/** * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2018, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license */ ( function() { /** * Represents an HTML data processor, which is responsible for translating and * transforming the editor data on input and output. * * @class * @extends CKEDITOR.dataProcessor * @constructor Creates an htmlDataProcessor class instance. * @param {CKEDITOR.editor} editor */ CKEDITOR.htmlDataProcessor = function( editor ) { var dataFilter, htmlFilter, that = this; this.editor = editor; /** * Data filter used when processing input by {@link #toHtml}. * * @property {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter} */ this.dataFilter = dataFilter = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter(); /** * HTML filter used when processing output by {@link #toDataFormat}. * * @property {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter} */ this.htmlFilter = htmlFilter = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter(); /** * The HTML writer used by this data processor to format the output. * * @property {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter} */ this.writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter(); dataFilter.addRules( defaultDataFilterRulesEditableOnly ); dataFilter.addRules( defaultDataFilterRulesForAll, { applyToAll: true } ); dataFilter.addRules( createBogusAndFillerRules( editor, 'data' ), { applyToAll: true } ); htmlFilter.addRules( defaultHtmlFilterRulesEditableOnly ); htmlFilter.addRules( defaultHtmlFilterRulesForAll, { applyToAll: true } ); htmlFilter.addRules( createBogusAndFillerRules( editor, 'html' ), { applyToAll: true } ); editor.on( 'toHtml', function( evt ) { var evtData = evt.data, data = evtData.dataValue, fixBodyTag; // The source data is already HTML, but we need to clean // it up and apply the filter. data = protectSource( data, editor ); // Protect content of textareas. (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/9995) // Do this before protecting attributes to avoid breaking: // data = protectElements( data, protectTextareaRegex ); // Before anything, we must protect the URL attributes as the // browser may changing them when setting the innerHTML later in // the code. data = protectAttributes( data ); // Protect elements than can't be set inside a DIV. E.g. IE removes // style tags from innerHTML. (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/3710) data = protectElements( data, protectElementsRegex ); // Certain elements has problem to go through DOM operation, protect // them by prefixing 'cke' namespace. (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/3591) data = protectElementsNames( data ); // All none-IE browsers ignore self-closed custom elements, // protecting them into open-close. (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/3591) data = protectSelfClosingElements( data ); // Compensate one leading line break after
 open as browsers
			// eat it up. (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/5789)
			data = protectPreFormatted( data );

			// There are attributes which may execute JavaScript code inside fixBin.
			// Encode them greedily. They will be unprotected right after getting HTML from fixBin. (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/10)
			data = protectInsecureAttributes( data );

			var fixBin = evtData.context || editor.editable().getName(),

			// Old IEs loose formats when load html into 
			if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.version < 9 && fixBin == 'pre' ) {
				fixBin = 'div';
				data = '
' + data + '
'; isPre = 1; } // Call the browser to help us fixing a possibly invalid HTML // structure. var el = editor.document.createElement( fixBin ); // Add fake character to workaround IE comments bug. (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/3801) el.setHtml( 'a' + data ); data = el.getHtml().substr( 1 ); // Restore shortly protected attribute names. data = data.replace( new RegExp( 'data-cke-' + CKEDITOR.rnd + '-', 'ig' ), '' ); isPre && ( data = data.replace( /^
|<\/pre>$/gi, '' ) );

			// Unprotect "some" of the protected elements at this point.
			data = unprotectElementNames( data );

			data = unprotectElements( data );

			// Restore the comments that have been protected, in this way they
			// can be properly filtered.
			data = unprotectRealComments( data );

			if ( evtData.fixForBody === false ) {
				fixBodyTag = false;
			} else {
				fixBodyTag = getFixBodyTag( evtData.enterMode, editor.config.autoParagraph );

			// Now use our parser to make further fixes to the structure, as
			// well as apply the filter.
			data = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( data, evtData.context, fixBodyTag );

