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<appendix id="a_passwordSelfResetSchema">
  <title>Setup password self reset schema (LAM Pro)</title>

  <section id="passwordSelfResetSchema_new">
    <title>New installation</title>

    <para>Please see <link
    linkend="passwordSelfResetSchema_update">here</link> if you want to
    upgrade an existing schema version.</para>

    <para><emphasis role="bold">Schema installation</emphasis></para>

    <para>Please install the schema that comes with LAM Pro. The schema files
    are located in:</para>

        <para>tar.bz2: docs/schema</para>

        <para>DEB: /usr/share/doc/ldap-account-manager/docs/schema</para>

        <para>RPM: /usr/share/doc/ldap-account-manager-{VERSION}/schema</para>


    <para><emphasis role="bold">OpenLDAP with slapd.conf

    <para>For a configuration with slapd.conf-file copy
    passwordSelfReset.schema to /etc/ldap/schema/ and add this line to

    <literallayout>  include         /etc/ldap/schema/passwordSelfReset.schema


    <para><emphasis role="bold">OpenLDAP with slapd.d

    <para>For slapd.d configurations you need to upload the schema file
    passwordSelfReset.ldif via ldapadd command:</para>

    <para>ldapadd -x -W -H ldap://<emphasis>localhost</emphasis> -D
    "<emphasis>cn=admin,o=test,c=de</emphasis>" -f

    <para>Please replace "<emphasis>localhost</emphasis>" with your LDAP
    server and "<emphasis>cn=admin,o=test,c=de</emphasis>" with your LDAP
    admin user (usually starts with cn=admin or cn=manager).</para>


    <para><emphasis role="bold">389 server</emphasis></para>

    <para>Please replace INSTANCE with installation ID, e.g.

    <literallayout>  cp passwordSelfReset-389server.ldif /etc/dirsrv/INSTANCE/schema/70pwdreset.ldif
  systemctl restart dirsrv.target


    <para><emphasis role="bold">Samba 4</emphasis></para>

    <para>The schema files are passwordSelfReset-Samba4-attributes.ldif and

    <para>First, you need to edit them and replace "DOMAIN_TOP_DN" with your
    LDAP suffix (e.g. dc=samba4,dc=test).</para>

    <para>Then install the attribute and afterwards the object class schema

    <literallayout>  ldbmodify -H /var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb passwordSelfReset-Samba4-attributes.ldif --option="dsdb:schema update allowed"=true
  ldbmodify -H /var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb passwordSelfReset-Samba4-objectClass.ldif --option="dsdb:schema update allowed"=true


    <para><emphasis role="bold">Windows</emphasis></para>

    <para>The schema file is passwordSelfReset-Windows.ldif.</para>

    <para>First, you need to edit it and replace "DOMAIN_TOP_DN" with your
    LDAP suffix (e.g. dc=windows,dc=test).</para>

    <para>Then install the schema file as administrator on a command

    <literallayout>  ldifde -v -i -f passwordSelfReset-Windows.ldif


    <para>This allows to set a security question + answer for each

  <section id="passwordSelfResetSchema_update">
    <title>Schema update</title>

    <para>The schema files are located in:</para>

        <para>tar.bz2: docs/schema/updates</para>




    <para>Schema versions:</para>

        <para>Initial version (LAM Pro 3.6 - 4.4)</para>

        <para>Added passwordSelfResetBackupMail (LAM Pro 4.5 - 5.5)</para>

        <para>Multiple security questions (LAM Pro 5.6)</para>


    <para><emphasis role="bold">OpenLDAP with slapd.conf

    <para>Install the schema file like a <link
    linkend="passwordSelfResetSchema_new">new install</link> (skip
    modification of slapd.conf file).</para>


    <para><emphasis role="bold">OpenLDAP with slapd.d

    <para>The upgrade requires to stop the LDAP server.</para>


        <para>Stop OpenLDAP with e.g. "/etc/init.d/slapd stop"</para>

        <para>Delete the old schema file. It is located in e.g.
        "/etc/ldap/slapd.d/cn=config/cn=schema" and called
        "cn={XX}passwordselfreset.ldif" (XX can be any number)</para>

        <para>Start OpenLDAP with e.g. "/etc/init.d/slapd start"</para>

        <para>Install the schema file like a <link
        linkend="passwordSelfResetSchema_new">new install</link></para>


    <para><emphasis role="bold">Samba 4</emphasis></para>

    <para>Install the these update files by following the install instructions
    in the file. In case you you upgrade with a version difference of 2 or
    more you will need to apply all intermediate update scripts.</para>

        <para>samba4_version_1_to_2_attributes.ldif (upgrade from version 1

        <para>samba4_version_1_to_2_objectClass.ldif (upgrade from version 1

        <para>samba4_version_2_to_3_attributes.ldif (upgrade from version

        <para>samba4_version_2_to_3_objectClass.ldif (upgrade from version

    <para>Please note that attributes file needs to be installed first.</para>


    <para><emphasis role="bold">Windows</emphasis></para>

    <para>Install the file(s) by following the install instructions in the
    file. In case you you upgrade with a version difference of 2 or more you
    will need to apply all intermediate update scripts.</para>

        <para>windows_version_1_to_2.ldif (upgrade from version 1 only)</para>

        <para>windows_version_2_to_3.ldif (upgrade from version 2)</para>