flagsX: ") {
$acc->smb_flags['X'] = chop(substr($line, 12, strlen($line)-12));
if (substr($line, 0, 15) == "smb_homedrive: ") {
$acc->smb_homedrive = chop(substr($line, 15, strlen($line)-15));
if (substr($line, 0, 16) == "smb_scriptPath: ") {
$acc->smb_scriptPath = chop(substr($line, 16, strlen($line)-16));
if (substr($line, 0, 17) == "smb_profilePath: ") {
$acc->smb_profilePath = chop(substr($line, 17, strlen($line)-17));
if (substr($line, 0, 25) == "smb_smbuserworkstations: ") {
$acc->smb_smbuserworkstations = chop(substr($line, 25, strlen($line)-25));
if (substr($line, 0, 13) == "smb_smbhome: ") {
$acc->smb_smbhome = chop(substr($line, 13, strlen($line)-13));
if (substr($line, 0, 12) == "smb_domain: ") {
if ($_SESSION['config']->is_samba3()) {
$dn = chop(substr($line, 12, strlen($line)-12));
if (! stristr($dn, "sambaDomainName=")) { // Samba 3 and Samba 2 profile
// get domain list
$doms = $_SESSION['ldap']->search_domains($_SESSION['config']->get_domainSuffix());
// search domain name
for ($d = 0; $d < sizeof($doms); $d++) {
if (strtolower($doms[$d]->name) == strtolower($dn)) {
$acc->smb_domain = $doms[$d];
else { // Samba 3 and Samba 3 profile
// load domain object
$dom = new samba3domain();
$sr = @ldap_search($_SESSION['ldap']->server, $dn, "objectClass=sambaDomain");
if ($sr) {
$info = @ldap_get_entries($_SESSION['ldap']->server, $sr);
if ($info) {
// get domain attributes
$dom->dn = $dn;
$dom->name = $info[0]['sambadomainname'][0];
$dom->SID = $info[0]['sambasid'][0];
$dom->nextRID = $info[0]['sambanextrid'][0];
$dom->nextUserRID = $info[0]['sambanextuserrid'][0];
$dom->nextGroupRID = $info[0]['sambanextgrouprid'][0];
if (isset($dom->RIDbase)) $dom->RIDbase = $info[0]['sambaalgorithmicridbase'][0];
$acc->smb_domain = $dom;
else {
$dom_name = chop(substr($line, 12, strlen($line)-12));
if (substr($dom_name, 0, 16) == "sambaDomainName=") { // Samba 2 and Samba 3 profile
// extract domain name from DN
$dom_name = substr($dom_name, 16, strlen($dom_name) - 16);
$pos = strpos($dom_name, ",");
$dom_name = substr($dom_name, 0, $pos);
$acc->smb_domain = $dom_name;
else { // Samba 2 and Samba 2 profile
$acc->smb_domain = $dom_name;
if (substr($line, 0, 7) == "quota: ") {
$acc->quota = chop(substr($line, 7, strlen($line)-7));
// split mountpoints
$acc->quota = explode(";", $acc->quota);
// split attributes
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($acc->quota); $i++) {
$temp = explode(",", $acc->quota[$i]);
$acc->quota[$i] = array();
$acc->quota[$i][0] = $temp[0];
$acc->quota[$i][2] = $temp[1];
$acc->quota[$i][3] = $temp[2];
$acc->quota[$i][6] = $temp[3];
$acc->quota[$i][7] = $temp[4];
else {
StatusMessage("ERROR", "", _("Unable to load profile!") . " " . $file);
else {
StatusMessage("ERROR", "", _("Unable to load profile!") . " " . $file);
return $acc;
// loads an group profile
// $profile: name of the group profile (without .prg)
// the return value is an account object
function loadGroupProfile($profile) {
if (!eregi("^[0-9a-z_\\-]+$", $profile)) return false;
$acc = new account();
$file = substr(__FILE__, 0, strlen(__FILE__) - 17) . "/config/profiles/groups/" . $profile . ".prg";
if (is_file($file) == True) {
$file = @fopen($file, "r");
if ($file) {
while (!feof($file)) {
$line = fgets($file, 1024);
if (($line == "\n")||($line[0] == "#")) continue; // ignore comments
// search keywords
if (substr($line, 0, 12) == "smb_domain: ") {
if ($_SESSION['config']->is_samba3()) {
$dn = chop(substr($line, 12, strlen($line)-12));
// load domain object
$dom = new samba3domain();
$sr = @ldap_search($_SESSION['ldap']->server, $dn, "objectClass=sambaDomain");
if ($sr) {
$info = @ldap_get_entries($_SESSION['ldap']->server, $sr);
if ($info) {
// get domain attributes
$dom->dn = $dn;
$dom->name = $info[0]['sambadomainname'][0];
$dom->SID = $info[0]['sambasid'][0];
$dom->nextRID = $info[0]['sambanextrid'][0];
$dom->nextUserRID = $info[0]['sambanextuserrid'][0];
$dom->nextGroupRID = $info[0]['sambanextgrouprid'][0];
if (isset($dom->RIDbase)) $dom->RIDbase = $info[0]['sambaalgorithmicridbase'][0];
$acc->smb_domain = $dom;
if (substr($line, 0, 7) == "quota: ") {
if ($_SESSION['config']->get_scriptPath()) {
$acc->quota = chop(substr($line, 7, strlen($line)-7));
// split mountpoints
$acc->quota = explode(";", $acc->quota);
// split attributes
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($acc->quota); $i++) {
$temp = explode(",", $acc->quota[$i]);
$acc->quota[$i] = array();
$acc->quota[$i][0] = $temp[0];
$acc->quota[$i][2] = $temp[1];
$acc->quota[$i][3] = $temp[2];
$acc->quota[$i][6] = $temp[3];
$acc->quota[$i][7] = $temp[4];
else {
StatusMessage("ERROR", "", _("Unable to load profile!") . " " . $file);
else {
StatusMessage("ERROR", "", _("Unable to load profile!") . " " . $file);
return $acc;
// loads an host profile
// $profile: name of the host profile (without .prh)
// the return value is an account object
function loadHostProfile($profile) {
if (!eregi("^[0-9a-z_\\-]+$", $profile)) return false;
$acc = new account();
$file = substr(__FILE__, 0, strlen(__FILE__) - 17) . "/config/profiles/hosts/" . $profile . ".prh";
if (is_file($file) == True) {
$file = @fopen($file, "r");
if ($file) {
while (!feof($file)) {
$line = fgets($file, 1024);
if (($line == "\n")||($line[0] == "#")) continue; // ignore comments
// search keywords
if (substr($line, 0, 15) == "general_group: ") {
$acc->general_group = chop(substr($line, 15, strlen($line)-15));
if (substr($line, 0, 12) == "smb_domain: ") {
if ($_SESSION['config']->is_samba3()) {
$dn = chop(substr($line, 12, strlen($line)-12));
// load domain object
$dom = new samba3domain();
$sr = @ldap_search($_SESSION['ldap']->server, $dn, "objectClass=sambaDomain");
if ($sr) {
$info = @ldap_get_entries($_SESSION['ldap']->server, $sr);
if ($info) {
// get domain attributes
$dom->dn = $dn;
$dom->name = $info[0]['sambadomainname'][0];
$dom->SID = $info[0]['sambasid'][0];
$dom->nextRID = $info[0]['sambanextrid'][0];
$dom->nextUserRID = $info[0]['sambanextuserrid'][0];
$dom->nextGroupRID = $info[0]['sambanextgrouprid'][0];
if (isset($dom->RIDbase)) $dom->RIDbase = $info[0]['sambaalgorithmicridbase'][0];
$acc->smb_domain = $dom;
else $acc->smb_domain = chop(substr($line, 12, strlen($line)-12));
else {
StatusMessage("ERROR", "", _("Unable to load profile!") . " " . $file);
else {
StatusMessage("ERROR", "", _("Unable to load profile!") . " " . $file);
return $acc;
// saves an account object to an user profile
// file is created, if needed
// $profile: name of the user profile (without .pru)
// $account: account object which is saved
function saveUserProfile($account, $profile) {
if (!$_SESSION['loggedIn'] == true) return false;
// check profile name
if (!eregi("^[0-9a-z\\-_]+$", $profile)) return false;
if (!is_object($account)) {
StatusMessage("ERROR", "", _("saveUserProfile: account has wrong type!"));
return false;
$path = substr(__FILE__, 0, strlen(__FILE__) - 17) . "/config/profiles/users/" . $profile . ".pru";
$file = @fopen($path, "w");
if ($file) {
// replace user and group names
$homedir = $account->general_homedir;
$profpath = $account->smb_profilePath;
$scriptPath = $account->smb_scriptPath;
$smbhome = $account->smb_smbhome;
if ($account->general_username) {
$homedir = str_replace($account->general_username, "\$user", $homedir);
$profpath = str_replace($account->general_username, "\$user", $profpath);
$scriptPath = str_replace($account->general_username, "\$user", $scriptPath);
$smbhome = str_replace($account->general_username, "\$user", $smbhome);
if ($account->general_group) {
$homedir = str_replace($account->general_group, "\$group", $homedir);
$profpath = str_replace($account->general_group, "\$group", $profpath);
$scriptPath = str_replace($account->general_group, "\$group", $scriptPath);
$smbhome = str_replace($account->general_group, "\$group", $smbhome);
// write attributes
if (isset($account->general_group)) fputs($file, "general_group: " . $account->general_group . "\n");
if (isset($account->general_groupadd)) fputs($file, "general_groupadd: " . implode(";", $account->general_groupadd) . "\n");
if (isset($account->general_homedir)) fputs($file, "general_homedir: " . $homedir . "\n");
if (isset($account->general_shell)) fputs($file, "general_shell: " . $account->general_shell . "\n");
if (isset($account->unix_password_no)) fputs($file, "unix_password_no: " . $account->unix_password_no . "\n");
if (isset($account->unix_pwdwarn)) fputs($file, "unix_pwdwarn: " . $account->unix_pwdwarn . "\n");
if (isset($account->unix_pwdallowlogin)) fputs($file, "unix_pwdallowlogin: " . $account->unix_pwdallowlogin . "\n");
if (isset($account->unix_pwdminage)) fputs($file, "unix_pwdminage: " . $account->unix_pwdminage . "\n");
if (isset($account->unix_pwdmaxage)) fputs($file, "unix_pwdmaxage: " . $account->unix_pwdmaxage . "\n");
if (isset($account->unix_pwdexpire)) fputs($file, "unix_pwdexpire: " . $account->unix_pwdexpire . "\n");
if (isset($account->unix_deactivated)) fputs($file, "unix_deactivated: " . $account->unix_deactivated . "\n");
if (isset($account->unix_host)) fputs($file, "unix_host: " . $account->unix_host . "\n");
if (isset($account->smb_flags['N'])) fputs($file, "smb_password_no: " . $account->smb_flags['N'] . "\n");
if (isset($account->smb_useunixpwd)) fputs($file, "smb_useunixpwd: " . $account->smb_useunixpwd . "\n");
if (isset($account->smb_flags['D'])) fputs($file, "smb_flagsD: " . $account->smb_flags['D'] . "\n");
if (isset($account->smb_flags['X'])) fputs($file, "smb_flagsX: " . $account->smb_flags['X'] . "\n");
if (isset($account->smb_homedrive)) fputs($file, "smb_homedrive: " . $account->smb_homedrive . "\n");
if (isset($account->smb_scriptPath)) fputs($file, "smb_scriptPath: " . $scriptPath . "\n");
if (isset($account->smb_profilePath)) fputs($file, "smb_profilePath: " . $profpath . "\n");
if (isset($account->smb_smbuserworkstations)) fputs($file, "smb_smbuserworkstations: " . $account->smb_smbuserworkstations . "\n");
if (isset($account->smb_smbhome)) fputs($file, "smb_smbhome: " . $smbhome . "\n");
if (isset($account->smb_domain)) fputs($file, "smb_domain: " . $account->smb_domain . "\n");
if (isset($account->quota)) {
// convert array to string
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($account->quota); $i++) {
$account->quota[$i] = implode(",", $account->quota[$i]);
$temp = implode(";", $account->quota);
fputs($file, "quota: " . $temp . "\n");
// close file
else {
StatusMessage("ERROR", _("Unable to save profile!"), $path);
return false;
return true;
// saves an account object to an group profile
// file is created, if needed
// $profile: name of the group profile (without .prg)
// $account: account object which is saved
function saveGroupProfile($account, $profile) {
if (!$_SESSION['loggedIn'] == true) return false;
// check profile name
if (!eregi("^[0-9a-z\\-_]+$", $profile)) return false;
if (!is_object($account)) {
StatusMessage("ERROR", "", _("saveGroupProfile: account has wrong type!"));
return false;
$path = substr(__FILE__, 0, strlen(__FILE__) - 17) . "/config/profiles/groups/" . $profile . ".prg";
$file = @fopen($path, "w");
if ($file) {
// write attributes
if (isset($account->smb_domain)) fputs($file, "smb_domain: " . $account->smb_domain . "\n");
if (isset($account->quota)) {
// convert array to string
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($account->quota); $i++) {
$account->quota[$i] = implode(",", $account->quota[$i]);
$temp = implode(";", $account->quota);
fputs($file, "quota: " . $temp . "\n");
// close file
else {
StatusMessage("ERROR", _("Unable to save profile!"), $path);
return false;
return true;
// saves an account object to an host profile
// file is created, if needed
// $profile: name of the host profile (without .prh)
// $account: account object which is saved
function saveHostProfile($account, $profile) {
if (!$_SESSION['loggedIn'] == true) return false;
// check profile name
if (!eregi("^[0-9a-z\\-_]+$", $profile)) return false;
if (!is_object($account)) {
StatusMessage ("ERROR", "", _("saveHostProfile: account has wrong type!"));
return false;
$path = substr(__FILE__, 0, strlen(__FILE__) - 17) . "/config/profiles/hosts/" . $profile . ".prh";
$file = @fopen($path, "w");
if ($file) {
// write attributes
if (isset($account->general_group)) fputs($file, "general_group: " . $account->general_group . "\n");
if (isset($account->smb_domain)) fputs($file, "smb_domain: " . $account->smb_domain . "\n");
// close file
else {
StatusMessage("ERROR", _("Unable to save profile!"), $path);
return false;
return true;
// deletes a user profile
function delUserProfile($file) {
if (!$_SESSION['loggedIn'] == true) return false;
if (!eregi("^[0-9a-z\\-_]+$", $file)) return false;
$prof = substr(__FILE__, 0, strlen(__FILE__) - 16) . "config/profiles/users/".$file.".pru";
if (is_file($prof)) {
return @unlink($prof);
// deletes a group profile
function delGroupProfile($file) {
if (!$_SESSION['loggedIn'] == true) return false;
if (!eregi("^[0-9a-z\\-_]+$", $file)) return false;
$prof = substr(__FILE__, 0, strlen(__FILE__) - 16) . "config/profiles/groups/".$file.".prg";
if (is_file($prof)) {
return @unlink($prof);
// deletes a host profile
function delHostProfile($file) {
if (!$_SESSION['loggedIn'] == true) return false;
if (!eregi("^[0-9a-z\\-_]+$", $file)) return false;
$prof = substr(__FILE__, 0, strlen(__FILE__) - 16) . "config/profiles/hosts/".$file.".prh";
if (is_file($prof)) {
return @unlink($prof);

lam-0.4/lib/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Michael Duergner
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
LDAP Account Manager status messages.
function StatusMessage($MessageTyp,$MessageHeadline,$MessageText,$MessageVariables = array()) {
/* Setting CSS-StyleSheet class depending on the $MessageTyp and rewriting $MessageTyp with a readable string. */
if($MessageTyp == "INFO") {
$class = "class=\"statusInfo\"";
elseif($MessageTyp == "WARN") {
$class = "class=\"statusWarn\"";
elseif($MessageTyp == "ERROR") {
$class = "class=\"statusError\"";
/* Set output-message, when none or false $MessageTyp is submitted. */
else {
$class = "class=\"statusError\"";
$MessageTyp = _("LAM Internal Error");
$MessageHeadline = _("Invalid/Missing Message type");
$MessageText = _("Please report this error to the Bug-Tracker at {link=}LDAP Account Manager Development Team{endlink}. The error number is {bold}0001:Invalid/Missing Message type.{endbold} Thank you.");
$MessageHeadline = parseMessageString($MessageHeadline);
$MessageText = parseMessageString($MessageText);
if (is_file("../graphics/error.png")) {
$MessageTyp = "<img src=\"../graphics/" . strtolower($MessageTyp) . ".png\" alt=\"" . $MessageTyp . "\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\">";
else {
$MessageTyp = "<img src=\"../../graphics/" . strtolower($MessageTyp) . ".png\" alt=\"" . $MessageTyp . "\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\">";
$MessageHeadline = "<h2 " . $class . ">" . $MessageHeadline . "</h2>"; // Format $MessageHeadline
$MessageText = "<p " . $class . ">" . $MessageText . "</p>"; // Format $MessageText
$format = "<div " . $class . ">\n<br>\n<table>\n<tr>\n<td>" . $MessageTyp . "</td>\n<td>" . $MessageHeadline . $MessageText . "</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n<br>\n</div>\n";
for($i=0;$i<count($MessageVariables);$i++) {
$variables .= "," . $MessageVariables[$i];
$command = 'printf("' . addslashes($format) . '"' . $variables . ');';
/* Use the three replace functions on the submitted Text. */
function parseMessageString($MessageString) {
return linkText(colorText(boldText($MessageString)));
/* Replace {bold} and {endbold} with <b> and </b> HTML-Tags. */
function boldText($text) {
$pattern = "/\{bold\}([^{]*)\{endbold\}/"; // Regular expression matching {bold}[Text]{endbold}
$replace = "<b class=\"status\">\\1</b>"; // Replace pattern
return preg_replace($pattern,$replace,$text);
/* Replace {color=#[HEX-Value]} or {color=[HEX-Value]} and {endcolor} with <font color="#[HEX-Value]"> and </font> HTML-Tags. */
function colorText($text) {
$pattern = "/\{color=#?([0-9,a-f,A-F]{6})\}([^{]*)\{endcolor\}/"; // Regular expression matching {color=#[HEX-Value]}[Text]{endcolor} or {color=[HEX-Value]}[Text]{endcolor}
$replace = "<font color=\"#\\1\">\\2</font>"; // Replace pattern
return preg_replace($pattern,$replace,$text);
/* Replace {link=[Link-Target]} and {endlink} with <a href="[Link-Target]" target="_blank"> and </a> HTML-Tags. */
function linkText($text) {
$pattern = "/\{link=([^}]*)\}([^{]*)\{endlink\}/"; // Regular expression matching {link=[Link-Target]}[Text]{endlink}
$replace = "<a href=\"\\1\" target=\"_blank\">\\2</a>"; //Replace pattern
return preg_replace($pattern,$replace,$text);

Binary file not shown.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

lam-0.4/po/make_mo Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# $Id$
# Copyright (C) 2003 Roland Gruber
# This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
# This script generates a file from the translated messages.po file.
rm -f
msgfmt -v messages.po -o

lam-0.4/po/make_po Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# $Id$
# Copyright (C) 2003 Roland Gruber
# This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
# This script generates a messages.po file for translation from all .inc and .php files.
cp messages.header messages.po
find ../ -name *.php -exec xgettext --keyword=_ -L PHP -j --omit-header -s {} \;
find ../ -name *.inc -exec xgettext --keyword=_ -L PHP -j --omit-header -s {} \;

lam-0.4/po/make_po_de Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# $Id$
# Copyright (C) 2003 Roland Gruber
# This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
# This script is run after make_po to merge the existing German translations to messages.po
msgmerge -v ../locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po messages.po -o messages.po

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# LDAP Account Manager
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: LAM 0.4\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2003-07-29 19:45+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-07-29 19:45+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Roland Gruber <>\n"
"Language-Team: German <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

lam-0.4/sess/.htaccess Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<Files ~ *>
Order allow,deny
Deny from all

lam-0.4/session-vars.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
- config: Config-Objekt für die Einstellungen
- ldap: LDAP-Objekt für Funktionen rund um LDAP
- language: Sprache für LAM
- header: String-Array mit Standard-HTML-Header
- lampath: String mit Pfad zum LAM-Verzeichnis
- accounts: Array aus account-Objekten
- errors: Array aus Fehlermeldungen. Index ist gleich Index von accounts
- accounts: Array aus account-Objekten
- pointer: Zeigt auf den aktuellen Startpunkt, ab dem Benutzer angelegt werden sollen.
Noetig, da mit Meta-Refreshs gearbeitet werden muss
- errors: Array aus Fehlermeldungen. Index ist gleich Index von accounts
- group_suffix: Suffix, unter welchem eine Gruppe bei Bedarf angelegt wird
- group_selectprofile: Profil, mit dem eine Gruppe bei Bedarf angelegt werden soll
- rowstart: ??? nicht mehr benutzt
- domain_message: Wird auf der "neue Domain" Seite ausgegeben, wenn keine Domäne gefunden wurde
- trans_primary_hash: Tabelle mit GID - Gruppenname
- userlist: Useraccounts vom LDAP-Server
- usr_suffix: aktueller Suffix
- usr_units: Suffixliste für Benutzer
- hst_info: Hostaccounts vom LDAP-Server
- hst_suffix: aktueller Suffix
- hst_units: Suffixliste für Hosts
- grp_info: Gruppenaccounts vom LDAP-Server
- grp_suffix: aktueller Suffix
- grp_units: Suffixliste für Gruppen
- dom_info: Domänen vom LDAP-Server
- dom_suffix: aktueller Suffix
- dom_units: Suffixliste für Domänen
- domain_message: Wird auf der "neue Domain" Seite ausgegeben, wenn keine Domäne gefunden wurde
convsave, confmain, conflogin:
- conf_passwd: Eingabe von confmain
- conf_passwd1: Eingabe von confmain
- conf_passwd2: Eingabe von confmain
- conf_serverurl: Eingabe von confmain
- conf_cachetimeout: Eingabe von confmain
- conf_admins: Eingabe von confmain
- conf_suffusers: Eingabe von confmain
- conf_suffgroups: Eingabe von confmain
- conf_suffhosts: Eingabe von confmain
- conf_suffdomains: Eingabe von confmain
- conf_minUID: Eingabe von confmain
- conf_maxUID: Eingabe von confmain
- conf_minGID: Eingabe von confmain
- conf_maxGID: Eingabe von confmain
- conf_minMach: Eingabe von confmain
- conf_maxMach: Eingabe von confmain
- conf_usrlstattr: Eingabe von confmain
- conf_grplstattr: Eingabe von confmain
- conf_hstlstattr: Eingabe von confmain
- conf_maxlistentries: Eingabe von confmain
- conf_lang: Eingabe von confmain
- conf_scriptpath: Eingabe von confmain
- conf_scriptserver: Eingabe von confmain
- conf_samba3: Eingabe von confmain
- conf_filename: Dateiname des Profils
- shellist: Array mit allen shells
- account_old: Object account. Hier wird beim laden eines Accounts alle alten Werte zwischengespeichert
- account: Object account. Hier wird der aktuelle Eintrag gespeichert
- final_changegids: boolean. Wenn gesetzt, werden die gids in ldap angepasst
- hostDN: Array mit allen hosts.
- account: s.o.
- account_old:
- final_changegids:
- shelllist:
- account: s.o.
- account_old:
- final_changeids:
- userDN: Array mit allen Benutzern
- Account: ??? Tipfehler
- userDN: array mit allen Benutzern
- groupDN: array mit allen Gruppen
- hostDN: array mit allen Gruppen
- account: s.o.
- final_changeids: s.o.
- delete_dn : Liste der DNs, die gelscht werden sollen.
- confwiz_config: Config-Objekt mit Optionen
- confwiz_ldap: LDAP-Objekt
- conwiz_masterpwd: Hauptpasswort für Einstellungen, zur Überprüfung des Admins