			// The empty root element needs to be fixed by adding 'p' or 'div' into it.
			// This avoids the need to create that element on the first focus (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/12630).
			if ( fixBodyTag ) {
				fixEmptyRoot( data, fixBodyTag );

			evtData.dataValue = data;
		}, null, null, 5 );

		// Filter incoming "data".
		// Add element filter before htmlDataProcessor.dataFilter when purifying input data to correct html.
		editor.on( 'toHtml', function( evt ) {
			if ( evt.data.filter.applyTo( evt.data.dataValue, true, evt.data.dontFilter, evt.data.enterMode ) )
				editor.fire( 'dataFiltered' );
		}, null, null, 6 );

		editor.on( 'toHtml', function( evt ) {
			evt.data.dataValue.filterChildren( that.dataFilter, true );
		}, null, null, 10 );

		editor.on( 'toHtml', function( evt ) {
			var evtData = evt.data,
				data = evtData.dataValue,
				writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter();

			data.writeChildrenHtml( writer );
			data = writer.getHtml( true );

			// Protect the real comments again.
			evtData.dataValue = protectRealComments( data );
		}, null, null, 15 );

		editor.on( 'toDataFormat', function( evt ) {
			var data = evt.data.dataValue;

			// https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/10854 - we need to strip leading blockless 
which FF adds // automatically when editable contains only non-editable content. // We do that for every browser (so it's a constant behavior) and // not in BR mode, in which chance of valid leading blockless
is higher. if ( evt.data.enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR ) data = data.replace( /^
/i, '' ); evt.data.dataValue = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( data, evt.data.context, getFixBodyTag( evt.data.enterMode, editor.config.autoParagraph ) ); }, null, null, 5 ); editor.on( 'toDataFormat', function( evt ) { evt.data.dataValue.filterChildren( that.htmlFilter, true ); }, null, null, 10 ); // Transform outcoming "data". // Add element filter after htmlDataProcessor.htmlFilter when preparing output data HTML. editor.on( 'toDataFormat', function( evt ) { evt.data.filter.applyTo( evt.data.dataValue, false, true ); }, null, null, 11 ); editor.on( 'toDataFormat', function( evt ) { var data = evt.data.dataValue, writer = that.writer; writer.reset(); data.writeChildrenHtml( writer ); data = writer.getHtml( true ); // Restore those non-HTML protected source. (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/4475,https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/4880) data = unprotectRealComments( data ); data = unprotectSource( data, editor ); evt.data.dataValue = data; }, null, null, 15 ); }; CKEDITOR.htmlDataProcessor.prototype = { /** * Processes the (potentially malformed) input HTML to a purified form which * is suitable for using in the WYSIWYG editable. * * This method fires the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#toHtml} event which makes it possible * to hook into the process at various stages. * * **Note:** Since CKEditor 4.3 the signature of this method changed and all options * are now grouped in one `options` object. Previously `context`, `fixForBody` and `dontFilter` * were passed separately. * * @param {String} data The raw data. * @param {Object} [options] The options object. * @param {String} [options.context] The tag name of a context element within which * the input is to be processed, defaults to the editable element. * If `null` is passed, then data will be parsed without context (as children of {@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment}). * See {@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment#fromHtml} for more details. * @param {Boolean} [options.fixForBody=true] Whether to trigger the auto paragraph for non-block content. * @param {CKEDITOR.filter} [options.filter] When specified, instead of using the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#filter main filter}, * the passed instance will be used to filter the content. * @param {Boolean} [options.dontFilter] Do not filter data with {@link CKEDITOR.filter} (note: transformations * will still be applied). * @param {Number} [options.enterMode] When specified, it will be used instead of the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#enterMode main enterMode}. * @param {Boolean} [options.protectedWhitespaces] Indicates that content was wrapped with `` elements to preserve * leading and trailing whitespaces. Option used by the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#method-insertHtml} method. * @returns {String} */ toHtml: function( data, options, fixForBody, dontFilter ) { var editor = this.editor, context, filter, enterMode, protectedWhitespaces; // Typeof null == 'object', so check truthiness of options too. if ( options && typeof options == 'object' ) { context = options.context; fixForBody = options.fixForBody; dontFilter = options.dontFilter; filter = options.filter; enterMode = options.enterMode; protectedWhitespaces = options.protectedWhitespaces; } // Backward compatibility. Since CKEDITOR 4.3 every option was a separate argument. else { context = options; } // Fall back to the editable as context if not specified. if ( !context && context !