* @category Horde * @copyright 2005-2017 Horde LLC * @license http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21 LGPL 2.1 * @package Imap_Client */ class Horde_Imap_Client_Cache { /** * Base client object. * * @var Horde_Imap_Client_Base */ protected $_baseob; /** * Storage backend. * * @var Horde_Imap_Client_Cache_Backend */ protected $_backend; /** * Debug output. * * @var Horde_Imap_Client_Base_Debug */ protected $_debug = false; /** * The configuration params. * * @var array */ protected $_params = array(); /** * Constructor. * * @param array $params Configuration parameters: *
     *   - REQUIRED Parameters:
     *     - backend: (Horde_Imap_Client_Cache_Backend) The cache backend.
     *     - baseob: (Horde_Imap_Client_Base) The base client object.
     *   - Optional Parameters:
     *     - debug: (Horde_Imap_Client_Base_Debug) Debug object.
     *              DEFAULT: No debug output
*/ public function __construct(array $params = array()) { $this->_backend = $params['backend']; $this->_baseob = $params['baseob']; $this->_backend->setParams(array( 'hostspec' => $this->_baseob->getParam('hostspec'), 'port' => $this->_baseob->getParam('port'), 'username' => $this->_baseob->getParam('username') )); if (isset($params['debug']) && ($params['debug'] instanceof Horde_Imap_Client_Base_Debug)) { $this->_debug = $params['debug']; $this->_debug->info(sprintf( 'CACHE: Using the %s storage driver.', get_class($this->_backend) )); } } /** * Get information from the cache. * * @param string $mailbox An IMAP mailbox string. * @param array $uids The list of message UIDs to retrieve * information for. If empty, returns the list * of cached UIDs. * @param array $fields An array of fields to retrieve. If empty, * returns all cached fields. * @param integer $uidvalid The IMAP uidvalidity value of the mailbox. * * @return array An array of arrays with the UID of the message as the * key (if found) and the fields as values (will be * undefined if not found). If $uids is empty, returns the * full (unsorted) list of cached UIDs. */ public function get($mailbox, array $uids = array(), $fields = array(), $uidvalid = null) { $mailbox = strval($mailbox); if (empty($uids)) { $ret = $this->_backend->getCachedUids($mailbox, $uidvalid); } else { $ret = $this->_backend->get($mailbox, $uids, $fields, $uidvalid); if ($this->_debug && !empty($ret)) { $this->_debug->info(sprintf( 'CACHE: Retrieved messages (%s [%s; %s])', empty($fields) ? 'ALL' : implode(',', $fields), $mailbox, $this->_baseob->getIdsOb(array_keys($ret))->tostring_sort )); } } return $ret; } /** * Store information in cache. * * @param string $mailbox An IMAP mailbox string. * @param array $data The list of data to save. The keys are the * UIDs, the values are an array of information * to save. If empty, do a check to make sure * the uidvalidity is still valid. * @param integer $uidvalid The IMAP uidvalidity value of the mailbox. */ public function set($mailbox, $data, $uidvalid) { $mailbox = strval($mailbox); if (empty($data)) { $this->_backend->getMetaData($mailbox, $uidvalid, array('uidvalid')); } else { $this->_backend->set($mailbox, $data, $uidvalid); if ($this->_debug) { $this->_debug->info(sprintf( 'CACHE: Stored messages [%s; %s]', $mailbox, $this->_baseob->getIdsOb(array_keys($data))->tostring_sort )); } } } /** * Get metadata information for a mailbox. * * @param string $mailbox An IMAP mailbox string. * @param integer $uidvalid The IMAP uidvalidity value of the mailbox. * @param array $entries An array of entries to return. If empty, * returns all metadata. * * @return array The requested metadata. Requested entries that do not * exist will be undefined. The following entries are * defaults and always present: * - uidvalid: (integer) The UIDVALIDITY of the mailbox. */ public function getMetaData($mailbox, $uidvalid = null, array $entries = array()) { return $this->_backend->getMetaData(strval($mailbox), $uidvalid, $entries); } /** * Set metadata information for a mailbox. * * @param string $mailbox An IMAP mailbox string. * @param integer $uidvalid The IMAP uidvalidity value of the mailbox. * @param array $data The list of data to save. The keys are the * metadata IDs, the values are the associated * data. The following labels are reserved: * 'uidvalid'. */ public function setMetaData($mailbox, $uidvalid, array $data = array()) { unset($data['uidvalid']); if (!empty($data)) { if (!empty($uidvalid)) { $data['uidvalid'] = $uidvalid; } $mailbox = strval($mailbox); $this->_backend->setMetaData($mailbox, $data); if ($this->_debug) { $this->_debug->info(sprintf( 'CACHE: Stored metadata (%s [%s])', implode(',', array_keys($data)), $mailbox )); } } } /** * Delete messages in the cache. * * @param string $mailbox An IMAP mailbox string. * @param array $uids The list of message UIDs to delete. */ public function deleteMsgs($mailbox, $uids) { if (empty($uids)) { return; } $mailbox = strval($mailbox); $this->_backend->deleteMsgs($mailbox, $uids); if ($this->_debug) { $this->_debug->info(sprintf( 'CACHE: Deleted messages [%s; %s]', $mailbox, $this->_baseob->getIdsOb($uids)->tostring_sort )); } } /** * Delete a mailbox from the cache. * * @param string $mbox The mailbox to delete. */ public function deleteMailbox($mbox) { $mbox = strval($mbox); $this->_backend->deleteMailbox($mbox); if ($this->_debug) { $this->_debug->info(sprintf( 'CACHE: Deleted mailbox [%s]', $mbox )); } } /** * Clear the cache. * * @since 2.9.0 * * @param integer $lifetime Only delete entries older than this (in * seconds). If null, deletes all entries. */ public function clear($lifetime = null) { $this->_backend->clear($lifetime); } }