<?php /* $Id$ This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/lam) Copyright (C) 2003-04 Roland Gruber This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /** * Main page of configuration * * @package configuration * @author Roland Gruber */ /** Access to config functions */ include_once ("../../lib/config.inc"); /** access to module settings */ include_once ("../../lib/modules.inc"); // start session session_save_path("../../sess"); @session_start(); setlanguage(); // get password if (isset($_POST['passwd'])) $passwd = $_POST['passwd']; if (isset($_GET["modulesback"]) || isset($_GET["typesback"])) $passwd = $_SESSION['conf_config']->get_Passwd(); // check if password was entered // if not: load login page if (! $passwd) { $_SESSION['conf_message'] = _("No password was entered!"); /** go back to login if password is empty */ require('conflogin.php'); exit; } if (!isset($_SESSION['conf_config']) && isset($_POST['filename'])) { $_SESSION['conf_config'] = new Config($_POST['filename']); } $conf = &$_SESSION['conf_config']; // check if password is valid // if not: load login page if (!(($conf->get_Passwd()) == $passwd)) { $sessionKeys = array_keys($_SESSION); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($sessionKeys); $i++) { if (substr($sessionKeys[$i], 0, 5) == "conf_") unset($_SESSION[$sessionKeys[$i]]); } $_SESSION['conf_message'] = _("The password is invalid! Please try again."); /** go back to login if password is invalid */ require('conflogin.php'); exit; } // check if button was pressed and if we have to save the setting or go back to login if (isset($_POST['back']) || isset($_POST['submitconf']) || isset($_POST['editmodules']) || isset($_POST['edittypes'])){ // go to final page if ($_POST['submitconf']){ saveSettings(); } // go to modules page elseif ($_POST['editmodules']){ metaRefresh("confmodules.php"); exit; } // go to types page elseif ($_POST['edittypes']){ metaRefresh("conftypes.php"); exit; } // back to login else if ($_POST['back']){ metaRefresh("../login.php"); exit; } } // check if user comes from types page if (isset($_GET["typesback"])) { // check if a new account type was added if (isset($_GET["typeschanged"])) { metaRefresh("confmodules.php"); exit; } } // type information if (!isset($_SESSION['conf_accountTypes'])) $_SESSION['conf_accountTypes'] = $conf->get_ActiveTypes(); if (!isset($_SESSION['conf_accountTypesOld'])) $_SESSION['conf_accountTypesOld'] = $conf->get_ActiveTypes(); if (!isset($_SESSION['conf_typeSettings'])) $_SESSION['conf_typeSettings'] = $conf->get_typeSettings(); // index for tab order $tabindex = 1; $tabindexLink = 1000; echo $_SESSION['header']; echo ("<title>" . _("LDAP Account Manager Configuration") . "</title>\n"); echo ("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../../style/layout.css\">\n"); echo ("</head>\n"); echo ("<body>\n"); echo ("<p align=\"center\"><a href=\"http://lam.sourceforge.net\" target=\"new_window\">". "<img src=\"../../graphics/banner.jpg\" border=1 alt=\"LDAP Account Manager\"></a></p>\n<hr>\n<p></p>\n"); // display error messages if (isset($_SESSION['conf_errors'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($_SESSION['conf_errors']); $i++) { call_user_func_array('StatusMessage', $_SESSION['conf_errors'][$i]); } echo "<br>"; } // display formular echo ("<form action=\"confmain.php\" method=\"post\">\n"); echo ("<fieldset><legend><b>" . _("Server settings") . "</b></legend>"); echo ("<table border=0>"); // serverURL echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>" . _("Server address") . " *: </b></td>". "<td align=\"left\">". "<input tabindex=\"$tabindex\" size=50 type=\"text\" name=\"serverurl\" value=\"" . $conf->get_ServerURL() . "\">". "</td>\n"); echo "<td>"; echo "<a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=201\" target=\"lamhelp\">"; echo "<img src=\"../../graphics/help.png\" alt=\"" . _('Help') . "\" title=\"" . _('Help') . "\">"; echo "</a>\n"; echo "</td></tr>\n"; $tabindex++; // new line echo ("<tr><td colspan=3> </td></tr>"); // tree suffix echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>". _("Tree suffix") . ": </b></td>". "<td><input tabindex=\"$tabindex\" size=50 type=\"text\" name=\"sufftree\" value=\"" . $conf->get_Suffix('tree') . "\"></td>\n"); echo "<td>"; echo "<a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=203\" target=\"lamhelp\">"; echo "<img src=\"../../graphics/help.png\" alt=\"" . _('Help') . "\" title=\"" . _('Help') . "\">"; echo "</a>\n"; echo "</td></tr>\n"; $tabindex++; // new line echo ("<tr><td colspan=3> </td></tr>"); // LDAP cache timeout echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>". _("Cache timeout") . ": </b></td>". "<td><select tabindex=\"$tabindex\" name=\"cachetimeout\">\n<option selected>".