/** $Id$ This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (http://www.ldap-account-manager.org/) Copyright (C) 2003 - 2012 Roland Gruber This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /** * Used to highlight the row under the mouse cursor. * * @param list table row */ function list_over(list) { jQuery(list).addClass('highlight'); } /** * Used to unhighlight a row if the mouse cursor leaves it. * * @param list table row */ function list_out(list) { jQuery(list).removeClass('highlight'); } /** * Called when user clicks on a table row. This toggles the checkbox in the row. * * @param box checkbox name */ function list_click(box) { var cbox = document.getElementsByName(box)[0]; if (cbox.checked == true) { cbox.checked = false; } else { cbox.checked = true; } } /** * The user changed the value in the OU selection box. This will reload the list view with the new suffix. * * @param type account type * @param element dropdown box */ function listOUchanged(type, element) { location.href='list.php?type=' + type + '&suffix=' + element.options[element.selectedIndex].value; } /** * Resizes the content area of the account lists to fit the window size. * This prevents that the whole page is scrolled in the browser. Only the account table has scroll bars. */ function listResizeITabContentDiv() { var myDiv = document.getElementById("listTabContentArea"); var height = document.documentElement.clientHeight; height -= myDiv.offsetTop; height -= 105; myDiv.style.height = height +"px"; var myDivScroll = document.getElementById("listScrollArea"); var top = myDivScroll.offsetTop; var scrollHeight = height - (top - myDiv.offsetTop); myDivScroll.style.height = scrollHeight + "px"; }; /** * Shows the dialog to change the list settings. * * @param title dialog title * @param okText text for Ok button * @param cancelText text for Cancel button */ function listShowSettingsDialog(title, okText, cancelText) { var buttonList = {}; buttonList[cancelText] = function() { jQuery(this).dialog("close"); }; buttonList[okText] = function() { document.forms["settingsDialogForm"].submit(); }; jQuery('#settingsDialog').dialog({ modal: true, title: title, dialogClass: 'defaultBackground', buttons: buttonList, width: 'auto' }); } function SubmitForm(id, e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { document.getElementsByName(id)[0].click(); return false; } } function addResizeHandler(item, min, max) { jQuery(item).toggle( function(){ jQuery(item).animate({ height: max }); }, function(){ jQuery(item).animate({ height: min }); } ); } /** * Selects/deselects all accounts on the page. */ function list_switchAccountSelection() { // set checkbox selection jQuery('.accountBoxUnchecked').attr('checked', 'checked'); jQuery('.accountBoxChecked').removeAttr('checked'); // switch CSS class nowChecked = jQuery('.accountBoxUnchecked'); nowUnchecked = jQuery('.accountBoxChecked'); nowChecked.addClass('accountBoxChecked'); nowChecked.removeClass('accountBoxUnchecked'); nowUnchecked.addClass('accountBoxUnchecked'); nowUnchecked.removeClass('accountBoxChecked'); } /** * The user changed the value in the profile selection box. This will reload the login page with the new profile. * * @param element dropdown box */ function loginProfileChanged(element) { location.href='login.php?useProfile=' + element.options[element.selectedIndex].value; } /** * Hides/unhides input fields for the login method. */ function configLoginMethodChanged() { selectLoginMethod = document.getElementsByName('loginMethod')[0]; if ( selectLoginMethod.options[selectLoginMethod.selectedIndex].value == 'list' ) { jQuery('textarea[name=admins]').parent().parent().show(); jQuery('input[name=loginSearchSuffix]').parent().parent().hide(); jQuery('input[name=loginSearchFilter]').parent().parent().hide(); jQuery('input[name=loginSearchDN]').parent().parent().hide(); jQuery('input[name=loginSearchPassword]').parent().parent().hide(); jQuery('input[name=httpAuthentication]').parent().parent().hide(); } else { jQuery('textarea[name=admins]').parent().parent().hide(); jQuery('input[name=loginSearchSuffix]').parent().parent().show(); jQuery('input[name=loginSearchFilter]').parent().parent().show(); jQuery('input[name=loginSearchDN]').parent().parent().show(); jQuery('input[name=loginSearchPassword]').parent().parent().show(); jQuery('input[name=httpAuthentication]').parent().parent().show(); } } /** * Shows