<?php namespace LAM\AJAX; use \LAM\TOOLS\IMPORT_EXPORT\Importer; use \LAM\TOOLS\IMPORT_EXPORT\Exporter; use \LAM\TYPES\TypeManager; use \htmlResponsiveRow; use \htmlLink; use \htmlOutputText; use \htmlButton; /* This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (http://www.ldap-account-manager.org/) Copyright (C) 2011 - 2019 Roland Gruber This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /** * Manages all AJAX requests. * * @author Roland Gruber * @package tools */ /** security functions */ include_once(__DIR__ . "/../../lib/security.inc"); /** LDIF import */ include_once(__DIR__ . "/../../lib/import.inc"); // start session if (isset($_GET['selfservice'])) { // self service uses a different session name session_name('SELFSERVICE'); } // return standard JSON response if session expired if (startSecureSession(false, true) === false) { echo json_encode(array( 'sessionExpired' => "true" )); die(); } setlanguage(); $ajax = new Ajax(); $ajax->handleRequest(); /** * Manages all AJAX requests. */ class Ajax { /** * Manages an AJAX request. */ public function handleRequest() { $this->setHeader(); // check token validateSecurityToken(); if (isset($_GET['module']) && isset($_GET['scope']) && in_array($_GET['module'], getAvailableModules($_GET['scope']))) { enforceUserIsLoggedIn(); if (isset($_GET['useContainer']) && ($_GET['useContainer'] == '1')) { $sessionKey = htmlspecialchars($_GET['editKey']); if (!isset($_SESSION[$sessionKey])) { logNewMessage(LOG_ERR, 'Unable to find account container'); die(); } $module = $_SESSION[$sessionKey]->getAccountModule($_GET['module']); $module->handleAjaxRequest(); } else { $module = new $_GET['module']($_GET['scope']); $module->handleAjaxRequest(); } } if (!isset($_GET['function'])) { die(); } $function = $_GET['function']; if (!isset($_POST['jsonInput'])) { die(); } $jsonInput = $_POST['jsonInput']; if ($function == 'passwordStrengthCheck') { $this->checkPasswordStrength($jsonInput); die(); } enforceUserIsLoggedIn(); if ($function == 'passwordChange') { $this->managePasswordChange($jsonInput); } elseif ($function === 'import') { include_once('../../lib/import.inc'); $importer = new Importer(); ob_start(); $jsonOut = $importer->doImport(); ob_end_clean(); echo $jsonOut; } elseif ($function === 'export') { include_once('../../lib/export.inc'); $attributes = $_POST['attributes']; $baseDn = $_POST['baseDn']; $ending = $_POST['ending']; $filter = $_POST['filter']; $format = $_POST['format']; $includeSystem = ($_POST['includeSystem'] === 'true'); $saveAsFile = ($_POST['saveAsFile'] === 'true'); $searchScope = $_POST['searchScope']; $exporter = new Exporter($baseDn, $searchScope, $filter, $attributes, $includeSystem, $saveAsFile, $format, $ending); ob_start(); $jsonOut = $exporter->doExport(); ob_end_clean(); echo $jsonOut; } elseif ($function === 'upload') { include_once('../../lib/upload.inc'); $typeManager = new \LAM\TYPES\TypeManager(); $uploader = new \LAM\UPLOAD\Uploader($typeManager->getConfiguredType($_GET['typeId'])); ob_start(); $jsonOut = $uploader->doUpload(); ob_end_clean(); echo $jsonOut; } elseif ($function === 'dnselection') { ob_start(); $jsonOut = $this->dnSelection(); ob_end_clean(); echo $jsonOut; } } /** * Sets JSON HTTP header. */ private static function setHeader() { if (!headers_sent()) { header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); } } /** * Manages a password change request on the edit account page. * * @param array $input input parameters */ private static function managePasswordChange($input) { $sessionKey = htmlspecialchars($_GET['editKey']); $return = $_SESSION[$sessionKey]->setNewPassword($input); echo json_encode($return); } /** * Checks