== null ) context = editor.editable().getName(); return editor.fire( 'toHtml', { dataValue: data, context: context, fixForBody: fixForBody, dontFilter: dontFilter, filter: filter || editor.filter, enterMode: enterMode || editor.enterMode, protectedWhitespaces: protectedWhitespaces } ).dataValue; }, /** * See {@link CKEDITOR.dataProcessor#toDataFormat}. * * This method fires the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#toDataFormat} event which makes it possible * to hook into the process at various stages. * * @param {String} html * @param {Object} [options] The options object. * @param {String} [options.context] The tag name of the context element within which * the input is to be processed, defaults to the editable element. * @param {CKEDITOR.filter} [options.filter] When specified, instead of using the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#filter main filter}, * the passed instance will be used to apply content transformations to the content. * @param {Number} [options.enterMode] When specified, it will be used instead of the {@link CKEDITOR.editor#enterMode main enterMode}. * @returns {String} */ toDataFormat: function( html, options ) { var context, filter, enterMode; // Do not shorten this to `options && options.xxx`, because // falsy `options` will be passed instead of undefined. if ( options ) { context = options.context; filter = options.filter; enterMode = options.enterMode; } // Fall back to the editable as context if not specified. if ( !context && context !== null ) context = this.editor.editable().getName(); return this.editor.fire( 'toDataFormat', { dataValue: html, filter: filter || this.editor.filter, context: context, enterMode: enterMode || this.editor.enterMode } ).dataValue; } }; // Produce a set of filtering rules that handles bogus and filler node at the // end of block/pseudo block, in the following consequence: // 1. elements: - this filter removes any bogus node, then check // if it's an empty block that requires a filler. // 2. elements:
- After cleaned with bogus, this filter checks the real // line-break BR to compensate a filler after it. // // Terms definitions: // filler: An element that's either
or &NBSP; at the end of block that established line height. // bogus: Whenever a filler is proceeded with inline content, it becomes a bogus which is subjected to be removed. // // Various forms of the filler: // In output HTML: Filler should be consistently &NBSP;
at the end of block is always considered as bogus. // In Wysiwyg HTML: Browser dependent - see env.needsBrFiller. Either BR for when needsBrFiller is true, or &NBSP; otherwise. //
is NEVER considered as bogus when needsBrFiller is true. function createBogusAndFillerRules( editor, type ) { function createFiller( isOutput ) { return isOutput || CKEDITOR.env.needsNbspFiller ? new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text( '\xa0' ) : new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( 'br', { 'data-cke-bogus': 1 } ); } // This text block filter, remove any bogus and create the filler on demand. function blockFilter( isOutput, fillEmptyBlock ) { return function( block ) { // DO NOT apply the filler if it's a fragment node. if ( block.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT ) return; cleanBogus( block ); // Add fillers to input (always) and to output (if fillEmptyBlock is ok with that). var shouldFillBlock = !isOutput || ( typeof fillEmptyBlock == 'function' ? fillEmptyBlock( block ) : fillEmptyBlock ) !== false; if ( shouldFillBlock && isEmptyBlockNeedFiller( block ) ) { block.add( createFiller( isOutput ) ); } }; } // Append a filler right after the last line-break BR, found at the end of block. function brFilter( isOutput ) { return function( br ) { // DO NOT apply the filer if parent's a fragment node. if ( br.parent.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT ) return; var attrs = br.attributes; // Dismiss BRs that are either bogus or eol marker. if ( 'data-cke-bogus' in attrs || 'data-cke-eol' in attrs ) { delete attrs [ 'data-cke-bogus' ]; return; } // Judge the tail line-break BR, and to insert bogus after it. var next = getNext( br ), previous = getPrevious( br ); if ( !next && isBlockBoundary( br.parent ) ) append( br.parent, createFiller( isOutput ) ); else if ( isBlockBoundary( next ) && previous && !isBlockBoundary( previous ) ) createFiller( isOutput ).insertBefore( next ); }; } // Determinate whether this node is potentially a bogus node. function maybeBogus( node, atBlockEnd ) { // BR that's not from IE<11 DOM, except for a EOL marker. if ( !( isOutput && !CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller ) && node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.name == 'br' && !node.attributes[ 'data-cke-eol' ] ) { return true; } var match; // NBSP, possibly. if ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && ( match = node.value.match( tailNbspRegex ) ) ) { // We need to separate tail NBSP out of a text node, for later removal. if ( match.index ) { ( new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text( node.value.substring( 0, match.index ) ) ).insertBefore( node ); node.value = match[ 0 ]; } // From IE<11 DOM, at the end of a text block, or before block boundary. if ( !CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller && isOutput && ( !atBlockEnd || node.parent.name in textBlockTags ) ) return true; // From the output. if ( !isOutput ) { var previous = node.previous; // Following a line-break at the end of block. if ( previous && previous.name == 'br' ) return true; // Or a single NBSP between two blocks. if ( !previous || isBlockBoundary( previous ) ) return true; } } return false; } // Removes all bogus inside of this block, and to convert fillers into the proper form. function cleanBogus( block ) { var bogus = []; var last = getLast( block ), node, previous; if ( last ) { // Check for bogus at the end of this block. // e.g.


