use \htmlTable;
use \htmlTitle;
use \htmlTableExtendedInputField;
use \htmlSpacer;
use \htmlTableExtendedSelect;
use \htmlButton;
use \htmlOutputText;
use \htmlGroup;
use \htmlSelect;
use \htmlInputField;
use \htmlSubTitle;
use \htmlFieldset;
use \htmlInputTextarea;
use \htmlHiddenInput;

  This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (http://www.ldap-account-manager.org/)
  Copyright (C) 2003 - 2006  Michael Duergner
                2007 - 2016  Roland Gruber

  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

  Manages creating/changing of pdf structures.


* Displays the main page of the PDF editor where the user can select the displayed entries.
* @author Michael Duergner
* @author Roland Gruber
* @package PDF

/** security functions */
/** access to PDF configuration files */
/** LDAP object */
/** LAM configuration */
/** module functions */
/** XML functions */

// start session

// die if no write access
if (!checkIfWriteAccessIsAllowed()) die();



if (!empty($_POST)) {

// check if user is logged in, if not go to login
if (!$_SESSION['ldap'] || !$_SESSION['ldap']->server()) {

// Write $_POST variables to $_GET when form was submitted via post
if (isset($_POST['type'])) {
	$_GET = $_POST;
	if ($_POST['pdfname'] == '') {

$typeManager = new \LAM\TYPES\TypeManager();
$type = $typeManager->getConfiguredType($_GET['type']);
if ($type->isHidden() || !checkIfWriteAccessIsAllowed($type->getId())) {
	logNewMessage(LOG_ERR, 'User tried to access hidden PDF structure: ' . $type->getId());

// Abort and go back to main pdf structure page
if(isset($_GET['abort'])) {

// set new logo and headline
if ((isset($_GET['headline'])) && ($_GET['logoFile'] != $_SESSION['currentPageDefinitions']['filename'])) {
	$_SESSION['currentPageDefinitions']['filename'] = $_GET['logoFile'];
if ((isset($_GET['headline'])) && ($_GET['headline'] != $_SESSION['currentPageDefinitions']['headline'])) {
	$_SESSION['currentPageDefinitions']['headline'] = str_replace('<','',str_replace('>','',$_GET['headline']));
if ((isset($_GET['foldingmarks'])) && (!isset($_SESSION['currentPageDefinitions']['foldingmarks']) || ($_GET['foldingmarks'] != $_SESSION['currentPageDefinitions']['foldingmarks']))) {
	$_SESSION['currentPageDefinitions']['foldingmarks'] = $_GET['foldingmarks'];

// Change section headline
foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
	if (strpos($key, 'section_') === 0) {
		$pos = substr($key, strlen('section_'));
		$_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'][$pos]['attributes']['NAME'] = $value;

