/** * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license */ /** * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.dom.event} class, which * represents the a native DOM event object. */ /** * Represents a native DOM event object. * * @class * @constructor Creates an event class instance. * @param {Object} domEvent A native DOM event object. */ CKEDITOR.dom.event = function( domEvent ) { /** * The native DOM event object represented by this class instance. * * @readonly */ this.$ = domEvent; }; CKEDITOR.dom.event.prototype = { /** * Gets the key code associated to the event. * * alert( event.getKey() ); // '65' is 'a' has been pressed * * @returns {Number} The key code. */ getKey: function() { return this.$.keyCode || this.$.which; }, /** * Gets a number represeting the combination of the keys pressed during the * event. It is the sum with the current key code and the {@link CKEDITOR#CTRL}, * {@link CKEDITOR#SHIFT} and {@link CKEDITOR#ALT} constants. * * alert( event.getKeystroke() == 65 ); // 'a' key * alert( event.getKeystroke() == CKEDITOR.CTRL + 65 ); // CTRL + 'a' key * alert( event.getKeystroke() == CKEDITOR.CTRL + CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 65 ); // CTRL + SHIFT + 'a' key * * @returns {Number} The number representing the keys combination. */ getKeystroke: function() { var keystroke = this.getKey(); if ( this.$.ctrlKey || this.$.metaKey ) keystroke += CKEDITOR.CTRL; if ( this.$.shiftKey ) keystroke += CKEDITOR.SHIFT; if ( this.$.altKey ) keystroke += CKEDITOR.ALT; return keystroke; }, /** * Prevents the original behavior of the event to happen. It can optionally * stop propagating the event in the event chain. * * var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'myElement' ); * element.on( 'click', function( ev ) { * // The DOM event object is passed by the 'data' property. * var domEvent = ev.data; * // Prevent the click to chave any effect in the element. * domEvent.preventDefault(); * } ); * * @param {Boolean} [stopPropagation=false] Stop propagating this event in the * event chain. */ preventDefault: function( stopPropagation ) { var $ = this.$; if ( $.preventDefault ) $.preventDefault(); else $.returnValue = false; if ( stopPropagation ) this.stopPropagation(); }, /** * Stops this event propagation in the event chain. */ stopPropagation: function() { var $ = this.$; if ( $.stopPropagation ) $.stopPropagation(); else $.cancelBubble = true; }, /** * Returns the DOM node where the event was targeted to. * * var element = CKEDITOR.document.getById( 'myElement' ); * element.on( 'click', function( ev ) { * // The DOM event object is passed by the 'data' property. * var domEvent = ev.data; * // Add a CSS class to the event target. * domEvent.getTarget().addClass( 'clicked' ); * } ); * * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.node} The target DOM node. */ getTarget: function() { var rawNode = this.$.target || this.$.srcElement; return rawNode ? new CKEDITOR.dom.node( rawNode ) : null; }, /** * Returns an integer value that indicates the current processing phase of an event. * For browsers that doesn't support event phase, {@link CKEDITOR#EVENT_PHASE_AT_TARGET} is always returned. * * @returns {Number} One of {@link CKEDITOR#EVENT_PHASE_CAPTURING}, * {@link CKEDITOR#EVENT_PHASE_AT_TARGET}, or {@link CKEDITOR#EVENT_PHASE_BUBBLING}. */ getPhase: function() { return this.$.eventPhase || 2; }, /** * Retrieves the coordinates of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left * corner of the document, in mouse related event. * * element.on( 'mousemouse', function( ev ) { * var pageOffset = ev.data.getPageOffset(); * alert( pageOffset.x ); // page offset X * alert( pageOffset.y ); // page offset Y * } ); * * @returns {Object} The object contains the position. * @returns {Number} return.x * @returns {Number} return.y */ getPageOffset : function() { var doc = this.getTarget().getDocument().$; var pageX = this.$.pageX || this.$.clientX + ( doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || doc.body.scrollLeft ); var pageY = this.$.pageY || this.$.clientY + ( doc.documentElement.scrollTop || doc.body.scrollTop ); return { x : pageX, y : pageY }; } }; // For the followind constants, we need to go over the Unicode boundaries // (0x10FFFF) to avoid collision. /** * CTRL key (0x110000). * * @readonly * @property {Number} [=0x110000] * @member CKEDITOR */ CKEDITOR.CTRL = 0x110000; /** * SHIFT key (0x220000). * * @readonly * @property {Number} [=0x220000] * @member CKEDITOR */ CKEDITOR.SHIFT = 0x220000; /** * ALT key (0x440000). * * @readonly * @property {Number} [=0x440000] * @member CKEDITOR */ CKEDITOR.ALT = 0x440000; /** * Capturing phase. * * @readonly * @property {Number} [=1] * @member CKEDITOR */ CKEDITOR.EVENT_PHASE_CAPTURING = 1; /** * Event at target. * * @readonly * @property {Number} [=2] * @member CKEDITOR */ CKEDITOR.EVENT_PHASE_AT_TARGET = 2; /** * Bubbling phase. * * @readonly * @property {Number} [=3] * @member CKEDITOR */ CKEDITOR.EVENT_PHASE_BUBBLING = 3;