LDAP Account Manager - Manual Overview LDAP Account Manager (LAM) manages user, group and host accounts in an LDAP directory. LAM runs on any webserver with PHP5 support and connects to your LDAP server unencrypted or via SSL/TLS. Currently LAM supports these account types: Samba 3, Unix, Kolab 2, address book entries, NIS mail aliases and MAC addresses. There is a tree viewer included to allow access to the raw LDAP attributes. You can use templates for account creation and use multiple configuration profiles. LAM is translated to Catalan, Chinese (Traditional + Simplified), Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. http://www.ldap-account-manager.org/ Copyright (C) 2003 - 2009 Michael Duergner <michael@duergner.com> Roland Gruber <post@rolandgruber.de> Tilo Lutz <tilolutz@gmx.de> Key features: managing user/group/host/domain entries account profiles account creation via file upload multiple configuration profiles tree view schema browser OU editor PDF export for all accounts manage user/group Quota and create home directories Requirements: PHP5 (>= 5.1) Openldap (2.0 or greater) A web browser that supports CSS The default password to edit the configuration options is "lam". License: LAM is published under the GNU General Public License. The complete list of licenses can be found in the copyright file. Default password: The default password for the LAM configuration is "lam". Have fun! The LAM development team Installation
New installation
Requirements LAM has the following requirements to run: Apache webserver (SSL recommended) with PHP module (PHP 5 (>= 5.1) with ldap, gettext, xml and optional mcrypt) Some LAM plugins may require additional PHP extensions (you will get a note on the login page if something is missing) Perl (optional, needed only for lamdaemon) OpenLDAP (>2.0) A web browser :-) MCrypt will be used to store your LDAP password encrypted in the session file. See LDAP schema fles for information about used LDAP schema files.
Prepackaged releases LAM is available as prepackaged version for various platforms.
Debian LAM is part of the official Debian repository. New releases are uploaded to unstable and will available automatically in testing and the stable releases. You can run apt-get install ldap-account-managerto install LAM on your server. Additionally, you may download the LAM Debian packages from the LAM homepage or the Debian package homepage.
Suse/Fedora There are RPM packages available on the LAM homepage. The packages can be installed with this commandrpm -i <path to LAM package>
Other RPM based distributions The RPM packages for Suse/Fedora are very generic and should be installable on other RPM-based distributions, too. The Fedora packages use apache:apache as file owner and the Suse ones use wwwrun:www.
FreeBSD LAM is part of the official FreeBSD ports tree. For more details see these pages:FreeBSD-CVS: http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/ports/sysutils/ldap-account-managerFreshPorts: http://www.freshports.org/sysutils/ldap-account-manager
Installing the tar.gz
Extract the archive Please extract the archive with the following command: tar xzf ldap-account-manager-<version>.tar.gz
Install the files
Manual copy Copy the files into the html-file scope of the web server. For example /apache/htdocs. Then set the appropriate file permissions: lam/sess: write permission for apache user lam/tmp: write permission for apache user lam/config (with subdirectories): write permission for apache user lam/lib: lamdaemon.pl must be set executable (See also docs/readme.lamdeamon.txt)
With configure script Instead of manually copying files you can also use the included configure script to install LAM. See "./configure --help" for a list of install options.
Configuration files Copy conf/config.cfg_sample to conf/config.cfg and conf/lam.conf_sample to conf/lam.conf. Open the index.html in your web browser: Follow the link "LAM configuration" from the start page. (The default passwords to edit all options is "lam") Select "Edit general settings" to setup global settings and to change the configuration master password. Select "Edit server profiles" to setup your server profiles. There should be the lam profile which you just copied from the sample file. The default password is "lam". Now change the settings to fit for your environment.
