<?php use \LAM\PDF\PDFTable; use \LAM\PDF\PDFTableCell; use \LAM\PDF\PDFTableRow; /* $Id$ This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (http://www.ldap-account-manager.org/) Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Manninger 2008 - 2018 Roland Gruber This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /** * Manages DHCP host entries. * * @package modules * * @author Thomas Manninger * @author Roland Gruber */ /** * Manages DHCP host entries. * * @package modules */ class fixed_ip extends baseModule { /** fixed ips */ public $fixed_ip = array(); /** already processed? */ public $processed = false; /** for check if IPs overlap */ public $overlapd; /** original IPs */ public $orig_ips = array(); /** LDAP attributes */ public $attributes; /** cached host entries (list of array('cn' => ..., 'iphostnumber' => ..., 'macaddress' => ...)) */ private $hostCache = null; /** cache for existing host entries */ private $existingDhcpHostsCache = null; /** * Returns true if this module can manage accounts of the current type, otherwise false. * * @return boolean true if module fits */ public function can_manage() { return in_array($this->get_scope(), array('dhcp')); } /** * Returns meta data that is interpreted by parent class * * @return array array with meta data * * @see baseModule::get_metaData() */ public function get_metaData() { $return = array(); // alias name $return["alias"] = _("Hosts"); // this is a base module $return["is_base"] = false; // icon $return['icon'] = 'computer.png'; // RDN attribute $return["RDN"] = array("cn" => "high"); // LDAP filter $return["ldap_filter"] = array(); // module dependencies $return['dependencies'] = array('depends' => array('dhcp_settings'), 'conflicts' => array()); // managed object classes $return['objectClasses'] = array(); // managed attributes $return['attributes'] = array('dhcpOption'); // help Entries $return['help'] = array( 'pc' => array( "Headline" => _("PC name"), 'attr' => 'dhcpOption, host-name', "Text" => _("The name of the PC.") ), 'mac' => array( "Headline" => _("MAC address"), 'attr' => 'dhcpHWAddress', "Text" => _("The MAC address of the PC. Example: 11:22:33:44:55:aa") ), 'ip' => array( "Headline" => _("IP address"), 'attr' => 'dhcpStatements, fixed-address', "Text" => _("The IP address of the PC.") ), 'description' => array( "Headline" => _("Description"), 'attr' => 'dhcpComments', "Text" => _("Optional description for the PC.") ), 'active' => array( "Headline" => _("Active"), 'attr' => 'dhcpStatements, booting', "Text" => _("Inactive hosts will not be able to get an address from the DHCP server.") ), ); // available PDF fields $return['PDF_fields'] = array('IPlist' => _('IP list')); return $return; } /** * This function fills the error message array with messages. */ public function load_Messages() { $this->messages['errors'][0] = array('ERROR', _('One or more errors occured. The invalid fields are marked.'), ''); } /** * Controls if the module button the account page is visible and activated. * * @return string status ("enabled", "disabled", "hidden") */ public function getButtonStatus() { if ($this->isRootNode()) { return "hidden"; } else { return "enabled"; } } /** * Checks if IPs are not overlaped. * * @param ip IP address * @return not overlaped **/ public function isNotOverlapedIp($ip) { if (in_array($ip, $this->overlapd)) { return false; } $this->overlapd[] = $ip; return true; } /** * * Reset the overlapd_range() function * **/ public function reset_overlapd_ip() { $this->overlapd = array(); } /** * * Check, if a mac address is invalid * @param mac adress * * @return true, if mac is invalid **/ public function check_mac($mac) { $ex = explode(":", $mac); $invalid = false; if (count($ex)!=6) { $invalid = true; } foreach($ex AS $value) { if (!preg_match("/[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]/", $value) || strlen($value)!