March/April 2009
  - support NIS netgroups
  - support EDU person accounts (RFE 1413731)
  - added config option to search LAM login users in LDAP
  - help messages are displayed as tooltips
  - Personal: support departmentNumber attribute
  - LAM Pro:
   -> add businessCategory to self service (RFE 2494246)
   -> allow to customize page headers and use custom CSS styles

21.01.2009 2.5.0
  - LAM Pro:
   -> supports rfc2307bis schema for Unix groups (RFE 2111694)
   -> added alias manangement (object classes alias + uidObject) (RFE 1912779)
  - Shadow: module is now optional when creating new accounts
  - Kolab:
   -> account extension is now optional
   -> can be used without Unix module
   -> self service uses no extra LDAP suffix but uses global setting
  - DHCP:
   -> several bugfixes
   -> added PDF support
   -> support multiple Netbios name servers (RFE 2180179)
  - Samba 3:
   -> self service sets attribute "sambaPwdLastSet" on password change (LAM Pro)
   -> password timestamps can be updated on password reset page (LAM Pro)
   -> option to force password change on next login
   -> profile options for time when the user can/must change the password

15.10.2008 2.4.0
  - added DHCP management (donated by Siedl networks GmbH)
  - requires PHP 5.1.2
  - MHash dependendy replaced by Hash
  - save last selected server profile from login page
  - lamdaemon: allow to specify SSH port
  - lamdaemon: added Syslog logging
  - Unix: added profile options for lamdaemon
  - LAM Pro: password reset page is able to unlock Samba accounts and sets shadowLastChange
  - fixed bugs:
    * problems with DN containing ( and ) (2059740)
    * problem with gecos field in file upload (2103936)

30.04.2008 2.3.0
  - added Polish translation
  - support phpGroupWare accounts
  - password policies
  - redesigned PDF editor
  - show mail addresses as link in account list
  - Unix: allow primary group members to be added as memberUid
  - Kolab: support LAM Pro self service
  - LAM Pro: new account type for groupOf(Unique)Names
  - fixed bugs:
   -> XHTML headers should be removed (1912736)

23.01.2008 2.2.0
  - account lists:
   -> allow to switch sorting
   -> added separate configuration page and store settings in cookies
   -> list size can now be set individually for each account type on the list configuration page
   -> new PDF buttons
  - use suffix from account list as default for new accounts (patch 1823583)
  - Security: passwords in configuration files are now saved as hash values
  - improved design
  - style fixes for Internet Explorer users
  - Unix: allow to set host passwords (RFE 1754069)
  - Unix: allow to generate random passwords for users
  - Samba 3 groups: Samba part is now optional
  - Personal: add object classes person and organizationalPerson for new accounts (RFE 1830033)
  - new LDAP schema check on tests page
  - LAM Pro:
   -> added possibility for deskside support to reset passwords at account list page
   -> access levels (read only, change passwords, write access) for server profiles

07.11.2007 2.1.0
  - tabular design for account pages
  - show DN on account pages
  - Samba 3: made Samba account optional
  - Samba 3: manages now terminal server settings
  - fixed bugs:
   -> LAM Pro: UTF-8 characters are invalid displayed on configuration page (1788752)
   -> LAM works again on PHP 5.1.x (1792447)
   -> Quota: managing group quotas does not work (1811728)
   -> Samba 3 domains: lockout users after bad logon attempts must allow 0 - 999 (1814578)

08.08.2007 2.0.0
  - new translations: Chinese (Simplified), Czech and Portuguese
  - usability improvements
  - LDAP accounts including child entries can now be moved
  - group list can show primary members (RFE 1517679 and patch 1722460)
  - more translated example texts (RFE 1702140)
  - inetOrgPerson: now manages homePhone, roomNumber, businessCategory
  - posixAccount: allow to create home directories in file upload (RFE 1665034)
  - account lists: display buttons on top and bottom (RFE 1702136)
  - fixed bugs:
   -> OU editor: help images (1702132)
   -> config editor: extra space (1702269)
   -> fixed some inconsistent help entries (1694863)
   -> user list: refreshing GID translation did not work (1719168)
   -> allow uid as RDN attribute for inetOrgPerson (1740499)
   -> PHP Warning: mcrypt_decrypt(): The IV parameter must be ... (1742543)
   -> uid attribute no longer required for InetOrgPerson (1757215)

