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<h1>Upgrade notes</h1>

This is a list of API changes for all LAM releases.


<h2>3.0.0 -&gt; 3.1.0</h2><span style="font-weight: bold;">Module interface:</span> There is a new object-oriented library to
generate HTML for the account modules (e.g. used for
display_html_attributes()). This will allow additional functionality
like client side validation. Please see lib/html.inc or package
metaHTML in the phpdoc documentation.<br>
<span style="color: red; font-weight: bold;">Attention: </span><span style="color: red; font-weight: bold;">The getSelfServiceOptions() function no longer supports the old meta HTML. </span><span style="color: red; font-weight: bold;">The other functions will support the old array-based meta HTML elements only until Q2/2011! </span><br>
The PDF editor now supports descriptive PDF
fields. You can use this by returning an associative array for the PDF
fields (e.g. array('macAddress' =&gt; _('MAC address'))) in <span style="font-weight: bold;">get_pdfFields()</span> or the meta data.<br>
The old format is still supported. LAM will continue to show the field name as label in this case.<br>
<h2>2.9.0 -&gt; 3.0.0</h2>

You can now integrate JavaScript libraries by simply putting the files
into templates/lib. All files with the name *.js are automatically
included on all pages.<br>
There is a new log level LOG_DEBUG available for logNewMessage().
<h3>Module interface:</h3>
The function
<span style="font-weight: bold;">build_uploadAccounts()</span>
has a new parameter
<span style="font-weight: bold;">$selectedModules</span>.<br>
<h3>Type interface:</h3>

The new function <span style="font-weight: bold;">supportsFileUpload()</span> specifies if file uploads are supported (default true).<br>

<h2>2.8.0 -&gt; 2.9.0</h2>

Several functions of the <span style="font-weight: bold;">cache</span>
class were removed.<br>


<h2>2.5.0 -&gt; 2.6.0</h2>

The class <span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">baseType</span>
has two new member variables:<br>



They can be used to show a more specific text when the user is asked to
create another account or return back to the account list.<br>


The meta HTML code now supports image buttons.<br>



<h2>2.4.0 -&gt; 2.5.0</h2>

<h3>Self service</h3>

<span style="font-weight: bold;">$selfServiceSettings</span> in class <span style="font-style: italic;">baseModule</span> is now an object of the
class <span style="font-style: italic;">selfServiceProfile.</span>
This way all profile settings can be read. To access the module
settings use <span style="font-weight: bold;">$this-&gt;selfServiceSettings-&gt;moduleSettings</span>.<br>



<h2>2.2.0 -&gt; 2.3.0</h2>

<h3>Style changes</h3>

If you have defined your own account types then you need to update your
CSS files (style/type_&lt;type&gt;.css).<br>

Please change "table.&lt;type&gt;list input,select" to
"table.&lt;type&gt;list input,select,button" and
"fieldset.&lt;type&gt;edit input" to "fieldset.&lt;type&gt;edit
input,select,button". "fieldset.&lt;type&gt;edit select" may be deleted



<h2>2.1.0 -&gt; 2.2.0</h2>

<h3>Account lists</h3>

Account lists now support to define tools. These are displayed as
linked images like the edit and delete links in the list.<br>

Overwrite <span style="font-weight: bold;">lamList::getAdditionalTools()</span>
to use this feature.<br>


The definition of account list options changed. The function <span style="font-weight: bold;">lamList::getAdditionalTools()</span> is no
longer available. Use these functions instead: <span style="font-weight: bold;">lamList::listGetAllConfigOptions()</span>
and <span style="font-weight: bold;">lamList::listConfigurationChanged()</span>.<br>

All options are now saved in cookies for one year.<br>


<h3>Base module</h3>

The <span style="font-weight: bold;">baseModule</span> class has a new
protected option: <span style="font-weight: bold;">$autoAddObjectClasses
</span>You can set it to false if you do not want that your module's
object classes are added when creating or loading an account.<br>


Account modules can now have icons. See <span style="font-weight: bold;">baseModule-&gt;getIcon()</span>.<br>



LAM now uses the PHP5 syntax for constructors: <span style="font-weight: bold;">__construct()<br>
<h3>Extended security model</h3>

Each server profile now defines an access level.<br>


Currently these are:<br>


  <li>write access</li>
  <li>password changes</li>
  <li>read access<br>

<span style="font-weight: bold;"></span> Please check your code and
prohibit any actions which do not fit the current access level.<br>

There are two new functions in <span style="font-style: italic;">security.inc</span>:
<span style="font-weight: bold;">checkIfWriteAccessIsAllowed()</span>
and <span style="font-weight: bold;">checkIfPasswordChangeIsAllowed()</span><br>

Only LAM Pro allows to change the access level from <span style="font-style: italic;">write access</span> to a smaller level.<br>



<h2>2.0.0 -&gt; 2.1.0</h2>

<h3><span style="font-weight: bold;">Style changes</span></h3>


  <li>"fieldset.&lt;type&gt;edit fieldset" and
"fieldset.&lt;type&gt;edit fieldset fieldset" were removed.</li>
  <li>"table.&lt;type&gt;list input" changed to "table.&lt;type&gt;list

<h3><span style="font-weight: bold;">baseModule</span></h3>

&nbsp; The class variable<span style="font-style: italic;"> $base</span>
is no longer visible in child classes. Please use <span style="font-style: italic;">$this-&gt;getAccountContainer()</span> to
access the accountContainer object.<br>


Several other class variables in accountContainer etc. are now private.
Use the new access methods.<br>



<h2>1.3.0 -&gt; 2.0.0</h2>

LAM is now PHP5 only. Several variables are now private and need to be
accessed via functions.<br>



<h2>1.2.0 -&gt; 1.3.0</h2>

<h3><span style="font-weight: bold;">New lamList functions</span></h3>


  <li><span style="font-weight: bold;">listPrintTableCellContent():</span>
This function allows you to control how the LDAP attributes are
displayed in the table. This can be used to display links or binary
  <li><span style="font-weight: bold;">listPrintAdditionalOptions():</span>
If you want to display additional conrols for a list please use this
function. The controls will be placed under the account table.<br>

No more lamdaemon commands via delete_attributes() and
save_attributes() in account modules.<br>

Please use these new functions to call lamdaemon directly:<br>




<h2>1.1.x -&gt; 1.2.0</h2>

<h3><span style="font-weight: bold;">API changes</span></h3>


  <li>removed get_configDescription() from module interface</li>


<h2>1.0.4 -&gt; 1.1.0</h2>

<h3><span style="font-weight: bold;">API changes</span></h3>


  <li>removed $post parameters from module functions
(delete_attributes(), process_...(), display_html_...()). Use $_POST
functions: returned messages are no longer grouped (e.g. return:
array(array('INFO', 'headline', 'text'), array('INFO', 'headline2',


<h2>1.0.0 -&gt; 1.0.2</h2>

<h3><span style="font-weight: bold;">New module functions</span></h3>


  <li>getRequiredExtensions: Allows to define required PHP extensions</li>
  <li>getManagedObjectClasses: Definition of managed object classes for
this module</li>
  <li>getLDAPAliases: list of LDAP alias names which are replaced by LAM</li>
  <li>getManagedAttributes: list of LDAP attributes which are managed
by this module</li>

The LDAP attributes are no longer loaded by reading the LDAP schema. If
your module does not implement the load_attributes() function then you
have to use getManagedAttributes() or the meta data to specify them.<br>


The class variable "triggered_messages" in baseModule was removed.<br>