="2") { $invalid = true; } } return $invalid; } /** * * Adapt the fixed ip with the subnet. * * @return true, if ip were edit. * **/ public function reload_ips() { $ip_edit = false; // IPs were edited? // Only run it, when ranges already exists: if(is_array($this->fixed_ip)) { $ex_subnet = explode(".", $this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('dhcp_settings')->attributes['cn'][0]); foreach ($this->fixed_ip AS $id=>$arr) { if (!empty($this->fixed_ip[$id]['ip']) && !range::check_subnet_range($this->fixed_ip[$id]['ip'], $this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('dhcp_settings')->attributes['cn'][0], $this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('dhcp_settings')->getDHCPOption('subnet-mask'))) { // Range anpassen: $ex = explode(".", $this->fixed_ip[$id]['ip']); $tmp = $this->fixed_ip[$id]['ip']; $this->fixed_ip[$id]['ip'] = $ex_subnet['0'].".".$ex_subnet['1'].".".$ex_subnet['2'].".".$ex['3']; if ($tmp!=$this->fixed_ip[$id]['ip']) { $ip_edit = true; } } } } return $ip_edit; } /** * This function loads all needed LDAP attributes. * * @param array $attr list of attributes */ function load_attributes($attr) { if (!$this->isRootNode()) { $searchAttributes = array('cn', 'dhcphwaddress', 'dhcpstatements', 'dhcpcomments'); $entries = searchLDAP($this->getAccountContainer()->dn_orig, '(objectClass=dhcpHost)', $searchAttributes); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($entries); $i++) { $dhcphwaddress = explode(" ", $entries[$i]['dhcphwaddress'][0]); $dhcphwaddress = array_pop($dhcphwaddress); $dhcpstatements = array(); if (isset($entries[$i]['dhcpstatements'][0])) { $dhcpstatements = $entries[$i]['dhcpstatements']; } $this->fixed_ip[$i]['cn'] = $entries[$i]['cn'][0]; $this->fixed_ip[$i]['mac'] = $dhcphwaddress; $this->fixed_ip[$i]['ip'] = self::extractIP($dhcpstatements); $this->fixed_ip[$i]['active'] = self::isActive($dhcpstatements); $this->fixed_ip[$i]['dhcpstatements'] = $dhcpstatements; $description = ''; if (isset($entries[$i]['dhcpcomments'][0])) { $description = $entries[$i]['dhcpcomments'][0]; } $this->fixed_ip[$i]['description'] = $description; $this->orig_ips[$i]['cn'] = $entries[$i]['cn'][0]; $this->orig_ips[$i]['mac'] = $dhcphwaddress; $this->orig_ips[$i]['ip'] = self::extractIP($dhcpstatements); $this->orig_ips[$i]['active'] = self::isActive($dhcpstatements); $this->orig_ips[$i]['dhcpstatements'] = $dhcpstatements; $this->orig_ips[$i]['description'] = $description; } $this->orderByIP(); } } /** * Orders the host entries by IP address. */ private function orderByIP() { // sort by IP $order = array(); foreach ($this->fixed_ip as $key => $value) { $order[$key] = ''; if (!empty($value['dhcpstatements'])) { $order[$key] = fixed_ip::extractIP($value['dhcpstatements']); } } natcasesort($order); $newVal = array(); foreach ($order as $index => $sortval) { $newVal[] = $this->fixed_ip[$index]; } $this->fixed_ip = $newVal; } /** * Processes user input of the primary module page. * It checks if all input values are correct and updates the associated LDAP attributes. * * @return array list of info/error messages */ public function process_attributes() { $errors = array(); if ($this->isRootNode()) { return $errors; } $this->processed = true; $this->reset_overlapd_ip(); if ($this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('dhcp_settings')->attributes['cn'][0]!="") { $error = false; // errors by process_attributes()? $pcs = array(); foreach($this->fixed_ip AS $id=>$arr) { // Check if ip is to drop if (isset($_POST['drop_ip_'.$id])) { // Drop ip: unset($this->fixed_ip[$id]); continue; } // MAC address $_POST['mac_'.$id] = strtolower(trim($_POST['mac_'.$id])); $invalid = $this->check_mac($_POST['mac_'.$id]); if ($invalid) { $error = true; } $this->fixed_ip[$id]['mac'] = $_POST['mac_'.