<?php /* $Id$ This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (http://www.ldap-account-manager.org/) Copyright (C) 2003 - 2010 Roland Gruber This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /** * This is an editor for organizational units. * * @author Roland Gruber * @package tools */ /** security functions */ include_once("../lib/security.inc"); /** access to configuration data */ include_once("../lib/config.inc"); /** access LDAP server */ include_once("../lib/ldap.inc"); /** used to print status messages */ include_once("../lib/status.inc"); // start session startSecureSession(); // die if no write access if (!checkIfWriteAccessIsAllowed()) die(); setlanguage(); $types = $_SESSION['config']->get_ActiveTypes(); // check if deletion was canceled if (isset($_POST['abort'])) { display_main(); exit; } // check if submit button was pressed if (isset($_POST['createOU']) || isset($_POST['deleteOU'])) { // new ou if (isset($_POST['createOU'])) { // create ou if valid if (preg_match("/^[a-z0-9 _\\-]+$/i", $_POST['newOU'])) { // check if ou already exists $new_dn = "ou=" . $_POST['newOU'] . "," . $_POST['parentOU']; if (!in_array($new_dn, $_SESSION['ldap']->search_units($_POST['parentOU']))) { // add new ou $ou = array(); $ou['objectClass'] = "organizationalunit"; $ou['ou'] = $_POST['newOU']; $ret = @ldap_add($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $new_dn, $ou); if ($ret) { $message = _("New OU created successfully."); } else { $error = _("Unable to create new OU!"); } } else $error = _("OU already exists!"); } // show errormessage if ou is invalid else { $error = _("OU is invalid!") . "<br>" . $_POST['newOU']; } } // delete ou, user was sure elseif (isset($_POST['deleteOU']) && isset($_POST['sure'])) { $ret = @ldap_delete($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $_POST['deletename']); if ($ret) { $message = _("OU deleted successfully."); } else { $error = _("Unable to delete OU!"); } } // ask if user is sure to delete elseif (isset($_POST['deleteOU'])) { // check for sub entries $sr = @ldap_list($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $_POST['deleteableOU'], "ObjectClass=*", array("")); $info = @ldap_get_entries($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $sr); if ($sr && $info['count'] == 0) { $text = "<br>\n" . "<p><big><b>" . _("Do you really want to delete this OU?") . " </b></big>" . "\n" . "<br>\n<p>" . $_POST['deleteableOU'] . "</p>\n" . "<br>\n" . "<form action=\"ou_edit.php\" method=\"post\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"deleteOU\" value=\"submit\">\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"deletename\" value=\"" . $_POST['deleteableOU'] . "\">\n" . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"sure\" value=\"" . _("Delete") . "\">\n" . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"abort\" value=\"" . _("Cancel") . "\">\n" . "</form>"; } else { $error = _("OU is not empty or invalid!"); } } // print header include 'main_header.php'; // display messages if ($error || $message || $text) { if ($text) echo $text; elseif ($error) { StatusMessage("ERROR", "", $error); echo ("<br><a href=\"ou_edit.php\">" . _("Back to OU-Editor") . "</a>\n"); } else { StatusMessage("INFO", "", $message); echo ("<br><a href=\"ou_edit.php\">" . _("Back to OU-Editor") . "</a>\n"); } } echo ("</body></html>\n"); exit; } display_main(); /** * Displays the main page of the OU editor */ function display_main() { $types = $_SESSION['config']->get_ActiveTypes(); // display main page include 'main_header.php'; echo "<h1>" . _("OU editor") . "</h1>"; echo ("<br>\n"); echo ("<form action=\"ou_edit.php\" method=\"post\">\n"); $options = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($types); $i++) { $options .= "<optgroup label=\"" . getTypeAlias($types[$i]) . "\">\n"; $units = $_SESSION['ldap']->search_units($_SESSION["config"]->get_Suffix($types[$i])); for ($u = 0; $u < sizeof($units); $u++) { $options .= "<option>" . $units[$u] . "</option>\n"; } $options .= "</optgroup>\n"; } echo ("<fieldset class=\"useredit\"><legend><b>" . _("OU editor") . "</b></legend><br>\n"); echo ("<table border=0>\n"); // new OU echo ("<tr>\n"); echo ("<td><b>" . _("New organizational unit") . "</b></td>\n"); echo ("<td> </td>\n"); echo ("<td><select size=1 name=\"parentOU\">"); echo $options; echo ("</select><td>\n"); echo ("<td><input type=text name=\"newOU\"></td>\n"); echo "<td>"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"createOU\" value=\"" . _("Ok") . "\"> "; echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; printHelpLink(getHelp('', '601'), '601'); echo "</td>\n"; echo ("</tr>\n"); echo "<tr><td colspan=5> </td></tr>\n"; // delete OU echo ("<tr>\n"); echo ("<td><b>" . _("Delete organizational unit") . "</b></td>\n"); echo ("<td> </td>\n"); echo ("<td><select size=1 name=\"deleteableOU\">"); echo $options; echo ("</select><td>\n"); echo ("<td> </td>\n"); echo "<td>"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"deleteOU\" value=\"" . _("Ok") . "\"> "; echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; printHelpLink(getHelp('', '602'), '602'); echo "</td>\n"; echo ("</tr>\n"); echo ("</table>\n"); echo ("</fieldset>\n"); echo ("<br>\n"); echo ("</form>\n"); echo ("</body></html>\n"); }