
  This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (http://www.ldap-account-manager.org/)
  Copyright (C) 2006 - 2013  Roland Gruber

  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


* This file includes functions to perform several security checks on each page load.
* @package lib
* @author Roland Gruber

/** configuration options */
/** ldap connection */

// check client IP address

 * Starts a session and checks the environment.
 * The script is stopped if one of the checks fail (timeout redirection may be overriden).
 * @param boolean $redirectToLogin redirect user to login page
 * @return boolean true if all ok, false if session expired
function startSecureSession($redirectToLogin = true) {
	// start session
	if (isset($_SESSION)) unset($_SESSION);
	if (strtolower(session_module_name()) == 'files') {
		$sessionDir = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../sess";
		// enable garbage collection (fix for Debian based systems)
		if (@ini_get("session.gc_probability") == 0) {
			@ini_set("session.gc_probability", 1);
	// check session id
	if (! isset($_SESSION["sec_session_id"]) || ($_SESSION["sec_session_id"] != session_id())) {
		// session id is invalid
		logNewMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid session ID, access denied (" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ")");
	// check if client IP has not changed
	if (!isset($_SESSION["sec_client_ip"]) || ($_SESSION["sec_client_ip"] != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
		// IP is invalid
		logNewMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Client IP changed, access denied (" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ")");
	// check if session time has not expired
	if (($_SESSION['sec_sessionTime'] + (60 * $_SESSION['cfgMain']->sessionTimeout)) > time()) {
		// ok, update time
		$_SESSION['sec_sessionTime'] = time();
	elseif ($redirectToLogin) {
		// session expired, logoff user
	else {
		return false;
	return true;

 * Checks if the client's IP address is on the list of allowed IPs.
 * The script is stopped if the host is not valid.
function checkClientIP() {
	if (isset($_SESSION['cfgMain'])) $cfg = $_SESSION['cfgMain'];
	else $cfg = new LAMCfgMain();
	$allowedHosts = $cfg->allowedHosts;
	// skip test if no hosts are defined
	if ($allowedHosts == "") return;
	$allowedHosts = explode(",", $allowedHosts);
	$grantAccess = false;
	for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($allowedHosts); $i++) {
		$host = $allowedHosts[$i];
		$ipRegex = '/^[0-9a-z\\.:\\*]+$/i';
		if (!preg_match($ipRegex, $host)) continue;
		$hostRegex = str_replace(".", "\\.", $host);
		$hostRegex = '/^' . str_replace("*", ".*", $hostRegex) . '$/';
		$clientIP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
		if (preg_match($hostRegex, $clientIP)) {
			// client is allowed to access LAM
			$grantAccess = true;
	// stop script is client may not access LAM
	if (!$grantAccess) {
		logNewMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid client IP, access denied (" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ")");

 * Logs off the user and displays the login page.
function logoffAndBackToLoginPage() {
	// log message
	if (isset($_SESSION['ldap'])) {
		$ldapUser = $_SESSION['ldap']->decrypt_login();
		logNewMessage(LOG_WARNING, 'Session of user ' . $ldapUser[0] . ' expired.');
		// close LDAP connection
	elseif (isset($_SESSION['selfService_clientDN'])) {
		logNewMessage(LOG_WARNING, 'Self service session of DN ' . Ldap::decrypt($_SESSION['selfService_clientDN'], 'SelfService') . ' expired.');
	// delete key and iv in cookie
	if (function_exists('mcrypt_create_iv')) {
		setcookie("Key", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", 0, "/");
		setcookie("IV", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", 0, "/");
	// link back to login page
	$paths = array('./', '../', '../../', '../../../', '../../../../');
	$page = 'login.php';
	$pageSuffix = '?expired=yes';
	if (isset($_SESSION['selfService_clientDN'])) {
		$scope = $_GET['scope'];
		$name = $_GET['name'];
		if (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-zA-Z _-]+$/', $scope) || !preg_match('/^[0-9a-zA-Z _-]+$/', $name)) {
			logNewMessage(LOG_ERR, 'GET parameters invalid: ' . $name . ' ' . $scope);
		$page = 'selfServiceLogin.php';
		$pageSuffix = '?expired=yes&scope=' . $scope . '&name=' . $name;
	for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($paths); $i++) {
		if (file_exists($paths[$i] . $page)) {
			$page = $paths[$i] . $page;
	$page .= $pageSuffix;
	echo $_SESSION['header'];
	echo "<title></title>\n";
	echo "</head>\n";
	echo "<body>\n";
	// print JavaScript refresh
	echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
	echo "top.location.href = \"" . $page . "\";\n";
	echo "</script>\n";
	// print link if refresh does not work
	echo "<p>\n";
	echo "<a target=\"_top\" href=\"" . $page . "\">" . _("Your session expired, click here to go back to the login page.") . "</a>\n";
	echo "</p>\n";
	echo "</body>\n";
	echo "</html>\n";
	// destroy session