$id]; // description if (!get_preg($_POST['description_'.$id], 'ascii')) { $error = true; } $this->fixed_ip[$id]['description'] = $_POST['description_'.$id]; // active $this->fixed_ip[$id]['active'] = (isset($_POST['active_' . $id]) && ($_POST['active_' . $id] == 'on')); // Ip address if (!empty($_POST['ip_'.$id])) { $_POST['ip_'.$id] = trim($_POST['ip_'.$id]); } if ((!empty($_POST['ip_'.$id]) && !(check_ip($_POST['ip_'.$id]))) || (!empty($_POST['ip_'.$id]) && !$this->isNotOverlapedIp($_POST['ip_'.$id]))) { $error = true; $this->fixed_ip[$id]['ip'] = $_POST['ip_'.$id]; } else { $this->fixed_ip[$id]['ip'] = $_POST['ip_'.$id]; } // Is ip correct with subnet: if (!empty($_POST['ip_'.$id]) && check_ip($_POST['ip_'.$id]) && !range::check_subnet_range($_POST['ip_'.$id], $this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('dhcp_settings')->attributes['cn'][0], $this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('dhcp_settings')->getDHCPOption('subnet-mask'))) { $error = true; } // cn: if (!empty($_POST['pc_'.$id])) { $_POST['pc_'.$id] = trim($_POST['pc_'.$id]); } if (!empty($_POST['pc_'.$id])) { // name already in use if (in_array($_POST['pc_'.$id], $pcs) ) { $error = true; } else { $pcs[] = $_POST['pc_'.$id]; } } else { $error = true; } if (strlen($_POST['pc_'.$id])>30) { $error = true; } if (!preg_match("/^[A-Za-z0-9\\._-]*$/",$_POST['pc_'.$id])) { $error = true; } $this->fixed_ip[$id]['cn'] = $_POST['pc_'.$id]; } if ($error) { $errors[] = $this->messages['errors'][0]; } } // Add new IP if (isset($_POST['add_ip']) || ($_POST['pc_add'] != '') || ($_POST['mac_add'] != '')) { // Add IP: $active = (isset($_POST['active_add']) && ($_POST['active_add'] == 'on')); $dhcpstatements = array(); $this->setActive($dhcpstatements, $active); $this->setIP($dhcpstatements, $_POST['ip_add']); $this->fixed_ip[] = array( 'cn' => $_POST['pc_add'], 'mac' => $_POST['mac_add'], 'description' => $_POST['description_add'], 'ip' => $_POST['ip_add'], 'dhcpstatements' => $dhcpstatements, 'active' => $active, ); $this->orderByIP(); } return $errors; } /** * Returns the HTML meta data for the main account page. * * @return htmlElement HTML meta data */ public function display_html_attributes() { $return = new htmlTable(); if ($this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('dhcp_settings')->attributes['cn'][0]=="") { $return->addElement(new htmlStatusMessage('ERROR', _("Please fill out the DHCP settings first.")), true); return $return; } $this->initCache(); // auto-completion for host names $autoNames = array(); if (!empty($this->hostCache) && (sizeof($this->hostCache) < 200)) { foreach ($this->hostCache as $attrs) { if (!empty($attrs['cn'][0])) { $autoNames[] = $attrs['cn'][0]; } } $autoNames = array_values(array_unique($autoNames)); } // caption $ipContainer = new htmlTable(); $ipContainer->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('IP address'))); $ipContainer->addElement(new htmlHelpLink('ip')); $return->addElement($ipContainer); $pcContainer = new htmlTable(); $pcContainer->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('PC name'), true, true)); $pcContainer->addElement(new htmlHelpLink('pc')); $return->addElement($pcContainer); $macContainer = new htmlTable(); $macContainer->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('MAC address'), true, true)); $macContainer->addElement(new htmlHelpLink('mac')); $return->addElement($macContainer); $commentContainer = new htmlTable(); $commentContainer->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Description'), true)); $commentContainer->addElement(new htmlHelpLink('description')); $return->addElement($commentContainer); $activeContainer = new htmlTable(); $activeContainer->colspan = 2; $activeContainer->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Active'))); $activeContainer->addElement(new htmlHelpLink('active')); $return->addElement($activeContainer, true); // Reset oberlaped ips $this->reset_overlapd_ip(); // If $ranges is not a array, then create one: if (!is_array($this->fixed_ip)) { $this->fixed_ip = array(); } $pcs = array(); foreach($this->fixed_ip AS $id => $arr) { // pc name $pcError = ""; $existsInDifferentDn = !empty($_POST['pc_' . $id]) && $this->hostNameExists($_POST['pc_' . $id]); if (!