namespace LAM\UPLOAD;
use ZipArchive;
use accountContainer;

 This code is part of LDAP Account Manager (http://www.ldap-account-manager.org/)
 Copyright (C) 2016 - 2017  Roland Gruber

 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 (at your option) any later version.

 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.

 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


 * Creates LDAP accounts for file upload.
 * @author Roland Gruber
 * @package tools

/** LDAP handle */
/** PDF */

 * Creates LDAP accounts for file upload.
 * @author Roland Gruber
 * @package tools
class Uploader {

	private $accounts = null;
	private $data = null;
	private $type = null;
	private $endTime;

	const TIME_LIMIT = 10;

	public static function cleanSession() {
		foreach ($_SESSION as $key => &$value) {
			if (strpos($key, 'mass_') === 0) {

	 * Constructor
	 * @param \LAM\TYPES\ConfiguredType $type account type
	public function __construct($type) {
		$this->accounts = unserialize(lamDecrypt($_SESSION['mass_accounts']));
		$this->data = unserialize(lamDecrypt($_SESSION['mass_data']));
		$this->type = $type;
		$startTime = time();
		$maxTime = get_cfg_var('max_execution_time') - 5;
		if ($maxTime > Uploader::TIME_LIMIT) $maxTime = Uploader::TIME_LIMIT;
		if ($maxTime <= 0) $maxTime = Uploader::TIME_LIMIT;
		$this->endTime = $startTime + $maxTime;

	 * Start or continues the file upload.
	 * @return String JSON of upload status
	public function doUpload() {
		if (!isset($_SESSION['mass_counter'])) {
			return $this->startUpload();
		elseif ($_SESSION['mass_counter'] < sizeof($this->accounts)) {
			return $this->continueUpload();
		elseif (!isset($_SESSION['mass_postActions']['finished'])) {
			return $this->runPostActions();
		elseif (($_SESSION['mass_pdf']['structure'] != null) && !isset($_SESSION['mass_pdf']['finished'])) {
			return $this->createPDF();
		return $this->buildUploadStatus(100, true, '', 100, true, 100);

	 * Continues to upload accounts.
	 * @return String JSON of upload status
	private function continueUpload() {
		while (($_SESSION['mass_counter'] < sizeof($this->accounts)) && ($this->endTime > time())) {
		$accountsProgress = round(($_SESSION['mass_counter'] * 100) / sizeof($this->accounts), 2);
		$accountsFinished = ($_SESSION['mass_counter'] == sizeof($this->accounts));
		return $this->buildUploadStatus($accountsProgress, $accountsFinished);

	 * Performs the upload of a single LDAP entry.
	 * @param int $position position in $this->accounts.
	private function uploadEntry($position) {
		$attrs = $this->accounts[$position];
		$dn = $attrs['dn'];
		// remove informational attributes
		foreach ($attrs as $key => $value) {
			if (strpos($key, 'INFO.') === 0) {
		// run preactions
		$preAttributes = array();
		foreach ($attrs as $key => $value) {
			$preAttributes[$key] = &$attrs[$key];
		$preAttributes['dn'] = &$dn;
		$preMessages = doUploadPreActions($this->type, $_SESSION['mass_selectedModules'], $preAttributes);
		$preActionOk = true;
		for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($preMessages); $i++) {
			if (($preMessages[$i][0] == 'ERROR') || ($preMessages[$i][0] == 'WARN')) {
				$preActionOk = false;
				$_SESSION['mass_errors'][] = $preMessages[$i];
		if ($preActionOk) {
			// add LDAP entry
			$success = @ldap_add($_SESSION['ldap']->server(), $dn, $attrs);
			if (!$success) {
				$errorMessage = array(
						_("LAM was unable to create account %s! An LDAP error occured."),
				$_SESSION['mass_errors'][] = $errorMessage;
				$_SESSION['mass_failed'][] = $position;

	 * Starts the file upload.
	 * @return String JSON of upload status
	private function startUpload() {
		$_SESSION['mass_counter'] = 0;
		return $this->buildUploadStatus();

