Upgrade notes
2.1.0 -> 2.2.0
Account lists now support to define tools. These are displayed as linked images like the edit and delete links in the list.
2.0.0 -> 2.1.0
Style changes:
- "fieldset.<type>edit fieldset" and "fieldset.<type>edit fieldset fieldset" were removed.
- "table.<type>list input" changed to "table.<type>list input,select"
The class variable $base is no longer visible in child classes. Please use $this->getAccountContainer() to access the accountContainer object.
Several other class variables in accountContainer etc. are now private. Use the new access methods.
1.3.0 -> 2.0.0
LAM is now PHP5 only. Several variables are now private and need to be accessed via functions.
1.2.0 -> 1.3.0
New lamList function:
- listPrintTableCellContent(): This function allows you to control how the LDAP attributes are displayed in the table. This can be used to display links or binary data.
- listPrintAdditionalOptions(): If you want to display additional conrols for a list please use this function. The controls will be placed under the account table.
No more lamdaemon commands via delete_attributes() and save_attributes() in account modules.
Please use these new functions to call lamdaemon directly:
- preModifyActions()
- postModifyActions()
- preDeleteActions()
- postDeleteActions()
1.1.x -> 1.2.0
API changes:
- removed get_configDescription() from module interface
1.0.4 -> 1.1.0
API changes:
- removed $post parameters from module functions (delete_attributes(), process_...(), display_html_...()). Use $_POST instead.
- process_...() functions: returned messages are no longer grouped (e.g. return: array(array('INFO', 'headline', 'text'), array('INFO', 'headline2', 'text2')))
1.0.0 -> 1.0.2
New module functions:
- getRequiredExtensions: Allows to define required PHP extensions
- getManagedObjectClasses: Definition of managed object classes for this module
- getLDAPAliases: list of LDAP alias names which are replaced by LAM
- getManagedAttributes: list of LDAP attributes which are managed by this module
The LDAP attributes are no longer loaded by reading the LDAP schema. If
your module does not implement the load_attributes() function then you
have to use getManagedAttributes() or the meta data to specify them.
The class variable "triggered_messages" in baseModule was removed.