$this->processed) { $pcError = ""; } elseif (strlen($this->fixed_ip[$id]['cn'])>20) { $pcError = _("The PC name may not be longer than 20 characters."); } elseif (strlen($this->fixed_ip[$id]['cn'])<2) { $pcError = _("The PC name needs to be at least 2 characters long."); } elseif (in_array($this->fixed_ip[$id]['cn'], $pcs) ) { $pcError = _("This PC name already exists."); } elseif (isset($_POST['pc_'.$id]) && !preg_match("/^[A-Za-z0-9\\._-]*$/", $_POST['pc_'.$id])) { $pcError = _("The PC name may only contain A-Z, a-z and 0-9."); } elseif ($existsInDifferentDn !== false) { $pcError = sprintf(_('This PC name already exists in %s. Use e.g. %s.'), $existsInDifferentDn[0], $existsInDifferentDn[1]); } $pcs[] = $this->fixed_ip[$id]['cn']; // MAC address $macError = ""; if (!$this->processed) { $macError = ""; } elseif ($this->check_mac($this->fixed_ip[$id]['mac'])) { $macError = _("Invalid MAC address."); } // descripton $descriptionError = ""; if (!$this->processed) { $descriptionError = ""; } elseif (!get_preg($this->fixed_ip[$id]['description'], 'ascii')) { $descriptionError = _("Invalid description."); } // fixed ip $ipError = ""; if (!$this->processed || ($this->fixed_ip[$id]['ip'] == '')) { $ipError = ""; } elseif (!check_ip($this->fixed_ip[$id]['ip'])) { $ipError = _("The IP address is invalid."); } elseif (!range::check_subnet_range($this->fixed_ip[$id]['ip'], $this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('dhcp_settings')->attributes['cn'][0], $this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('dhcp_settings')->getDHCPOption('subnet-mask'))) { $ipError = _("The IP address does not match the subnet."); } elseif (!$this->isNotOverlapedIp($this->fixed_ip[$id]['ip'])) { $ipError = _("The IP address is already in use."); } $error = ''; if ($pcError != '') { $error .= ' ' . $pcError; } if ($macError != '') { $error .= ' ' . $macError; } if ($ipError != '') { $error .= ' ' . $ipError; } if ($descriptionError != '') { $error .= ' ' . $descriptionError; } $return->addElement(new htmlInputField('ip_'.$id, $this->fixed_ip[$id]['ip'], 20)); $pcInput = new htmlInputField('pc_'.$id, $this->fixed_ip[$id]['cn'], 20); if (!empty($autoNames)) { $pcInput->enableAutocompletion($autoNames); } $return->addElement($pcInput); $return->addElement(new htmlInputField('mac_'.$id, $this->fixed_ip[$id]['mac'], 20)); $return->addElement(new htmlInputField('description_'.$id, $this->fixed_ip[$id]['description'], 20)); $return->addElement(new htmlInputCheckbox('active_'.$id, $this->fixed_ip[$id]['active'])); $return->addElement(new htmlButton('drop_ip_'.$id, 'del.png', true)); $return->addElement(new htmlOutputText($error), true); } $return->addElement(new htmlSpacer(null, '10px'), true); // add host $return->addElement(new htmlInputField('ip_add', '', 20)); $newPCInput = new htmlInputField('pc_add', '', 20); if (!empty($autoNames)) { $newPCInput->enableAutocompletion($autoNames); } $return->addElement($newPCInput); $return->addElement(new htmlInputField('mac_add', '', 20)); $return->addElement(new htmlInputField('description_add', '', 20)); $return->addElement(new htmlInputCheckbox('active_add', true)); $return->addElement(new htmlButton('add_ip', 'add.png', true), true); // add existing host entry if (!empty($this->hostCache)) { $return->addVerticalSpace('20px'); $addHostButton = new htmlAccountPageButton(get_class($this), 