the dialog to delete a profile. * * @param title dialog title * @param okText text for Ok button * @param cancelText text for Cancel button * @param scope account type (e.g. user) * @param selectFieldName name of select box with profile name */ function profileShowDeleteDialog(title, okText, cancelText, scope, selectFieldName) { // get profile name var profileName = jQuery('[name=' + selectFieldName + ']').val(); // update text jQuery('#deleteText').text(profileName); // update hidden input fields jQuery('#profileDeleteType').val(scope); jQuery('#profileDeleteName').val(profileName); var buttonList = {}; buttonList[cancelText] = function() { jQuery(this).dialog("close"); }; buttonList[okText] = function() { document.forms["deleteProfileForm"].submit(); }; jQuery('#deleteProfileDialog').dialog({ modal: true, title: title, dialogClass: 'defaultBackground', buttons: buttonList, width: 'auto' }); } /** * Shows the dialog to create an automount map. * * @param title dialog title * @param okText text for Ok button * @param cancelText text for Cancel button */ function automountShowNewMapDialog(title, okText, cancelText) { var buttonList = {}; buttonList[cancelText] = function() { jQuery(this).dialog("close"); }; buttonList[okText] = function() { document.forms["newAutomountMapDialogForm"].submit(); }; jQuery('#newAutomountMapDialog').dialog({ modal: true, title: title, dialogClass: 'defaultBackground', buttons: buttonList, width: 'auto' }); } /** * Shows the dialog to change the password. * * @param title dialog title * @param okText text for Ok button * @param cancelText text for Cancel button * @param randomText text for random password * @param ajaxURL URL used for AJAX request */ function passwordShowChangeDialog(title, okText, cancelText, randomText, ajaxURL) { var buttonList = {}; buttonList[randomText] = function() { passwordHandleInput("true", ajaxURL); }; buttonList[cancelText] = function() { jQuery('#passwordDialogMessageArea').html(""); jQuery(this).dialog("close"); }; buttonList[okText] = function() { passwordHandleInput("false", ajaxURL); }; jQuery('#passwordDialog').dialog({ modal: true, title: title, dialogClass: 'defaultBackground', buttons: buttonList, width: 'auto' }); // set focus on password field var myElement = document.getElementsByName('newPassword1')[0]; myElement.focus(); } /** * Manages the password change when a button is pressed. * * @param random "true" if random password should be generated * @param ajaxURL URL used for AJAX request */ function passwordHandleInput(random, ajaxURL) { // get input values var modules = new Array(); jQuery('#passwordDialog').find(':checked').each(function() { modules.push(jQuery(this).attr('name')); }); var pwd1 = jQuery('#passwordDialog').find('[name=newPassword1]').val(); var pwd2 = jQuery('#passwordDialog').find('[name=newPassword2]').val(); var pwdJSON = { "modules": modules, "password1": pwd1, "password2": pwd2, "random": random }; // make AJAX call jQuery.post(ajaxURL, {jsonInput: pwdJSON}, function(data) {passwordHandleReply(data);}, 'json'); } /** * Manages the server reply to a password change request. * * @param data JSON reply */ function passwordHandleReply(data) { if (data.errorsOccured == "false") { jQuery('#passwordDialogMessageArea').html(""); jQuery('#passwordDialog').dialog("close"); jQuery('#passwordMessageArea').html(data.messages); } else { jQuery('#passwordDialogMessageArea').html(data.messages); } } /** * Shows a general confirmation dialog and submits a form if the user accepted. * * @param title dialog title * @param okText text for Ok button * @param cancelText text for Cancel button * @param dialogDiv div that contains dialog content * @param formName form to submit */ function showConfirmationDialog(title, okText, cancelText, dialogDiv, formName) { var buttonList = {}; buttonList[cancelText] = function() { jQuery(this).dialog("close"); }; buttonList[okText] = function() { document.forms[formName].submit(); }; jQuery('#' + dialogDiv).dialog({ modal: true, title: title, dialogClass: 'defaultBackground', buttons: buttonList, width: 'auto' }); /* reattach dialog to form */ jQuery('#' + dialogDiv).parent().appendTo(document.forms[formName]); }