0)) $select = 'list'; else if ($_POST['list2']) $select = 'list2'; else if ($_POST['back']) $select = 'main'; else if ($_POST['cancel']) $select = 'cancel'; else if ($_POST['create']) $select = 'create'; else if ($_POST['pdf']) { createUserPDF($_SESSION['accounts']); $select='pdf'; } } if ($select!='pdf') { // Write HTML-Header and part of Table echo $_SESSION['header']; echo ''; echo _('Create new Accounts'); echo ''."\n". ''."\n". ''."\n". ''."\n"; switch ($select) { case 'cancel': if ( isset($_SESSION['accounts'])) unset($_SESSION['accounts']); if ( isset($_SESSION['pointer'])) unset($_SESSION['pointer']); if ( isset($_SESSION['errors'])) unset($_SESSION['errors']); echo ''."\n". ''."\n". '
'."\n". ''. ''."\n"; break; case 'create': if ($_SESSION['pointer'] < sizeof($_SESSION['accounts'])) { $refresh = get_cfg_var('max_execution_time')-5; echo ''."\n"; } echo ''."\n". ''."\n". '
'. ''."\n"; echo ''."\n"; $stay=true; while (($_SESSION['pointer'] < sizeof($_SESSION['accounts'])) && $stay) { if ($_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->general_username!='') { if (getgid($_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->general_group)==-1) { $group = new account(); $group->general_username=$_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->general_group; $group->general_uidNumber=checkid($_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']], 'group'); $group->general_gecos=$_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->general_group; $group->general_dn=$_SESSION['config']->get_GroupSuffix(); creategroup($group); } $_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->general_uidNumber = checkid($_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']], 'user'); $iv = base64_decode($_COOKIE["IV"]); $key = base64_decode($_COOKIE["Key"]); $_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->unix_password = base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt( MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, genpasswd(), MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv)); $_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->smb_password = $_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->unix_password; if ( (time()-$time)<(get_cfg_var('max_execution_time')-10)) { $error = createuser($_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]); if ($error==1) { $_SESSION['pointer']++; echo ''."\n"; } else { $stay = false; StatusMessage('ERROR', _('Could not create user!'), sprintf (_('Was unable to create %s.'), $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_username)); } } else $stay=false; } else $_SESSION['pointer']++; } if (!$stay) { echo ''."\n"; echo ''; } else { echo ''."\n".''."\n"; if ( isset($_SESSION['pointer'])) unset($_SESSION['pointer']); if ( isset($_SESSION['errors'])) unset($_SESSION['errors']); } break; case 'list': if (!is_array($accounts)) $accounts = array(); $groups = array(); if (loadfile()) { echo ''."\n". ''."\n". ''."\n". '
'; echo _('Creating users. Please stand by.'); echo '
'; sprintf (_('Created user %s.'), $_SESSION['accounts'][$_SESSION['pointer']]->general_username); echo '
'; echo _('Please press here if meta-refresh didn\'t work.'); echo '
'; echo _('All Users have been created'); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'. '\n"; } else { //echo ''."\n". echo ''."\n". ''."\n". '
'; echo _('Please press here if meta-refresh didn\'t work.'); echo "
'. ''."\n"; echo '\n"; } break; case 'list2': echo ''."\n". ''."\n". '
'; echo _('Max 400 users allowed. Ignored additional users.'); echo '
'; echo _('Cancel'); echo ''; echo _('Contiune'); echo "
'. ''."\n". ''."\n"; for ($i=0; $igeneral_group!='') StatusMessage('INFO', _('Group').' '. $_SESSION['accounts'][$i]->general_group.' '._('not found!'), _('It will be created.')); echo ''."\n".''."\n".''."\n".''."\n".''."\n".''."\n".''."\n".''."\n".''."\n".''."\n"; if (!isset($_SESSION['rowstart'])) $_SESSION['rowstart'] = 0; //if (sizeof($_SESSION['accounts'])<($_SESSION['rowstart']+10)) $end = sizeof($_SESSION['accounts']); // else $end = $_SESSION['rowstart']+10; $end = sizeof($_SESSION['accounts']); for ($row=0; $row<$end; $row++) { // loops for every row echo ''."\n".''."\n".''."\n".''."\n".''."\n".''."\n".''."\n".''."\n".''."\n"; } $noerrors=true; for ($i=0; $i'; if (!$noerrors) { echo ''."\n"; } if (!$nowarn) { echo ''."\n"; } echo '