lam-0.4/style/layout.css Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Leonhard Walchshäusl
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more detaexils.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
/* CSS layout for LAM */
* global page layout
h1,h2,h3,h4,p,ul,ol,li,div,td,th,address,blockquote,b,i {
body {
/* links */
a {
a:visited {
a:hover {
form { }
input {
fieldset {
legend {
* style for userlist.php
/* table preferences */
table.userlist {
/* color of entry rows */
tr.userlist {
/* color of head row */
tr.userlist-head {
/* color of rows on mouseOver */
tr.userlist-over {
/* color of checked rows */
tr.userlist-checked {
/* color for active page digit */
td.userlist-activepage {
/* style of navigation bar */
td.userlist-navbar {
table.userlist-navbar {
td.userlist-navbartext {
/* style of active column */
th.userlist-activecolumn {
* table style for grouplist.php
/* navigation bar */
table.groupnav {
/* text in navigation bar */
td.groupnav-text {
/* color for active page digit */
td.groupnav-activepage {
/* table preferences */
table.grouplist {
/* color of entry rows */
tr.grouplist {
/* color of head row */
tr.grouplist-head {
/* color of sorted column in head row */
th.grouplist-sort {
/* color of rows on mouseOver */
tr.grouplist-over {
/* color of checked rows */
tr.grouplist-checked {
* table style for hostlist.php
/* */
table.hostnav {
/* text in navigation bar */
td.hostnav-text {
/* color for active page digit */
td.hostnav-activepage {
/* table preferences */
table.hostlist {
/* color of entry rows */
tr.hostlist {
/* color of head row */
tr.hostlist-head {
/* color of sorted column in head row */
th.hostlist-sort {
/* color of rows on mouseOver */
tr.hostlist-over {
/* color of checked rows */
tr.hostlist-checked {
* table style for domainlist.php
/* */
table.domainnav {
/* text in navigation bar */
td.domainnav-text {
/* color for active page digit */
td.domainnav-activepage {
/* table preferences */
table.domainlist {
/* color of entry rows */
tr.domainlist {
/* color of head row */
tr.domainlist-head {
/* color of sorted column in head row */
th.domainlist-sort {
/* color of rows on mouseOver */
tr.domainlist-over {
/* color of checked rows */
tr.domainlist-checked {
* style for domain.php
/* fieldset and legend */
fieldset.domedit {
legend.domedit {
* table style for delete.php
/* table preferences */
table.account {
/* color of entry rows */
tr.account {
* Color and font definitions for templates/status.php
/* Background olor for the different Status Messages */
div.statusInfo {
div.statusWarn {
div.statusError {
/* H1 (MessageTyp) font size, family, color, and some more settings for the different Status Messages */
h1.statusInfo {
h1.statusWarn {
h1.statusError {
/* H2 (MessageHeadline) font size, family, color, and some more settings for the different Status Messages */
h2.statusInfo {
h2.statusWarn {
h2.statusError {
/* P (MessageText) font size, family, color, and some more settings for the different Status Messages */
p.statusInfo {
p.statusWarn {
p.statusError {
* table style for groupedit.php
fieldset.groupedit-bright {
fieldset.groupedit-middle {
legend.groupedit-bright {
fieldset.groupedit-dark {
legend.groupedit-dark {
select.groupedit-bright {
* table style for hostedit.php
fieldset.hostedit-bright {
legend.hostedit-bright {
fieldset.hostedit-dark {
legend.hostedit-dark {
select.hostedit-bright {
* table style for useredit.php
fieldset.useredit-bright {
legend.useredit-bright {
fieldset.useredit-dark {
legend.useredit-dark {
select.useredit-bright {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,865 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Tilo Lutz
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
LDAP Account Manager displays table for creating or modifying accounts in LDAP
// include all needed files
include_once('../../lib/'); // File with all account-funtions
include_once('../../lib/'); // File with configure-functions
include_once('../../lib/'); // functions to load and save profiles
include_once('../../lib/'); // Return error-message
include_once('../../lib/'); // Return a pdf-file
include_once('../../lib/'); // LDAP-functions
// Start session
// Redirect to startpage if user is not loged in
if (!isset($_SESSION['loggedIn'])) {
// Set correct language, codepages, ....
/* groupedit.php is using dynamic session varialenames so
* we can run several copies of groupedit.php at the same
* time
* $varkey is the dynamic part of the variable name
if (!isset($_POST['varkey'])) $varkey = session_id().time();
else $varkey = $_POST['varkey'];
if (!isset($_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_new'])) $_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_new'] = new account();
if (!isset($_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_final_changegids'])) $_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_final_changegids'] = '';
// Register Session-Variables with references so we don't net to change to complete code if names changes
$account_new =& $_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_new'];
$final_changegids =& $_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_final_changegids'];
if (is_object($_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_old'])) $account_old =& $_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_old'];
$ldap_intern =& $_SESSION['ldap'];
$config_intern =& $_SESSION['config'];
$header_intern =& $_SESSION['header'];
$userDN_intern =& $_SESSION['userDN'];
// $_GET is only valid if groupedit.php was called from grouplist.php
if (isset($_GET['DN']) && $_GET['DN']!='') {
// groupedit.php should edit an existing account
// reset variables
if (isset($_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_old'])) {
$_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_old'] = new account();
$account_old =& $_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_old'];
// get "real" DN from variable
$DN = str_replace("\'", '',$_GET['DN']);
// Load existing group
$account_new = loadgroup($DN);
// Get a copy of original host
$account_old = $account_new;
// Store only DN without cn=$name
$account_new->general_dn = substr($account_new->general_dn, strpos($account_new->general_dn, ',')+1);
$final_changegids = '';
// Display general-page
$select_local = 'general';
// Startcondition. groupedit.php was called from outside to create a new group
else if (count($_POST)==0) {
// Create new account object with settings from default profile
$account_new = loadGroupProfile('default');
$account_new ->type = 'group';
if ($config_intern->scriptServer) {
// load quotas and check if quotas from profile are valid
$quotas = getquotas(array($account_new));
for ($i=0; $i<count($account_new->quota); $i++) $profile_quotas[] = $account_new->quota[$i][0];
for ($i=0; $i<count($quotas[0]->quota); $i++) {
$real_quotas[] = $quotas[0]->quota[$i][0];
if (is_array($profile_quotas)) {
if (!in_array($quotas[0]->quota[$i][0], $profile_quotas)) $account_new->quota[]=$quotas[0]->quota[$i];
else $account_new->quota[]=$quotas[0]->quota[$i];
// delete not existing quotas
while (isset($account_new->quota[$j][0])) {
// remove invalid quotas
if (!in_array($account_new->quota[$j][0], $real_quotas)) unset($account_new->quota[$j]);
else $j++;
// Beautify array, repair index
if (is_array($account_new->quota)) $account_new->quota = array_values($account_new->quota);
// Set used blocks
for ($i=0; $i<count($account_new->quota); $i++) {
$account_new->quota[$i][1] = 0;
$account_new->quota[$i][5] = 0;
// Display general-page
$select_local = 'general';
switch ($_POST['select']) {
/* Select which part of page should be loaded and check values
* groupmembers = page with all users which are additional members of group
* general = startpage, general account paramters
* samba = page with all samba-related parameters e.g. smbpassword
* quota = page with all quota-related parameters e.g. hard file quota
* final = last page shown before account is created/modified
* finish = page shown after account has been created/modified
case 'groupmembers':
do { // X-Or, only one if() can be true
if (isset($_POST['users']) && isset($_POST['add'])) { // Add users to list
// Add new user
$account_new->unix_memberUid = array_merge($account_new->unix_memberUid, $_POST['users']);
// remove doubles
$account_new->unix_memberUid = array_flip($account_new->unix_memberUid);
$account_new->unix_memberUid = array_flip($account_new->unix_memberUid);
// sort users
if (isset($_POST['members']) && isset($_POST['remove'])) { // remove users from list
$account_new->unix_memberUid = array_delete($_POST['members'], $account_new->unix_memberUid);
} while(0);
// display groupmembers page
$select_local = 'groupmembers';
case 'general':
if (!$_POST['load']) {
if (($account_new->general_username != $_POST['f_general_username']) && ereg('[A-Z]$', $_POST['f_general_username']))
$errors[] = array('WARN', _('Groupname'), _('You are using a capital letters. This can cause problems because not all programs are case-sensitive.'));
// Write all general attributes into $account_new if no profile should be loaded
$account_new->general_dn = $_POST['f_general_suffix'];
$account_new->general_username = $_POST['f_general_username'];
$account_new->general_uidNumber = $_POST['f_general_uidNumber'];
$account_new->general_gecos = $_POST['f_general_gecos'];
// Check if values are OK and set automatic values. if not error-variable will be set
// Check if Groupname contains only valid characters
if ( !ereg('^([a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]|[.]|[-]|[_])*$', $account_new->general_username))
$errors[] = array('ERROR', _('Groupname'), _('Groupname contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .-_ !'));
if ($account_new->general_gecos=='') {
$account_new->general_gecos = $account_new->general_username ;
$errors[] = array('INFO', _('Gecos'), _('Inserted groupname in gecos-field.'));
// Create automatic groupaccount with number if original group already exists
// Reset name to original name if new name is in use
if (ldapexists($account_new, $account_old) && is_object($account_old))
$account_new->general_username = $account_old->general_username;
while ($temp = ldapexists($account_new, $account_old)) {
// get last character of username
$lastchar = substr($account_new->general_username, strlen($account_new->general_username)-1, 1);
// Last character is no number
if ( !ereg('^([0-9])+$', $lastchar))
/* Last character is no number. Therefore we only have to
* add "2" to it.
$account_new->general_username = $account_new->general_username . '2';
else {
/* Last character is a number -> we have to increase the number until we've
* found a groupname with trailing number which is not in use.
* $i will show us were we have to split groupname so we get a part
* with the groupname and a part with the trailing number
$mark = false;
// Set $i to the last character which is a number in $account_new->general_username
while (!$mark) {
if (ereg('^([0-9])+$',substr($account_new->general_username, $i, strlen($account_new->general_username)-$i))) $i--;
else $mark=true;
// increase last number with one
$firstchars = substr($account_new->general_username, 0, $i+1);
$lastchars = substr($account_new->general_username, $i+1, strlen($account_new->general_username)-$i);
// Put groupname together
$account_new->general_username = $firstchars . (intval($lastchars)+1);
// Show warning if lam has changed groupname
if ($account_new->general_username != $_POST['f_general_username']) $errors[] = array('WARN', _('Groupname'), _('Groupname already in use. Selected next free groupname.'));
// Check if UID is valid. If none value was entered, the next useable value will be inserted
$temp = explode(':', checkid($account_new, $account_old));
$account_new->general_uidNumber = $temp[0];
// true if checkid has returned an error
if ($temp[1]!='') $errors[] = explode(';',$temp[1]);
// Check if Name-length is OK. minLength=3, maxLength=20
if ( !ereg('.{3,20}', $account_new->general_username)) $errors[] = array('ERROR', _('Name'), _('Name must contain between 3 and 20 characters.'));
// Check if Name starts with letter
if ( !ereg('^([a-z]|[A-Z]).*$', $account_new->general_username))
$errors[] = array('ERROR', _('Name'), _('Name contains invalid characters. First character must be a letter.'));
case 'samba':
// Write all samba attributes into $account_new
// Get all domains
$samba3domains = $ldap_intern->search_domains($config_intern->get_domainSuffix());
// Search the corrct domain in array
$i = 0;
while (!is_object($account_new->smb_domain) && isset($samba3domains[$i])) {
if ($_POST['f_smb_domain'] == $samba3domains[$i]->name)
$account_new->smb_domain = $samba3domains[$i];
else $i++;
$account_new->smb_displayName = $_POST['f_smb_displayName'];
// Check if group SID should be mapped to a well known SID
switch ($_POST['f_smb_mapgroup']) {
case '*'._('Domain Guests'): $account_new->smb_mapgroup = $account_new->smb_domain->SID . "-" . '514'; break;
case '*'._('Domain Users'): $account_new->smb_mapgroup = $account_new->smb_domain->SID . "-" . '513'; break;
case '*'._('Domain Admins'): $account_new->smb_mapgroup = $account_new->smb_domain->SID . "-" . '512'; break;
case $account_new->general_username:
$account_new->smb_mapgroup = $account_new->smb_domain->SID . "-".
(2 * $account_new->general_uidNumber + $account_new->smb_domain->RIDbase +1);
// Check if values are OK and set automatic values. if not error-variable will be set
if (($account_new->smb_displayName=='') && isset($account_new->general_gecos)) {
$account_new->smb_displayName = $account_new->general_gecos;
$errors[] = array('INFO', _('Display name'), _('Inserted gecos-field as display name.'));
case 'quota':
// Write all general values into $account_new
// loop for every mointpoint with quotas
while ($account_new->quota[$i][0]) {
$account_new->quota[$i][2] = $_POST['f_quota_'.$i.'_2'];
$account_new->quota[$i][3] = $_POST['f_quota_'.$i.'_3'];
$account_new->quota[$i][6] = $_POST['f_quota_'.$i.'_6'];
$account_new->quota[$i][7] = $_POST['f_quota_'.$i.'_7'];
// Check if values are OK and set automatic values. if not error-variable will be set
if (!ereg('^([0-9])*$', $account_new->quota[$i][2]))
$errors[] = array('ERROR', _('Block soft quota'), _('Block soft quota contains invalid characters. Only natural numbers are allowed'));
if (!ereg('^([0-9])*$', $account_new->quota[$i][3]))
$errors[] = array('ERROR', _('Block hard quota'), _('Block hard quota contains invalid characters. Only natural numbers are allowed'));
if (!ereg('^([0-9])*$', $account_new->quota[$i][6]))
$errors[] = array('ERROR', _('Inode soft quota'), _('Inode soft quota contains invalid characters. Only natural numbers are allowed'));
if (!ereg('^([0-9])*$', $account_new->quota[$i][7]))
$errors[] = array('ERROR', _('Inode hard quota'), _('Inode hard quota contains invalid characters. Only natural numbers are allowed'));
case 'final':
// Ask if we should change gidNumber of every user which is member of the group
if ($_POST['f_final_changegids']) $final_changegids = $_POST['f_final_changegids'] ;
case 'finish':
// Check if pdf-file should be created
if ($_POST['outputpdf']) {
// Load quotas if not yet done because they are needed for the pdf-file
if ($config_intern->scriptServer && !isset($account_new->quota[0])) { // load quotas
$quotas = getquotas(array($account_old));
$account_new->quota = $quotas[0]->quota;
// Create / display PDf-file
// Stop script
do { // X-Or, only one if() can be true
if ($_POST['next_members']) {
// Go from groupmembers to next page if no error did ocour
if (!is_array($errors)) $select_local='groupmembers';
else $select_local=$_POST['select'];
if ($_POST['next_general']) {
// Go from general to next page if no error did ocour
if (!is_array($errors)) $select_local='general';
else $select_local=$_POST['select'];
if ($_POST['next_samba']) {
// Go from samba to next page if no error did ocour
if (!is_array($errors)) $select_local='samba';
else $select_local=$_POST['select'];
if ($_POST['next_quota']) {
// Go from quota to next page if no error did ocour
if (!is_array($errors)) $select_local='quota';
else $select_local=$_POST['select'];
if ($_POST['next_final']) {
// Check if objectclasses are OK
if (is_array($errors)) $stay=true;
else $stay = false;
if ($config_intern->is_samba3() && !isset($account_new->smb_domain)) {
// Samba page not viewed; can not create group because if missing options
$errors[] = array("ERROR", _("Samba Options not set!"), _("Please check settings on samba page."));
$stay = true;
if (isset($account_old->general_objectClass)) {
if (($config_intern->is_samba3()) && (!in_array('sambaGroupMapping', $account_old->general_objectClass)))
$errors[] = array('WARN', _('ObjectClass sambaGroupMapping not found.'), _('Have to add objectClass sambaGroupMapping.'));
if (!in_array('posixGroup', $account_old->general_objectClass))
$errors[] = array('WARN', _('ObjectClass posixGroup not found.'), _('Have to add objectClass posixGroup.'));
// Show info if gidNumber has changed
if (($account_old) && ($account_new->general_uidNumber != $account_old->general_uidNumber))
$errors[] = array('INFO', _('GID-number has changed. You have to run the following command as root in order to change existing file-permissions:'),
'find / -gid ' . $account_old->general_uidNumber . ' -exec chgrp ' . $account_new->general_uidNumber . ' {} \;');
// Go from final to next page if no error did ocour
if (!$stay) $select_local='final';
else $select_local=$_POST['select'];
// Reset account to original settings if undo-button was pressed
if ($_POST['next_reset']) {
$account_new = $account_old;
$account_new->general_dn = substr($account_new->general_dn, strpos($account_new->general_dn, ',')+1);
$select_local = $_POST['select'];
// Create-Button was pressed
if ( $_POST['create'] ) {
// Create or modify an account
if ($account_old) $result = modifygroup($account_new,$account_old);
else $result = creategroup($account_new); //
if ( $result==4 || $result==5 ) $select_local = 'final';
else $select_local = 'finish';
// Load Profile and reset all attributes to settings in profile
if ($_POST['createagain']) {
unset ($_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_new']);
$_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_new'] = loadGroupProfile('default');
$account_new =& $_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_new'];
$account_new ->type = 'group';
// Go back to listgroups.php
if ($_POST['backmain']) {
if (isset($_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_new'])) unset($_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_new']);
if (isset($_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_old'])) unset($_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_old']);
if (isset($_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_final_changegids'])) unset($_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_final_changegids']);
// Load Profile and reset all attributes to settings in profile
if ($_POST['load']) {
$account_new->general_dn = $_POST['f_general_suffix'];
$account_new->general_username = $_POST['f_general_username'];
$account_new->general_uidNumber = $_POST['f_general_uidNumber'];
$account_new->general_gecos = $_POST['f_general_gecos'];
// load profile
if ($_POST['f_general_selectprofile']!='') $values = loadGroupProfile($_POST['f_general_selectprofile']);
if (is_object($values)) {
while (list($key, $val) = each($values)) // Set only defined values
if (isset($val)) $account_new->$key = $val;
if ($config_intern->scriptServer) {
// load quotas and check if quotas from profile are valid
$quotas = getquotas(array($account_new));
for ($i=0; $i<count($account_new->quota); $i++) $profile_quotas[] = $account_new->quota[$i][0];
for ($i=0; $i<count($quotas[0]->quota); $i++) {
$real_quotas[] = $quotas[0]->quota[$i][0];
if (is_array($profile_quotas)) {
if (!in_array($quotas[0]->quota[$i][0], $profile_quotas)) $account_new->quota[]=$quotas[0]->quota[$i];
else $account_new->quota[]=$quotas[0]->quota[$i];
// delete not existing quotas
while (isset($account_new->quota[$j][0])) {
// remove invalid quotas
if (!in_array($account_new->quota[$j][0], $real_quotas)) unset($account_new->quota[$j]);
else $j++;
// Beautify array, repair index
if (is_array($account_new->quota)) $account_new->quota = array_values($account_new->quota);
// Set used blocks
if (isset($account_old)) {
for ($i=0; $i<count($account_new->quota); $i++)
for ($j=0; $j<count($quotas[0]->quota); $j++)
if ($quotas[0]->quota[$j][0] == $account_new->quota[$i][0]) {
$account_new->quota[$i][1] = $quotas[0]->quota[$i][1];
$account_new->quota[$i][4] = $quotas[0]->quota[$i][4];
$account_new->quota[$i][5] = $quotas[0]->quota[$i][5];
$account_new->quota[$i][8] = $quotas[0]->quota[$i][8];
else for ($i=0; $i<count($account_new->quota); $i++) {
$account_new->quota[$i][1] = 0;
$account_new->quota[$i][5] = 0;
// select general page after group has been loaded
// Save Profile
if ($_POST['save']) {
// save profile
if ($_POST['f_finish_safeProfile']=='')
$errors[] = array('ERROR', _('Save profile'), _('No profilename given.'));
else {
if (saveGroupProfile($account_new, $_POST['f_finish_safeProfile']))
$errors[] = array('INFO', _('Save profile'), _('New profile created.'));
else $errors[] = array('ERROR', _('Save profile'), _('Wrong profilename given.'));
// select last page displayed before user is created
if ($_POST['groupmembers']) {
} while(0);
// Write HTML-Header
echo $header_intern;
echo "<title>";
echo _("Create new Account");
echo "</title>\n".
"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../../style/layout.css\">\n".
"<meta http-equiv=\"pragma\" content=\"no-cache\">\n".
"<meta http-equiv=\"cache-control\" content=\"no-cache\">\n".
"<form action=\"groupedit.php\" method=\"post\">\n".
"<input name=\"varkey\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"".$varkey."\">\n";
// Display errir-messages
if (is_array($errors))
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($errors); $i++) StatusMessage($errors[$i][0], $errors[$i][1], $errors[$i][2]);
// print_r($account_new);
switch ($select_local) {
/* Select which part of page should be loaded and check values
* groupmembers = page with all users which are additional members of group
* general = startpage, general account paramters
* samba = page with all samba-related parameters e.g. smbpassword
* quota = page with all quota-related parameters e.g. hard file quota
* personal = page with all personal-related parametergs, e.g. phone number
* final = last page shown before account is created/modified
* finish = page shown after account has been created/modified
case 'groupmembers':
// Validate cache-array
// Get copy of cache-array
$temp2 = $userDN_intern;
// unset timestamp stored in $temp2[0]
// load list with all users
foreach ($temp2 as $temp) $users[] = $temp['cn'];
// sort users
if (is_array($users)) sort($users, SORT_STRING);
// remove users which are allready additional members of group
$users = array_delete($account_new->unix_memberUid, $users);
/* Now we have to remove all users from list who are primary member of group
* At the moment lam is doing an extra ldap-search. In future this should be done
* via cache-array **** fixme
// Do a ldap-search
if (isset($account_old->general_uidNumber))
$result = ldap_search($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $_SESSION['config']->get_UserSuffix(), "(&(objectClass=PosixAccount)(gidNumber=$account_old->general_uidNumber))", array('cn'));
else $result = ldap_search($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $_SESSION['config']->get_UserSuffix(), "(&(objectClass=PosixAccount)(gidNumber=$account_new->general_uidNumber))", array('cn'));
$entry = ldap_first_entry($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $result);
// loop for every user which is primary member of group
while ($entry) {
$attr = ldap_get_attributes($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $entry);
if (isset($attr['cn'][0])) {
// Remove user from user list
$users = @array_flip($users);
unset ($users[$attr['cn'][0]]);
$users = @array_flip($users);
// Go to next entry
$entry = ldap_next_entry($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $entry);
echo "<input name=\"select\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"groupmembers\">\n";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n<tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"15%\" >";
echo "<table border=0><tr><td><fieldset class=\"groupedit-middle\"><legend class=\"groupedit-bright\"><b>";
echo _('Please select page:');
echo "</b></legend>\n";
echo "<input name=\"next_general\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('General'); echo "\">\n<br>";
echo "<input name=\"next_members\" type=\"submit\" disabled value=\""; echo _('Members'); echo "\">\n<br>";
// samba 2.2 doesn't have any settings for groups
if ($config_intern->is_samba3()) {
echo "<input name=\"next_samba\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Samba'); echo "\">\n<br>";
echo "<input name=\"next_quota\" type=\"submit\""; if (!isset($config_intern->scriptPath)) echo " disabled ";
echo "value=\""; echo _('Quota'); echo "\">\n<br>";
echo "<input name=\"next_final\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Final');
echo "\">";
if (isset($account_old)) {
echo "<br><br>";
echo _("Reset all changes.");
echo "<br>";
echo "<input name=\"next_reset\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Undo');
echo "\">\n";
echo "</fieldset></td></tr></table></td>\n<td>";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\"><tr><td><fieldset class=\"groupedit-bright\"><legend class=\"groupedit-bright\"><b>". _('Additional group members') . "</b></legend>\n";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "<tr><td valign=\"top\"><fieldset class=\"groupedit-middle\"><legend class=\"groupedit-bright\">";
echo _('Group members');
echo "</legend>";
// display all users which are additional members of group
if (count($account_new->unix_memberUid)!=0) {
echo "<select name=\"members[]\" class=\"groupedit-bright\" size=15 multiple>\n";
for ($i=0; $i<count($account_new->unix_memberUid); $i++)
if ($account_new->unix_memberUid[$i]!='') echo " <option>".$account_new->unix_memberUid[$i]."</option>\n";
echo "</select>\n";
echo "</fieldset></td>\n";
echo "<td align=\"center\" width=\"10%\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"add\" value=\"<=\">";
echo " ";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"remove\" value=\"=>\"><br><br>";
echo "<a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=419\" target=\"lamhelp\">"._('Help')."</a></td>\n";
echo "<td valign=\"top\"><fieldset class=\"groupedit-middle\"><legend class=\"groupedit-bright\">";
echo _('Available users');
echo "</legend>\n";
// Display all users which are not member of group in any way
if ((count($users)!=0) && is_array($users)) {
echo "<select name=\"users[]\" size=15 multiple class=\"groupedit-bright\">\n";
foreach ($users as $temp)
echo " <option>$temp</option>\n";
echo "</select>\n";
echo "</fieldset></td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n</fieldset></td></tr></table>\n</td></tr>\n</table>\n";
case 'general':
// General Account Settings
// load list of profiles
$profilelist = getGroupProfiles();
// Show page info
echo "<input name=\"select\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"general\">\n";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n<tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"15%\" >";
echo "<table><tr><td><fieldset class=\"groupedit-middle\"><legend class=\"groupedit-bright\"><b>";
echo _('Please select page:');
echo "</b></legend>\n";
echo "<input name=\"next_general\" type=\"submit\" disabled value=\""; echo _('General'); echo "\">\n<br>";
echo "<input name=\"next_members\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Members'); echo "\">\n<br>";
// samba 2.2 doesn't have any settings for groups
if ($config_intern->is_samba3()) {
echo "<input name=\"next_samba\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Samba'); echo "\">\n<br>";
echo "<input name=\"next_quota\" type=\"submit\""; if (!isset($config_intern->scriptPath)) echo " disabled ";
echo "value=\""; echo _('Quota'); echo "\">\n<br>";
echo "<input name=\"next_final\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Final');
echo "\">";
if (isset($account_old)) {
echo "<br><br>";
echo _("Reset all changes.");
echo "<br>";
echo "<input name=\"next_reset\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Undo');
echo "\">\n";
echo "</fieldset></td></tr></table></td>\n<td valign=\"top\">";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n<tr>\n<td>";
echo "<fieldset class=\"groupedit-bright\"><legend class=\"groupedit-bright\"><b>";
echo _("General properties");
echo "</b></legend>\n<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n<tr>\n<td>";
echo _("Groupname")."*";
echo "</td>\n<td>".
"<input name=\"f_general_username\" type=\"text\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"20\" value=\"".$account_new->general_username."\">".
"</td>\n<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=407\" target=\"lamhelp\">"._('Help')."</a></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>";
echo _('GID number');
echo "</td>\n<td><input name=\"f_general_uidNumber\" type=\"text\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"6\" value=\"".$account_new->general_uidNumber."\">".
"</td>\n<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=408\" target=\"lamhelp\">"._('Help').
echo _('Description');
echo "</td>\n<td><input name=\"f_general_gecos\" type=\"text\" size=\"30\" value=\"".$account_new->general_gecos."\"></td>\n".
"<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=409\" target=\"lamhelp\">"._('Help')."</a></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>";
echo _('Suffix'); echo "</td>\n<td><select name=\"f_general_suffix\">";
// Display all allowed group suffixes
foreach ($ldap_intern->search_units($config_intern->get_GroupSuffix()) as $suffix) {
if ($account_new->general_dn) {
if ($account_new->general_dn == $suffix)
echo " <option selected>$suffix</option>\n";
else echo " <option>$suffix</option>\n";
else echo " <option>$suffix</option>\n";
echo "</select></td>\n<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=462\" target=\"lamhelp\">"._('Help').
echo _('Values with * are required');
echo "</fieldset>\n</td></tr><tr><td>";
// Show fieldset with list of all group profiles
if (count($profilelist)!=0) {
echo "<fieldset class=\"groupedit-middle\"><legend class=\"groupedit-bright\"><b>";
echo _("Load profile");
echo "</b></legend>\n<table border=0>\n<tr>\n<td>";
echo "<select name=\"f_general_selectprofile\" >";
foreach ($profilelist as $profile) echo " <option>$profile</option>\n";
echo "</select>\n".
"<input name=\"load\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Load Profile');
echo "\"></td><td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=421\" target=\"lamhelp\">";
echo _('Help')."</a></td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n</fieldset>\n";
echo "</td></tr>\n</table>\n</td></tr></table>\n";
case 'samba':
// Samba Settings
// samba 2.2 doesn't have any settings for groups
$samba3domains = $ldap_intern->search_domains($config_intern->get_domainSuffix());
echo "<input name=\"select\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"samba\">\n";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n<tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"15%\" >";
echo "<table border=0><tr><td><fieldset class=\"groupedit-middle\"><legend class=\"groupedit-bright\"><b>";
echo _('Please select page:');
echo "</b></legend>\n";
echo "<input name=\"next_general\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('General'); echo "\">\n<br>";
echo "<input name=\"next_members\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Members'); echo "\">\n<br>";
echo "<input name=\"next_samba\" type=\"submit\" disabled value=\""; echo _('Samba'); echo "\">\n<br>";
echo "<input name=\"next_quota\" type=\"submit\""; if (!isset($config_intern->scriptPath)) echo " disabled ";
echo "value=\""; echo _('Quota'); echo "\">\n<br>";
echo "<input name=\"next_final\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Final');
echo "\">";
if (isset($account_old)) {
echo "<br><br>";
echo _("Reset all changes.");
echo "<br>";
echo "<input name=\"next_reset\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Undo');
echo "\">\n";
echo "</fieldset></td></tr></table></td>\n<td valign=\"top\">";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\"><tr><td><fieldset class=\"groupedit-bright\"><legend class=\"groupedit-bright\"><b>"._('Samba properties')."</b></legend>\n";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\"><tr><td>";
echo _("Display name");
echo "</td>\n<td>".
"<input name=\"f_smb_displayName\" type=\"text\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"50\" value=\"".$account_new->smb_displayName."\">".
"</td>\n<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=420\" target=\"lamhelp\">"._('Help')."</a></td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>";
echo _('Windows groupname');
echo "</td>\n<td><select name=\"f_smb_mapgroup\">";
// Display if group SID should be mapped to a well kown SID
if ( $account_new->smb_mapgroup == $account_new->smb_domain->SID . "-".
(2 * getgid($account_new->general_username) + $values->smb_domain->RIDbase+1)) {
echo '<option selected> ';
echo $account_new->general_username;
echo "</option>\n"; }
else {
echo '<option> ';
echo $account_new->general_username;
echo "</option>\n";
if ( $account_new->smb_mapgroup == $account_new->smb_domain->SID . "-" . '514' ) {
echo '<option selected> *';
echo _('Domain Guests');
echo "</option>\n"; }
else {
echo '<option> *';
echo _('Domain Guests');
echo "</option>\n";
if ( $account_new->smb_mapgroup == $account_new->smb_domain->SID . "-" . '513' ) {
echo '<option selected> *';
echo _('Domain Users');
echo "</option>\n"; }
else {
echo '<option> *';
echo _('Domain Users');
echo "</option>\n";
if ( $account_new->smb_mapgroup == $account_new->smb_domain->SID . "-" . '512' ) {
echo '<option selected> *';
echo _('Domain Admins');
echo "</option>\n"; }
else {
echo '<option> *';
echo _('Domain Admins');
echo "</option>\n";
echo "</select></td>\n<td>".
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=464" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a>'.
echo _('Domain');
echo '</td><td>';
// select which domain name should be displayed
if (count($samba3domains)!=0) {
echo '<select name="f_smb_domain">';
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($samba3domains); $i++) {
if ($account_new->smb_domain->name) {
if ($account_new->smb_domain->name == $samba3domains[$i]->name)
echo '<option selected>' . $samba3domains[$i]->name. '</option>';
else echo '<option>' . $samba3domains[$i]->name. '</option>';
else echo '<option>' . $samba3domains[$i]->name. '</option>';
echo '</select>';
echo "</td>\n<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=467\" target=\"lamhelp\">"._('Help')."</a></td></tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n</fieldset>\n</td></tr></table></td></tr>\n</table>\n";
case 'quota':
// Quota Settings
// Load quotas if not yet done
if ($config_intern->scriptServer && !isset($account_new->quota[0]) ) { // load quotas
$quotas = getquotas(array($account_new));
$account_new->quota = $quotas[0]->quota;
echo "<input name=\"select\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"samba\">\n";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n<tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"15%\" >";
echo "<table border=0><tr><td><fieldset class=\"groupedit-middle\"><legend class=\"groupedit-bright\"><b>";
echo _('Please select page:');
echo "</b></legend>\n";
echo "<input name=\"next_general\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('General'); echo "\">\n<br>";
echo "<input name=\"next_members\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Members'); echo "\">\n<br>";
// samba 2.2 doesn't have any settings for groups
if ($config_intern->is_samba3()) {
echo "<input name=\"next_samba\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Samba'); echo "\">\n<br>";
echo "<input name=\"next_quota\" type=\"submit\" disabled value=\""; echo _('Quota'); echo "\">\n<br>";
echo "<input name=\"next_final\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Final');
echo "\">";
if (isset($account_old)) {
echo "<br><br>";
echo _("Reset all changes.");
echo "<br>";
echo "<input name=\"next_reset\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Undo');
echo "\">\n";
echo "</fieldset></td></tr></table></td>\n<td valign=\"top\">";
echo '<input name="select" type="hidden" value="quota">';
echo "<table border=0><tr><td><fieldset class=\"groupedit-bright\"><legend class=\"groupedit-bright\"><b>"._('Quota properties')."</b></legend>\n";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\"><tr><td>";
echo _('Mountpoint'); echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>'; echo _('Used blocks'); echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>';
echo _('Soft block limit'); echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>'; echo _('Hard block limit'); echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>'; echo _('Grace block period');
echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>'; echo _('Used inodes'); echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>'; echo _('Soft inode limit'); echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>';
echo _('Hard inode limit'); echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>'; echo _('Grace inode period'); echo '</td></tr>'."\n";
echo '<tr><td><a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=439" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a></td>'."\n".'<td><a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=440" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a></td>'."\n".'<td>'.
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=441" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a></td>'."\n".'<td><a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=442" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a></td>'."\n".'<td>'.
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=443" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a></td>'."\n".'<td><a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=444" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a></td>'."\n".'<td>'.
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=445" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a></td>'."\n".'<td><a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=446" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a></td>'."\n".'<td>'.
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=447" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a></td></tr>'."\n";
// loop for every mointpoint with enabled quotas
while ($account_new->quota[$i][0]) {
echo '<tr><td>'.$account_new->quota[$i][0].'</td><td>'.$account_new->quota[$i][1].'</td>'; // used blocks
echo '<td><input name="f_quota_'.$i.'_2" type="text" size="12" maxlength="20" value="'.$account_new->quota[$i][2].'"></td>'; // blocks soft limit
echo '<td><input name="f_quota_'.$i.'_3" type="text" size="12" maxlength="20" value="'.$account_new->quota[$i][3].'"></td>'; // blocks hard limit
echo '<td>'.$account_new->quota[$i][4].'</td>'; // block grace period
echo '<td>'.$account_new->quota[$i][5].'</td>'; // used inodes
echo '<td><input name="f_quota_'.$i.'_6" type="text" size="12" maxlength="20" value="'.$account_new->quota[$i][6].'"></td>'; // inodes soft limit
echo '<td><input name="f_quota_'.$i.'_7" type="text" size="12" maxlength="20" value="'.$account_new->quota[$i][7].'"></td>'; // inodes hard limit
echo '<td>'.$account_new->quota[$i][8].'</td></tr>'; // inodes grace period
echo "</table>\n</fieldset>\n</td></tr></table></td></tr>\n</table>\n";
case 'final':
// Final Settings
$disabled = "";
if ($config_intern->is_samba3() && !isset($account_new->smb_domain))
// Samba page not viewed; can not create group because if missing options
$disabled = "disabled";
echo '<input name="select" type="hidden" value="final">';
echo "<input name=\"select\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"final\">\n";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n<tr><td valign=\"top\" width=\"15%\" >";
echo "<table><tr><td><fieldset class=\"groupedit-middle\"><legend class=\"groupedit-bright\"><b>";
echo _('Please select page:');
echo "</b></legend>\n";
echo "<input name=\"next_general\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('General'); echo "\">\n<br>";
echo "<input name=\"next_members\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Members'); echo "\">\n<br>";
if ($config_intern->is_samba3()) {
echo "<input name=\"next_samba\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Samba'); echo "\">\n<br>";
echo "<input name=\"next_quota\" type=\"submit\""; if (!isset($config_intern->scriptPath)) echo " disabled ";
echo "value=\""; echo _('Quota'); echo "\">\n<br>";
echo "<input name=\"next_final\" type=\"submit\" disabled value=\""; echo _('Final');
echo "\">";
if (isset($account_old)) {
echo "<br><br>";
echo _("Reset all changes.");
echo "<br>";
echo "<input name=\"next_reset\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Undo');
echo "\">\n";
echo "</fieldset></td></tr></table></td>\n<td valign=\"top\">";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n<tr>\n<td>";
echo "<fieldset class=\"groupedit-middle\"><legend class=\"groupedit-bright\"><b>";
echo _("Save profile");
echo "</b></legend>\n<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n<tr>\n<td>";
echo '<input name="f_finish_safeProfile" type="text" size="30" maxlength="50">';
echo "</td><td><input name=\"save\" type=\"submit\" $disabled value=\"";
echo _('Save profile');
echo '"></td><td><a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=457" target="lamhelp">'._('Help');
echo "</a></td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n</fieldset>\n</td></tr>\n<tr><td>\n";
echo "<fieldset class=\"groupedit-bright\"><legend class=\"groupedit-bright\"><b>";
if ($account_old) echo _('Modify');
else echo _('Create');
echo "</b></legend>\n";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">";
// Ask if gidNumbers of primary group members should be changed
if (($account_old) && ($account_new->general_uidNumber != $account_old->general_uidNumber)) {
echo '<tr><td>';
echo '<input name="f_final_changegids" type="checkbox"';
if ($final_changegids) echo ' checked ';
echo ' >';
echo _('Change GID-Number of all users in group to new value');
echo '</td></tr>'."\n";
echo "<tr><td><input name=\"create\" type=\"submit\" $disabled value=\"";
if ($account_old) echo _('Modify Account');
else echo _('Create Account');
echo '">'."\n";
echo "</td></tr></table></fieldset>\n</td></tr></table>\n</tr></table>";
case 'finish':
// Final Settings
echo '<input name="select" type="hidden" value="finish">';
echo "<fieldset class=\"groupedit-bright\"><legend class=\"groupedit-bright\"><b>"._('Note')."</b></legend>\n";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">";
echo '<tr><td>';
echo _('Group').' ';
echo $account_new->general_username;
if ($account_old) echo ' '._('has been modified').'.';
else echo ' '._('has been created').'.';
echo '</td></tr>'."\n".'<tr><td>';
if (!$account_old)
{ echo' <input name="createagain" type="submit" value="'; echo _('Create another group'); echo '">'; }
echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>'.
'<input name="outputpdf" type="submit" value="'; echo _('Create PDF file'); echo '">'.
'<input name="backmain" type="submit" value="'; echo _('Back to group list'); echo '">'.
// Print end of HTML-Page
echo '</form></body></html>';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Tilo Lutz
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
LDAP Account Manager displays table for creating or modifying accounts in LDAP
// include all needed files
include_once('../../lib/'); // File with all account-funtions
include_once('../../lib/'); // File with configure-functions
include_once('../../lib/'); // functions to load and save profiles
include_once('../../lib/'); // Return error-message
include_once('../../lib/'); // Return a pdf-file
include_once('../../lib/'); // LDAP-functions
// Start session
// Redirect to startpage if user is not loged in
if (!isset($_SESSION['loggedIn'])) {
// Set correct language, codepages, ....
/* hostedit.php is using dynamic session varialenames so
* we can run several copies of hostedit.php at the same
* time
* $varkey is the dynamic part of the variable name
if (!isset($_POST['varkey'])) $varkey = session_id().time();
else $varkey = $_POST['varkey'];
if (!isset($_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_new'])) $_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_new'] = new account();
// Register Session-Variables with references so we don't net to change to complete code if names changes
$account_new =& $_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_new'];
if (is_object($_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_old'])) $account_old =& $_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_old'];
$ldap_intern =& $_SESSION['ldap'];
$config_intern =& $_SESSION['config'];
$header_intern =& $_SESSION['header'];
// $_GET is only valid if hostedit.php was called from hostlist.php
if (isset($_GET['DN']) && $_GET['DN']!='') {
// hostedit.php should edit an existing account
// reset variables
if (isset($_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_old'])) {
$_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_old'] = new account();
$account_old =& $_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_old'];
// get "real" DN from variable
$DN = str_replace("\'", '',$_GET['DN']);
// Load existing host
$account_new = loadhost($DN);
// Get a copy of original host
$account_old = $account_new;
// Store only DN without uid=$name
$account_new->general_dn = substr($account_new->general_dn, strpos($account_new->general_dn, ',')+1);
// Startcondition. hostedit.php was called from outside to create a new host
else if (count($_POST)==0) {
// Create new account object with settings from default profile
// Check if there are valid groups. Can not create user with no primary group
$groups = findgroups();
if (count($groups)==0) {
// Write HTML-Header
echo $header_intern;
echo "<title>";
echo _("Create new Account");
echo "</title>\n".
"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../../style/layout.css\">\n".
"<meta http-equiv=\"pragma\" content=\"no-cache\">\n".
"<meta http-equiv=\"cache-control\" content=\"no-cache\">\n".
// Display errir-messages
StatusMessage("ERROR", _("Can not create any hosts."),_("Please create a group first."));
echo "<a href=../lists/listhosts.php>"._("Back to hostlist")."</a>\n";
echo "</body></html>";
$account_new = loadHostProfile('default');
$account_new ->type = 'host';
$account_new->smb_flags['W'] = 1;
$account_new->smb_flags['X'] = 1;
$account_new->general_homedir = '/dev/null';
$account_new->general_shell = '/bin/false';
switch ($_POST['select']) {
/* Select which page should be displayed. For hosts we have
* only have general and finish
* general = page with all settings for hosts
* final = page which will be displayed if changes were made
case 'general':
if (!$_POST['load']) {
if (($account_new->general_username != $_POST['f_general_username']) && ereg('[A-Z]$', $_POST['f_general_username']))
$errors[] = array('WARN', _('Hostname'), _('You are using a capital letters. This can cause problems because not all programs are case-sensitive.'));
// Write all general values into $account_new if no profile should be loaded
$account_new->general_dn = $_POST['f_general_suffix'];
$account_new->general_username = $_POST['f_general_username'];
$account_new->general_uidNumber = $_POST['f_general_uidNumber'];
$account_new->general_group = $_POST['f_general_group'];
$account_new->general_gecos = $_POST['f_general_gecos'];
// Check if values are OK and set automatic values. if not error-variable will be set
// Add $ to end of hostname if hostname doesn't end with "$"
if ( substr($account_new->general_username, strlen($account_new->general_username)-1, strlen($account_new->general_username)) != '$' ) {
$account_new->general_username = $account_new->general_username . '$';
$errors[] = array('WARN', _('Host name'), _('Added $ to hostname.'));
// Get copy of hostname so we can check if changes were made
$tempname = $account_new->general_username;
// Check if Hostname contains only valid characters
if ( !ereg('^([a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]|[.]|[-]|[$])*$', $account_new->general_username))
$errors[] = array('ERROR', _('Host name'), _('Hostname contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .-_ !'));
// Create automatic Hostname with number if original host already exists
// Reset name to original name if new name is in use
if (ldapexists($account_new, $account_old) && is_object($account_old))
$account_new->general_username = $account_old->general_username;
while ($temp = ldapexists($account_new, $account_old)) {
// Remove "$" at end of hostname
$account_new->general_username = substr($account_new->general_username, 0, $account_new->general_username-1);
// get last character of username
$lastchar = substr($account_new->general_username, strlen($account_new->general_username)-1, 1);
if ( !ereg('^([0-9])+$', $lastchar)) {
/* Last character is no number. Therefore we only have to
* add "2" to it.
$account_new->general_username = $account_new->general_username . '2$';
else {
/* Last character is a number -> we have to increase the number until we've
* found a hostname with trailing number which is not in use.
* $i will show us were we have to split hostname so we get a part
* with the hostname and a part with the trailing number
$mark = false;
// Set $i to the last character which is a number in $account_new->general_username
while (!$mark) {
if (ereg('^([0-9])+$',substr($account_new->general_username, $i, strlen($account_new->general_username)-1))) $i--;
else $mark=true;
// increase last number with one
$firstchars = substr($account_new->general_username, 0, $i+2);
$lastchars = substr($account_new->general_username, $i+2, strlen($account_new->general_username)-$i);
// Put hostname together
$account_new->general_username = $firstchars . (intval($lastchars)+1). '$';
// Show warning if lam has changed hostname
if ($account_new->general_username != $tempname)
$errors[] = array('WARN', _('Host name'), _('Hostname already in use. Selected next free hostname.'));
// Check if Name-length is OK. minLength=3, maxLength=20
if ( !ereg('.{3,20}', $account_new->general_username)) $errors[] = array('ERROR', _('Name'), _('Name must contain between 3 and 20 characters.'));
// Check if Name starts with letter
if ( !ereg('^([a-z]|[A-Z]).*$', $account_new->general_username))
$errors[] = array('ERROR', _('Name'), _('Name contains invalid characters. First character must be a letter.'));
// Set gecos-field to hostname if it's empty
if ($account_new->general_gecos=='') {
$account_new->general_gecos = $account_new->general_username;
$errors[] = array('INFO', _('Gecos'), _('Inserted hostname in gecos-field.'));
// Check if UID is valid. If none value was entered, the next useable value will be inserted
$temp = explode(':', checkid($account_new, $account_old));
$account_new->general_uidNumber = $temp[0];
// true if checkid has returned an error
if ($temp[1]!='') $errors[] = explode(';',$temp[1]);
// Set Samba-Domain
if ($config_intern->is_samba3()) {
// Samba 3 used a samba3domain object
// Get all domains
$samba3domains = $ldap_intern->search_domains($config_intern->get_domainSuffix());
// Search the corrct domain in array
$i = 0;
while (!is_object($account_new->smb_domain) && isset($samba3domains[$i])) {
if ($_POST['f_smb_domain'] == $samba3domains[$i]->name)
$account_new->smb_domain = $samba3domains[$i];
else $i++;
// Samba 2.2 uses only a string as domainname
else {
$account_new->smb_domain = $_POST['f_smb_domain'];
// Check if Domain-name is OK
if ((!$account_new->smb_domain=='') && !ereg('^([a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]|[-])+$', $account_new->smb_domain))
$errors[] = array('ERROR', _('Domain name'), _('Domain name contains invalid characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and -.'));
// Reset password if reset button was pressed. Button only vissible if account should be modified
if ($_POST['respass']) {
// Check Objectclasses. Display Warning if objectclasses don'T fot
if (isset($account_old->general_objectClass)) {
if (!in_array('posixAccount', $account_old->general_objectClass)) $errors[] = array('WARN', _('ObjectClass posixAccount not found.'), _('Have to add objectClass posixAccount.'));
if (!in_array('shadowAccount', $account_old->general_objectClass)) $errors[] = array('WARN', _('ObjectClass shadowAccount not found.'), _('Have to add objectClass shadowAccount.'));
if ($config_intern->is_samba3()) {
if (!in_array('sambaSamAccount', $account_old->general_objectClass)) $errors[] = array('WARN', _('ObjectClass sambaSamAccount not found.'), _('Have to add objectClass sambaSamAccount. Host with sambaAccount will be updated.'));
else if (!in_array('sambaAccount', $account_old->general_objectClass)) $errors[] = array('WARN', _('ObjectClass sambaAccount not found.'), _('Have to add objectClass sambaAccount. Host with sambaSamAccount will be set back to sambaAccount.'));
case 'finish':
// Check if pdf-file should be created
if ($_POST['outputpdf']) {
do { // X-Or, only one if() can be true
// Reset account to original settings if undo-button was pressed
if ($_POST['next_reset']) {
$account_new = $account_old;
$account_new->general_dn = substr($account_new->general_dn, strpos($account_new->general_dn, ',')+1);
// Create-Button was pressed
if ( $_POST['create'] && !isset($errors)) {
// Create or modify an account
if ($account_old) $result = modifyhost($account_new,$account_old);
else $result = createhost($account_new); //
if ($result==5 || $result==4) $select_local = 'general';
else $select_local = 'finish';
// Back to main-page
if ($_POST['createagain']) {
unset ($_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_new']);
$_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_new'] = loadHostProfile('default');
$account_new =& $_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_new'];
$account_new ->type = 'host';
// Load Profile and reset all attributes to settings in profile
if ($_POST['load']) {
$account_new->general_dn = $_POST['f_general_suffix'];
$account_new->general_username = $_POST['f_general_username'];
$account_new->general_uidNumber = $_POST['f_general_uidNumber'];
$account_new->general_group = $_POST['f_general_group'];
$account_new->general_gecos = $_POST['f_general_gecos'];
// load profile
if ($_POST['f_general_selectprofile']!='') $values = loadHostProfile($_POST['f_general_selectprofile']);
if (is_object($values)) {
while (list($key, $val) = each($values)) // Set only defined values
if (isset($val)) $account_new->$key = $val;
$errors[] = array('INFO', _('Load profile'), _('Profile loaded.'));
// Save Profile
if ($_POST['save']) {
// save profile
if ($_POST['f_finish_safeProfile']=='')
$errors[] = array('ERROR', _('Save profile'), _('No profilename given.'));
else {
if (saveHostProfile($account_new, $_POST['f_finish_safeProfile']))
$errors[] = array('INFO', _('Save profile'), _('New profile created.'));
else $errors[] = array('ERROR', _('Save profile'), _('Wrong profilename given.'));
// Go back to listhosts.php
if ($_POST['backmain']) {
if (isset($_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_new'])) unset($_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_new']);
if (isset($_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_old'])) unset($_SESSION['account_'.$varkey.'_account_old']);
} while(0);
// Display main page if nothing else was selected
if (!isset($select_local)) $select_local = 'general';
// Write HTML-Header
echo $header_intern;
echo "<title>";
echo _("Create new Account");
echo "</title>\n".
"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../../style/layout.css\">\n".
"<meta http-equiv=\"pragma\" content=\"no-cache\">\n".
"<meta http-equiv=\"cache-control\" content=\"no-cache\">\n".
"<form action=\"hostedit.php\" method=\"post\">\n".
"<input name=\"varkey\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"".$varkey."\">\n";
// Display errir-messages
if (is_array($errors))
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($errors); $i++) StatusMessage($errors[$i][0], $errors[$i][1], $errors[$i][2]);
// print_r($account_new);
/* Select which part of page will be loaded
* Because hosts have very less settings all are
* on a single page. Only success-message is on a
* different page
switch ($select_local) {
// general = startpage, all account paramters
// finish = page shown after account has been created/modified
case 'general':
// General Account Settings
// load list of all groups
$groups = findgroups();
// load list of profiles
$profilelist = getHostProfiles();
// Get List of all domains
if ($config_intern->is_samba3()) $samba3domains = $ldap_intern->search_domains($config_intern->get_domainSuffix());
// Why this ?? fixme
if ($account_new->smb_flags['N']) echo '<input name="f_smb_flagsN" type="hidden" value="1">';
// Show page info
echo '<input name="select" type="hidden" value="general">';
// Show fieldset with list of all host profiles
if (count($profilelist)!=0) {
echo "<fieldset class=\"hostedit-dark\"><legend class=\"hostedit-bright\"><b>";
echo _("Load profile");
echo "</b></legend>\n<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n<tr>\n<td width=\"50%\">";
echo "<select name=\"f_general_selectprofile\" >";
foreach ($profilelist as $profile) echo " <option>$profile</option>\n";
echo "</select>\n".
"<input name=\"load\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Load Profile');
echo "\"></td><td width=\"30%\"></td><td width=\"20\"><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=421\" target=\"lamhelp\">";
echo _('Help')."</a></td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n</fieldset>\n";
// Show Fieldset with all host settings
echo "<fieldset class=\"hostedit-bright\"><legend class=\"hostedit-bright\"><b>";
echo _("General properties");
echo "</b></legend>\n<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n<tr>\n<td width=\"50%\">";
echo _('Host name').'*';
echo "</td>\n<td width=\"30%\">".
'<input name="f_general_username" type="text" size="20" maxlength="20" value="' . $account_new->general_username . '">'.
"</td><td width=\"20%\">".
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=410" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a>'.
echo _('UID number');
echo "</td>\n<td>".
'<input name="f_general_uidNumber" type="text" size="6" maxlength="6" value="' . $account_new->general_uidNumber . '">'.
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=411" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a>'.
echo _('Primary group').'*';
echo "</td>\n<td><select name=\"f_general_group\">";
foreach ($groups as $group) {
if ($account_new->general_group == $group) echo '<option selected>' . $group. '</option>';
else echo '<option>' . $group. '</option>';
echo '</select></td><td>'.
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=412" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a>'.
echo _('Gecos');
echo '</td><td><input name="f_general_gecos" type="text" size="30" value="' . $account_new->general_gecos . '">'.
'<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=413" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a>'.
echo _('Password');
echo '</td><td>';
if (isset($account_old)) {
echo '<input name="respass" type="submit" value="';
echo _('Reset password'); echo '">';
echo "</td></tr>\n<tr><td>";
echo _('Domain');
if ($config_intern->is_samba3()) {
// Get Domain-name from domainlist when using samba 3
echo '</td><td><select name="f_smb_domain">';
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($samba3domains); $i++) {
if ($account_new->smb_domain->name) {
if ($account_new->smb_domain->name == $samba3domains[$i]->name)
echo '<option selected>' . $samba3domains[$i]->name. '</option>';
else echo '<option>' . $samba3domains[$i]->name. '</option>';
else echo '<option>' . $samba3domains[$i]->name. '</option>';
echo '</select>';
else {
// Display a textfield for samba 2.2
echo '</td>'."\n".'<td><input name="f_smb_domain" type="text" size="20" maxlength="80" value="' . $account_new->smb_domain . '">';
echo '</td>'."\n".'<td><a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=460" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a></td></tr>'."\n<tr><td>";
// Display all allowed host suffixes
echo _('Suffix'); echo '</td><td><select name="f_general_suffix">';
foreach ($ldap_intern->search_units($config_intern->get_HostSuffix()) as $suffix) {
if ($account_new->general_dn) {
if ($account_new->general_dn == $suffix)
echo '<option selected>' . $suffix. '</option>';
else echo '<option>' . $suffix. '</option>';
else echo '<option>' . $suffix. '</option>';
echo '</select></td><td><a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=463" target="lamhelp">'._('Help').'</a>'.
echo _('Values with * are required');
echo "</fieldset>\n";
// Show fieldset where to save a new profile
echo "<fieldset class=\"hostedit-dark\"><legend class=\"hostedit-bright\"><b>";
echo _("Save profile");
echo "</b></legend>\n<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n<tr>\n<td width=\"50%\">";
echo '<input name="f_finish_safeProfile" type="text" size="30" maxlength="50">';
echo '<input name="save" type="submit" value="';
echo _('Save profile');
echo '"></td><td width="30%"></td><td width="20%"><a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=457" target="lamhelp">'._('Help');
echo "</a></td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n</fieldset>";
// Show fieldset with modify, undo and back-button
echo "<fieldset class=\"hostedit-bright\"><legend class=\"hostedit-bright\"><b>";
if ($account_old) echo _('Modify');
else echo _('Create');
echo "</b></legend>\n";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\"><tr><td width=\"50%\">";
// display undo-button when editiing a host
if (isset($account_old)) {
echo "<input name=\"next_reset\" type=\"submit\" value=\""; echo _('Undo changes');
echo "\">\n";
echo "</td>\n<td width=\"30%\">";
echo '<input name="create" type="submit" value="';
if ($account_old) echo _('Modify Account');
else echo _('Create Account');
echo "\">\n</td><td width=\"20%\">";
echo "</td></tr></table></fieldset>\n";
case 'finish':
// Final Settings
echo '<input name="select" type="hidden" value="finish">';
echo "<fieldset class=\"hostedit-bright\"><legend class=\"hostedit-bright\"><b>"._('Note')."</b></legend>\n";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\"><tr><td>";
echo '<tr><td>';
echo _('Host');
echo ' '.$account_new->general_username.' ';
if ($account_old) echo ' '._('has been modified').'.';
else echo ' '._('has been created').'.';
echo '</td></tr>'."\n".'<tr><td>';
if (!$account_old)
{ echo '<input name="createagain" type="submit" value="'; echo _('Create another host'); echo '">'; }
echo '</td>'."\n".'<td>'.
'<input name="outputpdf" type="submit" value="'; echo _('Create PDF file'); echo '">'.
'<input name="backmain" type="submit" value="'; echo _('Back to host list'); echo '">'.
// Print end of HTML-Page
echo '</form></body></html>';

