changed help links, use different colors for different account types

This commit is contained in:
Roland Gruber 2005-04-24 12:42:20 +00:00
parent d9e3ee720f
commit f467d640a5
1 changed files with 15 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -82,12 +82,15 @@ foreach ($_SESSION['ldap']->search_units($rootsuffix) as $suffix) {
$suffixes[] = $suffix;
if (sizeof($suffixes) > 0) {
echo "<fieldset>\n<legend><b>" . _("LDAP suffix") . "</b></legend>\n";
echo "<fieldset class=\"" . $type . "edit\">\n<legend><b>" . _("LDAP suffix") . "</b></legend>\n";
echo _("LDAP suffix") . ":&nbsp;&nbsp;";
echo "<select tabindex=\"1\">";
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($suffixes); $i++) echo "<option>" . $suffixes[$i] . "</option>\n";
echo "</select>\n";
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=../help.php?HelpNumber=\"361\">" . _('Help') . "</a>\n";
// help link
echo "&nbsp;<a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=361\" target=\"lamhelp\">";
echo "<img src=\"../../graphics/help.png\" alt=\"" . _('Help') . "\" title=\"" . _('Help') . "\">";
echo "</a>\n";
echo "</fieldset>\n<br>\n";
@ -100,7 +103,7 @@ $modules = array_keys($options);
for ($m = 0; $m < sizeof($modules); $m++) {
// ignore modules without options
if (sizeof($options[$modules[$m]]) < 1) continue;
echo "<fieldset>\n";
echo "<fieldset class=\"" . $type . "edit\">\n";
echo "<legend><b>" . getModuleAlias($modules[$m], $type) . "</b></legend>\n";
$profileTypes = parseHtml($modules[$m], $options[$modules[$m]], $old_options, true, $tabindex, $tabindexLink, $type);
$_SESSION['profile_types'] = array_merge($profileTypes, $_SESSION['profile_types']);
@ -109,26 +112,19 @@ for ($m = 0; $m < sizeof($modules); $m++) {
// profile name and submit/abort buttons
echo ("<table border=0>\n");
echo ("<tr>\n");
echo ("<td><b>" . _("Profile name") . ":</b></td>\n");
echo ("<b>" . _("Profile name") . ":</b> \n");
echo ("<td><input tabindex=\"$tabindex\" type=\"text\" name=\"profname\" value=\"" . $_GET['edit'] . "\"></td>\n");
echo ("<td><a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=360\" target=\"lamhelp\">" . _("Help") . "</a></td>\n");
echo ("</tr>\n");
echo ("<tr>\n");
echo ("<td colspan=2>&nbsp</td>");
echo ("</tr>\n");
echo ("<tr>\n");
echo ("<input tabindex=\"$tabindex\" type=\"text\" name=\"profname\" value=\"" . $_GET['edit'] . "\">\n");
// help link
echo "<a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=360\" target=\"lamhelp\">";
echo "<img src=\"../../graphics/help.png\" alt=\"" . _('Help') . "\" title=\"" . _('Help') . "\">";
echo "</a><br><br>\n";
echo ("<td><input tabindex=\"$tabindex\" type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"" . _("Save") . "\"></td>\n");
echo ("<input tabindex=\"$tabindex\" type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"" . _("Save") . "\">\n");
echo ("<td><input tabindex=\"$tabindex\" type=\"reset\" name=\"reset\" value=\"" . _("Reset") . "\">\n");
echo ("<input tabindex=\"$tabindex\" type=\"reset\" name=\"reset\" value=\"" . _("Reset") . "\">\n");
echo ("<input tabindex=\"$tabindex\" type=\"submit\" name=\"abort\" value=\"" . _("Abort") . "\"></td>\n");
echo ("<td>&nbsp</td>");
echo ("</tr>\n");
echo ("</table>\n");
echo ("<input tabindex=\"$tabindex\" type=\"submit\" name=\"abort\" value=\"" . _("Abort") . "\">\n");
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"accounttype\" value=\"$type\">\n";
echo ("</form></body></html>\n");