// Check if pdfname is valid, then save current structure to file and go to
// main pdf structure page
$saveErrors = array();
if(isset($_GET['submit'])) {
	if(!isset($_GET['pdfname']) || !preg_match('/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+/',$_GET['pdfname'])) {
		$saveErrors[] = array('ERROR', _('PDF structure name not valid'), _('The name for that PDF-structure you submitted is not valid. A valid name must consist of the following characters: \'a-z\',\'A-Z\',\'0-9\',\'_\',\'-\'.'));
	else {
		$return = \LAM\PDF\savePDFStructure($type->getId(), $_GET['pdfname']);
		if($return == 'ok') {
			metaRefresh('pdfmain.php?savedSuccessfully=' . $_GET['pdfname']);
		elseif($return == 'no perms'){
			$saveErrors[] = array('ERROR', _("Could not save PDF structure, access denied."), $_GET['pdfname']);
// add a new text field
elseif(isset($_GET['add_text'])) {
	// Check if text for static text field is specified
	if(!isset($_GET['text_text']) || ($_GET['text_text'] == '')) {
		StatusMessage('ERROR',_('No static text specified'),_('The static text must contain at least one character.'));
	else {
		$entry = array(array('tag' => 'TEXT','type' => 'complete','level' => '2','value' => $_GET['text_text']));
		// Insert new field in structure
// add a new section with text headline
elseif(isset($_GET['add_sectionText'])) {
	// Check if name for new section is specified when needed
	if(!isset($_GET['new_section_text']) || ($_GET['new_section_text'] == '')) {
		StatusMessage('ERROR',_('No section text specified'),_('The headline for a new section must contain at least one character.'));
	else {
		$attributes = array();
		$attributes['NAME'] = $_GET['new_section_text'];
		$entry = array(array('tag' => 'SECTION','type' => 'open','level' => '2','attributes' => $attributes),array('tag' => 'SECTION','type' => 'close','level' => '2'));
		// Insert new field in structure
// Add a new section with item as headline
elseif(isset($_GET['add_section'])) {
		$attributes = array();
		$attributes['NAME'] = '_' . $_GET['new_section_item'];
		$entry = array(array('tag' => 'SECTION','type' => 'open','level' => '2','attributes' => $attributes),array('tag' => 'SECTION','type' => 'close','level' => '2'));
		// Insert new field in structure
// Add a new value field
elseif(isset($_GET['add_new_field'])) {
	$field = array('tag' => 'ENTRY','type' => 'complete','level' => '3','attributes' => array('NAME' => $_GET['new_field']));
	$pos = 0;
	// Find begin section to insert into
	while($pos < $_GET['add_field_position']) {
	$current = next($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure']);
	// End of section to insert into
	while($current && $current['tag'] != 'SECTION' && $current['type'] != 'close') {
		$current = next($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure']);
	// Insert new entry before closing section tag

foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
	// remove entry or section
	if (strpos($key, 'remove_') === 0) {
		$pos = substr($key, strlen('remove_'));
		$remove = $_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'][$pos];
		// We have a section to remove
		if($remove['tag'] == "SECTION") {
			$end = $pos + 1;
			// Find end of section to remove
			while (isset($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'][$end]) && ($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'][$end]['tag'] != 'SECTION')
				&& ($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'][$end]['type'] != 'close')) {
			// Remove complete section with all value entries in it from structure
			array_splice($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'], $pos, $end - $pos + 1);
		// We have a value entry to remove
		elseif($remove['tag'] == "ENTRY") {
			array_splice($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'], $pos, 1);
		// We hava a static text to remove
		elseif($remove['tag'] == "TEXT") {
			array_splice($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'], $pos, 1);
	// Move a section, static text field or value entry downwards
	elseif (strpos($key, 'down_') === 0) {
		$index = substr($key, strlen('down_'));
		$tmp = $_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'][$index];
		$next = $_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'][$index + 1];
		// We have a section or static text to move
		if($tmp['tag'] == 'SECTION' || $tmp['tag'] == 'TEXT') {
			$pos = 0;
			$current = current($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure']);
			// Find section or static text entry to move
			while($pos < $index) {
				$current = next($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure']);
			$borders = array();
			// We have a section to move
			if($current['tag'] == 'SECTION'){
				$borders[$current['type']][] = $pos;
				$current = next($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure']);
				// Find end of section to move
				while($current && $current['tag'] != 'SECTION' && $current['type'] != 'close') {
					$current = next($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure']);
				$borders['close'][] = $pos;
			// We have a static text entry to move
			elseif($current['tag'] == 'TEXT') {
				$borders['open'][] = $pos;
				$borders['close'][] = $pos;
			$current = next($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure']);
			// Find next section or static text entry in structure
			if($current) {
				// Next is a section
				if($current['tag'] == 'SECTION') {
					$borders[$current['type']][] = $pos;
					$current = next($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure']);
					// Find end of this section
					while($current && $current['tag'] != 'SECTION' && $current['type'] != 'close') {
						if($current['tag'] == 'SECTION') {
							$borders[$current['type']][] = $pos;
						$current = next($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure']);
				// Next is static text entry
				elseif($current['tag'] == 'TEXT') {
					$borders['open'][] = $pos;
				$borders['close'][] = $pos;
			// Move only downwars if not bottenmost element of this structure
			if(count($borders['open']) > 1) {
				// Calculate entries to move and move them
				$cut_start = $borders['open'][count($borders['open']) - 1];
				$cut_count = $borders['close'][count($borders['close']) - 1] - $borders['open'][count($borders['open']) - 1] + 1;
				$insert_pos = $borders['open'][count($borders['open']) - 2];
				$tomove = array_splice($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'],$cut_start,$cut_count);
		// We have a value entry to move; move it only if it is not the bottmmost
		// element of this section.
		elseif($tmp['tag'] == 'ENTRY' && $next['tag'] == 'ENTRY') {
			$_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'][$index] = $_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'][$index + 1];
			$_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'][$index + 1] = $tmp;
	// Move a section, static text or value entry upwards
	elseif (strpos($key, 'up_') === 0) {
		$index = substr($key, strlen('up_'));
		$tmp = $_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'][$index];
		$prev = $_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'][$index - 1];
		// We have a section or static text to move
		if($tmp['tag'] == 'SECTION' || $tmp['tag'] == 'TEXT') {
			$pos = 0;
			$borders = array();
			$current = current($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure']);
			// Add borders of sections and static text entry to array
			if($current['tag'] == 'SECTION') {
				$borders[$current['type']][] = $pos;
			elseif($current['tag'] == 'TEXT') {
				$borders['open'][] = $pos;
				$borders['close'][] = $pos;
			// Find all sections and statci text fields before the section or static
			// text entry to move upwards
			while($pos < $index) {
				$current = next($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure']);
				if($current['tag'] == 'SECTION') {
					$borders[$current['type']][] = $pos;
				elseif($current['tag'] == 'TEXT') {
					$borders['open'][] = $pos;
					$borders['close'][] = $pos;
			// Move only when not topmost element
			if(count($borders['close']) > 0) {
				// We have a section to move up
				if($current['tag'] == 'SECTION') {
					$current = next($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure']);
					// Find end of section to move
					while($current && $current['tag'] != 'SECTION' && $current['type'] != 'close') {
						$current = next($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure']);
					$borders['close'][] = $pos;
				// Calculate the entries to move and move them
				$cut_start = $borders['open'][count($borders['open']) - 1];
				$cut_count = $borders['close'][count($borders['close']) - 1] - $borders['open'][count($borders['open']) - 1] + 1;
				$insert_pos = $borders['open'][count($borders['open']) - 2];
				$tomove = array_splice($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'],$cut_start,$cut_count);
		// We have a value entry to move; move it only if its not the topmost
		// entry in this section
		elseif($tmp['tag'] == 'ENTRY' && $prev['tag'] == 'ENTRY') {
			$_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'][$index] = $prev;
			$_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'][$index - 1] = $tmp;

// Load PDF structure from file if it is not defined in session
if(!isset($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'])) {
	// Load structure file to be edit
	if(isset($_GET['edit'])) {
		$load = \LAM\PDF\loadPDFStructure($type->getId(), $_GET['edit']);
		$_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'] = $load['structure'];
		$_SESSION['currentPageDefinitions'] = $load['page_definitions'];
		$_GET['pdfname'] = $_GET['edit'];
	// Load default structure file when creating a new one
	else {
		$load = \LAM\PDF\loadPDFStructure($type->getId());
		$_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'] = $load['structure'];
		$_SESSION['currentPageDefinitions'] = $load['page_definitions'];

$availablePDFFields = getAvailablePDFFields($type->getId());