System configuration
PHP LAM runs with PHP5 (>= 5.1). Needed changes in your php.ini: memory_limit = 64M
Locales for non-English translation If you want to use a translated version of LAM be sure to install the needed locales. The following table shows the needed locales for the different languages. Locales Language Locale Catalan ca_ES.utf8 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN.utf8 Chinese (Traditional) zh_TW.utf8 Czech cs_CZ.utf8 Dutch nl_NL.utf8 English no extra locale needed French fr_FR.utf8 German de_DE.utf8 Hungarian hu_HU.utf8 Italian it_IT.utf8 Japanese ja_JP.utf8 Polish pl_PL.utf8 Portuguese pt_BR.utf8 Russian ru_RU.utf8 Spanish es_ES.utf8
You can get a list of all installed locales on your system by executing: locale -a Debian users can add locales with "dpkg-reconfigure locales".
Upgrading LAM
Migrating configuration files LAM stores all configuration files in the "config" folder. Please backup the following files and copy them after the new version is installed. config/*.conf config/config.cfg config/pdf/*.xml config/profiles/*.xml LAM Pro only: config/selfService/*.* config/passwordMailTemplate.txt Please check also the version specific instructions. They might include additional actions.
Version specific upgrade instructions
2.2.0 -> 2.3.0 LAM Pro: There is now a separate account type for group of (unique) names. Please edit your server profiles to activate the new account type.
1.1.0 -> 2.2.0 No changes.
LDAP schema files Here is a list of needed LDAP schema files for the different LAM modules. For OpenLDAP we also provide a source where you can get the files. LDAP schema files Account type Object class(es) Schema name Source Notes Unix accounts posixAccount, shadowAccount, posixGroup nis.schema, rfc2307bis.schema Part of OpenLDAP installation The rfc2307bis.schema is only supported by LAM Pro. Use the nis.schema if you do not want to upgrade to LAM Pro. Address book entries inetOrgPerson inetorgperson.schema Part of OpenLDAP installation Samba 3 accounts sambaSamAccount, sambaGroupMapping, sambaDomain samba.schema Part of Samba tarball (examples/LDAP/samba.schema) Kolab 2 users kolabUser kolab2.schema, rfc2739.schema Part of Kolab 2 installation Asterisk (extension) AsteriskSIPUser, AsteriskExtension asterisk.schema Part of Asterisk installation Mail routing inetLocalMailRecipient misc.schema Part of OpenLDAP installation Mail aliases nisMailAlias misc.schema Part of OpenLDAP installation MAC addresses ieee802device nis.schema Part of OpenLDAP installation Simple Accounts account cosine.schema Part of OpenLDAP installation SSH public keys ldapPublicKey openssh-lpk.schema Included in patch from http://code.google.com/p/openssh-lpk/ Group of (unique) names groupOfNames, groupOfUniqueNames core.schema Part of OpenLDAP installation These modules are only available in LAM Pro. phpGroupWare phpGroupwareUser, phpGroupwareGroup phpgroupware.schema http://www.phpgroupware.org/ DHCP dhcpOptions, dhcpSubnet, dhcpServer dhcp.schema docs/schema/dhcp.schema The LDAP suffix should be set to your dhcpServer entry. Aliases alias, uidObject core.schema Part of OpenLDAP installation These modules are only available in LAM Pro. NIS netgroups nisNetgroup nis.schema Part of OpenLDAP installation NIS objects nisObject nis.schema Part of OpenLDAP installation This module is only available in LAM Pro.
Use of SSL The data which is transfered between you and LAM is very sensitive. Please always use SSL encrypted connections between LAM and your browser to protect yourself against network sniffers.
LDAP with SSL and TLS SSL will be used if you use ldaps://servername in your configuration profile. TLS can be activated with the "Activate TLS" option. You will need to setup ldap.conf to trust your server certificate. Some installations use /etc/ldap.conf and some use /etc/ldap/ldap.conf. It is a good idea to symlink /etc/ldap.conf to /etc/ldap/ldap.conf. Specify the server CA certificate with the following option: TLS_CACERT /etc/ldap/ca/myCA/cacert.pem This needs to be the public part of the signing certificate authority. See "man ldap.conf" for additional options.