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Roland Gruber
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Login page to change the preferences.
// start session
// remove settings from session
echo $_SESSION['header'];
echo _("Login");
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../style/layout.css">
<p align="center"><a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="../../graphics/banner.jpg" border=1 alt="LDAP Account Manager"></a>
<!-- form to change existing profiles -->
<form action="confmain.php" method="post">
<table border=0 align="center">
<td colspan=4 align="center"><b> <?php echo _("Please enter password to change preferences:"); ?> </b></td>
<tr><td colspan=4 >&nbsp;</td></tr>
// print message if login was incorrect
if ($message) echo ("<tr><td colspan=4 align=\"center\"><font color=red>" . $message . "</font></td></tr>");
<select size=1 name="filename">
$files = getConfigProfiles();
$conf = new CfgMain();
$defaultprofile = $conf->default;
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($files); $i++) {
if ($files[$i] == $defaultprofile) echo ("<option selected>" . $files[$i] . "</option>\n");
else echo ("<option>" . $files[$i] . "</option>\n");
<td align="center"><input type="password" name="passwd"></td>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value= <?php echo _("Ok"); ?>
<td><a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=200" target="lamhelp"><?php echo _("Help") ?></a></td>
<td colspan=3>&nbsp;</td>
<td colspan=3 align="center">
<b><a href="profmanage.php"><?php echo _("Manage profiles") ?></a></b>
<!-- back to login page -->
<a href="../login.php"> <?php echo _("Back to Login"); ?> </a>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Roland Gruber
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
include_once ("../../lib/");
// start session
// check if button was pressed and if we have to save the setting or go back to login
if ($_POST['back'] || $_POST['submitconf']){
// save settings
if ($_POST['submitconf']){
// save HTTP-POST variables in session
$_SESSION['conf_passwd'] = $_POST['passwd'];
$_SESSION['conf_passwd1'] = $_POST['passwd1'];
$_SESSION['conf_passwd2'] = $_POST['passwd2'];
$_SESSION['conf_serverurl'] = $_POST['serverurl'];
$_SESSION['conf_cachetimeout'] = $_POST['cachetimeout'];
$_SESSION['conf_admins'] = $_POST['admins'];
$_SESSION['conf_suffusers'] = $_POST['suffusers'];
$_SESSION['conf_suffgroups'] = $_POST['suffgroups'];
$_SESSION['conf_suffhosts'] = $_POST['suffhosts'];
$_SESSION['conf_suffdomains'] = $_POST['suffdomains'];
$_SESSION['conf_minUID'] = $_POST['minUID'];
$_SESSION['conf_maxUID'] = $_POST['maxUID'];
$_SESSION['conf_minGID'] = $_POST['minGID'];
$_SESSION['conf_maxGID'] = $_POST['maxGID'];
$_SESSION['conf_minMach'] = $_POST['minMach'];
$_SESSION['conf_maxMach'] = $_POST['maxMach'];
$_SESSION['conf_usrlstattr'] = $_POST['usrlstattr'];
$_SESSION['conf_grplstattr'] = $_POST['grplstattr'];
$_SESSION['conf_hstlstattr'] = $_POST['hstlstattr'];
$_SESSION['conf_maxlistentries'] = $_POST['maxlistentries'];
$_SESSION['conf_lang'] = $_POST['lang'];
$_SESSION['conf_samba3'] = $_POST['samba3'];
$_SESSION['conf_pwdhash'] = $_POST['pwdhash'];
$_SESSION['conf_scriptpath'] = $_POST['scriptpath'];
$_SESSION['conf_scriptserver'] = $_POST['scriptserver'];
$_SESSION['conf_pdf_usertext'] = $_POST['pdf_usertext'];
$_SESSION['conf_filename'] = $_POST['filename'];
// back to login
else if ($_POST['back']){
// get password if register_globals is off
if ($_POST['passwd']) $passwd = $_POST['passwd'];
// check if password was entered
// if not: load login page
if (! $passwd) {
$message = _("No password was entered!");
// check if password is valid
// if not: load login page
include_once ('../../lib/');
$conf = new Config($_POST['filename']);
if (!(($conf->get_Passwd()) == $passwd)) {
$message = _("The password is invalid! Please try again.");
echo $_SESSION['header'];
echo ("<title>" . _("LDAP Account Manager Configuration") . "</title>\n");
echo ("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../../style/layout.css\">\n");
echo ("</head>\n");
echo ("<body>\n");
echo ("<p align=\"center\"><a href=\"\" target=\"new_window\">".
"<img src=\"../../graphics/banner.jpg\" border=1 alt=\"LDAP Account Manager\"></a></p>\n<hr>\n<p></p>\n");
// display formular
echo ("<form action=\"confmain.php\" method=\"post\">\n");
echo ("<fieldset><legend><b>" . _("Server settings") . "</b></legend>");
echo ("<table border=0>");
// serverURL
echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>" . _("Server address") . " *: </b></td>".
"<td align=\"left\">".
"<input size=50 type=\"text\" name=\"serverurl\" value=\"" . $conf->get_ServerURL() . "\">".
echo ("<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=201\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td></tr>\n");
// new line
echo ("<tr><td colspan=3>&nbsp</td></tr>");
// user suffix
echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>".
_("UserSuffix") . " *: </b></td>".
"<td><input size=50 type=\"text\" name=\"suffusers\" value=\"" . $conf->get_UserSuffix() . "\"></td>\n");
echo ("<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=202\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td></tr>\n");
// group suffix
echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>".
_("GroupSuffix") . " *: </b></td>".
"<td><input size=50 type=\"text\" name=\"suffgroups\" value=\"" . $conf->get_GroupSuffix() . "\"></td>\n");
echo ("<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=202\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td></tr>\n");
// host suffix
echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>".
_("HostSuffix") . " *: </b></td>".
"<td><input size=50 type=\"text\" name=\"suffhosts\" value=\"" . $conf->get_HostSuffix() . "\"></td>\n");
echo ("<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=202\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td></tr>\n");
// domain suffix
echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>".
_("DomainSuffix") . " **: </b></td>".
"<td><input size=50 type=\"text\" name=\"suffdomains\" value=\"" . $conf->get_DomainSuffix() . "\"></td>\n");
echo ("<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=202\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td></tr>\n");
// new line
echo ("<tr><td colspan=3>&nbsp</td></tr>");
// LDAP password hash type
echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>".
_("Password hash type") . " *: </b></td>".
"<td><select name=\"pwdhash\">\n<option selected>" . $conf->get_pwdhash() . "</option>\n");
if ($conf->get_pwdhash() != "CRYPT") echo("<option>CRYPT</option>\n");
if ($conf->get_pwdhash() != "SHA") echo("<option>SHA</option>\n");
if ($conf->get_pwdhash() != "SSHA") echo("<option>SSHA</option>\n");
if ($conf->get_pwdhash() != "MD5") echo("<option>MD5</option>\n");
if ($conf->get_pwdhash() != "SMD5") echo("<option>SMD5</option>\n");
if ($conf->get_pwdhash() != "PLAIN") echo("<option>PLAIN</option>\n");
echo ("</select></td>\n");
echo ("<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=215\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td></tr>\n");
// new line
echo ("<tr><td colspan=3>&nbsp</td></tr>");
// LDAP cache timeout
echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>".
_("Cache timeout") . " *: </b></td>".
"<td><select name=\"cachetimeout\">\n<option selected>".$conf->get_cacheTimeout()."</option>\n");
if ($conf->get_cacheTimeout() != 0) echo("<option>0</option>\n");
if ($conf->get_cacheTimeout() != 1) echo("<option>1</option>\n");
if ($conf->get_cacheTimeout() != 2) echo("<option>2</option>\n");
if ($conf->get_cacheTimeout() != 5) echo("<option>5</option>\n");
if ($conf->get_cacheTimeout() != 10) echo("<option>10</option>\n");
if ($conf->get_cacheTimeout() != 15) echo("<option>15</option>\n");
echo ("</select></td>\n");
echo ("<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=214\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td></tr>\n");
echo ("</table>");
echo ("</fieldset>");
echo ("<p></p>");
echo ("<fieldset><legend><b>" . _("Samba settings") . "</b></legend>");
echo ("<table border=0>");
// Samba version
echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>".
_("Samba 3.x schema") . ": </b></td><td><select name=\"samba3\">\n");
if ($conf->is_samba3()) echo ("<option>yes</option><option>no</option></select></td>");
else echo ("<option>no</option><option>yes</option></select></td>");
echo ("<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=213\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td></tr>\n");
echo ("</table>");
echo ("</fieldset>");
echo ("<p></p>");
echo ("<fieldset><legend><b>" . _("Ranges") . "</b></legend>");
echo ("<table border=0>");
// minUID
echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>".
_("Minimum UID number") . " *: </b>".
"<input size=6 type=\"text\" name=\"minUID\" value=\"" . $conf->get_minUID() . "\"></td>\n");
// maxUID
echo ("<td align=\"right\"><b>" . _("Maximum UID number") . " *: </b>".
"<input size=6 type=\"text\" name=\"maxUID\" value=\"" . $conf->get_maxUID() . "\"></td>\n");
// UID text
echo ("<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=203\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td></tr>\n");
// minGID
echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>".
_("Minimum GID number") . " *: </b>".
"<input size=6 type=\"text\" name=\"minGID\" value=\"" . $conf->get_minGID() . "\"></td>\n");
// maxGID
echo ("<td align=\"right\"><b>" . _("Maximum GID number")." *: </b>".
"<input size=6 type=\"text\" name=\"maxGID\" value=\"" . $conf->get_maxGID() . "\"></td>\n");
// GID text
echo ("<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=204\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td></tr>\n");
// minMach
echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>".
_("Minimum Machine number") . " *: </b>".
"<input size=6 type=\"text\" name=\"minMach\" value=\"" . $conf->get_minMachine() . "\"></td>\n");
// maxMach
echo ("<td align=\"right\"><b>" . _("Maximum Machine number") . " *: </b>".
"<input size=6 type=\"text\" name=\"maxMach\" value=\"" . $conf->get_maxMachine() . "\"></td>\n");
// Machine text
echo ("<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=205\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td></tr>\n");
echo ("</table>\n");
echo ("</fieldset>\n");
echo ("<p></p>\n");
echo ("<fieldset><legend><b>" . _("LDAP List settings") . "</b></legend>\n");
echo ("<table border=0>\n");
// user list attributes
echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>".
_("Attributes in User List") . " *:</b></td>".
"<td><input size=50 type=\"text\" name=\"usrlstattr\" value=\"" . $conf->get_userlistAttributes() . "\"></td>");
echo ("<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=206\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td></tr>\n");
// group list attributes
echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>".
_("Attributes in Group List") . " *:</b></td>".
"<td><input size=50 type=\"text\" name=\"grplstattr\" value=\"" . $conf->get_grouplistAttributes() . "\"></td>");
echo ("<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=206\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td></tr>\n");
// host list attributes
echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>".
_("Attributes in Host List") . " *:</b></td>".
"<td><input size=50 type=\"text\" name=\"hstlstattr\" value=\"" . $conf->get_hostlistAttributes() . "\"></td>");
echo ("<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=206\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td></tr>\n");
echo ("<tr><td colspan=3>&nbsp</td></tr>\n");
// maximum list entries
echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>".
_("Maximum list entries") . " *: </b></td>".
"<td><select name=\"maxlistentries\">\n<option selected>".$conf->get_MaxListEntries()."</option>\n");
if ($conf->get_MaxListEntries() != 10) echo("<option>10</option>\n");
if ($conf->get_MaxListEntries() != 20) echo("<option>20</option>\n");
if ($conf->get_MaxListEntries() != 30) echo("<option>30</option>\n");
if ($conf->get_MaxListEntries() != 50) echo("<option>50</option>\n");
if ($conf->get_MaxListEntries() != 75) echo("<option>75</option>\n");
if ($conf->get_MaxListEntries() != 100) echo("<option>100</option>\n");
echo ("</select></td>\n");
echo ("<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=208\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td></tr>\n");
echo ("</table>\n");
echo ("</fieldset>\n");
echo ("<p></p>\n");
echo ("<fieldset><legend><b>" . _("Language settings") . "</b></legend>\n");
echo ("<table border=0>\n");
// language
echo ("<tr>");
echo ("<td><b>" . _("Default language") . ":</b></td><td>\n");
// read available languages
$languagefile = "../../config/language";
$file = fopen($languagefile, "r");
$i = 0;
$line = fgets($file, 1024);
if($line == "\n" || $line[0] == "#" || $line == "") continue; // ignore comment and empty lines
$languages[$i] = chop($line);
// generate language list
echo ("<select name=\"lang\">");
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($languages); $i++) {
$entry = explode(":", $languages[$i]);
if ($conf->get_defaultLanguage() != $languages[$i]) echo("<option value=\"" . $languages[$i] . "\">" . $entry[2] . "</option>\n");
else echo("<option selected value=\"" . $languages[$i] . "\">" . $entry[2] . "</option>\n");
echo ("</select>\n");
echo _("Unable to load available languages. Setting English as default language. For further instructions please contact the Admin of this site.");
echo ("</td>\n");
echo ("<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=209\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td></tr>\n");
echo ("</table>\n");
echo ("</fieldset>\n");
echo ("<p></p>\n");
// script settings
echo ("<fieldset><legend><b>" . _("Script settings") . "</b></legend>\n");
echo ("<table border=0>\n");
echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>".
_("Path to external script") . ": </b></td>".
"<td><input size=50 type=\"text\" name=\"scriptpath\" value=\"" . $conf->get_scriptPath() . "\"></td>\n");
echo ("<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=210\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td></tr>\n");
echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>".
_("Server of external script") . ": </b></td>".
"<td><input size=50 type=\"text\" name=\"scriptserver\" value=\"" . $conf->get_scriptServer() . "\"></td>\n");
echo ("<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=211\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td></tr>\n");
echo ("</table>\n");
echo ("</fieldset>\n");
echo ("<p></p>\n");
// PDF settings
echo ("<fieldset><legend><b>" . _("PDF settings") . "</b></legend>\n");
echo ("<table border=0>\n");
echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>".
_("Text for user PDF") . ": </b></td>".
"<td><textarea name=\"pdf_usertext\" cols=\"80\" rows=\"5\">" . $conf->get_pdftext() . "</textarea></td>\n");
echo ("<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=216\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td></tr>\n");
echo ("</table>\n");
echo ("</fieldset>\n");
echo ("<p></p>\n");
// security setings
echo ("<fieldset><legend><b>" . _("Security settings") . "</b></legend>\n");
echo ("<table border=0>\n");
// admin list
echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>".
_("List of valid users") . " *: </b></td>".
"<td colspan=2><input size=50 type=\"text\" name=\"admins\" value=\"" . $conf->get_Adminstring() . "\"></td>\n");
echo ("<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=207\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td></tr>\n");
echo ("</table>\n");
echo ("<p></p>\n");
echo ("<table border=0>\n");
// new password
echo ("<tr><td bgcolor=\"red\" align=\"right\"><b>".
_("New Password") . ": </b></td>".
"<td bgcolor=\"red\" align=\"left\"><input type=\"password\" name=\"passwd1\"></td>\n");
echo ("<td rowspan=2><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=212\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td></tr>\n");
// reenter password
echo ("<tr><td bgcolor=\"red\" align=\"right\"><b>".
_("Reenter Password") . ": </b></td>".
"<td bgcolor=\"red\" align=\"left\"><input type=\"password\" name=\"passwd2\"></td></tr>\n");
echo ("</table>\n");
echo ("</fieldset>\n");
echo ("<p></p>\n");
// buttons
echo ("<table border=0>\n");
echo ("<tr><td align=\"left\"><pre>".
"<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submitconf\" value=\"" . _("Submit") . "\">".
"<input type=\"reset\" name=\"resetconf\" value=\"" . _("Reset") . "\">".
"<input type=\"submit\" name=\"back\" value=\"" . _("Abort") . "\"\n");
echo ("></pre></td></tr>\n");
echo ("</table>\n");
echo ("<p></p>");
echo ("<p>* = ". _("required") . "</p>");
echo ("<p>** = ". _("required for Samba 3 schema") . "</p>");
// password for configuration
echo ("<p><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"passwd\" value=\"" . $passwd . "\"></p>\n");
// config file
echo ("<p><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"filename\" value=\"" . $_POST['filename'] . "\"></p>\n");
echo ("</form>\n");
echo ("</body>\n");
echo ("</html>\n");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Roland Gruber
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
confsave saves the new preferences to lam.conf
include_once ('../../lib/');
// start session
$conf = new Config($_SESSION['conf_filename']);
// get data from session
$passwd = $_SESSION['conf_passwd'];
$passwd1 = $_SESSION['conf_passwd1'];
$passwd2 = $_SESSION['conf_passwd2'];
$serverurl = $_SESSION['conf_serverurl'];
$cachetimeout = $_SESSION['conf_cachetimeout'];
$admins = $_SESSION['conf_admins'];
$suffusers = $_SESSION['conf_suffusers'];
$suffgroups = $_SESSION['conf_suffgroups'];
$suffhosts = $_SESSION['conf_suffhosts'];
$suffdomains = $_SESSION['conf_suffdomains'];
$minUID = $_SESSION['conf_minUID'];
$maxUID = $_SESSION['conf_maxUID'];
$minGID = $_SESSION['conf_minGID'];
$maxGID = $_SESSION['conf_maxGID'];
$minMach = $_SESSION['conf_minMach'];
$maxMach = $_SESSION['conf_maxMach'];
$usrlstattr = $_SESSION['conf_usrlstattr'];
$grplstattr = $_SESSION['conf_grplstattr'];
$hstlstattr = $_SESSION['conf_hstlstattr'];
$maxlistentries = $_SESSION['conf_maxlistentries'];
$lang = $_SESSION['conf_lang'];
$scriptpath = $_SESSION['conf_scriptpath'];
$scriptserver = $_SESSION['conf_scriptserver'];
$samba3 = $_SESSION['conf_samba3'];
$pwdhash = $_SESSION['conf_pwdhash'];
$pdftext = $_SESSION['conf_pdf_usertext'];
$filename = $_SESSION['conf_filename'];
// check if password is correct
// if not: load login page
if ($passwd != $conf->get_Passwd()) {
echo $_SESSION['header'];
echo "<title>listusers</title>\n";
echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../../style/layout.css\">\n";
echo "</head><body>\n";
echo ("<p align=\"center\"><a href=\"\" target=\"new_window\">".
"<img src=\"../../graphics/banner.jpg\" border=1 alt=\"LDAP Account Manager\"></a></p><hr><br><br>");
// check new preferences
if (!$conf->set_samba3($samba3)) {
echo ("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . _("Samba version is not defined!") . "</b></font>");
echo ("\n<br><br><br><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">" . _("Back to preferences...") . "</a>");
if (!$conf->set_ServerURL($serverurl)) {
echo ("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . _("Server Address is empty!") . "</b></font>");
echo ("\n<br><br><br><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">" . _("Back to preferences...") . "</a>");
if (!$conf->set_cacheTimeout($cachetimeout)) {
echo ("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . _("Cache timeout is invalid!") . "</b></font>");
echo ("\n<br><br><br><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">" . _("Back to preferences...") . "</a>");
if (!$conf->set_Adminstring($admins)) {
echo ("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . _("List of admin users is empty or invalid!") . "</b></font>");
echo ("\n<br><br><br><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">" . _("Back to preferences...") . "</a>");
if (!$conf->set_UserSuffix($suffusers)) {
echo ("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . _("UserSuffix is invalid!") . "</b></font>");
echo ("\n<br><br><br><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">" . _("Back to preferences...") . "</a>");
if (!$conf->set_GroupSuffix($suffgroups)) {
echo ("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . _("GroupSuffix is invalid!") . "</b></font>");
echo ("\n<br><br><br><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">" . _("Back to preferences...") . "</a>");
if (!$conf->set_HostSuffix($suffhosts)) {
echo ("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . _("HostSuffix is invalid!") . "</b></font>");
echo ("\n<br><br><br><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">" . _("Back to preferences...") . "</a>");
if (!$conf->set_DomainSuffix($suffdomains)) {
echo ("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . _("DomainSuffix is invalid!") . "</b></font>");
echo ("\n<br><br><br><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">" . _("Back to preferences...") . "</a>");
if (!$conf->set_minUID($minUID)) {
echo ("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . _("Minimum UID number is invalid!") . "</b></font>");
echo ("\n<br><br><br><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">" . _("Back to preferences...") . "</a>");
if (!$conf->set_maxUID($maxUID)) {
echo ("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . _("Maximum UID number is invalid!") . "</b></font>");
echo ("\n<br><br><br><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">" . _("Back to preferences...") . "</a>");
if (!$conf->set_minGID($minGID)) {
echo ("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . _("Minimum GID number is invalid!") . "</b></font>");
echo ("\n<br><br><br><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">" . _("Back to preferences...") . "</a>");
if (!$conf->set_maxGID($maxGID)) {
echo ("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . _("Maximum GID number is invalid!") . "</b></font>");
echo ("\n<br><br><br><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">" . _("Back to preferences...") . "</a>");
if (!$conf->set_minMachine($minMach)) {
echo ("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . _("Minimum Machine number is invalid!") . "</b></font>");
echo ("\n<br><br><br><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">" . _("Back to preferences...") . "</a>");
if (!$conf->set_maxMachine($maxMach)) {
echo ("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . _("Maximum Machine number is invalid!") . "</b></font>");
echo ("\n<br><br><br><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">" . _("Back to preferences...") . "</a>");
if (!$conf->set_userlistAttributes($usrlstattr)) {
echo ("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . _("User list attributes are invalid!") . "</b></font>");
echo ("\n<br><br><br><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">" . _("Back to preferences...") . "</a>");
if (!$conf->set_grouplistAttributes($grplstattr)) {
echo ("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . _("Group list attributes are invalid!") . "</b></font>");
echo ("\n<br><br><br><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">" . _("Back to preferences...") . "</a>");
if (!$conf->set_hostlistAttributes($hstlstattr)) {
echo ("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . _("Host list attributes are invalid!") . "</b></font>");
echo ("\n<br><br><br><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">" . _("Back to preferences...") . "</a>");
if (!$conf->set_MaxListEntries($maxlistentries)) {
echo ("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . _("Max list entries is invalid!") . "</b></font>");
echo ("\n<br><br><br><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">" . _("Back to preferences...") . "</a>");
if (!$conf->set_defaultLanguage($lang)) {
echo ("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . _("Language is not defined!") . "</b></font>");
echo ("\n<br><br><br><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">" . _("Back to preferences...") . "</a>");
if (!$conf->set_scriptpath($scriptpath)) {
echo ("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . _("Script path is invalid!") . "</b></font>");
echo ("\n<br><br><br><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">" . _("Back to preferences...") . "</a>");
if (!$conf->set_scriptserver($scriptserver)) {
echo ("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . _("Script server is invalid!") . "</b></font>");
echo ("\n<br><br><br><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">" . _("Back to preferences...") . "</a>");
if (!$conf->set_pwdhash($pwdhash)) {
echo ("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . _("Password hash is invalid!") . "</b></font>");
echo ("\n<br><br><br><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">" . _("Back to preferences...") . "</a>");
if (!$conf->set_pdftext($pdftext)) {
echo ("<font color=\"red\"><b>" . _("Saving PDF text failed!") . "</b></font>");
echo ("\n<br><br><br><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">" . _("Back to preferences...") . "</a>");
// check if password was changed
if ($passwd1) {
if ($passwd1 != $passwd2) {
echo ("<b>" . _("Passwords are different!") . "</b>");
// set new password
if ($passwd1 != "") {
echo ("<b>" . _("Password changed!") . "</b><br><br>");
// save settings and display new settings
echo ("<b>" . _("The following settings were saved to profile:") . " </b>" . $filename . "<br><br>");
echo ("<br><br><br><br><br><a href=\"../login.php\" target=\"_top\">" . _("Back to Login") . "</a>");
// remove settings from session