// Create the values for the dropdown boxes for section headline defined by
// value entries and fetch all available modules
$modules = array();
$section_items_array = array();
$section_items = '';
$sortedModules = array();
foreach($availablePDFFields as $module => $fields) {
	if ($module != 'main') {
		$title = getModuleAlias($module, $type->getScope());
	else {
		$title = _('Main');
	$sortedModules[$module] = $title;
foreach($sortedModules as $module => $title) {
	$values = $availablePDFFields[$module];
	if (!is_array($values) || (sizeof($values) < 1)) {
	$modules[] = $module;
	$section_items .= "<optgroup label=\"" . $title . "\"\n>";
	foreach($values as $attribute => $attributeLabel) {
		$section_items_array[] = $module . '_' . $attribute;
		$section_items .= "<option value=\"" . $module . '_' . $attribute . "\">" . $attributeLabel . "</option>\n";
	$section_items .= "</optgroup>\n";
$modules = join(',',$modules);

// print header
include '../main_header.php';

// print error messages if any
if (sizeof($saveErrors) > 0) {
	for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($saveErrors); $i++) {
		call_user_func_array('StatusMessage', $saveErrors[$i]);
	echo "<br>\n";

$newFieldFieldElements = array();
foreach($sortedModules as $module => $title) {
	$fields = $availablePDFFields[$module];
	if (isset($fields) && is_array($fields) && (sizeof($fields) > 0)) {
		$moduleFields = array();
		foreach ($fields as $field => $fieldLabel) {
			$moduleFields[$fieldLabel] = $module . "_" . $field;
		$newFieldFieldElements[$title] = $moduleFields;

// structure name
$structureName = '';
if (isset($_GET['edit'])) {
	$structureName = $_GET['edit'];
elseif (isset($_GET['pdfname'])) {
	$structureName = $_GET['pdfname'];
else if (isset($_POST['pdfname'])) {
	$structureName = $_POST['pdfname'];
// headline
$headline = 'LDAP Account Manager';
if (isset($_SESSION['currentPageDefinitions']['headline'])) {
	$headline = $_SESSION['currentPageDefinitions']['headline'];
// logo
$logoFiles = \LAM\PDF\getAvailableLogos();
$logos = array(_('No logo') => 'none');
foreach($logoFiles as $logoFile) {
	$logos[$logoFile['filename'] . ' (' . $logoFile['infos'][0] . ' x ' . $logoFile['infos'][1] . ")"] = $logoFile['filename'];
$selectedLogo = array('printLogo.jpg');
if (isset($_SESSION['currentPageDefinitions']['filename'])) {
	$selectedLogo = array($_SESSION['currentPageDefinitions']['filename']);

	<form id="inputForm" action="pdfpage.php" method="post" onSubmit="saveScrollPosition('inputForm')">
$sectionElements = array();
$nonTextSectionElements = array();

$container = new htmlTable();
$container->addElement(new htmlTitle(_('PDF editor')), true);

