Installation Instructions for LAM --------------------------------- 1. Requirements - Apache webserver (SSL optional) with installed PHP-Module (PHP-Module with ldap, gettext, xml, mcrypt+mhash optional) - Perl (optional, needed only for lamdaemon) - OpenLDAP (>2.0) - A web browser :-) MHash is only needed if you use PHP < 4.3 and want to use SHA or SSHA for password hashes. MCrypt will be used to store your LDAP password encrypted in the session file. Getting mcrypt and mhash for Suse/RedHat: Either you compile PHP4 yourself or you use some unofficial packages: - Suse: - RedHat: See docs/README.schema.txt for information about used LDAP schema files. 2. Installation * Extract package with: tar xzf ldap-account-manager_<version>.tar.gz * Copy files into the html-file scope of the webserver. For example /apache/htdocs. * Set appropriate file permissions: - lam/sess: write permission for apache user - lam/tmp: write permission for apache user - lam/config (with subdirectories): write permission for apache user - lam/lib: must be set executable (See also docs/readme.lamdeamon.txt) * Configure config.cfg and create a configuration profile. Copy config.cfg_sample to config.cfg and set the master password and default profile. Open the index.html in your web browser: - Follow the link "Configuration Login" from the start page. (The default password to edit the options is "lam") - Select the default lam profile or create a new profile. - Change the settings to fit your environment. 3. Setting up PHP LAM runs with PHP4 or PHP5. Needed changes in your php.ini: * memory_limit = 32M