validateAndRedirect('config/mainlogin.php?invalidLicense=1', 'config/mainlogin.php?invalidLicense=2'); } /** Upgrade functions */ include_once("../lib/"); // set session save path if (strtolower(session_module_name()) == 'files') { session_save_path(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../sess'); } // start empty session and change ID for security reasons session_start(); session_destroy(); session_set_cookie_params(0, '/', null, null, true); session_start(); session_regenerate_id(true); $profiles = getConfigProfiles(); // save last selected login profile if (isset($_GET['useProfile'])) { if (in_array($_GET['useProfile'], $profiles)) { setcookie("lam_default_profile", $_GET['useProfile'], time() + 365*60*60*24, '/', null, null, true); } else { unset($_GET['useProfile']); } } // save last selected language if (isset($_POST['language'])) { setcookie('lam_last_language', htmlspecialchars($_POST['language']), time() + 365*60*60*24, '/', null, null, true); } // init some session variables $default_Config = new LAMCfgMain(); $_SESSION["cfgMain"] = $default_Config; setSSLCaCert(); $default_Profile = $default_Config->default; if(isset($_COOKIE["lam_default_profile"]) && in_array($_COOKIE["lam_default_profile"], $profiles)) { $default_Profile = $_COOKIE["lam_default_profile"]; } // Reload loginpage after a profile change if(isset($_GET['useProfile']) && in_array($_GET['useProfile'], $profiles)) { logNewMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "Change server profile to " . $_GET['useProfile']); $_SESSION['config'] = new LAMConfig($_GET['useProfile']); // Recreate the config object with the submited } // Load login page elseif (!empty($default_Profile) && in_array($default_Profile, $profiles)) { $_SESSION["config"] = new LAMConfig($default_Profile); // Create new Config object } else if (sizeof($profiles) > 0) { // use first profile as fallback $_SESSION["config"] = new LAMConfig($profiles[0]); } else { $_SESSION["config"] = null; } $error_message = null; if (!isset($default_Config->default) || !in_array($default_Config->default, $profiles)) { $error_message = _('No default profile set. Please set it in the server profile configuration.'); } $possibleLanguages = getLanguages(); $encoding = 'UTF-8'; if (isset($_COOKIE['lam_last_language'])) { foreach ($possibleLanguages as $lang) { if (strpos($_COOKIE['lam_last_language'], $lang->code) === 0) { $_SESSION['language'] = $lang->code; $encoding = $lang->encoding; break; } } } elseif (!empty($_SESSION["config"])) { $defaultLang = $_SESSION["config"]->get_defaultLanguage(); foreach ($possibleLanguages as $lang) { if (strpos($defaultLang, $lang->code) === 0) { $_SESSION['language'] = $lang->code; $encoding = $lang->encoding; break; } } } else { $_SESSION['language'] = 'en_GB.utf8'; } if (isset($_POST['language'])) { foreach ($possibleLanguages as $lang) { if (strpos($_POST['language'], $lang->code) === 0) { $_SESSION['language'] = $lang->code; $encoding = $lang->encoding; break; } } } $_SESSION['header'] = "\n\n"; $_SESSION['header'] .= "\n\n"; $_SESSION['header'] .= "\n"; $_SESSION['header'] .= "\n "; /** * Displays the login window. * * @param LAMConfig $config_object current active configuration * @param LAMCfgMain $cfgMain main configuration * @param \LAM\ENV\LAMLicenseValidator $licenseValidator license validator * @param string $error_message error message to display */ function display_LoginPage(LAMConfig $config_object, LAMCfgMain $cfgMain, $licenseValidator, $error_message) { logNewMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "Display login page"); // generate 256 bit key and initialization vector for user/passwd-encryption if(function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes') && ($cfgMain->encryptSession == 'true')) { $key = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32); $iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16); // save both in cookie setcookie("Key", base64_encode($key), 0, "/", null, null, true); setcookie("IV", base64_encode($iv), 0, "/", null, null, true); } $profiles = getConfigProfiles(); setlanguage(); // setting correct language echo $_SESSION["header"]; ?