// main content
$mainContent = new htmlTable();
$structureNameInput = new htmlTableExtendedInputField(_("Structure name"), 'pdfname', $structureName, '360');
$mainContent->addElement($structureNameInput, true);
$mainContent->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedInputField(_('Headline'), 'headline', $headline), true);
$logoSelect = new htmlTableExtendedSelect('logoFile', $logos, $selectedLogo, _('Logo'));
$mainContent->addElement($logoSelect, true);
$foldingMarks = 'no';
if (isset($_SESSION['currentPageDefinitions']['foldingmarks'])) {
	$foldingMarks = $_SESSION['currentPageDefinitions']['foldingmarks'];
$possibleFoldingMarks = array(_('No') => 'no', _('Yes') => 'standard');
$foldingMarksSelect = new htmlTableExtendedSelect('foldingmarks', $possibleFoldingMarks, array($foldingMarks), _('Folding marks'));
$mainContent->addElement($foldingMarksSelect, true);
$mainContent->addElement(new htmlSpacer(null, '30px'), true);
// PDF structure
// print every entry in the current structure
$structureContent = new htmlTable();
for ($key = 0; $key < sizeof($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure']); $key++) {
	$entry = $_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'][$key];
	// create the up/down/remove links
	$linkBase = 'pdfpage.php?type=' . $type->getId() . '&pdfname=' . $structureName . '&headline=' . $headline . '&logoFile=' . $selectedLogo[0] . '&foldingmarks=' . $foldingMarks;
	$linkUp = new htmlButton('up_' . $key, 'up.gif', true);
	$linkDown = new htmlButton('down_' . $key, 'down.gif', true);
	$linkRemove = new htmlButton('remove_' . $key, 'delete.gif', true);
	$emptyBox = new htmlOutputText('');
	// We have a new section to start
	if(($entry['tag'] == "SECTION") && ($entry['type'] == 'open')) {
		$name = $entry['attributes']['NAME'];
		if(preg_match("/^_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+/",$name)) {
			$section_headline = translateFieldIDToName(substr($name,1), $type->getScope(), $availablePDFFields);
		else {
			$section_headline = $name;
		$nonTextSectionElements[$section_headline] = $key;
		$sectionElements[$section_headline] = $key;
		$structureContent->addElement(new htmlSpacer(null, '15px'), true);
		// Section headline is a value entry
		if(preg_match("/^_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+/",$name)) {
			$headlineElements = array();
			foreach($section_items_array as $item) {
				$headlineElements[translateFieldIDToName($item, $type->getScope(), $availablePDFFields)] = '_' . $item;
			$sectionHeadlineSelect = new htmlSelect('section_' . $key, $headlineElements, array($name));
			$sectionHeadlineGroup = new htmlGroup();
			$sectionHeadlineGroup->colspan = 2;
		// Section headline is a user text
		else {
			$sectionHeadlineInput = new htmlInputField('section_' . $key, $section_headline);
			$sectionHeadlineGroup = new htmlGroup();
			$sectionHeadlineGroup->colspan = 2;
		if ($key != 0) {
		else {
		$hasAdditionalSections = false;
		for ($a = $key + 1; $a < sizeof($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure']); $a++) {
			if ((($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'][$a]['tag'] == "SECTION") && ($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'][$a]['type'] == "open"))
				|| ($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'][$a]['tag'] == "TEXT")) {
				$hasAdditionalSections = true;
		if ($hasAdditionalSections) {
		else {
		$structureContent->addElement($linkRemove, true);
	// We have to include a static text.
	elseif($entry['tag'] == "TEXT") {
		// Add current satic text for dropdown box needed for the position when inserting a new
		// section or static text entry
		$sectionElements[_('Static text')] = $key + 1;
		$structureContent->addElement(new htmlSpacer(null, '15px'), true);
		$sectionHeadlineOutput = new htmlOutputText(_('Static text'));
		$sectionHeadlineOutput->colspan = 2;
		if ($key != 0) {
		else {
		if ($key != sizeof($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure']) - 1) {
		else {
		$structureContent->addElement($linkRemove, true);
		$structureContent->addElement(new htmlSpacer('10px', null));
		$staticTextOutput = new htmlOutputText($entry['value']);
		$structureContent->addElement($staticTextOutput, true);
	// We have to include an entry from the account
	elseif($entry['tag'] == "ENTRY") {
		// Get name of current entry
		$name = $entry['attributes']['NAME'];
		$structureContent->addElement(new htmlSpacer('10px', null));
		$fieldOutput = new htmlOutputText(translateFieldIDToName($name, $type->getScope(), $availablePDFFields));
		if ($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'][$key - 1]['tag'] != 'SECTION') {
		else {
		if ($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure'][$key + 1]['tag'] != 'SECTION') {
		else {
		$structureContent->addElement($linkRemove, true);
$sectionElements[_('End')] = sizeof($_SESSION['currentPDFStructure']);
$structureContent->colspan = 3;
$container->addElement(new htmlFieldset($mainContent), true);
$container->addElement(new htmlSpacer(null, '15px'), true);

