time = 0; $this->attributes = array(); } var $ldapcache; // This variable contains the cache var $attributes; // This variable contains a list and their scope of attributes which should be cached var $time; // This is the laste timestamp ldap cache has been refreshed /* This function adds attributes to cache * syntax of $attributes is array( scope1 => array ( attributes ), scope2 => array ( attributes ), ...) */ function add_cache($attributes) { // Check input variable $allowed_types = array ( 'user', 'group', 'host', 'domain', '*' ); if (!is_array($attributes)) trigger_error('Argument of add_cache must be : array ( scope => array(attribute1(string), attribute2(string), ..), scope => ... ).', E_USER_ERROR); foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { if (!is_array($attribute)) trigger_error('Argument of add_cache must be : array ( scope => array(attribute1(string), attribute2(string), ..), scope => ... ).', E_USER_ERROR); foreach ($attribute as $singleattribute) { if (!is_string($singleattribute)) trigger_error('Argument of add_cache must be : array ( scope => array(attribute1(string), attribute2(string), ..), scope => ... ).', E_USER_ERROR); } } $scopes = array_keys($attributes); foreach ($scopes as $scope) { if (!@in_array($scope, $allowed_types)) trigger_error(sprintf('Invalid scope. Valid scopes are %s.', implode(" ", $allowed_types)), E_USER_ERROR); } // Everything seems to be OK, start processing data foreach ($scopes as $scope) { for ($i=0; $iattributes[$scope])) $this->attributes[$scope][] = $attributes[$scope][$i]; } } // Rebuild cache $this->refresh_cache(true); } /* This function returns an array ( dn1 => array(uidnumber1), dn2 => array(uidnumber2), ... ) * */ function get_cache($attribute, $objectClass, $singlescope) { $this->refresh_cache(); // Check input variables $allowed_types = array ( 'user', 'group', 'host', 'domain', '*' ); if (!in_array($singlescope, $allowed_types)) trigger_error(sprintf('Invalid scope. Valid scopes are %s.', implode(" ", $allowed_types)), E_USER_ERROR); $line=-1; for ($i=0; $iobjectClasses) || $i==-1; $i++) { if (strpos($_SESSION['ldap']->objectClasses[$i], "NAME '$objectClass'")) $line = $i; } // Return error if objectClass isn't found if ($line==-1) trigger_error (sprintf(_("ObjectClass %s required but not defined in LDAP."), $objectClass), E_USER_WARNING); // Create list of all allowed attributes for ($i=0; $iobjectClasses); $i++ ) { if (strpos($_SESSION['ldap']->objectClasses[$i], 'MUST (')) { $string_withtail = substr($_SESSION['ldap']->objectClasses[$i], strpos($_SESSION['ldap']->objectClasses[$i], 'MUST (')+6); // Now we have a string with all must-attributes $string = substr($string_withtail, 0, strpos($string_withtail, ')')); $string = trim($string); $allowed_attributes = array_merge($allowed_attributes, explode(" $ ", $string)); } // create array with may-attributes // Get startposition in string if (strpos($_SESSION['ldap']->objectClasses[$i], 'MAY (')) { $string_withtail = substr($_SESSION['ldap']->objectClasses[$i], strpos($_SESSION['ldap']->objectClasses[$i], 'MAY (')+5); // Now we have a string with all must-attributes $string = substr($string_withtail, 0, strpos($string_withtail, ')')); $string = trim($string); $allowed_attributes = array_merge($allowed_attributes, explode(" $ ", $string)); } } $allowed_attributes = array_unique($allowed_attributes); if (!in_array($attribute, $allowed_attributes)) trigger_error(_('Attribute not defined in LDAP.'), E_USER_WARNING); // Everything seems to be OK, start processing data $this->refresh_cache(); if ($singlescope == '*') $scopes = $allowed_types; else $scopes = array ( $singlescope ); // Add cache entry dynamic foreach ($scopes as $scope) { if (!@in_array($attribute ,$this->attributes[$scope])) $add[$scope][] = $attribute; } if (count($add)!=0) $this->add_cache($add); foreach ($scopes as $scope) { if (isset($this->ldapcache[$scope])) { $DNs = array_keys($this->ldapcache[$scope]); foreach ($DNs as $dn) { if (isset($this->ldapcache[$scope][$dn][$attribute]) && in_array($objectClass, $this->ldapcache[$scope][$dn]['objectClass'])) { // return string if only attribute exists only once if (count($this->ldapcache[$scope][$dn][$attribute])==1) $return[$dn] = array($this->ldapcache[$scope][$dn][$attribute][0]); else { // else return array with all attributes $return[$dn] = $this->ldapcache[$scope][$dn][$attribute]; } } } } } return $return; } /* This functions returns the dn if a dn with $attribute=$value is found * $values is the value $attribute is set to * $scope is the scope where to search */ function in_cache($value, $attribute, $singlescope) { $this->refresh_cache(); // Check input variables $allowed_types = array ( 'user', 'group', 'host', 'domain', '*' ); if (!in_array($singlescope, $allowed_types)) trigger_error(sprintf('Invalid scope. Valid scopes are %s.', implode(" ", $allowed_types)), E_USER_ERROR); // Create list of all allowed attributes for ($i=0; $iobjectClasses); $i++ ) { if (strpos($_SESSION['ldap']->objectClasses[$i], 'MUST (')) { $string_withtail = substr($_SESSION['ldap']->objectClasses[$i], strpos($_SESSION['ldap']->objectClasses[$i], 'MUST (')+6); // Now we have