<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd"> <appendix id="mailSetup"> <title>Setup of email (SMTP) server</title> <para>LAM always uses a local SMTP email server on the machine where LAM is installed. Therefore, there is no need to configure any SMTP settings inside LAM itself.</para> <para>The local email server should be configured to forward all emails to your company mail server (so-called smarthost). You can use any SMTP software that ships with a Sendmail wrapper (e.g. Exim, Postfix, QMail or Sendmail itself).</para> <literallayout> </literallayout> <screenshot> <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="images/lam_mail.png" /> </imageobject> </mediaobject> </screenshot> </appendix>