View File

@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Roland Gruber
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Configuration profile management.
// start session
echo $_SESSION['header'];
echo _("Profile management");
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../style/layout.css">
<p align="center"><a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="../../graphics/banner.jpg" border=1 alt="LDAP Account Manager"></a>
// check if submit button was pressed
if ($_POST['submit']) {
$cfg = new CfgMain();
// check master password
if ($cfg->password != $_POST['passwd']) {
$error = _("Master password is wrong!");
// add new profile
elseif ($_POST['action'] == "add") {
if (eregi("^[a-z0-9\-_]+$", $_POST['addprofile']) && !in_array($_POST['addprofile'], getConfigProfiles())) {
// check profile password
if ($_POST['addpassword'] && $_POST['addpassword2'] && ($_POST['addpassword'] == $_POST['addpassword2'])) {
// create new profile file
@copy("../../config/lam.conf_sample", "../../config/" . $_POST['addprofile'] . ".conf");
@chmod ("../../config/" . $_POST['addprofile'] . ".conf", 0600);
$file = is_file("../../config/" . $_POST['addprofile'] . ".conf");
if ($file) {
// load as config and write new password
$conf = new Config($_POST['addprofile']);
$conf->Passwd = $_POST['addpassword'];
$msg = _("Created new profile.");
else $error = _("Unable to create new profile!");
else $error = _("Profile passwords are different or empty!");
else $error = _("Profile name is invalid!");
// rename profile
elseif ($_POST['action'] == "rename") {
if (eregi("^[a-z0-9\-_]+$", $_POST['renfilename']) && !in_array($_POST['renprofile'], getConfigProfiles())) {
if (rename("../../config/" . $_POST['oldfilename'] . ".conf",
"../../config/" . $_POST['renfilename'] . ".conf")) {
$msg = _("Renamed profile.");
else $error = _("Could not rename file!");
else $error = _("Profile name is invalid!");
// delete profile
elseif ($_POST['action'] == "delete") {
if (@unlink("../../config/" . $_POST['delfilename'] . ".conf")) {
$msg = _("Profile deleted.");
else $error = _("Unable to delete profile!");
// set new profile password
elseif ($_POST['action'] == "setpass") {
if ($_POST['setpassword'] && $_POST['setpassword2'] && ($_POST['setpassword'] == $_POST['setpassword2'])) {
$config = new Config($_POST['setprofile']);
$msg = _("New password set successfully.");
else $error = _("Profile passwords are different or empty!");
// set master password
elseif ($_POST['action'] == "setmasterpass") {
if ($_POST['masterpassword'] && $_POST['masterpassword2'] && ($_POST['masterpassword'] == $_POST['masterpassword2'])) {
$config = new CfgMain();
$config->password = $_POST['masterpassword'];
$msg = _("New master password set successfully.");
else $error = _("Master passwords are different or empty!");
// set default profile
elseif ($_POST['action'] == "setdefault") {
$config = new CfgMain();
$config->default = $_POST['defaultfilename'];
$msg = _("New default profile set successfully.");
// print messages
if ($error || $msg) {
if ($error) StatusMessage("ERROR", "", $error);
if ($msg) StatusMessage("INFO", "", $msg);
else exit;
<!-- form for adding/renaming/deleting profiles -->
<form action="profmanage.php" method="post">
<legend><b> <?php echo _("Profile management"); ?> </b></legend>
<table cellspacing=0 border=0>
<!-- add profile -->
<tr bgcolor="#dbdbff">
<input type="radio" name="action" value="add" checked>
<?php echo _("Add profile") . ":"; ?>
<td align="right">
<?php echo _("Profile name") . ":"; ?>
<input type="text" name="addprofile">
<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=230" target="lamhelp"><?php echo _("Help"); ?></a>
<tr bgcolor="#dbdbff">
<td align="right">
<?php echo _("Profile password") . ":"; ?>
<input type="password" name="addpassword">
<tr bgcolor="#dbdbff">
<td align="right">
<?php echo _("Reenter profile password") . ":"; ?>
<input type="password" name="addpassword2">
<td colspan=4>&nbsp</td>
<!-- rename profile -->
<tr bgcolor="#dbdbff">
<input type="radio" name="action" value="rename">
<select size=1 name="oldfilename">
$files = getConfigProfiles();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($files); $i++) echo ("<option>" . $files[$i] . "</option>\n");
<?php echo _("Rename profile"); ?>
<td align="right">
<?php echo _("Profile name") . ":"; ?>
<input type="text" name="renfilename">
<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=231" target="lamhelp"><?php echo _("Help"); ?></a>
<td colspan=4>&nbsp</td>
<!-- delete profile -->
<tr bgcolor="#dbdbff">
<input type="radio" name="action" value="delete">
<td colspan=2>
<select size=1 name="delfilename">
$files = getConfigProfiles();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($files); $i++) echo ("<option>" . $files[$i] . "</option>\n");
<?php echo _("Delete profile"); ?>
<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=232" target="lamhelp"><?php echo _("Help"); ?></a>
<td colspan=4>&nbsp</td>
<!-- set profile password -->
<tr bgcolor="#dbdbff">
<input type="radio" name="action" value="setpass">
<select size=1 name="setprofile">
$files = getConfigProfiles();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($files); $i++) echo ("<option>" . $files[$i] . "</option>\n");
<?php echo _("Set profile password"); ?>
<td align="right">
<?php echo _("Profile password") . ":"; ?>
<input type="password" name="setpassword">
<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=233" target="lamhelp"><?php echo _("Help"); ?></a>
<tr bgcolor="#dbdbff">
<td align="right">
<?php echo _("Reenter profile password") . ":"; ?>
<input type="password" name="setpassword2">
<td colspan=4>&nbsp</td>
<td colspan=4>&nbsp</td>
<!-- change default profile -->
<tr bgcolor="#dbdbff">
<input type="radio" name="action" value="setdefault">
<select size=1 name="defaultfilename">
$files = getConfigProfiles();
$conf = new CfgMain();
$defaultprofile = $conf->default;
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($files); $i++) {
if ($files[$i] == $defaultprofile) echo ("<option selected>" . $files[$i] . "</option>\n");
else echo ("<option>" . $files[$i] . "</option>\n");
<?php echo _("Change default profile"); ?>
<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=234" target="lamhelp"><?php echo _("Help"); ?></a>
<td colspan=4>&nbsp</td>
<!-- set master password -->
<tr bgcolor="#dbdbff">
<input type="radio" name="action" value="setmasterpass">
<?php echo _("Change master password"); ?>
<td align="right">
<?php echo _("New master password") . ":"; ?>
<input type="password" name="masterpassword">
<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=235" target="lamhelp"><?php echo _("Help"); ?></a>
<tr bgcolor="#dbdbff">
<td align="right">
<?php echo _("Reenter new master password") . ":"; ?>
<input type="password" name="masterpassword2">
<!-- password field and submit button -->
<?php echo _("Master Password:"); ?>
<input type="password" name="passwd">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value=" <?php echo _("Submit"); ?> ">
<a href="../help.php?HelpNumber=236" target="lamhelp"><?php echo _("Help"); ?></a>
<!-- back to login page -->
<a href="conflogin.php"> <?php echo _("Back to profile login"); ?> </a>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Tilo Lutz
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
LDAP Account Manager Delete user, hosts or groups
// start session
// Redirect to startpage if user is not loged in
if (!isset($_SESSION['loggedIn'])) {
// set language
// use references because session-vars can change in future
$ldap_intern =& $_SESSION['ldap'];
$header_intern =& $_SESSION['header'];
$config_intern =& $_SESSION['config'];
$delete_dn =& $_SESSION['delete_dn'];
if ($_POST['backmain']) {
// back to list page
if (isset($_SESSION['delete_dn'])) unset ($_SESSION['delete_dn']);
// stop script because we don't want to reate invalid html-code
// Print header and part of body
echo $header_intern;
echo '<title>';
echo _('Delete Account');
echo '</title>'."\n".
'<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../style/layout.css">'."\n".
'<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">'."\n".
'<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache">'."\n".
'<form action="delete.php" method="post">'."\n";
if ($_GET['type']) {
// $_GET['type'] is true if delete.php was called from *list.php
// Store $_GET['type'] as $_POST['type']
// Replace wrong chars from Session
echo '<input name="type" type="hidden" value="'.$_GET['type'].'">';
switch ($_GET['type']) {
// Select which layout and text should be displayed
case 'user':
echo "<fieldset class=\"useredit-bright\"><legend class=\"useredit-bright\"><b>";
echo _('Delete user(s)');
echo "</b></legend>\n";
echo '<b>'._('Do you really want to delete user(s):').'</b>';
case 'host':
echo "<fieldset class=\"hostedit-bright\"><legend class=\"hostedit-bright\"><b>";
echo _('Delete host(s)');
echo "</b></legend>\n";
echo '<b>'._('Do you really want to delete host(s):').'</b>';
case 'group':
echo "<fieldset class=\"groupedit-bright\"><legend class=\"groupedit-bright\"><b>";
echo _('Delete group(s)');
echo "</b></legend>\n";
echo '<b>'._('Do you really want to delete group(s):').'</b>';
echo "<br>\n";
// display all DNs in a tables
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\">\n";
foreach ($delete_dn as $dn) echo '<tr><td>'.$dn.'</td></tr>';
echo "</table>\n";
// Ask if lam should delete homedirs if users are deleted and is in use
if (($_GET['type']== user) && $config_intern->scriptServer) {
echo "<br>\n";
echo "<table border=0>\n";
echo '<tr><td>';
echo _('Delete also Homedirectories');
echo '</td>'."\n".'<td><input name="f_rem_home" type="checkbox">'.
echo "</table>\n";
// Print buttons
echo "<br><table border=0>\n";
echo '<tr><td>'.
'<input name="delete_no" type="submit" value="';
echo _('Cancel'); echo '"></td><td></td><td>'.
'<input name="delete_yes" type="submit" value="';
echo _('Commit'); echo '"></td></tr>';
echo "</table></fieldset>\n";
if ($_POST['delete_yes']) {
// deletion has been confirmed.
switch ($_POST['type']) {
case 'user':
echo "<fieldset class=\"useredit-bright\"><legend class=\"useredit-bright\"><b>";
echo _('Deleting user(s)...');
echo "</b></legend>\n";
case 'host':
echo "<fieldset class=\"hostedit-bright\"><legend class=\"hostedit-bright\"><b>";
echo _('Deleting host(s)...');
echo "</b></legend>\n";
case 'group':
echo "<fieldset class=\"groupedit-bright\"><legend class=\"groupedit-bright\"><b>";
echo _('Deleting group(s)...');
echo "</b></legend>\n";
echo '<input name="type" type="hidden" value="'.$_POST['type'].'">';
echo "<br><table border=0 >\n";
// Store kind of DNs
foreach ($delete_dn as $dn) {
// Loop for every DN which should be deleted
switch ($_POST['type']) {
case 'user':
// Get username from DN
$temp=explode(',', $dn);
$username = str_replace('uid=', '', $temp[0]);
// Fill array with groupnames
$usernames[] = $username;
// Search for groups which have memberUid set to username
$result = ldap_search($ldap_intern->server(), $config_intern->get_GroupSuffix(), "(&(objectClass=PosixGroup)(memberUid=$username))", array(''));
$entry = ldap_first_entry($ldap_intern->server(), $result);
// loop for every found group and remove membership
while ($entry) {
$success = ldap_mod_del($ldap_intern->server(), ldap_get_dn($ldap_intern->server(), $entry) , array('memberUid' => $username));
// *** fixme add error-message if memberUid couldn't be deleted
$entry = ldap_next_entry($ldap_intern->server(), $entry);
// Delete user itself
$success = ldap_delete($ldap_intern->server(), $dn);
if (!$success) $error = _('Could not delete user:').' '.$dn;
case 'host':
// Delete host itself
$success = ldap_delete($ldap_intern->server(), $dn);
if (!$success) $error = _('Could not delete host:').' '.$dn;
case 'group':
/* First we have to check if any user uses $group
* as primary group. It's not allowed to delete a
* group if it still contains primaty members
$temp=explode(',', $dn);
$groupname = str_replace('cn=', '', $temp[0]);
// Fill array with groupnames
$usernames[] = $groupname;
// Get group GIDNumber
$groupgid = getgid($groupname);
// Search for users which have gid set to current gid
$result = ldap_search($ldap_intern->server(), $config_intern->get_UserSuffix(), "gidNumber=$groupgid", array(''));
// Print error if still users in group
if (!$result) $error = _('Could not delete group. Still users in group:').' '.$dn;
else {
// Delete group itself
$success = ldap_delete($ldap_intern->server(), $dn);
if (!$success) $error = _('Could not delete group:').' '.$dn;
if ($config_intern->scriptServer && isset($usernames)) {
// Remove homedir if required
if ($_POST['f_rem_home']) remhomedir($usernames);
// Remove quotas if is used
remquotas($usernames, 'user');
// Remove DNs from cache-array
if ($success && isset($_SESSION[$_POST['type'].'DN'][$dn])) unset($_SESSION[$_POST['type'].'DN'][$dn]);
// Display success or error-message
if (!$error) echo "<tr><td><b>$dn ". _('deleted').".</b></td></tr>\n";
else echo "<tr><td><b>$error</b></td></tr>\n";
echo "</table><br>\n";
switch ($_POST['type']) {
// Select which page should be displayd if back-button will be pressed
case 'user':
echo '<input name="backmain" type="submit" value="'; echo _('Back to user list'); echo '">';
case 'group':
echo '<input name="backmain" type="submit" value="'; echo _('Back to group list'); echo '">';
case 'host':
echo '<input name="backmain" type="submit" value="'; echo _('Back to host list'); echo '">';
echo "<br></fieldset>\n";
if ($_POST['delete_no']) {
// Delete no accounts
echo '<input name="type" type="hidden" value="'.$_POST['type'].'">';
switch ($_POST['type']) {
// Select which page should be displayd if back-button will be pressed
case 'user':
echo "<fieldset class=\"useredit-bright\"><legend class=\"useredit-bright\"><b>";
echo _('Deleting user(s) canceled.');
echo "</b></legend>\n";
echo _('No user(s) were deleted');
echo "<br>";
echo '<input name="backmain" type="submit" value="'; echo _('Back to user list'); echo '">';
case 'host':
echo "<fieldset class=\"hostedit-bright\"><legend class=\"hostedit-bright\"><b>";
echo _('Deleting host(s) canceled.');
echo "</b></legend>\n";
echo _('No host(s) were deleted');
echo "<br>";
echo '<input name="backmain" type="submit" value="'; echo _('Back to host list'); echo '">';
case 'group':
echo "<fieldset class=\"groupedit-bright\"><legend class=\"groupedit-bright\"><b>";
echo _('Deleting group(s) canceled.');
echo "</b></legend>\n";
echo _('No group(s) were deleted');
echo "<br>";
echo '<input name="backmain" type="submit" value="'; echo _('Back to group list'); echo '">';
echo "<br></fieldset>\n";
echo '</form></body></html>'."\n";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Roland Gruber
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Manages Samba 3 domain entries.
include_once ("../lib/");
include_once ("../lib/");
// start session
// add/edit domain
if (($_GET['action'] == "edit") || ($_GET['action'] == "new")) {
// get list of domains
$domlist = $_SESSION['ldap']->search_domains($_SESSION['config']->get_domainSuffix());
// get possible suffixes
$domsuff = $_SESSION['ldap']->search_units($_SESSION['config']->get_domainSuffix());
if ($_GET['action'] == "edit") {
// remove "\'"
$_GET['DN'] = str_replace("\\'", "", $_GET['DN']);
// load attributes from domain
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($domlist); $i++) {
if ($domlist[$i]->dn == $_GET['DN']) {
$domain = $domlist[$i];
// get suffix
$tmp_arr = explode(",", $domain->dn);
$domain_suffix = implode(",", $tmp_arr);
else {
$domain = new samba3domain();
$domain_suffix = $_SESSION['config']->get_domainSuffix();
// display page
echo $_SESSION['header'];
echo "<title>Domain Management</title>\n";
echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../style/layout.css\">\n";
echo "</head>\n";
echo "<body>\n";
// print message, if needed
if ($_SESSION['domain_message']) StatusMessage("INFO", $_SESSION['domain_message'], "");
// print fieldset
echo "<form action=\"domain.php\" method=\"post\">\n";
echo "<p>&nbsp;</p>\n";
echo "<fieldset class=\"domedit\">\n";
echo "<legend class=\"domedit\"><b>" . _("Domain Settings") . "</b></legend>\n";
echo "<table border=0>\n";
// domain name
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td>\n";
echo "<b>" . _("Domain name") . ":</b>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td>\n";
if ($_GET['action'] == "edit") {
echo $domain->name . "\n";
else echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"dom_name\">\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo ("<td><a href=\"help.php?HelpNumber=651\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td>\n");
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
// domain SID
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td>\n";
echo "<b>" . _("Domain SID") . ": </b>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td>\n";
if ($_GET['action'] == "edit") {
echo $domain->SID . "\n";
else echo "<input type=\"text\" size=\"50\" name=\"dom_SID\">\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo ("<td><a href=\"help.php?HelpNumber=653\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td>\n");
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
// next RID
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td><b>" . _("Next RID") . ": </b></td>\n";
echo "<td>\n";
echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"dom_nextRID\" value=\"" . $domain->nextRID . "\">\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo ("<td><a href=\"help.php?HelpNumber=654\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td>\n");
echo "</tr>\n";
// next user RID
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td><b>" . _("Next User RID") . ": </b></td>\n";
echo "<td>\n";
echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"dom_nextUserRID\" value=\"" . $domain->nextUserRID . "\">\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo ("<td><a href=\"help.php?HelpNumber=655\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td>\n");
echo "</tr>\n";
// next group RID
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td><b>" . _("Next Group RID") . ": </b></td>\n";
echo "<td>\n";
echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"dom_nextGroupRID\" value=\"" . $domain->nextGroupRID . "\">\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo ("<td><a href=\"help.php?HelpNumber=656\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td>\n");
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
// algorithmic RID base
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td><b>" . _("Algorithmic RID Base") . ": </b></td>\n";
echo "<td>\n";
if ($_GET['action'] == "edit") echo $domain->RIDbase . "\n";
else echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"dom_RIDbase\" value=\"" . $domain->RIDbase . "\">\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo ("<td><a href=\"help.php?HelpNumber=657\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td>\n");
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
// domain suffix
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td>\n";
echo "<b>" . _("Suffix") . ": </b>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td>\n";
echo "<select name=\"dom_suffix\">\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($domsuff); $i++) {
if ($domsuff[$i] == $domain_suffix) echo "<option selected>" . $domain_suffix . "</option>\n";
else echo "<option>" . $domsuff[$i] . "</option>\n";
echo "</select>";
echo "</td>\n";
echo ("<td><a href=\"help.php?HelpNumber=652\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td>\n");
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
echo "</fieldset>\n";
// post DN and old RID values
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dom_DN\" value=\"" . $domain->dn . "\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dom_oldnextRID\" value=\"" . $domain->nextRID . "\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dom_oldnextUserRID\" value=\"" . $domain->nextUserRID . "\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dom_oldnextGroupRID\" value=\"" . $domain->nextGroupRID . "\">";
// edit or add operation
if ($_GET['action'] == "edit") echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"edit\" value=\"yes\">";
else echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"add\" value=\"yes\">";
echo "<p>&nbsp;</p>\n";
echo "<p>\n";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"sub_save\" value=\"" . _("Submit") . "\">\n";
echo "<input type=\"reset\" value=\"" . _("Reset") . "\">\n";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"sub_back\" value=\"" . _("Cancel") . "\">\n";
echo "</p>\n";
echo "</form>\n";
echo "</body>\n";
echo "</html>\n";
// delete domain, ask if sure
elseif ($_GET['action'] == "delete") {
// remove "\'" and make array
$DNs = str_replace("\\'", "", $_GET['DN']);
$DNs = explode(";", $DNs);
// display page
echo $_SESSION['header'];
echo "<title>Domain Management</title>\n";
echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../style/layout.css\">\n";
echo "</head>\n";
echo "<body>\n";
echo "<p>&nbsp;</p>\n";
echo "<fieldset class=\"domedit\"><legend class=\"domedit\"><b>" . _("Delete domain(s)") . "</b></legend>\n";
echo "<p><b>" . _("Do you really want to delete domain(s):") . "</b></p>\n";
echo "<p>&nbsp;</p>\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($DNs); $i++) {
echo "<p>" . $DNs[$i] . "</p>\n";
echo "<p>&nbsp;</p>\n";
echo "<form action=\"domain.php\" method=\"post\">\n";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"delDN\" value=\"" . implode(";", $DNs) . "\">\n";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"sub_delete\" value=\"" . _("Delete") . "\">\n";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"sub_back\" value=\"" . _("Cancel") . "\">\n";
echo "</form>\n";
echo "</fieldset>\n";
echo "</body>\n";
echo "</html>\n";
// save domain
elseif ($_POST['sub_save']) {
echo $_SESSION['header'];
echo "<title>Domain Management</title>\n";
echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../style/layout.css\">\n";
echo "</head>\n";
echo "<body>\n";
// check input
if ($_POST['add']) { // check for existing domains
$suffix = $_SESSION['config']->get_DomainSuffix();
$server = $_SESSION['ldap']->server;
$filter = "(|(sambasid=" . $_POST['dom_SID'] . ")(sambadomainname=" . $_POST['dom_name'] . "))";
$sr = ldap_search($server, $suffix, $filter, array());
$info = ldap_get_entries($_SESSION["ldap"]->server, $sr);
if ($_POST['add'] && !eregi("^[a-z0-9_\\-]+$", $_POST['dom_name'])) StatusMessage("ERROR", "", _("Domain name is invalid!"));
elseif ($_POST['add'] && !eregi("^S-[0-9]-[0-9]-[0-9]{2,2}-[0-9]*-[0-9]*-[0-9]*$", $_POST['dom_SID'])) {
StatusMessage("ERROR", "", _("Samba 3 domain SID is invalid!"));
elseif ($_POST['add'] && ($info["count"] > 0)) {
StatusMessage("ERROR", "", _("This Samba 3 domain is already present!"));
elseif ($_POST['dom_nextRID'] && !is_numeric($_POST['dom_nextRID'])) StatusMessage("ERROR", "", _("Next RID is not a number!"));
elseif ($_POST['dom_nextUserRID'] && !is_numeric($_POST['dom_nextUserRID'])) StatusMessage("ERROR", "", _("Next user RID is not a number!"));
elseif ($_POST['dom_nextGroupRID'] && !is_numeric($_POST['dom_nextGroupRID'])) StatusMessage("ERROR", "", _("Next group RID is not a number!"));
elseif ($_POST['add'] && !is_numeric($_POST['dom_RIDbase'])) StatusMessage("ERROR", "", _("Algorithmic RID base is not a number!"));
// edit entry
elseif ($_POST['edit'] == "yes") {
$success = true;
// change attributes
$attr = array();
if ($_POST['dom_nextRID'] != $_POST['dom_oldnextRID']) $attr['sambaNextRid'] = $_POST['dom_nextRID'];
if ($_POST['dom_nextUserRID'] != $_POST['dom_oldnextUserRID']) $attr['sambaNextUserRid'] = $_POST['dom_nextUserRID'];
if ($_POST['dom_nextGroupRID'] != $_POST['dom_oldnextGroupRID']) $attr['sambaNextGroupRid'] = $_POST['dom_nextGroupRID'];
if (sizeof($attr) > 0) $success = ldap_modify($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $_POST['dom_DN'], $attr);
// change suffix
$RDN = explode(",", $_POST['dom_DN']);
$RDN = $RDN[0];
$newDN = $RDN . "," . $_POST['dom_suffix'];
if ($_POST['dom_DN'] != $newDN) {
$success = ldap_rename($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $_POST['dom_DN'], $RDN, $_POST['dom_suffix'], true);
if ($success) StatusMessage("INFO", "Domain has been modified.", $DN);
else StatusMessage("ERROR", "", "Failed to modify domain!");
// add entry
else {
$DN = "sambaDomainName" . "=" . $_POST['dom_name'] . "," . $_POST['dom_suffix'];
$attr = array();
$attr['objectclass'] = "sambaDomain";
$attr['sambaDomainName'] = $_POST['dom_name'];
$attr['sambaSID'] = $_POST['dom_SID'];
if ($_POST['dom_nextRID']) $attr['sambaNextRid'] = $_POST['dom_nextRID'];
if ($_POST['dom_nextGroupRID']) $attr['sambaNextGroupRid'] = $_POST['dom_nextGroupRID'];
if ($_POST['dom_nextUserRID']) $attr['sambaNextUserRid'] = $_POST['dom_nextUserRID'];
$attr['sambaAlgorithmicRidBase'] = $_POST['dom_RIDbase'];
// write to LDAP
if (@ldap_add($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $DN, $attr)) {
StatusMessage("INFO", "Domain has been created.", $DN);
else StatusMessage("ERROR", "", _("Failed to add domain!") . "\n<br>" . ldap_error($_SESSION['ldap']->server()));
echo "<p>&nbsp;</p>\n";
echo "<p><a href=\"lists/listdomains.php\">" . _("Back to domain list") . "</a></p>\n";
echo "</body>\n";
echo "</html>\n";
// back to list
elseif ($_POST['sub_back']) {
// delete domain, user was sure
elseif ($_POST['sub_delete']) {
$DNs = explode(";", $_POST['delDN']);
// display page
echo $_SESSION['header'];
echo "<title>Domain Management</title>\n";
echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../style/layout.css\">\n";
echo "</head>\n";
echo "<body>\n";
// delete DNs
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($DNs); $i++) {
if (ldap_delete($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $DNs[$i])) StatusMessage("INFO", "Domain deleted successfully.", $DNs[$i]);
else StatusMessage("ERROR", "Unable to delete domain!", $DNs[$i]);
echo "<p>&nbsp;</p>\n";
echo "<p><a href=\"lists/listdomains.php\">" . _("Back to domain list") . "</a></p>\n";
echo "</body>\n";
echo "</html>\n";