a string with all must-attributes $string = substr($string_withtail, 0, strpos($string_withtail, ')')); $string = trim($string); $allowed_attributes = array_merge($allowed_attributes, explode(" $ ", $string)); } // create array with may-attributes // Get startposition in string if (strpos($_SESSION['ldap']->objectClasses[$i], 'MAY (')) { $string_withtail = substr($_SESSION['ldap']->objectClasses[$i], strpos($_SESSION['ldap']->objectClasses[$i], 'MAY (')+5); // Now we have a string with all must-attributes $string = substr($string_withtail, 0, strpos($string_withtail, ')')); $string = trim($string); $allowed_attributes = array_merge($allowed_attributes, explode(" $ ", $string)); } } $allowed_attributes = array_unique($allowed_attributes); if (!in_array($attribute, $allowed_attributes)) trigger_error(_('Attribute not defined in LDAP.'), E_USER_WARNING); // Everything seems to be OK, start processing data $this->refresh_cache(); if ($singlescope == '*') $scopes = $allowed_types; else $scopes = array ( $singlescope ); // Add cache entry dynamic foreach ($scopes as $scope) { if (!@in_array($attribute ,$this->attributes[$scope])) $add[$scope][] = $attribute; } if (count($add)!=0) $this->add_cache($add); foreach ($scopes as $scope) { if (isset($this->ldapcache[$scope])) { $DNs = array_keys($this->ldapcache[$scope]); foreach ($DNs as $dn) { if (is_array($this->ldapcache[$scope][$dn][$attribute])) { if (in_array($value, $this->ldapcache[$scope][$dn][$attribute])) { // Return value if value was found return $dn; } } } } } // Return false if value wasn't found return false; } /* This functions refreshs the cache */ function refresh_cache($rebuild=false) { if ($this->time + $_SESSION['config']->get_cacheTimeoutSec() < time() || $rebuild) { // unset old cache unset ($this->ldapcache); $scopes = array_keys($this->attributes); foreach ($scopes as $scope) { // Get Scope If ($scope != '*') $suffix = call_user_func(array($_SESSION['config'], 'get_'.ucfirst($scope).'Suffix')); else $suffix = ''; // Get Data from ldap $search = $this->attributes[$scope]; $search[] = 'objectClass'; $result = @ldap_search($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $suffix, 'objectClass=*', $search, 0); // Write search result in array $entry = @ldap_first_entry($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $result); while ($entry) { $dn = (ldap_get_dn($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $entry)); $attr = ldap_get_attributes($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $entry); // unset every count entry unset ($attr['count']); $attributes = array_keys($attr); foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { unset ($attr[$attribute]['count']); } // unset double entries for ($i=0; $ildapcache[$scope][$dn] = $attr; $entry = ldap_next_entry($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $entry); } } $this->time = time(); } } /* This function update the cache when changes were * made without refrehing the complete cache */ function update_cache($dn, $mode, $attributes=false) { $allowed_modes = array ( 'add', 'remove', 'modify', 'delete_dn' ); $allowed_types = array ( 'user', 'group', 'host', '*' ); for ($i=0; $irefresh_cache(); if (is_array($attributes)) switch ($mode) { case 'add': $list = array_keys($attributes); for ($i=0; $ildapcache[$singlescope][$dn][$list[$i]][] = $attributes[$list[$i]]; break; case 'remove': $list = array_keys($attributes); for ($i=0; $ildapcache[$singlescope][$dn][$list[$i]][$attributes[$list[$i]]])) unset($this->ldapcache[$singlescope][$dn][$list[$i]][$attributes[$list[$i]]]); break; case 'modify': $list = array_keys($attributes); for ($i=0; $ildapcache[$singlescope][$dn][$list[$i]])) unset($this->ldapcache[$singlescope][$dn][$list[$i]]); foreach ($attributes[$list[$i]] as $attribute) $this->ldapcache[$singlescope][$dn][$list[$i]][] = $attributes[$list[$i]]; } } else { if ($mode=='delete_dn') if (isset($this->ldapcache[$singlescope][$dn])) unset($this->ldapcache[$singlescope][$dn]); } } /* This function will return the gidNumber to an existing groupname * gidNumbers are taken from cache-array */ function getgid($groupname) { $dn_groups = $_SESSION['cache']->get_cache('gidNumber', 'posixGroup', 'group'); $DNs = array_keys($dn_groups); foreach ($DNs as $DN) { // TODO doesn't work when groupname is part of DN if (strpos($DN, $groupname)) return $dn_groups[$DN][0]; } } /* This function will return an array with all groupnames * found in ldap. Groupnames are taken from cache-array. */ function findgroups() { $dn_groups = $_SESSION['cache']->get_cache('cn', 'posixGroup', 'group'); if (is_array($dn_groups)) { $DNs = array_keys($dn_groups); foreach ($DNs as $DN) $return[] = $dn_groups[$DN][0]; return $return; } return array(); } /* This function will return the groupname to an existing gidNumber * groupnames are taken from cache-array */ function getgrnam($gidNumber) { $dn_groups = $_SESSION['cache']->get_cache('gidNumber', 'posixGroup', 'group'); if (is_array($dn_groups)) { $DNs = array_keys($dn_groups); foreach ($DNs as $DN) { if ($dn_groups[$DN][0]==$gidNumber) $return = substr($DN, 3, strpos($DN, ',')-3); } return $return; } else return -1; } } ?>