// new section
$container->addElement(new htmlSubTitle(_('New section')), true);
$newSectionContent = new htmlTable();
// add new section with text title
$newSectionContent->addElement(new htmlTableExtendedInputField(_("Headline"), 'new_section_text'));
$newSectionPositionSelect1 = new htmlTableExtendedSelect('add_sectionText_position', $sectionElements, array(), _('Position'));
$newSectionContent->addElement(new htmlButton('add_sectionText', _('Add')), true);
// add new section with field title
$newSectionFieldSelect = new htmlTableExtendedSelect('new_section_item', $newFieldFieldElements, array(), _("Headline"));
$newSectionPositionSelect2 = new htmlTableExtendedSelect('add_section_position', $sectionElements, array(), _('Position'));
$newSectionContent->addElement(new htmlButton('add_section', _('Add')));

$container->addElement(new htmlFieldset($newSectionContent, _("Section")), true);
$container->addElement(new htmlSpacer(null, '10px'), true);
$newTextFieldContent = new htmlTable();
$newTextFieldContent->addElement(new htmlInputTextarea('text_text', '', 40, 3));
$newTextFieldPositionSelect = new htmlTableExtendedSelect('add_text_position', $sectionElements, array(), _('Position'));
$newTextFieldContent->addElement(new htmlButton('add_text', _('Add')));
$container->addElement(new htmlFieldset($newTextFieldContent, _("Text field")), true);

// new field
if (!empty($nonTextSectionElements)) {
	$container->addElement(new htmlSubTitle(_('New field')), true);
	$newFieldContainer = new htmlTable();
	$newFieldFieldSelect = new htmlSelect('new_field', $newFieldFieldElements);
	$newFieldContainer->addElement(new htmlSpacer('10px', null));
	$newFieldSectionSelect = new htmlTableExtendedSelect('add_field_position', $nonTextSectionElements, array(), _('Position'));
	$newFieldContainer->addElement(new htmlButton('add_new_field', _('Add')));
	$container->addElement(new htmlFieldset($newFieldContainer), true);
	$container->addElement(new htmlSpacer(null, '20px'), true);

// buttons
$buttonContainer = new htmlTable();
$saveButton = new htmlButton('submit', _("Save"));
$cancelButton = new htmlButton('abort', _("Cancel"));
$buttonContainer->addElement(new htmlHiddenInput('modules', $modules));
$buttonContainer->addElement(new htmlHiddenInput('type', $type->getId()));

$container->addElement($buttonContainer, true);

$tabindex = 1;
parseHtml(null, $container, array(), false, $tabindex, $type->getScope());

if ((sizeof($saveErrors) == 0) && isset($_POST['scrollPositionTop']) && isset($_POST['scrollPositionLeft'])) {
	// scroll to last position
	echo '<script type="text/javascript">
		jQuery(document).ready(function() {
			jQuery(window).scrollTop(' . $_POST['scrollPositionTop'] . ');
			jQuery(window).scrollLeft('. $_POST['scrollPositionLeft'] . ');

echo '</form>';
include '../main_footer.php';

 * Translates a given field ID (e.g. inetOrgPerson_givenName) to its descriptive name.
 * @param String $id field ID
 * @param String $scope account type
 * @param array $availablePDFFields available PDF fields
function translateFieldIDToName($id, $scope, $availablePDFFields) {
	foreach ($availablePDFFields as $module => $fields) {
		if (!(strpos($id, $module . '_') === 0)) {
		foreach ($fields as $name => $label) {
			if ($id == $module . '_' . $name) {
				if ($module == 'main') {
					return _('Main') . ': ' . $label;
				else  {
					return getModuleAlias($module, $scope) . ': ' . $label;
	return $id;