'; echo _('Confirm List'); echo '
'._('row').''. _('Surname'). ''. _('Given name'). ''. _('User name'). ''. _('Primary group'). ''. _('Details'). '' . _('Infos'). '' . _('Warnings'). '' . _('Errors') . '
'.$row.''. $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_surname.''. $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_givenname.''. $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_username.''. $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_group.''. ''._('Show Details.').''; $found=false; for ($i=0; $i'._('Show Infos.').''; echo ''; $found=false; for ($i=0; $i'._('Show Warnings.').''; echo ''; $found=false; for ($i=0; $i'._('Show Errors.').''; echo '
'. _('There are some errors.') . '
'. _('There are some warnings.') . '

'. ''."\n"; break; case 'main': if ( isset($_SESSION['accounts'])) unset($_SESSION['accounts']); if ( isset($_SESSION['pointer'])) unset($_SESSION['pointer']); if ( isset($_SESSION['errors'])) unset($_SESSION['errors']); $_SESSION['pointer']=0; $profilelist = getUserProfiles(); echo ''."\n". ''."\n". '
'; if ($noerrors) { echo ''; } echo '
'. ''."\n". '
'; echo _('Mass Creation'); echo '
'."\n"; echo _('Please provide a csv-file with the following syntax. Values with * are required:'); echo '
'. ''."\n". ''. ''."\n".''."\n".'\n'."\n".''."\n".''."\n".''."\n".''."\n".''."\n".''."\n".''."\n".''."\n".'
'."\n"; echo _('Surname').'*,'; echo ''; echo _('Given name').'*,'; echo ''; echo _('Username').'*,'; echo ""; echo _('Primary group').','; echo ''; echo _('Title').','; echo ''; echo _('eMail address').','; echo ''; echo _('Telephone number').','; echo '
'; echo _('Mobile number').','; echo ''; echo _('Fax number').','; echo ''; echo _('Street').','; echo ''; echo _('Postal code').','; echo ''; echo _('Postal address').','; echo '
'; echo _('Employee type').' <CR>'; echo '
'. ''."\n". ''. '
'."\n"; echo _('If Primary group is not given it\'ll used from profile.'); echo '
'."\n"; echo _('If PrimaryGroup does not exist it will be created.'); echo '
'. ''."\n". ''. ''."\n".''."\n".''."\n". ''."\n"; break; } echo '
'."\n"; echo _('Select Profile:'); echo ''. '
'; echo _('Suffix'); echo ''._('Help').''. '
'."\n". ''; echo _('Select file:'); echo '
'."\n". '
'; } function loadfile() { if ($_FILES['userfile']['size']>0) { $handle = fopen($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], 'r'); $profile = loadUserProfile($_POST['f_selectprofile']) ; for ($row=0; $line_array=fgetcsv($handle,2048); $row++) { // loops for every row $iv = base64_decode($_COOKIE["IV"]); $key = base64_decode($_COOKIE["Key"]); $_SESSION['accounts'][$row] = $profile; $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_dn = $_POST['f_general_suffix']; if ($line_array[0]) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_surname = $line_array[0]; if ($line_array[1]) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_givenname = $line_array[1]; if ($line_array[2]) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_username = $line_array[2]; if ($line_array[3]) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->general_group = $line_array[3]; if ($line_array[4]) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_title = $line_array[4]; if ($line_array[5]) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_mail = $line_array[5]; if ($line_array[6]) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_telephoneNumber = $line_array[6]; if ($line_array[7]) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_mobileTelephoneNumber = $line_array[7]; if ($line_array[8]) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_facsimileTelephoneNumber = $line_array[8]; if ($line_array[9]) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_street = $line_array[9]; if ($line_array[10]) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_postalCode = $line_array[10]; if ($line_array[11]) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_postalAddress = $line_array[11]; if ($line_array[12]) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->personal_employeeType = $line_array[12]; $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->unix_password = base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, genpasswd(), MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv)); $_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->smb_password=$_SESSION['accounts'][$row]->unix_password; } } for ($row2=0; $row2general_username == $_SESSION['accounts'][$i]->general_username) { // Found user with same name // get last character of username if (!is_numeric($_SESSION['accounts'][$i]->general_username{strlen($_SESSION['accounts'][$i]->general_username)-1})) $_SESSION['accounts'][$i]->general_username = $_SESSION['accounts'][$i]->general_username . '2'; else { // Get interger-end of string hello456 -> hello + 456 $start = strlen($_SESSION['accounts'][$i]->general_username)-1; while (is_numeric(substr($_SESSION['accounts'][$i]->general_username, $start))) $start--; // Increse rusultung number $first = substr($_SESSION['accounts'][$i]->general_username, 0, $start+1); $second = intval(substr($_SESSION['accounts'][$i]->general_username, $start+1))+1; $_SESSION['accounts'][$i]->general_username = $first . $second; } while ($temp = ldapexists($_SESSION['accounts'][$i], 'user')) { // Get interger-end of string hello456 -> hello + 456 $start = strlen($_SESSION['accounts'][$i]->general_username)-1; while (is_numeric(substr($_SESSION['accounts'][$i]->general_username, $start))) $start--; // Increse rusultung number $first = substr($_SESSION['accounts'][$i]->general_username, 0, $start+1); $second = intval(substr($_SESSION['accounts'][$i]->general_username, $start+1))+1; $_SESSION['accounts'][$i]->general_username = $first . $second; } } } if ($values->general_username != $return->general_username) $error[] = array('WARN', _('Username'), _('Username in use. Selected next free username.')); $_SESSION['errors'][$row2] = array_merge($_SESSION['errors'][$row2], $error); list($values, $error) = checkglobal($_SESSION['accounts'][$row2], 'user'); // account.inc $_SESSION['errors'][$row2] = array_merge($_SESSION['errors'][$row2], $error); if (is_object($values)) { while (list($key, $val) = each($values)) // Set only defined values if ($val) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->$key = $val; $_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->general_uidNumber=""; } $error = checkunix($_SESSION['accounts'][$row2], 'user'); // account.inc $_SESSION['errors'][$row2] = array_merge($_SESSION['errors'][$row2], $error); list($values, $error) = checksamba($_SESSION['accounts'][$row2], 'user'); // account.inc if (is_object($values)) { while (list($key, $val) = each($values)) // Set only defined values if ($val) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->$key = $val; } $_SESSION['errors'][$row2] = array_merge($_SESSION['errors'][$row2], $error); list($values, $error) = checkquota($_SESSION['accounts'][$row2], 'user'); // account.inc if (is_object($values)) { while (list($key, $val) = each($values)) // Set only defined values if ($val) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->$key = $val; } $_SESSION['errors'][$row2] = array_merge($_SESSION['errors'][$row2], $error); list($values, $error) = checkpersonal($_SESSION['accounts'][$row2], 'user'); // account.inc if (is_object($values)) { while (list($key, $val) = each($values)) // Set only defined values if ($val) $_SESSION['accounts'][$row2]->$key = $val; } $_SESSION['errors'][$row2] = array_merge($_SESSION['errors'][$row2], $error); } } if ($_FILES['userfile']['size']>0) { fclose($handle); unlink($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']); } if ($row2>400) return false; else return true; } ?>