	 * Returns the upload status as JSON.
	 * @param number $accountsProgress progress for LDAP entries
	 * @param string $accountsFinished all entries in LDAP
	 * @param string $postActionsTitle title for current post action
	 * @param number $postActionsProgress progress for post actions
	 * @param string $postActionsFinished post actions finished
	 * @param number $pdfProgress PDF creation progress
	 * @return String JSON status
	private function buildUploadStatus($accountsProgress = 0, $accountsFinished = false,
			$postActionsTitle = '', $postActionsProgress = 0, $postActionsFinished = false,
			$pdfProgress = 0) {
		$pdfFinished = ($_SESSION['mass_pdf']['structure'] == null) || isset($_SESSION['mass_pdf']['finished']);
		$allDone = $accountsFinished && $postActionsFinished && $pdfFinished;
		$errorHtml = '';
		if ($allDone && !empty($_SESSION['mass_errors'])) {
			foreach ($_SESSION['mass_errors'] as $error) {
				$text = isset($error[2]) ? $error[2] : '';
				$vars = isset($error[3]) ? $error[3] : array();
				$errorHtml .= StatusMessage($error[0], $error[1], $text, $vars, true);
		$status = array(
			'title' => _("LDAP upload in progress. Please wait."),
			'titleFinished' => _("Upload has finished"),
			'titleErrors' => _("There were errors while uploading:"),
			'titlePDF' => _('Create PDF files'),
			'accountsProgress' => $accountsProgress,
			'accountsFinished' => $accountsFinished,
			'postActionsTitle' => $postActionsTitle,
			'postActionsProgress' => $postActionsProgress,
			'postActionsFinished' => $postActionsFinished,
			'pdfProgress' => $pdfProgress,
			'pdfFinished' => $pdfFinished,
			'allDone' => $allDone,
			'errorHtml' => $errorHtml,
			'typeId' => $this->type->getId()
		return json_encode($status);

	 * Checks for security violations and stops processing if needed.
	private function securityCheck() {
		if (!isLoggedIn() || empty($this->type)
				|| $this->type->isHidden()
				|| !checkIfNewEntriesAreAllowed($this->type->getId())
				|| !checkIfWriteAccessIsAllowed($this->type->getId())) {

	 * Performs any post create actions by modules.
	 * @return String JSON of upload status
	private function runPostActions() {
		$return = $this->runModulePostActions();
		while (!isset($_SESSION['mass_postActions']['finished']) && ($this->endTime > time())) {
			$return = $this->runModulePostActions();
		$title = _("Additional tasks for module:") . ' ' . getModuleAlias($return['module'], $this->type->getScope());
		$progress = round($return['progress'], 2);
		$finished = isset($_SESSION['mass_postActions']['finished']);
		return $this->buildUploadStatus(100, true, $title, $progress, $finished);

	 * Runs a single post create action by modules.
	 * @return array status array
	private function runModulePostActions() {
		$return = doUploadPostActions($this->type, $this->data, $_SESSION['mass_ids'], $_SESSION['mass_failed'], $_SESSION['mass_selectedModules'], $this->accounts);
		if ($return['status'] == 'finished') {
			$_SESSION['mass_postActions']['finished'] = true;
		if (isset($return['errors'])) {
			for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($return['errors']); $i++) {
				$_SESSION['mass_errors'][] = $return['errors'][$i];
		return $return;

	 * Creates the PDF files.
	 * @return String JSON of upload status
	private function createPDF() {
		$file = $_SESSION['mass_pdf']['file'];
		$pdfStructure = $_SESSION['mass_pdf']['structure'];
		$font = $_SESSION['mass_pdf']['font'];
		$pdfZip = new ZipArchive();
		if ($_SESSION['mass_pdf']['counter'] == 0) {
			$pdfZipResult = @$pdfZip->open($_SESSION['mass_pdf']['file'], ZipArchive::CREATE);
			if (!$pdfZipResult === true) {
				$_SESSION['mass_errors'][] = array('ERROR', _('Unable to create ZIP file for PDF export.'), $file);
				$_SESSION['mass_pdf']['finished'] = true;
		else {
		while (!isset($_SESSION['mass_pdf']['finished']) && ($this->endTime > time())) {
			$attrs = $this->accounts[$_SESSION['mass_pdf']['counter']];
			$dn = $attrs['dn'];
			// get informational attributes
			$infoAttributes = array();
			foreach ($attrs as $key => $value) {
				if (strpos($key, 'INFO.') === 0) {
					$infoAttributes[$key] = $value;
			// load account
			$typeManager = new \LAM\TYPES\TypeManager();
			$_SESSION['mass_pdfAccount'] = new accountContainer($this->type, 'mass_pdfAccount');
			$pdfErrors = $_SESSION['mass_pdfAccount']->load_account($dn, $infoAttributes);
			if (sizeof($pdfErrors) > 0) {
				$_SESSION['mass_errors'] = array_merge($_SESSION['mass_errors'], $pdfErrors);
				$_SESSION['mass_pdf']['finished'] = true;
			// create and save PDF
			$pdfContent = \LAM\PDF\createModulePDF(array($_SESSION['mass_pdfAccount']), $pdfStructure, $font, true);
			$fileName = $dn . '.pdf';
			$pdfZip->addFromString($fileName, $pdfContent);
			$_SESSION['mass_pdf']['counter'] ++;
			if ($_SESSION['mass_pdf']['counter'] >= sizeof($this->accounts)) {
				$_SESSION['mass_pdf']['finished'] = true;
		$progress = ($_SESSION['mass_pdf']['counter'] * 100) / sizeof($this->accounts);
		return $this->buildUploadStatus(100, true, '', 100, true, $progress);
