get_type(); // Get PDF structure from xml file $load = \LAM\PDF\loadPDFStructure($account_type->getId(), $pdf_structure); $structure = $load['structure']; // get list of PDF keys $pdfKeys = array(); foreach($structure as $entry) { if ($entry['tag'] == "SECTION" && $entry['type'] == "open") { $key = $entry['attributes']['NAME']; // only values with a starting "_" are keys if (strpos($key, '_') === 0) { $pdfKeys[] = substr($key, 1); } } if ($entry['tag'] == "ENTRY") { $pdfKeys[] = $entry['attributes']['NAME']; } } $pdfKeys = array_unique($pdfKeys); // The decimal separator must be a dot in order to write pdf-files setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); $fontName = "BitstreamVeraSans-Roman"; // Create a new PDF file acording to the account type $pdf = new \lamPDF($load['page_definitions'],$fontName); // Loop over each account and add a new page in the PDF file for it foreach($accounts as $account) { // Start a new page for each account $pdf->AddPage(); // Get PDF entries for the current account $entries = $account->get_pdfEntries($pdfKeys); // Now create the PDF file acording to the structure with the submitted values foreach($structure as $entry) { // We have a new section to start if($entry['tag'] == "SECTION" && $entry['type'] == "open") { $name = $entry['attributes']['NAME']; if(preg_match("/^_[a-zA-Z_]+/",$name)) { $section_headline = getSectionHeadline($entries[substr($name,1)][0]); } else { $section_headline = $name; } $pdf->setFont($fontName, "B", LAMPDF_FONT_SIZE_BIG); $pdf->Write(0,$section_headline . ":"); $pdf->Ln(LAMPDF_LINEHEIGHT); } // We have a section to end elseif($entry['tag'] == "SECTION" && $entry['type'] == "close") { $pdf->Ln(LAMPDF_LINEHEIGHT * 2); } // We have to include a static text. elseif($entry['tag'] == "TEXT") { $pdf->setFont($fontName, "", LAMPDF_FONT_SIZE); $info_string = str_replace("\r", "", $entry['value']); $info_string = explode("\n", $info_string); foreach ($info_string as $text) { $pdf->MultiCell(0, LAMPDF_LINEHEIGHT, trim($text), 0, "L", 0); $pdf->Ln(0); } $pdf->Ln(LAMPDF_LINEHEIGHT * 2); } // We have to include an entry from the account elseif($entry['tag'] == "ENTRY") { // Get name of current entry $name = $entry['attributes']['NAME']; // skip non-existent entries if (isset($entries[$name])) { // Get current entry $valueEntries = $entries[$name]; // Print entry only when module sumitted values for it if(is_array($valueEntries)) { // Loop over all rows of this entry (most of the time this will be just one) foreach($valueEntries as $valueEntry) { if ($valueEntry instanceof PDFLabelValue) { printLabelValue($pdf, $valueEntry, $fontName); } else if ($valueEntry instanceof PDFTable) { printTable($pdf, $valueEntry, $fontName); } } } } } } } // Close PDF $pdf->Close(); if (!$returnAsString) { // use timestamp and random number from as filename so it should be unique. $filename = '../../tmp/' . getRandomNumber() . time() .'.pdf'; // Save PDF $pdf->Output($filename); chmod($filename, 0640); // return PDF file name return $filename; } else { return $pdf->Output('', 'S'); } } /** * Creates a section headline. * * @param PDFEntry $entry content entry * * @return string headline */ function getSectionHeadline($entry) { return $entry->getHeadline(); } /** * Prints a PDFLabelValue entry. * * @param lamPDF $pdf PDF * @param PDFLabelValue $valueEntry entry * @param string $fontName font name */ function printLabelValue(&$pdf, $valueEntry, $fontName) { $pdf->SetFont($fontName, 'B', LAMPDF_FONT_SIZE); $pdf->Cell(LAMPDF_LABELWIDTH, LAMPDF_LINEHEIGHT, $valueEntry->getLabel() . ':', 0, 0, 'R', 0); $pdf->SetFont($fontName, '', LAMPDF_FONT_SIZE); $pdf->MultiCell(0, LAMPDF_LINEHEIGHT, $valueEntry->getValue(), 0, 'L', 0); $pdf->Ln(0); } /** * Prints a PDFTable entry. * * @param lamPDF $pdf PDF * @param PDFTable $table entry * @param string $fontName font name */ function printTable(&$pdf, $table, $fontName) { if (!empty($table->getHeadline())) { $pdf->SetFont($fontName, 'B', LAMPDF_FONT_SIZE); $pdf->Cell(LAMPDF_LABELWIDTH, LAMPDF_LINEHEIGHT, $table->getHeadline() . ':', 0 , 0, 'L', 0); $pdf->Ln(LAMPDF_LINEHEIGHT); } foreach ($table->rows as $row) { foreach ($row->cells as $cell) { $width = $cell->width; if (!empty($width) && (strpos($width, '%') !== false)) { $width = ceil(LAMPDF_LINEWIDTH * substr($width, 0, -1) / 100); } if ($cell->bold) { $pdf->SetFont($fontName, 'B', LAMPDF_FONT_SIZE); } $pdf->Cell($width, LAMPDF_LINEHEIGHT, $cell->content, 0, 0, $cell->align, 0); if ($cell->bold) { $pdf->SetFont($fontName, '', LAMPDF_FONT_SIZE); } } $pdf->Ln(LAMPDF_LINEHEIGHT); } $pdf->Ln(LAMPDF_LINEHEIGHT); } /** * Common interface for all PDF entries. * * @package PDF * @author Roland Gruber */ interface PDFEntry { /** * Returns the head line of the entry. * * @return string label */ public function getHeadline(); } /** * Represents a table for PDF export. * * @package PDF * @author Roland Gruber */ class PDFTable implements PDFEntry { /** optional label of table */ private $label = ''; /** list of PDFTableRow elements */ public $rows = array(); /** * Constructor * * @param String $label label */ public function __construct($label = null) { $this->label = $label; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see PDFEntry::getHeadline() */ public function getHeadline() { return $this->label; } } /** * Represents a table row for PDF export. * * @package PDF * @author Roland Gruber */ class PDFTableRow { /** list of PDFTableCell */ public $cells = array(); } /** * Represents a table cell for PDF export. * * @package PDF * @author Roland Gruber */ class PDFTableCell { const ALIGN_LEFT = 'L'; const ALIGN_RIGHT = 'R'; const ALIGN_CENTER = 'C'; /** content text of cell */ public $content = ''; /** text alignment */ public $align = self::ALIGN_LEFT; /** cell width (e.g. "20%") */ public $width = null; /** bold text */ public $bold = false; /** * Constructor. * * @param String $content cell content * @param String $width width (e.g. "20%") * @param String $align cell alignment (default: left) * @param boolean $bold print in bold */ public function __construct($content, $width = null, $align = null, $bold = false) { $this->content = empty($content) ? ' ' : $content; $this->align = ($align == null) ? self::ALIGN_LEFT : $align; $this->width = $width; $this->bold = $bold; } } /** * Simple PDF object to print label value entries. * * @package PDF * @author Roland Gruber */ class PDFLabelValue implements PDFEntry { private $label = ''; private $value = ''; /** * Constructor * * @param string $label label * @param string $value value */ public function __construct($label, $value) { $this->label = $label; $this->value = $value; } /** * Returns the label. * * @return string $label label */ public function getLabel() { return $this->label; } /** * Returns the value. * * @return string $value value */ public function getValue() { return $this->value; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see PDFEntry::getHeadline() */ public function getHeadline() { return $this->value; } }