Chrooted servers If your server is chrooted and you have no access to /dev/random or /dev/urandom this can be a security risk. LAM stores your LDAP password encrypted in the session. LAM uses rand() to generate the key if /dev/random and /dev/urandom are not accessible. Therefore the key can be easily guessed. An attaker needs read access to the session file (e.g. by another Apache instance) to exploit this.
Protection of your LDAP password and directory contents You have to install the MCrypt extension for PHP to enable encryption. Your LDAP password is stored encrypted in the session file. The key and IV to decrypt it are stored in two cookies. We use MCrypt/AES to encrypt the password. All data that was read from LDAP and needs to be stored in the session file is also encrypted.
Apache configuration LAM includes several .htaccess files to protect your configuration files and temporary data. Apache is often configured to not use .htaccess files by default. Therefore, please check your Apache configuration and change the override setting to: AllowOverride All If you are experienced in configuring Apache then you can also copy the security settings from the .htaccess files to your main Apache configuration. If possible, you should not rely on .htaccess files but also move the config and sess directory to a place outside of your WWW root. You can put a symbolic link in the LAM directory so that LAM finds the configuration/session files. Security sensitive directories: config: Contains your LAM configuration and account profiles LAM configuration passwords (SSHA hashed) default values for new accounts directory must be accessibly by Apache but needs not to be accessible by the browser sess: PHP session files LAM admin password in clear text or MCrypt encrypted cached LDAP entries in clear text or MCrypt encrypted directory must be accessibly by Apache but needs not to be accessible by the browser tmp: temporary files PDF documents which may also include passwords images of your users directory contents must be accessible by browser but directory itself needs not to be browseable
Recommended OpenLDAP settings Some basic hints to configure the OpenLDAP server: Size limit: OpenLDAP allows by default 500 return values per search, if you have more users/groups/hosts change this in slapd.conf: e.g. "sizelimit 10000" or "sizelimit -1" for unlimited return values. Indices: Indices will improve the performance when searching for entries in the LDAP directory. The following indices are recommended: index objectClass eq index default sub index uidNumber eq index gidNumber eq index memberUid eq index cn,sn,uid,displayName pres,sub,eq # Samba 3.x index sambaSID eq index sambaPrimaryGroupSID eq index sambaDomainName eq Setup for home directory and quota management Lamdaemon.pl is used to modify quota and home directories on a remote or local host via SSH. If you want wo use it you have to set up the following things to get it to work:
LDAP Account Manager configuration Set the remote or local host in the configuration (e.g. Path to lamdaemon.pl, e.g. /srv/www/htdocs/lam/lib/lamdaemon.pl If you installed a Debian or RPM package then the script may be located at /usr/share/ldap-account-manager/lib or /var/www/html/lam/lib. Your LAM admin user must be a valid Unix account. It needs to have the object class "posixAccount" and an attribute "uid". This account must be accepted by the SSH daemon of your home directory server. Do not create a second local account but change your system to accept LDAP users. You can use LAM to add the Unix account part to your admin user.
Setup sudo The perl script has to run as root. Therefore we need a wrapper, sudo. Edit /etc/sudoers on host where homedirs or quotas should be used and add the following line: $admin All= NOPASSWD: $path_to_lamdaemon $admin is the admin user from LAM (must be a valid Unix account) and $path_to_lamdaemon is the path to lamdaemon.pl. Example: myAdmin ALL= NOPASSWD: /srv/www/htdocs/lam/lib/lamdaemon.pl You might need to run the sudo command once manually to init sudo. The command "sudo -l" will show all possible sudo commands of the current user.
Setup Perl We need an extra Perl module - Quota. To install it, run: perl -MCPAN -e shell install Quota If your Perl executable is not located in /usr/bin/perl you will have to edit the path in the first line of lamdaemon.pl. If you have problems compiling the Perl modules try installing a newer release of your GCC compiler and the "make" application. Several Linux distributions already include a quota package for Perl.