maybeBogus( last, 1 ) && bogus.push( last ); while ( last ) { // Check for bogus at the end of any pseudo block contained. if ( isBlockBoundary( last ) && ( node = getPrevious( last ) ) && maybeBogus( node ) ) { // Bogus must have inline proceeding, instead single BR between two blocks, // is considered as filler, e.g.

if ( ( previous = getPrevious( node ) ) && !isBlockBoundary( previous ) ) bogus.push( node ); // Convert the filler into appropriate form. else { createFiller( isOutput ).insertAfter( node ); node.remove(); } } last = last.previous; } } // Now remove all bogus collected from above. for ( var i = 0 ; i < bogus.length ; i++ ) bogus[ i ].remove(); } // Judge whether it's an empty block that requires a filler node. function isEmptyBlockNeedFiller( block ) { // DO NOT fill empty editable in IE<11. if ( !isOutput && !CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller && block.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT ) return false; // 1. For IE version >=8, empty blocks are displayed correctly themself in wysiwiyg; // 2. For the rest, at least table cell and list item need no filler space. (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/6248) if ( !isOutput && !CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller && ( document.documentMode > 7 || block.name in CKEDITOR.dtd.tr || block.name in CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem ) ) { return false; } var last = getLast( block ); return !last || block.name == 'form' && last.name == 'input' ; } var rules = { elements: {} }, isOutput = type == 'html', textBlockTags = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, blockLikeTags ); // Build the list of text blocks. for ( var i in textBlockTags ) { if ( !( '#' in dtd[ i ] ) ) delete textBlockTags[ i ]; } for ( i in textBlockTags ) rules.elements[ i ] = blockFilter( isOutput, editor.config.fillEmptyBlocks ); // Editable element has to be checked separately. rules.root = blockFilter( isOutput, false ); rules.elements.br = brFilter( isOutput ); return rules; } function getFixBodyTag( enterMode, autoParagraph ) { return ( enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR && autoParagraph !== false ) ? enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV ? 'div' : 'p' : false; } // Regex to scan for   at the end of blocks, which are actually placeholders. // Safari transforms the   to \xa0. (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/4172) var tailNbspRegex = /(?: |\xa0)$/; var protectedSourceMarker = '{cke_protected}'; function getLast( node ) { var last = node.children[ node.children.length - 1 ]; while ( last && isEmpty( last ) ) last = last.previous; return last; } function getNext( node ) { var next = node.next; while ( next && isEmpty( next ) ) next = next.next; return next; } function getPrevious( node ) { var previous = node.previous; while ( previous && isEmpty( previous ) ) previous = previous.previous; return previous; } // Judge whether the node is an ghost node to be ignored, when traversing. function isEmpty( node ) { return node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && !CKEDITOR.tools.trim( node.value ) || node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.attributes[ 'data-cke-bookmark' ]; } // Judge whether the node is a block-like element. function isBlockBoundary( node ) { return node && ( node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node.name in blockLikeTags || node.