> LDAP Account Manager read(); while ($cssEntry !== false) { if (substr($cssEntry, strlen($cssEntry) - 4, 4) == '.css') { $cssFiles[] = $cssEntry; } $cssEntry = $cssDir->read(); } sort($cssFiles); foreach ($cssFiles as $cssEntry) { echo "\n"; } ?> read()) { if (substr($jsEntry, strlen($jsEntry) - 3, 3) != '.js') continue; $jsFiles[] = $jsEntry; } sort($jsFiles); foreach ($jsFiles as $jsEntry) { echo "\n"; } // upgrade if pdf/profiles contain single files if (containsFiles('../config/profiles') || containsFiles('../config/pdf')) { $result = testPermissions(); if (sizeof($result) > 0) { StatusMessage('ERROR', 'Unable to migrate configuration files. Please allow write access to these paths:', implode('
', $result)); } else { upgradeConfigToServerProfileFolders($profiles); StatusMessage('INFO', 'Config file migration finished.'); } } if (isLAMProVersion() && $licenseValidator->isEvaluationLicense()) { StatusMessage('INFO', _('Evaluation Licence')); } // set focus on password field if (!empty($config_object)) { echo "\n"; } ?>

"; } } // check TLS $useTLS = $config_object->getUseTLS(); if (isset($useTLS) && ($useTLS == "yes")) { if (!function_exists('ldap_start_tls')) { StatusMessage("ERROR", "Your PHP installation does not support TLS encryption!"); echo "
"; } } } else { StatusMessage('WARN', _('Please enter the configuration and create a server profile.')); } // check if session expired if (isset($_GET['expired'])) { StatusMessage("ERROR", _("Your session expired, please log in again.")); echo "
"; } // check if main config was saved if (isset($_GET['confMainSavedOk'])) { StatusMessage("INFO", _("Your settings were successfully saved.")); echo "
"; } // check if a server profile was saved if (isset($_GET['configSaveOk'])) { StatusMessage("INFO", _("Your settings were successfully saved."), htmlspecialchars($_GET['configSaveFile'])); echo "
"; } elseif (isset($_GET['configSaveFailed'])) { StatusMessage("ERROR", _("Cannot open config file!"), htmlspecialchars($_GET['configSaveFile'])); echo "
"; } // check if self service was saved if (isset($_GET['selfserviceSaveOk'])) { StatusMessage("INFO", _("Your settings were successfully saved."), htmlspecialchars($_GET['selfserviceSaveOk'])); echo "
"; } if (isset($_GET['2factor']) && ($_GET['2factor'] == 'error')) { StatusMessage('ERROR', _("Unable to start 2-factor authentication.")); echo "
"; } elseif (isset($_GET['2factor']) && ($_GET['2factor'] == 'noToken')) { StatusMessage('ERROR', _("Unable to start 2-factor authentication because no tokens were found.")); echo "
"; } if (!empty($config_object)) { ?>

add(new htmlSpacer(null, '30px'), 0, 12, 12); // user name $row->addLabel(new htmlOutputText(_("User name"))); if ($config_object->getLoginMethod() == LAMConfig::LOGIN_LIST) { $admins = $config_object->get_Admins(); $adminList = array(); foreach ($admins as $admin) { $text = explode(",", $admin); $text = explode("=", $text[0]); if (isset($text[1])) { $adminList[$text[1]] = $admin; } else { $adminList[$text[0]] = $admin; } } $selectedAdmin = array(); if (isset($_POST['username']) && in_array($_POST['username'], $adminList)) { $selectedAdmin = array($_POST['username']); } $userSelect = new htmlSelect('username', $adminList, $selectedAdmin); $userSelect->setHasDescriptiveElements(true); $userSelect->setTransformSingleSelect(false); $userSelect->alignment = htmlElement::ALIGN_LEFT; $row->addField($userSelect); } else { if ($config_object->getHttpAuthentication() == 'true') { $httpAuth = new htmlDiv(null, new htmlOutputText($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] . ' ', false)); $httpAuth->setCSSClasses(array('text-left', 'margin3')); $row->addField($httpAuth); } else { $user = ''; if (isset($_COOKIE["lam_login_name"])) { $user = $_COOKIE["lam_login_name"]; } $userInput = new htmlDiv(null, new htmlInputField('username', $user)); $row->addField($userInput); } } // password $row->addLabel(new \htmlOutputText(_("Password"))); if (($config_object->getLoginMethod() == LAMConfig::LOGIN_SEARCH) && ($config_object->getHttpAuthentication() == 'true')) { $passwordInputFake = new