$conf->get_cacheTimeout()."</option>\n"); if ($conf->get_cacheTimeout() != 0) echo("<option>0</option>\n"); if ($conf->get_cacheTimeout() != 1) echo("<option>1</option>\n"); if ($conf->get_cacheTimeout() != 2) echo("<option>2</option>\n"); if ($conf->get_cacheTimeout() != 5) echo("<option>5</option>\n"); if ($conf->get_cacheTimeout() != 10) echo("<option>10</option>\n"); if ($conf->get_cacheTimeout() != 15) echo("<option>15</option>\n"); echo ("</select></td>\n"); $tabindex++; echo "<td>"; echo "<a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=214\" target=\"lamhelp\">"; echo "<img src=\"../../graphics/help.png\" alt=\"" . _('Help') . "\" title=\"" . _('Help') . "\">"; echo "</a>\n"; echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo ("</table>"); echo ("</fieldset>"); echo ("<p></p>"); echo ("<fieldset><legend><b>" . _("Account types and modules") . "</b></legend>"); // Account modules $types = $conf->get_ActiveTypes(); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($types); $i++) { echo "<b>" . getTypeAlias($types[$i]) . ": </b>" . implode(", ", $conf->get_AccountModules($types[$i])) . "<br>\n"; } echo "<br>\n"; echo "<input tabindex=\"$tabindex\" type=\"submit\" name=\"edittypes\" value=\"" . _("Edit account types") . "\"> "; $tabindex++; echo "<input tabindex=\"$tabindex\" type=\"submit\" name=\"editmodules\" value=\"" . _("Edit modules") . "\"> "; echo "<a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=217\" target=\"lamhelp\">"; echo "<img src=\"../../graphics/help.png\" alt=\"" . _('Help') . "\" title=\"" . _('Help') . "\">"; echo "</a>\n"; $tabindex++; echo ("</fieldset>"); echo ("<p></p>"); // module settings // get list of scopes of modules $scopes = array(); for ($m = 0; $m < sizeof($types); $m++) { $mods = $conf->get_AccountModules($types[$m]); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($mods); $i++) $scopes[$mods[$i]][] = $types[$m]; } // get module options $options = getConfigOptions($scopes); // get current setting $old_options = $conf->get_moduleSettings(); // get module descriptions $moduleDescriptions = getConfigDescriptions(); // display module boxes $modules = array_keys($options); $_SESSION['conf_types'] = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($modules); $i++) { if (sizeof($options[$modules[$i]]) < 1) continue; echo "<fieldset>\n"; echo "<legend><b>" . $moduleDescriptions['legend'][$modules[$i]] . "</b></legend>\n"; $configTypes = parseHtml($modules[$i], $options[$modules[$i]], $old_options, true, $tabindex, $tabindexLink, 'config'); $_SESSION['conf_types'] = array_merge($configTypes, $_SESSION['conf_types']); echo "</fieldset>\n"; echo "<br>"; } echo ("<fieldset><legend><b>" . _("List settings") . "</b></legend>\n"); echo ("<table border=0>\n"); // maximum list entries echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>". _("Maximum list entries") . " : </b></td>". "<td><select tabindex=\"$tabindex\" name=\"maxlistentries\">\n<option selected>".$conf->get_MaxListEntries()."</option>\n"); if ($conf->get_MaxListEntries() != 10) echo("<option>10</option>\n"); if ($conf->get_MaxListEntries() != 20) echo("<option>20</option>\n"); if ($conf->get_MaxListEntries() != 30) echo("<option>30</option>\n"); if ($conf->get_MaxListEntries() != 50) echo("<option>50</option>\n"); if ($conf->get_MaxListEntries() != 75) echo("<option>75</option>\n"); if ($conf->get_MaxListEntries() != 100) echo("<option>100</option>\n"); echo ("</select></td>\n"); $tabindex++; echo "<td>"; echo "<a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=208\" target=\"lamhelp\">"; echo "<img src=\"../../graphics/help.png\" alt=\"" . _('Help') . "\" title=\"" . _('Help') . "\">"; echo "</a>\n"; echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo ("</table>\n"); echo ("</fieldset>\n"); echo ("<p></p>\n"); echo ("<fieldset><legend><b>" . _("Language settings") . "</b></legend>\n"); echo ("<table