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT ); } function append( parent, node ) { var last = parent.children[ parent.children.length - 1 ]; parent.children.push( node ); node.parent = parent; if ( last ) { last.next = node; node.previous = last; } } function getNodeIndex( node ) { return node.parent ? node.getIndex() : -1; } var dtd = CKEDITOR.dtd, // Define orders of table elements. tableOrder = [ 'caption', 'colgroup', 'col', 'thead', 'tfoot', 'tbody' ], // List of all block elements. blockLikeTags = CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, dtd.$blockLimit, dtd.$block ); // // DATA filter rules ------------------------------------------------------ // var defaultDataFilterRulesEditableOnly = { elements: { input: protectReadOnly, textarea: protectReadOnly } }; // These rules will also be applied to non-editable content. var defaultDataFilterRulesForAll = { attributeNames: [ // Event attributes (onXYZ) must not be directly set. They can become // active in the editing area (IE|WebKit). [ ( /^on/ ), 'data-cke-pa-on' ], // Prevent iframe's srcdoc attribute from being evaluated in the editable. [ ( /^srcdoc/ ), 'data-cke-pa-srcdoc' ], // Don't let some old expando enter editor. Concerns only IE8, // but for consistency remove on all browsers. [ ( /^data-cke-expando$/ ), '' ] ], elements: { // Prevent iframe's src attribute with javascript code or data protocol from being evaluated in the editable. iframe: function( element ) { if ( element.attributes && element.attributes.src ) { var src = element.attributes.src.toLowerCase().replace( /[^a-z]/gi, '' ); if ( src.indexOf( 'javascript' ) === 0 || src.indexOf( 'data' ) === 0 ) { element.attributes[ 'data-cke-pa-src' ] = element.attributes.src; delete element.attributes.src; } } } } }; // Disable form elements editing mode provided by some browsers. (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/5746) function protectReadOnly( element ) { var attrs = element.attributes; // We should flag that the element was locked by our code so // it'll be editable by the editor functions (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/6046). if ( attrs.contenteditable != 'false' ) attrs[ 'data-cke-editable' ] = attrs.contenteditable ? 'true' : 1; attrs.contenteditable = 'false'; } // // HTML filter rules ------------------------------------------------------ // var defaultHtmlFilterRulesEditableOnly = { elements: { embed: function( element ) { var parent = element.parent; // If the is child of a , copy the width // and height attributes from it. if ( parent && parent.name == 'object' ) { var parentWidth = parent.attributes.width, parentHeight = parent.attributes.height; if ( parentWidth ) element.attributes.width = parentWidth; if ( parentHeight ) element.attributes.height = parentHeight; } }, // Remove empty link but not empty anchor. (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/3829, https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/13516) a: function( element ) { var attrs = element.attributes; if ( !( element.children.length || attrs.name || attrs.id || element.attributes[ 'data-cke-saved-name' ] ) ) return false; } } }; // These rules will also be applied to non-editable content. var defaultHtmlFilterRulesForAll = { elementNames: [ // Remove the "cke:" namespace prefix. [ ( /^cke:/ ), '' ], // Ignore tags. [ ( /^\?xml:namespace$/ ), '' ] ], attributeNames: [ // Attributes saved for changes and protected attributes. [ ( /^data-cke-(saved|pa)-/ ), '' ], // All "data-cke-" attributes are to be ignored. [ ( /^data-cke-.