htmlDiv(null, new htmlOutputText('**********')); $passwordInputFake->setCSSClasses(array('text-left', 'margin3')); $row->addField($passwordInputFake); } else { $passwordInput = new htmlInputField('passwd'); $passwordInput->setIsPassword(true); $passwordInput->setFieldSize('20px'); $row->addField($passwordInput); } // language $row->addLabel(new htmlOutputText(_("Language"))); $possibleLanguages = getLanguages(); $languageList = array(); $defaultLanguage = array(); foreach ($possibleLanguages as $lang) { $languageList[$lang->description] = $lang->code; if (strpos(trim($_SESSION["language"]), $lang->code) === 0) { $defaultLanguage[] = $lang->code; } } $languageSelect = new htmlSelect('language', $languageList, $defaultLanguage); $languageSelect->setHasDescriptiveElements(true); $row->addField($languageSelect, true); // remember login user if (($config_object->getLoginMethod() == LAMConfig::LOGIN_SEARCH) && !($config_object->getHttpAuthentication() == 'true')) { $row->add(new htmlOutputText(' ', false), 0, 6, 6); $rememberGroup = new htmlGroup(); $doRemember = false; if (isset($_COOKIE["lam_login_name"])) { $doRemember = true; } $rememberGroup->addElement(new htmlInputCheckbox('rememberLogin', $doRemember)); $rememberGroup->addElement(new htmlSpacer('1px', null)); $rememberGroup->addElement(new htmlOutputText(_('Remember user name'))); $rememberDiv = new htmlDiv(null, $rememberGroup); $rememberDiv->setCSSClasses(array('text-left', 'margin3')); $row->add($rememberDiv, 12, 6, 6); } // login button $row->add(new htmlSpacer(null, '20px'), 12); $row->add(new htmlButton('checklogin', _("Login")), 12); // error message if(!empty($error_message)) { $row->add(new \htmlSpacer(null, '5px'), 12); $message = new htmlStatusMessage('ERROR', $error_message); $message->colspan = 3; $row->add($message, 12); } parseHtml(null, $row, array(), false, $tabindex, 'user'); ?>

addLabel(new htmlOutputText(_("LDAP server"))); $serverUrl = new htmlOutputText($config_object->getServerDisplayNameGUI()); $serverUrlDiv = new htmlDiv(null, $serverUrl); $serverUrlDiv->setCSSClasses(array('text-left', 'margin3')); $row->addField($serverUrlDiv); $row->addLabel(new htmlOutputText(_("Server profile"))); $profileSelect = new htmlSelect('profile', $profiles, array($_SESSION['config']->getName())); $profileSelect->setOnchangeEvent('loginProfileChanged(this)'); $row->addField($profileSelect); parseHtml(null, $row, array(), true, $tabindex, 'user'); ?>

isExpiringSoon()) { $licenseMessage = sprintf(_('Your licence expires on %s.'), $licenseValidator->getLicense()->getExpirationDate()->format('Y-m-d')); StatusMessage('WARN', $licenseMessage); } ?>

getLoginMethod() == LAMConfig::LOGIN_SEARCH) && ($_SESSION['config']->getHttpAuthentication() == 'true')) { $username = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; $password = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']; } else { if (isset($_POST['rememberLogin']) && ($_POST['rememberLogin'] == 'on')) { setcookie('lam_login_name', $_POST['username'], time() + 60*60*24*365, '/', null, null, true); } else if (isset($_COOKIE['lam_login_name']) && ($_SESSION['config']->getLoginMethod() == LAMConfig::LOGIN_SEARCH)) { setcookie('lam_login_name', '', time() + 60*60*24*365, '/', null, null, true); } if($_POST['passwd'] == "") { logNewMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "Empty password for login"); $error_message = _("Empty password submitted. Please try again."); display_LoginPage($_SESSION['config'], $_SESSION["cfgMain"], $licenseValidator, $error_message); // Empty password submitted. Return to login page. exit(); } $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['passwd']; } // search user in LDAP if needed if ($_SESSION['config']->getLoginMethod() == LAMConfig::LOGIN_SEARCH) { $searchFilter = $_SESSION['config']->getLoginSearchFilter(); $searchFilter = str_replace('%USER%', $username ,$searchFilter); $searchDN = ''; $searchPassword = ''; if (!empty($_SESSION['config']->getLoginSearchDN())) { $searchDN = $_SESSION['config']->getLoginSearchDN(); $searchPassword = $_SESSION['config']->getLoginSearchPassword(); } $searchSuccess = true; $searchError = ''; $searchLDAP = new Ldap($_SESSION['config']); $searchLDAPResult = $searchLDAP->connect($searchDN, $searchPassword, true); if (! ($searchLDAPResult == 0)) { $searchSuccess = false; $searchError = _('Cannot connect to specified LDAP server. Please try again.') . ' ' . getDefaultLDAPErrorString($searchLDAP->server()); } else { $searchResult = ldap_search($searchLDAP->server(), $_SESSION['config']->getLoginSearchSuffix(), $searchFilter, array('dn'), 0, 0, 0, LDAP_DEREF_NEVER); if ($searchResult) { $searchInfo = ldap_get_entries($searchLDAP->server(), $searchResult); if ($searchInfo) { cleanLDAPResult($searchInfo); if (sizeof($searchInfo) == 0) { $searchSuccess = false; $searchError = _('Wrong password/user name combination. Please try again.'); } elseif (sizeof($searchInfo) > 1) { $searchSuccess = false; $searchError = _('The given user name matches multiple LDAP entries.'); } else { $username = $searchInfo[0]['dn']; } } else { $searchSuccess = false; $searchError = _('Unable to find the user name in LDAP.'); if (ldap_errno($searchLDAP->server()) != 0) $searchError .= ' ' . getDefaultLDAPErrorString($searchLDAP->server()); } } else { $searchSuccess = false; $searchError = _('Unable to find the user name in LDAP.'); if (ldap_errno($searchLDAP->server()) != 0) $searchError .= ' ' . getDefaultLDAPErrorString($searchLDAP->server()); } } if (!$searchSuccess) { $error_message = $searchError; logNewMessage(LOG_ERR, 'User ' . $username . ' (' . $clientSource . ') failed to log in. ' . $searchError . ''); $searchLDAP->close(); display_LoginPage($_SESSION['config'], $_SESSION["cfgMain"], $licenseValidator, $error_message); exit(); } $searchLDAP->close(); } // try to connect to LDAP $result = $_SESSION['ldap']->connect($username, $password); // Connect to LDAP server for verifing username/password if($result === 0) {// Username/password correct. Do some configuration and load main frame. $_SESSION['loggedIn'] = true; // set security settings for session $_SESSION['sec_session_id'] = session_id(); $_SESSION['sec_client_ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $_SESSION['sec_sessionTime'] = time(); addSecurityTokenToSession(); // logging logNewMessage(LOG_NOTICE, 'User ' . $username . ' (' . $clientSource . ') successfully logged in.'); // Load main frame or 2 factor page if ($_SESSION['config']->getTwoFactorAuthentication() == TwoFactorProviderService::TWO_FACTOR_NONE) { metaRefresh("./main.php"); } else { $_SESSION['2factorRequired'] = true; if (($_SESSION['config']->getLoginMethod() == LAMConfig::LOGIN_SEARCH) && ($_SESSION['config']->getHttpAuthentication() == 'true')) { $_SESSION['user2factor'] = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; } else { $_SESSION['user2factor'] = $_POST['username']; } metaRefresh("./login2Factor.php"); } die(); } else { if ($result === False) { // connection failed $error_message = _("Cannot connect to specified LDAP server. Please try again."); logNewMessage(LOG_ERR, 'User ' . $username . ' (' . $clientSource . ') failed to log in (LDAP error: ' . ldap_err2str($result) . ').'); } elseif ($result == 81) { // connection failed $error_message = _("Cannot connect to specified LDAP server. Please try again."); logNewMessage(LOG_ERR, 'User ' . $username . ' (' . $clientSource . ') failed to log in (LDAP error: ' . ldap_err2str($result) . ').'); } elseif ($result == 49) { // user name/password invalid. Return to login page. $error_message = _("Wrong password/user name combination. Please try again."); logNewMessage(LOG_ERR, 'User ' . $username . ' (' . $clientSource . ') failed to log in (wrong password).'); } else { // other errors $error_message = _("LDAP error, server says:") . "\n
($result) " . ldap_err2str($result); logNewMessage(LOG_ERR, 'User ' . $username . ' (' . $clientSource . ') failed to log in (LDAP error: ' . ldap_err2str($result) . ').'); } display_LoginPage($_SESSION['config'], $_SESSION["cfgMain"], $licenseValidator, $error_message); exit(); } } //displays the login window display_LoginPage($_SESSION["config"], $_SESSION["cfgMain"], $licenseValidator, $error_message); ?>