
  This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/lam)
  Copyright (C) 2003  Michael Drgner

  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

  LDAP Account Manager lamPDF class and some pdf functions

define('FPDF_FONTPATH', 'font/');

function createUserPDF($accounts) {
// The decimal separator must be a dot in order to write pdf-files
	setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
// Start PDF file
	$pdfFile = new lamPDF();
// Write some information into the PDF file
	$pdfFile->setTitle("LDAP Account Manager");
	$pdfFile->setSubject(_("User information page"));
	$pdfFile->setAuthor("LDAP Account Manager Devel-Team -Michael Duergner-");
	$pdfFile->setCreator("LDAP Account Manager (pdf.inc)");
// Loop for every sumbitted account and print its values on a extra page
	foreach ($accounts as $account) {
		// Load string with additional information from session
		$info_string = $_SESSION['config']->pdftext;
		// Print individuall text.
		// Get all allowed vairables from account-object
		$values = get_object_vars($account);
		$values = array_keys($values);
		// Replace $varstring in string with variable
		foreach ($values as $value) {
			// replace string
			if (is_string($account->$value)) $info_string = str_replace('$'.$value, $account->$value, $info_string);
			// replace object
			else if (is_object($account->$value)) {
				$values2 = get_object_vars($account->$value);
				$values2 = array_keys($values2);
				foreach ($values2 as $value2) {
					$info_string = str_replace('$'.$value.'->'.$value2, $account->$value->$value2, $info_string);
			// replace array
			else if (is_array($account->$value)) {
				foreach ($account->$value as $sub_array2) $sub_array .= $sub_array2.", ";
				$sub_array = substr($sub_array, 0, -2);
				$info_string = str_replace('$'.$value, $sub_array, $info_string);
		// Split string in array
		$info_array = explode("\n", $info_string);
		$pdfFile->Write(5,"- " . _("User Information") . ":");
		foreach ($info_array as $info)
// Print Personal settings
		$pdfFile->Write(5,"- " . _("Personal User Infos") . ":");
		$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Title") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
		$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Surname") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
		$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Given name") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
		$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Street") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
		$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Postal code") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
		$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Postal address") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
		$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("E-Mail") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
		$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Phone") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
		$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Cellular phone") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
		$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Facsimile") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
// Print Unix settings
		$pdfFile->Write(5,"- " . _("Unix User Settings") . ":");
		$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Username") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
		if($account->unix_password_no == "1") {
			$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Unix password") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
			$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Unix password disabled!"),0,1,"L",0);
		elseif($account->unix_password == "") {
		else {
			$account->unix_password = $_SESSION['ldap']->decrypt(base64_decode($account->unix_password));
			$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Unix password") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
		$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Group(s)") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
		$text = $account->general_group;
		$groups = $account->general_groupadd;
		for($j=0;$j<count($groups);$j++) {
			$text .= ", " . $groups[$j];
		$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Home Directory") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
		$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Login Shell") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
		$text = "";
		$shells = $account->general_shell;
		$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Password expire") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
		$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,date('j. F Y' ,$account->unix_pwdexpire),0,1,"L",0);
		$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Login at host(s)") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
// Print Samba settings
		$pdfFile->Write(5,"- " . _("Windows User Settings") . ":");
		$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Username") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
		if($account->smb_flags['N']) {
			$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Windows password") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
			$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Window password disabled!"),0,1,"L",0);
		elseif($account->smb_useunixpwd == "1") {
			$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Windows password") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
			$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Windows password set to unix password."),0,1,"L",0);
		elseif($account->smb_password == "") {
		else {
			$account->smb_password = $_SESSION['ldap']->decrypt(base64_decode($account->smb_password));
			$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Windows password") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
		$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Home drive") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
		$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Script path") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
		$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Profile path") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
		$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Login at workstation(s)") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
		$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Windows home directory") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
		$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("Windows Domain") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
		if($_SESSION['config']->get_samba3() == "yes") $pdfFile->Cell(50,5,$account->smb_domain->name,0,1,"L",0);
		else $pdfFile->Cell(50,5,$account->smb_domain,0,1,"L",0);
// Print Quota settings
		$pdfFile->Write(5,"- " . _("Quota Settings") . ":");
		$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("User quota(s)") . ":",0,0,"R",0);
		$quotas = $account->quota;
		if(count($quotas)>0) {
			$pdfFile->Cell(30,5,_("Soft block"),0,0,"L",0);
			$pdfFile->Cell(30,5,_("Soft inode"),0,0,"L",0);
			$pdfFile->Cell(30,5,_("Hard block"),0,0,"L",0);
			$pdfFile->Cell(30,5,_("Hard inode"),0,1,"L",0);
			for($j=0;$j<count($quotas);$j++) {
		else {
			$pdfFile->Cell(50,5,_("No user quotas defined or no quota support by filesystem."),0,1,"L",0);
	// Close PDF
	// Get relative url path
	$fullpath = realpath('.');
	$subdirs = explode('/', str_replace($_SESSION['lampath'], '', $fullpath));
	for ($i=0; $i<count($subdirs); $i++ ) $filename .= '../';
	// use timestamp and random number from ldap.inc as filename so it should be unique.
	$filename .= 'tmp/' . $_SESSION['ldap']->rand . time() .'.pdf';
	// Save PDF
	// Output meta refresh to pdf-file
	// Return relative path of pdf-file
	return $filename;

