server()) { metaRefresh("../login.php"); exit; } // check if user has pressed submit or abort button if ($_POST['forward'] == "yes") { // on abort go back to main page if ($_POST['abort']) { metaRefresh("../lists/listusers.php"); } // on submit forward to other profile pages elseif ($_POST['submit']) { // create new user profile if ($_POST['profile'] == "newuser") { metaRefresh("profilepage.php?type=user"); } // edit user profile elseif($_POST['profile'] == "edituser") { metaRefresh("profileuser.php?type=user&edit=" . $_POST['e_user']); } // delete user profile elseif($_POST['profile'] == "deluser") { metaRefresh("profiledelete.php?type=user&del=" . $_POST['d_user']); } if ($_SESSION['config']->is_samba3() || $_SESSION['config']->get_scriptPath()) { // create new group profile if ($_POST['profile'] == "newgroup") { metaRefresh("profilegroup.php"); } // edit group profile elseif($_POST['profile'] == "editgroup") { metaRefresh("profilegroup.php?edit=" . $_POST['e_group']); } // delete group profile elseif($_POST['profile'] == "delgroup") { metaRefresh("profiledelete.php?type=group&del=" . $_POST['d_group']); } } // create new host profile if ($_POST['profile'] == "newhost") { metaRefresh("profilehost.php"); } // edit host profile elseif($_POST['profile'] == "edithost") { metaRefresh("profilehost.php?edit=" . $_POST['e_host']); } // delete user profile elseif($_POST['profile'] == "delhost") { metaRefresh("profiledelete.php?type=host&del=" . $_POST['d_host']); } } exit; } // get list of user profiles and generate entries for dropdown box $usrprof = getUserProfiles(); $userprofiles = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($usrprof); $i++) { $userprofiles = $userprofiles . "\n"; } if ($_SESSION['config']->is_samba3() || $_SESSION['config']->get_scriptPath()) { // get list of group profiles and generate entries for dropdown box $grpprof = getGroupProfiles(); $groupprofiles = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($grpprof); $i++) { $groupprofiles = $groupprofiles . "\n"; } } // get list of host profiles and generate entries for dropdown box $hstprof = getHostProfiles(); $hostprofiles = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($hstprof); $i++) { $hostprofiles = $hostprofiles . "\n"; } echo $_SESSION['header']; ?> LDAP Account Manager

is_samba3() || $_SESSION['config']->get_scriptPath()) { echo " "; echo "
"; echo " "; echo " " . _("Group Profiles") . ""; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; if ($groupprofiles != "") { echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; } echo "
"; echo " "; echo " " . _("Create a new Group Profile") . "
"; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " " . _("Edit Group Profile") . "
"; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " " . _("Delete Group Profile") . "
"; echo "
"; echo "

"; } ?>

"> ">