lam-0.4/templates/help.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Michael Duergner
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
LDAP Account Manager display help pages.
session_save_path("../sess"); // Set session save path
@session_start(); // Start LDAP Account Manager session
include_once("../lib/"); // Include lib/status.php which provides statusMessage()
include_once("../help/"); // Include help/ which provides $helpArray where the help pages are stored
/* Print HTML head */
function echoHTMLHead()
echo $_SESSION['header'];
<title>LDAP Account Manager Help Center</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../style/layout.css">
/* Print HTML foot */
function echoHTMLFoot()
/* Print help site */
function displayHelp($helpNumber)
global $helpArray;
/* If no help number was submitted print error message */
if($helpNumber == "")
$errorMessage = _("Sorry no help number submitted.");
/* If submitted help number is not in help/ print error message */
$variables = array();
$errorMessage = _("Sorry this help number ({bold}%d{endbold}) is not available.");
/* Print help site out of $helpArray */
elseif($helpArray[$helpNumber]["ext"] == "FALSE")
echo " <h1 class=\"help\">" . $helpArray[$helpNumber]['Headline'] . "</h1>\n";
$format = " <p class=\"help\">" . $helpArray[$helpNumber]['Text'] . "</p>\n";
//echo " <p class=\"help\">" . $helpArray[$helpNumber]['Text'] . "</p>\n";
if($helpArray[$helpNumber]["SeeAlso"] <> "")
echo " <p class=\"help\">See also: " . $helpArray[$helpNumber]['SeeAlso'] . "</p>\n";
/* Load external help page */
elseif($helpArray[$helpNumber]["ext"] == "TRUE")
include_once("../help/" . $helpArray[$helpNumber]["Link"]);
/* Print empty page in all other cases */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Roland Gruber
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Creates main suffixes if they are missing.
include_once ("../lib/");
include_once ("../lib/");
include_once ("../lib/");
// start session
// check if user already pressed button
if ($_POST['add_suff'] || $_POST['cancel']) {
if ($_POST['add_suff']) {
$fail = array();
$errors = array();
$new_suff = $_POST['new_suff'];
$new_suff = str_replace("\\'", "", $new_suff);
$new_suff = explode(";", $new_suff);
// add entries
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($new_suff); $i++) {
// check if entry is already present
$info = @ldap_search($_SESSION['ldap']->server, $new_suff[$i], "", array());
$res = @ldap_get_entries($_SESSION['ldap']->server, $info);
if ($res) continue;
$suff = $new_suff[$i];
// generate DN and attributes
$tmp = explode(",", $suff);
$name = explode("=", $tmp[0]);
$end = implode(",", $tmp);
if ($name[0] != "ou") { // add root entry
$attr = array();
$attr[$name[0]] = $name[1];
$attr['objectClass'] = 'organization';
$dn = $suff;
if (!@ldap_add($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $dn, $attr)) {
$fail[] = $suff;
else { // add organizational unit
$name = $name[1];
$attr = array();
$attr['objectClass'] = "organizationalunit";
$attr['ou'] = $name;
$dn = $suff;
if (!@ldap_add($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $dn, $attr)) {
// check if we have to add parent entries
if (ldap_errno($_SESSION['ldap']->server()) == 32) {
$temp = explode(",", $suff);
$subsuffs = array();
// make list of subsuffixes
for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($temp); $k++) {
$part = explode("=", $temp[$k]);
if ($part[0] == "ou") $subsuffs[] = implode(",", array_slice($temp, $k));
else {
$subsuffs[] = implode(",", array_slice($temp, $k));
// create missing entries
for ($k = sizeof($subsuffs) - 1; $k >= 0; $k--) {
// check if subsuffix is present
$info = @ldap_search($_SESSION['ldap']->server, $subsuffs[$k], "", array());
$res = @ldap_get_entries($_SESSION['ldap']->server, $info);
if (!$res) {
$suffarray = explode(",", $subsuffs[$k]);
$headarray = explode("=", $suffarray[0]);
if ($headarray[0] == "ou") { // add ou entry
$attr = array();
$attr['objectClass'] = 'organizationalunit';
$attr['ou'] = $headarray[1];
$dn = $subsuffs[$k];
if (!@ldap_add($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $dn, $attr)) {
$fail[] = $suff;
$error[] = ldap_error($_SESSION['ldap']->server());
else { // add root entry
$attr = array();
$attr['objectClass'] = 'organization';
$attr[$headarray[0]] = $headarray[1];
$dn = $subsuffs[$k];
if (!@ldap_add($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $dn, $attr)) {
$fail[] = $suff;
$error[] = ldap_error($_SESSION['ldap']->server());
else {
$fail[] = $suff;
$error[] = ldap_error($_SESSION['ldap']->server());
echo $_SESSION['header'];
echo "<title>initsuff</title>\n";
echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../style/layout.css\">\n";
echo "</head>\n<body>\n";
// print error/success messages
if ($_POST['add_suff']) {
if (sizeof($fail) > 0) {
// print error messages
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($fail); $i++) {
StatusMessage("ERROR", _("Failed to create entry!") . "<br>" . $error[$i], $fail[$i]);
echo "<p>&nbsp;</p>\n";
echo "<a href=\"lists/listusers.php\">" . _("User list") . "</a>\n";
echo "</body></html>\n";
else {
// print success message
StatusMessage("INFO", "", _("All changes were successful."));
if ($_SESSION['config']->is_samba3()) {
$doms = $_SESSION['ldap']->search_domains($_SESSION['config']->get_domainSuffix());
echo "<p>&nbsp;</p>\n";
if (sizeof($doms) == 0) {
echo "<a href=\"domain.php?action=new\">" . _("No domains found, please create one.") . "</a>\n";
else {
echo "<a href=\"lists/listusers.php\">" . _("User list") . "</a>\n";
echo "</body></html>\n";
else {
echo "<p>&nbsp;</p>\n";
echo "<a href=\"lists/listusers.php\">" . _("User list") . "</a>\n";
echo "</body></html>\n";
else {
// no suffixes were created
StatusMessage("INFO", "", _("No changes were made."));
echo "<p>&nbsp;</p>\n";
echo "<a href=\"lists/listusers.php\">" . _("User list") . "</a>\n";
echo "</body></html>\n";
// first show of page
$new_suff = $_GET['suffs'];
$new_suff = str_replace("\\'", "", $new_suff);
$new_suff = explode(";", $new_suff);
echo $_SESSION['header'];
echo "<title>initsuff</title>\n";
echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../style/layout.css\">\n";
echo "</head><body>\n";
echo "<p>&nbsp;</p>\n";
echo "<p><font color=\"red\"><b>" . _("The following suffix(es) are missing in LDAP. LAM can create them for you.") . "</b></font></p>\n";
echo "<p>&nbsp;</p>\n";
// print missing suffixes
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($new_suff); $i++) {
echo "<p><b>" . $new_suff[$i] . "</b></p>\n";
echo "<p>&nbsp;</p>\n";
echo "<form action=\"initsuff.php\" method=\"post\">\n";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"new_suff\" value=\"" . implode(";", $new_suff) . "\">\n";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"add_suff\" value=\"" . _("Create") . "\">";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"cancel\" value=\"" . _("Cancel") . "\">";
echo "</form>\n";
echo "</body></html>\n";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Roland Gruber
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more detaexils.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
This code displays a list of all Samba domains.
include_once ("../../lib/");
include_once ("../../lib/");
include_once ("../../lib/");
// start session
// get sorting column when register_globals is off
$sort = $_GET['sort'];
// copy HTTP-GET variables to HTTP-POST
$_POST = $_POST + $_GET;
$dom_info = $_SESSION['dom_info'];
$dom_units = $_SESSION['dom_units'];
// check if button was pressed and if we have to add/delete a domain
if ($_POST['new_domain'] || $_POST['del_domain']){
// add new domain
if ($_POST['new_domain']){
// delete domain(s)
if ($_POST['del_domain']){
// search for checkboxes
$domains = array_keys($_POST, "on");
$domainstr = implode(";", $domains);
echo $_SESSION['header'];
echo "<title>listdomains</title>\n";
echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../../style/layout.css\">\n";
echo "</head><body>\n";
echo "<script src=\"../../lib/functions.js\" type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\"></script>\n";
// get current page
$page = $_GET["page"];
if (!$page) $page = 1;
// take maximum count of domain entries shown on one page out of session
if ($_SESSION["config"]->get_MaxListEntries() <= 0)
$max_pageentrys = 10; // default setting, if not yet set
$max_pageentrys = $_SESSION["config"]->get_MaxListEntries();
// generate attribute and description tables
$attr_array = array(); // list of LDAP attributes to show
$desc_array = array(); // list of descriptions for the attributes
$attr_array[] = "sambaDomainName";
$attr_array[] = "sambaSID";
$attr_array[] = "dn";
$desc_array[] = strtoupper(_("Domain name"));
$desc_array[] = strtoupper(_("Domain SID"));
$desc_array[] = "DN";
// check search suffix
if ($_POST['dom_suffix']) $dom_suffix = $_POST['dom_suffix']; // new suffix selected via combobox
elseif ($_SESSION['dom_suffix']) $dom_suffix = $_SESSION['dom_suffix']; // old suffix from session
else $dom_suffix = $_SESSION["config"]->get_DomainSuffix(); // default suffix
// first time page is shown
if (! $_GET['norefresh']) {
// configure search filter
$filter = "(objectClass=sambaDomain)";
$attrs = $attr_array;
$sr = @ldap_search($_SESSION["ldap"]->server(), $dom_suffix, $filter, $attrs);
if (ldap_errno($_SESSION["ldap"]->server()) == 4) {
StatusMessage("WARN", _("LDAP sizelimit exceeded, not all entries are shown."), "See README.openldap to solve this problem.");
if ($sr) {
$dom_info = ldap_get_entries($_SESSION["ldap"]->server, $sr);
if ($dom_info["count"] == 0) StatusMessage("WARN", "", _("No Samba Domains found!"));
// delete first array entry which is "count"
// sort rows by sort column ($sort)
usort($dom_info, "cmp_array");
else StatusMessage("ERROR", _("LDAP Search failed! Please check your preferences."), _("No Samba Domains found!"));
// use search result from session
else {
if (sizeof($dom_info) == 0) StatusMessage("WARN", "", _("No Samba Domains found!"));
// sort rows by sort column ($sort)
if ($dom_info) usort($dom_info, "cmp_array");
echo ("<form action=\"listdomains.php\" method=\"post\">\n");
// draw navigation bar if domain accounts were found
if (sizeof($dom_info) > 0) {
echo ("<br>\n");
// print domain table header
echo "<table rules=\"all\" class=\"domainlist\" width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "<tr class=\"domainlist-head\"><th width=22 height=34></th><th></th>";
// table header
for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($desc_array); $k++) {
if (strtolower($attr_array[$k]) == $sort) {
echo "<th class=\"domainlist-sort\"><a href=\"listdomains.php?".
"sort=" . strtolower($attr_array[$k]) . "&amp;norefresh=y" . "\">" . $desc_array[$k] . "</a></th>";
else echo "<th><a href=\"listdomains.php?".
"sort=" . strtolower($attr_array[$k]) . "&amp;norefresh=y" . "\">" . $desc_array[$k] . "</a></th>";
echo "</tr>\n";
// calculate which rows to show
$table_begin = ($page - 1) * $max_pageentrys;
if (($page * $max_pageentrys) > sizeof($dom_info)) $table_end = sizeof($dom_info);
else $table_end = ($page * $max_pageentrys);
// print domain list
for ($i = $table_begin; $i < $table_end; $i++) {
echo("<tr class=\"domainlist\" onMouseOver=\"domain_over(this, '" . $dom_info[$i]["dn"] . "')\"" .
" onMouseOut=\"domain_out(this, '" . $dom_info[$i]["dn"] . "')\"" .
" onClick=\"domain_click(this, '" . $dom_info[$i]["dn"] . "')\"" .
" onDblClick=\"parent.frames[1].location.href='../domain.php?action=edit&amp;DN=" . $dom_info[$i]["dn"] . "'\">" .
" <td height=22 align=\"center\"><input onClick=\"domain_click(this, '" . $dom_info[$i]["dn"] . "')\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"" . $dom_info[$i]["dn"] . "\"></td>" .
" <td align='center'><a href=\"../domain.php?action=edit&amp;DN='" . $dom_info[$i]["dn"] . "'\">" . _("Edit") . "</a></td>");
for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($attr_array); $k++) {
echo ("<td>");
// print all attribute entries seperated by "; "
if (sizeof($dom_info[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])]) > 0) {
// delete first array entry which is "count"
if ((! $_GET['norefresh']) && (is_array($dom_info[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])]))) array_shift($dom_info[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])]);
if (is_array($dom_info[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])])) echo implode("; ", $dom_info[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])]);
else echo $dom_info[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])];
echo ("</td>");
echo ("</table>");
echo ("<br>");
// draw navigation bar if domain accounts were found
if (sizeof($dom_info) > 0) {
echo ("<br>\n");
if (! $_GET['norefresh']) {
// generate list of possible suffixes
$dom_units = $_SESSION['ldap']->search_units($_SESSION["config"]->get_DomainSuffix());
// print combobox with possible sub-DNs
if (sizeof($dom_units) > 1) {
echo ("<p align=\"left\">\n");
echo ("<b>" . _("Suffix") . ": </b>");
echo ("<select size=1 name=\"dom_suffix\">\n");
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($dom_units); $i++) {
if ($dom_suffix == $dom_units[$i]) echo ("<option selected>" . $dom_units[$i] . "</option>\n");
else echo("<option>" . $dom_units[$i] . "</option>\n");
echo ("</select>\n");
echo ("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"refresh\" value=\"" . _("Change Suffix") . "\">");
echo ("</p>\n");
echo ("<p>&nbsp;</p>\n");
echo ("<p align=\"left\">\n");
echo ("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"new_domain\" value=\"" . _("New Domain") . "\">\n");
if (sizeof($dom_info) > 0) echo ("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"del_domain\" value=\"" . _("Delete Domain(s)") . "\">\n");
echo ("</p>\n");
echo ("</form>\n");
echo "</body></html>\n";
* @brief draws a navigation bar to switch between pages
* @return void
function draw_navigation_bar ($count) {
global $max_pageentrys;
global $page;
global $sort;
echo ("<table class=\"domainnav\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\">\n");
echo ("<tr>\n");
echo ("<td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"refresh\" value=\"" . _("Refresh") . "\">&nbsp;&nbsp;");
if ($page != 1)
echo ("<a href=\"listdomains.php?page=" . ($page - 1) . "&amp;sort=" . $sort . "\">&lt;=</a>\n");
echo ("&lt;=");
echo ("&nbsp;");
if ($page < ($count / $max_pageentrys))
echo ("<a href=\"listdomains.php?page=" . ($page + 1) . "&amp;sort=" . $sort . "\">=&gt;</a>\n");
echo ("=&gt;</td>");
echo ("<td class=\"domainnav-text\">");
echo "&nbsp;" . $count . " " . _("Samba Domain(s) found");
echo ("</td>");
echo ("<td class=\"domainlist_activepage\" align=\"right\">");
for ($i = 0; $i < ($count / $max_pageentrys); $i++) {
if ($i == $page - 1)
echo ("&nbsp;" . ($i + 1));
echo ("&nbsp;<a href=\"listdomains.php?page=" . ($i + 1) .
"&amp;sort=" . $sort . "\">" . ($i + 1) . "</a>\n");
echo ("</td></tr></table>\n");
// compare function used for usort-method
// rows are sorted with the first attribute entry of the sort column
// if objects have attributes with multiple values the others are ignored
function cmp_array($a, $b) {
// sort specifies the sort column
global $sort;
global $attr_array;
// sort by first column if no attribute is given
if (!$sort) $sort = strtolower($attr_array[0]);
if ($sort != "dn") {
// sort by first attribute with name $sort
if ($a[$sort][0] == $b[$sort][0]) return 0;
else if ($a[$sort][0] == max($a[$sort][0], $b[$sort][0])) return 1;
else return -1;
else {
if ($a[$sort] == $b[$sort]) return 0;
else if ($a[$sort] == max($a[$sort], $b[$sort])) return 1;
else return -1;
// save variables to session
$_SESSION['dom_info'] = $dom_info;
$_SESSION['dom_units'] = $dom_units;
$_SESSION['dom_suffix'] = $dom_suffix;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Roland Gruber
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more detaexils.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
This code displays a list of all groups.
include_once ("../../lib/");
include_once ("../../lib/");
include_once ("../../lib/");
// start session
// get sorting column when register_globals is off
$sort = $_GET['sort'];
// copy HTTP-GET variables to HTTP-POST
$_POST = $_POST + $_GET;
$grp_info = $_SESSION['grp_info'];
$grp_units = $_SESSION['grp_units'];
// check if button was pressed and if we have to add/delete a group
if ($_POST['new_group'] || $_POST['del_group'] || $_POST['pdf_group'] || $_POST['pdf_all']){
// add new group
if ($_POST['new_group']){
// delete group(s)
elseif ($_POST['del_group']){
// search for checkboxes
$groups = array_keys($_POST, "on");
$_SESSION['delete_dn'] = $groups;
// PDF for selected groups
elseif ($_POST['pdf_group']){
// search for checkboxes
$hosts = array_keys($_POST, "on");
$list = array();
// load groups from LDAP
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($hosts); $i++) {
$list[$i] = loadgroup($hosts[$i]);
if (sizeof($list) > 0) {
if ($_SESSION['config']->get_scriptServer()) $list = getquotas($list);
// PDF for all groups
elseif ($_POST['pdf_all']){
$list = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($_SESSION['grp_info']); $i++) {
$list[$i] = loadgroup($_SESSION['grp_info'][$i]['dn']);
if (sizeof($list) > 0) {
if ($_SESSION['config']->get_scriptServer()) $list = getquotas($list);
echo $_SESSION['header'];
echo "<title>listgroups</title>\n";
echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../../style/layout.css\">\n";
echo "</head><body>\n";
echo "<script src=\"../../lib/functions.js\" type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\"></script>\n";
// generate attribute-description table
$attr_array = array(); // list of LDAP attributes to show
$desc_array = array(); // list of descriptions for the attributes
$attr_string = $_SESSION["config"]->get_grouplistAttributes();
$temp_array = explode(";", $attr_string);
$hash_table = $_SESSION["ldap"]->attributeGroupArray();
// get current page
$page = $_GET["page"];
if (!$page) $page = 1;
// take maximum count of group entries shown on one page out of session
if ($_SESSION["config"]->get_MaxListEntries() <= 0)
$max_pageentrys = 10; // default setting, if not yet set
$max_pageentrys = $_SESSION["config"]->get_MaxListEntries();
// generate column attributes and descriptions
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($temp_array); $i++) {
// if value is predifined, look up description in hash_table
if (substr($temp_array[$i],0,1) == "#") {
$attr = strtolower(substr($temp_array[$i],1));
$attr_array[$i] = $attr;
if ($hash_table[$attr]) $desc_array[] = strtoupper($hash_table[$attr]);
else $desc_array[] = strtoupper($attr);
// if not predefined, the attribute is seperated by a ":" from description
else {
$attr = explode(":", $temp_array[$i]);
$attr_array[$i] = $attr[0];
if ($attr[1]) $desc_array[$i] = strtoupper($attr[1]);
else $desc_array[$i] = strtoupper($attr[0]);
// check search suffix
if ($_POST['grp_suffix']) $grp_suffix = $_POST['grp_suffix']; // new suffix selected via combobox
elseif ($_SESSION['grp_suffix']) $grp_suffix = $_SESSION['grp_suffix']; // old suffix from session
else $grp_suffix = $_SESSION["config"]->get_GroupSuffix(); // default suffix
// generate search filter for sort links
$searchfilter = "";
for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($desc_array); $k++) {
if (eregi("^([0-9a-z_\\*\\+\\-])+$", $_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])])) {
$searchfilter = $searchfilter . "&amp;filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k]) . "=".
$_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])];
if (! $_GET['norefresh']) {
// configure search filter
// Groups have the attribute "posixGroup"
$filter = "(&(objectClass=posixGroup)";
for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($desc_array); $k++) {
if (eregi("^([0-9a-z_\\*\\+\\-])+$", $_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])]))
$filter = $filter . "(" . strtolower($attr_array[$k]) . "=" .
$_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])] . ")";
$_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])] = "";
$filter = $filter . ")";
$attrs = $attr_array;
$sr = @ldap_search($_SESSION["ldap"]->server(), $grp_suffix, $filter, $attrs);
if (ldap_errno($_SESSION["ldap"]->server()) == 4) {
StatusMessage("WARN", _("LDAP sizelimit exceeded, not all entries are shown."), "See README.openldap to solve this problem.");
if ($sr) {
$grp_info = ldap_get_entries($_SESSION["ldap"]->server, $sr);
if ($grp_info["count"] == 0) StatusMessage("WARN", "", _("No Groups found!"));
// delete first array entry which is "count"
// sort rows by sort column ($sort)
usort($grp_info, "cmp_array");
else {
$grp_info = array();
$_SESSION['grp_info'] = array();
StatusMessage("ERROR", _("LDAP Search failed! Please check your preferences."), _("No Groups found!"));
else {
if (sizeof($grp_info) == 0) StatusMessage("WARN", "", _("No Groups found!"));
// sort rows by sort column ($sort)
if ($grp_info) usort($grp_info, "cmp_array");
echo ("<form action=\"listgroups.php\" method=\"post\">\n");
// draw navigation bar if group accounts were found
if (sizeof($grp_info) > 0) {
echo ("<br>");
// print group table header
echo "<table rules=\"all\" class=\"grouplist\" width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "<tr class=\"grouplist-head\"><th width=22 height=34></th><th></th>";
// table header
for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($desc_array); $k++) {
if (strtolower($attr_array[$k]) == $sort) {
echo "<th class=\"grouplist-sort\"><a href=\"listgroups.php?".
"sort=" . strtolower($attr_array[$k]) . $searchfilter . "&amp;norefresh=y" . "\">" . $desc_array[$k] . "</a></th>";
else echo "<th><a href=\"listgroups.php?".
"sort=" . strtolower($attr_array[$k]) . $searchfilter . "&amp;norefresh=y" . "\">" . $desc_array[$k] . "</a></th>";
echo "</tr>\n";
// print filter row
echo "<tr align=\"center\" class=\"grouplist\"><td width=22 height=34></td><td>";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"apply_filter\" value=\"" . _("Filter") . "\">";
echo "</td>";
// print input boxes for filters
for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof ($desc_array); $k++) {
echo "<td>";
echo ("<input type=\"text\" size=15 name=\"filter" . strtolower ($attr_array[$k]) .
"\" value=\"" . $_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])] . "\">");
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>\n";
// calculate which rows to show
$table_begin = ($page - 1) * $max_pageentrys;
if (($page * $max_pageentrys) > sizeof($grp_info)) $table_end = sizeof($grp_info);
else $table_end = ($page * $max_pageentrys);
if (sizeof($grp_info) > 0) {
// print group list
for ($i = $table_begin; $i < $table_end; $i++) {
echo("<tr class=\"grouplist\" onMouseOver=\"group_over(this, '" . $grp_info[$i]["dn"] . "')\"" .
" onMouseOut=\"group_out(this, '" . $grp_info[$i]["dn"] . "')\"" .
" onClick=\"group_click(this, '" . $grp_info[$i]["dn"] . "')\"" .
" onDblClick=\"parent.frames[1].location.href='../account/groupedit.php?DN=" . $grp_info[$i]["dn"] . "'\">");
if ($_GET['selectall'] == "yes") {
echo " <td height=22 align=\"center\"><input onClick=\"group_click(this, '" . $grp_info[$i]["dn"] . "')\" type=\"checkbox\"" .
" name=\"" . $grp_info[$i]["dn"] . "\" checked></td>";
else {
echo " <td height=22 align=\"center\"><input onClick=\"group_click(this, '" . $grp_info[$i]["dn"] . "')\" type=\"checkbox\"" .
" name=\"" . $grp_info[$i]["dn"] . "\"></td>";
echo (" <td align='center'><a href=\"../account/groupedit.php?DN='" . $grp_info[$i]["dn"] . "'\">" . _("Edit") . "</a></td>");
for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($attr_array); $k++) {
echo ("<td>");
// print all attribute entries seperated by "; "
if (sizeof($grp_info[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])]) > 0) {
// delete first array entry which is "count"
if ((! $_GET['norefresh']) && (is_array($grp_info[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])]))) array_shift($grp_info[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])]);
// generate links for group members
if (strtolower($attr_array[$k]) == "memberuid") {
// sort array
// make a link for each member of the group
$linklist = array();
for ($d = 0; $d < sizeof($grp_info[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])]); $d++) {
$user = $grp_info[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])][$d]; // user name
$linklist[$d] = "<a href=\"userlink.php?user='" . $user . "' \">" . $user . "</a>";
echo implode("; ", $linklist);
// print all other attributes
else {
if (is_array($grp_info[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])])) {
// delete "count" entry
// sort array
echo utf8_decode(implode("; ", $grp_info[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])]));
else echo utf8_decode($grp_info[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])]);
echo ("</td>");
// display select all link
$colspan = sizeof($attr_array) + 1;
echo "<tr class=\"grouplist\">\n";
echo "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"../../graphics/select.png\" alt=\"select all\"></td>\n";
echo "<td colspan=$colspan>&nbsp;<a href=\"listgroups.php?norefresh=y&amp;page=" . $page . "&amp;sort=" . $sort .
$searchfilter . "&amp;selectall=yes\">" .
"<font color=\"black\"><b>" . _("Select all") . "</b></font></a></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo ("</table>");
echo ("<br>");
// draw navigation bar if group accounts were found
if (sizeof($grp_info) > 0) {
echo ("<br>\n");
if (! $_GET['norefresh']) {
// generate list of possible suffixes
$grp_units = $_SESSION['ldap']->search_units($_SESSION["config"]->get_GroupSuffix());
// print combobox with possible sub-DNs
if (sizeof($grp_units) > 1) {
echo ("<p align=\"left\">\n");
echo ("<b>" . _("Suffix") . ": </b>");
echo ("<select size=1 name=\"grp_suffix\">\n");
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($grp_units); $i++) {
if ($grp_suffix == $grp_units[$i]) echo ("<option selected>" . $grp_units[$i] . "</option>\n");
else echo("<option>" . $grp_units[$i] . "</option>\n");
echo ("</select>\n");
echo ("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"refresh\" value=\"" . _("Change Suffix") . "\">");
echo ("</p>\n");
echo ("<p>&nbsp;</p>\n");
echo ("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"new_group\" value=\"" . _("New Group") . "\">\n");
if (sizeof($grp_info) > 0) {
echo ("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"del_group\" value=\"" . _("Delete Group(s)") . "\">\n");
echo ("<br><br><br>\n");
echo "<fieldset><legend><b>PDF</b></legend>\n";
echo ("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"pdf_group\" value=\"" . _("Create PDF for selected group(s)") . "\">\n");
echo "&nbsp;";
echo ("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"pdf_all\" value=\"" . _("Create PDF for all groups") . "\">\n");
echo "</fieldset>";
echo ("</form>\n");
echo "</body></html>\n";
* @brief draws a navigation bar to switch between pages
* @return void
function draw_navigation_bar ($count) {
global $max_pageentrys;
global $page;
global $sort;
global $searchfilter;
echo ("<table class=\"groupnav\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\">\n");
echo ("<tr>\n");
echo ("<td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"refresh\" value=\"" . _("Refresh") . "\">&nbsp;&nbsp;");
if ($page != 1)
echo ("<a href=\"listgroups.php?page=" . ($page - 1) . "&amp;sort=" . $sort . $searchfilter . "\">&lt;=</a>\n");
echo ("&lt;=");
echo ("&nbsp;");
if ($page < ($count / $max_pageentrys))
echo ("<a href=\"listgroups.php?page=" . ($page + 1) . "&amp;sort=" . $sort . $searchfilter . "\">=&gt;</a>\n");
echo ("=&gt;</td>");
echo ("<td class=\"groupnav-text\">");
echo "&nbsp;" . $count . " " . _("Group(s) found");
echo ("</td>");
echo ("<td class=\"groupnav-activepage\" align=\"right\">");
for ($i = 0; $i < ($count / $max_pageentrys); $i++) {
if ($i == $page - 1)
echo ("&nbsp;" . ($i + 1));
echo ("&nbsp;<a href=\"listgroups.php?page=" . ($i + 1) .
"&amp;sort=" . $sort . "\">" . ($i + 1) . "</a>\n");
echo ("</td></tr></table>\n");
// compare function used for usort-method
// rows are sorted with the first attribute entry of the sort column
// if objects have attributes with multiple values the others are ignored
function cmp_array($a, $b) {
// sort specifies the sort column
global $sort;
global $attr_array;
// sort by first column if no attribute is given
if (!$sort) $sort = strtolower($attr_array[0]);
if ($sort != "dn") {
// sort by first attribute with name $sort
if ($a[$sort][0] == $b[$sort][0]) return 0;
else if ($a[$sort][0] == max($a[$sort][0], $b[$sort][0])) return 1;
else return -1;
else {
if ($a[$sort] == $b[$sort]) return 0;
else if ($a[$sort] == max($a[$sort], $b[$sort])) return 1;
else return -1;
// save variables to session
