/* Copyright (c) 2003-2018, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license */ /* dialog_iequirks.css =============== This file contains styles to used by all versions of Internet Explorer in Quirks mode only. */ /* Base it on dialog_ie.css, overriding it with styles defined in this file. */ @import url("dialog_ie.css"); .cke_dialog_title { margin-bottom: 22px; } /* Fix dialog height doesn't stretch to 100%. (#4863)*/ .cke_dialog_page_contents { position: absolute; } .cke_single_page .cke_dialog_title { margin-bottom: 10px; } .cke_dialog_close_button { top: 27px; background-image: url(images/sprites_ie6.png); } .cke_dialog_footer .cke_resizer { margin-top: 27px; } .cke_dialog_tabs { display: block; top: 33px; margin-top: 33px; } /* RTL + IE6: Input overflows dialog element. (#7321) */ .cke_rtl .cke_dialog_ui_labeled_content { _width: 95%; } /* IE6 buttons. */ a.cke_dialog_ui_button { background: none; padding: 0; } a.cke_dialog_ui_button span { width: 70px; padding: 5px 15px; text-align: center; color: #3b3b1f; background: #53D9F0 none; display: inline-block; cursor: default; } a.cke_dialog_ui_button_ok span { background-image: none; background-color: #B8E834; margin-right: 0; } a.cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel span { background-image: none; background-color: #F65D20; margin-right: 0; } a.cke_dialog_ui_button:hover span, a.cke_dialog_ui_button:focus span, a.cke_dialog_ui_button:active span { background-image: none; background: #F7A922; } /* END IE6 buttons. */ /* make sure the content does not overflow (#7321) */ div.cke_dialog_ui_input_password, textarea.cke_dialog_ui_input_textarea { width: 99%; } /* Predefined border to avoid visual size change impact. */ .cke_dialog_ui_checkbox_input, .cke_dialog_ui_ratio_input, .cke_btn_reset, .cke_btn_locked, .cke_btn_unlocked { /* Emulating border-color: transparent in IE6.*/ border: 1px solid red !important; filter: chroma(color=red); } /* Compensate focus outline for some input elements, using borders (#6200) */ .cke_dialog_ui_focused, .cke_btn_over { border: 1px dotted #696969 !important; }