get_type()) { $account_type = $accounts[0]->get_type(); } // Get PDF structure from xml file $load = loadPDFStructureDefinitions($account_type,$pdf_structure); $structure = $load['structure']; // The decimal separator must be a dot in order to write pdf-files setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); $fontName = "BitstreamVeraSans-Roman"; // TODO: load font name from XML file // Create a new PDF file acording to the account type $pdf = new LamPDF($account_type,$load['page_definitions'],$fontName); // Loop over each account and add a new page in the PDF file for it foreach($accounts as $account) { // Start a new page for each account $pdf->AddPage(); // Get PDF entries for the current account $entries = $account->get_pdfEntries(); // Now create the PDF file acording to the structure with the submitted values foreach($structure as $entry) { // We have a new section to start if($entry['tag'] == "SECTION" && $entry['type'] == "open") { $name = $entry['attributes']['NAME']; if(preg_match("/^\_[a-zA-Z\_]+/",$name)) { $section_headline = getSectionHeadline($entries[substr($name,1)][0]); } else { $section_headline = $name; } $pdf->setFont($fontName,"B",10); $pdf->Write(0,$section_headline . ":"); $pdf->Ln(6); } // We have a section to end elseif($entry['tag'] == "SECTION" && $entry['type'] == "close") { $pdf->Ln(9); } // We have to include a static text. elseif($entry['tag'] == "TEXT") { // Load PDF text from structure array $info_string = $entry['value']; // Set font for text $pdf->setFont($fontName,"",10); $pdf->MultiCell(0,5,$info_string,0,"L",0); // Print linebreak afterwards $pdf->Ln(6); } // We have to include an entry from the account elseif($entry['tag'] == "ENTRY") { // Get name of current entry $name = $entry['attributes']['NAME']; // Get current entry $value_entry = $entries[$name]; // Print entry only when module sumitted values for it if(is_array($value_entry)) { // Loop over all rows of this entry (most of the time this will be just one) foreach($value_entry as $line) { // Substitue XML syntax with valid FPDF methods $methods = processLine($line,true,$fontName); // Call every method foreach($methods as $method) { call_user_func_array(array(&$pdf,$method[0]),$method[1]); } } } $key = false; } } } // Close PDF $pdf->Close(); // Get relative url path $fullpath = realpath('.'); $subdirs = explode('/', str_replace($_SESSION['lampath'], '', $fullpath)); for ($i=0; $inew_rand() . time() .'.pdf'; // Save PDF $pdf->Output($filename); // Output meta refresh to pdf-file metaRefresh($filename); // Return relative path of pdf-file return $filename; } /** * Creates a section headline. * * @param string $line section name * * @return string XML code for headline */ function getSectionHeadline($line) { $headline_pattern = '/.*(.*)<\/value><\/block>/'; if(preg_match($headline_pattern,$line,$matches)) { $valueStyle = processFormatTags($matches[1],''); return $valueStyle[1]; } else { return ''; } } /** * Creates the XML code for an PDF entry. * * @param string $line XML code of PDF entry * @param boolean $first_td True if this is the first column * * @return array XML codes */ function processLine($line,$first_td = true, $fontName) { global $key, $line_width; // PCRE matching tag $block_pattern = '/<\/block>/'; // PCRE matching a tag $key_pattern = '/()(.+)<\/key>(.*<\/block>)/'; // PCRE matching a tag // !!FIXME!! value must contain at least one character $value_pattern = '/(.*)(.*)<\/value>(<\/block>)/'; // PCRE matching a tag $td_pattern = '/(.*?)(.+?)<\/td>(.*<\/block>)/'; // PCRE matching tag $tr_pattern = '/<\/tr>/'; // PCRE matching a

tag $p_pattern = '/(.*)

(.+)<\/p>(.*<\/block>)/'; // PCRE matching a
tag $br_pattern = '/