// creates a PDF with host accounts
// $accounts: array of account
function createHostPDF($accounts) {
	// The decimal separator must be a dot in order to write pdf-files
	setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
	// Start PDF file
	$pdfFile = new lamHostPDF();
	// Write some information into the PDF file
	$pdfFile->setTitle("LDAP Account Manager");
	$pdfFile->setSubject(_("Samba-Host information page"));
	$pdfFile->setAuthor("LDAP Account Manager Devel-Team -Roland Gruber-");
	$pdfFile->setCreator("LDAP Account Manager (pdf.inc)");
	// print host accounts
	$k = 0;  // used to count the already printed accounts per page
	for($i = 0; $i < count($accounts); $i++) {
		$account = $accounts[$i];
		$ypos = $pdfFile->GetY();
		$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Description") . ": ");
		$pdfFile->Write(5,_("UID") . ": ");
		$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Primary group") . ": ");
		$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Domain") . ": ");
		if (is_string($account->smb_domain)) {
			$domain = $account->smb_domain;
		else {
			$domain = $account->smb_domain->name;
		$pdfFile->Write(5,_("DN") . ": ");
		// print second column
		if ($accounts[$i+1]) {
			$account = $accounts[$i];
			$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Description") . ": ");
			$pdfFile->Write(5,_("UID") . ": ");
			$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Primary group") . ": ");
			$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Domain") . ": ");
			if (is_string($account->smb_domain)) {
				$domain = $account->smb_domain;
			else {
				$domain = $account->smb_domain->name;
			$pdfFile->Write(5,_("DN") . ": ");
		// space between two rows
		if ($i < count($accounts) - 1) {
		// new page after twelve accounts
		if ($k == 12) {
			$k = 0;

	// Close PDF
	// Get relative url path
	$fullpath = realpath('.');
	$subdirs = explode('/', str_replace($_SESSION['lampath'], '', $fullpath));
	for ($i=0; $i<count($subdirs); $i++ ) $filename .= '../';
	// use timestamp and random number from ldap.inc as filename so it should be unique.
	$filename .= 'tmp/' . $_SESSION['ldap']->rand . time() .'.pdf';
	// Save PDF
	// Output meta refresh to pdf-file
	// Return relative path of pdf-file
	return $filename;

// creates a PDF with groups
// $accounts: array of account
function createGroupPDF($accounts) {
	// The decimal separator must be a dot in order to write pdf-files
	setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
	// Start PDF file
	$pdfFile = new lamGroupPDF();
	// Write some information into the PDF file
	$pdfFile->setTitle("LDAP Account Manager");
	$pdfFile->setSubject(_("Group information page"));
	$pdfFile->setAuthor("LDAP Account Manager Devel-Team -Roland Gruber-");
	$pdfFile->setCreator("LDAP Account Manager (pdf.inc)");
	// print group accounts
	for($i = 0; $i < count($accounts); $i++) {
		$account = $accounts[$i];
		$ypos = $pdfFile->GetY();
		if ($ypos > 260) $pdfFile->addPage();
		$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Description") . ": ");
		if ($account->smb_displayname) {
			$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Display name") . ": ");
		$pdfFile->Write(5,_("GID") . ": ");
		if ($account->domain) {
			$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Domain") . ": ");
		$pdfFile->Write(5,_("DN") . ": ");
		if (is_array($account->unix_memberUid)) {
			$pdfFile->Write(5,_("Members") . ": ");
			$pdfFile->Write(5,implode(", ", $account->unix_memberUid));

		// space between two rows
		if ($i < count($accounts) - 1) {

	// Close PDF
	// Get relative url path
	$fullpath = realpath('.');
	$subdirs = explode('/', str_replace($_SESSION['lampath'], '', $fullpath));
	for ($i=0; $i<count($subdirs); $i++ ) $filename .= '../';
	// use timestamp and random number from ldap.inc as filename so it should be unique.
	$filename .= 'tmp/' . $_SESSION['ldap']->rand . time() .'.pdf';
	// Save PDF
	// Output meta refresh to pdf-file
	// Return relative path of pdf-file
	return $filename;

// lamPDF class || For defining own a Header and Footer
class lamPDF extends FPDF {
	// Print page header
	function header() {
		$imageFile = substr(__FILE__,0,strlen(__FILE__)- 11) . "graphics/printLogo.jpg";
		$this->Cell(170,5,"LDAP Account Manager",0,1,"R",0);
		$this->Cell(170,5,"- " . _("User information page") . " -",0,0,"R",0);

	// Print page footer
	function footer() {
		$this->Cell(0,5,_("This document was automatically created by LDAP Account Manager"),0,0,"C",0);

// lamHostPDF class || For defining own a Header and Footer
class lamHostPDF extends FPDF {
	// Print page header
	function header() {
		$imageFile = substr(__FILE__,0,strlen(__FILE__)- 11) . "graphics/printLogo.jpg";
		$this->Cell(170,5,"LDAP Account Manager",0,1,"R",0);
		$this->Cell(170,5,"- " . _("Samba-Host information page") . " -",0,0,"R",0);

	// Print page footer
	function footer() {
		$this->Cell(0,5,_("This document was automatically created by LDAP Account Manager"),0,0,"C",0);

// lamGroupPDF class || For defining own Header and Footer
class lamGroupPDF extends FPDF {
	// Print page header
	function header() {
		$imageFile = substr(__FILE__,0,strlen(__FILE__)- 11) . "graphics/printLogo.jpg";
		$this->Cell(170,5,"LDAP Account Manager",0,1,"R",0);
		$this->Cell(170,5,"- " . _("Group information page") . " -",0,0,"R",0);

	// Print page footer
	function footer() {
		$this->Cell(0,5,_("This document was automatically created by LDAP Account Manager"),0,0,"C",0);