<?php /* $Id$ This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (http://www.ldap-account-manager.org/) Copyright (C) 2010 - 2013 Roland Gruber This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /** * Interface between modules and other parts of LAM. * * @package metaHTML * @author Roland Gruber */ /** * Represents a HTML element. * This is used to build HTML code by using objects. * * @package metaHTML */ abstract class htmlElement { /** align to top */ const ALIGN_TOP = 0; /** align to left */ const ALIGN_LEFT = 1; /** align to right */ const ALIGN_RIGHT = 2; /** align to bottom */ const ALIGN_BOTTOM = 3; /** align to center */ const ALIGN_CENTER = 4; /** validation rule to allow only numbers ([0-9]+) */ const VALIDATE_NUMERIC = 'numeric'; /** validation rule to allow positive/negative numbers ([-]?[0-9]+) */ const VALIDATE_NUMERIC_WITH_NEGATIVE = 'numericWithNegative'; /** alignment when inside a table */ public $alignment = null; /** colspan if inside a table */ public $colspan = null; /** rowspan if inside a table */ public $rowspan = null; /** CSS classes */ protected $cssClasses = array(); /** table cell CSS classes */ protected $tableCellCssClasses = array(); /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ abstract function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope); /** * Returns the HTML attributes for the alignment. * * @return String alignment HTML attributes (e.g. align="right" valign="top") */ public function getAlignmentString() { $align = ''; if ($this->alignment !== null) { switch ($this->alignment) { case htmlElement::ALIGN_BOTTOM: $align = 'valign="bottom"'; break; case htmlElement::ALIGN_TOP: $align = 'valign="top"'; break; case htmlElement::ALIGN_LEFT: $align = 'align="left"'; break; case htmlElement::ALIGN_RIGHT: $align = 'align="right"'; break; case htmlElement::ALIGN_CENTER: $align = 'align="center"'; break; } } return $align; } /** * Returns the HTML attribute for the colspan. * * @return String colspan HTML attribute (e.g. colspan=3) */ public function getColspanString() { if ($this->colspan == null) { return ''; } else return 'colspan="' . $this->colspan . '"'; } /** * Returns the HTML attribute for the rowspan. * * @return String rowspan HTML attribute (e.g. rowspan=3) */ public function getRowspanString() { if ($this->rowspan == null) { return ''; } else return 'rowspan="' . $this->rowspan . '"'; } /** * Adds CSS classes to this element. * * @param array $classes CSS class names */ public function setCSSClasses($classes) { $this->cssClasses = $classes; } /** * Adds CSS classes to the surrounding table cell for this element. * * @param array $classes CSS class names */ public function setTableCellCSSClasses($classes) { $this->tableCellCssClasses = $classes; } /** * Returns the CSS classes of the surrounding table cell for this element. * * @return array CSS classes */ public function getTableCellCSSClasses() { return $this->tableCellCssClasses; } } /** * Structures elements using a table. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlTable extends htmlElement { /** table footer */ const footer = "</table>\n"; /** new line */ const newLine = "</tr><tr>\n"; /** list of subelements */ private $elements = array(); /** specifies if currently a row is open */ private $rowOpen = false; /** table width */ private $width = null; /** HTML ID */ private $id = null; /** * Constructor * * @param String $width table width (e.g. 100%) * @see htmlElement */ function __construct($width = null, $id = null) { $this->width = $width; $this->id = $id; } /** * Adds an element to the table. The element may be a htmlElement object or a simple String. * * @param mixed $element htmlElement object or a simple String * @param boolean $newLine adds a new line after the element (optional, default false) * @param boolean $isTableHeadElement specifies if this is a head or body element (default: body) */ public function addElement($element, $newLine = false, $isTableHeadElement = false) { // add row element if ($element instanceof htmlTableRow) { // check if a row needs to be closed if ($this->rowOpen) { $this->elements[] = "</tr>\n"; $this->rowOpen = false; } $this->elements[] = $element; } // add cell element elseif ($element instanceof htmlElement) { // check if a row needs to be opened if (!$this->rowOpen) { $this->elements[] = "<tr>\n"; $this->rowOpen = true; } // check if alignment option was given $align = $element->getAlignmentString(); $colspan = $element->getColspanString(); $rowspan = $element->getRowspanString(); $css = ''; if (sizeof($element->getTableCellCSSClasses()) > 0) { $css = 'class="' . implode(' ', $element->getTableCellCSSClasses()) . '"'; } $tagName = 'td'; if ($isTableHeadElement) { $tagName = 'th'; } $this->elements[] = "<$tagName $align $colspan $rowspan $css>\n"; $this->elements[] = $element; $this->elements[] = "</$tagName>\n"; if ($newLine) { $this->addNewLine(); } } else { StatusMessage('ERROR', 'Invalid element', print_r($element, true)); } } /** * Adds another line to the table. */ public function addNewLine() { if (!$this->rowOpen) { $this->elements[] = "<tr>\n"; } else { $this->elements[] = htmlTable::newLine; } } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ public function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { $return = array(); $width = ''; if ($this->width != null) { $width = ' width="' . htmlspecialchars($this->width) . '"'; } $id = ''; if (!empty($this->id)) { $id = ' id="' . $this->id . '"'; } $classAttr = ''; if (sizeof($this->cssClasses) > 0) { $classAttr = ' class="' . implode(' ', $this->cssClasses) . '"'; } echo "<table" . $width . $id . $classAttr . ">\n"; // print all contained elements for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->elements); $i++) { // print htmlElement objects if ($this->elements[$i] instanceof htmlElement) { $fields = $this->elements[$i]->generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope); $return = array_merge($return, $fields); } // print simple Strings else { if ($i != (sizeof($this->elements) - 1) || !($this->elements[$i] == htmlTable::newLine) ) { echo $this->elements[$i]; } } } if ($this->rowOpen) { echo "</tr>\n"; } echo htmlTable::footer; return $return; } /** * Merges the content of another htmlTable object into this table. * * @param $table table to get elements */ public function mergeTableElements($table) { if (is_null($table) || !($table instanceof htmlTable)) { return; } // remove obsolete new lines at the end if ($table->elements[sizeof($table->elements) - 1] == htmlTable::newLine) { unset($table->elements[sizeof($table->elements) - 1]); } // close last row of other table if needed if ($table->rowOpen) { $table->elements[] = "</tr>\n"; } // close last own row if needed if ($this->rowOpen) { if ($this->elements[sizeof($this->elements) - 1] == htmlTable::newLine) { unset($this->elements[sizeof($this->elements) - 1]); } else { $this->elements[] = "</tr>\n"; } $this->rowOpen = false; } $this->elements = array_merge($this->elements, $table->elements); } } /** * A row inside a htmlTable. * * @see htmlTable * @package metaHTML */ class htmlTableRow extends htmlElement { /** table cells */ private $cells; /** * Constructor * * @param array $cells list of htmlElements * @see htmlElement */ function __construct($cells) { $this->cells = $cells; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { $types = array(); $classAttr = ''; if (sizeof($this->cssClasses) > 0) { $classAttr = ' class="' . implode(' ', $this->cssClasses) . '"'; } echo "<tr" . $classAttr . ">\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->cells); $i++) { // check if alignment option was given $align = $this->cells[$i]->getAlignmentString(); $colspan = $this->cells[$i]->getColspanString(); $rowspan = $this->cells[$i]->getRowspanString(); echo "<td $align $colspan $rowspan>\n"; $types = array_merge($types, $this->cells[$i]->generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope)); echo "</td>\n"; } echo "</tr>"; return $types; } } /** * A standard input field. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlInputField extends htmlElement { /** unique field name */ protected $fieldName; /** field value */ protected $fieldValue; /** field size (default 30) */ protected $fieldSize = 30; /** field max length (default 255) */ protected $fieldMaxLength = 255; /** on keypress event */ protected $onKeyPress = null; /** password field */ protected $isPassword = false; /** enabled or disabled */ protected $isEnabled = true; /** indicates that the value should be saved in obfuscated form */ protected $obfuscate = false; /** indicates that this field should not automatically be saved in the self service or server profile */ protected $transient = false; /** required field */ protected $required = false; /** validation rule */ protected $validationRule = null; /** enable autocomplete */ protected $autocomplete = false; /** multiple values in one field */ protected $autocompleteMultiValue = false; /** separator expression for multiple values in one field */ protected $autocompleteMultiValueSeparatorExp = null; /** separator for multiple values in one field */ protected $autocompleteMultiValueSeparator = null; /** autocompletion suggestions */ protected $autocompleteValues = array(); /** autocomplete start at this input length */ protected $autocompleteMinLength = 1; /** show calendar */ protected $showCalendar = false; /** calendar format */ protected $calendarFormat = ''; /** title attribute */ protected $title = null; /** * Constructor * * @param String $fieldName unique field name * @param String $fieldValue value of input field (optional) * @param String $fieldSize maximum input length */ function __construct($fieldName, $fieldValue = null, $fieldSize = null) { if (isObfuscatedText($fieldValue)) { $fieldValue = deobfuscateText($fieldValue); } $this->fieldName = htmlspecialchars($fieldName); $this->fieldValue = htmlspecialchars($fieldValue); if ($fieldSize != null) { $this->fieldSize = $fieldSize; } } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { $this->cssClasses[] = 'ui-corner-all'; if (isset($values[$this->fieldName])) { if (isObfuscatedText($values[$this->fieldName][0])) { $this->fieldValue = deobfuscateText($values[$this->fieldName][0]); } else { $this->fieldValue = $values[$this->fieldName][0]; } } $validators = array(); if ($this->required) { $validators[] = 'required'; } if ($this->validationRule != null) { $validators[] = 'custom[' . $this->validationRule . ']'; } // print input field $class = ''; if (sizeof($validators) > 0) { $class = ' class="validate[' . implode(',', $validators) . '] ' . implode(' ', $this->cssClasses) . '"'; } else { $class = ' class="' . implode(' ', $this->cssClasses) . '"'; } $name = ' name="' . $this->fieldName . '"'; $id = ' id="' . $this->fieldName . '"'; $value = ''; if ($this->fieldValue != null) { $value = ' value="' . $this->fieldValue . '"'; } $maxLength = ''; if ($this->fieldMaxLength != null) { $maxLength = ' maxlength="' . $this->fieldMaxLength . '"'; } $size = ''; if ($this->fieldSize != null) { $size = ' size="' . $this->fieldSize . '"'; } $fieldTabIndex = ' tabindex="' . $tabindex . '"'; $tabindex++; $inputType = 'text'; if ($this->isPassword) { $inputType = 'password'; } $disabled = ''; if (!$this->isEnabled) { $disabled = ' disabled'; } $onKeyPress = ''; if ($this->onKeyPress != null) { $onKeyPress = ' onkeypress="' . $this->onKeyPress . '"'; } $title = ''; if (!empty($this->title)) { $title = ' title="' . $this->title . '"'; } echo '<input type="' . $inputType . '"' . $class . $name . $id . $value . $maxLength . $size . $fieldTabIndex . $onKeyPress . $title . $disabled . '>'; // autocompletion if ($this->autocomplete) { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"; echo 'jQuery(function() {'; echo 'var availableTags' . $this->fieldName . ' = [' . implode(',', $this->autocompleteValues) . '];'; if (!$this->autocompleteMultiValue) { echo 'jQuery( "#' . $this->fieldName . '" ).autocomplete({ source: availableTags' . $this->fieldName . ', minLength: ' . $this->autocompleteMinLength . '});'; } else { echo 'function split' . $this->fieldName . '(val) {return val.split( /' . $this->autocompleteMultiValueSeparatorExp . '/ );}'; echo 'function extractLast' . $this->fieldName . '(term) {return split' . $this->fieldName . '(term).pop();}'; echo 'jQuery( "#' . $this->fieldName . '" ).bind("keydown", function(event) { if (event.keyCode === jQuery.ui.keyCode.TAB && jQuery(this).data("autocomplete").menu.active ) { event.preventDefault(); } })'; echo '.autocomplete({ source: function(request, response) {response(jQuery.ui.autocomplete.filter( availableTags' . $this->fieldName . ', extractLast' . $this->fieldName . '(request.term))); }, minLength: ' . $this->autocompleteMinLength . ', focus: function() {return false;}, select: function(event,ui) { var terms = split' . $this->fieldName . '(this.value); terms.pop(); terms.push(ui.item.value); terms.push(""); this.value = terms.join("' . $this->autocompleteMultiValueSeparator . '");return false; } });'; } echo '});'; echo "</script\n>"; } if ($this->showCalendar) { echo '<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function() { $("#' . $this->fieldName . '").datepicker({ dateFormat: "' . $this->calendarFormat . '"}); }); </script> '; } if ($this->transient) { return array(); } if ($this->obfuscate) { return array($this->fieldName => 'text_obfuscated'); } else { return array($this->fieldName => 'text'); } } /** * Sets the maximum field length. * * @param int $fieldMaxLength length */ public function setFieldMaxLength($fieldMaxLength) { $this->fieldMaxLength = $fieldMaxLength; } /** * Sets the field size. * * @param int $fieldSize size */ public function setFieldSize($fieldSize) { $this->fieldSize = $fieldSize; } /** * Specifies if this is a password field. * * @param boolean $isPassword password field */ public function setIsPassword($isPassword) { $this->isPassword = $isPassword; } /** * Specifies if this component is enabled and accepts user modification. * * @param boolean $isEnabled enabled if true */ public function setIsEnabled($isEnabled) { $this->isEnabled = $isEnabled; } /** * Specifies if the value should be saved in obfuscated form (e.g. self service profile). * * @param boolean $obfuscate obfuscate value */ public function setObfuscate($obfuscate) { $this->obfuscate = $obfuscate; } /** * Specifies that the value should not be automatically saved when used in self service or server profile (default: false). * * @param boolean $transient transient field */ public function setTransient($transient) { $this->transient = $transient; } /** * Specifies if the input field is required. * * @param boolean $required required */ public function setRequired($required) { $this->required = $required; } /** * Specifies the validation rule (e.g. htmlElement::VALIDATE_NUMERIC) for this field. * This rule is checked on client side when the input field looses focus. * * @param boolean $rule rule name */ public function setValidationRule($rule) { $this->validationRule = $rule; } /** * Enables autocompletion for this input field. * * @param array $values list of values to suggest * @param int $minLength autocompletion starts after this number of caracters entered (default 1; 0 means immediate start) * @param boolean $multiValue allow multiple autocompletion values in the same fields (default: false) * @param String $multiSeparator separator expression if multiple autocompletion values are allowed (default ",\s*") * @param String $multiSeparator separator for two values (default ", ") */ public function enableAutocompletion($values, $minLength = 1, $multiValue = false, $multiSeparatorExp = ',\s*', $multiSeparator = ', ') { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($values); $i++) { $values[$i] = '"' . htmlspecialchars(str_replace(array('"', "\r", "\n"), array('', '', ''), $values[$i])) . '"'; } $this->autocomplete = true; $this->autocompleteValues = $values; $this->autocompleteMinLength = $minLength; $this->autocompleteMultiValue = $multiValue; $this->autocompleteMultiValueSeparatorExp = $multiSeparatorExp; $this->autocompleteMultiValueSeparator = $multiSeparator; } /** * Sets the JavaScript for the onKeyPress event. * * @param String $onKeyPress JavaScript code */ public function setOnKeyPress($onKeyPress) { $this->onKeyPress = $onKeyPress; } /** * Shows a calendar when the field is selected. * * @param String $format calendar format (e.g. yyyy-mm-dd) */ public function showCalendar($format) { $this->showCalendar = true; $this->calendarFormat = $format; } /** * Sets the title for the input field. * * @param String $title title value */ public function setTitle($title) { $this->title = htmlspecialchars($title); } } /** * An extended input field that combines label, input field and help. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlTableExtendedInputField extends htmlInputField { /** Descriptive label */ private $label; /** help ID */ private $helpID; /** * Constructor * * @param String $label descriptive label * @param String $fieldName unique field name * @param String $fieldValue value of input field (optional) * @param String $helpID help ID (optional) */ function __construct($label, $fieldName, $fieldValue = null, $helpID = null) { parent::__construct($fieldName, $fieldValue); $this->label = htmlspecialchars($label); $this->helpID = $helpID; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { // print label text echo '<div class="nowrap">'; echo $this->label; if ($this->required) { $graphicsPath = "../../graphics"; if (is_dir("../graphics")) $graphicsPath = "../graphics"; echo '<img src="' . $graphicsPath . '/required.png" alt="required" width=16 height=16 title="' . _('required') . '">'; } echo '</div>'; echo "\n</td>\n<td>\n"; // print input field $return = parent::generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope); // print help link if ($this->helpID != null) { echo "\n</td>\n<td>\n"; $helpLink = new htmlHelpLink($this->helpID); $helpLink->generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope); } return $return; } } /** * Renders a help link. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlHelpLink extends htmlElement { /** help ID */ private $helpID; /** module name if it should be forced */ private $module; /** account type if it should be forced */ private $scope; /** * Constructor * * @param String $helpID help ID * @param String $module module name (optional, only if value from generateHTML() should be overwritten) * @param String $scope account type (e.g. user) (optional, only if value from generateHTML() should be overwritten) */ function __construct($helpID, $module = null, $scope = null) { $this->helpID = $helpID; $this->module = $module; $this->scope = $scope; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { // overwrite module and scop if needed if ($this->module != null) { $module = $this->module; } if ($this->scope != null) { $scope = $this->scope; } // print link $helpEntry = getHelp($module, $this->helpID, $scope); printHelpLink($helpEntry, $this->helpID, $module, $scope); return array(); } } /** * Simple button. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlButton extends htmlElement { /** button name */ protected $name; /** button text or image */ protected $value; /** image button or text button */ protected $isImageButton; /** title */ private $title = null; /** enabled or disabled */ private $isEnabled = true; /** icon class (CSS) for buttons with icon + text */ private $iconClass = null; /** onclick event */ private $onClick = null; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $name button name * @param String $value button text or image (16x16px, relative to graphics folder) * @param String $isImageButton image or text button (default text) */ function __construct($name, $value, $isImageButton = false) { $this->name = htmlspecialchars($name); $this->value = htmlspecialchars($value); $this->isImageButton = $isImageButton; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { if ($restricted) { // no buttons in restricted mode logNewMessage(LOG_ERR, 'Meta HTML: Requested button in restricted mode.'); return array(); } $fieldTabIndex = ' tabindex="' . $tabindex . '"'; $tabindex++; $style = ''; $classList = $this->cssClasses; $class = ''; $title = ''; $name = ' name="' . $this->name . '"'; // image button if ($this->isImageButton) { $classList[] = 'smallImageButton'; $classList[] = 'align-middle'; $style = ' style="background-image: url(../../graphics/' . $this->value . '); background-color: transparent;"'; } // text button elseif ($this->iconClass == null) { $classList[] = 'smallPadding'; } if (sizeof($classList) > 0) { $class = ' class="' . implode(' ', $classList) . '"'; } if ($this->title != null) { $title = ' title="' . $this->title . '"'; } $disabled = ''; if (!$this->isEnabled) { $disabled = ' disabled'; } $type = ' type="submit"'; $onClick = ''; if ($this->onClick != null) { $type = ' type="button"'; $onClick = ' onclick="' . $this->onClick . '"'; } $id = ' id="btn_' . preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/', '', $this->name) . '"'; if ($this->isImageButton) { echo '<input type="submit" ' . $id . ' value=" "' . $name . $fieldTabIndex . $style . $class . $title . $disabled . '>'; } else { echo '<button' . $id . $name . $fieldTabIndex . $type . $onClick . $style . $class . $title . $disabled . '>' . $this->value . '</button>'; // text buttons get JQuery style $icon = ''; if ($this->iconClass != null) { $icon = '{ icons: { primary: \'' . $this->iconClass . '\' } }'; } echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; echo "jQuery('#btn_" . $this->name . "').button(" . $icon . ");"; echo '</script>'; } return array($this->name => 'submit'); } /** * Sets the button title (tooltip). * * @param String $title title */ public function setTitle($title) { $this->title = htmlspecialchars($title); } /** * Specifies if this component is enabled and accepts user modification. * * @param boolean $isEnabled enabled if true */ public function setIsEnabled($isEnabled) { $this->isEnabled = $isEnabled; } /** * Sets an additional icon for a text button. * The icon class is a CSS class that specifies the icon image (e.g. "deleteButton" in layout.css). * * @param String $iconClass icon class */ public function setIconClass($iconClass) { $this->iconClass = htmlspecialchars($iconClass); } /** * Sets the onclick event code. * This makes this button a simple button that does not submit a form. * * @param String $onClick JS code */ public function setOnClick($onClick) { $this->onClick = $onClick; } } /** * Prints a button for the account pages. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlAccountPageButton extends htmlButton { /** * Constructor * * @param String $targetModule module name which renders next page * @param String $targetPage name of next page * @param String $identifier identifier for button * @param String $value button text or image (16x16px, relative to graphics folder) * @param String $isImageButton image or text button (default text) */ function __construct($targetModule, $targetPage, $identifier, $value, $isImageButton = false) { $this->name = htmlspecialchars('form_subpage_' . $targetModule . '_' . $targetPage . '_' . $identifier); $this->value = $value; $this->isImageButton = $isImageButton; } } /** * Represents a select box. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlSelect extends htmlElement { /** name of select field */ private $name; /** size */ private $size; /** allows multi-selection */ private $multiSelect = false; /** elements */ private $elements; /** selected elements */ private $selectedElements = array(); /** descriptive elements */ private $hasDescriptiveElements = false; /** contains optgroups */ private $containsOptgroups = false; /** sorting enabled */ private $sortElements = true; /** right to left text direction */ private $rightToLeftTextDirection = false; /** enabled or disabled */ private $isEnabled = true; /** width of input element */ private $width = ''; /** transform select boxes with one element to text */ private $transformSingleSelect = true; /** onchange event */ private $onchangeEvent = null; /** indicates that this field should not automatically be saved in the self service or server profile */ private $transient = false; /** list of enclosing table rows to hide when checked */ protected $tableRowsToHide = array(); /** list of enclosing table rows to show when checked */ protected $tableRowsToShow = array(); /** * Constructor. * * <br>Examples: * <br> * <br>$select = new htmlSelect('myName', array('value1', 'value2'), array('value1')); * <br> * <br>$select = new htmlSelect('myName', array('label1' => 'value1', 'label2' => 'value2'), array('value1')); * <br>$select->setHasDescriptiveElements(true); * <br> * <br>$select = new htmlSelect('myName', array('optgroupLabel' => array('value1', 'value2')), array('value1')); * <br>$select->setHasDescriptiveElements(true); * <br>$select->setContainsOptgroups(true); * * @param String $name element name * @param array $elements list of elements array(label => value) or array(value1, value2) or array('optgroup' => array(...)) * @param array $selectedElements list of selected elements (optional, default none) * @param int $size size (optional, default = 1) */ function __construct($name, $elements, $selectedElements = array(), $size = 1) { $this->name = htmlspecialchars($name); $this->elements = $elements; if ($selectedElements != null) { $this->selectedElements = $selectedElements; } $this->size = htmlspecialchars($size); } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { $this->cssClasses[] = 'ui-corner-all'; if (isset($values[$this->name])) { $this->selectedElements = $values[$this->name]; } $multi = ''; $name = ' name="' . $this->name . '" id="' . $this->name . '"'; if ($this->multiSelect) { $multi = ' multiple'; $name = ' name="' . $this->name . '[]" id="' . $this->name . '"'; } $size = ' size="' . $this->size . '"'; $class = ''; $classList = $this->cssClasses; if ($this->rightToLeftTextDirection) { $classList[] = 'rightToLeftText'; } $class = ' class="' . implode(' ', $classList) . '"'; $disabled = ''; if (!$this->isEnabled) { $disabled = ' disabled'; } $style = ''; if ($this->width != '') { $style = ' style="width: ' . $this->width . '"'; } $onchange = ''; if ($this->onchangeEvent != null) { $onchange = $this->onchangeEvent; } if (($this->tableRowsToHide != null) || ($this->tableRowsToShow != null)) { $this->printCodeForShowHideTableRows($onchange); } if ($onchange != '') { $onchange = ' onchange="' . $onchange . '"'; } // hide select boxes that contain less than 2 elements if ((sizeof($this->elements) < 2) && !