if a password is accepted by LAM's password policy. * * @param array $input input parameters */ private function checkPasswordStrength($input) { $password = $input['password']; $result = checkPasswordStrength($password, null, null); echo json_encode(array("result" => $result)); } /** * Handles DN selection fields. * * @return string JSON output */ private function dnSelection() { $dn = trim($_POST['dn']); if (empty($dn) || !get_preg($dn, 'dn')) { $dnList = $this->getDefaultDns(); $dn = null; } else { $dnList = $this->getSubDns($dn); } $html = $this->buildDnSelectionHtml($dnList, $dn); return json_encode(array('dialogData' => $html)); } /** * Returns a list of default DNs from account types + tree suffix. * * @return string[] default DNs */ private function getDefaultDns() { $typeManager = new TypeManager(); $baseDnList = array(); foreach ($typeManager->getConfiguredTypes() as $type) { $suffix = $type->getSuffix(); if (!empty($suffix)) { $baseDnList[] = $suffix; } } $treeSuffix = $_SESSION['config']->get_Suffix('tree'); if (!empty($treeSuffix)) { $baseDnList[] = $suffix; } $baseDnList = array_unique($baseDnList); usort($baseDnList, 'compareDN'); return $baseDnList; } /** * Returns the HTML to build the DN selection list. * * @param string[] $dnList DN list * @param string $currentDn current DN */ private function buildDnSelectionHtml($dnList, $currentDn) { $fieldId = trim($_POST['fieldId']); $mainRow = new htmlResponsiveRow(); $onclickUp = 'window.lam.html.updateDnSelection(this, \'' . htmlspecialchars($fieldId) . '\', \'' . getSecurityTokenName() . '\', \'' . getSecurityTokenValue() . '\')'; if (!empty($currentDn)) { $row = new htmlResponsiveRow(); $row->addDataAttribute('dn', $currentDn); $text = new htmlOutputText($currentDn); $text->setIsBold(true); $row->add($text, 12, 9); $row->setCSSClasses(array('text-right')); $buttonId = base64_encode($currentDn); $buttonId = str_replace('=', '', $buttonId); $button = new htmlButton($buttonId, _('Ok')); $button->setIconClass('okButton'); $button->setOnClick('window.lam.html.selectDn(this, \'' . htmlspecialchars($fieldId) . '\')'); $row->add($button, 12, 3); $mainRow->add($row, 12); // back up $row = new htmlResponsiveRow(); $row->addDataAttribute('dn', extractDNSuffix($currentDn)); $text = new htmlLink('..', '#'); $text->setCSSClasses(array('bold')); $text->setOnClick($onclickUp); $row->add($text, 12, 9); $row->setCSSClasses(array('text-right')); $buttonId = base64_encode('..'); $buttonId = str_replace('=', '', $buttonId); $button = new htmlButton($buttonId, _('Up')); $button->setIconClass('upButton'); $button->setOnClick($onclickUp); $row->add($button, 12, 3); $mainRow->add($row, 12); } foreach ($dnList as $dn) { $row = new htmlResponsiveRow(); $row->addDataAttribute('dn', $dn); $link = new htmlLink($dn, '#'); $link->setOnClick($onclickUp); $row->add($link, 12, 9); $row->setCSSClasses(array('text-right')); $buttonId = base64_encode($dn); $buttonId = str_replace('=', '', $buttonId); $button = new htmlButton($buttonId, _('Ok')); $button->setIconClass('okButton'); $button->setOnClick('window.lam.html.selectDn(this, \'' . htmlspecialchars($fieldId) . '\')'); $row->add($button, 12, 3); $mainRow->add($row, 12); } $tabindex = 1000; ob_start(); parseHtml(null, $mainRow, array(), false, $tabindex, 'user'); $out = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $out; } /** * Returns the sub DNs of given DN. * * @param string $dn DN * @return string[] sub DNs */ private function getSubDns($dn) { $dnEntries = ldapListDN($dn); $dnList = array(); foreach ($dnEntries as $entry) { $dnList[] = $entry['dn']; } usort($dnList, 'compareDN'); return $dnList; } } ?>