 * Puts a new message in the log file.
 * @param string $level log level (LOG_DEBUG, LOG_NOTICE, LOG_WARNING, LOG_ERR)
 * @param string $message log message
function logNewMessage($level, $message) {
	$possibleLevels = array(LOG_DEBUG => 'DEBUG', LOG_NOTICE => 'NOTICE', LOG_WARNING => 'WARNING', LOG_ERR => 'ERROR');
	if (!in_array($level, array_keys($possibleLevels))) StatusMessage('ERROR', 'Invalid log level!', $level);
	if (isset($_SESSION['cfgMain'])) $cfg = $_SESSION['cfgMain'];
	else $cfg = new LAMCfgMain();
	// check if logging is disabled
	if ($cfg->logDestination == 'NONE') return;
	// check if log level is high enough
	elseif ($cfg->logLevel < $level) return;
	// ok to log, build log message
	$prefix = "LDAP Account Manager (" . session_id() . ' - ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ") - " . $possibleLevels[$level] . ": ";
	$message = $prefix . $message;
	// Syslog logging
	if ($cfg->logDestination == 'SYSLOG') {
		syslog($level, $message);
	// log to file
	else {
		if (is_writable($cfg->logDestination)) {
			$file = fopen($cfg->logDestination, 'a');
			if ($file) {
				fwrite($file, date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ': ' . $message . "\n");
		else {
			StatusMessage('ERROR', 'Unable to write to log file!', $cfg->logDestination);

 * Checks if write access to LDAP is allowed.
 * @return boolean true, if allowed
function checkIfWriteAccessIsAllowed() {
	if (!isset($_SESSION['config'])) {
		return false;
	if ($_SESSION['config']->getAccessLevel() >= LAMConfig::ACCESS_ALL) {
		return true;
	return false;

 * Checks if passwords may be changed.
 * @return boolean true, if allowed
function checkIfPasswordChangeIsAllowed() {
	if (!isset($_SESSION['config'])) {
		return false;
	if ($_SESSION['config']->getAccessLevel() >= LAMConfig::ACCESS_PASSWORD_CHANGE) {
		return true;
	return false;

 * Checks if the password fulfills the password policies.
 * @param string $password password
 * @return mixed true if ok, string with error message if not valid
function checkPasswordStrength($password) {
	if ($password == null) {
		$password = "";
	if (isset($_SESSION['cfgMain'])) $cfg = $_SESSION['cfgMain'];
	else $cfg = new LAMCfgMain();
	// check length
	if (strlen($password) < $cfg->passwordMinLength) {
		return sprintf(_('The password is too short. You have to enter at least %s characters.'), $cfg->passwordMinLength);
	// get number of characers per character class
	$lower = 0;
	$upper = 0;
	$numeric = 0;
	$symbols = 0;
	for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($password); $i++) {
		if (preg_match("/[a-z]/", $password[$i])) {
		if (preg_match("/[A-Z]/", $password[$i])) {
		if (preg_match("/[0-9]/", $password[$i])) {
		if (preg_match("/[^a-z0-9]/i", $password[$i])) {
	// check lower case
	if ($lower < $cfg->passwordMinLower) {
		return sprintf(_('The password is too weak. You have to enter at least %s lower case characters.'), $cfg->passwordMinLower);
	// check upper case
	if ($upper < $cfg->passwordMinUpper) {
		return sprintf(_('The password is too weak. You have to enter at least %s upper case characters.'), $cfg->passwordMinUpper);
	// check numeric
	if ($numeric < $cfg->passwordMinNumeric) {
		return sprintf(_('The password is too weak. You have to enter at least %s numeric characters.'), $cfg->passwordMinNumeric);
	// check symbols
	if ($symbols < $cfg->passwordMinSymbol) {
		return sprintf(_('The password is too weak. You have to enter at least %s symbolic characters.'), $cfg->passwordMinSymbol);
	// check classes
	$classes = 0;
	if ($lower > 0) {
	if ($upper > 0) {
	if ($numeric > 0) {
	if ($symbols > 0) {
	if ($classes < $cfg->passwordMinClasses) {
		return sprintf(_('The password is too weak. You have to enter at least %s different character classes (upper/lower case, numbers and symbols).'), $cfg->passwordMinClasses);
	return true;

 * Checks if the given tool is active.
 * Otherwise, an error message is logged and the execution is stopped (die()).
 * @param String $tool tool class name (e.g. toolFileUpload)
function checkIfToolIsActive($tool) {
	$toolSettings = $_SESSION['config']->getToolSettings();
		// check if hidden by config
	if (isset($toolSettings['tool_hide_' . $tool]) && ($toolSettings['tool_hide_' . $tool] == 'true')) {
		logNewMessage(LOG_ERR, 'Unauthorized access to tool ' . $tool . ' denied.');