$this->multiSelect && $this->transformSingleSelect) { echo '<div class="hidden">'; } // print select box echo '<select' . $class . $style . $name . $size . $multi . $disabled . $onchange . ' tabindex="' . $tabindex . "\">\n"; $tabindex++; if ($this->containsOptgroups) { foreach ($this->elements as $label => $elements) { if (sizeof($elements) > 0) { echo '<optgroup label="' . $label . '">'; $this->printOptionsHTML($elements); echo '</optgroup>'; } } } else { $this->printOptionsHTML($this->elements); } echo "</select>\n"; // if select box has only one element then show it as text if ((sizeof($this->elements) == 1) && !$this->multiSelect && $this->transformSingleSelect) { echo '</div>'; if ($this->hasDescriptiveElements) { $keys = array_keys($this->elements); echo $keys[0]; } else { echo $this->elements[0]; } echo ' '; } elseif (sizeof($this->elements) == 0) { echo '</div>'; } if ($this->transient) { return array(); } if ($this->multiSelect) { return array($this->name => 'multiselect'); } else { return array($this->name => 'select'); } } /** * Prints the HTML code of the option tags. * * @param array $elements list of options */ private function printOptionsHTML($elements) { // sorting if ($this->sortElements) { if ($this->hasDescriptiveElements) { $labels = array_keys($elements); natcasesort($labels); $newElements = array(); foreach ($labels as $label) { $newElements[$label] = $elements[$label]; } $elements = $newElements; } else { natcasesort($elements); } } foreach ($elements as $key => $value) { $selected = ''; if ($this->hasDescriptiveElements) { if (in_array($value, $this->selectedElements)) { $selected = ' selected'; } echo "<option value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($value) . "\"$selected>" . htmlspecialchars($key) . "</option>\n"; } else { if (in_array($value, $this->selectedElements)) { $selected = ' selected'; } echo "<option$selected>" . htmlspecialchars($value) . "</option>\n"; } } } /** * Specifies if the elements are just a simple list or an assoziative array (default: simple list). * * @param boolean $hasDescriptiveElements activates descriptive elements */ public function setHasDescriptiveElements($hasDescriptiveElements) { $this->hasDescriptiveElements = $hasDescriptiveElements; } /** * Specifies if the elements are divided into optgroups. * * @param boolean $containsOptgroups activates optgroups */ public function setContainsOptgroups($containsOptgroups) { $this->containsOptgroups = $containsOptgroups; } /** * Specifies if multi-selection is enabled (default: disabled). * * @param boolean $multiSelect allows multi-selection */ public function setMultiSelect($multiSelect) { $this->multiSelect = $multiSelect; } /** * Specifies if the elemets should be sorted (default: sort). * * @param boolean $sortElements sort elements */ public function setSortElements($sortElements) { $this->sortElements = $sortElements; } /** * Specifies if the text direction should be set to right to left. * * @param boolean $rightToLeftTextDirection if true use right to left direction */ public function setRightToLeftTextDirection($rightToLeftTextDirection) { $this->rightToLeftTextDirection = $rightToLeftTextDirection; } /** * Specifies if this component is enabled and accepts user modification. * * @param boolean $isEnabled enabled if true */ public function setIsEnabled($isEnabled) { $this->isEnabled = $isEnabled; } /** * Specifies the width of this selection box. * * @param String $width width (e.g. 20em) */ public function setWidth($width) { $this->width = htmlspecialchars($width); } /** * Specifies if select boxes that contain only a single element should be transformed to a simple text field. * * @param boolean $transformSingleSelect transform single options to text */ public function setTransformSingleSelect($transformSingleSelect) { $this->transformSingleSelect = $transformSingleSelect; } /** * Sets the JavaScript code for the onchange event. * * @param String $onchangeEvent onchange event code (e.g. myfunction();) */ public function setOnchangeEvent($onchangeEvent) { $this->onchangeEvent = htmlspecialchars($onchangeEvent); } /** * Specifies that the value should not be automatically saved when used in self service or server profile (default: false). * * @param boolean $transient transient field */ public function setTransient($transient) { $this->transient = $transient; } /** * This will hide the given table rows when the select is changed to the specified value. * The given IDs can be of any e.g. input element. Starting from this element * the first parent "<tr>" element will be used to show/hide. * <br> * <br> * <br>Example: <tr><td><input type="checkbox" id="mycheckbox"></td></tr> * <br> Using "mycheckbox" will use this "tr" to hide/show. * <br> * <br> Example for $tableRowsToHide: * <br> array('yes' => array('option1', 'option2'), 'no' => array('option3')) * * @param array $tableRowsToHide array of select value => array of IDs of child elements to hide */ public function setTableRowsToHide($tableRowsToHide) { $this->tableRowsToHide = $tableRowsToHide; } /** * This will show the given table rows when the select is changed to the specified value. * The given IDs can be of any e.g. input element. Starting from this element * the first parent "<tr>" element will be used to show/hide. * <br> * <br> * <br>Example: <tr><td><input type="checkbox" id="mycheckbox"></td></tr> * <br> Using "mycheckbox" will use this "tr" to hide/show. * <br> * <br> Example for $tableRowsToShow: * <br> array('yes' => array('option1', 'option2'), 'no' => array('option3')) * * @param array $tableRowsToShow array of select value => array of IDs of child elements to show */ public function setTableRowsToShow($tableRowsToShow) { $this->tableRowsToShow = $tableRowsToShow; } /** * Creates the JavaScript code to hide/show table rows based on the select value. * * @param String $onChange onChange code */ private function printCodeForShowHideTableRows(&$onChange) { if ((sizeof($this->tableRowsToHide) == 0) && (sizeof($this->tableRowsToShow) == 0)) { return; } $values = array(); if (!empty($this->tableRowsToHide)) { $values = array_merge($values, array_keys($this->tableRowsToHide)); } if (!empty($this->tableRowsToShow)) { $values = array_merge($values, array_keys($this->tableRowsToShow)); } // build Java script to show/hide depending fields foreach ($values as $val) { // build onChange listener $onChange .= 'if (jQuery(\'#' . $this->name . '\').val() == \'' . $val . '\') {'; if (isset($this->tableRowsToShow[$val])) { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->tableRowsToShow[$val]); $i++) { $onChange .= 'jQuery(\'#' . $this->tableRowsToShow[$val][$i] . '\').closest(\'tr\').removeClass(\'hidden\');'; } } if (isset($this->tableRowsToHide[$val])) { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->tableRowsToHide[$val]); $i++) { $onChange .= 'jQuery(\'#' . $this->tableRowsToHide[$val][$i] . '\').closest(\'tr\').addClass(\'hidden\');'; } } $onChange .= '};'; } // build script to set initial state $script = '<script type="text/javascript">jQuery(document).ready(function() {' . "\n"; if (isset($this->tableRowsToShow[$this->selectedElements[0]])) { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->tableRowsToShow[$this->selectedElements[0]]); $i++) { $classType = 'removeClass'; $script .= 'jQuery(\'#' . $this->tableRowsToShow[$this->selectedElements[0]][$i] . '\').closest(\'tr\').' . $classType . '(\'hidden\');' . "\n"; } } if (isset($this->tableRowsToHide[$this->selectedElements[0]])) { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->tableRowsToHide[$this->selectedElements[0]]); $i++) { $classType = 'addClass'; $script .= 'jQuery(\'#' . $this->tableRowsToHide[$this->selectedElements[0]][$i] . '\').closest(\'tr\').' . $classType . '(\'hidden\');' . "\n"; } } $script .= '});</script>'; echo $script; } } /** * Select with label and help link. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlTableExtendedSelect extends htmlSelect { /** descriptive label */ private $label; /** help ID */ private $helpID; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $name element name * @param array $elements list of elememts * @param array $selectedElements list of selected elements * @param String $label descriptive label * @param String $helpID help ID (optional, default none) * @param int $size size (optional, default = 1) */ function __construct($name, $elements, $selectedElements, $label, $helpID = null, $size = 1) { parent::__construct($name, $elements, $selectedElements, $size); $this->label = htmlspecialchars($label); $this->helpID = $helpID; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { echo '<div class="nowrap">'; echo $this->label; echo '</div>'; echo "\n</td>\n<td>\n"; $return = parent::generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope); // print help link if ($this->helpID != null) { echo "\n</td>\n<td>\n"; $helpLink = new htmlHelpLink($this->helpID); $helpLink->generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope); } return $return; } } /** * Represents a radio selection. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlRadio extends htmlElement { /** name of select field */ private $name; /** elements */ private $elements; /** selected element */ private $selectedElement = null; /** enabled or disabled */ private $isEnabled = true; /** on change code */ private $onchangeEvent = null; /** * Constructor. * * <br>Examples: * <br> * <br>$radio = new htmlRadio('myName', array('label1' => 'value1', 'label2' => 'value2'), array('value1')); * * @param String $name element name * @param array $elements list of elements array(label => value) * @param String $selectedElement value of selected element (optional, default none) */ function __construct($name, $elements, $selectedElement = null) { $this->name = htmlspecialchars($name); $this->elements = $elements; if ($selectedElement != null) { $this->selectedElement = $selectedElement; } } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { if (isset($values[$this->name][0])) { $this->selectedElement = $values[$this->name][0]; } $name = ' name="' . $this->name . '"'; $disabled = ''; if (!$this->isEnabled) { $disabled = ' disabled'; } $onchange = ''; if ($this->onchangeEvent != null) { $onchange = ' onchange="' . $this->onchangeEvent . '"'; } // print radio list $counter = 0; foreach ($this->elements as $label => $value) { $onClick = 'onClick=" jQuery(\'input[name=' . $this->name . ']\').prop(\'checked\', false); jQuery(\'#' . $this->name . $counter . '\').prop(\'checked\', true); jQuery(\'#' . $this->name . $counter . '\').trigger(\'change\'); "'; if ($this->isEnabled === false) { $onClick = ''; } echo '<div class="nowrap" ' . $onClick . '>'; $selected = ''; if ($value == $this->selectedElement) { $selected = ' checked'; } echo '<input type="radio" id="' . $this->name . $counter . '"' . $name . $disabled . $selected . $onchange . ' value="' . $value . '" tabindex="' . $tabindex . '"> ' . $label; echo '</div>'; $tabindex++; $counter++; } return array($this->name => 'select'); } /** * Specifies if this component is enabled and accepts user modification. * * @param boolean $isEnabled enabled if true */ public function setIsEnabled($isEnabled) { $this->isEnabled = $isEnabled; } /** * Sets the JavaScript code for the onchange event. * * @param String $onchangeEvent onchange event code (e.g. myfunction();) */ public function setOnchangeEvent($onchangeEvent) { $this->onchangeEvent = htmlspecialchars($onchangeEvent); } } /** * Radio list with descriptive label and help link. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlTableExtendedRadio extends htmlRadio { /** descriptive label */ private $label; /** help ID */ private $helpID; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $label descriptive label * @param String $name element name * @param array $elements list of elements array(label => value) * @param String $selectedElement value of selected element (optional, default none) * @param String $helpID help ID */ function __construct($label, $name, $elements, $selectedElement = null, $helpID = null) { parent::__construct($name, $elements, $selectedElement); $this->label = htmlspecialchars($label); $this->helpID = $helpID; $this->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_TOP; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { if ($this->label != null) { echo '<div class="nowrap">'; echo $this->label; echo '</div>'; echo "\n</td>\n<td>\n"; } $return = parent::generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope); // print help link if ($this->helpID != null) { echo "\n</td>\n<td valign=\"top\">\n"; $helpLink = new htmlHelpLink($this->helpID); $helpLink->generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope); } return $return; } } /** * Prints the text and escapes contained HTML code by default. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlOutputText extends htmlElement { /** the text to print */ private $string; /** specifies if HTML code should be escaped */ private $escapeHTML; /** bold text */ private $isBold = false; /** mark as required */ private $markAsRequired = false; /** no wrap */ private $noWrap = false; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $string output text * @param boolean $escapeHTML escape HTML code (default yes) */ function __construct($string, $escapeHTML = true) { $this->string = $string; $this->escapeHTML = $escapeHTML; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { if ($this->noWrap) { echo "<div class=\"nowrap\">"; } if ($this->isBold) { echo "<b>"; } if ($this->escapeHTML) { echo htmlspecialchars($this->string); } else { echo $this->string; } if ($this->markAsRequired) { $graphicsPath = "../../graphics"; if (is_dir("../graphics")) $graphicsPath = "../graphics"; echo '<img src="' . $graphicsPath . '/required.png" alt="required" width=16 height=16 title="' . _('required') . '">'; } if ($this->isBold) { echo "</b>"; } if ($this->noWrap) { echo "</div>"; } return array(); } /** * Specifies if the whole text should be printed in bold. * * @param boolean $isBold bold text */ public function setIsBold($isBold) { $this->isBold = $isBold; } /** * Adds a marker that indicates a required field. * * @param boolean $markAsRequired add marker */ public function setMarkAsRequired($markAsRequired) { $this->markAsRequired = $markAsRequired; } /** * Specifies if word wrap is allowed for this text. * * @param boolean $noWrap no wrapping if set to true (default false) */ public function setNoWrap($noWrap) { $this->noWrap = $noWrap; } } /** * Prints the HTML code for a checkbox. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlInputCheckbox extends htmlElement { /** unique name of input element */ protected $name; /** value */ protected $checked; /** enabled or disabled */ protected $isEnabled = true; /** list of enclosing table rows to hide when checked */ protected $tableRowsToHide = array(); /** list of enclosing table rows to show when checked */ protected $tableRowsToShow = array(); /** indicates that this field should not automatically be saved in the self service or server profile */ private $transient = false; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $name unique name * @param boolean $checked checked */ function __construct($name, $checked) { $this->name = htmlspecialchars($name); $this->checked = $checked; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { if (isset($values[$this->name])) { if ($values[$this->name][0] == 'true') { $this->checked = true; } else { $this->checked = false; } } $checked = ''; if ($this->checked) { $checked = ' checked'; } $tabindexValue = ' tabindex="' . $tabindex . '"'; $tabindex++; $disabled = ''; if (!$this->isEnabled) { $disabled = ' disabled'; } // build Java script to show/hide depending fields $onChange = ''; $script = ''; if ((sizeof($this->tableRowsToShow) > 0) || (sizeof($this->tableRowsToHide) > 0)) { // build onChange listener $onChange = ' onChange="'; $onChange .= 'if (jQuery(\'#' . $this->name . ':checked\').val() !== undefined) {'; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->tableRowsToShow); $i++) { $onChange .= 'jQuery(\'#' . $this->tableRowsToShow[$i] . '\').closest(\'tr\').removeClass(\'hidden\');'; } for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->tableRowsToHide); $i++) { $onChange .= 'jQuery(\'#' . $this->tableRowsToHide[$i] . '\').closest(\'tr\').addClass(\'hidden\');'; } $onChange .= '}'; $onChange .= 'else {'; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->tableRowsToShow); $i++) { $onChange .= 'jQuery(\'#' . $this->tableRowsToShow[$i] . '\').closest(\'tr\').addClass(\'hidden\');'; } for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->tableRowsToHide); $i++) { $onChange .= 'jQuery(\'#' . $this->tableRowsToHide[$i] . '\').closest(\'tr\').removeClass(\'hidden\');'; } $onChange .= '};'; $onChange .= '"'; // build script to set initial state $script = '<script type="text/javascript">jQuery(document).ready(function() {'; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->tableRowsToShow); $i++) { $classType = 'addClass'; if ($this->checked) { $classType = 'removeClass'; } $script .= 'jQuery(\'#' . $this->tableRowsToShow[$i] . '\').closest(\'tr\').' . $classType . '(\'hidden\');'; } for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->tableRowsToHide); $i++) { $classType = 'removeClass'; if ($this->checked) { $classType = 'addClass'; } $script .= 'jQuery(\'#' . $this->tableRowsToHide[$i] . '\').closest(\'tr\').' . $classType . '(\'hidden\');'; } $script .