'addHost', 'add', _('Add existing host')); $addHostButton->setIconClass('createButton'); $return->addElement($addHostButton , true); } return $return; } /** * Checks if the given host name already exists. * * @param string $name host name * @return boolean|array false if not exists, DN + new name suggestion if exists */ private function hostNameExists($name) { $this->fillExistingDhcpHosts(); foreach ($this->existingDhcpHostsCache as &$host) { if ($name === $host['name']) { $dn = $host['dn']; if ($this->getAccountContainer()->isNewAccount || strpos($dn, $this->getAccountContainer()->dn_orig) === false) { return array($dn, $this->getHostNameSuggestion($name)); } } } return false; } /** * Returns a suggestion for a free host name. * * @param string $name host name * @return string suggested new name */ private function getHostNameSuggestion($name) { $matches = array(); $number = 0; $namePrefix = $name; if (preg_match('/(.*[^0-9])([0-9]+)/', $name, $matches)) { $namePrefix = $matches[1]; $number = $matches[2]; } while (true) { $number++; $newName = $namePrefix . $number; $found = false; foreach ($this->existingDhcpHostsCache as &$host) { if ($host['name'] === $newName) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { return $newName; } } } /** * Returns the HTML meta data for the add host page. * * @return htmlElement HTML meta data */ public function display_html_addHost() { $return = new htmlTable(); $this->initCache(); $hostNames = array(); $spacer = '####'; foreach ($this->hostCache as $host) { if (!empty($host['cn'][0])) { $val = $host['cn'][0]; if (!empty($host['iphostnumber'][0])) { $val .= $spacer . $host['iphostnumber'][0]; } else { $val .= $spacer; } if (!empty($host['macaddress'][0])) { $val .= $spacer . $host['macaddress'][0]; } else { $val .= $spacer; } $hostNames[$host['cn'][0]] = $val; } } $select = new htmlTableExtendedSelect('host', $hostNames, array(), _('Host')); $select->setHasDescriptiveElements(true); $return->addElement($select, true); $return->addVerticalSpace('20px'); $buttonContainer = new htmlTable(); $buttonContainer->colspan = 3; $buttonContainer->addElement(new htmlAccountPageButton(get_class($this), 'attributes', 'addHost', _('Add'))); $buttonContainer->addElement(new htmlAccountPageButton(get_class($this), 'attributes', 'cancel', _('Cancel'))); $return->addElement($buttonContainer, true); return $return; } /** * Processes user input of the add host page. * It checks if all input values are correct and updates the associated LDAP attributes. * * @return array list of info/error messages */ public function process_addHost() { $errors = array(); if (isset($_POST['form_subpage_fixed_ip_attributes_addHost'])) { $val = explode('####', $_POST['host']); $dhcpstatements = array(); $this->setActive($dhcpstatements, true); $this->setIP($dhcpstatements, $val[1]); $this->fixed_ip[] = array( 'cn' => $val[0], 'mac' => $val[2], 'description' => '', 'ip' => $val[1], 'dhcpstatements' => $dhcpstatements, 'active' => true, ); $this->orderByIP(); } return $errors; } /** * Returns a list of modifications which have to be made to the LDAP account. * * @return array list of modifications * <br>This function returns an array with 3 entries: * <br>array( DN1 ('add' => array($attr), 'remove' => array($attr), 'modify' => array($attr)), DN2 .... ) * <br>DN is the DN to change. It may be possible to change several DNs (e.g. create a new user and add him to some groups via attribute memberUid) * <br>"add" are attributes which have to be added to LDAP entry * <br>"remove" are attributes which have to be removed from LDAP entry * <br>"modify" are attributes which have to been modified in LDAP entry * <br>"info" are values with informational value (e.g. to be used later by pre/postModify actions) */ public function save_attributes() { } /** * This function is overwritten because the fixed IPs are set after the ldap_add command. * * @see baseModule::postModifyActions() * * @param boolean $newAccount * @param array $attributes LDAP attributes of this entry * @return array array which contains status messages. Each entry is an array containing the status message parameters. */ public function postModifyActions($newAccount, $attributes) { if (!