*/ ), '' ], [ 'hidefocus', '' ] ], elements: { $: function( element ) { var attribs = element.attributes; if ( attribs ) { // Elements marked as temporary are to be ignored. if ( attribs[ 'data-cke-temp' ] ) return false; // Remove duplicated attributes - https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/3789. var attributeNames = [ 'name', 'href', 'src' ], savedAttributeName; for ( var i = 0; i < attributeNames.length; i++ ) { savedAttributeName = 'data-cke-saved-' + attributeNames[ i ]; savedAttributeName in attribs && ( delete attribs[ attributeNames[ i ] ] ); } } return element; }, // The contents of table should be in correct order (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/4809). table: function( element ) { // Clone the array as it would become empty during the sort call. var children = element.children.slice( 0 ); children.sort( function( node1, node2 ) { var index1, index2; // Compare in the predefined order. if ( node1.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && node2.type == node1.type ) { index1 = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( tableOrder, node1.name ); index2 = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( tableOrder, node2.name ); } // Make sure the sort is stable, if no order can be established above. if ( !( index1 > -1 && index2 > -1 && index1 != index2 ) ) { index1 = getNodeIndex( node1 ); index2 = getNodeIndex( node2 ); } return index1 > index2 ? 1 : -1; } ); }, // Restore param elements into self-closing. param: function( param ) { param.children = []; param.isEmpty = true; return param; }, // Remove dummy span in webkit. span: function( element ) { if ( element.attributes[ 'class' ] == 'Apple-style-span' ) delete element.name; }, html: function( element ) { delete element.attributes.contenteditable; delete element.attributes[ 'class' ]; }, body: function( element ) { delete element.attributes.spellcheck; delete element.attributes.contenteditable; }, style: function( element ) { var child = element.children[ 0 ]; if ( child && child.value ) child.value = CKEDITOR.tools.trim( child.value ); if ( !element.attributes.type ) element.attributes.type = 'text/css'; }, title: function( element ) { var titleText = element.children[ 0 ]; // Append text-node to title tag if not present (i.e. non-IEs) (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/9882). !titleText && append( element, titleText = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text() ); // Transfer data-saved title to title tag. titleText.value = element.attributes[ 'data-cke-title' ] || ''; }, input: unprotectReadyOnly, textarea: unprotectReadyOnly }, attributes: { 'class': function( value ) { // Remove all class names starting with "cke_". return CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim( value.replace( /(?:^|\s+)cke_[^\s]*/g, '' ) ) || false; } } }; if ( CKEDITOR.env.ie ) { // IE outputs style attribute in capital letters. We should convert // them back to lower case, while not hurting the values (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/5930) defaultHtmlFilterRulesForAll.attributes.style = function( value ) { return value.replace( /(^|;)([^\:]+)/g, function( match ) { return match.toLowerCase(); } ); }; } // Disable form elements editing mode provided by some browsers. (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/5746) function unprotectReadyOnly( element ) { var attrs = element.attributes; switch ( attrs[ 'data-cke-editable' ] ) { case 'true': attrs.contenteditable = 'true'; break; case '1': delete attrs.contenteditable; break; } } // // Preprocessor filters --------------------------------------------------- // var protectElementRegex = /<(a|area|img|input|source)\b([^>]*)>/gi, // Be greedy while looking for protected attributes. This will let us avoid an unfortunate // situation when "nested attributes", which may appear valid, are also protected. // I.e. if we consider the following HTML: // // // // then the "non-greedy match" returns: // // 'href' => '"X"' // It's wrong! Href is not an attribute of . // // while greedy match returns: // // 'data-x' => '<a href="X"' // // which, can be easily filtered out (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/11508). protectAttributeRegex = /([\w-:]+)\s*=\s*(?