$_SESSION['grp_info'] = $grp_info;
$_SESSION['grp_units'] = $grp_units;
$_SESSION['grp_suffix'] = $grp_suffix;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Roland Gruber
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more detaexils.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
This code displays a list of all Samba hosts.
include_once ("../../lib/");
include_once ("../../lib/");
include_once ("../../lib/");
// start session
// get sorting column when register_globals is off
$sort = $_GET['sort'];
// copy HTTP-GET variables to HTTP-POST
$_POST = $_POST + $_GET;
$hst_info = $_SESSION['hst_info'];
$hst_units = $_SESSION['hst_units'];
// check if button was pressed and if we have to add/delete a host
if ($_POST['new_host'] || $_POST['del_host'] || $_POST['pdf_host'] || $_POST['pdf_all']){
// add new host
if ($_POST['new_host']){
// delete host(s)
elseif ($_POST['del_host']){
// search for checkboxes
$hosts = array_keys($_POST, "on");
$_SESSION['delete_dn'] = $hosts;
// PDF for selected hosts
elseif ($_POST['pdf_host']){
// search for checkboxes
$hosts = array_keys($_POST, "on");
$list = array();
// load hosts from LDAP
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($hosts); $i++) {
$list[$i] = loadhost($hosts[$i]);
if (sizeof($list) > 0) createHostPDF($list);
// PDF for all hosts
elseif ($_POST['pdf_all']){
$list = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($_SESSION['hst_info']); $i++) {
$list[$i] = loadhost($_SESSION['hst_info'][$i]['dn']);
if (sizeof($list) > 0) createHostPDF($list);
echo $_SESSION['header'];
echo "<title>listhosts</title>\n";
echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../../style/layout.css\">\n";
echo "</head><body>\n";
echo "<script src=\"../../lib/functions.js\" type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\"></script>\n";
// generate attribute-description table
$attr_array = array(); // list of LDAP attributes to show
$desc_array = array(); // list of descriptions for the attributes
$attr_string = $_SESSION["config"]->get_hostlistAttributes();
$temp_array = explode(";", $attr_string);
$hash_table = $_SESSION["ldap"]->attributeHostArray();
// get current page
$page = $_GET["page"];
if (!$page) $page = 1;
// take maximum count of host entries shown on one page out of session
if ($_SESSION["config"]->get_MaxListEntries() <= 0)
$max_pageentrys = 10; // default setting, if not yet set
$max_pageentrys = $_SESSION["config"]->get_MaxListEntries();
// generate column attributes and descriptions
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($temp_array); $i++) {
// if value is predifined, look up description in hash_table
if (substr($temp_array[$i],0,1) == "#") {
$attr = strtolower(substr($temp_array[$i],1));
$attr_array[$i] = $attr;
if ($hash_table[$attr]) $desc_array[] = strtoupper($hash_table[$attr]);
else $desc_array[] = strtoupper($attr);
// if not predefined, the attribute is seperated by a ":" from description
else {
$attr = explode(":", $temp_array[$i]);
$attr_array[$i] = $attr[0];
if ($attr[1]) $desc_array[$i] = strtoupper($attr[1]);
else $desc_array[$i] = strtoupper($attr[0]);
// check search suffix
if ($_POST['hst_suffix']) $hst_suffix = $_POST['hst_suffix']; // new suffix selected via combobox
elseif ($_SESSION['hst_suffix']) $hst_suffix = $_SESSION['hst_suffix']; // old suffix from session
else $hst_suffix = $_SESSION["config"]->get_HostSuffix(); // default suffix
// generate search filter for sort links
$searchfilter = "";
for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($desc_array); $k++) {
if (eregi("^([0-9a-z_\\*\\+\\-])+$", $_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])])) {
$searchfilter = $searchfilter . "&amp;filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k]) . "=".
$_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])];
if (! $_GET['norefresh']) {
// configure search filter
if ($_SESSION['config']->is_samba3()) {
// Samba hosts have the attribute "sambaSamAccount" and end with "$"
$filter = "(&(objectClass=sambaSamAccount) (uid=*$)";
else {
// Samba hosts have the attribute "sambaAccount" and end with "$"
$filter = "(&(objectClass=sambaAccount) (uid=*$)";
for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($desc_array); $k++) {
if (eregi("^([0-9a-z_\\*\\+\\-])+$", $_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])]))
$filter = $filter . "(" . strtolower($attr_array[$k]) . "=" .
$_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])] . ")";
$_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])] = "";
$filter = $filter . ")";
$attrs = $attr_array;
$sr = @ldap_search($_SESSION["ldap"]->server(), $hst_suffix, $filter, $attrs);
if (ldap_errno($_SESSION["ldap"]->server()) == 4) {
StatusMessage("WARN", _("LDAP sizelimit exceeded, not all entries are shown."), "See README.openldap to solve this problem.");
if ($sr) {
$hst_info = ldap_get_entries($_SESSION["ldap"]->server, $sr);
if ($hst_info["count"] == 0) StatusMessage("WARN", "", _("No Samba Hosts found!"));
// delete first array entry which is "count"
// sort rows by sort column ($sort)
usort($hst_info, "cmp_array");
else {
$hst_info = array();
$_SESSION['hst_info'] = array();
StatusMessage("ERROR", _("LDAP Search failed! Please check your preferences."), _("No Samba Hosts found!"));
else {
if (sizeof($hst_info) == 0) StatusMessage("WARN", "", _("No Samba Hosts found!"));
// sort rows by sort column ($sort)
if ($hst_info) usort($hst_info, "cmp_array");
echo ("<form action=\"listhosts.php\" method=\"post\">\n");
// draw navigation bar if host accounts were found
if (sizeof($hst_info) > 0) {
echo ("<br>\n");
// print host table header
echo "<table rules=\"all\" class=\"hostlist\" width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "<tr class=\"hostlist-head\"><th width=22 height=34></th><th></th>";
// table header
for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($desc_array); $k++) {
if (strtolower($attr_array[$k]) == $sort) {
echo "<th class=\"hostlist-sort\"><a href=\"listhosts.php?".
"sort=" . strtolower($attr_array[$k]) . $searchfilter . "&amp;norefresh=y" . "\">" . $desc_array[$k] . "</a></th>";
else echo "<th><a href=\"listhosts.php?".
"sort=" . strtolower($attr_array[$k]) . $searchfilter . "&amp;norefresh=y" . "\">" . $desc_array[$k] . "</a></th>";
echo "</tr>\n";
// print filter row
echo "<tr align=\"center\" class=\"hostlist\"><td width=22 height=34></td><td>";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"apply_filter\" value=\"" . _("Filter") . "\">";
echo "</td>";
// print input boxes for filters
for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof ($desc_array); $k++) {
echo "<td>";
echo ("<input type=\"text\" size=15 name=\"filter" . strtolower ($attr_array[$k]) .
"\" value=\"" . $_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])] . "\">");
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>\n";
// calculate which rows to show
$table_begin = ($page - 1) * $max_pageentrys;
if (($page * $max_pageentrys) > sizeof($hst_info)) $table_end = sizeof($hst_info);
else $table_end = ($page * $max_pageentrys);
if (sizeof($hst_info) > 0) {
// print host list
for ($i = $table_begin; $i < $table_end; $i++) {
echo("<tr class=\"hostlist\" onMouseOver=\"host_over(this, '" . $hst_info[$i]["dn"] . "')\"" .
" onMouseOut=\"host_out(this, '" . $hst_info[$i]["dn"] . "')\"" .
" onClick=\"host_click(this, '" . $hst_info[$i]["dn"] . "')\"" .
" onDblClick=\"parent.frames[1].location.href='../account/hostedit.php?DN=" . $hst_info[$i]["dn"] . "'\">");
if ($_GET['selectall'] == "yes") {
echo " <td height=22 align=\"center\"><input onClick=\"host_click(this, '" . $hst_info[$i]["dn"] . "')\"" .
" type=\"checkbox\" checked name=\"" . $hst_info[$i]["dn"] . "\"></td>";
else {
echo " <td height=22 align=\"center\"><input onClick=\"host_click(this, '" . $hst_info[$i]["dn"] . "')\"" .
" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"" . $hst_info[$i]["dn"] . "\"></td>";
echo (" <td align='center'><a href=\"../account/hostedit.php?DN='" . $hst_info[$i]["dn"] . "'\">" . _("Edit") . "</a></td>");
for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($attr_array); $k++) {
echo ("<td>");
// print all attribute entries seperated by "; "
if (sizeof($hst_info[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])]) > 0) {
// delete "count" entry
if (is_array($hst_info[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])])) {
// sort array
echo utf8_decode(implode("; ", $hst_info[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])]));
else echo utf8_decode($hst_info[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])]);
echo ("</td>");
// display select all link
$colspan = sizeof($attr_array) + 1;
echo "<tr class=\"hostlist\">\n";
echo "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"../../graphics/select.png\" alt=\"select all\"></td>\n";
echo "<td colspan=$colspan>&nbsp;<a href=\"listhosts.php?norefresh=y&amp;page=" . $page . "&amp;sort=" . $sort .
$searchfilter . "&amp;selectall=yes\">" .
"<font color=\"black\"><b>" . _("Select all") . "</b></font></a></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo ("</table>");
echo ("<br>");
// draw navigation bar if host accounts were found
if (sizeof($hst_info) > 0) {
echo ("<br>\n");
if (! $_GET['norefresh']) {
// generate list of possible suffixes
$hst_units = $_SESSION['ldap']->search_units($_SESSION["config"]->get_HostSuffix());
// print combobox with possible sub-DNs
if (sizeof($hst_units) > 1) {
echo ("<p align=\"left\">\n");
echo ("<b>" . _("Suffix") . ": </b>");
echo ("<select size=1 name=\"hst_suffix\">\n");
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($hst_units); $i++) {
if ($hst_suffix == $hst_units[$i]) echo ("<option selected>" . $hst_units[$i] . "</option>\n");
else echo("<option>" . $hst_units[$i] . "</option>\n");
echo ("</select>\n");
echo ("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"refresh\" value=\"" . _("Change Suffix") . "\">");
echo ("</p>\n");
echo ("<p>&nbsp;</p>\n");
// add/delete/PDF buttons
echo ("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"new_host\" value=\"" . _("New Host") . "\">\n");
if (sizeof($hst_info) > 0) {
echo ("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"del_host\" value=\"" . _("Delete Host(s)") . "\">\n");
echo ("<br><br><br>\n");
echo "<fieldset><legend><b>PDF</b></legend>\n";
echo ("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"pdf_host\" value=\"" . _("Create PDF for selected host(s)") . "\">\n");
echo "&nbsp;";
echo ("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"pdf_all\" value=\"" . _("Create PDF for all hosts") . "\">\n");
echo "</fieldset>";
echo ("</form>\n");
echo "</body></html>\n";
* @brief draws a navigation bar to switch between pages
* @return void
function draw_navigation_bar ($count) {
global $max_pageentrys;
global $page;
global $sort;
global $searchfilter;
echo ("<table class=\"hostnav\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\">\n");
echo ("<tr>\n");
echo ("<td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"refresh\" value=\"" . _("Refresh") . "\">&nbsp;&nbsp;");
if ($page != 1)
echo ("<a href=\"listhosts.php?page=" . ($page - 1) . "&amp;sort=" . $sort . $searchfilter . "\">&lt;=</a>\n");
echo ("&lt;=");
echo ("&nbsp;");
if ($page < ($count / $max_pageentrys))
echo ("<a href=\"listhosts.php?page=" . ($page + 1) . "&amp;sort=" . $sort . $searchfilter . "\">=&gt;</a>\n");
echo ("=&gt;</td>");
echo ("<td class=\"hostnav-text\">");
echo "&nbsp;" . $count . " " . _("Samba Host(s) found");
echo ("</td>");
echo ("<td class=\"hostlist_activepage\" align=\"right\">");
for ($i = 0; $i < ($count / $max_pageentrys); $i++) {
if ($i == $page - 1)
echo ("&nbsp;" . ($i + 1));
echo ("&nbsp;<a href=\"listhosts.php?page=" . ($i + 1) .
"&amp;sort=" . $sort . "\">" . ($i + 1) . "</a>\n");
echo ("</td></tr></table>\n");
// compare function used for usort-method
// rows are sorted with the first attribute entry of the sort column
// if objects have attributes with multiple values the others are ignored
function cmp_array($a, $b) {
// sort specifies the sort column
global $sort;
global $attr_array;
// sort by first column if no attribute is given
if (!$sort) $sort = strtolower($attr_array[0]);
if ($sort != "dn") {
// sort by first attribute with name $sort
if ($a[$sort][0] == $b[$sort][0]) return 0;
else if ($a[$sort][0] == max($a[$sort][0], $b[$sort][0])) return 1;
else return -1;
else {
if ($a[$sort] == $b[$sort]) return 0;
else if ($a[$sort] == max($a[$sort], $b[$sort])) return 1;
else return -1;
// save variables to session
$_SESSION['hst_info'] = $hst_info;
$_SESSION['hst_units'] = $hst_units;
$_SESSION['hst_suffix'] = $hst_suffix;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Roland Gruber, Leonhard Walchshäusl
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more detaexils.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
include_once ("../../lib/");
// used to display status messages
include_once ("../../lib/");
// start session
// copy HTTP-GET variables to HTTP-POST
$_POST = $_POST + $_GET;
// check if primary group should be translated
if ($_POST['trans_primary'] == "on") $trans_primary = "on";
else $trans_primary = "off";
$trans_primary_hash = $_SESSION['trans_primary_hash'];
// generate hash table for group translation
if ($trans_primary == "on" && !$_GET["norefresh"]) {
$trans_primary_hash = array();
$suffix = $_SESSION['config']->get_groupSuffix();
$filter = "objectClass=posixGroup";
$attrs = array("cn", "gidNumber");
$sr = @ldap_search($_SESSION["ldap"]->server(), $suffix, $filter, $attrs);
if ($sr) {
$info = @ldap_get_entries($_SESSION["ldap"]->server(), $sr);
array_shift($info); // delete count entry
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($info); $i++) {
$trans_primary_hash[$info[$i]['gidnumber'][0]] = $info[$i]['cn'][0];
$_SESSION['trans_primary_hash'] = $trans_primary_hash;
$usr_units = $_SESSION['usr_units'];
// check if button was pressed and if we have to add/delete a user or create a PDF
if ($_POST['new_user'] || $_POST['del_user'] || $_POST['pdf_user'] || $_POST['pdf_all']){
// add new user
if ($_POST['new_user']){
// delete user(s)
elseif ($_POST['del_user']){
// search for checkboxes
while ($entry = @array_pop($_POST)) {
if (eregi("^uid=.*$", $entry)) $users[] = $entry;
$_SESSION['delete_dn'] = $users;
// PDF for selected users
elseif ($_POST['pdf_user']){
// search for checkboxes
while ($entry = @array_pop($_POST)) {
if (eregi("^uid=.*$", $entry)) $users[] = $entry;
$list = array();
// load users from LDAP
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($users); $i++) {
$list[$i] = loaduser($users[$i]);
$list[$i]->unix_password = "";
$list[$i]->smb_password = "";
if (sizeof($list) > 0) {
if ($_SESSION['config']->get_scriptServer()) $list = getquotas($list);
// PDF for all users
elseif ($_POST['pdf_all']){
$list = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($_SESSION['userlist']); $i++) {
$list[$i] = loaduser($_SESSION['userlist'][$i]['dn']);
$list[$i]->unix_password = "";
$list[$i]->smb_password = "";
if (sizeof($list) > 0) {
if ($_SESSION['config']->get_scriptServer()) $list = getquotas($list);
echo $_SESSION['header'];
echo "<title>listusers</title>\n";
echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../../style/layout.css\">\n";
echo "</head><body>\n";
echo "<script src=\"../../lib/functions.js\" type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\"></script>\n";
$page = $_GET["page"];
if (!$page) $page = 1;
// take maximum count of user entries shown on one page out of session
if ($_SESSION["config"]->get_MaxListEntries() <= 0) {
$max_pageentrys = 10; // default setting, if not yet set
else $max_pageentrys = $_SESSION["config"]->get_MaxListEntries();
// generate attribute-description table
$attr_array = array(); // list of LDAP attributes to show
$desc_array = array(); // list of descriptions for the attributes
$attr_string = $_SESSION["config"]->get_userlistAttributes();
$temp_array = explode(";", $attr_string);
$hash_table = $_SESSION["ldap"]->attributeUserArray();
// generate column attributes and descriptions
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($temp_array); $i++) {
// if value is predifined, look up description in hash_table
if (substr($temp_array[$i],0,1) == "#") {
$attr = strtolower(substr($temp_array[$i],1));
$attr_array[$i] = $attr;
if ($hash_table[$attr]) $desc_array[] = strtoupper($hash_table[$attr]);
else $desc_array[] = strtoupper($attr);
// if not predefined, the attribute is seperated by a ":" from description
else {
$attr = explode(":", $temp_array[$i]);
$attr_array[$i] = $attr[0];
if ($attr[1]) $desc_array[$i] = strtoupper($attr[1]);
else $desc_array[$i] = strtoupper($attr[0]);
$sortattrib = $_GET["sortattrib"];
if (!$sortattrib)
$sortattrib = strtolower($attr_array[0]);
// check search suffix
if ($_POST['usr_suffix']) $usr_suffix = $_POST['usr_suffix']; // new suffix selected via combobox
elseif ($_SESSION['usr_suffix']) $usr_suffix = $_SESSION['usr_suffix']; // old suffix from session
else $usr_suffix = $_SESSION["config"]->get_UserSuffix(); // default suffix
// generate search filter for sort links
$searchfilter = "";
for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($desc_array); $k++) {
if (eregi("^([0-9a-z_\\*\\+\\-])+$", $_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])])) {
$searchfilter = $searchfilter . "&filter" .
strtolower($attr_array[$k]) . "=".
$_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])];
// configure search filter
// Unix/Samba3 users have the attribute "posixAccount" and do not end with "$"
$filter = "(&(objectClass=posixAccount) (!(uid=*$))";
for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($desc_array); $k++) {
if (eregi("^([0-9a-z_\\*\\+\\-])+$", $_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])]))
$filter = $filter . "(" . strtolower($attr_array[$k]) . "=" .
$_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])] . ")";
$_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])] = "";
$filter = $filter . ")";
// read entries only from ldap server if not yet stored in session or if refresh
// button is pressed or if filter is applied
if ($_SESSION["userlist"] && $_GET["norefresh"]) {
usort ($_SESSION["userlist"], "cmp_array");
$userinfo = $_SESSION["userlist"];
else {
$attrs = $attr_array;
$sr = @ldap_search($_SESSION["ldap"]->server(), $usr_suffix, $filter, $attrs);
if (ldap_errno($_SESSION["ldap"]->server()) == 4) {
StatusMessage("WARN", _("LDAP sizelimit exceeded, not all entries are shown."), "See README.openldap to solve this problem.");
if ($sr) {
$userinfo = ldap_get_entries ($_SESSION["ldap"]->server, $sr);
ldap_free_result ($sr);
if ($userinfo["count"] == 0) StatusMessage("WARN", "", _("No Users found!"));
// delete first array entry which is "count"
usort ($userinfo, "cmp_array");
$_SESSION["userlist"] = $userinfo;
else {
$_SESSION['userlist'] = array();
$userinfo = array();
_("LDAP Search failed! Please check your preferences."),
_("No Users found!"));
$user_count = sizeof ($_SESSION["userlist"]);
echo ("<form action=\"listusers.php\" method=\"post\">\n");
// display table only if users exist in LDAP
if ($user_count != 0) {
// create navigation bar on top of user table
draw_navigation_bar ($user_count);
echo ("<br />");
// print user table header
echo "<table rules=\"all\" class=\"userlist\" width=\"100%\">\n";
echo "<tr class=\"userlist-head\"><th width=22 height=34></th><th></th>\n";
// table header
for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof ($desc_array); $k++) {
if ($sortattrib == strtolower($attr_array[$k]))
echo "<th class=\"userlist-activecolumn\">\n";
echo "<th>\n";
echo "<a class=\"userlist\" href=\"listusers.php?norefresh=1&amp;sortattrib=" .
strtolower($attr_array[$k]) . $searchfilter . "&amp;trans_primary=" . $trans_primary . "\">" .
$desc_array[$k] . "</a></th>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr class=\"userlist\"><th width=22 height=34></th>\n<th>\n";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"apply_filter\" value=\"" . _("Filter") . "\">\n";
echo "</th>\n";
// print input boxes for filters
for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof ($desc_array); $k++) {
echo "<th>\n";
echo ("<input type=\"text\" size=15 name=\"filter" . strtolower ($attr_array[$k]) .
"\" value=\"" . $_POST["filter" . strtolower($attr_array[$k])] . "\">\n");
echo "</th>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
if ($user_count != 0) {
// translate GIDs and resort array if selected
if ($trans_primary == "on") {
// translate GIDs
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($userinfo); $i++) {
if ($trans_primary_hash[$userinfo[$i]['gidnumber'][0]]) {
$userinfo[$i]['gidnumber'][0] = $trans_primary_hash[$userinfo[$i]['gidnumber'][0]];
// resort if needed
if ($sortattrib == "gidnumber") {
usort ($userinfo, "cmp_array");
// print user list
$userinfo = array_slice ($userinfo, ($page - 1) * $max_pageentrys, $max_pageentrys);
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof ($userinfo); $i++) { // ignore last entry in array which is "count"
echo("<tr class=\"userlist\"\nonMouseOver=\"user_over(this, '" . $userinfo[$i]["dn"] . "')\"\n" .
"onMouseOut=\"user_out(this, '" . $userinfo[$i]["dn"] . "')\"\n" .
"onClick=\"user_click(this, '" . $userinfo[$i]["dn"] . "')\"\n" .
"onDblClick=\"parent.frames[1].location.href='../account/useredit.php?type=user&amp;DN=" . $userinfo[$i]["dn"] . "'\">\n");
// checkboxes if selectall = "yes"
if ($_GET['selectall'] == "yes") {
echo "<td height=22 align=\"center\">\n<input onClick=\"user_click(this, '" . $userinfo[$i]["dn"] . "')\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"" .
$userinfo[$i]["dn"] . "\" value=\"" . $userinfo[$i]["dn"] . "\" checked>\n</td>\n";
else {
echo "<td height=22 align=\"center\">\n<input onClick=\"user_click(this, '" . $userinfo[$i]["dn"] . "')\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"" .
$userinfo[$i]["dn"] . "\" value=\"" . $userinfo[$i]["dn"] . "\">\n</td>\n";
echo ("<td align='center'>\n<a href=\"../account/useredit.php?type=user&amp;DN='" . $userinfo[$i]["dn"] . "'\">" .
_("Edit") . "</a>\n</td>\n");
for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($attr_array); $k++) {
echo ("<td>\n");
// print attribute values
if (sizeof($userinfo[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])]) > 0) {
if (is_array($userinfo[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])])) {
// delete first array entry which is "count"
// sort array
// print all attribute entries seperated by "; "
echo utf8_decode(implode("; ", $userinfo[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])])) . "\n";
else echo utf8_decode($userinfo[$i][strtolower($attr_array[$k])]) . "\n";
echo ("</td>\n");
// display select all link
$colspan = sizeof($attr_array) + 1;
echo "<tr class=\"userlist\">\n";
echo "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"../../graphics/select.png\" alt=\"select all\"></td>\n";
echo "<td colspan=$colspan>&nbsp;<a href=\"listusers.php?norefresh=1&amp;page=" . $page . "&amp;sortattrib=" . $sortattrib .
$searchfilter . "&amp;trans_primary=" . $trans_primary . "&amp;selectall=yes\">" .
"<font color=\"black\"><b>" . _("Select all") . "</b></font></a></td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo ("</table>\n");
echo ("<br>");
if ($user_count != 0) {
draw_navigation_bar ($user_count);
echo ("<br>");
if (! $_GET['norefresh']) {
// generate list of possible suffixes
$usr_units = $_SESSION['ldap']->search_units($_SESSION["config"]->get_UserSuffix());
// print combobox with possible sub-DNs
if (sizeof($usr_units) > 1) {
echo ("<p align=\"left\">\n");
echo ("<b>" . _("Suffix") . ": </b>");
echo ("<select size=1 name=\"usr_suffix\">\n");
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($usr_units); $i++) {
if ($usr_suffix == $usr_units[$i]) echo ("<option selected>" . $usr_units[$i] . "</option>\n");
else echo("<option>" . $usr_units[$i] . "</option>\n");
echo ("</select>\n");
echo ("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"refresh\" value=\"" . _("Change Suffix") . "\">");
echo ("</p>\n");
// show translate GID to group name box if there is a column with gidnumber
if (in_array("gidnumber", $attr_array)) {
echo "<p align=\"left\">\n";
echo "<b>" . _("Translate GID number to group name") . ": </b>";
if ($trans_primary == "on") {
echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"trans_primary\" checked>";
else echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"trans_primary\">";
echo ("&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"submit\" name=\"apply\" value=\"" . _("Apply") . "\">");
echo "</p>\n";
echo ("<p>&nbsp;</p>\n");
// new/delete/PDF buttons
echo ("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"new_user\" value=\"" . _("New user") . "\">\n");
if ($user_count != 0) {
echo ("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"del_user\" value=\"" . _("Delete user(s)") . "\">\n");
echo ("<br><br><br>\n");
echo "<fieldset><legend><b>PDF</b></legend>\n";
echo ("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"pdf_user\" value=\"" . _("Create PDF for selected user(s)") . "\">\n");
echo "&nbsp;";
echo ("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"pdf_all\" value=\"" . _("Create PDF for all users") . "\">\n");
echo "</fieldset>";
echo ("<p>&nbsp;</p>\n");
echo ("</form>\n");
echo "</body></html>\n";
* @brief draws a navigation bar to switch between pages
* @return void
function draw_navigation_bar ($user_count) {
global $max_pageentrys;
global $page;
global $sortattrib;
global $searchfilter;
global $trans_primary;
echo ("<table class=\"userlist-navbar\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\"\n");
echo ("<tr>\n");
echo ("<td class=\"userlist-navbar\">\n<input type=\"submit\" name=\"refresh\" value=\"" . _("Refresh") . "\">\n&nbsp;&nbsp;");
if ($page != 1)
echo ("<a class=\"userlist\" href=\"listusers.php?norefresh=1&amp;page=" .
($page - 1) . "&amp;sortattrib=" . $sortattrib . $searchfilter . "&amp;trans_primary=" . $trans_primary . "\">&lt;=</a>\n");
else echo ("&lt;=");
echo ("&nbsp;");
if ($page < ($user_count / $max_pageentrys))
echo ("<a class=\"userlist\" href=\"listusers.php?norefresh=1&amp;page=" .
($page + 1) . "&amp;sortattrib=" . $sortattrib . $searchfilter . "&amp;trans_primary=" . $trans_primary . "\">=&gt;</a>\n");
else echo ("=&gt;");
echo ("</td>\n");
echo ("<td class=\"userlist-navbartext\">\n");
echo "&nbsp;" . $user_count . " " . _("User(s) found") . "\n";
echo ("</td>\n");
echo ("<td class=\"userlist-activepage\" align=\"right\">");
for ($i = 0; $i < ($user_count / $max_pageentrys); $i++) {
if ($i == $page - 1) echo ("&nbsp;" . ($i + 1));
else echo ("&nbsp;<a class=\"userlist\" href=\"listusers.php?norefresh=1&amp;page=" .
($i + 1) . "&amp;sortattrib=" . $sortattrib . $searchfilter . "&amp;trans_primary=" . $trans_primary .
"\">" . ($i + 1) . "</a>\n");
echo ("</td></tr>\n</table>\n");
// compare function used for usort-method
// rows are sorted with the first attribute entry of the sort column
// if objects have attributes with multiple values the others are ignored
function cmp_array($a, $b) {
// sortattrib specifies the sort column
global $sortattrib;
global $attr_array;
// sort by first attribute with name $sortattrib
if (!$sortattrib) $sortattrib = strtolower($attr_array[0]);
if ($sortattrib != "dn") {
// sort by first column if no attribute is given
if ($a[$sortattrib][0] == $b[$sortattrib][0]) return 0;
else if ($a[$sortattrib][0] == max($a[$sortattrib][0], $b[$sortattrib][0])) return 1;
else return -1;
else {
if ($a[$sortattrib] == $b[$sortattrib]) return 0;
else if ($a[$sortattrib] == max($a[$sortattrib], $b[$sortattrib])) return 1;
else return -1;
// save variables to session
$_SESSION['usr_units'] = $usr_units;
$_SESSION['usr_suffix'] = $usr_suffix;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Roland Gruber
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more detaexils.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
This page will redirect to account/useredit.php if the given user is valid.
It is called from listgroups.php via the memberUID links.
include_once ("../../lib/");
include_once ("../../lib/");
// start session
// get user name
$user = $_GET['user'];
$user = str_replace("\'", '',$user);
// get DN of user
$dn = $_SESSION['ldap']->search_username($user);
if ($dn) {
// redirect to account/useredit.php
else {
// print error message if user was not found
echo $_SESSION['header'];
echo "<title>userlink</title>\n";
echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../../style/layout.css\">\n";
echo "</head><body>\n";
StatusMessage("ERROR", "", _("This user was not found!") . " (" . $user . ")");
echo "<p>&nbsp;</p>";
echo "<p><a href=\"listgroups.php\">" . _("Back to group list") . "</a></p>";
echo ("</body></html>\n");