Install libssh2 The libssh2 library is needed to connect to the homedir/quota server via SSH.
Install libssh2 You can get libssh2 here: http://www.libssh2.org Unpack the package and install it by executing the commands "./configure", "make" and "make install" in the extracted directory. Several Linux distributions already include a package for libssh2.
Install SSH2 for PHP Several Linux distributions already include a package (e.g. libssh2-php). Otherwise, run "pecl install ssh2-beta". If you have no pecl command then install the PHP Pear package (e.g. php-pear or php5-pear) for your distribution. If you want to compile it yourself, get the sources here: http://pecl.php.net/package/ssh2 After installing the PHP module please add this line to your php.ini: extension=ssh2.so
Set up SSH Your SSH daemon must offer the password authentication method. To activate it just use this configuration option in /etc/ssh/sshd_config: PasswordAuthentication yes
Troubleshooting If you have problems managing quotas and home directories then these points might help: There is a test page for lamdaemon: Login to LAM and open Tools -> Tests -> Lamdaemon test If you get garbage characters at the test page then PHP and your php5-ssh2 library may not fit together. Try recompiling the library and libssh2. This combination was tested successfully: libssh2 0.13 with php5-ssh2 0.10 php5-ssh2 0.11 should have no problems with recent libssh2 releases. Check /var/log/auth.log or its equivalent on your system. This file contains messages about all logins. If the ssh login failed then you will find a description about the reason here. Set sshd in debug mode. In /etc/ssh/sshd_conf add these lines: SyslogFacility AUTH LogLevel DEBUG3 Now check /var/log/syslog for messages from sshd. Update Openssh. A Suse Linux user reported that upgrading Openssh solved the problem.
Kolab user management Here are some notes on managing Kolab accounts with LAM:
Creating accounts The mailbox server cannot be changed after the account has been saved. Please make sure that the value is correct. The email address ("Personal" page) must match your Kolab domain, otherwise the account will not work.
Deleting accounts If you want to cleanly delete accounts use the "Mark for deletion" button on the Kolab subpage of an account. This will also remove the user's mailbox. If you delete the account from the account list (which is standard for LAM accounts) then no cleanup actions are made.
Managing accounts with both LAM and Kolab Admin GUI The Kolab GUI has some restrictions that LAM does not have. Please pay attention to the following restrictions: Common name in LAM The common name must have the format "<first name> <last name>". You can leave the field empty in LAM and it will automatically fill in the correct value. Changing first/last name in Kolab GUI Do not change the first/last name of your users in the Kolab GUI! The GUI will change the common name which leads to an LDAP object class violation. This is caused by a bug in the Kolab GUI.
Adding a Kolab part to existing accounts If you upgrade existing non-Kolab accounts please make sure that the account has an Unix password.
Installing LAM on the Kolab server You can install LAM in the directory "/kolab/var/kolab/www" which is the root directory for Apache. The PHP installation already includes all required packages.
InetOrgPerson and the host attribute The attribute "host" is only in objectclass account. Unfortunatly "account" conflicts with "inetorgperson". so there's no perfect way to use both. In order to get attribute host working you have to modify schema/inetorgperson and include host: # inetOrgPerson # The inetOrgPerson represents people who are associated with an # organization in some way. It is a structural class and is derived # from the organizationalPerson which is defined in X.521 [X521]. objectclass ( 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.2 NAME 'inetOrgPerson' DESC 'RFC2798: Internet Organizational Person' SUP organizationalPerson STRUCTURAL MAY ( audio $ businessCategory $ carLicense $ departmentNumber $ displayName $ employeeNumber $ employeeType $ givenName $ homePhone $ homePostalAddress $ initials $ jpegPhoto $ labeledURI $ mail $ manager $ mobile $ o $ pager $ photo $ roomNumber $ secretary $ uid $ userCertificate $ x500uniqueIdentifier $ preferredLanguage $ userSMIMECertificate $ userPKCS12 $ host ) )