= '});</script>'; } echo '<input type="checkbox" id="' . $this->name . '" name="' . $this->name . '"' . $tabindexValue . $onChange . $checked . $disabled . '>'; echo $script; if ($this->transient) { return array(); } return array($this->name => 'checkbox'); } /** * Specifies if this component is enabled and accepts user modification. * * @param boolean $isEnabled enabled if true */ public function setIsEnabled($isEnabled) { $this->isEnabled = $isEnabled; } /** * This will hide the given table rows when the checkbox is checked. * The given IDs can be of any e.g. input element. Starting from this element * the first parent "<tr>" element will be used to show/hide. * <br> * <br> * <br>Example: <tr><td><input type="checkbox" id="mycheckbox"></td></tr> * <br> Using "mycheckbox" will use this "tr" to hide/show. * * @param array $tableRowsToHide IDs of child elements to hide */ public function setTableRowsToHide($tableRowsToHide) { $this->tableRowsToHide = $tableRowsToHide; } /** * This will show the given table rows when the checkbox is checked. * The given IDs can be of any e.g. input element. Starting from this element * the first parent "<tr>" element will be used to show/hide. * <br> * <br> * <br>Example: <tr><td><input type="checkbox" id="mycheckbox"></td></tr> * <br> Using "mycheckbox" will use this "tr" to hide/show. * * @param array $tableRowsToShow IDs of child elements to show */ public function setTableRowsToShow($tableRowsToShow) { $this->tableRowsToShow = $tableRowsToShow; } /** * Specifies that the value should not be automatically saved when used in self service or server profile (default: false). * * @param boolean $transient transient field */ public function setTransient($transient) { $this->transient = $transient; } } /** * Checkbox with descriptive label and help link. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlTableExtendedInputCheckbox extends htmlInputCheckbox { /** descriptive label */ private $label; /** help ID */ private $helpID; /** specifies if label is printed before the checkbox */ private $labelFirst; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $name unique name * @param boolean $checked checked * @param String $label descriptive label * @param String $helpID help ID * @param boolean $labelFirst specifies if the label is at the beginning or at the end (optional, default beginning) */ function __construct($name, $checked, $label, $helpID = null, $labelFirst = true) { parent::__construct($name, $checked); $this->label = htmlspecialchars($label); $this->helpID = $helpID; $this->labelFirst = $labelFirst; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { $onClick = 'onClick="jQuery(\'#' . $this->name . '\').prop(\'checked\',!jQuery(\'#' . $this->name . '\').prop(\'checked\')); jQuery(\'#' . $this->name . '\').change();"'; if ($this->labelFirst) { echo '<div class="nowrap" ' . $onClick . '>'; echo $this->label; echo '</div>'; echo "\n</td>\n<td>\n"; $return = parent::generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope); } else { $return = parent::generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope); echo "\n</td>\n<td>\n"; echo '<div class="nowrap" ' . $onClick . '>'; echo $this->label; echo '</div>'; } // print help link if ($this->helpID != null) { echo "\n</td>\n<td>\n"; $helpLink = new htmlHelpLink($this->helpID); $helpLink->generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope); } return $return; } } /** * Prints the HTML code for a file upload field. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlInputFileUpload extends htmlElement { /** unique name of input element */ private $name; /** enabled or disabled */ private $isEnabled = true; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $name unique name */ function __construct($name) { $this->name = htmlspecialchars($name); } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { $tabindexValue = ' tabindex="' . $tabindex . '"'; $tabindex++; $disabled = ''; if (!$this->isEnabled) { $disabled = ' disabled'; } echo '<input type="file" name="' . $this->name . '"' . $tabindexValue . $disabled . '>'; return array($this->name => 'file'); } /** * Specifies if this component is enabled and accepts user modification. * * @param boolean $isEnabled enabled if true */ public function setIsEnabled($isEnabled) { $this->isEnabled = $isEnabled; } } /** * File upload with descriptive label and help link. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlTableExtendedInputFileUpload extends htmlInputFileUpload { /** descriptive label */ private $label; /** help ID */ private $helpID; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $name unique name * @param String $label descriptive label * @param String $helpID help ID */ function __construct($name, $label, $helpID = null) { parent::__construct($name); $this->label = htmlspecialchars($label); $this->helpID = $helpID; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { echo '<div class="nowrap">'; echo $this->label; echo '</div>'; echo "\n</td>\n<td>\n"; $return = parent::generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope); // print help link if ($this->helpID != null) { echo "\n</td>\n<td>\n"; $helpLink = new htmlHelpLink($this->helpID); $helpLink->generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope); } return $return; } } /** * Prints the HTML code for a textarea. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlInputTextarea extends htmlElement { /** unique name of input element */ private $name; /** value */ private $value; /** column count */ private $colCount; /** row count */ private $rowCount; /** enabled or disabled */ private $isEnabled = true; /** specifies if LAM should display this field whith a WYSIWYG editor */ private $richEdit = false; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $name unique name * @param String $value value * @param int $colCount number of characters per line * @param int $rowCount number of rows */ function __construct($name, $value, $colCount, $rowCount) { $this->name = htmlspecialchars($name); $this->value = htmlspecialchars($value); $this->colCount = htmlspecialchars($colCount); $this->rowCount = htmlspecialchars($rowCount); } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { $this->cssClasses[] = 'ui-corner-all'; if (isset($values[$this->name])) { $this->value = implode("\r\n", $values[$this->name]); } $colCount = ' cols="' . $this->colCount . '"'; $rowCount = ' rows="' . $this->rowCount . '"'; $tabindexValue = ' tabindex="' . $tabindex . '"'; $tabindex++; $disabled = ''; if (!$this->isEnabled) { $disabled = ' disabled'; } $classList = $this->cssClasses; $classes = ''; if ($this->richEdit) { $classList[] = 'ckeditor'; } $classes = ' class="' . implode(' ', $classList) . '"'; echo '<textarea name="' . $this->name . '" id="' . $this->name . '"' . $tabindexValue . $classes . $colCount . $rowCount . $disabled . '>' . $this->value . '</textarea>'; return array($this->name => 'textarea'); } /** * Specifies if this component is enabled and accepts user modification. * * @param boolean $isEnabled enabled if true */ public function setIsEnabled($isEnabled) { $this->isEnabled = $isEnabled; } /** * Specifies if the textarea should be displayed whith a WYSIWYG editor. * <br>This requires that the page which displays the textarea also includes the ckeditor JS. * <br>Rich editing is disabled by default. * * @param boolean $richEdit rich edit or standard */ public function setIsRichEdit($richEdit) { $this->richEdit = $richEdit; } } /** * Text area with label and help link. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlTableExtendedInputTextarea extends htmlInputTextarea { /** descriptive label */ private $label; /** help ID */ private $helpID; /** required field */ private $required = false; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $name unique name * @param String $value value * @param int $colCount number of characters per line * @param int $rowCount number of rows * @param String $label descriptive label * @param String $helpID help ID */ function __construct($name, $value, $colCount, $rowCount, $label, $helpID = null) { parent::__construct($name, $value, $colCount, $rowCount); $this->label = htmlspecialchars($label); $this->helpID = $helpID; $this->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_TOP; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { echo '<div class="nowrap">'; echo $this->label; if ($this->required) { $graphicsPath = "../../graphics"; if (is_dir("../graphics")) $graphicsPath = "../graphics"; echo '<img src="' . $graphicsPath . '/required.png" alt="required" width=16 height=16 title="' . _('required') . '">'; } echo '</div>'; echo "\n</td>\n<td>\n"; $return = parent::generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope); // print help link if ($this->helpID != null) { echo "\n</td>\n<td valign=\"top\">\n"; $helpLink = new htmlHelpLink($this->helpID); $helpLink->generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope); } return $return; } /** * Specifies if this input field must be filled. * * @param boolean $required required or not */ public function setRequired($required) { $this->required = $required; } } /** * Prints the HTML code for an image. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlImage extends htmlElement { /** path to image */ private $path; /** width */ private $width; /** height */ private $height; /** alt text */ private $alt; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $path image location * @param int $width image width (optional, default original size) * @param int $height image height (optional, default original size) * @param String $alt alt text (optional) */ function __construct($path, $width = null, $height = null, $alt = ' ') { $this->path = htmlspecialchars($path); $this->width = $width; $this->height = $height; $this->alt = htmlspecialchars($alt); } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { $path = ' src="' . $this->path . '"'; $width = ''; if ($this->width != null) { $width = ' width="' . $this->width . '"'; } $height = ''; if ($this->height != null) { $height = ' height="' . $this->height . '"'; } $alt = ' alt="' . $this->alt . '"'; echo '<img' . $path . $width . $height . $alt . ">\n"; return array(); } } /** * Adds an empty space with given width and height. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlSpacer extends htmlElement { /** width of spacer in px */ private $width; /** height of spacer in px */ private $height; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $width width (e.g. 10px) * @param String $height height (e.g. 10px) */ function __construct($width, $height) { $this->width = htmlspecialchars($width); $this->height = htmlspecialchars($height); } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { $width = ''; if ($this->width != null) { $width = 'width: ' . $this->width . ';'; } $height = ''; if ($this->height != null) { $height = 'height: ' . $this->height . ';'; } echo "<div style=\"$width $height display: inline-block;\"></div>\n"; return array(); } } /** * Prints a status message (e.g. error message). * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlStatusMessage extends htmlElement { /** message type (e.g. ERROR) */ private $type; /** message title */ private $title; /** message text */ private $text; /** message parameters */ private $params; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $type message type (e.g. ERROR) * @param String $title message title * @param String $text message (optional) * @param array $params additional message parameters */ function __construct($type, $title, $text = null, $params = null) { $this->type = $type; $this->title = $title; $this->text = $text; $this->params = $params; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { StatusMessage($this->type, $this->title, $this->text, $this->params); return array(); } } /** * Generates a fieldset. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlFieldset extends htmlElement { /** fieldset content */ private $content; /** descriptive label */ private $label = null; /** label image */ private $labelImage = null; /** * Constructor. * * @param htmlElement $content content to display inside fieldset * @param String $label label * @param String $labelImage image to put before label */ function __construct($content, $label = null, $labelImage = null) { $this->content = $content; $this->label = htmlspecialchars($label); $this->labelImage = htmlspecialchars($labelImage); } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { $class = 'ui-corner-all'; if ($scope != null) { $class .= ' ' . $scope . '-border ' . $scope . '-bright'; } echo "<fieldset class=\"$class\">\n"; // generate legend if (($this->label != null) || ($this->labelImage != null)) { echo "<legend>"; if ($this->labelImage != null) { echo "<img align=\"middle\" src=\"" . $this->labelImage . "\" alt=\"\"> "; } if ($this->label != null) { echo $this->label; } echo "</legend>\n"; } $return = $this->content->generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope); echo "</fieldset>\n"; return $return; } } /** * Generates a title line. This is used for page titles. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlTitle extends htmlElement { /** descriptive label */ private $label = null; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $label label */ function __construct($label) { $this->label = htmlspecialchars($label); // the title should not end at a table cell $this->colspan = 100; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { echo "<div class=\"title\">\n"; echo "<h2 class=\"titleText\">\n"; echo $this->label; echo "</h2>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; return array(); } } /** * Generates a subtitle line. This is used to group multiple fields. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlSubTitle extends htmlElement { /** descriptive label */ private $label = null; /** optional image */ private $image = null; /** optional ID for this element (e.g. to use for JavaScript) */ private $id = null; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $label label * @param String $image optional image * @param String $id optional ID for this element (e.g. to use for JavaScript) */ function __construct($label, $image = null, $id = null) { $this->label = htmlspecialchars($label); $this->image = htmlspecialchars($image); $this->id = htmlspecialchars($id); // the title should not end at a table cell $this->colspan = 100; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { $idValue = ''; if ($this->id != null) { $idValue = ' id="' . $this->id . '"'; } echo "<div $idValue class=\"subTitle\">\n"; echo "<h4 class=\"subTitleText\">\n"; if ($this->image != null) { echo '<img src="' . $this->image . '" alt="' . $this->label . '"> '; } echo $this->label; echo "</h4>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; return array(); } } /** * Generates a hidden input field. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlHiddenInput extends htmlElement { /** field name */ private $name = null; /** field value */ private $value = null; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $name input name * @param String $value input value */ function __construct($name, $value) { $this->name = htmlspecialchars($name); $this->value = htmlspecialchars($value); } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . $this->name . '" id="' . $this->name . '" value="' . $this->value . '">'; return array($this->name => 'hidden'); } } /** * Generates a link. * The link can include an optional image in front of the link text. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlLink extends htmlElement { /** link text */ private $text = null; /** link target */ private $target = null; /** optional image */ private $image = null; /** title */ private $title = null; /** target window */ private $targetWindow = null; /** onClick event */ private $onClick = null; /** show as button */ private $showAsButton = false; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $text label * @param String $target target URL * @param String $image URL of optional image * @param boolean $showAsButton shows this like as a button */ function __construct($text, $target, $image = null, $showAsButton = false) { $this->text = htmlspecialchars($text); $this->target = htmlspecialchars($target); $this->image = htmlspecialchars($image); $this->showAsButton = $showAsButton; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { $image = ''; if ($this->image != null) { $image = '<img class="align-middle" src="' . $this->image . '" alt="' . $this->text . '"> '; } $title = ''; if ($this->title != null) { $title = ' title="' . $this->title . '"'; } $targetWindow = ''; if ($this->targetWindow != null) { $targetWindow = ' target="' . $this->targetWindow . '"'; } $onClick = ''; if ($this->onClick != null) { $onClick = ' onclick="' . $this->onClick . '"'; } $idAttr = ''; if ($this->showAsButton) { $id = 'a_' . preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+/', '_', $this->target); $idAttr = ' id="' . $id . '"'; } $classAttr = ''; if (sizeof($this->cssClasses) > 0) { $classAttr = ' class="' . implode(' ', $this->cssClasses) . '"'; } echo '<a href="' . $this->target . '"' . $idAttr . $classAttr . $title . $targetWindow . $onClick . '>' . $image . $this->text . '</a>'; if ($this->showAsButton) { echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; echo ' jQuery(document).ready(function() {'; echo "jQuery('#" . $id . "').button();"; echo '});'; echo '</script>'; } return array(); } /** * Sets the link title. * * @param String $title title */ public function setTitle($title) { $this->title = htmlspecialchars($title); } /** * Sets the target window (e.g. _blank). * * @param String $window target window (e.g. _blank) */ public function setTargetWindow($window) { $this->targetWindow = htmlspecialchars($window); } /** * Sets the onClick event. * * @param String $event JavaScript code */ public function setOnClick($event) { $this->onClick = htmlspecialchars($event); } } /** * Groups multiple htmlElements. * This is useful if multiple elements should be included in a single table cell. * The HTML code of the subelements is printed in the order they were added. No additional code is added. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlGroup extends htmlElement { /** link text */ private $subelements = array(); /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { $return = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->subelements); $i++) { $return = array_merge($return, $this->subelements[$i]->generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope)); } return $return; } /** * Adds a subelement. * * @param htmlElement $sub subelement */ public function addElement($sub) { $this->subelements[] = $sub; } } /** * Prints a horizontal line. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlHorizontalLine extends htmlElement { /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { $return = array(); echo "<hr>"; return $return; } } /** * Creates a simple DIV element. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlDiv extends htmlElement { /** unique ID */ private $id = null; /** htmlElement that generates inner content */ private $content = null; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $id unique ID * @param htmlElement $content inner content * @param array $classes CSS classes */ function __construct($id, $content) { $this->id = htmlspecialchars($id); $this->content = $content; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { $return = array(); $idValue = ''; if ($this->id != null) { $idValue = ' id="' . $this->id . '"'; } $classesValue = ''; if (($this->cssClasses != null) && (sizeof($this->cssClasses) > 0)) { $classesValue = ' class="' . implode(' ', $this->cssClasses) . '"'; } echo '<div' . $idValue . $classesValue . '>'; if ($this->content != null) { $return = $this->content->generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope); } echo '</div>'; return $return; } } /** * Creates a JavaScript element. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlJavaScript extends htmlElement { /** htmlElement that generates inner content */ private $content = null; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $content script */ function __construct($content) { $this->content = $content; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { $return = array(); echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; echo $this->content; echo '</script>'; return $return; } } /** * Sets all given elements to the same width. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlEqualWidth extends htmlElement { /** list of element IDs */ private $elements = array(); /** * Constructor. * * @param array $elements list of element IDs */ function __construct($elements) { foreach ($elements as $element) { $this->elements[] = htmlspecialchars($element); } } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { if (sizeof($this->elements) == 0) { return array(); } $return = array(); $listContent = "'#" . $this->elements[0] . "'"; for ($i = 1; $i < sizeof($this->elements); $i++) { $listContent .= ", '#" . $this->elements[$i] . "'"; } echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; echo ' jQuery(document).ready(function() {'; echo ' var equalWidthElements = new Array(' . $listContent . ');'; echo ' equalWidth(equalWidthElements);'; echo ' });'; echo '</script>'; return $return; } } /** * Sets all given elements to the same height. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlEqualHeight extends htmlElement { /** list of element IDs */ private $elements = array(); /** * Constructor. * * @param array $elements list of element IDs */ function __construct($elements) { foreach ($elements as $element) { $this->elements[] = htmlspecialchars($element); } } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { if (sizeof($this->elements) == 0) { return array(); } $return = array(); $listContent = "'#" . $this->elements[0] . "'"; for ($i = 1; $i < sizeof($this->elements); $i++) { $listContent .= ", '#" . $this->elements[$i] . "'"; } echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; echo ' jQuery(document).ready(function() {'; echo ' var equalHeightElements = new Array(' . $listContent . ');'; echo ' equalHeight(equalHeightElements);'; echo ' });'; echo '</script>'; return $return; } } /** * Creates a list of elements that can be sorted by the user via drag'n'drop. * * @package metaHTML */ class htmlSortableList extends htmlElement { /** list of elements */ private $elements = array(); /** HTML ID */ private $id = ''; /** element width */ private $elementWidth = ''; /** on update event */ private $onUpdate = null; /** * Constructor. * * @param array $elements list of element IDs (HTML special chars must be escaped already) * @param String HTML ID * @param String $elementWidth width of elements (default 250px) */ function __construct($elements, $id, $elementWidth='250px') { $this->elements = $elements; $this->id = htmlspecialchars($id); $this->elementWidth = $elementWidth; } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { if (sizeof($this->elements) == 0) { return array(); } $return = array(); echo '<ul style="width:' . $this->elementWidth . ';" class="sortableList" id="' . $this->id . '">'; foreach ($this->elements as $element) { echo '<li class="ui-state-default"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s"></span>'; echo $element; echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; $onUpdate = ''; if ($this->onUpdate != null) { $onUpdate = '{ update: function(event, ui) {' . $this->onUpdate . '}, start: function(event, ui) { var posOrig = ui.item.index(); ui.item.data(\'posOrig\', posOrig); } }'; } $scriptContent = ' jQuery(function() { $("#' . $this->id . '").sortable(' . $onUpdate . '); $("#' . $this->id . '").disableSelection(); });'; $script = new htmlJavaScript($scriptContent); $script->generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope); return $return; } /** * Sets the JS code that is executed when the element order was changed. * The code can access the variables event and ui. See JQueryUI docs for details. * ui.item.data('posOrig') will contain the original position of the moved element. * * @param String $onUpdate JS code */ public function setOnUpdate($onUpdate) { $this->onUpdate = $onUpdate; } } /** * Creates a list of content elements in accordion style. * HTML special characters must be escaped before providing to htmlAccordion. */ class htmlAccordion extends htmlElement { private $id = null; private $elements = null; private $openInitial = '1'; private $collapsible = false; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $id HTML ID * @param array $elements list of content elements array('title' => htmlElement) * @param String $openInitial index of element that is initially opened (default: 0), set to 'false' to close all * @param boolean $collapsible specifies if all elements may be closed at the same time (default: false, true if $openInitial is false) */ function __construct($id, $elements, $openInitial = '0', $collapsible = false) { $this->id = $id; $this->elements = $elements; $this->openInitial = $openInitial; if (($openInitial === 'false') || ($openInitial === false)) { $this->collapsible = true; } else { $this->collapsible = $collapsible; } } /** * Prints the HTML code for this element. * * @param string $module Name of account module * @param array $input List of meta-HTML elements * @param array $values List of values which override the defaults in $input (name => value) * @param boolean $restricted If true then no buttons will be displayed * @param integer $tabindex Start value of tabulator index for input fields * @param string $scope Account type * @return array List of input field names and their type (name => type) */ function generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, &$tabindex, $scope) { $result = array(); $collapsible = 'false'; if ($this->collapsible) { $collapsible = 'true'; } $active = 'false'; if ($this->openInitial !== false) { $active = $this->openInitial; } echo '<div id="' . $this->id . '">'; foreach ($this->elements as $label => $content) { echo '<h3>' . $label . '</h3>'; echo '<div>'; $result = array_merge($result, $content->generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope)); echo '</div>'; } echo '</div>'; $script = 'jQuery(function() { $( "#' . $this->id . '" ).accordion({ collapsible: ' . $collapsible . ', active: ' . $active . ' }); });'; $js = new htmlJavaScript($script); $js->generateHTML($module, $input, $values, $restricted, $tabindex, $scope); return $result; } } ?>