lam-0.4/templates/login.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Michael Duergner
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
LDAP Account Manager checking login datas.
include_once("../lib/"); // Include which provides Config class
session_save_path("../sess"); // Set session save path
@session_start(); // Start LDAP Account Manager session
function display_LoginPage($config_object,$profile)
global $error_message;
// generate 256 bit key and initialization vector for user/passwd-encryption
// check if we can use /dev/random otherwise use /dev/urandom or rand()
if(function_exists(mcrypt_create_iv)) {
$key = @mcrypt_create_iv(32, MCRYPT_DEV_RANDOM);
if (! $key) $key = @mcrypt_create_iv(32, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);
if (! $key) {
$key = mcrypt_create_iv(32, MCRYPT_RAND);
$iv = @mcrypt_create_iv(32, MCRYPT_DEV_RANDOM);
if (! $iv) $iv = @mcrypt_create_iv(32, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);
if (! $iv) {
$iv = mcrypt_create_iv(32, MCRYPT_RAND);
// save both in cookie
setcookie("Key", base64_encode($key), 0, "/");
setcookie("IV", base64_encode($iv), 0, "/");
$_SESSION['language'] = $config_object->get_defaultLanguage();
$current_language = explode(":",$_SESSION['language']);
$_SESSION['header'] = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" . $current_language[1] . "\"?>\n";
$_SESSION['header'] .= "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"\">\n\n";
$_SESSION['header'] .= "<html>\n<head>\n";
$_SESSION['header'] .= "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=" . $current_language[1] . "\">\n";
$_SESSION['header'] .= "<meta http-equiv=\"pragma\" content=\"no-cache\">\n <meta http-equiv=\"cache-control\" content=\"no-cache\">";
// loading available languages from language.conf file
$languagefile = "../config/language";
if(is_file($languagefile) == True)
$file = fopen($languagefile, "r");
$i = 0;
$line = fgets($file, 1024);
if($line == "" || $line == "\n" || $line[0] == "#") continue; // ignore comment and empty lines
$value = explode(":", $line);
$languages[$i]["link"] = $value[0] . ":" . $value[1];
$languages[$i]["descr"] = $value[2];
if(rtrim($line) == $_SESSION["language"])
$languages[$i]["default"] = "YES";
$languages[$i]["default"] = "NO";
$message = _("Unable to load available languages. Setting English as default language. For further instructions please contact the Admin of this site.");
$profiles = getConfigProfiles();
setlanguage(); // setting correct language
echo $_SESSION["header"];
<title>LDAP Account Manager -Login-</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../style/layout.css">
<p align="center">
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="../graphics/banner.jpg" border="1" alt="LDAP Account Manager"></a>
<table width="100%" border="0">
<td width="100%" align="right">
<a href="./config/conflogin.php" target="_self"><?php echo _("Configuration Login"); ?></a>
if(! function_exists('mcrypt_create_iv')) {
StatusMessage("ERROR", "Your PHP does not support MCrypt, you will not be able to log in! Please install the required package.","See for Suse/RedHat");
if(! function_exists('mHash')) {
StatusMessage("WARN", "Your PHP does not support MHash, you will only be able to use CRYPT/PLAIN for user passwords! Please install the required package.","See for Suse/RedHat");
<p align="center">
<b><?php echo _("Enter Username and Password for Account") . ":"; ?></b>
if($error_message != "") {
<p align="center">
echo $error_message;
<form action="login.php" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="checklogin">
<table width="500" align="center" border="0">
<td width="45%" align="right">
echo _("Username") . ":";
<td width="10%">
<td width="45%" align="left">
<select name="username" size="1">
$admins = $config_object->get_Admins();
for($i = 0; $i < count($admins); $i++) {
$text = explode(",", $admins[$i]);
$text = explode("=", $text[0]);
<option value="<?php echo $admins[$i]; ?>"><?php echo $text[1]; ?></option>
<td width="45%" align="right">
echo _("Password") . ":";
<td width="10%">
<td width="45%" align="left">
<input type="password" name="passwd">
if($message != "") {
<td width="100%" colspan="3" align="center">
echo $message;
<input type="hidden" name="language" value="english">
<td width="45%" align="right">
echo _("Your Language") . ":";
<td width="10%">
<td width="45%" align="left">
<select name="language" size="1">
for($i = 0; $i < count($languages); $i++) {
if($languages[$i]["default"] == "YES") {
<option selected value="<?php echo $languages[$i]["link"] . ":" . $languages[$i]["descr"]; ?>"><?php echo $languages[$i]["descr"]; ?></option>
<option value="<?php echo $languages[$i]["link"] . ":" . $languages[$i]["descr"]; ?>"><?php echo $languages[$i]["descr"]; ?></option>
<td width="100%" colspan="3" align="center">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php echo _("Login"); ?>">
<table width="345" align="center" bgcolor="#C7E7C7" border="0">
<td width="100%" align="center">
echo _("You are connecting to ServerURL") . ": ";
<b><?php echo $config_object->get_ServerURL(); ?></b>
<form action="./login.php" method="post" enctype="plain/text">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="profileChange">
<p align="center">
echo _("You are currently using Profile") . ": ";
if(!$_POST['profile']) {
$_POST['profile'] = $profile;
<b><?php echo $_POST['profile']; ?></b>
<select name="profile" size="1">
for($i=0;$i<count($profiles);$i++) {
<option value="<?php echo $profiles[$i]; ?>"><?php echo $profiles[$i]; ?></option>
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo _("Change Profile"); ?>">
// checking if the submitted username/password is correct.
if($_POST['action'] == "checklogin")
$_SESSION['lampath'] = realpath('../') . "/"; // Save full path to lam in session
include_once("../lib/"); // Include ldap.php which provides Ldap class
$_SESSION['ldap'] = new Ldap($_SESSION['config']); // Create new Ldap object
if($_POST['passwd'] == "")
$error_message = _("Empty Password submitted. Try again.");
display_LoginPage($_SESSION['config'],""); // Empty password submitted. Return to login page.
$result = $_SESSION['ldap']->connect($_POST['username'],$_POST['passwd']); // Connect to LDAP server for verifing username/password
if($result === 0) // Username/password correct. Do some configuration and load main frame.
$_SESSION['loggedIn'] = true;
$_SESSION['language'] = $_POST['language']; // Write selected language in session
$current_language = explode(":",$_SESSION['language']);
$_SESSION['header'] = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" . $current_language[1] . "\"?>\n";
$_SESSION['header'] .= "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"\">\n\n";
$_SESSION['header'] .= "<html>\n<head>\n";
$_SESSION['header'] .= "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=" . $current_language[1] . "\">\n";
$_SESSION['header'] .= "<meta http-equiv=\"pragma\" content=\"no-cache\">\n <meta http-equiv=\"cache-control\" content=\"no-cache\">";
include("./main.php"); // Load main frame
if ($result === False)
$error_message = _("Cannot connect to specified LDAP-Server. Please try again.");
display_LoginPage($_SESSION['config'],""); // connection failed
elseif ($result == 81)
$error_message = _("Cannot connect to specified LDAP-Server. Please try again.");
display_LoginPage($_SESSION['config'],""); // connection failed
elseif ($result == 49)
$error_message = _("Wrong Password/Username combination. Try again.");
display_LoginPage($_SESSION['config'],""); // Username/password invalid. Return to login page.
$error_message = _("LDAP error, server says:") . "\n<br>($result) " . ldap_err2str($result);
display_LoginPage($_SESSION['config'],""); // other errors
// Reload loginpage after a profile change
elseif($_POST['action'] == "profileChange") {
$_SESSION['config'] = new Config($_POST['profile']); // Recreate the config object with the submited
display_LoginPage($_SESSION['config'],""); // Load login page
// Load login page
$_SESSION['loggedIn'] = false;
$default_Config = new CfgMain();
$default_Profile = $default_Config->default;
$_SESSION["config"] = new Config($default_Profile); // Create new Config object
display_LoginPage($_SESSION["config"],$default_Profile); // Load Login page