$this->isRootNode()) { $ldapSuffix = ',cn=' . $this->getAccountContainer()->getAccountModule('dhcp_settings')->attributes['cn'][0] . ',' . $this->getAccountContainer()->get_type()->getSuffix(); $add = array(); $mod = array(); // DN => array(attr => values) $delete = array(); // Which dns are to delete and to add foreach($this->orig_ips AS $id => $arr) { // Exist cn still? $in_arr = false; foreach($this->fixed_ip AS $idB => $arr) { if ($this->orig_ips[$id]['cn'] == $this->fixed_ip[$idB]['cn']) { $in_arr = true; // check if IP changed if($this->orig_ips[$id]['ip'] != $this->fixed_ip[$idB]['ip']) { $this->setIP($this->fixed_ip[$idB]['dhcpstatements'], $this->fixed_ip[$idB]['ip']); $mod['cn=' . $this->orig_ips[$id]['cn'] . $ldapSuffix]['dhcpstatements'] = $this->fixed_ip[$idB]['dhcpstatements']; } // check if active changed if($this->orig_ips[$id]['active'] != $this->fixed_ip[$idB]['active']) { $this->setActive($this->fixed_ip[$idB]['dhcpstatements'], $this->fixed_ip[$idB]['active']); $mod['cn=' . $this->orig_ips[$id]['cn'] . $ldapSuffix]['dhcpstatements'] = $this->fixed_ip[$idB]['dhcpstatements']; } // check if MAC changed if($this->orig_ips[$id]['mac'] != $this->fixed_ip[$idB]['mac']) { $mod['cn=' . $this->orig_ips[$id]['cn'] . $ldapSuffix]['dhcpHWAddress'] = array('ethernet ' . $this->fixed_ip[$idB]['mac']); } // check if description changed if($this->orig_ips[$id]['description'] != $this->fixed_ip[$idB]['description']) { $mod['cn=' . $this->orig_ips[$id]['cn'] . $ldapSuffix]['dhcpComments'][] = $this->fixed_ip[$idB]['description']; } break; } } if (!$in_arr) { $delete[] = $this->orig_ips[$id]['cn']; } } if (!is_array($this->fixed_ip)) { $this->fixed_ip = array(); } // Which entrys are new: foreach($this->fixed_ip AS $id => $arr) { $in_arr = false; foreach($this->orig_ips AS $idB => $arr) { if ($this->orig_ips[$idB]['cn'] == $this->fixed_ip[$id]['cn']) { $in_arr = true; } } if (!$in_arr) { $add[] = $this->fixed_ip[$id]; } } foreach($delete AS $cn) { ldap_delete($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), 'cn=' . $cn . $ldapSuffix); } foreach($add AS $id => $arr) { $attr = array(); $attr['cn'] = $add[$id]['cn']; $attr['objectClass'][0] = 'top'; $attr['objectClass'][1] = 'dhcpHost'; $attr['dhcpHWAddress'] = 'ethernet ' . $add[$id]['mac']; if ($add[$id]['ip'] != '') { $attr['dhcpStatements'][] = 'fixed-address ' . $add[$id]['ip']; } if ($add[$id]['active'] === false) { $attr['dhcpStatements'][] = 'deny booting'; } $attr['dhcpOption'] = 'host-name "' . $add[$id]['cn'] . '"'; if (!empty($arr['description'])) { $attr['dhcpComments'][] = $arr['description']; } if ($attr['cn'] != "") { ldap_add($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), 'cn=' . $add[$id]['cn'] . $ldapSuffix, $attr); } } // entries to modify foreach ($mod as $dn => $attrs) { ldap_modify($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $dn, $attrs); } } return array(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see baseModule::get_pdfEntries() */ function get_pdfEntries($pdfKeys, $typeId) { $return = array(); if (is_array($this->fixed_ip) && (sizeof($this->fixed_ip) > 0)) { $pdfTable = new PDFTable(); $pdfRow = new PDFTableRow(); $pdfRow->cells[] = new PDFTableCell(_('PC name'), '20%', null, true); $pdfRow->cells[] = new PDFTableCell(_('IP address'), '20%', null, true); $pdfRow->cells[] = new PDFTableCell(_('MAC address'), '20%', null, true); $pdfRow->cells[] = new PDFTableCell(_('Active'), '10%', null, true); $pdfRow->cells[] = new PDFTableCell(_('Description'), '30%', null, true); $pdfTable->rows[] = $pdfRow; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->fixed_ip); $i++) { $name = $this->fixed_ip[$i]['cn']; $mac = $this->fixed_ip[$i]['mac']; $ip = $this->fixed_ip[$i]['ip']; $active = _('yes'); if (!