/'; $return = array(); if(preg_match($key_pattern,$line,$matches)) { $key = true; $line_width = $line_width - 50; $format = processFormatTags($matches[2],'B'); $return[] = array('setFont',array($fontName,$format[0],7)); $return[] = array('Cell',array(50,5,$format[1] . ':',0,0,'R',0)); $return[] = array('setFont',array($fontName,'',7)); return array_merge($return,processLine($matches[1] . $matches[3],false,$fontName)); } elseif(preg_match($value_pattern,$line,$matches)) { $format = processFormatTags($matches[2],''); $return[] = array('setFont',array($fontName,$format[0],7)); $return[] = array('MultiCell',array(0,5,$format[1],0,'L',0)); $return[] = array('setFont',array($fontName,'',7)); return array_merge($return,processLine($matches[1] . $matches[3],true,$fontName)); } elseif(preg_match($p_pattern,$line,$matches)) { $format = processFormatTags($matches[2],''); $return[] = array('setFont',array($fontName,$format[0],7)); $return[] = array('Write',array(5,$format[1])); $return[] = array('setFont',array($fontName,'',7)); return array_merge($return,processLine($matches[1] . $matches[3],true,$fontName)); } elseif(preg_match($td_pattern,$line,$matches)) { if($first_td && $key) { $first_td = !$first_td; $return[] = array('Cell',array(50,5,'',0,0,'L',0)); } $format = processFormatTags($matches[3],''); $attrs = processAttributes($matches[2],array('width' => $line_width,'height' => 5,'align' => 'L')); $return[] = array('setFont',array($fontName,$format[0],7)); $return[] = array('Cell',array($attrs['width'],$attrs['height'],$format[1],0,0,$attrs['align'],0)); $return[] = array('setFont',array($fontName,'',7)); return array_merge($return,processLine($matches[1] . $matches[4],$first_td,$fontName)); } elseif(preg_match($br_pattern,$line,$matches)) { return array(array('Ln',array(5))); } elseif(preg_match($block_pattern,$line,$matches)) { $line_width = LAMPDF_LINEWIDTH; return array(); } elseif(preg_match($tr_pattern,$line,$matches)) { $line_width = LAMPDF_LINEWIDTH; return array(array('Ln',array(5))); } } /** * Formats the XML code. * * @param string $line XML code of PDF entry * @param string $style style commands * * @return array XML code */ function processFormatTags($line,$style) { // PCRE matching a tag $i_pattern = '/(.*)(.+)<\/i>(.*)/'; // PCRE matching a tag $b_pattern = '/(.*)(.+)<\/b>(.*)/'; // PCRE matching a tag $u_pattern = '/(.*)(.+)<\/u>(.*)/'; // Replacement pattern when one of the above pattern matched $replace = "\$1\$2\$3"; if(preg_match($i_pattern,$line,$matches)) { $style .= "I"; $line = preg_replace($i_pattern,$replace,$line); } if(preg_match($b_pattern,$line,$matches)) { $style .= "B"; $line = preg_replace($b_pattern,$replace,$line); } if(preg_match($u_pattern,$line,$matches)) { $style .= "U"; $line = preg_replace($u_pattern,$replace,$line); } return array($style,$line); } /** * Processes width, height and alignment attributes. * * @param string $attrs attributes * @param array $return XML code * * @return array XML code */ function processAttributes($attrs,$return = array()) { global $line_width; // PCRE matching width attribute $width_pattern = '/(.*)width\=\"(\\d+)(\%?)\"(.*)/'; // PCRE matching height attribute $height_pattern = '/(.*)height\=\"(\\d+)\"(.*)/'; // PCRE matching align attribute $align_pattern = '/(.*)align\=\"(L|R|C)\"(.*)/'; // Remove leading and trailing whitespaces $attrs = trim($attrs); if(preg_match($width_pattern,$attrs,$matches)) { if($matches[3] == '%') { $return['width'] = ceil($line_width * $matches[2] / 100); } else { $return['width'] = ceil($matches[2]); } return processAttributes($matches[1] . $matches[4],$return); } elseif(preg_match($height_pattern,$attrs,$matches)) { $return['height'] = $matches[2]; return processAttributes($matches[1] . $matches[3],$return); } elseif(preg_match($align_pattern,$attrs,$matches)) { $return['align'] = $matches[2]; return processAttributes($matches[1] . $matches[3],$return); } else { return $return; } }