value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope); } /** * Structures elements using a table. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlTable implements htmlElement { /** table header */ const header = "\n\n"; /** table footer */ const footer = "\n
\n"; private $elements = array(); /** * Adds an element to the table. The element may be a htmlElement object or a simple String. * * @param mixed $element htmlElement object or a simple String * @param boolean $newLine adds a new line after the element (optional, default false) */ public function addElement($element, $newLine = false) { if ($element instanceof htmlElement) { $this->elements[] = "\n"; $this->elements[] = $element; $this->elements[] = "\n"; if ($newLine) { $this->addNewLine(); } } else { StatusMessage('ERROR', 'Invalid element', print_r($element, true)); } } /** * Adds another line to the table. */ public function addNewLine() { $this->elements[] = "\n"; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { $return = array(); echo htmlTable::header; // print all contained elements for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->elements); $i++) { // print htmlElement objects if ($this->elements[$i] instanceof htmlElement) { $fields = $this->elements[$i]->generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope); $return = array_merge($return, $fields); } // print simple Strings else { echo $this->elements[$i]; } } echo htmlTable::footer; return $return; } } /** * An extended input field that combines label, input field and help. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlTableExtendedInputField implements htmlElement { /** Descriptive label */ private $label; /** unique field name */ private $fieldName; /** field value */ private $fieldValue; /** field size (default 30) */ private $fieldSize = 30; /** field max length (default 255) */ private $fieldMaxLength = 255; /** help ID */ private $helpID; /** required field */ private $required = false; /** * Constructor * * @param String $label descriptive label * @param String $fieldName unique field name * @param String $fieldValue value of input field (optional) * @param String $helpID help ID (optional) */ function __construct($label, $fieldName, $fieldValue = null, $helpID = null) { $this->label = htmlspecialchars($label); $this->fieldName = htmlspecialchars($fieldName); $this->fieldValue = htmlspecialchars($fieldValue); $this->helpID = $helpID; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { if (isset($values[$this->fieldName])) { $this->fieldValue = $values[$this->fieldName][0]; } // print label text echo $this->label; if ($this->required) { echo '*'; } echo "\n\n\n"; // print input field $name = ' name="' . $this->fieldName . '"'; $value = ''; if ($this->fieldValue != null) { $value = ' value="' . $this->fieldValue . '"'; } $maxLength = ''; if ($this->fieldMaxLength != null) { $maxLength = ' maxlength="' . $this->fieldMaxLength . '"'; } $size = ' size="' . $this->fieldSize . '"'; $fieldTabIndex = ' tabindex="' . $tabindex . '"'; $tabindex++; echo ''; // print help link if ($this->helpID != null) { echo "\n\n\n"; $helpLink = new htmlHelpLink($this->helpID); $helpLink->generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope); } return array($this->fieldName => 'text'); } /** * Sets the maximum field length. * * @param int $fieldMaxLength length */ public function setFieldMaxLength($fieldMaxLength) { $this->fieldMaxLength = $fieldMaxLength; } /** * Sets the field size. * * @param int $fieldSize size */ public function setFieldSize($fieldSize) { $this->fieldSize = $fieldSize; } /** * Specifies if this input field must be filled. * * @param boolean $required required or not */ public function setRequired($required) { $this->required = $required; } } /** * Renders a help link. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlHelpLink implements htmlElement { /** help ID */ private $helpID; /** * Constructor * * @param String $helpID help ID */ function __construct($helpID) { $this->helpID = $helpID; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { $helpEntry = getHelp($module, $this->helpID, $scope); printHelpLink($helpEntry, $this->helpID, $module, $scope); return array(); } } /** * Simple button. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlButton implements htmlElement { /** button name */ protected $name; /** button text or image */ protected $value; /** image button or text button */ protected $isImageButton; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $name button name * @param String $value button text or image (16x16px, relative to graphics folder) * @param String $isImageButton image or text button (default text) */ function __construct($name, $value, $isImageButton = false) { $this->name = htmlspecialchars($name); $this->value = htmlspecialchars($value); $this->isImageButton = $isImageButton; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { $value = ''; $style = ''; $class = ''; $name = ' name="' . $this->name . '"'; // image button if ($this->isImageButton) { $value = ' value=" "'; $class = ' class="smallImageButton"'; $style = ' style="background-image: url(../../graphics/' . $this->value . ');"'; } // text button else { if ($this->value != null) { $value = ' value="' . $this->value . '"'; } } echo ''; return array($this->name, 'submit'); } } /** * Prints a button for the account pages. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlAccountPageButton extends htmlButton implements htmlElement { /** * Constructor * * @param String $targetModule module name which renders next page * @param String $targetPage name of next page * @param String $identifier identifier for button * @param String $value button text or image (16x16px, relative to graphics folder) * @param String $isImageButton image or text button (default text) */ function __construct($targetModule, $targetPage, $identifier, $value, $isImageButton = false) { $this->name = htmlspecialchars('form_subpage_' . $targetModule . '_' . $targetPage . '_' . $identifier); $this->value = $value; $this->isImageButton = $isImageButton; } } /** * Represents a select box. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlSelect implements htmlElement { /** name of select field */ private $name; /** size */ private $size; /** allows multi-selection */ private $multiSelect = false; /** elements */ private $elements; /** selected elements */ private $selectedElements; /** descriptive elements */ private $hasDescriptiveElements = false; /** sorting enabled */ private $sortElements = true; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $name element name * @param array $elements list of elememts * @param array $selectedElements list of selected elements * @param int $size size (optional, default = 1) */ function __construct($name, $elements, $selectedElements, $size=1) { $this->name = htmlspecialchars($name); $this->elements = $elements; $this->selectedElements = $selectedElements; $this->size = htmlspecialchars($size); } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { if (isset($values[$this->name])) { $this->selectedElements = $values[$this->name]; } $name = ' name="' . $this->name . '"'; $size = ' size="' . $this->size . '"'; $multi = ''; if ($this->multiSelect) { $multi = ' multiple'; } echo '\n"; $tabindex++; // sorting if ($this->sortElements) { if ($this->hasDescriptiveElements) { $labels = array_keys($this->elements); natcasesort($labels); $newElements = array(); foreach ($labels as $label) { $newElements[$label] = $this->elements[$label]; } $this->elements = $newElements; } else { natcasesort($this->elements); } } foreach ($this->elements as $key => $value) { $selected = ''; if ($this->hasDescriptiveElements) { if (in_array($value, $this->selectedElements)) { $selected = ' selected'; } echo "\n"; } else { if (in_array($value, $this->selectedElements)) { $selected = ' selected'; } echo "" . htmlspecialchars($value) . "\n"; } } echo "\n"; if ($this->multiSelect) { return array($this->name, 'multiselect'); } else { return array($this->name, 'select'); } } /** * Specifies if the elements are just a simple list or an assoziative array (default: simple list). * * @param boolean $hasDescriptiveElements activates descriptive elements */ public function setHasDescriptiveElements($hasDescriptiveElements) { $this->hasDescriptiveElements = $hasDescriptiveElements; } /** * Specifies if multi-selection is enabled (default: disabled). * * @param boolean $multiSelect allows multi-selection */ public function setMultiSelect($multiSelect) { $this->multiSelect = $multiSelect; } /** * Specifies if the elemets should be sorted (default: sort). * * @param boolean $sortElements sort elements */ public function setSortElements($sortElements) { $this->sortElements = $sortElements; } } /** * Prints the text and escapes contained HTML code by default. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlOutputText implements htmlElement { /** the text to print */ private $string; /** specifies if HTML code should be escaped */ private $escapeHTML; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $string output text * @param boolean $escapeHTML escape HTML code (default yes) */ function __construct($string, $escapeHTML = true) { $this->string = $string; $this->escapeHTML = $escapeHTML; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { if ($this->escapeHTML) { echo htmlspecialchars($this->string); } else { echo $this->string; } return array(); } } /** * Prints the HTML code for a checkbox. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlInputCheckbox implements htmlElement { /** unique name of input element */ private $name; /** value */ private $checked; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $name unique name * @param boolean $checked checked */ function __construct($name, $checked) { $this->name = htmlspecialchars($name); $this->checked = $checked; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { if (isset($values[$this->name])) { if ($values[$this->name][0] == 'true') { $this->checked = true; } else { $this->checked = false; } } $checked = ''; if ($this->checked) { $checked = ' checked'; } $tabindexValue = ' tabindex="' . $tabindex . '"'; $tabindex++; echo ''; return array($this->name => 'checkbox'); } } /** * Checkbox with descriptive label and help link. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlTableExtendedInputCheckbox extends htmlInputCheckbox { /** descriptive label */ private $label; /** help ID */ private $helpID; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $name unique name * @param boolean $checked checked * @param String $label descriptive label * @param String $helpID help ID */ function __construct($name, $checked, $label, $helpID) { parent::__construct($name, $checked); $this->label = htmlspecialchars($label); $this->helpID = $helpID; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { echo $this->label; echo "\n\n\n"; $return = parent::generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope); echo "\n\n\n"; // print help link if ($this->helpID != null) { echo "\n\n\n"; $helpLink = new htmlHelpLink($this->helpID); $helpLink->generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope); } return $return; } } /** * Prints the HTML code for a textarea. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlInputTextarea implements htmlElement { /** unique name of input element */ private $name; /** value */ private $value; /** column count */ private $colCount; /** row count */ private $rowCount; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $name unique name * @param String $value value * @param int $colCount number of characters per line * @param int $rowCount number of rows */ function __construct($name, $value, $colCount, $rowCount) { $this->name = htmlspecialchars($name); $this->value = htmlspecialchars($value); $this->colCount = $colCount; $this->rowCount = $rowCount; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { if (isset($values[$this->name])) { $this->value = implode("\r\n", $values[$this->name]); } $colCount = ' cols="' . $this->colCount . '"'; $rowCount = ' rows="' . $this->rowCount . '"'; $tabindexValue = ' tabindex="' . $tabindex . '"'; $tabindex++; echo ''; return array($this->name => 'textarea'); } } /** * Text area with label and help link. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlTableExtendedInputTextarea extends htmlInputTextarea { /** descriptive label */ private $label; /** help ID */ private $helpID; /** required field */ private $required = false; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $name unique name * @param String $value value * @param int $colCount number of characters per line * @param int $rowCount number of rows * @param String $label descriptive label * @param String $helpID help ID */ function __construct($name, $value, $colCount, $rowCount, $label, $helpID) { parent::__construct($name, $value, $colCount, $rowCount); $this->label = htmlspecialchars($label); $this->helpID = $helpID; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { echo $this->label; if ($this->required) { echo '*'; } echo "\n\n\n"; $return = parent::generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope); echo "\n\n\n"; // print help link if ($this->helpID != null) { echo "\n\n\n"; $helpLink = new htmlHelpLink($this->helpID); $helpLink->generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope); } return $return; } /** * Specifies if this input field must be filled. * * @param boolean $required required or not */ public function setRequired($required) { $this->required = $required; } } ?>