$this->fixed_ip[$i]['active']) { $active = _('no'); } $description = $this->fixed_ip[$i]['description']; $pdfRow = new PDFTableRow(); $pdfRow->cells[] = new PDFTableCell($name, '20%'); $pdfRow->cells[] = new PDFTableCell($ip, '20%'); $pdfRow->cells[] = new PDFTableCell($mac, '20%'); $pdfRow->cells[] = new PDFTableCell($active, '10%'); $pdfRow->cells[] = new PDFTableCell($description, '30%'); $pdfTable->rows[] = $pdfRow; } $this->addPDFTable($return, 'IPlist', $pdfTable); } return $return; } /** * Extracts the IP from a list of DHCP statements. * * @param string $dhcpStatements values of dhcpStatements attribute */ public static function extractIP($dhcpStatements) { $return = null; if (is_array($dhcpStatements)) { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($dhcpStatements); $i++) { if (strpos($dhcpStatements[$i], 'fixed-address ') === 0) { $return = substr($dhcpStatements[$i], strlen('fixed-address') + 1); break; } } } return $return; } /** * Sets the IP in a list of DHCP statements. * * @param array $dhcpStatements values of dhcpStatements attribute * @param String $ip new IP */ private function setIP(&$dhcpStatements, $ip) { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($dhcpStatements); $i++) { if (strpos($dhcpStatements[$i], 'fixed-address ') === 0) { unset($dhcpStatements[$i]); $dhcpStatements = array_values($dhcpStatements); } } if (!empty($ip)) { $dhcpStatements[] = 'fixed-address ' . $ip; } } /** * Returns if this host is active. * * @param array $dhcpStatements values of dhcpStatements attribute */ public static function isActive($dhcpStatements) { if (is_array($dhcpStatements)) { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($dhcpStatements); $i++) { if (strpos($dhcpStatements[$i], ' booting') === (strlen($dhcpStatements[$i]) - strlen(' booting'))) { $val = substr($dhcpStatements[$i], 0, (strlen($dhcpStatements[$i]) - strlen(' booting'))); if ($val == 'deny') { return false; } break; } } } return true; } /** * Sets if this host is active. * * @param array $dhcpStatements values of dhcpStatements attribute * @param boolean $active is active */ private function setActive(&$dhcpStatements, $active) { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($dhcpStatements); $i++) { if (strpos($dhcpStatements[$i], ' booting') !== false) { unset($dhcpStatements[$i]); $dhcpStatements = array_values($dhcpStatements); } } if ($active) { $dhcpStatements[] = 'allow booting'; } else { $dhcpStatements[] = 'deny booting'; } } /** * Loads cached host data from LDAP. */ private function initCache() { if ($this->hostCache != null) { return; } $attrs = array('cn', 'iphostnumber', 'macaddress'); $this->hostCache = array(); $result = searchLDAPByAttribute('cn', '*', null, $attrs, array('host')); foreach ($result as $attributes) { $this->hostCache[] = $attributes; } } /** * Returns if the current DN is the root entry. * * @return bool is root */ private function isRootNode() { $rootSuffix = $this->getAccountContainer()->get_type()->getSuffix(); return $this->getAccountContainer()->dn_orig == $rootSuffix; } /** * Fills the list of existing DHCP hosts. */ private function fillExistingDhcpHosts() { if ($this->existingDhcpHostsCache != null) { return $this->existingDhcpHostsCache; } $entries = searchLDAPByAttribute('cn', '*', 'dhcpHost', array('cn'), array('dhcp')); $this->existingDhcpHostsCache = array(); foreach ($entries as $entry) { $this->existingDhcpHostsCache[] = array( 'dn' => $entry['dn'], 'name' => $entry['cn'][0] ); } } } ?>