border=0>\n"); // language echo ("<tr>"); echo ("<td><b>" . _("Default language") . ":</b></td><td>\n"); // read available languages $languagefile = "../../config/language"; if(is_file($languagefile)) { $file = fopen($languagefile, "r"); $i = 0; while(!feof($file)) { $line = fgets($file, 1024); if($line == "\n" || $line[0] == "#" || $line == "") continue; // ignore comment and empty lines $languages[$i] = chop($line); $i++; } fclose($file); // generate language list echo ("<select tabindex=\"$tabindex\" name=\"lang\">"); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($languages); $i++) { $entry = explode(":", $languages[$i]); if ($conf->get_defaultLanguage() != $languages[$i]) echo("<option value=\"" . $languages[$i] . "\">" . $entry[2] . "</option>\n"); else echo("<option selected value=\"" . $languages[$i] . "\">" . $entry[2] . "</option>\n"); } echo ("</select>\n"); $tabindex++; } else { echo _("Unable to load available languages. Setting English as default language. For further instructions please contact the Admin of this site."); } echo ("</td>\n"); echo "<td>"; echo "<a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=209\" target=\"lamhelp\">"; echo "<img src=\"../../graphics/help.png\" alt=\"" . _('Help') . "\" title=\"" . _('Help') . "\">"; echo "</a>\n"; echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo ("</table>\n"); echo ("</fieldset>\n"); echo ("<p></p>\n"); // script settings echo ("<fieldset><legend><b>" . _("Script settings") . "</b></legend>\n"); echo ("<table border=0>\n"); echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>". _("Server of external script") . ": </b></td>". "<td><input tabindex=\"$tabindex\" size=50 type=\"text\" name=\"scriptserver\" value=\"" . $conf->get_scriptServer() . "\"></td>\n"); $tabindex++; echo "<td>"; echo "<a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=211\" target=\"lamhelp\">"; echo "<img src=\"../../graphics/help.png\" alt=\"" . _('Help') . "\" title=\"" . _('Help') . "\">"; echo "</a>\n"; echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>". _("Path to external script") . ": </b></td>". "<td><input tabindex=\"$tabindex\" size=50 type=\"text\" name=\"scriptpath\" value=\"" . $conf->get_scriptPath() . "\"></td>\n"); $tabindex++; echo "<td>"; echo "<a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=210\" target=\"lamhelp\">"; echo "<img src=\"../../graphics/help.png\" alt=\"" . _('Help') . "\" title=\"" . _('Help') . "\">"; echo "</a>\n"; echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo ("</table>\n"); echo ("</fieldset>\n"); echo ("<p></p>\n"); // security setings echo ("<fieldset><legend><b>" . _("Security settings") . "</b></legend>\n"); echo ("<table border=0>\n"); // admin list echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>". _("List of valid users") . " *: </b></td>". "<td><input tabindex=\"$tabindex\" size=50 type=\"text\" name=\"admins\" value=\"" . $conf->get_Adminstring() . "\"></td>\n"); echo "<td>"; echo "<a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=207\" target=\"lamhelp\">"; echo "<img src=\"../../graphics/help.png\" alt=\"" . _('Help') . "\" title=\"" . _('Help') . "\">"; echo "</a>\n"; echo "</td></tr>\n"; $tabindex++; echo ("<tr><td colspan=3> </td></tr>\n"); // new password echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><font color=\"red\"><b>". _("New Password") . ": </b></font></td>". "<td align=\"left\"><input tabindex=\"$tabindex\" type=\"password\" name=\"passwd1\"></td>\n"); $tabindex++; echo "<td rowspan=2>"; echo "<a href=\"../help.php?HelpNumber=212\" target=\"lamhelp\">"; echo "<img src=\"../../graphics/help.png\" alt=\"" . _('Help') . "\" title=\"" . _('Help') . "\">"; echo "</a>\n"; echo "</td></tr>\n"; // reenter password echo ("<tr><td align=\"right\"><font color=\"red\"><b>". _("Reenter Password") . ": </b></font></td>". "<td align=\"left\"><input tabindex=\"$tabindex\" type=\"password\" name=\"passwd2\"></td></tr>\n"); $tabindex++; echo ("</table>\n"); echo ("</fieldset>\n"); echo ("<p></p>\n"); // buttons echo ("<table border=0>\n"); echo "<tr>"; echo "<td align=\"left\"><pre>"; echo "<input tabindex=\"$tabindex\" type=\"submit\" name=\"submitconf\" value=\"" . _("Submit") . "\">"; $tabindex++; echo "<input tabindex=\"$tabindex\" type=\"reset\" name=\"resetconf\" value=\"" . _("Reset") . "\">"; $tabindex++; echo "<input tabindex=\"$tabindex\" type=\"submit\" name=\"back\" value=\"" . _("Abort") . "\"\n"; $tabindex++; echo ("></pre></td></tr>\n"); echo ("</table>\n"); echo ("<p></p>"); echo ("<p>* = ". _("required") . "</p>"); echo ("<p>** = ". _("required for Samba 3 accounts") . "</p>"); // password for configuration echo ("<p><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"passwd\" value=\"" . $passwd . "\"></p>\n"); echo ("</form>\n"); echo ("</body>\n"); echo ("</html>\n"); /** * Saves the entered settings. * */ function saveSettings() { $conf = &$_SESSION['conf_config']; $types = $conf->get_ActiveTypes(); // remove double slashes if magic quotes are on if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 1) { $postKeys = array_keys($_POST); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($postKeys); $i++) { if (is_string($_POST[$postKeys[$i]])) $_POST[$postKeys[$i]] = stripslashes($_POST[$postKeys[$i]]); } } // check new preferences $errors = array(); if (!$conf->set_ServerURL($_POST['serverurl'])) { $errors[] = array("ERROR", _("Server Address is empty!")); } if (!$conf->set_cacheTimeout($_POST['cachetimeout'])) { $errors[] = array("ERROR", _("Cache timeout is invalid!")); } if (!$conf->set_Adminstring($_POST['admins'])) { $errors[] = array("ERROR", _("List of admin users is empty or invalid!")); } if (!$conf->set_Suffix("tree", $_POST['sufftree'])) { $errors[] = array("ERROR", _("TreeSuffix is invalid!")); } if (!$conf->set_MaxListEntries($_POST['maxlistentries'])) { $errors[] = array("ERROR", _("Max list entries is invalid!")); } if (!$conf->set_defaultLanguage($_POST['lang'])) { $errors[] = array("ERROR", _("Language is not defined!")); } if (!$conf->set_scriptpath($_POST['scriptpath'])) { $errors[] = array("ERROR", _("Script path is invalid!")); } if (!$conf->set_scriptserver($_POST['scriptserver'])) { $errors[] = array("ERROR", _("Script server is invalid!")); } // check if password was changed if (isset($_POST['passwd1']) && ($_POST['passwd1'] != '')) { if ($_POST['passwd1'] != $_POST['passwd2']) { $errors[] = array("ERROR", _("Passwords are different!")); } else { // set new password $conf->set_Passwd($_POST['passwd1']); } } // check module options // create option array to check and save $options = array(); $opt_keys = array_keys($_SESSION['conf_types']); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($opt_keys); $i++) { $element = $opt_keys[$i]; // text fields if ($_SESSION['conf_types'][$element] == "text") { $options[$element] = array($_POST[$element]); } // checkboxes elseif ($_SESSION['conf_types'][$element] == "checkbox") { if ($_POST[$element] == "on") $options[$element] = array('true'); else $options[$element] = array('false'); } // dropdownbox elseif ($_SESSION['conf_types'][$element] == "select") { $options[$element] = array($_POST[$element]); } // multiselect elseif ($_SESSION['conf_types'][$element] == "multiselect") { $options[$element] = $_POST[$element]; // value is already an array } } // get list of scopes of modules $scopes = array(); for ($m = 0; $m < sizeof($types); $m++) { $mods = $conf->get_AccountModules($types[$m]); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($mods); $i++) $scopes[$mods[$i]][] = $types[$m]; } // check options $errors = array_merge($errors, checkConfigOptions($scopes, $options)); // print error messages if any if (sizeof($errors) > 0) { $_SESSION['conf_errors'] = $errors; $conf->set_moduleSettings($options); } // save settings if no errors occured else { // page head echo $_SESSION['header']; echo "<title>" . _("LDAP Account Manager Configuration") . "</title>\n"; echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../../style/layout.css\">\n"; echo "</head><body>\n"; echo ("<p align=\"center\"><a href=\"http://lam.sourceforge.net\" target=\"new_window\">". "<img src=\"../../graphics/banner.jpg\" border=1 alt=\"LDAP Account Manager\"></a></p><hr><br><br>"); $conf->set_moduleSettings($options); $conf->save(); echo ("<br><br><br><br><br><a href=\"../login.php\" target=\"_top\">" . _("Back to Login") . "</a>"); echo("</body></html>"); // remove settings from session $sessionKeys = array_keys($_SESSION); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($sessionKeys); $i++) { if (substr($sessionKeys[$i], 0, 5) == "conf_") unset($_SESSION[$sessionKeys[$i]]); } exit(); } } ?>