28.03.2007 1.3.0
  - improved design
  - user list can now display jpegPhoto attributes
  - lamdaemon: support for multiple servers
  - LAM Pro: users may change their photos (jpegPhoto)
  - fixed bugs:
   -> ShadowAccount: PDF entry for expire date was wrong (1658868)
   -> Samba groups: fixed help entry (patch 1664542)
   -> Debian package did not include (1660493)
   -> NIS mail aliases: allow more characters in alias name (1674198)
   -> fixed syntax errors in some .htaccess files
   -> security fix: HTML special characters in LDAP data were not escaped

    API changes:
    - added listPrintTableCellContent() to class lamList
    - added listPrintAdditionalOptions() to class lamList
    - added preModifyActions() to class baseModule
    - added postModifyActions() to class baseModule
    - added preDeleteActions() to class baseModule
    - added postDeleteActions() to class baseModule

24.01.2007 1.2.0
  - Samba 3: better handling of date values
  - Samba 3: Handling of locked accounts (RFE 1609076)
  - LAM Pro: modules can define configuration settings (Unix: password hashing)
  - LAM Pro: management of groupOfNames and groupOfUniqueNames entries (RFE 875482)
  - fixed bugs:
   -> Lamdaemon test did not work on PHP 4
   -> InetOrgPerson: Problems with error messages (1628799)

    API changes:
    - removed get_configDescription() from module interface
    - added functions to handle configuration settings for LAM Pro

01.11.2006 1.1.1
   - Lamdaemon: added test page (Tools -> Tests -> Lamdaemon test)
   - LAM Pro: Samba passwords can now be synchronized with Unix password
   - Shadow account: better management of expiration date
   - fixed bugs:
    -> Unix: password hashing problem (1562426)
    -> Unix: No error message for wrong UID numbers in file upload
    -> Filters in account lists get lost when sorting the table

20.09.2006 1.1.0
   - Lamdaemon now uses the SSH implementation from PECL which is much more stable
   - Samba 2/3: "Use Unix password" now on by default (1517678)

    API changes:
    - removed $post parameters from module functions (delete_attributes(),
      process_...(), display_html_...()). Use $_POST instead.
    - process_...() functions: returned messages are no longer grouped
      (e.g. return: array(array('INFO', 'headline', 'text'), array('INFO', 'headline2', 'text2')))

10.08.2006 1.0.4
   - added Russian translation
   - Samba 3: added policies for domain objects
   - inetLocalMailRecipient: print warning if local address is already in use

05.07.2006 1.0.3
   - fixed bugs:
    -> Kolab: fixed problem with message about missing password
    -> Unix groups: fixed auto GID
    -> Unix users/groups: fixed silent unlocking of passwords
    -> Unix users/groups: removed invalid password option
    -> Shadow: account expiration date was incorrect in some time zones
    -> User list: fixed problems when deleting users and translated GIDs are activated (1503367)

24.05.2006 1.0.2
   - security enhancements: session timeout, logging, host restrictions
   - handle LDAP attribute aliases correctly
   - fixed bugs:
    -> PDF creation bug when GID translation is activated (1477111)
    -> allow "@" in passwords (1477878)
    -> Samba 2/3: fixed NT hashes
    -> fixed handling of multi-value attributes (e.g. in inetLocalMailRecipient)

12.04.2006 1.0.1
   - LAM can now be installed with "configure" and "make install"
   - added workaround for misspelled object classes (e.g. sambaSAMAccount by smbldap-tools)
   - Unix: merged password hash settings for Unix users and groups
   - Samba 3: added Windows group to profile options
   - security: LAM checks the session id and client IP
   - fixed bugs:
    -> Samba 3: hash values were wrong in some rare cases (1440021)
    -> Samba 3: readded time zone selection for logon hours (1407761)
    -> Unix: call of unknown function (1450464)