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Roland Gruber
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
User is logged off from LDAP server, session is destroyed.
// delete key and iv in cookie
setcookie("Key", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", 0, "/");
setcookie("IV", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", 0, "/");
// start session
// close LDAP connection
echo $_SESSION['header'];
// destroy session
// print logout message
<?php echo _("Logout"); ?>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../style/layout.css">
<p align="center"><a href="" target="new_window">
<img src="../graphics/banner.jpg" border=1 alt="LDAP Account Manager"></a>
<p align="center"><big><b><?php echo _("You have been logged off from LDAP Account Manager."); ?></b></big></p>
<br><br><br><br><br><a href="../templates/login.php" target="_top"> <?php echo _("Back to Login") ?> </a>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (
Copyright (C) 2003 Roland Gruber
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
This is the main window. The user and group lists will be shown in this frame.
// check if all suffixes in conf-file exist
$conf = $_SESSION['config'];
$new_suffs = array();
if ($conf->get_UserSuffix() && ($conf->get_UserSuffix() != "")) {
$info = @ldap_search($_SESSION['ldap']->server, $conf->get_UserSuffix(), "", array());
$res = @ldap_get_entries($_SESSION['ldap']->server, $info);
if (!$res && !in_array($conf->get_UserSuffix(), $new_suffs)) $new_suffs[] = $conf->get_UserSuffix();
if ($conf->get_GroupSuffix() && ($conf->get_GroupSuffix() != "")) {
$info = @ldap_search($_SESSION['ldap']->server, $conf->get_GroupSuffix(), "", array());
$res = @ldap_get_entries($_SESSION['ldap']->server, $info);
if (!$res && !in_array($conf->get_GroupSuffix(), $new_suffs)) $new_suffs[] = $conf->get_GroupSuffix();
if ($conf->get_HostSuffix() && ($conf->get_HostSuffix() != "")) {
$info = @ldap_search($_SESSION['ldap']->server, $conf->get_HostSuffix(), "", array());
$res = @ldap_get_entries($_SESSION['ldap']->server, $info);
if (!$res && !in_array($conf->get_HostSuffix(), $new_suffs)) $new_suffs[] = $conf->get_HostSuffix();
if ($conf->get_DomainSuffix() && ($conf->get_DomainSuffix() != "")) {
$info = @ldap_search($_SESSION['ldap']->server, $conf->get_DomainSuffix(), "", array());
$res = @ldap_get_entries($_SESSION['ldap']->server, $info);
if (!$res && !in_array($conf->get_DomainSuffix(), $new_suffs)) $new_suffs[] = $conf->get_DomainSuffix();
if ($_SESSION['config']->is_samba3()) {
$doms = $_SESSION['ldap']->search_domains($_SESSION['config']->get_domainSuffix());
echo $_SESSION['header'];
echo ("<title>LDAP Account Manager</title>\n");
echo ("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../style/layout.css\">");
echo ("</head>\n");
echo ("<frameset rows=\"130,*\">\n");
echo ("<frame src=\"./main_header.php\" name=\"head\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\" noresize>\n");
// display page to add suffixes or add domain, if needed
if (sizeof($new_suffs) > 0) echo ("<frame src=\"initsuff.php?suffs='" . implode(";", $new_suffs) .
"'\" name=\"mainpart\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"yes\">\n");
elseif (($_SESSION['config']->is_samba3()) && (sizeof($doms) < 1)) {
$_SESSION['domain_message'] = _("No domains found, please create one.");
echo ("<frame src=\"domain.php?action=new\" name=\"mainpart\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"yes\">\n");
else echo ("<frame src=\"./lists/listusers.php\" name=\"mainpart\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"yes\">\n");
echo ("<noframes>\n");
echo ("This page requires a browser that can show frames!\n");
echo ("</noframes>\n");
echo ("</frameset>\n");
echo ("</html>\n");

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More