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:'[^']*')|(?:[^ "'>]+))/gi, protectAttributeNameRegex = /^(href|src|name)$/i; // Note: we use lazy star '*?' to prevent eating everything up to the last occurrence of or . var protectElementsRegex = /(?:])[^>]*>[\s\S]*?<\/style>)|(?:<(:?link|meta|base)[^>]*>)/gi, protectTextareaRegex = /(])[^>]*>)([\s\S]*?)(?:<\/textarea>)/gi, encodedElementsRegex = /([^<]*)<\/cke:encoded>/gi; var protectElementNamesRegex = /(<\/?)((?:object|embed|param|html|body|head|title)[^>]*>)/gi, unprotectElementNamesRegex = /(<\/?)cke:((?:html|body|head|title)[^>]*>)/gi; var protectSelfClosingRegex = /]*?)\/?>(?!\s*<\/cke:\1)/gi; function protectAttributes( html ) { return html.replace( protectElementRegex, function( element, tag, attributes ) { return '<' + tag + attributes.replace( protectAttributeRegex, function( fullAttr, attrName ) { // Avoid corrupting the inline event attributes (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/7243). // We should not rewrite the existed protected attributes, e.g. clipboard content from editor. (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/5218) if ( protectAttributeNameRegex.test( attrName ) && attributes.indexOf( 'data-cke-saved-' + attrName ) == -1 ) return ' data-cke-saved-' + fullAttr + ' data-cke-' + CKEDITOR.rnd + '-' + fullAttr; return fullAttr; } ) + '>'; } ); } function protectElements( html, regex ) { return html.replace( regex, function( match, tag, content ) { // Encode < and > in textarea because this won't be done by a browser, since // textarea will be protected during passing data through fix bin. if ( match.indexOf( '/g, '>' ) + ''; return '' + encodeURIComponent( match ) + ''; } ); } function unprotectElements( html ) { return html.replace( encodedElementsRegex, function( match, encoded ) { return decodeURIComponent( encoded ); } ); } function protectElementsNames( html ) { return html.replace( protectElementNamesRegex, '$1cke:$2' ); } function unprotectElementNames( html ) { return html.replace( unprotectElementNamesRegex, '$1$2' ); } function protectSelfClosingElements( html ) { return html.replace( protectSelfClosingRegex, '' ); } function protectPreFormatted( html ) { return html.replace( /(]*>)(\r\n|\n)/g, '$1$2$2' ); } function protectRealComments( html ) { return html.replace( //g, function( match ) { return ''; } ); } // Replace all "on\w{3,}" strings which are not: // * opening tags - e.g. ` (tested in "false positive 1"), // * part of other attribute - e.g. `data-onfoo` or `fonfoo`. function protectInsecureAttributes( html ) { return html.replace( /([^a-z0-9<\-])(on\w{3,})(?!>)/gi, '$1data-cke-' + CKEDITOR.rnd + '-$2' ); } function unprotectRealComments( html ) { return html.replace( //g, function( match, data ) { return decodeURIComponent( data ); } ); } function unprotectSource( html, editor ) { var store = editor._.dataStore; return html.replace( //g, function( match, data ) { return decodeURIComponent( data ); } ).replace( /\{cke_protected_(\d+)\}/g, function( match, id ) { return store && store[ id ] || ''; } ); } function protectSource( data, editor ) { var protectedHtml = [], protectRegexes = editor.config.protectedSource, store = editor._.dataStore || ( editor._.dataStore = { id: 1 } ), tempRegex = /<\!--\{cke_temp(comment)?\}(\d*?)-->/g; var regexes = [ // Script tags will also be forced to be protected, otherwise // IE will execute them. ( /|$)/gi ), //