01.03.2006 1.0.0
   - new architecture with support for more account types
   - new translations: Traditional Chinese, Dutch
   - fixed bugs:
    -> Samba groups: editing of special groups fixed
    -> changed check for mail addresses (patch 1403922)
    -> fixed JPG upload when MCrypt is enabled
    -> fixed login problems for AD servers
    -> improved sorting of account lists
    -> fixed language setting in default configuration profile
    -> fixed PHP5 warnings (getdate() and mktime())
    -> error messages in Samba domain module (1437425)
    -> fixed expired passwords with shadowAccount module
    -> added compatibility and security patches by Tim Rice

08.02.2006 1.0.rc2
   - new translation: Dutch
   - fixed bugs:
    -> changed check for mail addresses (patch 1403922)
    -> fixed JPG upload when MCrypt is enabled
    -> fixed login problems for AD servers

09.01.2006 1.0.rc1
   - new architecture with support for more account types
   - new translation: Traditional Chinese
   - fixed bugs:
    -> Samba groups: editing of special groups fixed

14.12.2005 0.5.3
   - accounts are now deleted with subentries
   - big update for Italian translation
   - inetOrgPerson: support jpegPhoto images
   - less restrictive input checks
   - fixed bugs:
    -> fixed problems with case-insensitive DNs
    -> file upload did not work when max_execution_time=0 (1367957)
    -> posixGroup: fixed help entries

16.11.2005 0.5.2
   - New module for SSH public keys
   - check file permissions on login page
   - fixed bugs:
    -> creation of home directories did not work
    -> allow spaces in profile names (1333058)
    -> fixed problem with magic_quotes_gpc in profile editor (1333069)
    -> inetOrgPerson: deletion of postal address and fax number now works

19.10.2005 0.5.1
   - Samba 3: added support for account expiration
   - fixed bugs:
    -> automatic UID/GID assignment did not fully work
    -> PDF: additional groups for Unix users
    -> inetOrgPerson: fixed mobile number
    -> Samba 2/3: passwords fixed for file uploads (1311561)
    -> Samba 3: fixed logon hours (patch 1311915)
    -> Samba 3: loading of domain setting from profile did not work
    -> Quota: profile settings fixed
    -> reduced memory usage

28.09.2005 0.5.0
   - Samba 2/3: added display name in account pages
   - fixed bugs:
    -> fixed error message when creating new accounts with shadowAccount
    -> added missing help entries on main account page
    -> Samba 2/3: fixed settings for password expiration, no password and deactivated account
    -> changing of RDN caused problems in some cases

08.09.2005 0.5.rc3
   - INFO messages no longer prevent changing to subpages of a module
   - fixed bugs:
    -> buttons on account page are better sorted
    -> account module: some problems solved when used for user accounts
    -> nisMailAlias: fixed missing RDN possibility
    -> fixed conflicts when accounts were built with other base modules
    -> Samba 2/3: setting allowed workstations failed
    -> magic_quotes_gpc = Off prevented editing of accounts
    -> fixed help links on Samba and Unix pages

18.08.2005 0.5.rc2
   - allow user accounts based only on "account" module
   - inetOrgPerson: allow setting a password if posixAccount is not active
   - fixed bugs:
    -> removed Blowfish encryption (bad performance)
    -> Kolab now complains if no user password is set

08.08.2005 0.5.rc1
   - Kolab 2 support
   - added manager and post office box for inetOrgPerson
   - Samba 3: added support for logon hours
   - Samba 3: added sambaSID as possible RDN attribute
   - improved error handling in profile editor
   - now quotas can be set on CSV upload
   - new logo
   - fixed bugs:
    -> several fixes for PHP5
    -> fixes for PDF editor and output
    -> password changing in tree view did not work
    -> fixed changing of group memberships for users

28.07.2005 0.4.10
  - PHP5 compatibility added

30.06.2005 0.5.alpha2
   - added documentation about schemas
   - PDF now uses UTF-8 fonts
   - added possibility to create plain inetOrgPerson accounts
   - fixed bugs:
    -> set DN suffix and RDN on profile loading
    -> several fixes for PDF editor
    -> creating Samba hosts now works

