LABEL_CREATE_ANOTHER_ACCOUNT = _('Create another group'); $this->LABEL_BACK_TO_ACCOUNT_LIST = _('Back to group list'); if ($this->getType() != null) { $modules = $this->getType()->getModules(); if (in_array('organizationalRole', $modules)) { $this->LABEL_CREATE_ANOTHER_ACCOUNT = _('Create another role'); $this->LABEL_BACK_TO_ACCOUNT_LIST = _('Back to role list'); } } } /** * Returns the alias name of this account type. * * @return string alias name */ function getAlias() { if ($this->getType() != null) { $modules = $this->getType()->getModules(); if (in_array('organizationalRole', $modules)) { return _('Roles'); } } return _("Groups"); } /** * Returns the description of this account type. * * @return string description */ function getDescription() { return _("Group accounts (e.g. Unix and Samba)"); } /** * Returns the class name for the list object. * * @return string class name */ function getListClassName() { return "lamGroupList"; } /** * Returns the default attribute list for this account type. * * @return string attribute list */ function getDefaultListAttributes() { return "#cn;#gidNumber;#memberUID;#description"; } /** * Returns a list of attributes which have a translated description. * This is used for the head row in the list view. * * @return array list of descriptions */ function getListAttributeDescriptions() { $return = array ( "cn" => _("Group name"), "description" => _("Group description"), "displayName" => _("Display name"), "gidnumber" => _("GID number"), "member" => _("Group member DNs"), "memberuid" => _("Group members"), "roleOccupant" => _("Role member DNs"), "uniqueMember" => _("Group member DNs"), "memberUrl" => _("Entries"), ); if ($this->getType() != null) { $modules = $this->getType()->getModules(); if (in_array('organizationalRole', $modules)) { $return['cn'] = _('Role name'); } } return $return; } /** * Returns the the title text for the title bar on the new/edit page. * * @param accountContainer $container account container * @return String title text */ public function getTitleBarTitle($container) { // get attributes $attributes = null; if ($container->getAccountModule('posixGroup') != null) { $attributes = $container->getAccountModule('posixGroup')->getAttributes(); } elseif ($container->getAccountModule('rfc2307bisPosixGroup') != null) { $attributes = $container->getAccountModule('rfc2307bisPosixGroup')->getAttributes(); } elseif ($container->getAccountModule('windowsGroup') != null) { $attributes = $container->getAccountModule('windowsGroup')->getAttributes(); } $gonAttributes = null; if ($container->getAccountModule('groupOfNames') != null) { $gonAttributes = $container->getAccountModule('groupOfNames')->getAttributes(); } elseif ($container->getAccountModule('groupOfUniqueNames') != null) { $gonAttributes = $container->getAccountModule('groupOfUniqueNames')->getAttributes(); } elseif ($container->getAccountModule('organizationalRole') != null) { $gonAttributes = $container->getAccountModule('organizationalRole')->getAttributes(); } // check if a group name is set if (isset($attributes['gid'][0])) { return htmlspecialchars($attributes['gid'][0]); } // check if a common name is set if (isset($attributes['cn'][0])) { return htmlspecialchars($attributes['cn'][0]); } if (isset($gonAttributes['cn'][0])) { return htmlspecialchars($gonAttributes['cn'][0]); } // new entry if ($container->isNewAccount) { return _("New group"); } // fall back to default return parent::getTitleBarTitle($container); } /** * Returns the the title text for the title bar on the new/edit page. * * @param accountContainer $container account container * @return String title text */ public function getTitleBarSubtitle($container) { // get attributes $attributes = null; if ($container->getAccountModule('posixGroup') != null) { $attributes = $container->getAccountModule('posixGroup')->getAttributes(); } elseif ($container->getAccountModule('rfc2307bisPosixGroup') != null) { $attributes = $container->getAccountModule('rfc2307bisPosixGroup')->getAttributes(); } elseif ($container->getAccountModule('windowsGroup') != null) { $attributes = $container->getAccountModule('windowsGroup')->getAttributes(); } $gonAttributes = null; if ($container->getAccountModule('groupOfNames') != null) { $gonAttributes = $container->getAccountModule('groupOfNames')->getAttributes(); } elseif ($container->getAccountModule('groupOfUniqueNames') != null) { $gonAttributes = $container->getAccountModule('groupOfUniqueNames')->getAttributes(); } elseif ($container->getAccountModule('organizationalRole') != null) { $gonAttributes = $container->getAccountModule('organizationalRole')->getAttributes(); } // check if an description can be shown if (($attributes != null) && isset($attributes['description'][0])) { return htmlspecialchars($attributes['description'][0]); } if (($gonAttributes != null) && isset($gonAttributes['description'][0])) { return htmlspecialchars($gonAttributes['description'][0]); } return null; } } /** * Generates the list view. * * @package lists * @author Roland Gruber * */ class lamGroupList extends lamList { /** Controls if include primary group members into group memebers */ private $use_primary = false; /** Primary group members hash */ private $primary_hash = array(); /** Controls if primary group members needs refresh */ private $refresh_primary = false; /** ID for config option */ const TRANS_PRIMARY_OPTION_NAME = "LG_TP"; /** specifies if primary group members are visible */ private $include_primary = false; /** LDAP suffix of membership types */ private $suffixList = array(); /** * Constructor * * @param string $type account type * @return lamList list object */ function __construct($type) { parent::__construct($type); $this->labels = array( 'nav' => _("Group count: %s"), 'error_noneFound' => _("No groups found!"), 'newEntry' => _("New group"), 'deleteEntry' => _("Delete selected groups")); $modules = $this->type->getModules(); if (in_array('organizationalRole', $modules)) { $this->labels = array( 'nav' => _("Role count: %s"), 'error_noneFound' => _("No roles found!"), 'newEntry' => _("New role"), 'deleteEntry' => _("Delete selected roles")); } // build suffix list for account types $typeManager = new TypeManager(); $scopes = array('user', 'gon', 'group'); $types = $typeManager->getConfiguredTypesForScopes($scopes); foreach ($types as $type) { $suffix = $type->getSuffix(); // stop if suffixes are not unique if (isset($this->suffixList[$suffix])) { $this->suffixList = array(); break; } if (!empty($suffix)) { $this->suffixList[$suffix] = $type->getId(); } } } /** * Sets some internal parameters. */ function listGetParams() { parent::listGetParams(); // generate list primary group memebers // after parent::listGetParams is $this->refresh set to correct value if ($this->include_primary && !$this->refresh && ($this->refresh_primary || (sizeof($this->primary_hash) == 0))) $this->groupRefreshPrimary(); } /** * Prints the content of a cell in the account list for a given LDAP entry and attribute. * * @param array $entry LDAP attributes * @param string $attribute attribute name */ function listPrintTableCellContent(&$entry, &$attribute) { if ($attribute == "memberuid") { // $gid is used for linking primary group memebers $gid = -1; $use_primary = false; if ($this->include_primary == "on") { // Get the gid number if (isset($entry['gidnumber']) && is_array($entry['gidnumber'])) { $gid = $entry['gidnumber'][0]; } $use_primary = (($gid >= 0) && (sizeof($this->primary_hash) > 0) && isset($this->primary_hash[$gid]) && is_array($this->primary_hash[$gid]) && (sizeof($this->primary_hash[$gid]) > 0)); } if (!$use_primary) { if (!isset($entry[$attribute]) || !is_array($entry[$attribute]) || (sizeof($entry[$attribute]) < 1)) return; // sort array sort($entry[$attribute]); } // make a link for each member of the group $linklist = array(); if ($use_primary) { $primary_hash = $this->primary_hash[$gid]; // merge primary members into secondary ones $primaryvals = array_flip(array_values($primary_hash)); // test if group has some secondary members if (isset($entry[$attribute])) { $attr = array_merge($primary_hash,$entry[$attribute]); } else { $attr = $primary_hash; } // sort array sort($attr); // make a link for each member of the group for ($d = 0; $d < sizeof($attr); $d++) { $user = $attr[$d]; // user name if (isAccountTypeHidden('user')) { $linklist[$d] = $user; } elseif (isset($primaryvals[$user])) { $linklist[$d] = "" . $user . ""; } else { $linklist[$d] = "" . $user . ""; } } } else { // make a link for each member of the group for ($d = 0; $d < sizeof($entry[$attribute]); $d++) { $user = $entry[$attribute][$d]; // user name if (!isAccountTypeHidden('user')) { $linklist[$d] = "" . $user . ""; } else { $linklist[$d] = $user; } } } echo implode("; ", $linklist); } // pretty print member DNs elseif (in_array_ignore_case($attribute, array('member', 'uniqueMember', 'owner', 'roleOccupant')) && !empty($entry[$attribute])) { echo '
'; $values = $entry[$attribute]; if (!empty($values)) { usort($values, 'compareDN'); } $count = sizeof($values); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $replaced = false; foreach ($this->suffixList as $suffix => $type) { if (stripos($values[$i], $suffix) > 0) { if (!isAccountTypeHidden($type)) { $values[$i] = '' . getAbstractDN($values[$i]) . ''; $replaced = true; break; } } } if (!$replaced) { $values[$i] = getAbstractDN($values[$i]); } } echo implode('
', $values); echo '
'; } // print all other attributes else { parent::listPrintTableCellContent($entry, $attribute); } } /** * Rereads the entries from LDAP. */ function listRefreshData() { parent::listRefreshData(); if ($this->include_primary) { $this->groupRefreshPrimary(); } } /** * Refreshes the primary group members list. */ function groupRefreshPrimary() { $this->refresh_primary = false; // return unless some entries if (sizeof($this->ldapEntries) <= 0) { return; } $scope = "user"; // configure search filter $module_filter = get_ldap_filter($scope); // basic filter is provided by modules $attrs = array( "uid" ); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->ldapEntries); $i++) { if (empty($this->ldapEntries[$i]['gidnumber'][0])) { continue; } $gid = $this->ldapEntries[$i]['gidnumber'][0]; $filter = "(&(&" . $module_filter . ")(gidNumber=" . $gid . "))"; $entries = searchLDAPByFilter($filter, $attrs, array($scope)); for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($entries); $j++) { $this->primary_hash[$gid][$j] = $entries[$j]['uid'][0]; } } } /** * Returns a list of possible configuration options. * * @return array list of lamListOption objects */ protected function listGetAllConfigOptions() { $options = parent::listGetAllConfigOptions(); $options[] = new lamBooleanListOption(_('Show primary group members as normal group members'), self::TRANS_PRIMARY_OPTION_NAME); return $options; } /** * Called when the configuration options changed. */ protected function listConfigurationChanged() { parent::listConfigurationChanged(); $tpOption = $this->listGetConfigOptionByID(self::TRANS_PRIMARY_OPTION_NAME); $use_primary = $this->include_primary; $this->include_primary = $tpOption->isSelected(); if (!$use_primary && $this->include_primary) { $this->refresh_primary = true; } } } ?>