getTwoFactorAuthenticationDomain(); } return new PublicKeyCredentialRpEntity( 'LDAP Account Manager', //Name $domain, $icon ); } /** * Returns the user entity for the registration. * * @param $dn DN * @return PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity user entity */ function getUserEntity($dn) { return new PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity( $dn, $dn, extractRDNValue($dn), null ); } /** * Returns the supported credential algorithms. * * @return array algorithms */ function getCredentialParameters() { return array( new PublicKeyCredentialParameters('public-key', Algorithms::COSE_ALGORITHM_ES256), new PublicKeyCredentialParameters('public-key', Algorithms::COSE_ALGORITHM_RS256), ); } /** * Verifies the registration and stores it in the database. * * @param PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions $registration registration object * @param string $clientResponse client response * @return bool true if response is valid and registration succeeded */ function storeNewRegistration($registration, $clientResponse) { $decoder = getCborDecoder(); $tokenBindingHandler = new IgnoreTokenBindingHandler(); $attestationSupportManager = getAttestationSupportManager($decoder); $attestationObjectLoader = getAttestationObjectLoader($attestationSupportManager, $decoder); $publicKeyCredentialLoader = getPublicKeyCredentialLoader($attestationObjectLoader, $decoder); $extensionOutputCheckerHandler = getExtensionOutputChecker(); $repository = new PublicKeyCredentialSourceRepositorySQLite(); $responseValidator = new AuthenticatorAttestationResponseValidator( $attestationSupportManager, $repository, $tokenBindingHandler, $extensionOutputCheckerHandler); try { logNewMessage(LOG_ERR, 'RESPONSE: ' . $clientResponse); $publicKeyCredential = $publicKeyCredentialLoader->load($clientResponse); $authenticatorAttestationResponse = $publicKeyCredential->getResponse(); if (!$authenticatorAttestationResponse instanceof AuthenticatorAttestationResponse) { logNewMessage(LOG_ERR, 'Invalid webauthn response: ' . $clientResponse); return false; } $symfonyRequest = Request::createFromGlobals(); $responseValidator->check($authenticatorAttestationResponse, $registration, $symfonyRequest); return true; } catch (\Throwable $exception) { logNewMessage(LOG_ERR, 'Webauthn validation failed: ' . $exception->getMessage() . $exception->getTraceAsString()); } return false; } /** * Returns a CBOR decoder. * * @return Decoder decoder */ function getCborDecoder() { return new Decoder(new TagObjectManager(), new OtherObjectManager()); } /** * Creates the attestation support manager. * * @param Decoder $decoder decoder * @return AttestationStatementSupportManager manager */ function getAttestationSupportManager($decoder) { $manager = new AttestationStatementSupportManager(); $manager->add(new NoneAttestationStatementSupport()); $manager->add(new FidoU2FAttestationStatementSupport()); $manager->add(new AndroidKeyAttestationStatementSupport($decoder)); $manager->add(new TPMAttestationStatementSupport()); $coseManager = new Manager(); $coseManager->add(new ES256()); $coseManager->add(new ES384()); $coseManager->add(new ES512()); $coseManager->add(new EdDSA()); $coseManager->add(new RS1()); $coseManager->add(new RS256()); $coseManager->add(new RS384); $coseManager->add(new RS512()); $manager->add(new PackedAttestationStatementSupport($decoder, $coseManager)); return $manager; } /** * Returns the attestation object loader. * * @param AttestationStatementSupportManager $manager support manager * @param Decoder $decoder decoder * @return AttestationObjectLoader attestation object loader */ function getAttestationObjectLoader($manager, $decoder) { return new AttestationObjectLoader($manager, $decoder); } /** * Creates the public key credential loader. * * @param AttestationObjectLoader $attestationObjectLoader attestation object loader * @param Decoder $decoder decoder * @return PublicKeyCredentialLoader public key credential loader */ function getPublicKeyCredentialLoader($attestationObjectLoader, $decoder) { return new PublicKeyCredentialLoader($attestationObjectLoader, $decoder); } /** * Returns the extension output checker handler. * No extensions are checked at this time. * * @return ExtensionOutputCheckerHandler handler */ function getExtensionOutputChecker() { return new ExtensionOutputCheckerHandler(); } /** * Stores the public key credentials in the SQLite database. * * @package LAM\LOGIN\WEBAUTHN */ class PublicKeyCredentialSourceRepositorySQLite implements PublicKeyCredentialSourceRepository { /** * Finds the public key for the given credential id. * * @param string $publicKeyCredentialId credential id * @return PublicKeyCredentialSource|null credential source */ public function findOneByCredentialId(string $publicKeyCredentialId): ?PublicKeyCredentialSource { // TODO: Implement findOneByCredentialId() method. logNewMessage(LOG_WARNING, 'FIND ONE: ' . $publicKeyCredentialId); return null; } /** * Finds all credential entries for the given user. * * @param PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity $publicKeyCredentialUserEntity credential user entity * @return PublicKeyCredentialSource[] credential sources */ public function findAllForUserEntity(PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity $publicKeyCredentialUserEntity): array { // TODO: Implement findAllForUserEntity() method. logNewMessage(LOG_WARNING, 'FIND ALL: ' . json_encode($publicKeyCredentialUserEntity)); return array(); } /** * Saves the given credential in the database. * * @param PublicKeyCredentialSource $publicKeyCredentialSource credential */ public function saveCredentialSource(PublicKeyCredentialSource $publicKeyCredentialSource): void { // TODO: Implement saveCredentialSource() method. logNewMessage(LOG_WARNING, 'SAVE: ' . json_encode($publicKeyCredentialSource)); } }