get_Passwd()) { require('conflogin.php'); exit; } echo ("\n"); echo ("\n"); echo "listusers\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo ("

". "\"LDAP

"); // check new preferences if (!$serverurl) { echo ("" . _("Server Address is empty!") . ""); echo ("\n

" . _("Back to preferences...") . ""); exit; } if (!$admins) { echo ("" . _("List of admin users is empty!") . ""); echo ("\n

" . _("Back to preferences...") . ""); exit; } if (!$suffusers) { echo ("" . _("UserSuffix is empty!") . ""); echo ("\n

" . _("Back to preferences...") . ""); exit; } if (!$suffgroups) { echo ("" . _("UserSuffix is empty!") . ""); echo ("\n

" . _("Back to preferences...") . ""); exit; } if (!$suffhosts) { echo ("" . _("HostSuffix is empty!") . ""); echo ("\n

" . _("Back to preferences...") . ""); exit; } if (!$minUID) { echo ("" . _("MinUID is empty!") . ""); echo ("\n

" . _("Back to preferences...") . ""); exit; } if (!$maxUID) { echo ("" . _("MaxUID is empty!") . ""); echo ("\n

" . _("Back to preferences...") . ""); exit; } if (!$minGID) { echo ("" . _("MinGID is empty!") . ""); echo ("\n

" . _("Back to preferences...") . ""); exit; } if (!$maxGID) { echo ("" . _("MaxGID is empty!") . ""); echo ("\n

" . _("Back to preferences...") . ""); exit; } if (!$minMach) { echo ("" . _("MinMachine is empty!") . ""); echo ("\n

" . _("Back to preferences...") . ""); exit; } if (!$maxMach) { echo ("" . _("MaxMachine is empty!") . ""); echo ("\n

" . _("Back to preferences...") . ""); exit; } if (!$usrlstattr) { echo ("" . _("No attributes in user list!") . ""); echo ("\n

" . _("Back to preferences...") . ""); exit; } if (!$grplstattr) { echo ("" . _("No attributes in group list!") . ""); echo ("\n

" . _("Back to preferences...") . ""); exit; } if (!$hstlstattr) { echo ("" . _("No attributes in host list!") . ""); echo ("\n

" . _("Back to preferences...") . ""); exit; } if (!$maxlistentries) { echo ("" . _("Max list entries is empty!") . ""); echo ("\n

" . _("Back to preferences...") . ""); exit; } if (!$lang) { echo ("" . _("Language is not defined!") . ""); echo ("\n

" . _("Back to preferences...") . ""); exit; } if (!$samba3) { echo ("" . _("Samba version is not defined!") . ""); echo ("\n

" . _("Back to preferences...") . ""); exit; } if (($samba3 == "yes") && (!$domainSID)) { echo ("" . _("Samba 3 needs a domain SID!") . ""); echo ("\n

" . _("Back to preferences...") . ""); exit; } // set new preferences $conf->set_ServerURL($serverurl); $conf->set_Adminstring($admins); $conf->set_UserSuffix($suffusers); $conf->set_GroupSuffix($suffgroups); $conf->set_HostSuffix($suffhosts); $conf->set_minUID($minUID); $conf->set_maxUID($maxUID); $conf->set_minGID($minGID); $conf->set_maxGID($maxGID); $conf->set_minMachine($minMach); $conf->set_maxMachine($maxMach); $conf->set_userlistAttributes($usrlstattr); $conf->set_grouplistAttributes($grplstattr); $conf->set_hostlistAttributes($hstlstattr); $conf->set_MaxListEntries($maxlistentries); $conf->set_defaultLanguage($lang); $conf->set_samba3($samba3); $conf->set_domainSID($domainSID); // optional if ($_SESSION['scriptpath']) $conf->set_scriptpath($scriptpath); else $conf->set_scriptpath(""); if ($_SESSION['scriptserver']) $conf->set_scriptserver($scriptserver); else $conf->set_scriptserver(""); // check if password was changed if ($pass1 != $pass2) { echo ("" . _("Passwords are different!") . ""); exit; } // set new password if ($pass1 != "") { $conf->set_Passwd($pass1); echo ("" . _("Password changed!") . "

"); } // save settings and display new settings $conf->save(); echo ("" . _("The following settings were saved to profile:") . " " . $filename . "

"); $conf->printconf(); echo ("

" . _("Back to Login") . ""); echo(""); // remove settings from session session_unregister('passwd'); session_unregister('passwd1'); session_unregister('passwd2'); session_unregister('serverurl'); session_unregister('admins'); session_unregister('suffusers'); session_unregister('suffgroups'); session_unregister('suffhosts'); session_unregister('minUID'); session_unregister('maxUID'); session_unregister('minGID'); session_unregister('maxGID'); session_unregister('minMach'); session_unregister('maxMach'); session_unregister('usrlstattr'); session_unregister('grplstattr'); session_unregister('hstlstattr'); session_unregister('maxlistentries'); session_unregister('lang'); session_unregister('scriptpath'); session_unregister('scriptserver'); session_unregister('samba3'); session_unregister('domainSID'); session_unregister('filename'); ?>