11.05.2005 0.5.alpha1
  - new modular architecture
   -> possibility to create Unix-only accounts
   -> plugins for more objectClasses planned
   -> enhanced PDF output
   -> enhanced file upload
   -> enhanced editor for account profiles
   -> dynamic configuration options (based on modules)
  - all pages in UTF-8
  - added developer documentation
  - PHPDoc formated comments
  - new plugin for managing MAC addresses (RFE 926017)
  - new plugin for managing NIS mail aliases (RFE 1050036)
  - new plugin for managing mail routing with inetLocalMailRecipient (RFE 1092137)
  - schema browser
  - tree view

09.03.2005 0.4.9
  - fixed bugs:
      fixed error messages when moving an user account
      fixed problem with special group SIDs security fix

26.01.2005 0.4.8
  - allow "%" at the beginning of Samba home/profile path (1107998)
  - fixed bugs:
      fixed IE fix ;-)
      no more warnings for profiles with no additional groups set

19.12.2004 0.4.7
  - added "*.exe" to Samba logon script regex (1081715)
  - fixed bugs:
      fixed doctype of main frame
      removed syntax check for LDAP suffixes
      fixed IE bug at login
      fixed encoding in HTTP header
      passwords with "'" are now handled correctly at login (1081460)
      fixed Samba flags if multiple hosts were created
      updated .htaccess files to be compatible with newer Apache versions

26.05.2004 0.4.6
  - fixed bugs:
      password hashes were not disabled correctly
      street was copied to postal code on modify (938502)
      underscore was not allowed for host names (934445)
      deleting postal address or facsimile number failed (948616)
      TLS error handling (958497)
      smaller fixes on personal settings page

21.03.2004 0.4.5
  - added French translation
  - fixed bugs:
      StatusMessages with additional variables did not work
      Samba hosts had unnecessary objectClass shadowAccount (910084)
      Samba host passwords were still wrong
      LAM had problems with non-standard spelled object classes (907636)
      Perl scripts did not work if Perl is not installed in /usr/bin/perl (913554)
      problems when cn!=uid (915041)
      home directories were not deleted by (913552)

29.02.2004 0.4.4 (stable)
  - fixed bugs:
      plain posix groups could not be used as Samba 3 primary group
      if magic_quotes_gpc in php.ini is was set to "Off", several pages did not work
      some smaller bugs in mass upload
      Samba hash values for hosts were not correct
      Unix passwords could be disabled but not reenabled
      fixed problem with eval() in (894433)

08.02.2004 0.4.3
  - new login layout
  - added Hungarian and Japanese translations
  - fixed bugs:
      Samba paswords were sometimes empty for new users (892272)
      links in list views may not work with web servers other than Apache

21.01.2004 0.4.2
  - added config wizard
  - MHash is only needed for PHP < 4.3
  - use Blowfish for encryption instead of MCrypt

29.12.2003 0.4.1

  - better error handling at login
  - support spaces in DNs
  - PDF text for users
  - create missing OUs recursivly
  - fixed bugs:
      SMD5 passwords were wrong
      primaryGroupSID wrong if SID has no relation to Algorithmic RID Base
      Samba 2 accounts could not be created

29.10.2003 0.4 (Beta1)

  - improved design
  - improved documentation
  - Fixed possible error which could delete entries if objectclass didn't fit
  - Fixed many samba 3.0 related bugs, most related to SIDs
  - edit group members directly
  - support for several password hashes (CRYPT/SHA/SSHA/MD5/SMD5/PLAIN)
  - PDF output for groups and hosts

31.08.2003 0.3 (Alpha 3)

  - Samba 3 support
  - manage Samba 3 domains
  - multiple configuration files
  - PDF output
  - better mass creation

04.07.2003 0.2 (Alpha 2)

  - support for multiple OUs + OU-Editor
  - account creation via file upload
  - profile editor
  - experimental Samba 3 support
  - fixed a lot of bugs

23.05.2003 0.1 (Alpha 1)

  Initial release